HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-22, Page 6t..
• 1'M MM of aimilrwry.
Mow tk/ap eo go by contraries,
la fhb sublunary sphere t
Ano meal ammo, of Fate'svIprles,
Are the queerest et the newer.
Mr Goodman is • bad saes,
Mr Wetheas • always III;
Mr Joy heM•sad mar.
Mr W issmaai wisdom's alL
Mr Blaokm.a is • white mink
Mr Whits he is • Mask;
Mr Stout he is • spilt mus,
Neat le teapots dist.
Mr W iotets full d abler,
Mr tiammmh always meld:
Mr pubis weer a carder
-Chip" was ever kasws to hold.
Mr Loss he Is a start moa,
Mr Wildman he le meek;
Mr Lesraode an untaught own,
Mr Meek has got the "cheek.'
Mr Tailor seer made breeches.
Nor did Nailer drive a nail;
Mr Pitcher never pitches.
Nor does Bailor reef a sail.
Mr Walt is always .arty.
Mr Early's always late;
Mr Sweet is slwayse urly,
Mr Crook is always "straight."
Aud. so, thro' the categories!
0 ! what is there that cam 11e
Like nieu'a names- except the stories
Told by Wmb.tones when men diet
Houton Globe.
Jeer to Jasper.
I ono recommend Burdock Bl,xi.i Bit-
ten as s sure cure for scrofula. i heed it
for four years, and was au bad at one
tune that I sax almost • solid wore. 1
commenced taking B. B. B. last summer,
have taken three bottles, and am entire-
ly cured. Mi.. ELLalt Pirr, Jasper,
Out. 2
"When a person has learned how to
recd, and to -t what to read, he is in
great petit
This statement seems startling, but it
is nevertheless true. Have you ere:
realized how much depends on your
choice of books 1 We have talked of
"why we read" .cd "hcw to reed," Feet
we have yet to answer the question,
"What to read ?" It will require some
months to answer it in detain, but just
now we will think of the emneral subject
and try to get some ides of the import-
ance of knowing bow to select the best
booka Reading well need is one of toe
beet things in lite ; abused, it is one of
the weirt. It can Boake or mar our char-
acters. There are many people who thick
that reading is in itself a good thing, a
meriturioue act ; they have never given
the subject enough earnest attention to
comprehend that it may be s bad act—
that it may even prove • curse if books
are not carefully chosen.
Did you ever think of the vast amount
of reading matter that is published?
Boake aro issued from the prem at the
rate of seventy volumes every day. The
country is flooded with newspapers and
periodicals of all sort?. flow are we to
chows from this great m..e of roadie_
matter that Ties before os? 1'u read every
book that Domes acrtssour posh Wu, be like
the ostrich, which eats whatever comes
in its way. You would not accept as a
friend every person whom you chance to
meet on the street, and our books are to
be chosen as carefully as our friends.
There is a vast amount of indifference
al out this matter. Did you ever watch
the people in a public library and notice
bow few have a definite idea of what
they want : They wander around in as
aimless way, ilaucing into the books
that are accessible, occasionally asking
the busy attendants to mention the name
of a ,arta book. As we watch them we
prove it. Whet Mitosis 1 '1 W N
suet seclude es lar ae pssible the sell
that sot rounds sa Osr reading has a
tioeltive sad d.twet brasses, us our
linoleum, and we an, by • sees slums
of books, surround our souls with • sort
of Oliee.s wall whish ether ini.esees
eon with difieslty tweak through.
Avoid all hooks that berm toe or masks
you dissoste.ted with your let or make
yes think lightly of ono "Tie teed
of the p ddt.g is is the eating." and so
'eeny books must be proved by totieg.
11 the first taste shoes that the b..u.k is
oswholsosse, reject' it se you would Ser-
fage W take something poisonous lute
your system. A reader and tbisker Ila
said, "I should coma nearer to my fel-
lows, .ad my God poorer to me, or the
thief is s poison." If you are useert.ta
whether a book has • good or an evil
tendency, melee in what state of mind
you lay it deem.
.IAD WILILY 10'animator 0000.
