HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-22, Page 1ete -••.. t,,,- .. ••••7 1.' • dit_Aarr fte wfotT.R Nv Malin dirt 1 OE"0TE°o couN NEWS TO ADVERTISER$. Notice of changes must be IBR at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. teems meters. 411 adeunce 'totters in the fatal columna of Tea SIU$AL uj wseetiwgs r tater- tuin•ieetfa et which un odenis.ime fee is clwryet, or from iducA a isemisti- (try brow/it is dented. must id paid fur at the rote of ow omit per word each imam -Doti, no Amp ham Ikea terwesty-)Y.r cents. Whin ad- , irrlimenewte of eN1ertuinwwrnta eat iota •fed a brief local will be 'iota fres. NEW ADVERT1Sft:MENTS. x.tep-P sr Ad1•mses. Wools/ -Perk Turner. fyrelal sabS-deka Aobseos. Marty rwem—Mitea-1 Sobwas& Luny Metier -Donnas McPhee. For UM- Charles Scribal?. !loos. New Demerol /Ione -H. J. Horton. MoreToeUmosbts-J. M. McLeod. Ole Wasted -Mra. D. MoiulienAdy. Redoes/ Priors -J. $..aders t tion. Hurrah for the Hshdays-rrsaer it Porter. Cha.a.esw ambients CesoertICo. -Mr J. M. Dspw. • MARRIED. Tapnlow-McDowat.o-At the r----,.. of the bride's Whew. ea (heath 0.1.. bt► the t,1 usi& .tad Jcto- illroraaaa-Maao.w.-At the re *de ce of Pie bvtdso theher. Dnepaae•es t lith she Rev U. U. ( M ti`ameron. Jose of West Wawaaed. to :I ter of Witham MAItou b. J. P. DIED - Mows -Is Detroit. on $anday. rtes. ITtb. lash Moses. aged Te years sad a tomtits 'Basun -1.Goderieh Township. es W edaes- tag. Nov. felt, Rdlth Uertrsie, eldest iltegMer at James W. Fraser, aged 5 pearlised 1 month. TOWN TOPICS. The Ki.gatesa Whet says :-- Mr Tay. ler, snidest at Queen's college, occupied the pulpit ad the Presbyterian eGuroh, rapers•., UM Sabbath. His discourses Mee weidsase of nacre than ordinary ability for ese of his age, remarks the Bearer. That piuseer business toss, Mr C Crabb, will be out with a now anassires. stent bent week, which will stager tine trade. He has been established to Mini nese for fifty years, but that has only given him additional experience and in- creased vigor in trade. Keep your eye open fur bis new anoouncemeat. Mum &.Iwai..—The following are the Hams., in under ,.f merit, of the seven pupils whc old.ained the highest plc at the last enuothly examination of t junior dtvieuw; Maggie T&chburne, J Kinaban, Charles Watson., Pearl Siren ()twa, Stusr , Wesley Reid and Job Old. W. C. T. U. -An interesting tem potence meeting was held Tuesdaycrone. under the auspices of the W C T 1,,. Th feature of tee evening was an instructty and entertaining temperance addreas b the Rev D. G. Cameron, of Duoganne.n which wits much appreciated. M R W McKeetie occupied the chair. (late —On Sunday laat there passed away, at the residence of his son, in De fruit, Elijah Moore, an old and esteem ed resident ,of Goderich, in his 71 year. Deceased had been tc dectinincouplebealth for some years, and was in Gode- rich a couple of week. previous to his death. He was • quiet, respectable clients), and had the good will of .11 who .w k him. Dvsu&NNoN C'e)akzeroxssx..W.—The budget from our esteemed corro.pon- GODERICIt ONT.. FRIDAY. NOV. 2t, 1b89. "NEI"'INTELLIGEN 1 i £tai°A%111£DVAx A!NItaaraaT,—Tb. anniversary Ger- VIA. DUNGA.NNON. vice of the Victoria se Met budiat cburcb will be held (D. V.) next Sunday and Monday. Rev. Wesley Cass shirt on, of The Railway Question Ventilat- Seaforth, one of the sht neuisten in the Guelph Conference, will preach at 11 ed Up North. s. m. sni 7 p.m. On Monday the usual Ent -class hot supper will be served in the school rimer from 6 to 8 p.m. After 1 arrtsv.aaea .s tie aollei -r tureen een C o [very reins at 'sew we. . gaess. 'mimes Isis. Lies wash s:.de- sices Clew ts.r week. supper a program of rare excellence—in- tellectual and Rename!