HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-22, Page 8• THE MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT STILL LEADS MEd ALL. AOHEBoN, .Z:■ r,Yt VAL% Is Wittig ig'1 . le Too. le elseOM wrehesteg mh�s► harems la the Oeaiy. MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT, H.A.IdII.TO T -8T., C}On}L11I0I3- tf All boekhoeuMe most es •••iepd by cash or este Werelet lain of Dsseahsr. 1st Malaga .4..cYa.erjon. HURRAH FOR THE HOLIDAYS 11 Right now we are ready for Business with an im- mense Assortment of Christmas Gifts. The New, the Novel, and the Beautiful, are all included in OUR SPLENDID LINE -OF-- Toys, FToys, Books and Noveltitxt, Fancy Goons. Notions, &c. great variety of appropriate presents for DI ADZES, GENTLED= AND CHILDRIL T sit.+ We offer a We can ripply a suitable gift for old or young at any sum you desire to expend. Our elegant holiday stock is selected to meet all requirements. No risk of seeing our choice linen in any other store in town, which al- ways makes best ofggoods appear commoa, as we buy from houses who sell to us only. r•. No auction sale goods, either, as we intend to remain in town. Come and see the best of everything in holiday good& We are glad to welcome visitors -pleased to show our goods and ready to make ciose prices to all buyers. .r"Mw'.r� tess►ss...A w +.+ter terra ••••••-.iewt't"36.1 .r_ _ Central Telephone Exchange, North side of Square. FRASER & PORTER. Goderioh, Nov. 2IN, ttee& 12:141 NEW GENERAL STORE HAMILTON ST13EET.. I have just received a choice stock of Groceries, Dry Goods and Gents' Furnishings,which I will sell CHEAP FOR CASH Also some CHOICE XMAS TOYS, DOLLS, Etc. FLOUR and FEED constantly on hand. Call and examine goods before purchasing elsewhere. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange. I3_ T_ 130RTON', Goderich. Nov. 21st. 1(Me. At Fergirm's Old d M. Hassiltoa.e4 PARAMIIUNT. From onr own correspondent. Mr Peter Stuart, of Leeburn, spent night with friends here last week Mr Jno. McLeod and family hat moved to their Dew home north of Luck now. Mr K. .1. Fiolayson left on Monde for Red Jacket, Michigan, whore he ex pecta to reside for some time. structed to insert • notice in both papers that all accounts against the municip•li. ty had to be sent in before Deoembe • e the 14th. The board then adjourned to meet again un Dec. 16th at 10 o'clock, sharp. J. H. Bic!, ARDS, clerk. Nov. 18th, 1889. y NILE. Mit. Aegis McKenzie, who has been seriously ill for the put two months, we are carry to .tate is no better. Threshing will be over in this locality in it few days. It was pushed forward in good aryl. Met week, there being no leas thea four steam threshers in the neigh- borhood. Rev K. McDonald delivered a lecture last Tuesday afternoon to the Presby- terian church here, on his travels in Europe during the past summer. Mrs McPhail, of iloderich, who came to visit friends in this Locality • few weeks ago, was suddenly taken with in flamma'ion while at the residence of Mr Jas. McDonald, 2nd con., Huron town- ship. Although her life was despaired of for *nine time, we are pleased to state that she ie daily recovering. bar Jno R Mcltae, Hemlock city, teacher, was strongly reminded a few days ago that dealing with horses and chnudr.n were two different thing& John was getting • ride along the road with • friend when a strap became loosed on ono of the horses; he jumped out and started t.' fix it, when the horse gave him