HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-15, Page 21 111111ILD IOURT ROUtRT. 11 TWO tAArraAs—camerae 11 - VMS "seer ievalitigetioa, is wee hrt....t seas weala the rubber] •t Ettftela 0..rt W bees asset carefutIy planed au, TM=Mire had evidently bees as part of the thieve: BaeSrwra, abmMM7 lose air bused e,sot.- t�11NBtmeme =lose etudes, was die- m' estaids the sapper -room wladrw. is B dropped is a hasty exit. Happily, the ire had bora subdued in Mime to save the greater protan of the Boars; het tete damage dose. to say aot►isg of the imm rsee lose sassed toy the robbery. woe very oo.siders 1s. L dee time. the two detesttvea came down Isom Lon ion, sad the eseitsmeut cos ieeed aesbel•d is the neighbour- hood whilst they remained; but nothing transpired. They maintained au amount of stolid reticence which to the meioses was mom provoking; and finally they iepsrted without basing apparently dose rearIAieg towards euMug the my- stery far less a.cunag the thieves. Grrdually things seemed to settle down, god the rubbery at Enfield was replotted in my mind by my maitre ab - e mpties in Amy's engagement, to which I had Riven • queliird consent on con- dition that Mr Maul es family were satisfied with the cout.ctiou, and that pecuniary matters wore properly adjust- e d. Now that he had mewl!, declared Waned, I felt emboldened to ask quo - tune and .axrtaro everything 1 prsslbil sena as to the antecedents of the man who was to be my darling • husband. lie was well coonecteo. His mother was dead; but his father was alive, and Bye 1 in great sedlmioo at his own pro- perty, which was situated in Yorkshire. He was reputed to be rick; but on this point I could gain no definite inhume - then. Still, remembering Lady Desert's °very well off,. I was nut much troubled on tbe score t f money matters. I had felt it incumbent upon me to invite hem to speed • few days with us before be left fur Voreshire, and it seemed natural that be should come to as. I, told him frankly that Amy bad very little money of her own—something lees than too thoos.d pounds; but, at my death, I kneaded to leave her everything, which I felt sun he would approve cf being tied op and strictly settled upon herself. 1 thought his espreesioo changed • little when I mentioned this, and slid metre so when I :asually asked him in a fneadly way if he always meant to be an idle was; fur be bad left the army, it appeared ; and I was anxious, for Amy's sake, to see some symptom of has wish - tog to get an appcontweot or occupation of some kind. Meauwhile, Amy seemed satisfied ; but toy doubts—born .,t my extreme afecru.n for her—began to ante, and re- fused to be silenced. )fr Maule,erer had written to his father announcing his engagement ; but sea yet neither line nor message from the old gentleman had reached us. Ir was not treating Amy properly; and though Ainy's entreaties to me to be patient, and oft -repeated asaurauces that Alfred said everything would be all Wahl, silenced me for a time, I was fully resolved to see twitters either et ded ( r placed on • sat- isfactory tisfactory foctiug before much longer time elapsed. In the meantime, Mr )fauleverer re- ceived Atte morning • telegram, which he informed us contained the news of the Mimeo of en old friend of his in London. He must start itrrmedt.tely, if be wished to are him alive. If I did not mind, he would leave his heavy luggage behind him, and take only . small portmanteau. Unless something very special happened to detain biro, he would be with "magma in • couple of days. Bus adieus were hurried, but Ospreys—We—BY messed reallj sorry to' lens Amy. who was, however, enabled to hid him • cheerful good-bye on the strength of his epee y return. On the morning t.f the second da) after he had taken his departure, Amt - was evidently expecting $ letter fr him—not unreasonahly, I thought, as it was