HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-15, Page 5Our Buyer MR. JOHN T. ACHE - SON has just returned from To- ronto, a AND HAS SliOURZD Great Bargains; CONSISTING OF Leading popular lines in Dry Goods, .Mantle Cloths, Sealelles, Shawls, Silks, Velveteens, Mantle Plashes, Black Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, Mourning Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Wool Goods, Underwear, Gents' Furnishings, pall Wares; also a large stock of Canadian and Imported Staples. Call and inspccl our Immense Stock. JOHN ACHESON. CHANCE_OFBUSINESS. The Carriage Business of the late ALEX. MORTON has been purchased by MESSRS. MCCREATH & WALKER, who will con- duct it am usual in future. Both gentlemen are well and favorably known, and the public can look for a continuance of that prompt and satisfactory dealing which characterized the Dominion Carriage Works under its late management. WE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING SOME First Class CtZttexs_ THE HURON SIGNAL I RIDAY, NOV. 15, 1889 5 LADIES CANSHOP BY POSTAL CARDI Parties, at a distance who cannot conveniently Ti it Brantford in Penton, may have Samples sent them, of Dry Goode of all kinds, if they will write us. No charge and no need to order if not muitcd. We wake it a business to attend to such letters QUICKLY, and when orders come we send the EXACT *xririp wanted at exactly the mute price as other customers pay when here buying in per- son. Goods are sent by trail, express or freight, according to cir- cumstances, subject to return and refund of money if not satisfac- tory. Having trained and responsible clerks, who are able to use discretion in tilling orders, we are enabled to give Great Satisfac- tion to the many custotuers WHO LEAVE THEIR CHOIOE TO U8. With a reputation of over twenty vears at retailing, we can- not afford to lose our good name by lack of proper services to absent customer. Write plainly and describe fully what is want- ed, and about the price desired. CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO. e to H. W. Brethour A Co.,) 9G Col borne- st., BRANTFORD. GO TO G. C. ROBERTSON • 1t .;c (CRABS'S BLOCKi IF YoOJ WANT TO GET Bargains in All Kinds of Furniture, BIIL7S A8 SIDIBQARDB, LOUNGES, CENTRE TABLES. MATTRESSES, DINING TABLES, HAT RACKS. BEDROOM SILTS, PARLOR SETS, AND ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS. As I Want to make room for Xmas goods the above must be sold. 317t Any style of Cutter Mode to Order, and on the Shortest Notice. Now is the time to leave your orders. Old Cutters repainted and retrimmed, and made to Look Like New Ones, at prices to suit the times. We invite a personal inspection, and guarantee low prices for the class of work offered. All work warranted. tt McCREATH & WALKER, (Summon to Alex. Morton.) '2'012.ET SO.46,1=53 1 —= e'f'ANDARD :-- ENGLISH 'AND CANADIAN. MAO a Laav• S'y'oCR tau. 1511 stair — AMERICAN MAKERS. • ....OtltT or TOUT FAVORITE WHITE CAETILB TO HAND. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. OODERICH TOWNSHIP, Prom ear owe ootrespeadw . • Cocttett. Misrule - Cos.eil met at Holoeoville today, Nov. 4th, 1889, purr seat to adjournment M.mben all present. Minutes of last meeting reed and passed. Moved by 8 Sturdy, sec- ondedby T Churchill, that the no.ina- tion for township eosneillors fur 1880 be held in blwarts hull, Holmssville, on the kat Monday in December nest, at 12 o'clock noon That tbs following places be the places in the 'several sub- divisions /or holding of