s quirk push with one of his hind feet, B ending him about three or four yards acroesthe road. John gathered himself up and after gaining his wind, I presume, concluded in his own mind that there were more than trustees engaaod in kick- ing at pedagogues. COLBOR NE. CoUNt ti- Harm°. The council net in the township hall,punusnttoadjosra- ment. Members all present except the deputy reeve. Minutes of last meeting reed .cd approved. The following counts were were pared, vie : N W Note, for • 2 eulverta, $3; Aand J W Taylor, building I1.nmiller bridge, $259; Jobn Barker, grkvelling L S road. $a►. John Barker, gravelling on 10th con, $20; Jas Stroughas, inspecting, $4 2b; R Leach, liravelling at Oullieon'e, $20.90; W l'ul- ns.n, inspecting, $1.76; Sam Bisset., bedding bridge, $41 76, cedar and gravel foe two culvert., $10; J Barker, four eolverta, $; ; W (flher, ineFeeting grav- elling, 76 ata; G Little, two day.' labor of elesniag out ditch, $2; 8 Potter, culvert, $19 60' 8 Potter, repairing three eol- verts, t.1; A McLeod, grading on 10th eon, sear fak.,143 80: 11 McManus, re- pairingmad. $1; f McHardy,gr•velli.g, $10; MoHardy, repairing culvert on 8th con, $3; J McLarty, for polling timber of of Wenailler ;wider*, $2.30; St,' r •epnant for punting. $/ 28 The tltolleeeer's bead for $10 000 wee read toad ..51ined. ,Ii Job.. moved, .eeood.d W T Gond, 'fret iiie said bond he •e- asoIsi-Oarri.t. .*'Jho eI..k was in -1 f From our owe correspondent. Miss Lucy Dodd is still 1■ Goderich, very low. Her recovery is uncertain. Isaac Ryan is home for a visit after an absence of five or six years. His friends are delighted to see him. The Nile friends were delighted with R_ey__ es Liviags on's lac(ere delivered in the Methodist church on the 1st, Drunkenness is gaiting quite common at the Nile again. Most of the cases are not immediate residents ; still it seems too bud to ase such drunkenness. I io 140y. 10th Rev Robt Henderson preached io the Methodist church to • full house. His sermon was highly ap- preciated. As Mr McMtll.n's •ucoe.00r fur a few months he bids fear to be very popular. MAaUTAna Batu, -Miss Mary Asn Bailie united her future with that of James Clark, Manitoba, no Wednesday evening, the 13th inst. Nile wishes the happy couple much happiness and pros- perity in life. Rey Mr Irvine tied the knot. Diphtheria is in our midst. Three of Mr Mc(lrattan's family have had it, Rachel, Gerrie, end Wtll*. Richel'. life was despaired off for a time, but she is now eoavle.eent The other two had only • mild form. The kind friends who visited to help the afflicted family deserve great credit. It is to be hyped they take all possible care not to spread the disuses. A large number cf Nile people were down to Mhepp•rdton on Sunday and Monday, the 10th and 11th. Th. Nile choir sang. All who went vote it the best tee -meeting for nom years. A subscription takes op on Monday night amounted to about $66. This, added to proceeds of a previous :subscription and of the tea -meeting, netted over $180. which entirely clears the debt off the Shepperdton church. Revs Jas Harris, of ltenmiller, and Austin Potter tied D 0 Cameron j,f Dungannon, were prea est in good nem and did mush to render the service a aseesss, KINTAIL. Trona onr ewe emmiseend.s&, Mrs R. Cameron, on, of Deleth, and Mies Asn* Omagh/41 are visitieg their asst, Mn J. Macgregor. Maw Jennie McDon•td, bate of Iteotlad,* visiting her oouein,M.s Das. Menem! I. Mt Will