HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-15, Page 3Fall and Winter GOODS. • Ready made Clothing Prices to suit Pur- chasers. Mt ter lilt CLKAHZD or/. -1. DUNLOP, :1 Q- rhe h1w4tr. west -se. WANTED SALESMEN toseuthetns a # Liberal Veyeeily Weipay iuwt ter. give er►1rt, better M workers.' •'p..tient•.- nter641. Write num. til' 7rN 1J u rte aha. Reehs.ter. N. y, •• E$esT. ray ...11111.Hi sheWeems e t p1 ter orpror t_ .d. Cut 11 sot gar Do THS HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1889 OOUNTY CU!UtENLY Items of IntarewnArrat over the A Wont,! $4••s .Ss hem, Sews NM* od ea Mask Sowers u of "ifs e4gaa1.• rue aerr.tas, traweve awe lea. domed frees liver! MMM.. Mr W Herbison, of O.derioh town- ship, heel the mistuiteae to bas • S!0 bill is Clinton, the other day Mia. C. Martin. of BeySsId, has been sseat'ed for S. 8. No. 3, Stanley town ship, instead 4 Oodertelt towoakip, as elated, at • 'shay of we. oak Joe. Oibafia. of Vancouver City, B. (L wbo IM been visitttlg friesda in (uteric this &amuur, is at present .t Mr H. (iibeoo's, on the 9th cou., Tart,. beT a Sesforrtb ftotball club 'mored • rand victory at Berlin en 26th ult., beating the oelebrateo lingers of that town lr• score of three to two. The y proud ret their victory. ethics, formerly of Charon but meth recently a onauseroial travel ler, has settled down to busmen IN To- ronto, when he has opened out fur him self. Was 8. tt, Brussels. who has been laid up for several weeks with • broken leg, started to wort last Monday. H. is employed at Smith A M•Ieclea's foo- t°, and ie • first -claw mochaeic. Leat Sunday afternoon Arthur. the four-year-old eon of Andrew Crosier. Br.•eel., tell on tea mad while g.aog t.. Alex Mc aughlin's and broke the small bone in his left arm neer the elbow. •Mr (home Levi*, of do Huron R..d Oode'icb tp.,has leased his farm to Mt K Lawson, at an ensued rental of $90. George moves by family into what was known as the Cattiek bees'. The death ofMrs J. Anderenn, near Belgr•ve, was very sudden, week before last. 8%. went to the pump for water and there expired. Her son, who is beteg in Wugham, bad the &eme day gone home with a wounded hand. Mr George .1 Connell h.. rented h a farm, being kit 32,u. the 9th 000cessi.n. Oudencb township, to Mr Wesley Hearn, of the 4th concession, for thr- years, at an annual reutal of shout 8275 a year. Mr Henry Carter, late of the 9.1. ON ---ion, Goder.eh township, ha. Uptight the farm lurmer!y rented by M, Thomas Jewitt, ON the Bayfield bur. eosoeting of 125 acres. About 80 acres cleared, but no buildings. The pace ass which et was bought for $20 an .ore. He la now busy erecting buddings there - A sat CONIC eon SILIOV.NE... COaeTtMTlOttl• INDIGESTION. DIZ21Ntp, SICK H EADACHE, m.. ,Nasse er TN. STOMACH, LIVEN AND SOw1tis. Teter ad. e1.a.TNeaouae awe Mesar ,N ACTION, ANO roar • VA.uaats a/a TO S.'aooca 111.010 D,tYT.G IN TN( racATecer ANN cope er emaciate IND OBSTINATE DISEASE.. OABLE ADDR___ littbros., - London. PITT BROS. & CO. Importers cf anadian Apples. 45 eeea •Ietert..er.. L....a, tea. ;.onsignments solicited and eral advances made thereon. 17.30 90 SUBSCRIBE FUR THE 1890 MEEKLY EMPIRE Canada's Leading Newspaper 'RIOTIC IN TONE, TRUE TO CANADA. TRUE TO THE EMPIRE. THH EMPIRR I8 NOW B GHAT MY PAPP or Tar 1001111.111011. .peel., &rrancemeat§ are ,r•;n,r made t0 yew and .tt aciive filatures. wpooh will ly Inert/.