elections, and that .he following named parties be de- puty returning afeen : No 1 8 D, OM*. hall, 4th min, Mand Johnston, D R 0; No 2, house of Nixon Mturdy, 7th eon, Nixon Sturdy, D R 0; No 3. hoose of Henry Hasting., bth con, H Hesti.gs, D R 0; No 4, holm of Wm Herbison. Baytimid line. W. Herbison, D R 0; No 6, house of Richard esker, 16th eon, Herbert Ilford, D R (1; No 0, horn of Wee Croi.ks, 11th con, Wm Crrwks, D R O -Carried. The following auenente were paid, vis : Rowan & Hutchinson, Tor.nt.i, municipal ela- tion papers, $8 21; Ooderich May, print- iag, 54 20; clerk, expenses 1 Judge's 5. rt of revision on voters' lata, 527 94; ion of juncos by re. ,ea , seua..r and t 510; Mr. Bray, indigent. 88; R non, f..r ..o of eeraper 9 days, i:96. Mrs Roe, gwvel, 813 44; G A °never, tape line and lawn grass seed. 01; Petrick Crony., gravel. 89174; W 8 6'.t•r. sawing seder .tad fee she plank per order trove John MoOelten, 047.80; Jas Fitzgerald, indigent, 899; Rom Tichbn.r.e, gravel. $13.60, use of "Ser. 51; 'hem Chershill, keg nails for waltl.ad brides, 83 90; Thom Tiplisg. eon work fur Maitland bridge per order tom J M(O ellaa. 8x fie; D GNddo. vas refunded 81.6t1 error se a.se.m.ewt. toenail adjourned to meet again Ara Itimiday in Dsee.bsr. All having se - mounts against the Moasfiip for gravel et shin -wise are regeoeted to must them a (bit to for patuelt Jaaras Parsest, de*. -'ar`-........__ lllstwe lmavlyt Stratford, the pimple el bat sky festal Mr Sehfvs is with a -1d irMsh eel s►aiw Gad a perm et .he remote ars not slow to understand that, in order to warrant their manufacturer in gear- a•teeing thorn to benefit or cure, medi- cines must possess mon than ordinary merit and . •native properties. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Diaoovery is the only blood median,' sold, through drag - gists, ender a po.ilior awe route, that it will benefit or cure or money paid for it will be returned. In all blood sakin and scalp diseases, and for all scrofulous affhetions, it is a specific. 1600 reward offered by the proprietors of 1» Sags's Catarrh Remedy for an in- curable am. PARAMOUNT. from our owe eorre•po.dent. Mr Campbell, the inspector, paid his ss.i-annoal shut to our echoed last week. A meeting was held last week f.w the enlargement of the charter for this obsess factory. Mr Will Melanie ie at present ender the Bare of the deet .r at the bootie of of hie brother, suffering with a scalded leg. Mn W. Murdoch and Master Loll have returned from visiting friends in Grey. Mre J.o McKenzie .till remains in a very low state of health. Mn Rnbt Mardoeh in improving in health and mad. • twit to bey periods last w.ek. Mrs E A Mcke.ot. M. gone to Moe - trail to rejoin her hwhsed,wbo is etuiy- 1.g .t 111 e.iv.r,ity. Mn D Fraser, as old resldast, .pent i • sight i. Psraraoe.t last weak. Mr M. H. Harrison. I..t Wawancah, got hie shoulder dislocated while at a threshing Oam day r.e.ntiy. Mr Jobe Dewey of $..forth, has ppe+r�•h•Roam.d the Htfarce of 100 .ores, Mks[ IM 10, ee•..mMni 9, Hihbart, near Dahl* from the estate of trump* em4dd. parley thmrmfndie e sum •f .11,999. TUB in • /rsr-el... hrs. with bmildi.gm, tl.d r. • gveat k•epaM. r Doroq N M mn.g,.ttelEt•d a hi . .t. JUST RECEIVED. A large assortment of the Latest Styles in Fall and Winter HATS and BONNETS, Also a choice variety of FEATHERS, RIBBONS and PLUSHES at the Misses Yates_ Saha REMOVAL. E_ C. 33EZ1CI ER MIER AND CONFECTIONER, whim. to aamoumc*e s Ube public* that hu bao removed bum kilo old Gleed em HHarudton street, to toe .ors reoeatly ueeuplad 1T Absalom Smith, Clothier. Gert to C. 1. 