—is prepared. TCaseinable and talented Iter. Wesley Casein will deliver an interesting and instructive lecture, subject --"The tintish empire.' Tickets for supper and lecture only 35c. The ladies are presiding sapper for (i00. We wish our Victoria -se friends areal eoecees,and we feel confident the attend- ees aces nest Sunday and Monday will ex - he coed that of any previous year. g Ting Gasar CoNcssr. -- Mr Karl • Schmidt. Solo vloltno.11uist (I the Chau- tauqua Ur.bestrs Concert Company, of councilToronto, who ars to appear in court in this town on Friday evening, Decent- . ser the lith, o as ws pupil of Julius Ken - s zel, teher of the violincedo a: the Cooservatury of Music, Leipeac, Ger- many; afterwards he was elected court ✓ soloist to the Grand Duke Frederick Franz Ii. of Mecklenburg Schwerin, and at the last Hamburg Exposition he was enraged in the Grand Op.raa of the great Haas Voo Bu'ow. He was in at company with the celebrated waltz oont- puu.tr. Johann Strange, on altour through dent at Dunganouo has been mislaid the ofSce this week, anti consequent) does not appear. We particularly regi its non-appearance at the present j one ture, as it arse brimful of interesting an readable paragraphs •bout the comic railway town of the north. However Dungannon show. up well in our columu this week, and we hope nor correspon dent and the public op north will accep oar apology on this occasion. Accideot will occur in the beet of regulated farl lies—and panting of ices. Eva!a[uelle.--Mr P. J. Leizesuz, an evangelist from New York, preached he ()twee! to Vittoria hall last Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Considering he weather and abort notice the meet - nes were well attended, and mach in - the European Continent, and .t his first appearance in Toronto was received with great enthusiasm. Don't fail to hear him. Reserved seats 50 cts; gene- ral admission 25 cis. 1N THg F.icaiQUIH COUKT —Hawley v. the Queen—Sums tier• last fall the n Government of Canada deeded to so- y quire, for addition to the lighthouse pro - t party at Goderich, • small parcel of laud d a e eAfers onartag ort. (akin' notes, I; /.((k tk went it " • Allueswv.-The mart easefult make is to give • Wirt Poo. ep 7. west. Oodericb. (iiia t ro the H.mutot-st. rpbttoar.rb- . W M Isew wriatle [or k I m0. cards. them .ad order a doss er tercet manifested by those present. M L,izesnz has been engaged in orange l.tic work over twenty six years, and is well known throughout Canada. He is an eloquent. earnest speaker, and well taught ti the Word of God, Should e be led to visit Goderich at a future date he will have many hearers. Rg.'xlirID A CALL.—The Hamilton Presbytery at its session ;this week sus- tained a unanimous call freethe united congregations of Strabane .fid Kilbride Rev D li Cameron, of Dungannon, be stipend promised is 11900 a year, inti a free manse and glebe of Gesell acres. Mr Cameron has been • period t five yeah at Dungannon, and in the face of many difficulties has done a goad ork. If he accepts this call, Dun - noon and Port Albert will lose • Isith- el pastor. His decision will likely be van at the meeting of the Maitland resbytery at Wingham on Dec. 10th. HtuH S.:Hoot. BOARD MISTING. eating of 1 be,high school board was held o. Meid.y evening. Present—Chair- mita Kay, Ray Dr f; re, Dr Taylor and Mr urdaa. An increase of $5O was granted Mr Currie, teacher, to commence at ew Year's. Miss Charles, B. A., now teaching in Guelph Collegiate Institute, has beat snowed as fifth teacher at • Iary of $800 a year, to teach Modern Languages, includ,na English. This will aka the teaching staff of our high hoof one of the most efficient in the protium. Rtrxict,• THE BINKYIT.--Oa Tuesday last 8 P Halls, 01. W., and G W Thom- son, Ree-wder of Maple Leaf Lodge, No. 27, AOL' W. presented os behalf of the Order to Mn)A Morton a warrant for two thousand dollars, the beneficiary of her late husband. The following is Mn Morton's acknowledgment : To the Officers and Members of Maple Leaf Lodge, No 27, A. O. 17. W : I deeim to express to you my sincere thanks for the prompt m ps eet of my hesband's in- n•r.eoe policy; and that without any trouble' on my Dart. Such an Order reeomesenda itself. Yuen sinew ly, Kis A Moarox. Goderich, Nov. 19th, 1889. , "Tae Calls or Tag Caervay."—Mr A. D. McDonald, of Locknow, has been oeaoSasiog the town for the past few days tag a book ..titled, "The Crime of tie Osmnary, or the Assessin•tio. of Dr. PMeisk Heavy Cronin," whisk hes bees by noted jo.r eiMt, Henry 9.st, of Chie•go. The book will 'attain about 475 pees', amid will he profusely illustrated ; ha.dgnmdy bo..d so extra dee sloth, 01.50. The story of the •rias* be. dditioeel interest IoGon- ads owing to the fast that the violins was a well-known Canadiaa, from the wily of fit. Catharines, Out. It shows hew, lick'' link, the dais of evident. wen 1eriMd. The b.Hayal of lyd•ed's inter. sets by her sspposed &deeds; the dbfeov- mbs of a patriot; his