HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-22, Page 4rwwb ! . •!
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- - _ I - - _ THE HURON SIG KAL Mj)AY, NOV. ?1, 188
CANADIAN BANK O F COMM apt 060 go" •r w ~•ff► *as" mm . w"' w - - _ _ . _ •____ ._
hot t>". N 4f ► so the I&& m aft is ee -- _.
AHt, NOW 1pt1. aW • 26a be wY tie .r.. AV winter in the lumber wood•
' D OFFICR, TORONTQ tbey W asked ! tp` k , do' A" •o of ItliPiait dt.triea INEWGOO
(fti►t reeisw. end t4ee1-
■ w
OIt a oned N Jam` O D
i■T. SLIM OOf1iARE tasdeiee ► e aotaq it b ditlb't. end family have nawvtrd to
. 00e000AMW Bat Yr Merry lull "Ah" he was iteaiyae- the Avery Win, 9-7,owned by Joe
fR E WALKER, ritlfutAL i700seeillr to sty; tint was the "IF am of DOeR4e. )r.. of Caworwis, mr Cesie ! '
MAwAOtR u- so weew .weer, nowett ~j( t ranted this farm fur a term of yeua I OPIENIEDP,
CODER t„i tPaeabriar7 ••• tit, be wan naargnsd It[isa ]I6ry C Calder daub tt utICH BRANCH. Tbua Celd*r, 1hh sofa., ()trey, r att«td
t A Ozw*AL aANKltep Btitlf,gft TRAMtACTtiD. F f . A ewnveresuen to ok p1eoe on tea seb. '" BepsOagb'a t Jpswrifln,t end abort i • ' '
DSIAFTt 41111"D PAVAOL[ AT ALL Y NOTEt Q Jest, and it wee eeider that fie ►•et build Institute in gmew o. _ _
CITtt; se T/fE N11rT[p STATER, rooRt a CAwwpA AIM TIM ►wmopAL y1=6
for members of the Phe- t
Ta o111tAT ° T&KAjrr F'tA1r. A t Nh,rj.f,F"'"A" poet - t•artoww l aidor.,Wooi Dress Goods, McItons S'Ilea" •gnc wA■Tf■ • the t•bnbad watee's, Au hawIs
f>! =«ft"T Afe _ „ M;%
ltsseiaseotels" whim fir Flannels Blankets f
ALLOIYED. 1 t"'"`"fit tfPtS Also AT roseT Aleme, op INTI low Tt■ Beo4i m j tnf r mase "Ivecoa bay w►*p a Ir1e•.tra she
f , Comforters m fo r# a rS,
wTStitSiT AOOtp TO TNt /Rsyp►,l AT
Jitpvtg0tbelrR fN fAp• rtAR, TNS Smp t>» aAT AM dith asst go." 7%* Ani has• tar deet\ u ireiag ber release from
, tl „ tke rue It 7. Tweeds and Overcoatings.
given h the aid. don's
«It1 Ittast0tps• fi,Mte glwhn. N i•r aotrojeiya N. mea w!1<ir fromgdaor, dh0°°fesed .omen wAo i •
''P"' MP"Pen eopdo4ed Ga diseases peealiat to wum•a; The above are the beat value we have ever shown.
avead bwwee, PMgpples dealt have a eotdd only know that health Could be n•
R. S WILL.AMS, MANA0 R. ring 'a the name, 0, far r public mean Awed by the ave of Dr Pierce'. Favor- , Inspocti0n invited.
- - -- - -__-- _ - _ mrnoerow. Pe •ea it• Presorihei„b how Oatferly they wotlhl
heeteh to avail th•asa•1•es of it.
3t XDn i n l to art•pd • Public meeting at Dungannon _ T Ought to know it, tad try 't. Every Twe. I
oo Tbanday yt loot week, and HE TOWS OOUNt3 l_. ban who u wall health ovi bt to b•
tb. r g told ? Second hand Sewing Machine for sale
trot at ata of attai about the w•+edwrful "irtp• in tui. m•di- I ,cheap,
Its rt'aL•r1aD ran su far an Goierich a mused" Or tans eiesi-A*nsAty *•s. Gibe, and understand that it u a safe•
wan cone*raed, before the •lector, of teeld •gaioet the terrible d' I
><VERY FRIDAY MORNING, that aecti„p t•.a.« nd to
A* ITS •TaAx1 raivrtro ornca: Elwwbere ilk t The to «,eoetl mot last Friday mob to Ger out. REID
this iwn• ipg 8th 'amt- M •e It u yu.uuwreel to J., As NORTH-t?T'RKET, will be fused the report of the meetin evab , the 1 Ombero all IP satisfaction or mopes "W fug U
OOD d g. present Sam” Lb* de will be refunded,
yyhlsawlbewmid local thedissmijugnewspaper, devoted bu$ice to wy, the •aplaaatiobs of ih• e-,va*illur Prid tiOtytwis and Jinr•ai •leek, Godarieh .Nov. 15th, lftpt
lr new. and the diaseruiratlsa of ass d• baa Ths minutN of hat
delegates wen of so Satisfactorya char- meeting wore read, agned.esnas _
acter that • 1'be Mayor ipformuld the eoetseil that wbule system using Dr Pierce l%P'e'Id. `h i_ n _- `--
RATCs Or at t" Mori Ne I resolution wall aJmoot un. 11t iti' [. 1 +Or $a al'
apiluously Qe,nd tb• Committee spriated to consider the 1048 _ r __ -et.