It ill sot enough that • book is harm-
less, although many good people see..
to think so whoa esleoti.g librettos for
Sunday schools. It isa waste of time.
if nothioe wore., to read the weak,
characterless volumes that are so often
plied in the hands et young people ay
those who should Meer hotter Whet
you wait is something that sill w1ueoor
you fur good. ••Books are the brick
and stone, the mortar and timber, sof
w hate.er buiMinr s e propose erecting
This character -building is a serious hest -
sees; it is the business of life.
tam, wear YOU torsi I•LLI Yg30
You can rain an idea of your natural
taste out only by the degree of iuterrat
you feel in your reading, but .la.. by the
strength of the impressive' ivade epui
you. E. not be di .ppoiated if you are
not interested in what you know to ! r
the best hormone; your taste will
change and improve with cultivation
Like the chameleon, you will take your
col. r from what you feed upon ; feed
upon what will make you pure, what
will give you strength. Thomas Carlyle
said, "Among all the objects that look
wonderful or beautiful tai you, follow
w ith fresh hope the one that looks woe -
clef Nimbi, beautifulest,"
Jest imagine your wife not being able to
speak for ten Mays. WI • change them
would be in the house! ..-,at am uuna.ural
silence! A case et thio Lind occurred in
Hamilton some time ago, and one bottle of
Wilson's Wild Cherry cured the afflicted lady
In four days. This medicine bas wit -gnat fur
the Cure of i'ougb.. Colds Whooping lough
or Croup. void by all druggists. Imu
mrtIJ•i Capital.
An Associated Press despatch says :
—"The Argeutto' Rdput.lIc proposes to
open 750,000 acres 11 land to immigrants
at a very small price, the holdings to
range from 500 to 1,000 acres each. lb.
emigration frcm Southeru Europe to
the Republic is already large, and it will
doubtless be increased by the concede
Mont, which are supplemented by free
passage to Buenos Ayres from European
porta" The Antietam* Republic s
being developed at • very remarkable
rate by British capital. Seine are in-
clined to think that the country has bor-
rowed too much kr railroad c:nstruction
and other improvements. However that
may be, the progress made has been
phenomenal. Britain takes the larger
portion of the exports, which omelet of
meet, cattle, wool, hides, and wheat,
paving for them with re►Ir'ad drub and
general manufactures. The trade is
highly profitable to both parties and is
cmatantly growing. Over • thousand
million dollars of Brash money have
been sunk in the cumatey during the past
twelve years. Under this tippets. popu-
lativa is coming in from all part. of
Europe,bot pnncipp•�Ily from Italy.
Why is it that Huish capital i. begin -
01 M thee Osseus the go-by 1 We
borrow v aeiiaa-TToe' Federal purposes,
and get • lot of money to be advanced
on term mortgages; but there is no such
wholesale investment in active industries
wonder why they ars to read at all,wh-o as in the United Staten and the Ariren-
they are els ignorant concerning the tine Republic, although these are (co-
ncede of their minds a:.d soul. etgn onuntries. The train reason, with-
I:e. E E Hee fella a story cf en old I out:dou",t. is that the British investor
lady whet wont to visit some friends in
the country. A severe storm kept the
family in the house for a while. and old
Mr. Doubleday was asked If she would
does not as a rule find Canada • profit
able field. %%e have an abundance of
'lateral wealth, but we have no market
for it. We are divorced commercially
liLo to here a book to read in order that (non the c,btinent to which we belong.
times u.ilht nod hams hearyotitber hands A Targe amount of English money has
lobe assented briskly, and then was askedbee
n aunt in Manitoba and the Terri-
R!,.t bete she preferred. • tortes. From time to time the English
"I ah•,uld like the same book i had investors send out agents to report on
last year. It was a very nice book,
and I was interested in it."
"Certainly," replied Mw Ellen ;
"what was it '
"I de not remember its name. Your
mother brought it to we ; I think she
w ,old remember."
But Mn Liston had forgotten.