Young and Meter Amis. of Carlow, *pest Monday with friasds bees Messrs Bellows and Seisms' ettbibitias drew s fair aedisaee, seseideria the rain and isky blaeks.es of the sight. Harry Rich has tabes the resehis ry oat of the mw mill, and le Weenie( it to G.desigr to start it there. until • MOW, Mk te Menne his b eiarp, Noah Aniencai Lift Avrance Co�pnj tt1SCOMPOItATI110 BT 01 0CIAUACIiO/ DOMLNti1N PARl,IdKEST.i HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. Rat GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigoroae, Preiperaaa and Progreasire Caiadian Comparg PRESIDENT -HON. A. MACKENZIE, M. P. M[ -rasa. 1Xlalater wILM. s„TS Sigel t N L 1LIORNI.� JOHMt.A1M1E MANAGING DIRECTOR - WILLIAM AEI. 1. L A.. E. Th. iatpq Issues all Approved Fero of Policia sod Nabi U. RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. Tall Polley GU♦RANTEYti A HETIRN OF ALL PItEMICMS PAID le add'ttoa to the 1}N dos d the P 14 is the event of death durteg the laveaatest'period. at a lower roto taxa •al Mher (?Soirees. ( nada. INSdy F. J. T. NAFTEL, t Apar, COMMUNICATIONS. Wed _ Sold om.t. r. Ms mete tide =tam( ..at Dods. them- eelv.s tope aeeN.s sial be brief. Time.. ere. 'Malt.-' To the Editor el the 8(si. One hears a good deaf of talk to now about the fitianose of our town est ting behind, and the cause assigned apparently needless expeuditure in con necttoa with the waterworks. T writer beard it stated, by one who ce tainly i. Pi a pnettrca to know, that had Callen behind this year over 56.000 and • great demi of the money had bees wasted. Mayor Butler comes in for good deal of criticism. It is stated by members of the council that he is per stolidly responsible fur the waste of month motley involved in e basin built nee the waterworks building--certainly more nonsensical piees of business was never perpetrated. Then again he i personally blamed for the two-peony half-penny fountains which make on town • laughing stock to stranger They are miserable thing., and decidedly to the wrong place. if Mr Butler q not personally resp.,nsible, be should b. cleared. Certainly it is cowardly of say member of the eminent to bleak. him wee side, instead of getting up in his piton. in coui.cil aid brin,c.ng his Worship to task. Another matter is now before us which ought to be lucked into. It t. pr. - tamed to bore another hole fur water,and to tap the mineral spring. Well, two things I have heard in connection with this: First,ptsctical men atate,the extrass hole is not necessary and it is jot another shameful wog* of muoey Secondly, once let the mineral spring water gel ta- to the pipes and our whole service is ruined. People might be able tc drink It, but it certainly could not be used for garden purposes. It is time some of oar large property holden looked into hese nist'era. Ws seem to have • use. lot of then at the council board. Inc of them Wought to get op and ire- mortxe himself by calling AUCTION SALES. All partite oaths', their W their saki ted at Miw this ease will get • e Sett a ened is tea nes np to the thee d ssls.m The farm stoat. and impleeeta of Mr Walter Ksidht and Mn McNeil will be staid as Thursday, Nur. 2tith, un Bb # ,t "D," nus. ;:, Colborne, commencing at 12 o'clock a. m John Knox, auction flat ' 1 Robert F Cantron, Cr•nbn.'k, left .. be fur Clinton on Moeda: I.....t. where t. he will prosecute his stun. at the Cul - w• .sgiate Institute ut that Iowa. • Word was etce..cd rseeutly of the death of We. Z miner, a well kt.own a 1 former resident of Cc•chetok so.'