&r 1,. harvest and t al.e- ■a Itada•rmrat 10 P.., it la tie balsds rivalso ' f'ah,MAIM thebajvar tweet ) ear will be airet. TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, ak:eg It only One NM11ar frotu now tut cad of ISM. esu "ha asrraE- Taa.eTD. ONT. 1e EXAMINER (P. 0. BJ: 3061,) NEW YORK CITY. LeaiJiu Baptist Newdpa9 er, Puhll.hed at Two 'killers a Year. be dent o. a "trial tnp OCTOBER 1, 1889, --TO JANUARY t, 1890. For the nominal .am of from iIRTY CENTS. bee w i'b to know what the Depsi to d.- wenlaatior.44etag and to reserve all the new, artist moral beside.. ire 'fes. Exawetatt, IMI! Natisa.t taper, sad $ fwspapte as wait. ma Aisea. ?roodsso, =Baenat?roods se 'ns.l nr�ssV waves N them fir Nese of - ���sei�.,r�st •ehewe tr �,r4 or Qspta.sa' a. `VSaogr,, 11,. gess, HE GALT-ORLI ARS, • on. Mr W. Yungblut, Auburn, who had been confined to his bed for some mouths slab a cancer, died on Saturday night the Stith of October. rad was butted the Wednesday afternoon following, nn Bail's cemetery. He leavesa large family. who have the sympathy of the eumrnuutty In their 11. Cooper hes completed his on the new Baptist church, to the entk .eatufactiou •.f the Building Committee. The building is yet to he seated, when at .ill IN ready for deet cation. A intestine, coocernanq the re- cent internal difficulties was held here on Tuesday, several fdaptiet representa- tives from oatetd' being present,, but what course will be penned hes not bean learned. -Chilton New Era. Mrs Robert Mitchell, Clinton, who of Isle has been •ufferinia great deal with one rt her eyes, rrs,lved to have it tak- en out on Thursday, the 31st alL Dr Oa:deer, of the Daamond Medicine On., performed the operation. As her health would not permit of her taking enough dregm to deaden the pain, her *offerings were very groat. We are glad, however, to state that she is doing al well as could be expected Jami Imaglae)aur wife not being ab:e to speak her res Yea What • change there w..1• be la the lasN•aNs I what aa metatarsi shear*( A elle d Shia Mad oonerre4 la Hamilton .otos HEN ago, and one bottle of wiho.a'. wad ("berry owed tie afflicted lady to four days. Tide .edietne iiae uu equal for Sha carr of Cellidi . Coda Wbooelag ('ouch or Croup. Sold by all drslgglsq. lino Another has be.s added to the long list of burning accidents. Mrs Jos. Johnston, of Weetfietd, went t) one of her neighbors on Tuesday f•'rwnnon of last .eek, to make • short call, leaving her little girl at home. The little one while playing near the stove had her dress set on fire by a rpark from it and rap to the pail of weter to pl ince in her arm, but there was no water In it. Catching sight of her mother .ppr.'tach- ing the hoose ate ran out to meet her, bet dress by this time befog in flames. A doctor wad soamonod bet all that r• :'d be done was to stleviste bar pia. At two o'clock death eod.d her mi.t'y. ■hall'. Ltatme.t M abe.mnlM� Prompt. potent and permanent (melte always eons, from the ode of Milbarn's Aromatic Quinine Wine. 1m c e,Jbdio. r' I'rrortrrlu, Toyetiter Walt Homely Notes TAerent, as tyaplair t aM meat ammo Mlle gm mi met eras ewes names sad OM g.4 aware oho rift ed w .shatever lier ion sae. at ibis acsame thee NMI& miter aur DK OOMMISSION LIST ▪ why `i H g( 'd year Tota try erof rhe 'creel trip" one I ' mow r.mrlar era s of Sea �ssMr MTtus • Met ger *ear sella Sista► Mw - ait w▪ posetz _ Via XAMI eetaag was pm. sums a Writhe sea*,.w'. Coar5blp. rem Grip. oldie McAndrew was • young, and needless to sty pushing. 