HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-8, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOT. 8, 184. THE MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOTI .II terilk . LK..ane THUM ALL WM- ACHESON f Th. old LstabUohed flames. Maker, oriel sato let_ tfse people of the Opluity of Harm ksow that the has tie larseet stuck of Slagle sal Ossa Hawes. Willing Meddles, Truaka Values, Par (Jeal.. NsK.io-roba Horse Btsaksy Waage Hamm, Ssrolesrles, .4.•., which h. L u•brlsg at greatly reduced trines her oast. as be le Mammies! to reduce aM large sfwk odors the New Year. t lawn* all who island pe ebiest g N glee tee a call Were Walla, elsewhere. 'Call Mad sea tM obeapw cad harems matter 1a tb• Comity. Remember the w.d MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT, HAMII.TOrT-EST .• Ci-ODERICIH_ All book'aasoants must be sewed by matter sate before tie Era of December. 1M11. Mel teas. AcIl.econ. GREAT SALE DOLLS &ALBUMS! ERASER &PORTER'S. Buy at once and save money, as we are going to sell for two weeks only at prices so that everyone can afford to buy. Both Zines are new and clean -not old truck that will only sell by auction. Our reason for selling the above goods without profit is not Inerely to advertise to catch custom, but to make room for other Ikinas goods arriving. Besides these two lines we will sell for the same length of time Silverware, Wallpaper, Pocket Books and Pipes, of which we have by far the largest stock in town, at a reduction of 20 per cent. Be wise and purchase from us, as we mean straightforward business. Central Telephone Exchange, North side of Square. FRASER & ?ORTER. C:ederioh, Oct. 2Iti, 18141. el21-t1 LESBU RN. From oor con correspondent. Mn Ashley, of Hanover, is visiting relatives here. $Our townsman, R. Hoeesath, is add- ed to the married force of this place, be- ing recently married to Miss Strung, daughter of the late John Stroup. a Communion service will be held in the Presbyterian church here the last Sun- day of this month, and this week • thanksgiving service will be held Thurs- day at 11 p.m. TONIGHT. -The members of ?O.f1.T. No. 213, will hold a pancake social in their hall, with cake and tea Members Of several sister Judaea are expected to take part in the program. Admission, Adult. 15e , children under fourteen, 1Oc. Though past his 79th year, our jo- visl pioneer, John Morris, carried op a ladder to the roof of his stables, at Mor- risdale, several buechee of ehingles,with the ardor ret youth, and did a big day's work in shingling the roof of the build- ing some days ago. Our jovial friend, Joseph Healy, has returned from • pleasant vitit to friends in• the county .4 Lsmbton, his fort• night's stay making • new man of him; std a little bird whispers Joseph may go again shortly, and his °mud will note a blank in the ranks of the beetle - 10111 of Leehurn. Hallowe'en was hardly *Mood. bar ting a bevy of the fair sex, so rumor has it, going to a a.OIAl gathering, and wak- ing eft with the tall laird's entrance gate, which they have put somewhere not of view. The laird has. ffered a mammoth reward to tiod'out the fair depredators and to bring them to the altar of Jnatfce or rip:ti u. ASIiFIELD. RAstirlKLi. Cousin. Merees..,--Ash- field council met 18th inst. All the members were present. The coo cell directed that James Vint and Joseph Cranston be notified to trove their fences of road allowance, at once. $3.3) pard last meeting for funeral ex - pence. of the late Mrs Martin was re funded. Accounts pail: ---J Kilpatrick. gravelling eastern crewel road, $15 00. and „ravelling an S It, 3 and 4, $_+i.00 (part pay/; F