HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-15, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 1S, 11*9r THE MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT Nob WTILL LiADe THEM ALL. W1.4- ACHEBON OY Belalltsied�Hare., et Nave a.itet et Ike Cu =so knew, Y ►s � Otasst.. r oto Horse Halt ti a s.. wlikek BMs as greatly godsend Mcss toe nasi, as M, Y tWe re a tedues sal W the New Year. t leen. all eke ()ate M n M • e�a� W e. Oall aid see the cheapest cask kartam taster to the Coady. Remesker fid' MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT. HAMILTON -ST.. OrOIDERICH- An beotti000untr must ne settled by cub or nide before the firer of December. last Wm._ ix ._ ACZ'leso1Z_ GREAT SALE POLLS &ALBUMS! ERASER &PORTER'SI Buy at once and save money, as we are going to sell for two weeks only at prices so that everyone can afford to buy. Both lines are new and clean—not old truck that will only sell by auction. Our reason for selling the above goods without profit is not merely to advertise to catch custom, but to make room for other Xmas gouda arriving. Besides these two lines we will sell for the same length of time Silverware, Wallpaper, Pocket Books and Pipes, of which we have by far the largest stock in town, at a reduction of 20 per cent. Be wise and purchase from us, as we mean straightforward business. Central Telephone Exchange, North side of Square. FRASER it 2'OI' TER• Ooderieb. Oct. tab. LIS. '= u DUNGANNON. From oar own correspondent. The municipal council of Kest Wawa - nosh, to pursuance to cuticle, met on Saturday, 9th inst. All the members were present, and considerable munici- I pal business was trans cted. expression "your truthful Tory" our 1 correspondent alludes to our world re- nowned book entitled, "The Sins of a Lifetime, or A Truthful Tory," we has- ten to reply that the pries is fifty cents in paper ants one dollar in cloth. But if, as we are almost led to believe from the phraseology of his letter, our corms Dordeot is engaged in starting a muse- um and is under the impression that we have • real live spectmeut of the above mentioned rasa arta in our possession, we must sorrowfully admit that we have not, o - r neither do we know where one could be procured. Indeed, after read- ing the leading editorials in the Conserv- ative press throughout the Domin- ion, and also the opinions of the Reform papers upon the matter, we have come to the modulus that the species is now almost, if not entirely defunct. How- ever, if George E..is of the opinion that his "otunsfer aggregation" would not be complete without one of these speci- mens, and is not &bore taking a little advice upon the matter, we would ad- vise himito attend the nest session of the Dominion parliament, watch closely, and it is lust possible that he may secure the required article. He const, how- ever, exercise the greatest caution, as then is another "collector' who is al- ways in the field, ono who hu a bitter hatred of these creatures, and will not, if possible, allow one to sates the butld- iags. We allude to John A. If at any other time we can be of any assistance to ear correspondent in the way of ob- taining information or otherwise we will only be tow happy to render it. Weather at present and for some days past has berm all that could be desired at this season of the year. John E Tom, Km., inspector of pub- lic schools, officially visited Duuganoon school on Friday, the 8th inst., and put the pupils through their various exer- cises in & pleasing, practical and thorough manner. There were present on that occasion Rev A Putter, J M Roberta, and your humble correspondent. At the close of the examination, and after the inspector had made a .me remarks as to the progress of the pupils and other matters pertaii. tug to educa- tion, as also his satisfaction with the state of the school, with a few excep- tions, the rev gentleman who was so kind as to favor the school on that occa- sion with his presence and influence made some appropriated remarks as to the pleasure he experience in being pres- ent, also highly complimented the inspec- tor on his efficient, thorough and practi- cal system cf conducting the examina- tion. Mr Roberts expressed himself plasma—Me -theeliie of the school in so far a0 be bad seen the pupils put through the exercises. The inspector farther expressed ;rest pleasure at the appearance of the school premises. Messrs Holt and Proudfoot,barristen, Goderich. visited our hamlet last week en tag