8cotohman. after some years' experience of Sian rural life, had invested in a let Riders]le township, Breve county. • only thing that was waatieg to orosplete his outfit was a wife ; sod Wallis. after a e•etio a moats' survey of the eligible girh;in the neighborhood, Axed epos Retries 0.mpe.Jarfer, the ter at. well-to-do German farmer, r ase test likely to salt. Armies. to have the abir settled be called oss ds etas he bad reuses to believe Ike wssM bs away. The door was oyw.i by Kama► "Good seamy', Kanto► Hon's a Vie ye rode WAS41. 'Teri tea mit me ; Iva .11 a.tli a1.sMM Nti i s the Dista dam• est, Jeeblas doses lfiiogly at wain.. '+E.. impalas the batter. I'd 11k. to bee s twat wi ye yet lama" 'Ob yaw -.yes like is gratilt soma reddeewwM, =ebbs. Bet I disks vs test's ban soh sltstl� "Nits i Res erd4 ..ythiag *beet • • W W1 Na, as, h)esie. I 44 wept a . ea bit eieaTes..tieo• • b... "1141 Ntabt.rpLX►tisetrue " , lust ORR Jet bass in owl mit mer are by," said aeries. Weft* complied and est for a minute or tett ewIetd.neg bow best to up.a the tall. a$ewta•oat wastes greatly se his inn, liaisons.' ..ort of sentemeutal pee- imisary tq ► • offer .as, of eoer•.. the r ghe and cuseentwtaal thing. Fatally limns. pee Wm • I..d. "D.4 wasp pw.ttfuol day, don' did?' "Aye, weal easy ye my rho.. Deed, it mi.ds .. 1' She days o' long ayes, w hoa I was • wee heretic (addle on the braes Abersnesshtemdl, sheer the fr berme wleaplli a.lana the teems,40' the Melva !Mit t' the hk o bese.' Her, y heaved • sigh of teed- er ewer t. "Veil, veli !" meld Kuria. symuathet- ae0,, "and did td hurt you mooch I" "Hun ass -did what button* 1' "Vy all d•.ss-duse drugs vat you mentioned I reatmember w ven 1 did have a boll on me yca.0 nigger like • bee's eck. Mine Erebus, it vas beau- Suwas the sileece which ensued. "Kasrioa," resumed Wallis, "the Soreepture, ye ken, lays We no guid for a man tae live his lawn " ' N•., I disk not. I sooner lig me dot crsfel toed UM Der lane ns yust so deep ash aerie hues in mud in der shrine dime" Na, na, lassie, ye dines appreciate the sagroeetic&uce o' the gtwtatiun. It dorsa Inc.. then. it menus (1.1 like Adam in the ()airdo o' Eden, man cam- e • thole the bordello o' life we'oot a 11..1 pinata" Yawl T�jo�lDnw. dal Adams. H. weeps s sbd.r. by Belsky Fsaer g •' him a eats a1f boot. dere and day d..n'd er =set soot. He bearer s tar dot maketgarden beeeness tn." K.trin.," said Wu he inn desperation, ' 1 1... bought • farm, ye ken, on the aeeatb onnoeseinn-a bwo'r an' vasty ac ee of the finest Mc' in the t000ship' 1 hart the miler to stock 1L I ha. likit t. er I.,oks sin' 1 tint saw ye N.ro wed ye marry and err .•t 1 Gla ye lay ale it's • iargaia din ye we no I amen e'en ....or e.me ether body " "0 •, dot was rat you oh aider ! Vy pis don'd say so right away den mama al' l • 5'..ltahneaashoed Adams and der r.dt 1 Vas der • coot house on dot Term r "Are, lassie -4 bras prick bowie." "Und der don't yes no mortgage 011 it, hey 1" "Ns, na I•'. a' pit for " "Dot vas\ u ngbdt. I been your ,will frau uta ho... 7.4s like everry- din,a, And she tipped her 180 p. ands of so down on his knee. sod threw her nrawny arms •round hie neck. It is to ; tis presumed that they lived haD1.y ever after wards. The Lady floodiva must have had ez- ceptionaily long heir since it comp'etely e mcealyd her lovely person. Since Ayer's Hair Vigor came into ase such examples aro not an rare as formerly. It not only promotes the erowch of the hair, but gives it • rich, silken texture. Thirty .is .asre ago Joseph Pnlitaer, M opretor .1 be New York Worfd,!and- ed in America, a poor Hungarian. with - oat even • knowledge . f the English I'nvnage ; today he own. the New York World. the an.t widely eireelated news paper il the universe. It in not over p1 vers since Mr Pulitzer bought the World waich then had • circulation of snout 10,040 daily Today it h.e an average daily rircul.tlon of 345 000 r"pies, greater than any two other news- papers in America or Europe. Meiepi.