HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-22, Page 5SPEC1ALs4LEs7 THE HURON SIGNAL FRiDAY, NOV. 22, 1889 15 From now till 1st January, 1890, we will offer each week —VERY— SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in different departments. It will pay our friends to watch each week for these bargains, which will always be found on the centre tables. NEXT WEEK We will OFFER our ENTIRE STOCK of LiNEN GOOD 'rle Napkins, Cream Table Linens, Bleached Table Linens, Towels, Toweling, Hollands, Butcher's linen, Ladies' and Gents' pure linen Harts. rise JOHN ACHESON. For 1890. Consider SCRiBNER'S MAGAZINE when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low --113.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progre+tive, The illustrations are interesting and of the beat. There ..pace here to give even a summary of the features to ap- • pear next year. but among other things there will be a NEW DE- PARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES, and groups of illw (rat" J article will be devoted to the following subjects: African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Homes in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Associations, The Citizen's Rights, Electricity in the Household, Ericsson, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biographer, Hunting, Humorous Artists, .American and Foreign. There will be 3 serials. Robert Innis Stevenston will contribute in 1890. •ect, and there will be a great variety this year, will be t r'ate'd writers most competent to speak with authority and with interes Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospec- t.i . ! 25 cents a number : $1.00 for 4 months. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 Brainy, INF Iiri. ♦IHid•SLD. , oowferertss. ebairmaa of She Mother, Frem sea smre.yaMst. , Riis T 00, 1C• -trod►( - yfi2C W.' sem. aft beam coate9saeed l Tnnge addreeseed the iodises*. Otsego t H sat's ap/eilttmaiat on the Ash- Acheson, E.g.. of (loderieh, occupied 4 Mild circuit.' I the chair and gave a Rood speech and Ths memorial services of the lata lira, subszription. The prebestn of the onk will M ptwsbad in /.:On church M.ibodsst church, %%'Ingham, rendered ell Sabbath at 2:30o au. ; wine excellent music, which was hithly San - Mrs Graham and grand -daughter, of appreciated by all spreeset. Ou San- [ bath, N•.vesnhsr 3rd, sermons went h- 13th eon , have goes to reside at, presehted in the ehurcb. At 10:30 a.m., er daughter's in Ntp'seing district. this Rev debts Scott, M. A., preached . Some of our slang men Imre gone 10 , very excellent sermon which produced e lumber woods to try their hick dur- deep and profound impressions upon the Lit the winter *oaths. people who bail the pleasure of Iia en Cot:lt41L ¥ra i —Council met to. trig to him. At 2:30 and 7 p art , the of 1 Now. 16 i Minutes of last inset- Rev T. Gee preached @loytsent sermons ng read and signed. D McKenzie and Grey waited on the council salting hat lou , eon 4, beatified t. 8.8 .n S, 0 0,wles salted that Si lot 14, on 12, be added to A 8. No 13. The lc•rk was aked to write trustees of 8 8. o 1 and No 5, rsspenting the proposed hang's. Mrs Lucy sod Mn McRae It received $6 assistance Aas.e.tP. id : K McKenzie, gravelling, $23 17: Armstrong, inspecting. $3; J F Au - row, retrainee road, eon 12. $1; J Mc - 11, dog tax refsndsd, 11; 1' Fsaber, formes of the Preston make, put in by vst&isg, *18; W Henderson, gravel, Mr Mosier, 4.1 Rlyth, beats the church 26; J Trgart, repsirin,t hill, 012; Mre well. The new organ is ran of W. sero, gravel and cleaneg off pit, Doherty ,t Co's, Clinton, and gives good 10 50: J Ktlpetrink, striding, $3.; la; metiefacttnn. The e,strIct of the Cleft, culvert, 13: ti Wenthr000k, re church was let to Mr James Young, ring bill. 6.; J Hu -kiss, grs•e• rnp, of Auburn, litho was also arebiteet, and D McKetttie, h_ravoilwa, !R; C the work bar been very well executed. Connor, work on Port Albert hill, The beading auewittee w .rked rimy ; R (iraham, appt»sah..s to bridge 'It lolektutly and enerwetioally in p-rformint ort Albert, 114; fly J Haydet., $4 60; their pert ; and the ladies' aid air not McNsin. $24 for work on l'rtt'h.rd's to he forgotten, who by their untiring J Dunn. •10; J Johnston. 