Glenn, ;travelli ie. $25.00; '1' emigrant, culvert, 82 11'.1. hnaton, ditch, $1 00; W McNall, rep. Taylor's hill, $4 00; 5 E I4andersen, rep eastern gravel road, $2 00; Dr MeK y. duties as medical health officer, $.5 O1; .1 Sulli- van, gr•velliur on L It., $5 On; J Grtf fin, plauking culvert., f -e 00. S Pentland, culvert, $16 00; .1 Web- ster, inspecting. %•1888; .1 M,•feeti non. gravelling and drain on b .un1•ry. 816 2:1, and gravelling on 8 11 9 and 10, $e•► 16; W Henderson, inspecting, $1.86; .1 Marcher -on, gravelling and 'ill - fog, $21 18; W Pagan, in.pecet .g. $1 50; A Murd.- k. imiepreti ,r,AI LO;I' !fiche!. eon, •ravel. *4 'il, J R••u.e.rep it -raper. 81 p.); J M,N•mir, gee elling. 814178; P D .yle, gravellin (. $28 00; F McCar ty, onivert end leo lint, $l8 00; .1 Bryer., prir.tinl. f37 00;T Ford.irrad.ng and inspecting, $9 00; W Tcaorlee tak• in►( drift see.' out of river. $1 00; J Themproon. t Avert, $7 '21; M M i) •n a1d, rep. cul cit, $5 70; N M.•Deeee, rep Piet.laard's hie, 827.00; 5 Berke, gravelling mrd ditches, $10 00,0 Wems- ley, rep cog. 12 CID 00. D Fielayam. gral.•lhe•v. $49 ilium. rep rul sort. 9.' 00; 1' 8h1rl.I. pe.tn.g and evad- ing '2 IJO:.1 Templet r. p. culvert *'2 25; J K•.er, cu vett. 81 00; D Csr.loso.•11, gra• glume end work on •w. .f••r hill, 8-24 ;{p; W Writing, culvert, $13 00; K M'floor rep ru;re►t •• -d •.r.do.: $11 75; n klrlte' $' . 1(rse,•0111v. illi p): J Mo Intyre, striven.' x65 14): F M. L.• ...n. grip eleven. $l Oil. '•1 F.. ;.«•o , 4,14_ line. si- linv. $2374. en. • 'tv.•rr, $1101); J Hen'.41, n.sp•etln: 84 00; M M lewd, imapeet•nr. $3 75et ; A i.: it. tt..loeM- iWr. 3'e: J 1la1phy, n. p. '.'•v. Bit 38; W 1;. '• y ere 'ling $37 54; 1' t) •1e, au'r'a-ln.tr eras' $2 C .'ilC!1 s• ion•n- s., r., meet *este N r 16. til► Li AR, sleek. A GRAND WORK. The epee, eased& Melsgleas Thiel wad Neat eeeklr. The annual meeting of this Society was held on Friday last, in the North -at Methodist church. The atieudauce was • vert small one as repreemittug the four onngregatious of the town. The chair was occupied by Rev J. A. Abider e co, of Knox church, and ore the plat form were Rev 0. Richardson and Rev Dr Ure i.ra•. 111 .41.19 The meeting waw addressed by the secretary and agent of the Society, Rev Dr Moffatt. The Dr, who was with us last year oa the same duty, held the rapt attention of his bearers for consid- erably over an hour, in which he graphic- ally descrited the work the society is doing. This is done by publishing and circulating the Scriptures, together with standard religious books, reltgtous per- iodicals, and every variety of religious tracts, leaflets, and booklets. Its work is carried on by means of Colporteurs whu tee steadily at work in the newer and poorer pati. ns of the country, such as Muskoka, Algoma, and of late in Mi nitrla, where they carry Bibles, etc, offering them for sale at tae very lowest figures that it is possible to do so, and where they find people too poor to buy they give theta away without charge These devoted men are real Christian missionaries, working ie our midst, among our own people, who would be, except for their vents, quite without religious reading and teaching. The men chooser for this work require to be peculiarly adapted for It lied men who labor in it for the week's sake and not for the etdolurnent. They air welcomed and kindly received, and reed, pray and expound the Scriptures whenever oppor- tunity affords. One of these, Mr Thea B. ne, has been at work for some twenty years on the Welland canal, going amongst the sailors on board the vessels which pass up and down the canal. in a the city of