- Weep L.11., Gomm oned by a barressing, tick- ling eo.ah which might easily be cured if the right remedy-Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam -was made use Of. Its suo.hin,, healing and expectorant qualities make it wnndedslly useful is every family for • coughs and Dodds. 2 • TIM Seas seer am.. OaNTIAMSa,--My $rueble mai heart dimes* std dyspepeta, bet 1 took l e o bottles of Berdook Blood Boise, &ad mai of Border& Pt1M ed got well. I mover felt barter in my hie. My brother nes also tried FI B. B. and Shoats it a •t landed medicine. Mita J.o FOLLY, Ha militia, Oaf. 2 ele Wm Reis of OWMma Ir,. 1 Never lues .. Siege. 1 do not 'beak that lust which is &peel so •mese- taeat or reervation every day ; bet al- ways be in the baba of bring employed. 2 Never err the least in troth. 3 Never say ea alt thing of a penes, whoa thou most My a good tbing of Nut only speak obari•abSy, but reel so. 4 Never be irritable or unkind to any. body. 6 Never indulge thyself in Iuzerirs that are not neses.ary. i Do• all things with 000sid.ration, and when thy path to act richt u d ll - cul., put ouotid.nse in that power alone which a able to assist thee, and exert thine owe powers as far as they go. ralperteaa te Weehhp•ea. Ari..sos, mechanics, and laboringtae. are !table to sodden socideets and i.jie rise, se well as peirful cords, joints and Tameness. T.. all thus troubled we would recommend Her/yard'. Yellow 011, the bandy and reliable pain euro for outward ur internal use. 2 When • young (:reek determines tr take • wife to biome', he does not go •-courting, but he takes his oldest lea ale relatives into his sou tuieom and they at once go boat- ing fi.r a suitable mats for him. Marriageable matdous are visited and silently appraised They receive the .old dames courteously, answer all their yuest1una and never venter. to sok the asters of their errand. As noon .a the vd•It.,15 have mode • choice the wooer dispatches them again with iustruotice to ask her band in marriage. The crop bulletin of the Manitch& D.•- partwent of Agriculture for October states that the average yi ld of wheat oer sere for the pro. ince a now placed at 12 4 bushels, rats 16.8, Carle• 13.0, po tattles 11.9. Th. average yil1 of wheat per sen from 1883 to 1887 was 90.6. The season was perhaps the worst on roe •rd, drought ih•o gbo 11 the totem r baring dime an rumerse .mount if de- struction, o-struction, and yet notwithstanding the unfavorable conditions Manitoba has e me through much better than Dakota. The official Sgures for that State recent- ly i .sued m.ke the average yl 'Id of wheat in North Dakota 10 06 bual.el•, and in South Dakota 8 66 bushels mer acre, while the Manitoba average 1. 