i1 t0 • year; 75c. for r.a months: i*r. for by the large }lath- ow of J. fait Cues, • __ _--- ___
three months. It time eubercrtp tion u not amid .ring J. McKernan vagrant, bad __ _'- - _
la advance rb•rripuoa will be .harrod at Ad Goduicb •• tea br,uKbt a ttck•c for him to ueen•towa, - flti /j, ,I• NIC$t)LrjO. L D. ' rj R $Ails (YjRTAINIYG
time rate of ilea •year. terminal point of the proposed Ireland, at a Cont of 1 LL aJ - i'
_ P P°a°d route 130 88. rhe mayor __ KK ' 'S• tt 1(V T I L R O O at a. acres. to
tro,u Wimigham, •,o Iht also olid fiat lite Darrow was unable to Etfftib door below The btte I
A1t¢t77nttc SaT[f1 r agsbaop. At pay her tales, Ret EIREADSTUFFS AND i UoexblCCK. mow' R 0116-1 ., f .J tradeso time a=e .
a Joint meeting of the provisional vision, firmed to overt of n- PROVISION$- _ _ leLbta let?
Lt (al. Lab ftaner At
and rva i casual advertisements, 3nts pidc. ° perumally 1.
ler Doe forwfinit insertion arid 3 sena per fire directurs-of tea proud d and the 6«teeteb tetleea DR, E. RICHARDSON, L D.8, ~
a rack eu••...ta•at leeaeriea. Measured by IflI The clerk stated that Hn Connors '
• nonpareil ecc altel y committee of the town e onoil wee unable to board Job" U0091twn. Now. ; t, low. s t' R G R O N DENTIST. :g4 f J. Y as [ p can mbw1
Local notices in top held Atunds Lamont wf the T-
parfel type Sc per line. y evening, the scliomm of tbo longer at as &Uuwan" of 11 per week. T Flounr.ti ..... sv " • li lifts and Vilializaee Air administered for j GCSE FO
stied lI nOUOm in oft T reading Icy. delegates to Dun canon w Moved by Smith, ••Goaded oats. i r 00 30 painlpeltractteeo!teeth• f•1atrear: n I1 R T(1 Rs
4 u by Holt, :::: : ........... • X at 0 m teen to e+ps Jt S t, LR U "rT.
that lin Cuonun Wean. r bee► .................... • ti. the Ile*•errsrisa It rte \uttt 1 i corner Y valuable bows •frosted oa t
13wlae•e cards of alz 1:un and under ss per and a raeoluiioa wan unanimously Gar- week for nnorM a)luw•d 11.80 per harle7, i bash +1 0 M Teeth h tee4 sad Trefa be
,►earna,erl I,w,v.. tad ter-
ri* I to word the boarding J°bti Lemont. Car- POt•t*e•.esw i ber :::..:.. , a M • 0 63 UAlaa-CP.lairs G►aad 7 occupied b7 time let* t•, t'
renewed tried. I H•)'. i) ton .....................: t M t M F.•trobes • W" a Ilocme Nick. /ere for ■ale at r*oasaabie ten ljt la of.
♦dveni•emea[i of l bet. Found, Strayed aceurdance w chaster in est 11t (Jd,ejeh r162 -I" taiga eight rrom. with nom
19ltuati*ns P ith the A communication frcm James 8*uer,>/ tf ...... a 18 M 9 M _ aa.f p eight r A r>alh►w kites
•CAL Bauation K'aeted and a°atimsph of the Bailey EF hese na ia•od welt ew the
HrMaa•s arcs) 11 Wanted. not exceedlsft tl atethpaup meaUq was reed, asking for allowance fur T L'•cese M°kad • des .. •lar 0 3ff ••l. I• ale a tcoud .mage.
lie°° •Gwpariel h per rnoath. Ig• iii. ibitiato plant- •-••-•• . • Il (1 013 Wlle eople•$ tit luriln. be rortrd, purpartiIt
cgymsold the
Houses on dale and }'arms on Rale. not to work to now in course of v ^ 'OR O'Kht shade trey on Nalann-et. Sb°rta i 1O0 .....• .......: ... IY M w 1. t0 _ or Ir Tho* C ° ! at th4oice•
exceed I limen, 01 for first month. sec tQelOt11 prose fnrt•d to public works O[ mmltCN. Cb bran +ran .. 11 001110 Ir b - -_.- Or°rt. Carlow I•_ v
Salt ant r"w[k, Larger•dvte fn per eu cation, and we Jook OOe6deatl The following W Ped St OR iet►t::.::...'.:',. I =s 1 3D WANTED -To ___ __ 38 4L J. W. t Akkul.l
Drot•or[toa. thin 7 to ever)• fig •Ooongb wen ordered wiiie log•. tto cwt ............... 0 5S : Si it0 Rti\T. Is 'rl R'N ! _.___ ` Ayion P, U., err) (•°-
Aay "MCtaf notice, thr objet[ of which is to g being satin! to be nod................... I of God*rich.•& mmol: hotue
Promote the y 1 setorily arraegod b paid: G ti Davis, load, *ta, •• •• • •• 300 4 IN r furn,etted or uufura/•bed. •t two teem+. r TARAt - -_ _ _
Pecuniary cons e w ladle y 1110 00; Ju ,,idea..