we have been informed impor- tant business. Owing to favorable showers, the (all wheat crop is improving in this section of country. Quite a quantity of coarse grain is being shipped at Lucknow from this locality. Mr Thos Durnin is erecting a good, Large stable on hie new premises, which be recently purchased from Jus Smith. Railway matters are still in the fore- ground. Mesas Stivens & Sallow@ held the en- tertainment, as previously announced,on Friday, the 8th inst., in the Orange hall bare. Quite a number were present. As the ceiling is low end the room is not spacious enough, they could not exhibit the scenes to advantage. However, un- der the sired/tetanus those present were apparently satisfied. Rev A Patter acted as chairman on the occastoo. NORTH ASHFIELD. From our own cernwpondent. Mrs Eliza McKenzie has gone to visit her sister, Mrs D. McLean, at Lake Lin- den. Mr and Mrs W. G. Murdoch have moved ioto Lucknow. They were great favorites, and we are carry they have left us. Mr Finlay MsGinnes, our popular ebessmaker, has closed the general work of the factory for this season. The make this season has been very large, thus showing the farmers of this vicinity are full of enterprise. Inspector Campbell visited the .cho4 Iasi week. Mrs McKenzie, who was hurt last May, is,we are sorroy t, say, not improv- ing. Mr Alex McLean is visiting his uncle, Mr Peter McKenzie. A number of the members of Dewdrop Lodge vipited Lochalsh Lodge last night l't)RT ALL'F 1sT. From our own correspondent. That RAILWAY tit'RRrrn,e. We notice by TB! SIGNAL of haat week that • committee has been appointed by the town council to tape decisive steps to prosecute the G. and W. J. scheme And by a sprightly got up handbill we observe that • meeting will be held in Dungannon this coming Thursday, which will be addressed by the best railway oratorical talapt which the county town can provide. Well, we haven't the slight- est objection. io fact, we give the peo- ple of Goderich credit for every effort, every endeavor, every trick, every gouge game and underhand scheme they can possibly make to prevent Port Albert from getting • railway. For that's what all this fuss is about. So we wish the deputation from the county town, who will oa Thursday pt down nn their marrow bones to the people of Dungan- non, a merry ride to that rillage, and will sincerely hope that, let the result of their mission he what it mey, they will not establish the truth of the old pro- verb : "Pet • beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil." We have received the following eom- asaoteation from Brussels . Hat'.sw, Oct. 31st, 1869. Dsaa flra,---WIn Toe please let se know retire moil the prise of your Tory ctrl oblige, Yuan faith - felt. Osman E - W. deeply risme that owe °tinw.pod- est was mot sone .spur(. If by the of meeting, sad expres.d themselves highly pleased with the manner in which they were treated. DUNLOP. From our own correspondent. Mr and Mrs Fisher visited friend. in Clinton that weak. Miss K Friteley, of Saltford, spent Thanksgiving` Day with her counts*, Alice and Ethel Cumming, of this place. Pgtuittsat —Howard A Cox and Geo Cookmao,of Goderiob, ate their Thanks- giving dinner in Dunlop, having an ex- cellent day's sport in shooting, made re- markable ty a keen chs after a fox which was wounded but not captured. When the snowfl•aes fall they will be out again to track reyoard. Thanksgiving Day was observed by some of oar residents by attending church in Limbers, and other attend- ing the Thar.kagiving supper at the Nortb-at Methodist church in God. - rich CRAM, ID His LocAnoS.—For nearly a year out popular blsetemitb, C Fisher, bas tarried om the blacksmith business is the old stead of H J Aortas, who lastear gave up the badness os seemed of ill -health and rested bis bow and stead to Mr Fisher. The latter sow bas 'hassled bis quartets to the hese shop of A C Mellsssld and altered 11 km - to a eve smithy sod will work there M hlr trade. The ofd steed nay /paia bans its former *west romies ag him trade f• our beig--ee le le rsuttltti Amencall U AsslIMM (omp3q ! 