12.tbush. Is. XSome weeks ago we sent oat a X nu.nher of accounts to setbscrib- ere in arrear. Several persons owingu• were timid enough to respond at once, and we return our thanks to them. A number have not yet been beard from, and this week we send out duplicate accounts to many who have failed to re • pond. We will cnntinae to mend nut accounts to all in arrest until our book. are straight Essen if you don't pet en ase. unt this week, look at your label. and it you are in arrear be good enough to pay at once. The item is only a small one to you, hat the aggregate to. Xw foots up several thousand X dollars. Pay op I DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS Or ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SY UP AND CANNOT HARM TS4E MOST 0=1..5CATC CHILI, E - Wines, Liquors, &c TOR elALIC BY G. H. PARSONS G000 EOM IS OOME AT SIGMI. ALBION BLOCK. eonSRrufl• GOOLE, TEE DRUGGIST Makes . speetallty d FINE DISPENSING, PERSONAL ATTENTION, FINEST WORT:, NIGHT ATTENDANCE. TELEPHONE CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. 1f yon request it. your Physician will leave his order at my ILMaWbbmeat, thus securiag you thesis ad vantages and moderate charges. -We lead ea --- HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. •••• Ter m for Merlin/S. TOILET ARTICLKB, PBRFUMRRY. ET('. A Sew pleces:ef that BEAUTIFUL MUSIC gives 10 IMO. with purchases..1511 is stock. McLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR, aid all other leading Patent Medicines. W. C. GOODE 13- I)RCTOOI8T. ALBION BLOCK. I ATS ST S 1 I S -Ir-- 2\4= .T .T� =ltaY'. We have now' on hand s complete stock of Pattern Hats end Bonnets, with Latest Novelties in Ribbons, Hushes and Trimming Materials Inspection cordially invited. lvtics 13018,3=c9e, gl.seewer M Mao Owbam, Vootef 1 FALL MILLINERY. MI88 CAMERON, Hamilton bs to saaoa>oee best she has new in stook the latest ,Sayles Mislay, apeoist- ly imported from the British .1flasrksste ttbie sati trade, which oomprise some of the MOs' �' 91118 1110011in this section, including Ftathll2S, Mapes, Trimmed Goods, to. • aALT• BOLIOIrED. 1u1:10S Ca�°ra.1111. ' ?,ON. • * • • 1 s The Teacher Who advised bar pupils to smoothes their Wade by Skis am .1 Ayer'& Baa. sap.r111a, appreciseed the nut\ that bodily health r sauoatlal to meatal vigor. Va woofs of delicate and f .bI. eeasslletliaa, whether youmg of std, yr madiclae la remarkably beoe4olal. Be mote yea pe yses B.es.psatUa, " livery spring sed tall I take • num- ber of bottles of Ayer's Barsapartlla, and am greatly be0e111e1." - Mrs. James II. dl.stmea, Stoneham', Maw. "I bare taken Ayer's Saratytarllla with great beeedt to my *sacral klealth." - Mies Thirst) L. Creme, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, bas sutiwed fur the past year tram General Debility. A few weeks since, we began to gIve tier Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Her health- les greatly improve.,." -- Mrs. Harriet Ii. Battles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About • year ago 1 began using Ayer's 8areaparilla as a remedy for debllty and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure In the army. I was in a very bad condition, bpi six bottles of the Bar- sapariIla, with occasional doses of Ayer's Pi1lo, have greatly improved my health. I am um. able to work, and feel that I cannot say too much tor your excellent remedies. - F. A. Pinkbam, tlouth Muluncue, 11.. " My daughter, sixteen years old, b w in` Ayers Sarsaparilla with good ef- fect"- Be.. 8. J. Graham, United Brethren Church, Buckbannun, W. Va. "_I suffered from Nervous Prostration, with lame tack and headache, and have been much benefited by the use a Ayer's Seraaparilla. i ata now 80 years of yes and am satiatled that mypresent health and prolonged life are ue to the use of A ver's Sarsaparilla." - Lucy Moffitt, 'fittingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann R. Farnsworth, a lady 79 year obi, Roo. Woodstock, Vt., w'rltee : Atter several weeks' suffering from nervous prostration. