The Huron Signal, 1889-11-29, Page 5Estate of Geo. Rhynas, ACHESON•S BLOCK, Market Square. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 188 KNITTED WOOLEN coons 1 We will plass on our Cheap Tables our Entire Stock of Knitted Woolen Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Men's Shirts and Drawers, tfiaas I peotal 1.1... Very ('beapl Ladies' Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, 90cts up, Knitted Shawls, Caps, Hoods, Fascinators, Clouds, dsc.,&c. Bow is the time to secure seasonable goods at bottom prices. Call and see th11111 whether you wish to buy or not. JOHN ACHESON. P --MACK'_ DRUERTUIIaRY. AND DRUGGIST'S GOODS, PATENT Is eery Ilse, fresh sad et the test gualdy.lalways kept in sleek. YZDICINlm ' MR_ CAadERON, rseMtJy of Trseet°. eaarAeN EXPERIENCEDof t/se PRESCRIPTIONPARTMENT PHARMACEUTIST, by EfR- CHARLIE WILLIAMS. tram wannest to the piddle exsreey sad de&patahe will be s. YRS. RH YNAS takes. this opportunity of Wealth* those wbo have, la the pest. so generously supported the Old Ifitabusataest, and respectfully solicits s continuance of their esteemed da. cru, A Penny Sared, a Peuny Ened 1 ESTABLISHED 50 YEARB- I still take the lead in special value in DRESS GOODS Dress Melton', from 9c. per yard up, Twill Meltona, Stripe Foule and Amazon Cloths, Stripe and Cheek Costume Cloths,Velvets, Ribbons, &c. MEN'S SUITS SPECIAL VALI_ E. Tweeds, full lines. Overcoats very low, Good Quality, Nearly al Gone, Price Sells 'bent. In Grocery Department, In Teas (specially, I Take the Lead,both in Quality and Prices. Pure Un- adulterated Coffee only kept, price, 30c. per lb. pure Spices only kept. In My Hardware Department I have a full assortment. G:aas. my ot. n importation, from 7x9 to 34x3$, full supply. Crewcut Saws, &e. Wagon and Buggy Gear, full assortment. C_ CRABB Oud.rich, Nov 48th, 18139. SQUARE The man who went out to milk and eat down un s boulder in the middle •If the pasters and w.itdd for the cow to back up to him was the eldeft brother of the man who) kept .tore and did not advertit., because h.. reasoned that the parohainq public wont] hack op to bis when it wanted .something. --The 8 roux C.ty !Ia.) Tribune. Use meterase. rattly ('bldrea Boars Bmslaioa is noegoalled. Sam what Dr C A. Black, of Amherst. N d.. says : ''I balm been acquainted with I;oott's Emulsion of Cod Inver Oil. with Hyproho. hates, for years, and consider it one of the finest prepsrations now be- fore the pablia Its pleasant !darer Risk es it the treat favorite for children, and: I d., highly recommend n for all wasting dame's. sat children and adult,.' Bold by druggists, 60c aad $1 4 TO MARE ROOM POR OUR GirisiMas D!spaj .siva WILL SILL THE STOVES ON OUR FLOOR AT 111111 is TRE SITS! ' mi- r"^r I6r :tet riff merely to etc s r.... a Pyt' a now* a..d then oars them Es- i a..l.. 1 lts.•.:a A RADICAL COMM } b. rsi,le ab(> dle s of "'tel • ,PSY or i•"� --s •".•r. 1 wAsuuT my remedyte i.r .Ile t.....•,•...• Because others bene kis.': t s nersa•ae for rot sow neer .g aeons ...n.. Co) r.elt.lra'MU Leland &Fans .. sat 13,..1.14..% t,t;tst,e P nanny. Give t y axe. 1 mats rouOS :wing a:. end is writ ems you. A I10OT.: 7 Togo 51., Tercels, OM 1890.. Harper's Young People. AN ILLl-STRATED WEEKLY. The 7.1. seventh Volume of II karma's YoC!rC P1torLR. which h•.hao with the Smeller Me . Nnvemhe.r.: IIN. preeenos an altr•eure pry g ram. 1t will offer M its rewAers ar tract four serials of ih•• s.a.i length, and other. In two w ker. pant, namely. -The Red ateetanp.' by Willow, O. Stoddard: "Phu and ohs Oslo,' Lem O. little: "Prins Touren..