' Was it a hovel or a bock of sarong
hitt ory
"I can't remember shout that. but it
war an interesting hook You will find
it. Ellen, I know. The odor of the
color wee the color of the top ot the
Ellen had • good eye for color, and as
she ran et. stain she took the shade of
the bsluater in her eye, matched it per-
fectly, and brought the book in triumph
to Jin :Doubleday. It:proved:to be
the right bo.,k, and Mrs Doubleday
found in it the pies of worsted she bad
left for a 'nark a year before ; so she
was able to g" on from where she stop-
rhe kind o.f intelligence which re-
members a hook only by the color of the
1.. o' ling is not confirmed to old Mrs
teeblyday. All around us we see
p.•• ple who hare little 'des .f what •
bok as its value or its w,rthlesimesa
What an a good boob do? Refine the
hetes: lead to pore, high thought. and
noble ideas; corset false impressions of
truth; help to qualify youtfor your place
in the world. It will leer! you Into new
held* of thought and action, but a bad
book will demoreliss yetur nature and
ruin ycur rel.
r.Rit' wRAT 14 rhos.
"Coarse feeding 'risky' coarse flesh."
Did you ever notice how an impure re-
mark or • vulgar *tory will remain is
your memory no matter how much you
may wish to forget ft 1 At the mess
time. perhaps, you heard ansething
w orth remembering that aeon pained out
of your recollection. This te.d•ney to
Sema the h•rmfn) and melees, while re-
jfgrfms the helpful and welsh, le so pre-
ilgMmt that it metres tie to rseg.g be
the non-appearance of dividend& These
men «y with one accord that the soil is
rich, hut that the progress el settlement
and the growth of population are exceed-
ingly slow compared with the rate of ad-
vancement in the Northwestern States.
And when they look a little further into
the matter they find that restricted trade
is at the bottom of it all. The settler'a
labor on our side of the line is not as
profitable to him as the labor of the eet-
tler on the other side, for the simple
reason that our settler has to pay more
for what he bays and ohtains less for
what he sells in «move ent.. of the ens -
toms barriers by which he is hemmed
about, This is true also of the farmers,
fishermen, lumbermen and miners, who
constitute the great body of producers in
the older prorunees. The British ape
italid knows no flag when he is invest -
dig. He please his money where the
people are 'twat IWO.peroes sod the eon-
d'tioes soot favorable, beaus there he
iv most likely to obtain a good niters.
Knowing our unfortunate ansmetaneee
-that we are pretreated from trading
freely with Britain as well so with the
Untied States ---be eeneludes that ba can
make more oat of his mosey somewhere
else, sad so year by year we are getting
less of it relatively to the amount going
t0 other oowntriee. Tb. eerie for this, se
foe *o many of the other drawbacks to
C.nadias prosperity, is not higber duties
with a more oomplete isolation, but so-
restristsd trade with the sixty milli*.
euetomsrs at our doer. It would thee
be worth while for eatable capital to
mese is *.d help as to develop est
No burse ear be lady happy m which
the sunroofs of the (.ro.0 ramie are I
seaweed w shoe their a5 for area
ober. riot. cures • keened is the ref.
a ad shintrese, boys pantaelarly, eines
they rood a kw or say other Lomb.,
de euesei uaaus as too babyish fee them,
and they shim it s• they ovoid pesos.
Perhaps leis d the ustterruwtb of Ie.
gime us the mother's paid The sore .d
yo.ugor children crowds the older oats
.aide aid before aLe knows it these deer
little ewe have Lemmas accost. mod to
du wu►eodt the e.d..rassne• that ware
showered on them w tul•utile years, sod
mei leerily be eon back. Bishop Vto-
osut says the average Ouy at the age of
thirteen or tbere•huut, has not • friend
esuspt hi. 'anther. lie is a terror to
.voiy one, bet fur ell that his peen(
boort peubabty ofteu yearns fur • Bilie
petier:et sud tovtttet.