3 7s •• i •C IlO fid$ g
vidual or nt anda7, n be considered ro M the tithe psrliamspt sleet. bavltden & i5„n lead i µ'Dol. FRANK T1-RYEh, Min of the town.
•erii•emeat and charmed •trordlLtrly. Guverntiept subaid , w that the •. iC. PPO: I
13\eeo•tiaa.. ....--..... • t• '• • Y . Sgt:• Gra" fletsd P.O.eat. 1 rLot 06 Coes a1M rt a Gl aft
1i't6.34; DuDAN Framer Cedar 0 M '• 070 1
b iaterms will is Ali cases be strictly ad. latid 7 can be applied for following accounts w lrrw'ed Hoes i etre' .: G ue .. 0 w - , t'ui lOr acb R
granted. g ate roferrod to the Apples R bub ftevid good '
1 6psoce eommittwe :-`john Rubertaon, Ctlbtea • ■ ♦ rO U IRL WANTED. -FOR GENERAL t to schuot sad charrhea', Z
poClat Wren for Iar¢er adve*t1sHlaeuta or ttith nsar9 to the Guelph junction relief, MNatiebs, housework. Uoed wase. to cam oi' e within hallemfle. Apply i
usawnisrmeris for extended period,. Made f $16 ; Geo. Nieberga.11 xdar'.-i . .1pp1,ty to Feat an
kwwn eft
u the bidee of yublicaaioo read. w• 6av the statement of Idr t a" 07 50' J M Pr-)udfuot, relief, 1b: hoer ....... .. NOV.N1!' : tr. 7/Itr U. xcGILLJCt-DiJI'. aiNt, JOHN MA('GR[GOjL
Horne tet it is hie "oral Stevens d Buro•, tat vrt"I.,kw fid" NSP to ( • i ---
terable deter- fittings. LopdOn, wateeworke Wheat 0 p to 0 N UTICE - [iwu P. u.
l g g g I p C DEPARTMENT. minatiop" to the 138 10 ; U N DA•ia, waterworks • t• u• s!1 I j,1A RM. GHT C _
A furl) equipped hIn,Jobbing Oteae h Ce- Prosecute the work at hu sbPP11°a.i41.00; I Whk flat In,p Co. 0 H 10 b H )Ceders w fi to y it
eo t ,ss. where with t he ordinary we Mrlieac cunveoiehoa pipe, 1417.6E ' _ _ __ _ + • n to IX re• els foto
Pbaa....: .... ' .--. ....• 030 to 050 •d rwtll lfoaAa) thew the okb enigF task Got r, aq ut 11t1t y
kasin.ss, where firs clan. work is telaed oat Clop u[ u iolon + and a Liter ezpres xtrOar 0Y iLtt Ieetember nazi. tea (ied•irbA towss"\l nisi
at re•sunable rate•. I:crrything Ir tk. At tls. (wlatarl use• blit • 150 t° 3 N e ••d R7 eerdso! fire. wood tl{ r,ap Him lr* fitly
lee Cee ha dreg B UOAer _
line can be done on the print- P tizM the time at Heil fit' Ila>IT AXp w4taa- a1°°e...... s b to s b tie Aeliverrd a the rrrel to etc► is • itsw,e,s,4 Ked
Llumicawted 1premiaeb tromab spring, i( the work which the C. stoats cOiYl7Taa, Bauer..... 0 is to 9 IA 4°enul,esel not les, then IA:n7 cords parlrm tar EvoserW
Poster to s :lair •[ nartl. P. R. the 0 ors :::..:.::::::::.::. a 11 to 0 IS month. c.,n,puting from rl,e nra of Jaartt ry a■my.Ploo k7 int a} tokcin
r.good rw
All communications trust be addressed t* I ►aa n,,w in hand will admit of such t Ty JYeyor Gad Coara,d . Hay" 800 to 7 M near. The weed talst b. all rpllt hares . MIL EVAN Teems
a,ur•s Your truerlutti• C•tdweed"'•'••' 600 to i M at k's"r one bat paDlr anef tour feetlogg.
K. 1NKritrlTlaltf, committee and d•ctnc light. •» Painlra ma trr.dIt for shirt M
Editurof Tim SIOVAL fire aJw learn tett tfrangemehU beg to repelt as follows;- '•eye :: :.,: ••neve •• • •M to fee rpancd. The :ow_•nt sans tenderds °r ap. R ..