egpesare of the hie luh y; tb• •emodins, to Ammoth.hba; Msi; tar el tit a b*�•.t, and • ns•nserebi. WL The b•sk will teens kens the mum .haat the mid of Det.nsbr, and es ofd .sly M sal riptbn, all doab- le estr i 114101011 * espy welt a it. sake NSMdDssM owned by the Hawley Estate, and offer- ed $300 fur it. The executors declined this sum, and thereupon the usual az- propriatioo proceedings wanton, and the question of take was referred to Mr Mune, one of the referees of the Court, who has beeo'occopied for three days this week taking evidence. Mr (iarrow.Q C., appeared for the petitioners, and Messrs Campion and F. W. Johnston represent. ad the Crown. Many of the old resi- dent..od prominent citizens gave evi- dence as to value of property. As is unmet in such eases there was a consider- able diff• voce between the valuations of the witnesses for the different sides. The ✓ question seems to !:e largely • matter of ocnjecture, as no similar properties have recently been in the market. Judgment was reserved. GnntHtcH AST WINONA*( Jr!nTIos RAjLwAT.—A meetia4 of the provinoeal directors of the Godencb and Wingham Junction R. R. Co. was held in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening last, Mayor Butler in the chair. The routes of the proposed lines to W ineham and Guelph were fully dreamed, alter which the following resolutions were submitted Moved by Mr J T Garrow, seconded by Mr M C Cameron, that the application to he made to the Dominion Parliament respecting the Goderich and Wtngham R. R. be so made ea t read that the new Act will an horize the proposed road to run via Dungannon, with the right to build a branch to Lake Huron at Port Albert : anti that section ?3 of the Act be so amended as to enable the Company to contract, and agree, and amalgamate with, or sell out to the Canadian Pacific R. R.. or any other CompaoJ Carried i unanimously. Moved by H Horton, am -ended by C A Humber, that in view oil the necessity of getting a charter to some point or place east of God.- , rich the mayor, reeve, and Messrs Cameron, Garrow and Holmes be appointed a committee for the purpose of considering and digesting • route from ' some point east of lioderich that may be deemed most advisable in the best in• teresta of the town, and report as early as possible. 1'arried, we. The Wom•sis Chebtiaa mTemperance 1'sian •tris Umbeesestof North-tbete church DeNssea isaetf afternoon. I'ral�ttsg u I D A. Prfdi�s,i�a the p•opte's clothiers, sen eIre sonar�Thrty earry true a pleading lia d chasm the goods for sash at rock bottoa, buaden e Son are crowded to the door ise the R. e C. Dorsey ('oy's stored. and -tom for their immense stock of se vressews. which aro now arriving T wet be opened early i. Demeter. •sir a make room they will otter medal /•fig HO* erentb on all stoves. If you sod e.A end bre them u the cheapest u sailer the sten. setae newest and hat Jhases of repro - the works at the mama maims In the w V w ebor0.,wammf els/tiat all ll the ga 1.ri 1the •.e,ps m ta. !Ir it, yaibq sakes W kes held et tbee of mitis.._.sd l rpomiuhea sembR me herr ptoodgseeiessthe Cmtaass; nab ork bale ars tantntsed top leave mewswat as then wilt M a rash at Christmas mad everybody •sant be ----- e m BRIEFLETS. Min 4rnra Tnomson manipulated the J titan in Knot church last Sabbath very to bly. N Dr McDonagh will be in Guderich for consultation on the first Saturday of every month. sa Prof. Jas. Cooke, organist of Konz church, is laid op with a severe attack m of rheumatic fewer. as Dr 51 Nicholson, the West -et dentist, rakes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas admipiatered from 0 a.m. for the painless extraction of teeth. P �'t forget anniversary services in the V clone -et. Methodist Church, next essday told Monday. Lot ail go that east—food greedier 1 good supper ! good program ! Oa Friday, Nov 15,' Miss Straits. brought into TI. Smut a handsome Ms9Mt of panties, newly plucked,whieb were equal to say we had seen daring Kw previous nacos. Pewees@ wishing to improve their memories or strengthen their ppoowee of "dietitian should send to Prot. I.oisotb, 137 rink Ave , N. Y., for his pro.pee tree, as advertised in soother 10••1 Potts, of SsIUord, plucked sever- s of handsome .Pring violets to es on The little Wednesday lasm t, Novena - The looked jest pay sad bright ea they would at the other end of