natural she should wish to hear that he had reached his destination safety. She was rather restless and fidgety. Per - baps that was the cause t f my own almost nervous feelings as post time approached. I cold settle down to nothing. "Amy, darling," I said presently, 'suppose you take the garden sciswm. and strip these geraniums for me ; they want it badly." So Amy stepped out on to the !oriel lawn with its still brightly filed part- erres; and 1 watched her from the draw ing roam window with feelit.gs of min gled love, anxiety, and apprebensio•n, for do whet i might, I could midget over the sense of irons impending calamity— something sorr,wful for her. S...n afterward she joined me. radiant with her Itt•er, the int .1 • had ever ruesited from him; • very ord.-tit, gentl.mr• y epistle, I was obliged to own; sate.feetor) too, as it contained the information that he had heard from hu father, Ishii. on certain conditions, whin•h he east his way to comply with, had pr :mimed to ammo.' to the marriage. -1 letter for me In in old Mr Mauleverer ha.' loon incl'eert in his letter 10 bis no; t at the latter preferred deliv«rine it to 1.1.• personalty; consequently I would:not receive it too til his return to us Amy had an rngagem.nt that after- noon to visit the Daarnts, who were now installed in a small hots•« tio•y had at some distance from the Court, whilst the latter was being repaired. She was to drive over, taking our small groom with her; ones, I was not ft expert her bark stautl until after nine o'elnek at the earliest; so fan. I 1 owes to speed a solitary evening. After the n she :eft tate I wade • few Ielten; then 1 which triad to reed; bat my attention wander etyma •d. A slight drnweiness ran,e Iyer me, RI and i seamier 1 fell asleep. All et once t mood I woke up with • onnneeaouenees of some an in owe standing jest octad. the sherd was window, gazing foto the room, and i dim- him. earned distinctly the fester» .,f e sass's tiler Imre prr"med Wool, agsin.t the ww indc,•1 ad t pen. i was not gs'eseally nervmu•, bel ' n.�.t I •nal.... thrill o4 firer shat through me loch, thew, IMO for • mnr•..t I was almost Ito H• Moiled to stir. The west tpaant i got moven 1p. and sbsaltmae+,ply welt my d eine 8 one, r M, *is fees vanisher. Piet the eye. Iend f1 bed sit otaatty mise might h. •stebi g `was a uta Mill. 1 ewMolled all outward wisp fn.. t �s of alerts sir sessg .iu.....4 • het i 1 teary IIRE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1889 �TRa w sae.; ao4 oboe shy edbere be me sash seised ea bene— I .owed limosrdl the dose, a.d s...s.ad mg, d tray am - treats. 1 ttss.tiosed the elitt.Im' ease to her, amd soye sed sitse we that Diehl es to mor b•Ms tiled b.aa 41= we had .Miss geld IBM mor W stood thieves, IMO Owe was sews► Whom to .slr/y a.ljs.a. , tad u was ..canal bow sash trot abroad. AIM the Bafeld Oeert robbery, one could not be toe carr ltd. Very aeon Margaret, ley servant, bad soured all the mhuttess, drawn the e.r- ttuoe, sad I sat dues to my winery teo wishing moot fervently that Amy were s•lsly within d'Oft aaai... A suddeu atom had come on; the wind had rias to a burricaue, and bade fair to oo atiaue during the sight. Abort eight-c'clock, $ .ee(tagf arrived fur nee from Lady Uwnt, telling see that as the storm was w severe, they bad •motored to detain Amy fee the eight; in the morning, she would be with w early. 