HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-22, Page 7THE FAILHAO1 W, v arbev •s +.Maya {rat Waw gatemen' w tr.., Ilea. Pretty afternoon dreams of easbanere east's hair are made very sDecuee the w d velvet. or heavily topped thew beteg more favored for duOutea the inures yr fano, rib- dsay wet. Bead is still eery meek seed to de - es rills sod walker* asstum.s bs•ey Bseeiso Mails seems to be •reed this seesoa This is atartwioly art a raw garniture, but it is one of the gf.otiv.. iuesfnnuive and approFn- Illolhes fur a plain oresuree of my Minium, .thistly in ars wuulloo (shrine, re doily • pearing is sow forme and Woad...* of Dolor. Those are in sadsome autumnal dyes, ea grounds of irk green, olive brown is numberless hedge, mahogany, bio, •od black. satsrtiom eolurs form the outlines to darker block., with their bright of glowing yellow, wsIl•flower red, pale terracotta. graceful garmpt, quite new is style, to be worn over an weoediva- ple•ted bouts dress, is made of velvet, loud with either • coetrsatiDg or bar - color. It has • Zoltan front, an▪ d is sleeveless, and is finished .iib lung Directoire etre taila at the back. 11 is called the "Direetuire slip," and, pft on over • dainty gown, • rich effect is given at moderate expense, for the slip eau be made of five yards of velvet. The new autumn wraps have nearly all wide sleeves to order w go on oom- furtably over the puffed sleeves of the gown. Many of the mou- ths aro themselves made with ss:•d sleeves gathered into • deep Crom- welhon Buff of fur or velvet. A great dial of beaver sod astrakhan is used in trimming cloaks and shun mats for the winter. Many of the pew melanin wraps on fancifully trimmed with vari,us Riad* of fur bands, capes, hoods and deep millers. The elegant effect, b.... - her, is hosed, and the garment has invariably a made-orer to .k. Trimming a seal cot is like painting • lily. The less trimming such • garment has the usher it I....k. Mime you • fought late W. Jean'. Wild CUM. Have you a Cold t Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Hare you Hroschlti. t Take Wilson'. Wild `psi e a lam year Vette t Take Wlleoe's Wild cherry. Have you Asthma I Take W-ilson'. Wild Cherry. Have you a Cold In the Read I Take Wil- scw'a wild Cherrrryy. '1►e IMA teNeNe Cure for all diseases of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Sold by all druggists, into HOUSEHOLD MINTS. THE HURON SIGN AL FRIDAY. NOV. ft. VOW novel Who tw.a Royal e►ildtree gre not exempt from parental di•oipliue, •ud even • grown prince W ow atues ly las le•ru what a •pankl 'mean The emperor of (lennany, MU , in his room use day, heard monde of a violent Noah is the o.ewey, and speedilymads his way to the soma Wee. .catered the room, the 020110 Prion. and Priam Eitel drewtk.meelr.s up, and saluted their father in the mili- tary fashion, as was their wont " W hat le all this noese about r the emperur asked. ► little dispute, sire," replied the elder son, 'spall thought I would let ley brother know who is grown prince here.,. "Because I wasted to use the Latin Lesioou hat, sire," said the yosager, "he slapped me." "I did, sire," said the elder lad, "fur Eitel would not ease believe that my rights are Ant in this hoose." "Hood '" said baa majesty. "I see w hat you mean, and I think it will be as well in the NOW way to Iet you know what rights the Emperor, your father, has in this house." The emperor oruoeoded accordingly in a manner to impress itself on the mind and alio on the body of the young Drown prince. What Is heated Is eomethieg that will make a man sleep well, sat well and rias in the morning refreshed and strong, with none of the worn out, tired feeling sure to be found w here sonstipetton, dyspepsia or diseases of the stnted), liver, bowel. and blood exist. Burdoca Blood Bitten meeta every inditaypa eepres.ed above. 