• ' brother to Demiv1 Limner About fif- teen months ego. the der' eewws weal ti r Michigan soisland lotion worteett on .n lotionti mole: tr•,:u ehelh.ytrr:.. Typhoid levet • Ova. what the J,•t.t+'r I•r' notioted h . ail- s I mento • On N-edu.tday ,,1 List c-4-1.;rl Irv. he - loved wife of :..oath,,, lie.ur, Ethel passed awes t,. her reear'i, oft. -r .•tn ill- Oese ettena;.ng over 6 'e , r •,x In mill*, of dr•.iry. She was .. '1,,.tt,isr of Mi Gill win hid bear. a readout •.f the 1 lucolit, for years. less T. Our »useertbei.. The special announcement which ap- peared in our columns some time since, announcing • special arrangement with Dr B. J. Kendall Co., of Eoosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Dise.ses," whereby our subscribers were enabled to obt.in a , eopy of that valuable work free by send- ! ing their address to R. J. KENDAL.t. Co. 1 (and enclosing • two-oent stamp for wiMhnq wake;, is renewed for • limited period. We trust all will avail them- selves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lever ..f the Horse it is indispensab'e, as it treats 1 in • simple manner all the diseases which afflict this noble animal. Its phenomen- al sale throughout the United States and 1 Canada makes it stat.dard authority. Mention /1.n, pal., -r ochen sending for "Treettise, " 31-0 DUNLOP. From our own oorrespondwt. Paaooy►L.-Mr. D. Lawson and son John have gone to Bay City, Mich., to see the former'• sister, Muss May }lac- quarrie, who is seriously ill there. Mr and Mrs Rielly and family have gone to live in Leeburn. They will he much mitred here. Their vacant house has been taken by Mr Fisher. Burrows' steamer finished up the threshing' for this soon last week. The threshing pissing orf quietly. toad hopes from all are entertained for better returns in grain in the coming 1890. YOBS 1BBTIYOBIiL3• Bat•wt[LM, Nov, 8th, 1889. 1, Af. Mrlw'.d, t.'odtrs.h. Drag Stn :-I should have sritten be- fore this to let you know how I am get- ting along. I am a lot better than I was, gaining strength every day. I hare a good appetite and sleep well. I can take the full quantity of the Itenovator now and it doesn't sicken me. My limbs are all right now, quite smart in that way. Swelling all gone. The great thirst is gone. I drink no water at night, but I take a little bolter -milk. I am quite straight again. Send me more roadietnes, or would you wish to see met .7 AMPS Dui'*, HARROW, Orr., Nov. 11th, 1889. J. M. McLeod Data Sia :-I have takes all the Renovator. I am feeling well. My appetite i. extra good. I weigh Dae hundred and sixty eight pounds; twenty five i have gond sines I began your medicines. Do you think I seed erre? Write and my. Foam, Aa, MAST Fo.raa. Nara -The Syatam Renovator ems be bad from Mr Goode, Mr Jamas Wilmot, Rhyme Estate, drtrggie_, Goderkab; Mr Roberts sad Mr Peer, forth: lir Combs., /tawbt, b!i j ; Mri Cooks. drwgg M. 1Llagerline; Mr Park- er, droplet, Bny ift Days, Osairms'�' Leek - now Mr H Gki;ce Bargreev.s Berea., dr.tgfMs, Paisley ; Meawre. Hargreaves Bros, dragRhAe, Oor. Qeeas and Simms 8te., TeemM*, !e. 1a $aU at 01.00 end $.II0 per bottle, .1. M. McLeop,, N.rk►M., G� PgGM, "MEAT =lsIHC.NE. ADE _DR CALLED FOR la anted the reporter of an addrt,ggt�, " Dr. Puree. prep•r.teoea,•'tghe antes sola under a positve ground. rhes via. e every ave row1114°r Favoort�Prt.niptloa, as le those ekretc weaknesses nervosa sad ether man Is wed wit% It .r'eek .