- In Johnumelf (7nryell : and -Mothers Wo:." by Margaret i. Reameter: two shore serials by HJelmar Worth R.ye•nn. Two sone* of .Troy Take will attract the arta a1Mu of hooves the wonder world, mately, the quaint isles told he Howard 171e. sod no Mmlr•bly Mow Mated by hies. and ane.tber seri.. U • differ amt tele by Frank M. Rieke/ell. There will M short e(nelee by W. to. Hometlo, Thom" lYphoto fuss, Mary Ii. Wilkins, Neva Perry, t*Met Prolamin Ba.weffrd. Dario' Cie, Hesentah Hnttorerowth. Sophie Swwlt.Rtob.rd llIaleslm Johnston. rte. Reduced Prices. POLE AGENTS FOR The E. di C. Gurney Coy's ete.es and Rouges ackeowteAased by all 1. be the Sant Move. 1. Cased. Tic MSC Eller tie ala rl. SijNIIERS &SON, A RAher rinlleft to Rs^ir.r'. 'ote. People .scene a lo.raile'theory. There le ~toll kntoelee re, ahs pasty .f ss.0 . ,ns.. les.. fon A.d,eNi.rr. TERMS : Postage Prepaid. y! se Ib Tens TM -- L eemmnnees wevembse 4 ItR Dieake ram tamp ante en ~alp! d • ilwwlle wear. Proms trrsv.nwa /te (]s.ae ane►. R. athletes* sheat/ be male 4 s P.maOle• H(le. Honer maw s u , avoid muses eft Men. v e at s•& rvisit l tale asetti' r .a'nt rtaras,pua.Md.' •I A44 al AILi ttsn & BAO maty. $.w Test. • r LADIES CAN SHOP BY POSTAL CARD 1 Parties at a dintanee who cannot conveniently visit Brantford in Person, may have Samples sent them, of Pry Goode of all Uncle, if they will write us. No charge and no need to order if not suited. We make it a bnainene to attend to such letters QUICKLY, and when orders come we send the =Ayr ARTICLE wanted at exactly the same price as other customers pay when here buying in per- son. Goods are sent by mail, express or freight, according to cir- cumstances, subject to return and refund of money if not satisfac- tory. Having trained and responsible clerks, who are able to use discretion in tilling orders, we are enabled to give Great Satisfac- tion to the many customers WHO LEVE THEIR CHOICE TO US. With a reputation of over twenty years at retailing, we can- not afford to lose our good name by lack of proper services to absent customers. Write plainly and describe folly what is want- ed, and about the price desired. CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO ., (Succewon to 11 W. Brethour & Co.,) 9G Colborne -at., BRANT170RID . 1 CHANCE OF BUSINESS. Tho Carriage Business of the late ALEX. MORTON has been purchased by MESSRS. M'CREATH & WALKER, who will con- duct it as usual in future. Both gentlemen are well and favorably known, and the public can look for a continuance of that prompt and satisfactory dealing which characterized the Dominion Carriage Works under its late management. WE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING SOME First Clavas Cutteis.. Any style of Cutter Made to Order. and on the Shortest Notice. Now is the tiine to leave your orders. Old Cutters repainted and retrimmed, and made to Look Like Naw Ones, at prices to suit the time. We invite a personal inspection, and guarantee low prices for the claps of work offered. All work warranted. McCREATH .83 WALKER, (Successors to Alex. Morton.) Mkt - JUST RECEIVED. A large assortment of the Latest Styles in Fall and Winter HATS and, BONNETS, Also a choice variety of FEATHERS, RIBBONS and PLUMES at the s•Zissec Yates_ 5 I ono MILLINERYI In the lath and best styles at 1\4-1:R/S- Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---flood valve. They are Call early and make a good choice.goingoff fast "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." DX people who here perebaeed WANZER LAMPS t'noM GEORGE W. TgOMSON W ill trvtify to the troth of the ahev. elatwent. *IR tory family at:rtnld boo one or two at Mast.ma PRICE REDUCED TO 84.00 EACH. ('alt e. the Agent. ALO. W. THOMSON, who will sap you all ) all may regtrtrs, sod give you fall dlreetlooa SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT IIO(I IIOTTfM t'RI(T18 1'011 CASH. Intel foram the ponce . Weed dd• of agnare• a sierhe, 4 . fi. H1a 111 ».I NOTICEis It will be time to make out accounts. The Signal" does good printing and furnishes good paper.