2 W regret to learn of the death of an- other of Stanley's honored pwoeen, In the person of Mrs John Aikeobead, .1 the let concession, Stanley, which oeenr- red on Wednesday, the 30th of last month. On Monday morning Mn Ait- enhead drove to the residence of her nun James on the 2nd concession. When she left home she was, to all ap- pearances, in her usual state of health and mimeo to be particularly cheerful. Kion after arriving at her son's she be came suddenly Ill, being attacked by paralysis Medical aid was at once pro- cured, but despite all etFurta she never rallied and passed peacefully away on Wednesday. She was 67 years of age and had amen S resident et Stanley for ab,,ut 50 years She was a meet exem- plary, Christian woman and was beloved in the neighborhood whete she had so hog lived for her noble qualities of head and bean. She had Ion been a cousiatent member of the Presbyterian church and always took an active interest in every good work, and she will be mach missed in many walks of life She leaves • family of levee arias and two -- daughters, is whose hearts the memory The juice of peaches, like that of of • loving mother will lung live fresb cherries, does sot jelly readily, bat is and gree*. edinstead. it me pint of apple price is added to e•seh two pinta of peach juice the jelly will be Bloch nicer, with no perceptible differ - epee in the fat or. Not baring ripe fipple. when I canned my cherries this year. i heated the juice and sealed it up until I could tare apple juice to see with il. Pieplant jelly u better made in the same way. I have succeeded well in centime pieplant in cold water. It must be canned while it is growing vigorously, or it will be rather bitter. Painfulbona, bus, bruises, scalds and mita are quickly soothed sad heelei by Victoria Cerb,lit Salta. lot DC ID to make a syrup A eool cellar does not suites a damp cellar. The cellae ahwsld bo Ds!! sired entry da, sad olio elms a good white - morning wlsa.werl ieptrary tif*n gn. Every pnrttos of the cellar- should be thoroughly cleaned, and if it has • cement floor it should even be well scrubbed. Sick Headache caused by ewer of bile or a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by using National Pills. 1.a Bee tine copper wire by the Pound for hanging pictures. 1t dues not ant half what • twisted wire •'r cord doe., and looks far better Take time to paste light manilla paper over the back of every picture frame not already protect- ed in this way. as it effectually pretecta dust from reaching the pictures. cmiew••Nl•s Nra.v Cored. To ons Enure . -Please inform your readers that I here • roositive remedy for the above named disease. Re its timely use thousands of hopeless rasa have been nermancntly cored. i shall He glad to wend awn bottles .d my remedy rasa to any of your render, who here ennsomption if they will send oro their EIpr... sod P. 0 address Raapeetfnlly, Dit T A Rux't'u. ly 104 W. Adelaide et . Tomato, Ont. ■Iaardls IJ nal fawns $tiM.. gees John Sample, Morris, who rat his richt arm and hand en badly lacerated in the cylinder of a threshing machit.,snmr ttrw(s ago, near Chatham, is sole to rot 'beet strain. although it will he a Ione time before he will have the free nae of Mb arm. rev reest tkrs. Then is no hatter re••edv for tenet • ehil►lane. and similar tronhles an Harvard's Yellow Oilit also ghees IMetisw, ;embasn, sixal throat. dear - 5s4 lysin generally Yellow Oil is Mad internally and •itereally. 