°gaweek- long aWar- ta asiddreeF Endo satyr nob name germ to tile =0:41 id =w,� It thew allied Lor Yeonotsnt, s d i am 000vs nniat withhpepsmes d area curefewd by ft." the vesex.Htt wwieldrr to he nooleabl • the .umber of ssrmpsfily e d �p�� blood teedt 4._ ; bol 1/4 ileeee'e Goths Ileitis! Wmal1•.dkY )yF„r d the many whish iMet fs�to ksqeut leeffis .cure asp i nem for whir* k le eeomo � oe Snag Patel for R Y reteadesl'• is the Ino of Pit rem-. ted the, tlinsas. the 1Rt» Mpr-Dossed put up by Dr. Piens ley a• bath in amoheyungtive of my ca4s Sedustom.,, tb,pssmv t Copyrl104, Mk by wwues Dia mm, Ase'at. 0.6 FINE TAILORIN PALL 84IT8 dND O'PERAObTB FOR GIICNTLE1vXEN. $15, $18 .A.rTS) $20. Batter tf, "A ,e�e�� 11 tarso •rets Y pI• tag tvsldasge M aS UMW osinanSwet` It ��I�s�allaaatittl1t�he_��• quilt *5sMtba3 of WwYisewtae.Oslo Ml sew (W�a� �,Iltt.esMe�o are r.:/ eures.fully vin of d ie Mir . set •d Sleek Charism geode are carefully Modlad la their s.aselaetsrM. log emir est sap. o Sty merchant taller terse out h•deeseer. tetter or &ere made Cos. at Num .ale lM OM wen ad edam w Per mefaMM. &tib ;lows. Scott'. Emwl«.Is l...agaalled. See what Dr O. A. Sleek, of Amher.t, IY. 8. , eye : "I bete been oaluaiit.d with Soott's IveWee of Oud Liver Oil, with Hyponhepbstes, toe year., •.d consider M one of the fittest preparation. Mow b. - fore the public. Its plsesant flevur makes it the arrest favorite for children, and I do highly rea.emend It for all wasting diseases of children and .4.lte. Sold by dr.ggista, 601 at.d $1. 4 TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR - Cllis�as D!sp!ay ! WK WILL SELit THE STOVES ON OUR FLOOR AT Reduced Prices. SOLE AGENTS FOR The E. & C. Gurney Coy's Stove. and flanges aeknowled•eel by all to be the finest storable Canada. Tic Wag bin eiCt le au J. SAIINDERS & SON. CHANGE OF BUSINESS! THE OLD AND RRT.TARTA EAST -8T. FLOUR AICD FEBBSTORE HAS CHANGED H.OILS. The public are hereby notified that 1heSour sod feed business formerly carried on by A.E. (runts has bees purchased by THOS. J. VIDEAN, who . iy cseey kw is all Oa bmaobes at the old stand. Minn. roar 1M igerte. Under the aaa�s�ait.t iereser propne tors this bust easheaM•ta Ibe area success- ful in Its Use et.ey b sesalt as the sew proprietor W hese demised ed with It for over eight }Mesa, there win he no f•l ling off In r+s the energy emerty exhibited in keeping it in the front rank. Goode delivered to all parts of the town. The ;Ow and best lines of goat a.4 teed always w head and cM•iee s.e.•d.�. in r�a THOS. Itake tilt p It. lemon for their R' $tore, annht of rhe tore. Sand also take V re". ley .w,eeasor. Mr Thos V w. wtli be found to best eye, 17-tf A. L Id.a $500IFFEIE1 for an Incurable cue of Ca_ �.� yytrra�rt * la tie Head he the Eta .al tr aad.ebe darrrrh ou wget ate•, no matter ofw long pro n r 1► dntsgerts. so sesta. • THE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON. IJ RAIIP OPERA HOUSE, GODERICH, Friday Evening, Dec. 6th, ' BY THE aagoa Orchestra Coaceri Co., tit Tt11:ONTO. Orchestra-- -12 Professionals. Mrs MURRAY DICKSON, ran.it.ANo. t4oloi.t. Ur Willis church, Toronto. Mies McGTI•I.IVRAY Et.w t Ttoyti.t. lrelsarte Chid medalist, Chi - Mr WLL E. RAMSAY, Ht sosove yor•Alrwr. )s[I HERBERT L. CLARKE, Cows tr Aua.oi.T. Queen', OwnHaad, Tssea- Mr FRED Sierra, Zuntoarew Rotourt. Quer[ u Ow[ R[nd,To- route. Mr CARL SCHMIDT NIOLtwr'[4i/, eoi.oi.T. late of Leep.l6, (Der- ma. .1 Signor F. L. NEPOLITANO, "row. Boxorwy. MR ARTHUR Dapgw, Masioal Director, Cositexer and Pi•aiet. MK A 11. 