1 was both Rkad asd sorry—glad that Amy would not rue the risk of amount - 'ring any larking individuals lo the darkssess; that she was safely at Embeld; but sorry for my own sake, I felt so solitary and, erste to tell, so strangely nervous. The evening wore on slowly, sod s ten o clock struck 1 went to my room, It was directly over the drawing -room. Nest to mins was Amy's; and on tee other side of ire landing was the spare room, which had so recently been ooa- pied by Alfred Mauleverer. Above slept the servants. I heard them go up to bed, aud while I could hear them tncv- nag about overhead, I was tolerably Dom fostable; but seen stillness reigned over the Wren's Neo, My domestics were saleep. The beet thing I could do was to follow their example, which after • time I suppose I did, fur I was wakened by a noise, a natant sound from the hall tribe. I scarcely breathed. I could bear my heart beating; as 1 lay listening with strained ears, and recalling with horrified terror the face I had seen at the window. I need hardly say that I was thorough ly awake. Every nerve was strung to such a pitch of tension that if a pin had been dropped, 1 feel sure I shoo d have heard it. It came again—the sound from below—dull, this time but distiuet; and presently I heard stealthy footsteps com- mit rapidly and quietly up-stain—evi- dently shoeless feet, hut none the less audible to my ears- Never .lace I had lived at the Wren's Nest had I locked my bedroom dour; I had s dread of do- ing it ; and desptts my oervousness un this occasion, I had out departed from my rule. It was too late t s attempt to soc,mplish it now. Besides, looking back, I think t sort of temporary paraly- sis had come over me. I heard a hand laid upon the handle; it was turned cautiously, and the next moment, from my curtained bed, I dr:ingtished • man bearing seems sort of small lamp—his 1 concealed by • mask—enter. It was a matter of life or death to to remain quiet. Through nay int flashed a resolve to deliver up everything I was possessed of—family plate, my mother's amethysts, all my .nnall iglu able*, to this ruffian, in exchange for my life, should he demand them. B the ..--.t, ..d •..Need toe to mew three aersa.ta, who meet .t have ilbstrght I had pew tam Raabe y� y Naiad, wh.. 1 tried It was Woe o'ideet ie the mess die %holiesoho. sad es dark ea baa bat asslata.m• sopa dbae Beet. MO 111111,18 ear nem might et be ht tee. eliese W ear Meibel:1 slsr. Leet mew b. erase. Peer treees wanes, we pree•eded in a prop to meter book .Dart, where the bell ► only to bad the rope severed. I wtbed up a eloak, sad arrayed . is my slippers sad • skirt. The sere were as little dressed a myself- Be .a no time to hesitate ; mimed action Mini be taste. We moat the gsrdeer, who lived • conoid way from the bocce Through the dripping shrubberies we flew at • step a:pecting to be dragged batt some lsrker; bet no one mopped us, safety, we reached the cottage; and few minutes Arkwright, my card and general teetotum, was in uur m His cottage was within a short d of several others: sod tboagh be w to go tonight to the boom, fearing the m•o should Moe escaped, or liberated by accomplices, I would beer of it. I insisted upon getttn couple of men to s000mpany hila, a caution for which I saw Arkeriebt's little wife was very grateful mused some delay; but it had not • bled my captive to escape. The door was found open, and everyth just as we had left ue,the spare'room d still closed. By my orders, it was to be unlocked until the police amt Several volunteers had hammed to su n • , them; and while we were await their arrival, I had time to think • lit of the horror of the position. How h Lady Dissent's disrcond necklace foo Its way into Alfred bfaeleverers's per msateeo 1 Could he be some awful a peso-, some trillion in the guise of gentleman, •hos I bad harboured my hon.., and to whom I had meditat giving my niece 1 The shock would most kill Amy. Even 1 felt as if should time get over it. Who wso the man 1 A dreadful tight- nea came over my bort when this quer tem ptesouted itself, $ suspicion too humble. It made the Aospense almost too terri ble. 1 heard the policemen arrive, and while they were saoeudimg the .lain to the spare bedroom, I felt Almost choked with an apprehension fur what I should 'mit hear. The door was uulooked, and there was the thief. He made