1112• D efforts bare done amply in furnishing the Konz►l, *20 70; 1) McKenzie, in. church so crerlitah!y; they deserve wrest ur. $2; Vv Rutherford, for,ditch. t praise. The church choir did exctllent selling. $40 80; J Johnston, berries et the opening exercises. The '0.0 Thompson, grey/Ming, ' entire cost of the Aural, furnt.hinv. ••id. inspearirt. $3 18; K ' and shod• excht.,toof roosider.hle font. forme_ inR,• in; 1 Ensign, work. to (i 0 Whet se shout e2. ..' t D Cowen, inspecting, 76x; or is Itis Sheohinah of God's sating n, balenec on prsrd.ing, Ipo iser end pressese to 611 the temple, 8 Borne, gravelling. $20; " Rep. ;anal the hearts of all who worship there. nvol, 84'24; D Me1Auseid.I W Mourn, :eh: J Murphy, in LERBli RN. ►', est nor earn correspondent. Com,sntuun ser* kr will he held on Senile, at the ehoreh here. Preparatory sersiue bides (Friday), at 2,30 p as. which were appreciated by large con- gregations. 87 collections sad sub- seriptiea. taken at the opening and pre- viously, there remains naly shoat $160 to provide f di' to corer the entire asset of the neilku.,, fur ot.bina's and shed. iceladed. It is seid to be nee of the beet country ohurehr. in Ontario. Good basement built of stone, audieace mom of solid brick, floor rising backwards, aleots for the choir and omen, pews ai,d wainscoting finished in oil. One large Inc *6 50; J Bann. repars:id of n 18: JOtnthen. 14.5:•I V tion, dog tat sand, 91. Neat mset'ng Macomber h. W. Lott, clerk. Arraegem»nta are already on foot for A1715rENt. thr &nasal Xmas Irrs by the S.Mtsth • i.'ll ostia ,wbicb11rrivelen ?tewog, ritionl oa Cbriames Rts. Also No. b urdortnn4 sebo.l will haws a polies tramtnmika deafeaflA s1 the neer Me•Inedllt 1 with rntertaintaant as Int year at lbs ft W tore Oslo tae 'MM. .e se of the ',Garter. Owmobf stir win • gy ...es. , Mow Ana se—Jamas Bellows hat re - The RM IH.arell. %i A , rt. turned frau hos trip to the northwest, of I1etlE btelsretiss, proatitlrid rials; hie oriole. R.,• A. Meal rbae, sMe sad lw stereos ; *hoe lkirrseorty of this lnweehip, egad other oil list. N the hoe .3..iI► I relrtitsr Donor hie trip he spent t; NI A . sbfrmts of Wingless Dte . tad other .leisure, dedieate4 the IS the ave, as steeliest tea he the 'rah Hi the beer tlbtsreb, ebleb was psrMkea t# a lasts LADIES CAN SHOP BY POSTAL CARD 1 Parties at a distance who cannot conveniently visit Brantford in Peron, Idols have Samples sent thew, of Dry Godly of all WIND 11nds, if they will write us. No charge and no need to order if not ,uit•'1. We Stake it a business to attend to such letters QUICKLY, and when orders come we send tl-e tixAs'r ARTU'I.E ttanted at exactly the same Brice as other customers pay whets acre buying in ixr- son. Goods are sent by mail, express or freight, according to cir- cumstances, subject to retort' and refund of money if not satisfac- tory. Having trained and re,,ponsible clerks, who are able to use discretion in tilling orders, we are enabled to give Great Satisfac- tion to the many customers WHO LEVE THEIR OHJIQS TO US. With a reputation of over twenty year: at retailing, we can- not afford to lose der good nave by lack of proper services to absent custotners. Write plainly and describe fully what is want- ed, and about -the price desired. 1. CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO. (Successors t.) H. W. Brethour & Co.,) 9G Colborne-: L, BRANTFORID. CHANCE__ OF) BUSINESS. Ti,e Carriage Business of the late ALEX. MORTON hay been purcha.e.i by MESSRS. M'•CREATH & WALKER, who will con- duct it as usual in future. Both gentlemen are well and favorably known, and the public can look for a continuance of that prompt and satisfactory dealing which characterized the Dominion Carriage Works under its late management. WE ARE Nt,W MANUFACTURING SOME First Class Cutters_ Any style of Cotter Made to Orois•r, and on the Shortest Notice. Now is the time to leave your artiers. 