5 ...s ri as atesgsr. Reserved mese* mesa, for stale at Praiser It Porter's. (tesarsl nd.ieme. greets. Doers Dosepee at 7:13: Denton at 1 an. M•k- Grand Opera Hogue. ONE WEEN CRY, ('omtssweloe ea Monday. Nov. Nth. HARVEY DRAMATIC CO., 1. a o.reteny *sleeted Repertoire et ���DRAIU IND e�$OUDIIBt. w mt• it r1w=r fkP'Mr»rb Best :.. Mate 1 Obsess .f Pim eMtly Mew Joten ealtiL Curs Riteuniatisr9 The Mimosa Veiling ofM TownPeon.[, whits bile with the ltamb.r ter November itp y fir. smuts d the `n.Y...'""efl15 (ear or t gad area Rat mime." 0 and ... __ two ="shay me •Im Neo iita�a[tMt. es w01 of Ike told �aay • e Sou ""nN ►stmt►it. �,ese n TWIN Pewees ato Par Tem. M. XL sessesemes memmerk MSpe awn Gepp aes r.reUl of a two -rest Enallut Mumma. nee Orega e.0 t..� . ts•s11e' fltiw.v y I avoid me�e.fitas.. iff=lesodicneWsrerere AMILeeknia a aaarasap. Her Teck. .iia FiiU L--CO1l1VNtTDIB. EPPS'S COCOA. SEKAKTAtrr. y "By q.""'torah ka°w'n Elf w. Ovate oital want w swledi au . sues sad a wollve oot '� " ` ear N.•td� wSk • ioll Nay lave ma.) 1 y tored vwls u Is h kik, ajele tee of .tshItIfor • cesetilatles .lay be p oto strong eaoogh to t modestly to dieeese- oadnda m �sr* dewing around ss tank wbtuenaperer thmawen• 1• • weak k1�. ~7 vee w ttuttlded' withatal hFire ail aieM as.r»hd least..."-"GYv1i Sitning sYr simply with botitur water or walk. Said say I packets b n. labelled than: Este trim den �. OIL Hoarapatbtc t m. SUM trowelling $uibe. GRAND TRUNK Traits arrive ea/ d1/art al tiuderkh as 10 Were: Mall .ad >�sR. . tole g m. Moll. ............................ e.3S sots, Ml:ed............. . ,.. 11 .110 a.m. m•u .,.. Ler •m Neil end ave ees................... . Ltd Mixa1.............................. • ..1.11111 AW WILSON'S PULMONARY COUGH SYRUP For Children PRICE is cZNT8. BALSAS OF WILD CHERRY BARK FOR Coughs and Colds. PRICK 25 CANTS. w 01\T'3 FALL & WINTER ciooas. I have just received my large consignment of Fall and Winter Goods, and to make rooru fur them I am now selling off toy PreviOILs Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over good's Un- til another yearand will always sell at -- ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold thein over. Being anxious to keep up with the times I have just put in a handsome plate giasss front, awl intend snaking other improvementtt that will make illy extensive pre- mises second to none in town. I ant here to exchange goods with the public for cash, and •eat bound 'to do it. Manager of Toronto Howse, 1890_ Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. mile tti a SAaAa 111 • jtret.al for t bo borne. (living the : gp,satj with reisard to t task a di"3" awe'�"yd iel"he"i,e ". .ten .,ppawwdtrvale is amt�a���e. its tae home er.w.ak r 1�i .rider I verve• and thought �short Marla � •a b tat ptags » dMas es ueereoipont es lilaattlea,44111 �.ghnityter^ Eale:Day: and by Waltero of Os s aerial save» w1111bbe wings* Semi aim r, W. Reburies. H ARPER'S PERIODICALS. n t iesw t BdZ� �R hi _ TOssUsSNtt[; ;moral ce: ! • m.t s awsdtr. ie all o MesierilM�r fin the Irsi NTesM Me Jas0.s ry te, w1 w orniat."1"1"set tame sit re - tom• �I et ea�t•4••ses s. e ms WIN"fat will ~ Setts. � ��a. as h wit sap h=, Is 1u weedy (woes y(slt d Iswludsj 'dial 1 Yon* ik•• •vat •hae.a ltd �Sen IMP Me aetnyao erMir et 11 fk 1<1b0 itmellatit t.'c Yells 1 C h