no resis- tance; the gems was up. Thank, to 'the old woman,' as I beard him style me, he had mimed the best chance of chiming a fortune he had ever had Who Wall he f NLc.ahad lseen hist wry best pews- Ilkrot The have might -bell blies 5 twig had Psi an t isle rem arabic dark any by Ia its .ser Olean 1414, Med lest beets DOL q a pre- n itre ea- hall tag (or n ot ed. m- ing I cls ad nd m- • In _ 5ammo I eta nas.ae.d Baedook'Blod Bit - Ws as • sere ware for wul.l.. I had it for lose years, amid was so W at uoe time dist 1 was •Lost • meld wars. 1 etusmeoesd Mimi B. B. B. hot.ammer, hare takes theirs bottles, sad am seethe If trod. Mata Bl.t,s1 Para, James, (� i This Ween.. Who &sews New le I l What a Mews'e to her homily sad the eu.manity at large se the clear- headed, sssaible woman shoo tumors jail what she imam sod buys ssssediogly. lights ally of the bargain motet sad &uetira more; dose not 000aider anything Asap which .11 dues aur Awed, aud aourue to straggle with $ karlJ burly Raub of pot- pie foe the sake of aeo.rmog as article for two mut less than the regular price. To •bop with doorstops sad follow U. bosom hdbt of soumumy is to avoid the shoals and mod bars of seismogram*. Thalia who du not Deed to some the oat of what they buy are in the minority, and hence this mutter of shopping should be so cultivated that it wdl bosoms tt. art. Indeed, it should be rea,goia,td ►a put of • girt', sducatioe to sh.•p wisely and well Even the most careful i f motben gives elms all important matter but Tittle thought. Music, art and Die languages aro added to • substsotial Eu,tlish educatk'o, with perhaps • few lesao.as in cookery thrown in ; but when is the teacher or parent to be found who thinks it 'mammary to ea train • girl to the art of shopping that shoo will be brought to consider thrifty management mut a bore, but • most womanly amuse- plishweot that, once acquired, will beteg with it • deligbtful feeluag of .elf-tw- haute i Fire Vries Nm.. There is no better remedy for frost bites, chilblains, and similar troubles than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It also cutis rheumatism, lumbago, sore thrust, deaf. nese, •rd pain eenerslly. Yellow Oil is used internally and externally. 2 ad al- Spurgeon, the moment Baptist preach sr, never makes any preparation for a sermon. It is bis habit to choose tome text on Saturday evening to be os,d . a the morrow. Thirty minutes, and no longer, he devotee to Iut.kitiir up nisi - entre Of these reference.he iota down a few Dotes, and with not" tog the r t hand ha steps into the pulpit u• apoday morning without waouacnpt or thought of his text other than that given donne the half-hours study of the previous evening. The mystery was soon expl•itted. He was the Dseuta magnificent head -butler ace rcd d hd —one odt f a gang, as it afterwards was s- cova —ati • h 6 with the wane mance of hes comrades, cleared off the and 1 plate, but hoped to secure for his own private betretit the famous diamonds. The bre bad so far upset their plans that be had found hiwselt left in possess- ion of the diamonds, when his sernces mime to tie required in aiding to axon ut email the bre. lu place of flight, there- ft.re,as he had at erst mteoded, the wary butler judged It best to let his confeder- ates en•ke off with the plate, white he teamed with the diamonds to bus poo• snot, one of the most weave in IIutudu- rot the dames, and suggesting the most essible schemes fur discovering the 6irvea When the detectives came down to Enfield, it becai re imperative latent hen to hit upon some sale place fur the dia- monds. Mr Jl.0:rterer was Mend wok as over abundant• wardrobe ; mod deride his visit to Eubeld, this butler had chosen t., cu&ider bin under We particular care, haying out his clothes, arranetug and 'winter things generally for bin. The idea of temporarily depue- tuug the precious