Tomtit° a number of Christ- ian workers from the ditfetent churches, prepare for every Sunday morning • tree a orifi Aii,erieaa Ll.d AHI, acelam a P1 41 (('t R'• R %Till BY BI'$CIAI. ♦ihlpY DOMINION 1 ARLVA11MM HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, CNT. :TUIi GOVERNIENT DEPOSIT. Vigorous, Pros,:rons and Progressive Oae ldian Company PailsiDattir MON. A. MA(TEE-YZLL M. P. Ca -Maw 1111alase Ca.ad.. VICa4PltE8/DE1ITB HON. A. MORltl(l, 1 JOHN L. tlLAIKI SAN AUDIO IdlitleCTOR- WILLIAM MoPADI, T 1. L. rug. The gawp, IfiM 11 A ' oved I ores of Polls ss tett Antis RETURN PREMIUM PUN. Thi. Policy OUARANTLES A KZFLNN OF ALL PKICMIUMB PAiD badrtMw to the bell fee of the P slier es the crest of Meath dahag the levamseei 'period, as • wee rate that. any other OompW. X4.17 F. J. T. N A FTFEL. ASsat. amongst them he show, a gas testament for th..., rears -Jo thunk u( It, Ilse 'hide ..3 the mire •earaurrttt fur three ewes. The little fellow has exactly that a .•ount, amid ape. d.'y h n•I. U over and Beta the book. He n.,. reman iy refs els book ..et mark• gleam pees.ge..bs•h len Isle • h. .t, ...d at • a 4.i d rr&do s commits .,.any ..f them to MOW. r. It erns** to peas that this In11, h..y is tike,. 111 and to the fir .1 home. without' nedlc.l .tlrrl.li..o•, he dies A s...rne ful hills eomu.uy •...d tb.ir way to the nee, aid until nuw,uouard ee...eiert and upon their retort. h •m.• i.. k lovingly thn•o.th the Int'., threw co tot ir.t.wrru► eontaiuiuri the marked teli..•f their Fit- t e aim Wen eau tell the e• .d that Dna lade three cent testeme.I may accom- plish' Nor, • c.ar it ...r• l..iy d.f••re.rt C' aracter, showing ho. as A .4 ..y.. en. rutnnce..1 H.• word "its,eth light ' A women ar.d her ern Inset/ its a r. ami In Teroito of the ue..t eretc'.ed de.crip- ttun im•givahte. Futunure there s none, and for a hid a heap of direy .ha- reems in a corner. Dirt and 6ir h h. e.. alga supreme, sad the charsct.•r of the inmates is .•f a I:ke nature, fear the - eh and mother hes filer, as 1,.- s, 11 .. pnsaihle for a woman t.. fall The eon •s I.kra •.ck. Ile recovers. and to h.. convate.eent state, teed %note the node of his hed of .havurgs, peel. -re a m.•ael request : Cort h• s moat b.r g v« hour e•.tme- thing to read .4 • relies - cis 1 Si-, al.xtous to rretlfy the ale'' tel.* duster. searches every nook sett corner of the room tied tion. • ti.ct'ha has Isis. u. some dirty corner 1,•r four !ears, beetle! it. by Mount kls.dly baud, forst. 11,0 .od reelected, but not let. L. he. no. arts eepltble state of mated, he errs es It the message of silvan. • which is to ri. h and p.e.r alike, and apt ca1y to the s,. - tier. Tile mother mow rre.1. 11, toes, •.•.• the wont c es t.. her dark soul silts power trete Him who toys, "lty word shall not retun, ant•. M void " 8. these t.o precious souse, .be had snook lower than the neat• that pro h, are now r top rctahle members -1 owlet', amid are pane thrwin this l f. with • h..p. of the life to come. through re di, g • dirty and reelected tract placed in what home years ago ny s••re« earnest Chris- tian worker. There are toot old eerie. of former years, but are errant .occur renes of the past year W. -ll easy the Dr say "Lest ns now the seed, the L rel will take care .d Ho. own word " It i. found in R.rnsn C.thoec a mmnusiSee. said the !router, that the Word ..3 Life is quite re duly bought and grad. A case was menti ed el • w.m.,, who, from teadisog the testament and finding that the way to 0.d wee by n ea t...3 the Saviour alone, received the word with teadt.ew, and alae o•u.mer.a+d to purchase the scriptures by the dozen from the society, so as to ere '.o her eeighbnrs. 