3n4t0ttPCRaTtin HY B1ICIAL ACTSOF DOMINION PARLIAMIM4f HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. FULL GoERNBENT DEPOSIT. l Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Cas ttaa Cordially PRi1IDitiT—BON. A. MACK I NZIE. M. P. Ex -Prime Minked vie i-FRmernmers HUHN N. A. IIORJUM. JOL. IAL.ttgiH MANAGING DIRECTOR WILLIAM MttCAB6, m' 1. A.. Lina. rna tr. The Solway luau all Approved Form of Polic:sa an/ Aouitla. RETURN PRUNUS PLAN. Mk Policy GUARANTEES A RETURN OF ALL PREMIUM$ PAID 1.additio• to tie tan fano of the Pettey la the .,wt of death daring the lavestsaeat !period. at • lower rate ilea say other essay. tl/Lly F. J. T. NAFTEL, Ilistri t Agee. SUN6AY SCHOOL OONVENTION. Thr Nettiedb1s or eie.ertele IMetrkt ttNel M eleUnssvUle. The Methodist Benda] School Con- vention for -the tlodettish District was held on Wednesday, &h inet.,al Holmes - rill. It was opened at 8.40 • no Rev. G.ors;r Richardson . ocupied the choir, and Mr J E Ti.,oI. P 8., was appointed secretary of the morning session. After • service of praise and prayer. An interesting paper on the import- ance and the r g'tt ma:hod of que.tiuntog .n the 8.8 w s read hy Mr Tom. Su highly was this taper appreoiatt d by •1 ow who heard it, that Mr Tom has been earnestly requested by the Cwivo •- tion to end it to the press, th t those bo were nisi privileged to hese it may have the •'p;ortunity of reading it. Rev J. H.rt took up the tm, ()Hance ani hest method of te•ol,iag the cate- chism Teachers themselves •houkd be examined on it. A part of evrry Sun- dry should he devoted to it. The quail - fictitious of the teachers should he Idtb- up, wh ch would he the case if they were required to pass an examination helots hea.anug teachers. Parents should aid teachers in 'has tmpo,r•ant work. Spec Balis• might be employed to teich the catechr us. o u the blackboar1. By writ - .ng a question on the blackboard every Sunday, er. that all might have it before them, it would be . impressed upon the memory that the superintendent would have little difficulty et the cicss of the se,siow in getting the whole school to re- cite it. The relation ..1 children to the King- dom of Christ was iutrodoced by Rev. $ L Hutton, in a very able paper. it excited an animated discussion, which continued till the close of the morning session, and 1. tt a strong impression that children may be brought to • conscious belief in Christ as their Saviour at a very early age. At 2 p.m. a model 8. S. was conduct- ed by Mr W M Grey, of Seaforth. This was a very interesting and instruc- tive part of the pr. gram. The les., n was that of the previous Sunday, on "Absalom." The whole was closed by • teachers fellowship meeting, during which superintendect sod teaches told of the spiritual good they had derived from teaching in the Sunday school. The topic of "Common Errors in 8 S Work," was introduced by Mr Thoma. Dustow, and subsequently taken up by Mr Manning, and • general discussion followed. Among other errors the f. I lowing were dwelt upon : Dwelling upon the historical part .d the Iwe•.n to the exclusion of the spiritual; not living con si.tently during the week; being absent when you ought to be present; giving too much attention to querulous persons. Two books were recommended as valu- able aid. to 8.8. teachers: "Bible amities Dispelled." by Dr. Keaton, and "Five Hundred Passages Explained," by Dr Cooke. " "The importance of good literatore is the S.S." was introduced by Rev. J. E.• Hill. He was very down on all novel- . i.tic literature. The chairman thought ' we were to distinguish between the nov- el and fiction. The subject of "Temperance in the S.S." was introdeoed by Rev. J. Edge, in an eloquent and stirring ad- dress, in which be specially emphasized the thought that nobody wanted the drunkard. The storekeeper did not want him as &clerk; the railway &tom• pony did not want him as an employee; the family did not want him as a hus- band, or • father, or a son; nor was she wanted as a wife or mother; the State did not want the drunkard Then why does the State license the business of making that which .is nowhere want- s A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the friends at Holraesville for their kindness in entertaining the convention, while they in turn as heartily thanked the District Meeting for the privilege of having it in their midst, and express- ed a hope of its coming there stain sown. In the evening the question drawer was opened and a number of important and interesting questions were read out by Rev J. Edge, and answered In the aeon of the Convention by Rev J. Barris, as follows : A class may consist cf from biz to sixty pupils, according to circumstances and the ability of the teacher. Where vermes are recited every Sendey the class should not be lsrg'e. Where there it a comvenisot room the Bible class should be allowed to con- tinue with