gears within the leo- of one of that ketttewao's portmau- us, struck hnn as • bniii.pe. GUN. • lncutClalon o.1 urs. was to Withdraw m directly Mr Mauleverer's depart - was •b..ut to take place, and he uld ..f your... have the beat opportu• y of doing .v while pricai.g his their; but his plan by • mere chance carried, std he had the mortification seeing the p.rtmeutwu leave Enfield th the diamonds still safely secreted hitt 11. no such intention appeared to he hitt He t.pproachtd the bed, raised his lamp, Bashed it for a second on my closed eyes: and then withdrew it, apparently re satisfied that 1 slept. It must hate heen a cursory glance, for I could not have i sustained the deception fur more than a f moment, He gave a keen look round , the room. Only the lower par: of his face was covered, IN. I could see Itis eyes, some- thingemail, dark and piercing, with some- thing familiar t.. me in them, even then. m My watch—a legacy from my other lay on the toilet -table, but he overlooked it. Evidently mine wast ot the rein. he meant to rile. Almost ntneelesely he va,iehed nut of it, and i heard him pro- ceed iota Amy's room next—thank God,it was empty—then tato the spare item.where he remained. All at once it dished acmes me that irtg Fay • little aMight e 1 tea g ger ave even • Ht thing and secure the thief In former the day.,my spare roots had been • nursery, and the windows were barred, .ot as e„ urs make all exit from them t,nw•seihic. It wo I could slip out of bed, get series the' 1111 passive, iu nae second L cold I,.ek the ; cls doer, and, oscine from any attack, raise ole an alarm of The agony ..1 fear I as in was such ani that I felt equal to any cf..r.. Without wit loving a moment, I glided nut of bed: a ! moment's pante.cquaiatelt me with the (re fact that the miscreant was buoy; I heard "P1 him throwing ,not thugs all torr the; vial flt.or. H. waa .perching Mr afauleter- nea pr's pnnmante...'s; :hey were quite at olive the far end of the t.rdn.'m; so I ealeu- un • lated that I could safely chase and hock was the door before he could possibly prevent A zee. Lake • ghost, I moved out o1 my it, a room of my pervious errand. Through the a chink of the half open door I beheld srqu the m■n kneehng its Rant o1 the larger of the p..rtmsnteaos, nAtng it with • rapidity and inrrn:neaa which secured my beater for the present undis�..ve red, i had intended to Armor the door the instant i reschef it, but r.meth,ng mad. me pause in the darkness and peer with terrified eyes into the l.rdr,-.m He had h a hack tit me, s..f1 1 ...old see the quick Inorrmints of his atm., as ,me thine e ft. r a'u thrr was hurriedly throws upon the floor Ir Maileterer's temporary absence m our house •/'ordad 11.0 gond an etnuuity to be sussed ; bruoe the t to the Willi.' Nest, winch very Ply terminated my existence, fur lb. k and exposure combined br'.ugn• 1. 11 nes* from which, fur lung, it 001 expected 1 should recover. my was my teuder nines all though nd it sea from her hp. 1 heard ail 'articular* of the robhery. in the el to which 1 had been called ou w so prominent a part. Imagine ., (Peline% as I stowed within • few ranee it1 his., o see him with the utm,..t celerity tear ..pen the lining of 1hr p.rtmantt•r.0 and drew from It a g littering mass of di.m,",ds, which I in. y recognised se Ldy Dsseut'e us cot the tote she had worn on i,tht ..f tl.. eventful1 ball, .ad , with the other thiugs, bed w Timely dlappearwd oro, asnreb, slid fear well tie► tae to fall to the Komi. I mode reliseMry ...vemewt ; I'homght i Writing ; and the noise reached Looking up, oar oyes .et. Wttb rength bora of'deeperatioe, I anis e boodle of the dower, said la. men- the key was safely tarried le thm ppily rat eke 1i Pas of vessel, sed wry its, the done .as an old-fss►ist.ed f • pa►tirelerly earwig deseriptir.; seem • eittwng outer m..ldiee. it imost impassible