81ie thea pora_)..+ed wird sold, until she had in the short spree of somewhere about one year, sold some Eve hundred copies. Dr Mofatt, in this 0•.nosct , alluded to the Jesuit qusa.- tion, saying that he felt we were only at the awrinnow ,4 it instead of at the end, and that to ne other way c .uld it be Wore quietly and peacefully settled, and our motion fused .,.d cemented to - %useless, who elevated the pate blah op is the branches of • tall beech -Tire days totter Jas B iris, jr., skilfully threw a b.or rope Deer • lower branch woof e imbed . p on It end timer, from • height of •bro.t 60 test, !nwerrd the gate an.' 11 ns -r ( safely to the grwmd, ayine h. .u31Rrae whin the quintet's wear /1. • ••e% .' h $ cap• as yral.dnr•s the, w. l tel h.•w •h.n put the rel fa too three u. - • t .1 1p►.,pfedi' .■.f�� ...edited, 011 1141low. el 1889. Is. pule op. ASL1ZEP 011 Tfl TIaACN. A Ittle child %Twat ref play. bad yellowed fib toaJ no a railroad track and fallen asleep. TSS train was almost upon him when a passing stranger rushed [sward and eared him from a horrible .hath. Perhaps you an. asleep on the tree*. nes. You are. If you are nigh -tang the lacking cough, the beetle gush. the howl of appetite, growing weakness and hsitude, which have unconsciously crept upon you. Wake up. or the train will be upon you! ('nnsumption, which thus Maid t owily fastens fts Moid upon Iia victims while they are un- ennscious of Hs approach. must be taken in time. If it Is to he overcome. Dr. PM•rr's Golden Medieval Diaeorery has cured thou- sanr(n of caw. of this most fatal of ntaladly. If taken In tune. and given a fair trial, 14 M gwarmsis .d to benefit or cure in every w of Consumption. or money pad for K win is prompt/if rvfmnckd. For Weak Lungs. Spitting of mond. Short- ness of Breath. Bronchitis. Asthma, Severe eiugugha and kindred afections, it b an e!- Ogpif_U. MIL by Wo.Lws net Mea. Sate 1$500 REWARD offers .1 I n j>S incurable ante of t atarrh In the Head. by the proprietor sof 0r. s Cagurrb Remedy. Only 6o uvula Sold by di trey lets everywhere. Dello Havet��ried �oiemH �l�a oaP *tether in the hoods e f union and fellow- • ship than by memos .if light and kn•ewl- It 1, nyp>�1 Ls its ledge and true Christianity, throo,th the \ •7 C•/� 1x7 V• reading and study of the Holy Scrip. tures. Dr. Ittiftt'e address was full of life red insptratinn throughout, and it nee a pity that so few availed thamaelves of what could not have been otherwise than treat, and it is to he hoped that when he collectnre call for the annual -De- scription they will meet with a liberal response. The officers fleeted for the prevent year ars President, Rev J A. Ander- .on, 're-.leeted; .ecretary-treseurer, J. A. Nafte'. in place of Spence Allan; represent•tires from the duf.•rent cnn- r.gshona-North-.t. Methodist church, %V. Arm•trtmg; Victoria at church; (1. P111 dt; St. (ieorge'e church Johu A. sftol; Koos church, D. Stoddart. - foe s breakfast for the eery poor ; then et 6:30 • m ,they meet kr a few minutes' prayer and o. i aultation,after which they disperse and gather in the hungry and destitute from all parts of the 0417, many of whom have not broken their fast tor twenty- four hours, and segue even are found who have not eaten any food for as mnah as thirty-six hours. They commence g with reading and prayer, and precisely .t 8.;clock the breakfast beeine, which %sons..