IlL Mary at Tursptga
Sine• our lot roji ARM FOR 8A -
are port we haus erected h ...............•...•• . . Sao d to areawily mimepted. •+ecarlcy will rte as nen Lt
1'elsgepo Cal. Xo IM Goderich Ont. on foot 'ur notice o/ 2,000 candle s for the compfetror, of tit• e•ty will required i The ander' nM w
__ I application fora Dower latep 0a the duck. - ! _
-- - charter from We have laid a four -inch it al 8
O T ( Linke Huron to Lake On- main on New. -----
HUR SIGNAIJ, I tario, the terminal 6eto sk, from 'tCtoria-•t atm, Not•_f .. f -TisR 8; rk. ' 7 ahfjo t a+tuf
int. to Albert •t , ----= - — _ n tap
" AUA Ing r tan
1>O beiag Hatail- also from Wellington•sL to Culbotn*-•t - _.____
ton and 'oderich, which if FURS, FCR•S. - _
u t ..1pwmehl . is
_-_- "__ ._ Proceeded °q `t. Patrick -at. l
_ a„ k,; • lrarpa7 T!b b k•r•r. 4 mega\.
with will prove to be ohs ut the beat Irir Sorbbl,r9er. 1N THE HJOH COl' T OF a TO Rellim C Ow oa jGodersei'. and
eD NOV. y$, IgBq agent •( the a bides Steam Pomp Cu„ R Jt'_TiCE. Tor LADIES OF bODkRtCH AND staetya Tier+. In • neve h a.rar
_=-_- railway rertioss is baa hero here apty Suv, Crtawc'trty Division. j A"ICINITt-, atmest new yt 7 l
=---, Outrtrio. This road J h He has The ontrMae°d iseve eteM' • Anea hltrn. Job
co6-080. [;e
TILE PRUP0881) RAIL jV would in all probability best trying to locate the cause of the IIARTUV , • 1'OCKG. ai•a•a to the talent w le r d to clean s Pe •And, 111 b It t 12 wish c
A I',t. P babrlity AtOl -7
rho by Blyth, emt11 engin•'. not workin r all k: ads Of ter •n:hards j The afid t
Brussels, to order. treat: fur ape clNnrd . 1 be Arrest
Listowel, and thio From iuv g setufeetorily F'urouant to tbe udIImeat herein, then will 1 htgAaw pre paid for nv,turl About rlu'rTM,rtc' aoa■f w•
hh 4k cd
It now lu b u d G.,derich i. is a fait °wgahia
ugh Kellen s•ttgation he has concluded the be Wold by sad eft Ne • MRS k. MA1, Kill Alfred
wet of having • plethora of railwayley township to Benin P fault u out in ills engine but Ip the cop. e Vo n it (lowit t car Martbu,on tlston street. i T1r.re is so wan, free kr•a!1 slam b
k ■
Pro- , restore, Gal}, K , link oroeop, Master of the S,o (yoderfck. place. Good sclewl i t ,
tre Dundas to lbs nnetioh male Dy u. with the wells, to. , t"'d of an
jeetn, and if only a portion of them : great bceiv I is the Town of Goderich, Its1 Hovel 6Uw„ w thin ra,d•
ire of Hamill„p, ass wa' getber with an inaufficie0t ru 1 7th nay of Ihoembeq /tire, wear two urday, thus T"E HCROri HO EL µ"til be •hid of :►•e
materializes a few yens from now will there to borne.! with wa ern ' PPT of the afternoon. the following 1 For ler or rvraeeable IrreM.
the 1 auderhilt system. Should Saftlbo hila not s9`00,hg with Mr tin separate )asrrels, via . - I>a<ceIs of land. i! This well-knowq end BR !! k &anal
nee • city of large dimensions on the tile rCer'e eonclu+ion, your co,vmittne 1st. The risterty ttortfoa of Lnt gamer 15. •rdris now.rcar„1 t popular he been "ballxpant
sehems be carried oat- bepi leave to recumm•hd that and enlarltr4 during the aiskll
.hare of Like Huron w sod with the in- 1st mon, ession. Goderich Town•hi art srannn. pp y O
bete ore lawn F2OW be 17f1acrMwiwnd. A prat-hsc p.containin ° nU•e in gnelit7 of ac_ or L l(ty[pyI McKR(,N ' Uuria:rh.
Dow stands. 6uential and ambi innn Paid on the Plant; that the 30a,ros r timbered. Ab The fat b - ell watered conwustwtion for the iravrflina Du lit f _
bvsihess pointe •muuntieg to about Galante, I i•ared.,be , a,OOmmudrLtou for tta,tsicat °e time pre mise..
oa the route there in no meson to doubt the new hole u tfvtsA eumiatita anal tri h.l°Thesbuildini sfsirof s from Godes g OnhW - CftA1G. Tf Cj C AL fiR
First up the list i0 that in ccntempla- -Square. Goderic g $Ric -
tion from Wingham to G, its eltimate derelu mertt of the ant na! test' faro. a post barn, ands 1 ho good frame J'rovrietor. f,Or R H<►C'8$ AND
,derich Cie P ,t would serve gine will be mad., and if b„t lumber, with fume kitchen Lided with I '-- Two to walk Irom
uvngamrca. This iioetas- a Central rtioa utufsctu •reseveaa,res ed _ _
ifieo b\Tore -- . d W`s Pew off r1 the Gordon li" Pomp Co., seeded aown will, tail w -
p two p; a . r , . bT.