o break it open ►e inside of the room. The pet of the abatis* @esteemed me fat • • Play Happily for both oar sakes, she never knew of the terrible suspicions I bad for $ brief time entertstne4 regarding Mr Maulererer, That gestlemas made hes •ppesranc. in doe time at *be Wow's Nest, bearing hie father'. letter. which Wormed me not onto of his wtlltngnees to welcome Amy as hos daughter, but to settle as inose upon the young couple of the most ati•fact«ry desert tion. Shortly afterwards, the butler wa. placed upon his trial, and i was relle.I .m, despite my weekee.4 condiu..n, to sire evldenae against hon. The., h•.w- ever, 1 wee happily spend a the prison- er, acting nn the &deko of hit c'umsl, pied guilty. indeed i was doubly re- newed, as Mautevrer'a rh`irset.r ea. the vindicated A. eh. wreteh.d psis Dewe ens hem*, removed, he vowed he mold "pay Moe Owurtsnsy • visit seem whew his term of i1Prisorsessmt expired." 111.rwever, tett years penal servitude may bubo moot a change in Ma rnaensa.ne Indy Meant •r meed mw Pity moat i►i tbdeoreforteng new she took .,f the matter. "Do mut usable year head, my dear Mem Ou.rtlnsy, •h, et any there the 'retell may ltay. mord ; In the 01111,40 of *Mere. yam sig he beyodtd his 'seek 1 mg before th. a,s "Amit. tram." 1 v.plted with a *mile. "At all *vests. I au glad I have lived Meg smooth to he the means of soot neutering icor drememig," 1890_ harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. • A new Shakespeare—the Shakespeare of lowin A. Annex—weft be presented to HAa- Pani Maotz,,.& for 1*5. with commea1, by Andrew Lang. HAsu'aw•. Ywaraxa Liss •.- en made special arr•agementa with Alehouse Daudet, the greatest of living French novel- ists, tee the exclusive publication, in serial form, of • humorous story, to be entitled "The Colonists of Taras000: the Last Adventures of the Famous Tartarin." lb. star, will be tnndateu byrlenry James. Lad illustrated by Rossi anwrb•cb, W. I) Howells will contribute • novelette in three parts. sad La1oadlo Hearn a novel- ette in two parts,e•tttled -' Y sono,-baada,me- ly iulorrnted. In il:tastrated papers, touching saki/els currant interest, and in to short tortes. poems.,aad timely articles, the Minazies will ntaluain its well-known staedard- HARPER'S PERIODICALS. M Trees IfARPJIW3 XAv3A VB, l ee HA RPM'S WXF;AjY t er HARPER'N BAZAR.. HARPBR'S YUC.Va PEOPLE.--- ,' . t N Po.dage Fire tool! eel-rtAer, in the Una. tet Stases, Canada, or Mexico. Ise volourrirs witb the Numbs for orJ use and Itecein er sack year. Wbeo no time is specified, su seMp- tions will train with the Number current at time of revelers of order. Hound Volumes of 1IAru'ca'e M ioainis. for throe )eats hack. si .i4, cloth receipt e($51 he went b Naha . in neat per volumes (•logy eases. Mr Wndlag, 11 cents teach- by mall, postpaid. Index to H ARPS:le.1f Aoszu N a, AlphalesUcal. Analytical. and C1.ad..d, Por Volum1 to 70. inclusive, trete Jnr., telt, to JaneIM6, one Tal., Ivo.. ('loth, Remittances should be sate M Poat�o, Moss y Order or Draft, be avoid chanes of Aesr'epnp.eraar,not to this advertise - send trident the express order o/ Museum b corn xwL Address HARPER k BROTHERS, New Pock. 1890— harper's Weekly. iI.LUST,IATED. Ha*r.w'. Wrucoy has • Wall «etallbhed thM dhnea.11uou 1taw.pt meals omIs- as 1 potltlwe has esra, for It the reriMms. variety .sed emagdersee of lets Petal read- 1�1/�r7 epmL L. whlrh Include serireatises al and Meet �M ky ►e beet and most popular tar f� pera.al of people of the tet Nates seri pursuits. The waestoy •.ttementa are of remarkable varied teem •and Talar, pa expense 1. .sand is !rlsRthe kir/heat order of artistic ability to hear upon the Illaatrwtloa at the changeful peases of home and foreign history, A Mrxlean romance. from the pen of Thoma. A. Jowl.,, will appear is the WaatLT in HARPER'S PERIODICALS. pec Tees HARPER Pi WISELY iIAkl'Rlt'4 X AE1Nfi. _.