01.1 Cutters repainted and retrimined, and made to Look Like New.Ones, at prices to suit the titres. We invite a personal inspection, and guarantee low prices for the class of work offered. All work warranteed. 1211►« McCREATH & WALKER, (Successors to Alex. Morton.) JUST RECEIVED. A large assortment of the Latest Styles in Fall and Winter HATS dna. BONNETS, Also a choice variety of FEATHERS, RIBBONS and PLUSHES at the zisses Yates_ 2it-I m o .r iia.. ILLINERyI In the latest and best styles at MRS_ SALKZ,2)S_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." :100 pentic sago bete part hawed WANZER LAMPS retie CIEOPWGE 'W. THOMSON Witt testify to the truth of the above etatenteat. Altvery family should have oat or two at imet.th PRICE REDUCED TO 114.00 EACH. (feu e. the Aaxnt.'nEO. W. TDOMtaON, who win sell yen all yes may require. and glee yes ten directions. MAOkI NES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT INDEX AOT'fo11 mums !'DA CAMH. wholesale sad Altall. N. R. -Try ('.ereune !Woes ler dammer 1'sm hew tae 'Mee. Wes este et devere. GO TO G. C. ROBERTSON icaaaa'e reds) IF YOU WANT TO GET Bargains in All Kinds of Furniture, 8170 &s BIDEODARD8, LOUNGES. CENTRE TABLES, MATTRESSES. DINING TABLES. HAT RACKS, BEDROOM SILTS, PARLOH SETS, AND ALL KINDS OF CHAIRM As I Want to make room for g goods the above must be sold. a) -t DON'T - BUY - ANY FUR1 ITITI E until you call and a.w A- B- CO L T I L'S "HRT 1'ACIOT UNDERSELL ac . mune Lowrie THAN aria Beautifltl stock of Bed Roots Setts and Parlor Bette, Sideboards, Centre Tablets, Cornice Poles, Pictures, &c. A el'I.E‘DiI) LOT OF Wira.clow Shades Just arrived. Blind Rollers. Call and see the NEW RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES, Machine Oil. A. ]3. f2()TiINJELLy H bM I LTON.#T. WE HAVE; COT IT! A nicely abl•htd uses, C • RPET SWEEPER ticch cheaper than brooms sIrond, d urable and cheap CARPET tea ten- Ido star) thing rroto salt penny natl. won't wear the carpet, and won't Cont you anything fur A TRIAL. WILL YOU HAVE ONE ? We have also the famous KEYSTONE EGG -HEATER which BEATS the world, and WHIPS everything in • truly mechanical way. All other lines, as usual, are well selected and com- plete for the fall trade. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. Look! -:- Look! M_ PRO'LT F'00'T Has just received a large stock of the Finest Groceries and Dry Goods to be had for Money, and is selling at a very great reduction. Just give him a call and be satisfied. Also Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. 2217 DISCOUNT. I beg to inform m Customers and the public generally that i hare de !dot to offer the fol- lowing Discount for SPOT CASH. • 5 per neat off all purchases of 81 00 and less than 83 00 ; 10 per and off ail purchases ..f 1.3 00 and upward. On Goods of my own manufacture o per Cent will Iso allowed. I have on hand one of the largest stocks of BOOTS & SHOES in the Dominion, a detailed list of which would occupy' ore space than the 'Si..is•t" is prepared to give ; suffice it to say it comprises every desirable line t, be found with the best Manufacturers of Canaria. • Every line is alresdy marked BELOW ACTUAL VALUE and the above terms 'sake my store the Cheapest place in Canals to buy your shoes. As scum,,,,,, stock of RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES in every style hoth in Canadian and Amerman, Glove Goodyear make, which are subject to the same LIBERAL TERMS. A Lar,(. Stock of ladies' Imported Kid Slippers, very line. Call and sae there. Oor. Itast-et. and &mare. E. DOWNING. WEdET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK 18 COMPLETE, and we can show you the finestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. N A I R N, F AND FRUITS. $ QOM- A of L.TOrT-81"1'. Ire BBBQE7 Ft f . Ysaeriet, O. !1, 1 111111-y, 10,000 NOTICE. It Will several days is shttnliwg, one of his ' Brut • E. tr'oybiN hei g..'.if, the pelt .r .Melt time to make out accounts. Tie is a f admired b a large .w. ofhe fhistsds And to keds Meade M bra t, flee a fall eeesant of his Ammonite, with Signal" does good printing ll TiclUs if tw ens the Anne °Wee of she lar and furnishes good paper. - ,. RZ s EA A.131.4Z. v