Ten, ultra we take hums -love as • mat-
ter u( averse, Just se we take the air,
the aru.htue sad other blessings of life ;
we fail to realm that it is hk. •
pion' and that W give the best
futures mast be fostered and eat -
noised oaretitlly. It se a0 uacomaauu
tams to mud • houseful of half grow..
aitldren ■bo is scarcely remember
. ten they have beau kissed by tether
ur meaner, muses, perb•W, O0 • ratan.
tr. m • long journey But a good-ngthi
embrace, • little hue. s .Jmp•thwos
pat on the shoulder when they ars in
trouble, u am remote an imperilment dal
tug back sa many years, that they have
utterly furrotten It. Husev.r, let v.e
of thew boll cut his band or fall out of
the hammerer and get a Moody head, how
quiekiy the saute Lenity are alarmed,
mud run to .u. a.sist•oes with k,vu.g
e ervia ! Thr•.'igu bis wunods he sera
they telly hay• hearts, that they oo
faire for him after all, and secretly he
rather ropey being bruised since it has
revealed to him that his family have a..
interest in bin bey.ud merely seeing
that he has eouuith to eat and a place to
sleep Hew sad tt is that he must near-
early tweak hie beck to bed it out '
As far the attitude of the children
•swig themselves, any loving drmou
str•tio0 toward each • ther 'mould be al-
most as overwheltuu.g as if •cyclone had
struck them.
They art ashamed of the pet names of
babyhood, awl are distressed beyond
measure if their mother addresses them
as "dear" in the presence of a stranger.
'Pe grow up mooring or cultivating • con -
/mweressa to WeelliMismos.
Artisans, meshasiea, .ad 1•boriagmsm
ens liable 1e asides aeeidesie sad Opo-
rto. as well M pistol orda, inhibit sod
i.mwses. T. ail thee troubled we would
reessels*.nd Howard's Yellow Oil, the
heady .ad reliebis pie ens for outward
or) items' see. 4
Wiwi'$ Weems M desnglgam.
load -Standing
Blood Diwaaea
the persevering
Sarsaparilla -
Tills medicine is as Alterative• and
suis • radiol o ist's* la the system.
The pee•eaa, is sums alma. may sat he
quite so rapid as in others ; but, with
persistence, tis vassal to ~tads.
Read these testimonials : —
" For 150 yearn I sneered hos a se-
vere pain In my right stir, and had
other troubles cause.l by r dvrrsl
and dyspeprta After giving
medicines $ fair trial without a.e re, 1
began to take Ayers Sarsaparilla_
was greatly benefited by the drat bottle,
*ad after taking ere bottles i was e•unt-
pletely cured." — John W. lteoauu. 70
Lawrence ret., Lowell. Maas.
Lost May a large carbuncle broke out
os my arni. The usu•1 reute.liea had no
effect end I was confined to my bed foe
eight weeks. A friend induced roe to try
Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. Lea. '.au three
bottles healed the note. In all toy expe-
rience with me.l.cise, I rover sew more
ars cured by
use of Ayer's
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect of the use of this
made -tee was the strengthening of my
sight." — Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly
Springs, Texas.
I had a dry acedy humor forear*.
and suffered terribly ; and. as nay broth-
er and sister were similarly .ousted. I
presume the malady is hereditary- last
winter, lir. Tyros, (of Fernandina,
Fla.,) recommended me to take Ayer's
San,apt:rilla, and continue it Inc a year.
For dee months I took it daily. I have
not had • blemish upon my bode for the
last three months."—T. N. Wiley. lin
Chambers at., New York City.
"Lest fall and winter 1 was troubled
with a dull, heavy pain In my MM.. 1
dial not Douce it mu.b at first, but it
gradually grew worse until it became
almost unbearable. I1onog the (atter
part ,d this time, disorders of the stota-
a.-li and liver increased my t holes I
began takingAyer's Sarsaparilla. and.
after faithfuly continuing the use of
the medicine for some months, the pain
lisappearei and 1 watt compietety
ire.l " — Mr*. Augusta A. Purbueh,
11a.rrhill, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
ratcpAaxu DT
Dr. J. C. Ayer is Co., Lowell, Masa
rote et o ohs twates, $1. Warta 0•, • bout&
alone culpable. The injured leg is tot
to be Warned The three partner. who
"weed the three legs with which the est
tempt for these little tenderoesers makes ran to the cotton .111 pay oee fourth the
boys buuruh,•uddoes not add one whit to value etf the hales to the punnet who
their meekness ordt:futty. The assumes was the proprietor of the injured leg."
of girls aro somehow, less influenced by
the absence of these demonstrations
—at least, at Is .ems painfully osticsable,
but all the refinements of Docility cannot
balance the gentle schooling ,f home,
aid although sister may not be as clown
ooh and rude as is her brother under the
same surroundings, yet her character
sown takes on petty deceits and habitual
dsae istulstions.