this floral year. ♦B IwporratrT Iairsovi '. rr,—TM sew Soft Stop amid Practise Pedal gawk - neat to a N.wen._M .Upright Pisa* •trees the nerves of the Hisser or per - Lenoir, when practising, as well es the nestiment from seer, and preserves the LL Ma hearse Tota Reratt.La—Old der- ide* Kelly, • veteran of the British MIIIF, IhM down kis arts a Wedsnday ▪ winee--drN to Deed, All • Ivot bids of ager • nsr.t5s' �mmgPuolobilt The sewers wee is him Nth il.i wee • pesselsost k .1 etiOd °rayle Araks far • eiiray I Imo BEN MIL:.IIR.. From our own oorreeponde.t. A pleasant event took place at the residence of our genial postmaster and Istorekeeper, Mr Thos. Gledhill, on Teeedsy, Nov. 19th, the occasion being i the celebration 'of the 21st anoivw- 1 miry of David Thomas, eldest eon of Mr Gledhill. One of the events of the day was the address of Mr .1. J. Wright, of the Puint Farm, to tits young moo upon reaching his maturity, when on behalf of the father he was pre- sented with a handsome gold watch. A shaving apparatus by his graodmo Cher, Mrs Rogers, and • handsome silk hand- kerchief by Mr Jonathee Miller were oleo presented to the blushing reeipie•t. About twenty guests were present and • i most enjoyable lime was spent t Lettrau.Anox. ---The semb.n of Coati Beomiller, No. 150, C.O F, mot ea the I lib of November for the installation of of$eer*, which was dely performed as follows : Bro. Aleraad.r Robertson, C. t R ; William Good, V.C.R ; Thos. Glad i hill, R.8.; Thomas Gina, Treasurer; W. Vaseline., F. 8.; Stephw Bete., Obap- htls; Join Breen, S W.: William. Mas - del, J, W ; limaeuel Matrices, 0 B.; Pe- ter Fisher, D.B. ; Jess* Gledhill, P.C. R.; Dr. Taylor, Cent Phlebitis. After the headmen of the Court wee over se t ea o�yahle eevesieg wee upset in disease w.11 leach. mni iberaraiiier n� of a stands seventh in limo•st sail le.wnrrpsms-• d by Esse is diarist's*. The •editors' report shows Sl ot; sapesws from th. 1st el My, 1s; Ra ilii • tal- oa. out bawd of 0, as imam et PO.* in the last eta smiths. 1 Thursday of last week there was • large representative gathering of the ratepayers of Dungannon and vicinity to bear the railway question discussed. The meeting was celled by )layer But- ler, of Goderieh, at the rtqueet of the oommittee of the town content and a re- solution of the Board of Trade, and Godenth ran represented by May -.r But- ler, Reeve Proodfoot and Mr D. Mc- Gill,cuddy,and Colborne was championed by Reeve Bcck, who carefully watched the interest of his township in the pre ousels. In addition there was present • strung delegation from Luck now—some twenty tine to comber—led by that re doutable bonue:getter James Somerville, ex M P , and Reeves Bryan, who Lad drives to to see that Lucknow was given • show in the new railway program ; Port Albert was represented by Mears Mabady, A. Hawkins, C. O'Connor and others O Ashfield by Reeve Griffin and deputy reeve Clinic, and a goodly spinkling of ratepayers ; and the Wasa- ooshes by councillors and Todd, Gibson and other well-known pregresstve rein dents. The meeting opened by Er J. M. Roberts, of Dungannon, being elected chairman, and the tint speaker was Mayor Butler, of Goderich, who stat- ed that the town of Goderich practically held a charter over the ',refereed route, and tntencuea with the assistance of the friends in this section to build the road to Wingham. The old charter had ex- pired by effluxion of time, but he had good legal advice that under eertatn conditions it would still hold. it had been stated by interested parties that Godertch intended to give Dungannon the go-by, and one of the principal cb- jeota of this meeting was to show that there was no ground for such an assump- tion. Up to the present co line had been laid down, and under that condi- tion Dungannon er any other place/Lembo not be given the go-by by Goderich. For years past Goderich had been agitating for competitive roads, most of the agita- te. o being confined to the .oath and east. Finding that the road. from the south were slow in coming, they had goer turned to the north. Mr Van Horne two Jean aim had shown • dete- station from Golerich an air -line from Guelph, and had expressed his determi- nation to build such • line as soon as he was in a position to do so. A charter was got shortly after that fur • continu- ation of the lose at Wingham to connect with