-.. ....- liAkPa:H'ri AJAR - t se HARI'Ek'S TOR:NH I'5Qpi,t t rOD Mee f.'ndnf rQe.,.,a4 m tee fAt The Volumes et the Wast.L, tugim with the gest Number 'it January of sash year When we is.. 1. aap.tin...,. ember rtptto«a r►111 Mgt. with the Nus,....err earned er time .t ,•clot vRHAUPurs WumriL, fir Ham roars 50ck In Pease .este boding, will floe t ss /moss.. email 1L sae web sive "e.�/e w.l alit for velem*. •phobic ter re - it t kp�ymatl. poiynt � Mid, w ra- �arh� -"h N avoid imoee ham, evva.ebe�i.�pg tet, bets rrvrstw.e.►rts► N erekerithleS HAfsi•estM ■ARPBR & Rom Item TM. AT LAST !.' • WoodiroAr t-'., pta..sesy Thee Mes...w th* memo, ■wedla ,rr o........ A True Invigorator. Weekaser Bad pottrataoo of the savors moms s safely fellow that orerwork and wary which brings ,arrow mad suffering to si litany Caaadbm homes. The terridie remelts of nervous weakness, are aeon oe every trod. Paths in the back, pout and mucfreshrog sleep, lack of appetite dys- - pepat., and last energy and strength, are the first symptoms of mese senator and dagger. cos trouble. This. the way teat Paralysis, Paresis and Insanity begin. Do not delay • moment longer, i er wine time it will be too late to regain yotu lost health gad vitality. Use Paine'. Celery Composed sow, amd the dull eyes will regain Stir brilliancy, the cheeks will grew rosy, the brain become clear, the nerves strong and steady, your steep restful and refresh*. appetite good, and health and will take the place of misery and rinlg. A. S•bision, tb. well known hthagrapbrr of Montreal. writes : •• to the summer of Alit 1 had to work very bud, and was trembled considerably with insomnia (deep- ). I resolved to try your Par.'s Celery Compound, and alter taking the contents of two bottles, kit like a sew man. Anight's rest gave me strength ler alae d ke of the day, and isMead of alerting out to besieges is the moraleC using a W I bed esgepkoed • days work ilaa4slissss�d of beteg about to commssce ear I started out is good spirits, keling fresh god strong. My wik and various friend., M who. I recommended the medicine, hang home bes.4t.d greatly, and in fact ofd our i � u a household ONO 100 .e. too was qlr ease re.... ones 5111 .ea mewm meeSib I tom.( .. .111. ..~ur ew.aiiThaw sampla.ett� ..rel i. w — orl •Aor yes bow INS d.., Y vase err 5'm mow.*Treetet res elms re Owes w . +•7 h�s- r. .L, * boom yew roe vacua .., Pse a i r... r in er tea...ra • .w N.s->+.. ware 01.11.411111 db. CO, Mei awiA omla d.w Me� THE BEST BAKING POWDER GARTH &C0. is 1 racTo r SUMAS KM'S NS Frill 7'o M... is ath.rg 1 ;;uri0J. Valves, Iron 4 i.earns Loam Finley duet% Slats itt Potter, Fare Poem W'rl ri Cream Sroar:O t.0:; sad lmt:ey (iyaiiia KA COAL.;ST stON*«;c4... CHADWICK'S SPOOIk COTTON Phar Mind c:;t;: Mae tine C.C. tt.S RD $UPIP.t0i1. ASK FOR 17, HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Fall and Winter GOODS. Ready made Clothing at Prices to snit Pur- chasers. MO'IIIT BS CLKARZD 017. H. DUNLOP :IeA- The Thilly. Wast -n, WANTED ALLS'MEN tontv toiler shots. Ns.rf 3051 bred .r east, W111 pay give suessablog batter tow workers., •e la rlrtace s.•.dvvt. W rise r ,o,-i:e N4nery... Roeheeter, N, Y. E!i} flT• 11 will you ve mbe ms p few gem Cut It got. A MORI LYRE /en .ILIOV.NESS, CONaR/PATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, .ICA HEADACHE, awe erocaax• OF THE STOMACH, LAMER AND .Owct&. Tee, awe wku,Twoaouatt awe ew•ssor tee Acro., are rover A vawaaaE $ts TO uaooc* 54015 &TYING IN Tae memo awls core or CHNION$O AND O$$TINATE Di$EASES. OAHLE 1►DDR�Bse Pittbros., - London. PITT BROS. & CO. Importer. of Canadian Apples. 44 /sees t Irlerta-+N. , Leaden, Eng. Consignments solicited and liberal advances made thereon, 1730 1090 sFuB,s;„EE 1890 WEEKLY EMPIREca.... Leadisg Newspaper. PAfRIOTIC IN TONE, TRU TO CANADA. TRUE TO THE EMPIRE. Is Now TB WO TULLY PIM CTi n-1.1“. l TRtitfXf TL Erprk. Tn3 es utit aftsA'rr.::w'aa 1:241 tial L"::;,.