%• of bread and butter, tea and N coffee. and sandwiches. These are sup- plied in abundance, on that the very huogr,eet res all that he or she can de- sire. It is • sight to see, the i►r said, .me of these half-starved creatures clutch nsenealy at the proffered slice and deeour it in three bites, and consume shoo after slice, and drink cup after cup, until completer satisfied. The supply ha never yet been known to fail, al- though on ...me occasions it hes Awes' consumed almost down 3ea a •ingte •lice. During the progress of the meal hymns of are ine workers, and aftrayer end er all 4 are dene and the !triple in a eemfortaele frame, both of body and mind, they are conversed with and the pohliatio.s of the Society dis- tributed as they mai seem to M to the way of cluing most gond : snd thea pe,e pie go home with gratitude, teeny a one saying in his heart, "Well ! there are kind and Christian pimple in Tor into yet.'• Between three and four hundred are thus eared for each week. Now. to gore one or ten instances of the work eif the colp..rt.ere - A Leiner in Manitoba who had left Ontario, and was there making an effort to get on in fife, living only i.. sod shanty, had • Gale family .4 two or three children. The eldest of Mime, getting able to toad a little, has made op his mind to save every stray tont that he may pet so as same day to he, stile to parches* for himself • whole [lite Ia the clan* of his re made the Society's eolport.ar Balls et the h•mhlh, home, and shows his Noels of books ; Oott. DUNLOP. From our own correspoadert. Mr and %Tr. Rielly attended the wed. d.ng of the tatter's sister, Mesa Tina Mae - Donald, In David Tharlow at the bride's fathers residence, mar Duni/tnncu., last week. Mn A A Wllleime, with her son Har- ry, returned home let week front visit- ing Mr Chas lipstick of Goderich town- ship, for a week. Mr Joseph Cass, formerly teacher of No li, tt*ltford.nuw of Henall, gave our burg • Hying visit last week. 'lr C Stewart, N'ingham, visited amongst old friends here Isst week and still is a strong adherent of the mingle side Hallowe'en was slightly remembered in our burg by some of the rising or- ation. who made movers" towhee nn the farm gate* •t the north end, depositing nese ander • celstirt to await the ensuing of • long expected fined of water to bear it to Lake Huron. The IAnadnwoe gate was carted In Mn•koka. Th. •Ohne) was *seeped the raiders by the a stak- air's watchfnlness in removing it oat of sight, where it rested safely till moraine sad wee put in its place ell right A wee red gat. at the south aide of the nano was earned carefully by a qui.tMte, not enalpaesi of hie or little nrehilss, and sit o14 women, bet three imitating is tis r tows and two is their f.3'•lYe'ri:.>i.tw:6iitsati Af� i is I titre NY:te- '+ -.i,1 e; res. T ee-ort nein r1erety to seer ...eel t:.;:kt.ael 'ef 1.:ce. "Tn - •{irs...». I"'::,� A eAii.G4LCiit3. hate ress,u TGs 'tltl�t atc"Tr • IMir 3Y r'I.' t r•lsCt. r, %try rrnedy M 1f t.' s.: ♦•o .A 'k'.»- u . tillers hare ,_.. �,•y er.: ,.rt '•.runt pee rec.:viz setae. .4A4en.o �r.ittrrasw•neaFFor tavr.•t,a err .r.rt1LLt$, Walt'. (live enema • OI1' . 7cerr r •os trerhtg for a e.,�' •t x�i e" elsgo :. Address 'a f Te::,. rt., Tee% at. •r;24 41**414"=.041114HIEHMOM CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND RELIABLE F:AST-sT. FLOUR AND MD STORE HAS CHANGED HA1MM. The poh,;ie are benhy neel*rd that timeliest met feed business former') routed on beA.L C.RIa has been purchased by THOS. J. VIDEAN, wk. will carry it os in all Its less ehes at the old mend. Kest -.t, neer me Satan. Under the msA•gemesnt of former preprie. tam this bn,i.rese has heels the ,n,., sus. fel la us 11.. of any to town, and as the sew proprietor has Aero dentines' with It ter over algal trees. there will he no ratline Wt. the energy fnrteerty exhibited In keeping It (e the nowt rank. (lands delivered to all porta of the town. The latent and hemi Ilsee of finer aid feed always es had tad cadre mode In ee.nen- THOS. J. Vii*EAN„ 1 lake obis wppnetsnity of thanking my elm 1 seniors fee their literal derive/ ate peniwletnrMlp of Die Yea -at /1.wr end res% !were. sal ales take ple.it .re la rrr•Mn.mw1y�a. In try •neeee.w Mr Thos- JeTheme. a•:e w lee found le be s %hero tyywlhbie 11f'f LCUtJ.ar FINE TAILORING FALL, EMITS AND OVERDO .TS FOR GENTLEMEN. 