the proposed Guelph line some where in Colmorne townstip. This charter when nearly expired had been asked for by Mr Meyer, and he could have had it had be been willing to give the slightest information regarding what he proposed to do with it, and the route be proposed to take. 1'he speaker again disclaimed against tiodench having a feeling against Dungannon, and said this meeting had been called principally to disabuse the people of this section of that error, which had been placed in ciroulation by designing persons. The town council had passed a resolution re- pudiating the idea of antagonism to Dungannon. :',Applause.) Mr Wm Mallough was of opinion that the old charter, if good, would not snit Dungannon. The lone might be an air tine, and in that event would go three miles east of them. (Applaese.) Mr Somerville, ex K P., of Lucknow, said if Goderich applied for a renewal of the charter, it would have prior claim to any ether charter:that etas his ezperience of the parliamentary railway committee's prooed.re. He then went on to advocate the necessity of building the road by Lucknow to Dungalinon, from Wingham. Luoknow was • thriving town, and meld h ive financed and mend •id towards bedding the proposed road, and he be - leveed it would be in the interest of the promoters -t the new *chem. not to give Locknow the cold shoulder. Ashfield bad a butt end that looked upon Locknow as its best market, and that end would be • big factor should • hones hedeaired. They were wilting to work with Goderieh and Dungannon, but they oertainly would work for Luoknow. What was wanted was 000cered action, vigoross action, and all to pull one way. If it came by Locknow, Ashfield and Cakes eoald be looked to for large betimes; f not, the olmaess for &estates.' from hoes quarters were nil. To the people of Dungannon he would soy : eon. with Goderieh and then with Locknow, and you will get the road. (Applegate.) The chairman was pleased to her roes Mr Somerville that Ltlek.ow was o harmony with lie proposed so4ne.. Leeknow, it was tree, did a large trade, bat the belt of that trade was obtained from the .motion amend Deageenea. Dungannon wes the metre of a barge •senm not served with railways, whisk was popwloes and progressive Hesse h e seem.sity fee railway eoamaiesties .t this p net. (Apgls.ee. ) Me PmodhN was not aware 15t L..ks.w was in the .ek.ma When tie d 1=l.barer was .htei.ed, w eri.5 ware set he a le b ihl the reed themselves the .Mrt- R was oilseed a tepee, bet geed ret.wtu weld be sheen why the road Mild Rot be Ass..n with in the sped. i 6ed time, when the application for re- newal was made. He had no objection to Port Albert's getting • railroad, but he had been appointed a delegate to attend this meeting to disrybuse the people of D.aganeoo of an err.uteous idea that had bees drilled into their are by in- terested parties, that Goderieh was opprned to a line coming from ties see - teen. The town council had passed a rss.letico to show that Guderich had no animosity against Dungannon ire oho matter, bat waisted h.rmonwus action. There was no reason why • road from Wtngham to G•der:ch by Dungannon should be Inimical to the interests of Port Albert, for no objection would be railed by Goderich to • spur line to that eoint, although we cculd not be expected to build it for them. Mr Mahaffy, had almost come to the conclusion that Port Albert was to be ignored were it nut for the side •llssion of Mr Pr esdfuot. The scheme we bad got up was worked by Wingham and Port Albert, and Dungannon had after- ward. teen brought in. He did not take any stock in the Lucknow road, for Ashbeld would nut give five ants for such • road. Mr Somerville—I would give that my- self. and I am in Ashfield. Laughter ) Mr Mahaffy—Well, I mean you could not calculate on • township bonus. Some years ago Ashfield Rase 910,000 of a gnus to • railroad that never touched it, but it won't doe again. Port Albert, if it hal half as much expended upon its harbor by Goveniment as ft -clench had, would be a better harbor. Goderich bad received about half a million dollars and Pert Albert only $9,000. Even now a large vessel chartered with grain from Fort William to Guderich was on its way W Sarnia to unload • portion of its cargo, owing to the fact that it could not enter Goderich Luber wiiti • full cargo. Mayor Butler—What boat is that! Mr Mabafy—The Myles. Mayor Butler—I oan inform the gentleman the Myles arrived io Goderieh this mornrog. Mr Mahaffy.