This repression of the emotional aide
of our natures in our family life tea grave
mistake, and to is may be attributed one
half the limit burning and little gnaw-
ing griefs that beset us daily. Many a
good souther lives her life through, and
goes to her grave mi.undert,..d by
thoseabe would have died to serve, because
she Dever gave elpreesion to her real fee
ling*. She has kept back her sweetest self
until her children have come regard ler
as unemotional and cold. Like beget*
like. This is a law from which there is
no deviation. The children in turn soon
Tern to check any show of tenderness,
Meeplem Worry
Is often ieccasi'.ned by • hamming, tiek-
ling cough which might easily be cured
if the right remedy—Hagyatd's Pectoral
Balsam—was made use of. Its aoo,bing,
healing and expectorant qualities make
it wended ally useful in every family for
coughs and colds
Our esteemed contemporary, the Mil-
waukee 4r4ui.l, appears as an advocate
of the words "pants' and says that the
world can't get along without them.
That is tree. Let there be "panto" by
all mean•. Sao long as there is a gent"
on the top of the earth let him be cloth-
until, se the ,sera go by, they here act FAANIIG WILL AND PUMP WORKS' SO
well when
they h lemon of indifference, ARESTRORG'S IMPROVED
that when they have arrived d manhood
and womanhood and come to separate '`
each to take of. his own life work, they ; Grain and Seed C:eaner
TO= .= S0w11Ms
--: STANDARD :— �...a..---
Aube A LIme■ SHOOK /NOW TWO a.•T
A ruse surety or TWAT
TU B3ND. rstterC r. w ••
has removed from Crabb's Block, to McLean's new Blood,
Court -house square, into the Plats glass grocery
store, 3rd door west of British E change
Hotel, 2 doors east of T. Det-
lor's Dry Goods Store,
Where Both Old and New Customers will be Welcome
1 also intend to give Great Bargains in Teas and Sugars. I have just
got in a tine assortment of fancy Delf and of the very latest patterns
in Brown Rustic Tea Sets, Slate Rustic Tea Sets, Enamelled Floral Tea
Sets, Brown Rustic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Dinner Seto, Sege Rua -
tic Dinner Sett, Blue Benak'h Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Seta,
Begonia Toilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet Sets, also a very fine assortment
cf plain Delf that will be sold cheap, and 1 intend to pay the highest
i.rice for Farmers' Produce. •
Thanking my Customers for pileup patronage, solo soliciting their
further orders. Orders will be delivered with pleasure to any - part
of the Town.
Ooderich. Oct. bk. ut+lk PLATE GLASS GROCERY.
Have joet posed through the Custom House. Direst bots the i6melitetuetts.
the B.ut Assorted Stork of
All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress
Ready made IMen's Suits of :Bost Material, Fashionably Made at Fabsk+nsly
Low Pricer.
do without a pang, and henceforth
are no more for sash other than furl is generachine
for thoroughly
1c he t he besand
ma -
I cbtnsana+de Ivr thoroughly cleaning grain and
peed* of all kind..
Separates all Noxious Seeds
Many years ago I was visiting in • I
family, and after tea was engaged to i
conversatu n with the host and bootees .
in the parlor, when the door opened and
in trouped the children to say good night
to papa and mamma As they ran in
tura to the parents, clambered on their
taps or clasped them around the neck to
receive s loving kit, I thought I had
n ever seen • lovelier eight. 1 have never i
forgotten it, and to this day whenever
menthes is made of home happiness, my
mind instantly t Certs to that pleasant 1
"I1 wnold have looked better haei tha
and sheer from grain at -one ebonies, saving
and cleaning all timothy seed at the same
time out of any kind of grain. It eau be fitted
into any fanning mill without removing the
shoe, no mailer how old he mill is, and
makes it do as gaud work or better than tl,e
most improved new mills known.
It allows no stied to be blown into the cbaff
It Cleans Speedily.