2 The clergy generally are opposed p, dancing. and there are cirewsutancea under which the exercise r injurious One clergyman, in Manitoba, however, iss dents true) his brethfep os the sob - jest. He thinks dancing is healthful and invigorating, if, he adds, indulged in before breakfast, ae in the olden time A good deal of m. dern dancing a of (,soiree done in the small boors of the morning; but thio is not the indulgence the rev. gentleman endorses. The Mut Nee lade. GOtuLalas,-My trouble was hart disease sad dyspepsia, but i took two bottles of Burdock Blood Batten and ut.e of B udo.ck Pills andwell. I sever fell hotter io my life. broh.r. hu aimtried B. ea- a • splrndld medicine. Mw Ji.o RIMSLIF, Hamilton, Ont $ A miser grows nch by memipg poor ; ,N ext lit moa grows poor by eerm- an rich. i CANADIANS Work Too Hard r she .anft to hemelemerses. 7ser eetem arm sada Bseltew Vwtr lyes.••. •shin Ending In Insanity. Tl.Wmnds of ova - worked basilicas mem% wearied brain- wed= Wainer; wil.riestiea. lid trial women, in all parts of the Dominion are to -day in a tena- ble position. Thur peeves are weak% dicestiom poor, head aching, and they moo not sleep, work or live is comfort. This is what fills our Duane Asylums. This is the cause d that terrible Paresis. Befogs it is too late, Ewe Dr. Phelps' wosdahl dimmery, Paige's Celery Compound. It removes the results of overwork, restasaa strength, renews vitality, regulates the whole system, and tones up the overworked brain and body. Do not despair, but use this wewderful remedy, and he restoreda health and happiness, the same u was Mr. lobo L. Brodie, of Montreal, who writes: " 1 have great pleasure in recommagdieg your Paine's Celery Compound. My sys- tem was run down and 1 was not It for business, could not sleep well at night sod was nervous. I conmesiced taking Pehe's Celery Compound and improved imtae- diately. 1 am now able to transact any business and endure any amount of excite- ment without bad effect." Paine's Celery Compound can be pur- ebaaed at any druggist's kw one dollar a bottle. If he should not have it oe band, order direct from Watts, RICHA•DSON & Co., MoatreaL PLANING MILL ESTABUISREO 1155. RUCHANAN ; ROBINSON, I. r A. TI'Itl:Ita SASH, DOOR and BLIND Lealers In all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Aad builders materiel of every description. School Furniture a Specialty 1890 SFUBSCRHBE 1890 WEEKLY EMPIRE GQada's Leading Newspaper PA fRIOTiC IN TONE, TRUE TO CANADA, TRUE TO THE EMPIRE. THE EMPIRE I8 NOW Pali and Winter GOODS. Ready made Clothing at Prices to suit Pur- chasers. Mt -ST ttR elLICAREI) OFF. H. DUNLOP, nsy. Tete Tail. r. West-st. There is 50 {ow ilke peesien. no shark ; halr.d, no than like folly, no tor- e, t lila greed. it is safe to wee Frwsos.n s Wont Pnwdera, w they set only on the worms sad do one injure the child. I•• Mtwara . sIalenews (*Wes Mpbsbeetp- i -- What rift has Providence bestowal wit owe that is eo deer to him as him ehild- eus 1 Whn stabs toy name er-n)d stab my pereen, ten, did set the haammais s •Ira In in the way. Mee resemble trade 1. setting se meet ae is doiwg Rood to their fallow - wrist llow- arwt arse es- ihmaireN Unansae r he swr. WANTED ELESMEP{'e*ell choice Nursery Stork. helwl t'ay weekly. Will pay salary. bolt sive.ontelbittlt better to workers.No •perlrnee newle.t. Write Yuen. A. 