*t TRUNKS Is this Noted. L LTEL2IG I&C� MONTREAL. *tete • .).rag .t+. one et the twat .awsret and elegantly farntshe.l Mena to the Coy. Aeesmmtemeti a tar use «mesh,, isteei par day. S. V ,17WOODIILfi. PEARS' k!t J. PALERRSON Wholesale IRap'trs of DS1 OC.:sTS' s':SDRtuS 17Q.1311111111M MONTREAL. SOAP. TTrrA1i1DOOMIINIION LELii DRAt-'. COMPANY. Idassfirture,s cf £S8EST3S!~:LL90.t , ...s= iP+cking. Published at Two I►ol:an a Year, FRICTION Will be sent aro . "trial trip from PULLEY BOARD, OCTOBER I. 1889, f ti• vee Pr/.e•Fr{,,,i• a ell TOE r 1pms.g, ata tipedsl arrangements are twoina te add new sad altecnne features, w megg Chatty {overeaten. Iateoet sad vat As as tadw-ement to wave le t• of aL PaTROSTN' .'All I Weft thg of present ) ear w ill be given FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Mak;ag it only One DM1ar from new tm eM ot lar: Address «can Iterear T.lw.T.. err. The EXAMINER (P. O. Bax 3661,) NEW YORK CITY. The Leailth Bapiist Newdpap er, RECKITT'S BLUE. THE BIM PO/ LAUNDRY UDE. PLANING HILL ISTD LISNF0 I*51. AUCHjN J B4OBINSON, titers. -croons BASH, DOOR and BLIND ismer. I. •11 keeled LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES AM b0Nders mweW el every desesietlsa. JANUARY ,, 1800. For the nominal sum of THIRTY CENTS. iF YOU w bell t. know Tibet the D•pll.t de - m enlsatloa la doing,and ar remota W lea news of ob. world bride. try Too awocate, Ihei, National paper, and a vs aew•p.per as well IF you wl•h yore- faptbt Meads M knew Bae, .shrrrib, ferries et them tee 1 e p," AT induce groves of t bees : w roer kl* es • fPHI.retNara ore will pram . /��Jame sews volume ere .aft the np week .f (�A.1-e• N. hrt'teeeeN, IL* groat Leedom pn.cMr. THE 43ALT-CLj ARS r if•ie.7 «7 coflretion of I'runT7,. T wr.gji r if-ii4 Homely :Vasa TL1.,.., ui os M oparlrat RAM w meet ,� mess is yea meow* send seven and PIN and steam the Nth,, seed wtt•tevo• wether) Oe tea, at 'me aye Sae mss& tat hes ewe "BOOK OOItYIBSION LIST” A1N w whoa has/ast. SsLT-Cts ay W see _peer R Tit er have fee ni toga row �et,,trip �S° JIM by wp to re. arm far sewer ser mime, Mresf a i ni. roe r es, • bsM /er avoir •• BfJT oM tmlot1 use i Twig ET< A 1t1� 1st School'OM a Speeltj' =� >e% OOUN home of A Weekly t MepWI PBM al d.. Mr W I slip, had t bill is Cain Mies C. 'soared foe skip, taste stated, at a Mi Jos. & who ().tarso t►i B. (iib.ot may. Tbe See grand viol beating the ton brat At` r Ail1 but more n ler, has set mato, wises self. Wm 8a Mid up for leg, started O employe( tar and is Inset Sat four-year of Bressela, fe Ales McLu bone in his •Mr Oxon Gods-ich tt Lawson, at Ostrge mo known as The dean Beignsve, s last. She and there Beteg in N gone home Mr Osoi farm, Mono Ouderich Hears, of yean, at as a year. Mr Heti noaosssivn, bought the Thomas J. consisting u cleared, ba which It w He, se now I on. W. T been cooio week a cane the Ytilh of Wednesday cemetery. have the h their Rift . at.,`S on the entire Committee. seated, whe cation. A pat intern. on Tllemday tires from what court bees learns Mrs Robe late hat bee onetfher e en out Gartner, of perforated t would not p drugs to def were very g' to state the could be ex' Just imagir .peak for ten would he is stleeace t A Hamilton atm W Isom'. Wit is tour eats. His cure of or Croat- Ik Another 1 list of bo . Jubnston, v her neighbo last week, t her little gu while playir dress set 01 ran to the Si'.,,4 but t Catching si, We the btu her dreg bl A doctor s At t wo o cls ■Inard'a 1 Prompt, i stways tom Aromatic Q W Nese From Or ollt. ly. lel mesdles after aunra i ti Itrldi s only on. to 1 Wsl ne, aft. of abs sligib Slot epos daughter of he have the 6ywhetsW .N bike men .posed by N `OooA Na ani' y. t" sets ' vie slow* min.m lei, bokltig 'a1..aN bas a eek "O►rsyew trodden eta. fin's baro et 4. ' idle