our r the P►wv,nce, be non6ed and eked -to coined Via° be tcfcen on A iii let, Iftro ' Strameb Animals. a sta'b,to Idi irick a°;',t,ea
cadets for a.ms fisc, het never and rep through a number fact. 7 the iG= 11ait ore of T'aikpLot lt. - _ • bu is the
°a1 car itis , rift' gate
when the proepec °f wealthy municipalities, some of which • con s. la Town of t;oterfnk• 7Ti• gyW --- uyu ?I
fs trete .o bright as at Jtr,ttr $cTLex C' consistofa nmwll Drfcit louse with a frame BTRAY pAr. l'nrh^narekflce p i i°am the ow
Present. Two are now lacking in railwa batrm> n, lean cu attache and a rrrma stable. J t e REIFER - CA N8 gyri .mils► i. •agertear
yeah end • half ago a y service. The report of nugh Dablu TI find fr SALE A Dremi.rw Z7FEeriMr w ,try booms krOO°' Also Coed
e'tarter wall obtained b Thie i. the ndwa oatloo 1 that r for fit. George's wa_ P' relief lea per cent. gown and the 1i” 0"n t• Kent Wawwsoab.' attolt tk► •tto give MI q,cr y,t i wed, woo win
T the t *n of T kat ,resent, tb■e relief to ILO amount of -q' showed thirty
f y days, when pur< instant.• in
, of Auttnp la+t, a white heifer. trialeg two _ bit. wmIM
Goderich on the suppeisition that and then is enough in it to keep $5 had liven "mve7aace. The havee calif erlfuei +nn elA, witA rrrl
the ¢rant d during the rep •uJaiect to re•rrred°Mds Ain iotAlrr re. r 0d n , to pro,. gin and red maria on
ne-rk♦ IRt. GURDO ,
Canadian PaeJ6c Comp•nT we,uld take Promoters of the various scb•mee active P° era filed, Past rbre* months p u hogs, and wit; s ring in ewe. The nwner 1. J'ALCABLZ Ir "'-'----
Time to n •Deets the condition• sw•:1 he the
take it gwr7.r t. p•7 r=harytrs cad that vV
bold and otpstruct the line ft nn q'ipff, 11 at wet i fur some time to oo standing cobditiuns of sale of the Ilyth ( •our 31 it ]iraiUanA p,ePsit kOe R
me. Godo '1 petition frump Mrs $mrd, asking for °f Jrrti" A SIaPHE►, n' ji M iljo aifww ko ut
Liam h• this rich it in .cenrd wile the fo remittance of tows, as• referred co the theut'jaintiRs •Urifor )f t't' T(
point. I• , ,,winately lot garticnlanmy M oMained f L --------- or, ha rd, A ItN
Godericb, the C. 1'. R , Garin schemes, and the P POaed Court of Revision. I Fnwer,nar•ristrn. / oagori Jo 'I1wkl r I L be /tnofuas RE,,l'nnde CA lt$ U. . and fr~ flt
other engagement., g lis the a promoters in( the pro r, I t•nkT OF n.tA r'a (o "rive cit r awd k am a !! !
.menta were unable to tete Po*e*I .term.. an in I Toronto. Jit v Msi•a•
accord with (: wairmn. roar*('am«ron. Holt de (• Year-old neer. raf,rmed• a ane orrticp f; wa[•radw *"No.
Gooerieb. and the uudrrsyrued ameroq, Druce The owner iw apply to Guo Mc[itsga-- mar
rep the project, and bi•fure the , rich abs- Tu f•.. .tl d,a•r rc0,t t ,.renew : property. r exnenr. ngertfd to fees.
Pel People i f 1 ka GOderiC\ this Sth day of vovem e'y'e it r• and rate it the
G,derich .Cold he broaftllt t•. realize --. _ 1 our finance comiurttee, tow 3}-p kAl:1•;ZC j and , M!f 1jM-
refsrrrd the matter ul the hem ares G fRP,OgR PROCUIPOOT, f.ot Il, Maitlud eoaeeasioo•t•olborne. e +RMS A1iD
that such war the cue, the taro years I THt Ern ,in •elrrng of the Platbtift Sallcitora , tN ESTR %Y t.,,l IUR PAL1t._1:a0lat'v X tU
1:,000 G„derich Orman Cu. debeitturee, _ Op
Claims that lbs election . MAithMgov, AGED RAH sr+n,a ntl air
during which work oil the Ise w In K -est Lambton w • beg leave to re Musser atf7°dnic _ } •I..I aver
a• to • a C„nservetive Port that they hac.r quid Mx ('arrr nn tF.e nromira of mir•eriMr a ae rre• svi11.414 ui ' re tat c mane !f! AMltiee
rlctury eltbo 6 the above debentures to Mrs R N'rl•e” URTAI: 111 •avd ewm with °•• tTetl,x
eves commence; heel peened, and the j sg the Reform _ fat of ucr.. as piste !«rr XW >e1 > iMand tt it lot c4z
candidate Smith, of M, ntreal, at . E $ALR OF TOWrI P j sed a fags ta}l. The owner t l cgeap.Lp,s LI 7 K ren, %'Hieb@ Ntd
charter was allowed t„ lapse. At the :received .boot 100 of a ma . Drerururn of ! PERTY. Orowe n9 eA,a a amtid to cor.R awb h Ali i of tt. in tea pIh
] mty The cad aecroed interest, which car the bust errJ lie ew, is , cde as} eke It •war, one U°,it pijy k•°s ofexeelMnt
eleventh hubr a pn,p.»ifiun carne from d►im i• net ap test the E, n Price uK red for term, Cadet sed v ColbOrse tow ►aid in
1 a) Rights and which kY Irtae of the power of scale D live• tsl (t ' - least k }MM
lllr A. W. b is tea to*tafmt in • Tlrr . Town of, cl,o„ipit1•a
C. lteyrr, of Wingham, in candidate secured nearly f acme puce we qrK for the _f0 Year dshna- car ApriCtsb7- since rhrrd the >Rb dal - fawn ret ax only OtM.