'en. ',In Nurseryman. Rochester. N. Y. A RESENT. if yea become my agent el .ell 1 e. will go. $2 for ropy J Mil d. Cut it got. Mil SPECIAL NOTICE ! The Attention of the Business Community is Respctful/y Called to the following: ACCOUNT PAPERS, consisting of Bill thew h (4 sizes), Stat-'t.:cntr and I)unners• \\'e carry the largest Ai, rk in tae coon' . We pail all work in quantities to suit customers. M •- .....-ss stock, good print- ing and very reasonable price,. Call and new samples. NOTES AND RECEIPTS. 11e manufacture these goods ourseel•:ee, and have iaade up a large quantity in hooks of 20 and 50, with perforated ,stub, substantially bound itt. 1.el.vv presnlaoard covers with cloth backs, tont of a size convenient to carry in the pocket.. Wo also make up receipt forma in pads of 100 each, for desk and counter use. Prices low. Call and see theist. NOTE AND LETTER PAPERS. In variety, 'vitality of stock, ueat printing, and good t•er- viceable padding, we uxeel in these linin,. 1%e supply these goods ruled or mauled, and carry full linen in Freut'h Qs ad- rille, Foreign Note, Linens, Wove and laid Papers. Prices anti style of work to snit all who favor us with their orders. ENVELOPES. We believe we are safe in 'stating that we are the harvest handler: of envelopes in this section of Ontario, and supply them in quantities to suit, at prices that cannot fail to secure your patronage. Quality and printing suitable for all pur- poses. Country dealers supplied at a close margin. A call is respet'tfully .olieite'rt. CIRCIILAF,S, FOLDERS, CARDS &c. It is a hell -known fact that when anything of a specially artistic nature is requires in this line, the judicious business span instinctively turns to THE SIt.NAL Office for it. We can- not afford to go hack on our past record, hut, on the contrary, will endeavor to keep up to the requirement's of the times. Good Type, Plain and }envy Papers. Fine Card and Bristol Boards, combined with good workmanship and fast pre-xccs, enable us to turn out orders expeditiously and in a most satis- factory manner. Be sure and call. WEDDING STATIONERY, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, CALLING CARDS, MEM- ORIAL CARDS, THE S1t.N.t1. l)tticc i, heatiquartors for these goods, and samples of the latest productions can he seen at any time. All orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Prices as low as this class of work can consistently b:' .lone for. ALL CLASSES OF PRINTING not specially utentiote•I above, inrlurl eg IiLwls, Dodgers, Posters, Price Lists, Catalogues, Pampph •t Bonk Work. &c., executedin a satisfactory rsanner. Estiusatlea furnished. a "TEE SIGNAL,) GBW WEEKLY PIM S?ELI PRINTING MSE, 1 SE, &OBEIUCII and WON arreace••rnts are meg made to add new sad attractive features. which will grratly increase Its interest and slur. As an Inducement to place h In the bands of all raTinere' TANANA** the balani of present year will begtven FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, Makiag