•t CHRISTMAS IS COMING 1 ,...herb wheaten ear 1 A 1t11'rTH nI*PLAT d HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS is Mae of it.. cams C.rds, Newt Year's Oerde. Bonk lets. It o.tatioa and Daakreee Boole• in Io►v. variety. Oar d.. .irsble euoda and LOW PRICES m.Le Christ- 's/taw +hoppioq a reel pleasure. (Ir .at Variety and Greet Bargains ur t .y hooks, toys slid fancy t. oda, A discount allowed to persons getting up Christ man trees. If res want tsrsltaregave use• cattail 1 will sant tie undersold ENR am; other dealer to tows. Also omelets poles sea picture All klada of repairing dose . the abovtest sotto& telt A)tIrs BLOCK) G. C. RORERTgON UNDERTAKING. sew Nr y.. OOVI4TTZ. stawr sr.maats. nsi.T 'Tom. DON'T - BUY - ANY FURNITVRE nett' you call and see A_ B_ CORN ELL'S *w.T CANNOT UNDERSELL ICES lowpt rams arm; Beautiful stook of Bed Room Bette and Parlor Setts, Sidebbar•ds. Centre Tables, Cornice Poles, Pictures. &c. A SPLENDID LOT or Window Shades Just arrived. Blind Rollers. Call and see the NEW RAYMOND SEWING MAOBINES, Machine Oil. A. 13. C()It 11 It Lay $��J:LTON—ST. WE HAVE OOT IT !- stray'. durable and 'e a CARPET SWEEPER Muck cheaper than lilts everything frolablIPP to • ten -penny nail. Wont wear the carpet. and won't cost > ou an) thine fur A TRIAL. WILL YOU HAVE ONE? We have also the famrns KEYSTONE EGG -BEATER which BEATS the world, and WHIPI3 everythiog to a truly meohaniwl way. All other lines, as usual, are well selected and com- plete for the fall trade. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. Look! -:- Look t 7_ M_ 151:ZO'C7=F90011" Has just received a large stock of the Finest Groceries and Dry Goods to be had for Money, and is selling at a very great reduction. Just give him a call and be satisfied. Also Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. DISCOUNT. 1 rig to Norm t ns.or Camge slaers sad the nubile aersu*Mr that 1 bare de tiled to or the tad,rig Dhounn SPOT CASH n per cent off all purchases of al 00 and lea than $3 00 ; 10 par that off all purchaser ..f $3 00 stool upward. /) • goods •.T mJ urn manufacture S per sent wUI b.+ allowed. I have on hand one of the largest stock. of BOOTS & SHOES in the DuminiJn, a detsiied list of which would occupy more space than the "SIP. NAL" N pfepared to i.eR; sufli.o it to any it comprises every desirable line ti be found with the best Maui'acturers of Canada. Every line is already marked BELOW ACTUAL VALUE and the above terms make my .tore the Cheaeo•t place in Canada to buy your shoe• An immense .tock of RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES to every aryl* hoih in Canadian and American, Glove Goodyear make, aIsiab sal *abject to the same LIBERAL TERMS. A Large Stook of Ladies. Imported Kid Slippers, very fine. Call aad see them Cor. East-st. and Square. E. DOWNING. vri WE GET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK I8 COMPLETE, and we can show you the finestand moat complete assortment of goods ever shown in Ooderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CiINA To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. Aa NA.,11,AND II�T DOR- M .MZLT01'P-4111. i EQU.A p D. Wholesale mitt Damm, L x—Try tbaetlsm Hammtit 10,000 Bread & Mill Ticlets at Sn rVitioics REASON ABS,