Mr Every cleaner warranted to work as repre-
sentedn0 sa"►
or a
in ordering tit mail give ine:de width of
.hr,' and name of maker of mill if convenient,
an.i if shoe has aide share or the old f.sbiun-
ed hind shake. —
mother and father gene the to children's A large guaranty 01
room and hidden them g.e,d night, rath-
er than have them sake a show before
stringers," did you say ?
My dear Mn Punctilio. don't you
know that in the beautiful innocence of
childhood there are nit shams—that
everything is genuine i Their little
hearts are too full of love and warmth to
think of stage -effects. L. cddbiooded
older people continue ti enjoy a mon-
opoly of represeion and cultivated in-
difference, but for the sake of all
that keeps us sweet, don't let oa en-
courage it in the children.
When, from any sora, the digestive
and secretory orirare become disordered,
they may be stimulated to healthy ac-
tion by the impart Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
These Palls pirm preseribed by the beat
physicians, and are fur sale at all the
drug stores. :
e5M.at Jesseee.
Dr Henry M. Sounder relates a ase of
Oriental justice that could hardly be
outdone for sharp and subtle discrimina-
tion. Four men, partners in business,
bought some cotton bales. That the
rats might not destroy the mitten, they
membered • at. They agreed that meth
of the four should own • particular leg
of the est ; sad eaeh adorned with beads
theta( apportioned to kis. The at. by
an accident, injured one of its Imre 9 4.e
owner of that member wooed aimed it •
rail snaked in rail The eat, gang too
sear the Are, est them eta fire. •sd be -
tag is groat psis, robed is amass the
sotto. kale wham she else asesotomed
to bit vets. The entices thereby took
Are and was bowed. The three other
t►i�brought sals obiagalest
fourth partner who owned the poth-
oler keg rif the est. The jades examin-
ed the ens sad leaded thea :—'The
Ing that W the oil tun es it was belt ;
the sad +mild .et use ties lex—ha Iso', it
bid OM keg or sed ram with the Oho
three {1••gs. The three sehert ). !henir
tate sinisi the be be 1ha settee sod awe
en hand manufactured from Algoma white
quartered pine.
g;t,rder• by mail promptly attended
to. Slipped to any remit.
G-oderich, Ont.
1- ft
The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln
is now running full time and
any quantity of Fresh time,
can be obtained at the Kiln
at all times for lOc. a bushel.
M. d C. BI CHLLLR,Proprietors
OcdertMaya&, its. Tlitf
!a1er Sor'ice & 1tsnirs
The undersigned is prepared
to undertake the putting in of
tWater Services in connection
with the Town System to Dwell-
ings and other Buildings. Also
To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac-
tories and Machinery of all kind.
Prices reasonable. Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25.
April 19, 1889. SQUAWK,
Hep to announce 16at he is now .gest for
The Liquor -Tea Compaiirs Celebrated 'Paas
Your choice of one out ot a hundPed or more Handsome Volume
by the Beat Authors, given with every 3 Ibe.
Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling
the expense.
Goderich Foundry and Machine Works,
RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors.
pro��dLand Rollers - - - Price MOO.
.AT L4OW C31-11:73 :1
amiss madea Bangem�ents with tit JOHN'
=GIN= &OII.EB Wolin 00. 11101101110•
We are !rowed to Prises to
Pezdos want oi the .1
stt>ds ashen orsrzsarofa 0*'
twee* f JseN.ps that wet let.
IIh• NW ass.
Pretty alteration dresses of owls
mufti's heir eget mile ver eiw
ins s of nivel or heavily rei
these helms mute fevor.d
insanities then moire et falsity
of say sort.