it only One Dollar from Mow till end of Mc. Address ••r■Z stmt*"T$R 1T*. ONT. •w N1NBeau sn.www aAr e�wr aaaaa naw els e waw flirt ibre 1 a ta. wat.A w ewe Tor /MOW si t .ted ter, 1... N.. or..r. w .noto are rosilbo Nod dies. Mem to. IMO *ammo ,... =of Is. rlK tato Mte�tr•Mr p 1M IuW� �M g .s icaelm be l AjM�/rtw 11-0 The EXAMINER (P. 0. Bax 3961,) NEW YORK CITY. The Leadiap Baptist Newspaper, Published at Two Dollars a Year, Will he sent on s "trial trip from OCTOBER 1, 1888, JANUARY I, 18fiO, For the nominal mint of THIRTY CENTS. i . O ffi AT)II7Ft>C1S13. Pittbrose, - London. PITT BROS. 86 CO. you wI*to keno what the Baptist dr• twowinatlun is doing. sad to re<roe all the news of the world heoldrs. try Tits F:%AltoSa*. their National paper, and w tic,. newspaper as well. Iyon wi.h your Raptist friends to know ane. soiaicrll Inc acres of ahem for lite "1r11 Mp.e er Induce seven of them to nuteenbe through you. and we will re - pt' . M your Joel I.ee'dhvolume sending she the rut work of l'liAkt.sw w. ti,•1-wlaos, the goat London pr.sebee. THE SALT -CELL ARS, D/ Ic9ILLICUDDT, Proprietor, 4114.444 !MARVELOUS MEMOR DISCOVERY. Sot a! rgMGewgaw. stem of /asser 7gwaar.sk Marl .f• SI ! . leery ebaa wag wee& errecue beesearial . r . W. A. aa••. e.'�7'iutr A.tlwy x lig CARLING'S ALE & PORTER CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGER (Bond) For Bate by' G. H. PARSONS O AI.Bl()N RLOViL 001)081011. DUNN!S BAKING POWDER txccowcse[arvxuxo WILL CURE OR RELIEVE NLIOUSNE:d, DIZZINESS, DYSF.£,"SIA. DROPSY, 11916ES;104 FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE. HEART. ERYS/P£Ldv ACIC7Y Qf SALT RH£JL;, -HE sT.7, k'.ICH, HEARTBURN, DR' NESS /HEADACHE, Of THE SKIN. And .eery spades of cele'r.$ I''4•°1 crews disordered L;VER, i.,u4S.Y.I. STC WWII* Or BLOOD. T. siLser:m & C:,. °r''p'I:tO'att love .. ..t.`-.wb.ti t. ■ . r ...,... MM . It.... 511..q...ew. •-...r., i.s•rs p.. • Li roto... ren eh., roe wire we S.A. to Woo now d s, peer 5.,14. rmei *,. S ra. Not M• aMYM Mets w•a.,aY.« rr ion • 4.:... perms ..■<,,uu..ui..Ot.4. e..ktee N tr..n..05 .....:r rot r F M Ott r'.Mirdoar. 4111.41414.• to4.41 ye. ba.r Y�Y.wresa,,s�bus ..,4vibe tott.to n eat es .. M. .4 tth iiSomawr �,N A.s .aa.rMaess. Bsinq a Collection of Prerbs. Topton 1 With 11015151 y Norte, Thereon, One ..1 the sMMisat sod most ormmne sews* of his warts. you cannot send wren manta and IRA and wear. Ow Rift, gond whales* namh.r you ma. at timenes time asst& 1 1I Mir oar IF "BOOK COMMISSION LIS'* And gena what handenme Isnekokinelndhst Trig 8.1.T CM -LAW, you rail add to y,aur 11 or herr Mr Holiday gift hooka, u .1•01.1•01 ar a DAN; imwtewwe of le a few of the -trial trip" eei i Mew for Imo oar regular prime of $2 vase. Canadian Apples. ;M ;. �es . keek 1 -°" TP" ve.eek ..inti e. *seen tfl.eeeta••r . 4adets. Ras Btt•r 4e sot Wie.wardens wrlens timree to enemy. re .I.wne. J got .sand In namer Aa yore ger Ir YOU gir" THE COSMOPOLITAN THAT BRiGHT. SPARKLING YOUNG MAGAZINE' The Cheapest Illustrated Ionthly in the World 1 25 CENTS A NUMBER. $2.40 PER YEAR. Zalarmrd, Orlaber. IaW, la Iris races. Tam CoassoroLrrA' is literally what the Neu- York Times ralt's it. **At Il1 prase, the brtgb1r11. Meet warted sad bent edited of tae lasaataee." stigm E AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITYmsou FOR NEIN SUBSCRIBERS. FOR CNE TEAR OIU. The Cosmopolitan, per year, The Huron Signal, " The