4 $15, $18 A..NI) $20. Kotler soya "A gentleman's taste in drew is epee pr tielple Ike _•veldaeee of alt Wait extras -amid , 11 meshes le the quiet simplicity e(g auW seea • eeate M►new fall salting. mad uterewl.ugs see vary sanative. of Passdme►es. plata sad wet moo ('hearts and %4 ers s -de. Their stood. are carefully haadlt•A le their nianetartees.agd are properly rut mud trimmed. 1io coy tuerchaat tailor tures out handmade, better ttl.e or more durable suite Peed at caw .ad see the goods sad prior+• ma_ a/.te,CCOrx'Yia►C_ REMOVAL ! I take this opportunity of stating to the people of Qoderich and surrounding country that I have removed my H RDWARE STORE to the corner of North-st and the Square (the stand formerly oc- cupied by J. C. Detlor & Co). I beg to thank my numerous customers for the patronage they have given me since I began business. I hope still to retain the custom of my old friends, and having increased nay Stock and capacity for business in my lament quarters, solicit an in- creased patronage in the tune to come. Everything to be found in a first-class Hardware Store can be got from me. 1f it is not in stock it can be ordered. 28 -Ins. JAMES YATES. 1890.. Sarper'sMag'azine-IPPS'$ COCOA. ILLUSTRATED. A now Shakespeare the Shakespeare of Kowie A Aaags-will be presented is HAs- rarti Maaaat/1k fur I. with cuaawnti by Andrew lige Hataraa's Naas:ens has a_• PO made enema' arraaaemeete with Alphonse IMudet, the greatest of trying Yrewcb nasal- ises. for the exclusive publication- in aerial form, of • b.mur-.us *tory. to be retitled -The C'olosistsof T•rasoou: the Last Adventures of the Pamoa• Tarlarin." 1 b .gay will be ora,'.1aen M- Henry James. sod illustrated � by Hemi and Myrbee►. N. U ItoweIIa wit. contribute • novelette is three porta and Lefeedio Hearn $ novel- ette in t wt. parta,ene %ted e Y outn•,"eaadaome ly Illustrated. In illustrated papers, touching subjects of current Inter -et, and In it. short •tories. Poems. and timely articles, the Mamaziis cull maintaw us well-known steadard, BREAKFAST. "Ry • thorough knowledge of the Natural laws wh4-1, gu%ern the uperstione of digestbse am! mantels. .ad by • careful spp1. s4en et the fine p►spertkw of sell arlrct,r..d l'oeot.• Mr Kpps has provided our breakfast table. witb a deb. -au -1y flavored bevera.tr is hk;b may care a many heavy doeirrrY bill*. It is bv the Judicious are of welt article et , diet that • constitution nay be ge.dsally built up until atroag enough to relm every' tendency to disease. Hundreds of wbtis maladies are St slag amend us ready to at - lack wherever there is a week point. We may e•t-ape easy a fatal shaft by keeping ouraelreu well fortified with pure Mood and • properly aoerbbed frame--- "%.