effect that he would 130 willing to take T ' troves, and I toren Iswed to 18x18, which w dfn. limen. will nude h John Ambi. to the van- - _ With brief I ons•
1 that his vote end that abs straight (ed a , a•ce1ltsider Knox,at owed by public Hun, by LOaiis a
the charter off the hand. t,f t K ,r+d arle, and wbicb ws now tune ue•r. at the AtWeo eel in
M pr„•p- 'out
the aR. f candidata practicatl ani aider a od 0 i cots I T•t••n of I; . .ch, on _
i Insurance. or O«t:b h ^d Pit
T pad pries fur the present tisruntay, the hit =
Town and ± i } p.
baa Pall p4 of an ar
towI, P e Only it a 1 n; s
Funalrth directors, but as he would gime no , "ret the R. form vote. ,t•T of (,eeemb,er. Matt, sr one uct E. LEWIS.The H•mittcw Kure taking steps to have tea I, in the p t a'ip lOa eT'W above
further Indtoati..n of his ibtenlN:n. ivf ” tare. printed, so that w• call cotd'Iten ' of■ part of Park rt.pervy: betngcntnt,n Whose in A be a' on • / tori„ •buextractssun Ler Number 1= ]fai a meGon .'to f at i pa
the matter, the eherttr was nrcf .prrettd- I acme euoemt,er, 11eamn (nrte tea the wl• and plefe I gtr,wd, I Y.nre•sion - %-, i■ ire ,aiA TOWN w PW O OL' Plivut f•liAm, Rrroght n. 10 °jvY ter smear.
7h• 1f,Mt get fire mane we a,, „rderirR eoafainh. h him, in. \.R _kin r• N1tAOKlL figA 1
nal ti•, etb p esiGle 114"109 ez.rprned the full, w rret of can a.•rr 8 of y nand. more or [il' ftarrfo`__h Yi Pusidaftl r r r•re. RFor r'ev to lead at veru low a I, -) -
Bred. Arrangements here .ince bn•a gory however, looks u iq am,onts, we would rrc•„broend their , tip rAer with a r:¢nt of way eleren reef wiAe. --- retool
made to apply fill. a Pun the F.7us1 g ' This proj.ert 9 is wtusrt-d sun ecu rl r War of 1. $;A( I<R, FOR SALE
PP1 e• tanewal of f Rrghte vote
payment u Irarphh• "17 .'vim rated and the r„nideare
u s not vomited evil to f+o+, Ism¢ duly crrhfintl; -- pea fmH
Charter, and already the sr•fictlore have j the Tory jams, and claims thsi It t«.k Bsffat.. Pipe Co., lately or, "Fled ht the raid Jr.hn _ --
'rirh, 1.itC5 }1 : (i,a', \tr t.a• eMc,,d if, ioLM, and I C'f.Et;[ rl1g T Ir t v setwtl brtek W `rear 9t
taken scoop rm it. When Air alp i1 tui ' bOr' re,m a i 1. 10\ t t' esti rear.
M from the C•, 1•+: 40 ; C. Crahh. $ 2! ; ttn.,d frame stable. Cnn•ayaecsr, llasanme, "TON •M W neral t -_ flq ' .
ytt 1 nnervativ. Candi• I wick.