—I don't mean the Myles; I mean that other boat—blame it ! I can't just think of the name. Mayor Butler—The Shickluna, per- haps. Mr Mahaffy—No, that's only a little bit of a thing. I mean one of the 40,- 000 beehel boats. Mayor Butler—Gnderich harbor has Dever claimed to admit 40,000 bushel boats. Mr Mahaffy—I know that, but it is in poor shape for any freight boats just now. We want railroad communication to Port Albert, and unless • line is built to that point Ashfield can not be looked to for • bonus. Mr Bowers said the remarks made by the chairman covered his views on the railway question. Reeve Beck, of Colborne, had been on the railway committee .t Goderich for some years and during that time had heard not • word against • road by Dun- wnoon. 1f this road were gone on with Colborne would be benefited, and could be looked to for assistance. What was principally wauted was railway com- petition. He was satisfied a renewal of the charter would be granted. He also believed the Guelph junction line would be ocostructed shortly, and that, too, would run through Colborne. Mayor Butler said, in reply to Mr Mabaffy, that Goderich bad unfortunate- ly not received the full benebt c f the large ezoenditure of public money at its har- bor, but that was not the fault of the town. The manner in which the harbor had been treated was a disgrace to the country, and something would have to be done quickly to remedy the present state of &Heirs. Oederich esu on the map as.jharbor of refuge, but, °wise to the negligence of the powers that be, it was now little better than • decoy W. were here, however, to talk railway sad not harbor aornenmodation. Reeve Griffin, of Ashfield, would like to bear the amnont of bonuses expected. He thought the matter should be care- fully considered. Unless the township of Ashbeld was benefitted much of a bonus could not be expected. Even if 1 the road went to Port Albert, a Israel part of the township would be noeerved. The chairman summed up the sera meets of scum of the provicus awaken and stated that the consensus of opinion 1 was that rsilroad competition was badly , needed to lessee the cost of freight. He 1 then called upon 1 Mr D. MoGillicudd] of Goderieh, who was satisfied that the large number pre - wont and the live dissuasion of the question thee far was good evidence that • railway project such as that embraced in a line from Wingham to Goderich was of deep importa.o to the people of this vicinity. It had been rumored in this section that Osderich was opposed to a line from the aorto, tet such was not the ease. What was wanted by Galeria' was: railway oompetilion, and no matter what point it came from it would be welcomed. Then was • time when • line by way of D.apaeoe would have been looked up- on by some in Goderich as prejdistal to the trade of the town, but that day weepast Nowmelta contracted feeling was field only by• few mossbacks who, set@rtaiaing 551views, wield hardly be looked epos es progressive basemen meet at all. (Lighter.) We wasted to Wild the line from Wieta to Oed.riek, sad w. wasted the ansiteasa• of every visa- wasted • •ad bestows piss* eking tl• 1... la retorts fee web •mietesse Oedri@h would give its help to the iNirns hake se dere• The el atter whieb wet sup - petted to hive Ispt.d Nut obs of attt.a value, for Mr Meyers was williag to Co- apt it three months after the 90th of June, wheel it was alleged to have *spited, to it was o be of some use to use ought use to tosoother com- pany. pany. The construction of a dux)tigjil road from Guelph was a ountiogeome of the wear future, and in that event tiers would be • juo.tiou of the two Tines at some point io Colborne—possibly oast Carlow. Hs plainly stated some ofd the difficulties that lay in the way of a lye by Lucknow, the priooip•l objets - tutus being the increased length, and the fact that the Ito* from Wiogbam to Luoknow would be running parallel with an ezutine line of rued. The state of trade in Goderich and the existing railway dltieulties to the way of increasing the volume of traria from the town were then taken et toad du - cussed. In conclusion be pekii•4 out that Goilerich had undoubted pawession of the tield, and even if the old charter did not hold, they had first place