price of the two publications. We will furnish both for only 0 $940 1.50 3.90 2.60 Tbls otra is Daly to now saber ribera to Test Cie/MI I ITA.. awd naly for obit year. It has mon. than. sayartieles iuf its oon utewtpor$rtre. n each nrmher ?hetw - Koslow J1711* on/. e readable. and fewer unlaierestllg 'TNR COSMOPOLITAN" trCRN1OiA.' FORK lK FIRST TISK IN MAGA%iNIt/TEE•: A SPLZ717DIDLY ILLTJBTR.ATIZD PZR.IODIOAL AT A PZZOZ 4II711Z3.TO DZILIO D IMPOf31u3LZ. TRY IT FOR A YEAR. i* will he a llhenl edneator to •verymember of the hna.nhold. 11 will �ti WAN p presaawtly. It will Me/ yoe swore for the money Inas you ran Ia Ng ewer Was. Do yon want a first -alas. Magazine, giving annually 15:16 pages by the ablest writers, with more than 15(X) illustrations, by the cleverest nrtl.ts-M readable a Magazine as money ean snake- -a Magazine that makes a 'specialty of lire. m iIsjectti "The marvel is bow the pelifbete ma give es impel rot tar mosey PA$wdN/ain tenting VsII. Bend 101.60 to this Office, and secure both The Cosmopolitan and The Huron (rJ1gnal. The Nese hameessfal Ll timed, pore dl' - erect, es 1t Is renal.. le Its sReets and dues hot Mister. Mead prof betuw. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. owe: re ramoull A. 115Teea. Itataa.. a or CiteaLae HAT asp Tarrr..e Daze Inset zurwooe. Is,., tar.. tis, Villa. I L J. Kog ons. C . Mn 1 beet away, p.enir.d Tow 11ra �pa.Ip Curr by the half 1y. 1 think a, e like prices to .r quwlntp. I think It le we the levet Ilalcaee.• on earth. I bare wed It •mr.taSlea for three year.. Twin truly, CNA& A. e.o.m. 1 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Moorses, s. t . ti..rember tot . a I. LiPetAra. r". Ors : 1 ,teaire mid,. you uwttasontal of asp of your [ruAall'r 141111/11* Cure II leag '.►/dwa woo, errandba• undl i ,r.1I., t 11.0911111111.1111 it tall iur.. Tion testyywAR. nttanr , ��� n ,YM,:er Trn, Laundry etaMaL KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREII Sass. Warms Odours, Oafo. Dec. ll, td. M. B. J. CratAu. ('n Owes. 1 tool I t r; defy to 1.p what 1 Iare 41,+10 with your Lealall . atr.tn are. I haws earl twenty re. homes 1h.1 hal Mp•el King Rape. .1e amfrVd w 1t5 31. 1101711111 e a %sora or al Ma aur. Mn.-. 1 hoop d ow 1: bootie Mal IoIlow rd the diri•ut urs. I Mee Weer tot a Vote of any kind. Tours truly. Aspect, Totay. Rune Dueler. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Pete.** pee hoot, .,r r1 ■ M,tt55 for I];.. A11 Deer Flay. l...-1t..r cat.511 ft Eur ye. or it will Ir brut se any Wdn.e.,•n reeefpt ofwisps Or II r prolate- tars. .r. rte - tars. Ds, 51 J 1(a.i*1 I. e7n.. ■wesltMrrh SOLD BY ALL D1111000ISTsi. Goderich Stearal Boiler Works •0,1,.1..1 1«� Chrgst3,l ft Blau M.u.10.1 twerp nod .Irelr, 4 h, 'dant 14o11rr'. !Nit 1'51,1 Tonka, ltea•.rs. rimokesla.•ks. and all kinds Al eller: Iron Wore. Ir. pro. erg Amoire, i • . el or ('nrliew Es qui''. 1'prych. And Ilortro51Ia• kl.Rh,r•, Ma • blurry awd i'a•tngP of el err dew.tw•.en. lira.. Fitt:nga. 1'yw awd Ply* tlumg• eon .•nutty on hunt. Mail ore".,. w : rrr.•tt a pt imp' attentio•. hems, Opp. l.. T. ■. Wailla . Ila, Repairs prompt'. attended .a P.O. BOX Zdl Sitea Envelopes, Note, Letter �d Ac - Die TI►E lg Consignments solicit(d and retail(A M1 Rft,ltol 30.ST Nswr'f ssrt n ea made thereon. C'iTT. ,atulrtR when you hairssoeed vie- wable/kg. . count Papers at "The Signal. liberal advances waed.g. s t; l i smarm veriea tt;fatL