its own teacher whet the snp.rinteodeut reviews the school. The swperintendent of a areuit bas no right, in the Sunday school, to take the plea of the superintendent of the school unless requested to do en by the litter. It is aosetimes advisable to employ yam' persons as teachers eve. elm there are heads of families unemployed 1. the school. We do this constantly in day school __ why sot in the Sabbath ..bnulf A prison that smokes may be employ- ed as • teacher under certain eireasestan- as, though if • yeses parson retains to give up IN habit, and another who dem met smoke eta be procured, the IMtrr should be pr forsd--et we teach by ex- ample It is ries sommelier's to ms a- gvaeted pesetas s taaahsw if they aro sacral sad rmligbma. Always use iha best 'material available Th. Sabbath "Sheet is the richt asmm a[ the okra,sad tthoed to se sass b. Ld ..ewdepes i1*y of tits ubaesh. 61111iI11 ONIMII fl♦mt ked would be M (lades, er eewl»red 10* the dead, widen he said "Tomorrow thou shalt L• with me " Rev Jos Livingetooe cave en earnest address on Vere4t4 I lhltgot t..i , end tt e chairmen f••llowrd with an .dtlre•a to which he summed up the *bole of the day's ptt•c.,edentoi. At the close Mr Sallow., o1 Rare a specimen . f h.♦ realistic travels in Egypt, Si..a: end the il•.ly Louis, hy an exhibition of ilteo'nng niers. which were greatly appreciated "'1eise was a frog who heed is a He caught soh a cued be could cot' " May_ • r._- _tsfshe ssaw�aelbWoe M a loo b. alk Zak: a see miaow theme who bola to theesus. M " r wmssIy spoiled by "esM is pe ls/, we oc the 1s... er beak iscablraL TS the &kegs =cabana" croak- wes that say remedy wee ier Meed ; nut we tvds�My 10 Mew *Met eaail hoer =Illetnedy hertsars s :kW &ed Dr. Pierce'. Odle 1d DW&svery. botY of which mw acid by • liege's Catarrh OMR tlto worst cases of (rrb la mater M bwits. brooch throat sad Dr. tied, unequaled. It arras Be word bilagp e - lag coughs and builds tap the mesh sad sueustb of those who have bees mewed by waging diose It is gumeam .ed to best or cure In all theses for wktos it Y reoommeoded. If taken lc Meer tt &Teo a lair trW, or massy ped for It Copyright lr. by Women Dia ifs. AWL FINE TAILORING PILL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR G NTL OMEN. $15, $18 AJSI D $20_ the &weldasss d all Wage ov.. mares, plata art _.�..- is their maaetaetarS. sad toss out headeemer, batter ening Bevro says. "A tr tare 1m Arm exttava�st 1t 10'1147(tvi 1:4W .tat dl� trlarmM. e� erects tad � amass Came at este and sae die •nim ani rim Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleats rt�be liver.msnacb and bosh. They me putabie teeny harmlesaa Se. ya Meow Bsold by syseirws. n maul a vial. } Grand Opera Hos. ONE WEEK GNLY, Commencing o. Mondry. Nor. tett*. HARVEY DRAMATIC CO., i• • caretully selected Repertoire of DRAMAS AND COMEDIES. Admiaaion 10 rt.. ree.rred hats *0 eta. Seats ea sale at Fraser tt Porter's Hook Store. Change of Play nightly. 30.:w CURE FITS! Nlt^+t 1 ray Cvt T dello! ^+rare icer•ty a ow•rt t ]rm u -r It 1. •t 4.0140 tt,. n bon t'i.m tun erten. I !re If A 1&AteICLL CL.iE. I C.. •e nude tats ammo of SFZ'JT3, EPILEPSY Cr rALLIN4 szcxrrEss, Malec 7And V. 1 trAleillAS/T lityremMy10 III. war.i c• ■!'.. Peewee others have die uosaes t .r ant no.w rwertvlag wears Tato, eet..ratew.tiaeanea7 ig• 6tnno Ier4u.tur Y.•a:rnr. GIo 'spree*, sd{Osoe.t 1. is you nothing fat a irlsl,rs� tt w!3 r:rr ;'-t. Addr-u 1r. E. G. ROOT. 37 YON.) St Tweet.), ')as CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND RELIABLE F. AST -ST. FLOUR IND FIND STORE HAS CHANGED HANDS. The public are hereby aellsed tb•t the lour &•d feed busies teemed, earned es by A.E. Pettis has been pereaweed THOS. J. VIDEAN, who win es rr It cm la b la all lerresehth es at e U shstorke et Maser Itis the mast 0�at>weers M ill =We m[ b 1&•= �&md as It .1.0 f err .eryh . MMt� se &Megb heeds R Ila n dgdq• rest. � e1. 1~syemit sear a i feed atws.voec head •std stasis la 1 tat. 111. way bMssm tar OW. �e1 rrclac_ REMOVAL ! I take this opportunity of stating to the people of Goderich and surrounding country that I have removed uta HARDWARE STORE to the corner of North-st and the Square (the stand formerly oc- cupied by J. C. Detlor & Co). i I beg to thank my numerous customers for the patronage they have given me since I began business. 1 hope still to retain the custom of my old friends, and having increased niy Stock and capacity for business in my present quarteltt, solicit an in- creased pat:onage in the time to come. Everything to be found in a first-class Hardware Store tame be got from me. if it is not in stock it can be ordered. 