Defer, the railway committee in Parliament for • renewal. Goderich intended to build tee road, and the question for Dun- gannon to consider was whether it would not be better to link its toteresta with the county town rather than continue to tight for the charter from Wingham to Port Albert. He had no objection to Port Albert's getting railway connection, and when the line to Goderieh was completed it would be easier to build a sten to that point, but he believed the interests of the peo- ple of this action would be best served by joining wi:h Goderich, which eras in a better welters' to give financial and ether material aid to the project than any ether terminal point on the Lake Shore. The terminal point would be looked to for about a third of $60 OGO .took re- quired before the statute could be com- plied with, tor it reuuired money and men tea build railways, and there was • better chance of getting both in • town of 4,000 or 5,000 population than in smaller and lees ineueatial plac- es. He instanced the case of the line between Simco• and Port Rowan, which was completed in aboct a year from its inception, and stated that a simi- lar live action in the present case would bear like result.. There was no time for delay, as the application must be made et once if the charter was to be granted by next parliament. Joint action all along the line was required, and now was the time, or never. (Applause.) Reeve Bryan, of Lucknow, believed by including Luoknow in the scheme better bonuses could be obtained from the adjoining municipalities. He did not think it would be in the interest of the scheme to leave Lucknow out to the oold, and gave statistics to show lhat the trade of his town would be a factor in causing • railway to swerve a little out of its course. Mr W. Mallough thought after hear- ing the explanations by the Guderich gentlemen that it would be in the inter- est of Dungannon to have "too Dungan- non,' inserted in the charter. The Goderieh gentlemen may have the power to act from the town or they may not. Inserting Dungannon in the charter would settle the matter so far as we were concerned. Short explanatory speeches were made by Moen. Butler,Proodfoot, Mallough, Somerville, C Girvin, Bryan and others, when the following resolution was sub- mitted: Moved by Mr John Mc1;.ean, seconded by Mr B Augustine, that in view of the fact that Goderich is determined to have its charter renewed, and from ez- planatior.• made by Mayor Butler, Reeve Proudfaot and Mr McGillicuddy, of Goderich, and Reeve Beck, of Colborne, that they decide to co-operate with Dun- gannon and other municipalities interest- ed, as soon as possible, resolved that oar committee work with (lnderioh, thereby saving titn, and mgney. provided the charter read as follow.: —From Wing - ban tc Goderich, via Duogaonon, with power to build • breach line from Dun- gannon to Port Albert. The resolution was carried •Imes► unanimously, only some five voting against it. A vete of thanks was tendered the chairman for his able and impartial dis- charge of the duties of his office, aft.= which the meeting was brought to clow by cheers for the Queen. ayes► Sr and tr. Tranels'e.1 for Tot atosAa. Tha fir ann tha nae dealracn no 1a Tla,a chi Sian tri cbreldienb 0 chein Dir the n Rith'a Sin 'as Maim a slough Chaldh a db uisei Manion stile lees af.. route. -Oh 'n lSeteul ant, cba RAI fad Ous an ooianich @fa. •ball Mr an trate", 05 'n Agent alt. eke 051 fad Oas as cotaolch Masi tha11 air as tesla►. Nuatt • ghNbb Sian ar ma alraa toilet comer [Man oraln fhoausbor saw Aaelr atvidh ar Aptored tnr Auer o'gach erakth 8 eh* tlg Aged theist' oseaich a chaeidh. Dear natbalr the talaidb sten Daigb Sheir Sinn chis ague enoladb gun M elos her son tlodhlac de - L+bbalrt • Ohraidh Ie each Reaoaacbd • Ahealbluleh Bina a Rhos. _ The death of Miss Aggi. Meter, Blueval., took plea. on Monday, 4th WM., it 4 o'clock In the morning. Mina M.enr had been growing weaker fog some time bet had felted it noose. eery to take to her bed until the Satur- day previous to her death, from whish time it was wee that the end mut soma sons•. Saturday the Oth,Kameel Smale,.r.,aod Mn Decay, Brussels, were united i• marriage by Rev W T Quiff. (►n Wil - made, Itemise of lost week the tows base sresad.d them ad the "boys" with • samba' deer towsy-ople were .stsrhiwed tow oyster sapper.