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken half of It my usual health returne.L" Ayer's Sarsaparilla, t.• raxraam BY • Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1, e. hotdip, N. Waite •s a Saab. wig C, p, R, B00M TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS I hare a large number of Houses and Lott and Vacant Lunde in the most desirable parte of the Town- (Yea *ALL COEIr. Nur L the 0010 to aemure property before the Mitt Rush. The C. P. R. Is coming sure, and in a abort timec• will have advanced beyond the r ouch of ie -ant. ,'all and wee List mod Prices before parches ing elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real Estate and demons, Insurance Ascent iHflce West -tit.. third door from Square. C. P. It Ticket and Telegraph (loos. ti-tt. A COOK BOOK FREE Sy mate any fatly seating es bar pest egos address. W -Its, Eithardsom9 Ca„fiostresi. 3=5=CaA.z Pon. SALE, • PRICES I..ow, CASH OR ON TIME. 1 General Pulpoae Horse. 2 One Horse Wagons, New. 1 Fairbanks Hay or Cattle Scale. 150 H. P. Engine and Boiler. 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Pulleys & Belting, 200 Plows, various Patterns. 50 Corn Scufers, $2.50 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Repa rs of all Kinds. Cash paid for Cast and Wrought Scrap Iron. Warerooms near Victoria -et. Methodist Church. C. A.. HUMBER. 15-tt >®TTT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. RILL HEADS, Ftr... etc. &t THE SIGNAL P3557189 OFFICE. Meev Aanrs can get heir 10111 Read•,rl.ett.r kr-. litlisttel at MN Miraram biers Wm OboT paps ail N Steles M vsllttldN their pootaisat Con sof ase mmplr ami me Miers PATENTS QlMEATS. TUN MAA AB3 *IP ITR 11. Pates Omos�eeede *0 soltee it MOt an D A IV P oama we a e>1sMa teats 5* IrPatentIMa Mae those reseem from W4ammerom e ssad d400ILt04 DL w'o wener M. sloe ,isles ! N C114 Mg vNUMMI W• edkr•ss.tease . if. a "r"il�•M. ~ n el ewesm�e Sial. R , Vallese t y yt 0000 la g g •fi O .A.3 ! ..,..• +iC:a_4 PIIBLIC NOTIG2 Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to 'counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ro nage. REES PRICE Sr, SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. NYYAea Ttivw anJ, betters, i.a vo-.th c% J'vh\ivni, ri b. 2 i 2 WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all Tines of Furniture -from the timeliest chair to the largest and bast bed -room set, or parlor suite. Cali and see his stock and get a bargain. --0--0- NDE R TAgITTG-. In all its branches, promptly attended tc for EMBALMING FLUID alway, kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. GEO. BARRY,Hamilton-8t., Goderioh. EXPERIENCE, CAPITA' AND SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieux at former prices. .Sp 'cialtics /o; //ie .S'cason. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwarea, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. ALEX. MUNRO, 2064 Draper and Haberdasher. FURNITURE 1f roe wealth) see the largest sloektof remitter* in town, go to D. GI -ORD 0_,N1.. it ye. went tete,. theeterafittif1 wZNDOw IBI3Dg dIDsad the Nome. etyma silt awd ess,lbesn Neely Ilan sal 'Modes. P1C/T'O W FRrMIn' O. *tatty data JOBBZ14.43 dese°besply t 1s net beepIL RRN'® e O .RRAt3(n Zleld le .et for want of teem but base�� se hand, aaet Mit was. wssim.s 1 will ammo* s areeitasers UNDERT A.KI14( its lbsi tis? evwytbtee reovel sad to lbw ohm sstiHwt hhme, i the MONA mad /oasrnt "Mester la the Osesty. t'NAROtet 1H)nrtt ATI AdMM. eta 121 16 t11Me rir►e -4