and 1V Hard TI:klfu (II MAI 1
founel he could make no hradw. date end ohl etre, e!0 L;. rr,e 4r rent down on the day of 'Al..]forte t Atqe,•”' Andni.p
Y ►n obs ' 1 = imm the Reformer. tree within thirty data t end o Lead u Lr,w ,at. and }'est. lnnMt Naroa end D ,t 1 tgla
taiuinir the Ilodcrich charter. °r.d«r .;. I If that is eott+sct, and the $low! ]tight. J T Hultb't t Chairman. I :hr vendor. w►:keir w.Rcfr„ hereafter to. Armeri Notes Discounted, ,+r7 ho n annfa tot
Afoved b sec„hded h 1 cheers will Lrenttfl,. , a when The par i Orrir•t--Next to curball's I and bslf land. °aa °l, Keaya et
leen tY►cuwr•tanecs he to,. , f i G•rtdidates are ., hallT Nichol I P'o-- VrWi.,n. The """v arwit°r” x Several
yeve k,tn In
K k h•,l.i s•,n, that the rr ,rt or the .fere.• •err ti°derfcii, ral
1 T successful 4 in I+ fiuroo• coin. ,awls .IlhJecl ro s inure". v M NI be yoi up for
llbt 8\ow Or,o, .Is, rites a • °DDesits new
aC1lea,e fYnru µ ineham with 1': rt .1 ., ether coaslituwic,ra in ( metre b* adopted. ('erne l. FnrtM r „•nerved b;d- _ _ __ NrM . :1 fabs
)ntariu •t the The rt:lw. partic%lare I,,a • t,e 1 i J• T. NAFTEL, All rhe • JI, 14 tt.
Mgt as :be obj•etiva 1, ,int on toe "its f T a,mmut• o rr 11,rgmm.,nd,F , had (min Geo ,
1 Welt election, the BM, ,r p •rtrd tree r tl,.ter ,•h, r Mawar•r hank ct Munrretl. A1.ply to ell UW kATL+iS,
Shore, and a meeting wan held at M' and NJ,r,1.,tor they had held a mertro in DunJ•nu•,p ne ,twcti raeer.rx the rnderwt*nead, LiFS, F/R$ 4 CD A 'f'fUd 1 T I4' tf D. V
MIT nol•ce thera,elvn with m„mal ria ou fhu►•J.y, as a re.ult t f which ter, IrttlO tri tele r2rA Aw t fAo\ ,
L, h- r u/ \ovea,b, r. A. U.. Yl'R i.Yf't! .4yJ''.YT, t JOIdN*",r
Ilulnun, at which •n rtl .tt as. prate to t„ru•s, hot the Te meering was almost nnu,nn„ UArtltOtV ! PROI'uPf Rq•a•sead°e N,rtb kritl
secure the adhesion r f Dun ' r•pbim big no in the ua 1n fav,.►l Tttr. tui. Uvrrp . f Iw,rtdogx Globe- Norwich Local Nauss calf] t •,f (:Odetieb as the termrnai i, ,iut u( l jip , rre°do►'a tSeltct Xw1b exotic\ C mour Aealc8l, Y v
II+tnurMi t,r wt bs tri oea, aeree4 erlels 1.#R: and Aee)der►r i"""r
the scheme. I Oast a shad..*. q enough to railway fr•,m K', ort\ ♦aaertca
Dusgann,n ar,l•0eeevd t , ntha-o n„ Uuny 11, 111 i /h ewer [tare.. I.r+wcn nettle Itt li
the rn tivhe by ti.nilh Executors' Notices. (1•r1M 7f to Iwtetado n 1'rtnt trod Tear
i Dr•+ed mete the more re rdt.'y .,,, j arttr,nJed by 11ntt' i *ssenefprt p r''oatmp - - - -
1 that the u,stt••r re t n r' inerrty i r f ae an
iog to repreenptatiune a i:r.t 1r / aku,g es►e „( t\n fahf v ouerty valacd, eta oft , a ! g
.Ade that U ie- '+t `r AluanT. of tri igare Fal!•, j I( \ Fa i' fY t jll, \.l - ( ”" tor. N,.r+k.•t. sea seam. x _
rnYthv he ►rlehnd 1„ the fire cum,rr':•ee. I I P( hrvi r•,,V,)T _
rich was r t" n torr, TIC$ -ALL Pl!<11- __ _ O•+eMrio\ e•,d (,,.dM►e\ , MCOe berst a
•pposs,l to any railway per - ' gas snctrpde.l in we rkrnq o •„ t •t rite rr tt At u+,r, rti,. tae, . ands., mire roar* of i '; xuvr
ww e nor' Ra.
menier(i, P tae Irian' C,uc:1li.•r q• L•rria„/, tlec. fnrtan. or Ooderrch. carr OOe i'RIVA'I'a __ k
t,tv • C wet the
an from feet dire till and trfhulsri, "(':r.nn ,a..n gto-.Ld , •lige*.
ms h.r htmre. f n,R./mrd Ise wfrhln tion r+^..wt rkeir et•lmo dub 1'.M}g d i W { 17SI
remit was Mr sleye end Ili. It Jn lh,t Ito?. coonc:i that ru Ibtee 'If r --
eye was rr.lnteted to Ilett r,( the told wbtlrrr t" ermelery lots cetera are r i days. And all i••tihe
je wow dwells, d",t d g y tent town to .1• sr meat to tasrtiwu. 7elawl on ,arm and townp t•te, t
net N .,.licit to f.,r tea W,neham ani limb K'«r.eig e•}ri*etrd tan stake te+eaediale pry. IDR Itaare,rr. -wort apt ealefr -_
IR will be reuiembared that its b.rftes had b?.•n harird wnA 11. T. aramrsa c ►se MfI ~
beaded •p JIORTOX, Ayr, r anima. Dattitltjs/ OD
T lits.