`Tull Servile* Gazette - Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold oaly is packets by gee era, labelled them JAMySI7PPritt (•o.. Hum.nopetkic reels - bte Loaded'. la i.dand. tile. •Ille HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Near HARPER'S MAGAZINE, ft of d 4 KPJCJCS Il-h'FJl J Y a E os 11.1 RP1i 1C., NAZAR... lar HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. r W Podode Free tool! su.a-rihrra t& the U.m- ed Shares. ('oaadw. or Mexico. Tb. vanities or 11. MaaanRa bees with the Numbers fur Jane and neron,:.er of each year. When .o lime is specified. vibe -rip - lions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound V ulur.ea Of Haa:res'a M•0acnce, ter three years pact in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, poetpald, on receipt of 33 fir per volume. ('.14th 1'.aea. fur beading. 341 cents each -. by %mall. postpaid. Index to liaarewb Al at &r.tx a, A 1phahetirxl, , Analytical. .ad ('iareited, for Volume1 to IS. inclusive. from Julie, U13•, t• June, Leib, one vol.. 8r•., ('loth. el pre, Remittances should he made by Post -(Maes Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of 'otoe Newspapers ere loaf la .-rpy this advertise. •vet wither! les express order of Basun= RRU7ezwt Address ' HARPER k BIt'YriTERS, New York. 1890 -- Earwig Weekly. 1I.LiJSTSATED. HAttJSR. Wallet., has • well established place as the leading illustrated newspaper in Ameri.•a. The Aligned of ia editorial cote - meets on nt politics has earned for it the respect and conddeeoeof all impartial read- ers. and the variety and excellence of its literary contents, which Include serial and Nicole* mioe* by the test and room popular writers. ret it for the perusal of people of the widget rungs. of tastes and pursuits. The '4.ini*v snppMtneatu sire of remarkable varlet) interest, sad valor. No expend 1. soared to bring the highest order el artistic •blhty les bear upon the Musty -anion of the changeful pimiento! Muse and a -.este history, A Mexlkan romance. from the pen of Thoma A. Jani4cm will appear in the Ws:mum Is • HARPER'S PERIODICALS. M Teed HARi'RRtt WF.Kg1.Y HARPER'S MAGAZINK HARPS/en BAZAR HAItPKRlt TOttle0 PEOPLE rel 4 /1, oro f IN Poring► Free to ell wa1wrr,*'rw he ter ('wired Motes. ('aaede, or Afriirn. Tia• Veined* of the W.i.i51v beefs with the first Number of January o1 each year. When Ito /inlets mentteneel. aalsrriptlona will WOO with the Number currewt at time of receipt of outer. Bound gemmae of HART.n's WggrL,. for three years tack. In seat cloth hemline, will be Int by tea l'•�ppostage peed or bv express'. e...3 espouse dollar vMed the ?mbar does rest exceed per volsanei, ter p per relsone ('loth reale for each volved, suitable far Vending. will he sent by mall, pnel-psiel• oat r se Nip 1 Mei reseb. Ltemitranew Mhoald be made by Post-OAks Lowey Order or Draft. to araht chance of A'.« upny yrs wev sof to e'wpp this advertise. ore tee arena order 4/ H Easy • iARPItR R ROTI7E11.8. Now Terk. KIVELOPES iErauellinq l&uiae. UItAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arrive and depart at Uoderict as is Iowa : Nail eat Exprosse s Mail. till DAL 4(fi xedi tM s,l•. Nixed ........ ... of .. T.16p-xis ail Jtail sad Expraas......... L66 p.m 1.111• m Nisei ••• (51a As WILSON'S PULMONARY COUGH SYRUP For Children I'Itlt'K 11 ('BNT.q. BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY BARK >g'O R Coughs and Colds. 1'I;ICF..• ceNTsr. WIZ,=ON'.S Prescription Drugstore. FALL & WINTER coons, I have just re('eived my large consignment of Fall and Winter Goods, and to make room for them I am now selling off any Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over gook un- til another year, and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold them over. Being anxious to keep up with the time* I have just put in a handsome plate glass front, and intend making other improvements that will make my extensive pre. mines second to none in town i am here to exchange cod, with the public for cash, and ayes bound to do it Manager of Toronto I' 1