Braid is still very smolt used to
• atTIS S
and walking sotsheaq i essien beard aeons ti
erred this euros. This is este
a sew garniture, bet it u one of
•%stirs, itsezpeuwive and appn
Isishea let a plain stoning of
Tartans, ohialy in bee wuull•o fab
dilly appearing is saw foram
bureaus. of color. These •r
• autumwl dyes, o• groes'
green, olive brume is semis*
se, seabossay, bliss, end b
ssturtiom Wore form the outline
darker blocks, with their bi
of glowing yellow, wall•Power
pale terracotta.
graceful gooiest, quite nal
style, to be worn over an moor
pleated house dress, t. made of ve
`teed with either a oostraatiog or
IlaonIaDg color. It has • Looses (I
sad is sleeveless, and is Ilnuhed
load Direotuire eo.t tails at the t
It is called the "Dtr•ctuire slip,"
pot o0 over • dainty gown, • rich e
Is given .t moderate expense, for
slip cm be made of five yards of ve
The sew sutumo wraps have De
all wide sleeves in order w gu on
fertably over the puffed she
of the gown. Many of the
thea are themselves made
oiled sleeves gathered into a deep C
wslhon cuff of fur or velvet. A
deal of beaver and astrakhan is tea
trimming cloaks and shore ousts for
winter. Matey of the pew e«lssin s
are fancifully trimmed with vac
kinds of fur bands, capes, hoods
deep cellars. The elegant effect,
ever, is lowered, and the gamiest
invariably a made -over to .k. Trim
a seal coat is like painting • lily.
less trimming such a garment has
rebel It l.m.ks
Have you a ONO t tate W,len's
Have you • OM 1 Take Wales's
Have you Hro•chltis ! Take Wilson's
aH a you lost your voice t Take WI
Wild Cherry.
Have)un Asthma 1 Take Wilson'.
Have you a Cold in the Heed 1 Take
s«'a Wild Cherrrryy.
1 he Pity R.H.N. rare for all dirt.
the Threat. ('hest and Lungs. Sold
The juice of peaches, like the
cherries, dexo pot jelly readily, k
inclined to make a syrup instead.
one pint of apple Juice is added to
two pints of peach Juice the jelly e
Reich nicer, •hilt no perceptible
et the Atom.. Not baring
glee when i conned my cherries
year. I heated the juice and sealed
until 1 could have apple juice to esu
it Pieplaatelly u better made tr
same way. 1, have succeeded we
mooing pieplant in cold water. It
be canned while it is growing vigor'
or it will be rather bitter.
Painful burns, bruises, scalds
rota are quickly soothed aod heal
Victoria Carbolic Salve.
A cool sellar does not mean $
cellar. The cellar should be will
every day, and ale. given • good
washing whenever it is necessary '
en. Every portion of the cellar •
be thoroughly cleaned, and if it
cement Lear it should even be
acro bleed.
Sick Headache caused by vie
bile or a dia.rdere•d stomach is pre
relieved by wing National Pills.
Bee fine copper sirs by the trout
banging pictures. it dos not ash
wbt Ong
wire , r onnl dere.
looks far bettee Tab
time t1,
11.4.1 manilla paperover the ar
every picture frame not siready pi
.din this way.ape:
a. it eistually opr
dost from re•chiog the pidorea
c sammpisee wrest Gees.
To Ten ENVIE . —now. imbue,.
readers that I here a p.sitire r
for the above named di.ease.
timely use thouroand• of bomber
have been oermanrntly cared. i •I
sled to.end ten hitt).. .d sy
raga to any of your readers .h
ennsompti-en if tl.ry will send re
Exploit std P. 0 ultimo'
Reaper. fell y, DX T A at.toev
ly 104 W. Adelaide s$ Tomtit.
■lased'. Homeless cone ''aids. ei
John Sample, Morrie, who e
right arm and hand so badly been
the cylinder r.f a threshing machin
time ago, near Chatham, is able
about awaits, although it will be
Sivas before he will hays the free
his arm.
Pts Press Me..
There i• me better meed► 1c
e)•ilidelve, and .imil.r tr
Hnrysrd'. Yellow Oil. It also
'Ratiees, lsmbegrt sere throe
• and Dain generally. Tallow
Med internally and erldifflitall7.
There is •n fire lits sr
iv • hatred, no sears MI6 filly, i
re t like greed.
it is eels to w Trooree
Peedses, ma they ant osihs en the
abed ds she Mier* the Ails.
Mmeeers saeemsme ams. elisibfls
What weft has Pts.Ygags heti?
tet '+that is ss lust w filth it ha
Who stele mg MOON
rMW Net, t1i est the _: y.:
its the Oen.
Mos rssnsys -s hi soh
ninth ss hs deism geed to lb*
111112msag r elheIMI