P oet Albert n,etr. and at one. t R fns! k•aAts eraw•lr itt fI trtw lost all kn..al. d 1 +ret * 1 pert r at ,.. f ' "--_ - - _ .t
tea aPP y fur a Y' of Alr %urte, . ran RterNon it. t! 7 tittr' C•n e , ( TCTr, L1BRM H NI 1111.
cemetery ) R+ie!►,dto W. rL 111"WI[T•+fl f, it Len na I `^ aC A Ii)I.VI
t her. When the news of tfus c•,n Wier. ef,A fief his pritcip,l■•,ick in Ir,. cuwanitr e.. rY (' Wy/t.y, born s
de C..ar.crNor rl•ia•l h tl•d"Ici. 1 btanwt.•. M And 1 pseepq 7 .lair.. t 14stki+mt
Nii RAJiiY
l*mH••••, end the mem.. cats in,ri;hing against his R. men C•t plAtled teat be hall No" qM' 1 llOe►wsren ern • titalG'se'eai 4 Open f trod t eaOr• ,1y
r in whin A it was ho- b••uiebt tickets b, y0.lt jA ,If till. oat tat ^tm t tn0 Rel• M4 fro
n. sa0starplr•Aed,rslkhei (JodetieA, mho mean f lie n°iVM.,•n l4e was o.rf nip sod her sun. at/w'«G„et rt1 rs Nuulits f , bAVIa.r.
por•icalsely IOHNi1TOlp, ABOUT 2000 VOL
'S and b(aat•rl of muds he d K ." remisful tea Ale corner ., tl.,t U241. _.__ _ _• fl .
ret d /lir. rtheye►d, .rt-ed by x,Ch..l■ot, beebltdd b► - ._.._..--
-- •w ee 9wd•,iaA Leser; I LIRkAkY
`0e an.l s, was deet aft t„ at ! acs m can that the clerk wOtlt tea v t' A N t' t \- jMg tU)f ftOL Y 1i
_ ►aq IA.i1 ►ry
_ __ r r N „„
isle the •tat•aweet„ that 6, nee ►,.i,,,,} eve rot uadeNoui$ to r•l+eat Trask o B;RR[, ' (Lt]I P►'L li Ispews Y* . wan d, f, Jsutteled
ht• iter,• f6 fah, eoh-rmi scall,a 's1-- b. RI 1 time
to the d flee',. i ,. n platlnrm ette•tte„e fo tl.e t„we wi.h. ! rt.. tag Nem IArt Chs /h-rr nr ^taro Mabllin, a t*. -•- s rli aaeeHbw f U\n ONL .M.
People of Dwng.nno„ that („ 1ie4
I'1• of the t4 •t the wharf soGttp ►y ja,}usA g, tbo U Y t..._ p 7 •ad ) .
trial was.. ►•wt• hn or•t. T seem -% caber. Ai. 1.•t r. Phbhirl frud tea "wit° he 1► ' -T - Ise In
RO S 1.♦er•riae-j~r !rr.tb •rAI N
Ppf+esd be • erst nide bf the °'ever. - _
m W,r t M H.h1aa.. f• +a.1*r, ,+r to tli. rad of the rraob caret ,.f v R C. H A 1'#4 'I y
base by way ai lbat r . in ;sa re fit R. atsbritt •aa4 ss tt y.th(UJMtrO2f. ► •OeO(t tin
v b R."k.1e•i..as y+rI ,.f the tllrto !' v, . mill,
"rid a.kiiag the (J.T It. !n • U■oe. corner e.' to 1s GA y
M• pat on r•Co►r a rwAylary, he!d brve the ttNb ,pert O,alert.•A, mer ' aM rte f?estdewt, Os(t, tITi a a
lieteflrcl, and a etotst ilt*• h l.,,l,as In ' N +'M! 1rvs lie .041,,,.1 to the efory Raeefa r. gr..• to PIT.) eft
lev 1. 1M IFNs to lewd a e' N Mw• IZ, i -_.._ _,-- 4iyt+MN1. Vern\ *•h ,et
er'"° aif rel Planed s MI.WF'*/ UtiA ams c •e1
1lttyte. BwUet, Re.va P t hefore yk brill A' no,t. +•. cath. -.rte _ , ._
e/f, of e" W t ~tan. a•e(iglet. it is balwW*.. y The Co"neil flier .4.0med. ,rAeR(1W s 1•ktll LF( a BAJR , OE'fE t tL ICfiCRANC J AC- .
fig fg rrrbal0eifiW awd otlhrm in tames Q.thnite prwple David Moore ea--_ _ ' -,---. dot n ut jL liiitlApli 41tw I "JI :t9.
with the bsA Ofhisshe"11. T( **Am”. Pp*"* of bong fn,m•hier4ny this I ✓1411
k112f, d ;a" ia""AY + OlrlY l to i/i ill 1 f,fK IR?Cl<ItA% A s.
er JRtb e s, sRierh
+G.l5aassr*ac C; jt • Q t -- sk.. at =ase tr willbla M tt,e etsAtle
sea to
v J . "•- ' ;, er RNt AK bYw I . or e i a h