8airn'a Grocery, on the Square, wawa he will keep ueaetaatly ou bead a fresh supply of BREAD, CAKES, BUNS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC • or all kinds. Goode tlethersd to all pars of lbs tows. A call rsspsottuur wllcfted. Oodertcb, Oct- st1h. tom. B. 0. BELOHER. WE HAVE GOT IT! bas d',t,we:ad o CARPET SWEEPER Much cheaper than broom. to a ora. fins rrerrthto` fro. ♦ ylr peen, Hall. Wool wear the carpet. aid won't cost you earthiest for A TRIAL. WILL YOU HAVE ONE? W. have also the famous KEYSTONE EGG -BEATER which BEATS the world, and WHIPS everything in $ truly mechanical way. All other lines, as usual, are well selected and com- plete for the fall trade. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. Look! -:- Look i M. P220 JDFOOT Has just received a large stock of the Finest Groceries and Dry Goods to be had for Money, and is selling at a very great reduction. Just give him a call and be satisfied. Also Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. ITIT The GRAND DUCHESS RANGE See the Full Stock of SAUNDERS & SON. MILL1NERy1-_' TognCustomers public proerally that 1 have de Mad to eller the MI - In the latest and best styles at MRS_ S -AI K BDDS_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast. Call early and make a good choice. UNDERTAKING. MST 11 Tis GO'QZ�TZ. NNW aaanaM, MST STOCK DON'T - BUY - ANY FtTRNITURE until you call and see A_ B_ CORNET I 'S ',liar t-ANrtT UNDERSELL M B_ suit s�LOWER TN AN rr4 BeautifW stook of Bed Room Setts and Parlor Setts, Sideboards, Centre Tables, Oornioe Poles, Pictures, tike. A SPLENDID LOT OF iWin.clow Shades Just arrived. Blind Rollers. Call and see the NEW RAYMOND *MIMING MACHIN198, Machine Oil. A... 13. CC.) Garb Z LTOJ1<�s. "WORTH ITS WEIGHT /N OOL0." ISO people who lave purchased WANZER LAMPS a#05 GEORGE W. THOMSON Will toothy to the troth of the above statement. Every &sally ahosld !rave ono or two at lowoL�t PRICE REDUCED TO •4.00 EACH. run. the Aasat 910. W. THOMSON, who will sell yes al tau may rsgslre, ss( give you h,l direcUSss. SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT aOc,R sorrow rowan P'OH CAAY- tr-s- t aA.ot. tolDoll'snot th• row. W. Ms «ftgssla II & Nib TRIM ifSi�al 4 SPOT CASH. 5 per tent ..q all purchases ..f 51 .10 and less than 83 (X ; 10 of all purchases of 53 00 and upward. On good. of ..y owu manufac. ore 5 per cent will be allowed. I have on h •n.l one of the largest stocks of BOOTS & SHOES per emit in the Dominian, • detailed list of which sould occupy more apace than the "Sia - NAL" is prepared to sore ; aufli.:e it to any it comprise, every desirable line to be found with the best Mana'•c•urere of Canada. Every line is already marked BELOW ACTUAL VALUE and the above tarsus make my store the Cbeapeet plate in Canada to hay your &beta An immense stock of RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES in every style both in Canadian and Atm,ricsn, Glove Goodyear make, which subject to the seam LIBERAL TERMS. A Large Stock of Ladies' Imported Kid Slippers, very One. Call and MO them. Cor. Eaet-.t. and Square E. DOWNING. WET E `Y � T HE R E Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the flnestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, FAADU OOR. HA]AZLTON'-dr. an 18tQIIr1R1d. Wbitasee and R.U.aN. a -Try ll.eNsm Ibbs Isefflsrss NOT'CE .BOOn � It Will time to make out accounts. "The Signal does good printing and harnishes good paper. .• r sasariaai✓�M.�C4..a.'-