26-Im. JAMES YATES. trisNAut Qa‘\‘‘, cx,„-tts Y4u.ccfcnvNo\sts, 1880- Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. H•RIK/l w Banat la a jeered (ler theNme. 1:1V leg the tater ittormatwt wish regard M lbs Fashlonw Ste samerone iumese itaa fash- ion -plates. sad.pars-.hest olpplamMls are ind Ir a.asis M the be.. Isom miter and the prdsedenal mediate. He ripe- is .pared In mating Its artistic attrnalvs e. of the biayt order. It., clever sheet Marisa. parlor plalays, sad tbottrrktltil e.sayo vl lute*. and it. lea pane is tamer; as a ot wit and humor. In Ida weekly Issuwevsry- tlfeg 1s Included winch la of littered to wo moa. During mss Oliver Theme Miller. lariats Terhune Herrick. and Mary ..owe DI/kisses alt respectively famish a sates ed =II ea " l he Deiturhter at Holts.." --three lleaY a Day. sad The A'oman of the The aortal novels will be written by W ter Leesat and F. W. Hobbes. • II ARPER'S PERIODICAIS. Per rear i HARPER'S BAZAR M Si HARPER'8 MAGAZINE... 1 s 2 HARPRR'8 WEEKLY HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE It M l'oetagt Fti ee to all saborfbero United Mates, Canada, or Merit*. fa the The Toluene of the Bazar begin with 11e fire Number for January otrach year. Whoa ao time ie uteattosed. subo.-nptlose will b. - gra with the Number current at time of re- celplRoeder. Boas volumes et H•ftemes Rat'. for three years hack, is treat cloth blade*. will be seat by mal& postage paid. or by express, tree .t expose .provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volumed. her VAS per volume. Cloth oases for each volume, suitable for binding. will be seat by evil, pow -paid, en receipt et $1.00 eacb. Remittances should be made by Pow-Ofaee lose. Money Order or Dian, to `veld chance of Xetr•apapeva are not to ropy ilia advertise- ment without tAr e. pre'• order e/ H'L'ne t BMrrngaa. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New Tort. 1880- Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Etevoatb Volume of Saarmi's Totrwo Poems. "11.1beano with theNunitsr tor PoeARM1brew rerzeroe: gtt to two z' shell; hel .Mo ;FAL by two el the inimilionVielllarers easeely. the moist tale ••d se Ntssb.W• � aw- wEl et toldby oat vein by tragk be Nohow Sophie Sw.u, si vert! enures juvenile Mlevy. Ts.N le Teens selN Iewwladas eetw pigsty et amitwmss.-Ass- rel Ai o iaMosaswr l ediearbslr O. 1 Tesr. eoms temeesa crepe ser es rwyt ef e fes►wuf flans, lfwsrseas. Mire Omits eon. 1411= . .wid M•w�/aof�lef�a "MIS d tas wp m :.�iZ se ■amiss ! t i*OTEESS Nen T. SRA TH?UL--00117SRTI N O. EPPS'S COCOA. l► BREAILFAST. "Ry • tlssolt 1 ;mewled= et the aM.ral Laws which powers the operations of dttmramise and eatrltiee, edea bee careful •pp lbs IN properties et wren eek,sed i sot r •Warty evicted .sr breakfast table. a - -'- Savored beverage whtcb may tors mesissy heavy doctors' bills. It i. lir the jadkioa. tree of such article* of diet that a ooe.tltatloa may be gradually built up until saw e to resist every tendeacy to disease. Ifandred. of .s.ba maladies de fleeing •rotted u. ready to et- tack wherever three le • weakE:.; We may r`a`pe many • heal shaft M keep at ~wires wen f.rtlaed with pore Mood aad s nourished trams.- 'Yiat &rides with hotline water or seek. 1- . ��ooeeeenn labelled thaw 1. ;ethic tlmn- SrauellinQ Ibuibe. Lia GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arrive tied deport at Oedesbl as to low. : Allatir Mail aad Express Lie p.m. a Mal. —EU Mixed ........ ................ 11ae apes t Mtz.d........ - .. ♦ot.tG tsp.m Mail ..:....... 7.0 • s Mall sad iRlseea..................... I.SB le -d1 Mize'....LSD ea WILSON'S PULMONARY COUGH SYRUP For Children PRICE 1.1 CENT . BILSII OF WILD CHERRY BARK FO R Coughs and Colds. PRICE >b CENTS. W=SON' Il Preserlptiee Drag Stora. FAIL 81 WINTER c+ooas. I have just received my large consignment of Fall and Winter Goods, and to make room for them I am now selling oft my Previous Stook At figures away down. I do nal believe in carrying over goode un- til another year, and will away* sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold theta over. Being anxious to keep op witti the times I have jest put in a handeoate Plate g'iamr fraolr div intend making other bsproveiseate that will make my extensive pen' mime second to none in town. I am bare to exe angr with ibsperigie for ek bound se Os ilk P. O .a,