HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-8, Page 6^•tf4tTiRAR%OFGRIST GRIST L1., �tttkl t incl t IN Ats, ipo* A f -e- 411Rt"tClSTteC/ F:91ST STHFi•'T i;t,DFRICHC.t TIIE HURON SIGNAL, FFII)AY, NOV. 8, 1 THE HOME CIRCLE. ION a NTS. _ Some boys are never to time, Tate to easels, oohing, church, uitea gales a train, keep their friends waiting after makiutt &ppt.lattseot. fur sertais hours. Busi- ness ions do sot wast that klad of tiny is their stores and offices. Stama toys are slam°, interlard their oosversstton with all tha show phrases afloat, Relined people du not ad- , pure that style e( youth. Some boys are disrespectful, call their parent. old man, old worm, nickname their teachers or employees, contradict - their elders. Bach boys aro not 'usually popu.gr. Soros boyo are lasy, let their mother• bring up the coal and kindling, carry the basket or bundle, let their sisters swoop the snow orf the sidewalk, while they ars wasting, skating, or sattiwg by the Ire, saying "It is awful cold " Such lads forget it is just as told for someone else to do the outdoor work as it would be fur 'hem. Some boys are selfish, nude, thought- less; never willtugg to give up their seat in a crowded street car ; always want the seat by the window in the steam ear, even if somebody else has never travel- led that road and would like to view the country; always forget to help au aged or infirm porno across the gutters, or put a letter in the box often • little child is trying to reach up on tiptoes. and is dill tco short: slam doors, .,i leave them wide open, yell like an !a- dieu, whistle and *Letup their feet in the house when mother has molt a vio- lent headache, 3aus.d by being up all the previous night with baby, who had the croup or colic, and who bad just fal- len asleep and screams again as the noisy boy rushes into the room : never thinks to wipe the mud off his shoes, hang op hie coat and bat, or put his school books in their proper place. Such boys should try to mood their ways, Sums boys are cross and disobliging at home ; if mother wants them to go an errand, they want to know why John or Will cannot be soot; they hare nothing, he has everything to do, never has time to fly his kite or spin his top ; if the baby must be nursed while mother is busy, he does not see why he has to he nuns. Frank or Mary, or some other fellow be knows never has to do girl's work, and the cross I ok and disobliging manner in which he performs the small- est task duos everyone to feel unpleas- ant, and mother gid to think her sou is that kind of boy. Sone boys are always ready to tight, the least thing done or said cause. , fens., and up Zees the hand to strike, even baby's soft cheek gets a vigorous slip ; little brothers' and sisters' ears tingle, playmates shy off when he be gins to get angry, for they, to; have had their shares of the kicks acid cuff.. He thinks it manly to resent every faocted wrong with a blow, but we koow such boys are generally the wont kind of cowards. Some boys are grumblers and fault- finders ; the weather, the pleasure ex- cursion, the clothes they wear, the pre - sante received, the mea!• provided by kind parents, the teachers., both in day and Sunday school, th • concert, or party, or drive, or parlor :rams, or any- thing else, even the country or town they live in, oomes in for • share of fault finding and grumbling about. Boys don't ; it will grow iso you as the years roll on. Some boys think it manly to chew to- bacco, smoke cigarettes, dnni a glass of beer or whiskey, co,ngreg.te on street corners, use profane and onsceue lang- uage, desecrate the Sabbath, attend theatres. Such boys to their sorrow that in a few years such habits will steal all the manhunts out of them, and they will be degraded wrecks, shun- ned by the good and pure. Some boys spend all their time in reading dime novels and other demoral- izing literature that is broadcast over the land. Those are the sort Pi boys who till our wort/houses and prisons. Twists Terra Age. Over 30 years ago there was placed upon the market a remedy designed to relieve pain and capable of either external or in- ternal use. From the first at has had won- derful enoceaa, and hundreds testify that Haayard s Yellow Oil cures rheumatism, sore throat, sprains, croup, cuts, bruises and all pains and thee. 2 ODDS AND ENDS. crap of •11 rinds of lefere•t to Every bods. Never thank you can make yourself great by trying to make others lees. He- Dos you read the cur -est fiction of the day ? She- Not very .'etet:atvely, I sin ashamed to say. H mover, 1 did wade through "Ib,bert Elmer.," and I intend to read this "Piga io Cover- that everybody is talking about. Mr Limpley (whose wife has pot in her annual a,ophceti .n for • Detlakau -I am t..ld that sealskin +clues will not be stylish this winter. Mrs Limpley saga- ciously)- Well, dear, I nover did care truth for style anyway. A lady living to Ohio is the mother of six boy. One day • friend calling on hot said : "What a pity that ons of your boys had not been • girl." 4 Ine of the boys about eight years .1 age overheard thio remark, and promptly inteteneed : "1'A like to know who'd a bin er ; I wo Ids't a oin'er ; Ed wouldn't a bin'er; jo, wouldn't 'a bin'sr ; and 1 d like to kn• w who'd • hin'er." An old tradesman in Scotland used to keep his secnunts in a 'tutelar manner. He hung up two boots, one on each side of the chimney, and in one ba gout all the money he received, and in the other ail the receipts and vnarners for the mnrey he pard. At the end of the year, or whenever he wanted to maks tip big •enrsnta, ho emptied the hoots, and by cosseting their several and respeetive o .,,tents he was enabled with a little tr...i:t'e to make • h•lsnce, *bleb wa* d...oih.ss as satisfactory 'n honed as if tt •• .4 been don. by "double entry. - Ifish Lost her Trades Journal. 1r ft .. safe t. tree Freiman 'a Worm P..vier-, .e t hey fret ,al wit the worse and de. ' of Wore as lm 4.1 HOUSEHOLD HINTS Ater all powder. •re tried, gessine ►onekeepees are quite likely w go beak to old tathtoeed was►isg soda fur deem. tag floors, sinks, tree and other metal work. There is sotkiug that restoyes impends. so tepidly as boiling hot soda and water, applied with • toug Wooded *crubising brush, tad rinsed off ono. with elver water and dried nth a obtain cloth. A large lump of soda melted ever the drain in the mak keeps • be pipe attar frum all irate. While side is • serebber's main dependence it should n ever M u..d L, the lauadresa, as it seriously lujures cloth. Wells ahould be ventilated, as tete wane is thereby kept fresh and fret from bad odor. The •bsurptioa of air by w ater renders it pleasant,' to the taste, and ponies 11 to sum. extent ; out the Jdot is out a very marked one. Use au under tableo!otk of colored Canton flannel iso your dining table It out euly sol make the linen one to •s heavier and h•ug better, but will is 11110 year save its ,r'ginal oust in the added wear of the linen ones, princip-lly ,•u IN odg* of the table, whore they other wise wear out tint. Holli TO clsa$ teatime. For a carpet of about twenty yams or .o, take a pound of hard white oast r soap and scrape fine, add • quirt. -r of • pound of washing soda, end ea mach spino of turpentine as no bring it to the oogaiateucy of doogh; make it tido ball When It is time to clean the car- pet take • pail •,f elver hot wale: loot a lar{e flannel cloth; wet 'he carprt with the faoael, then rub over with the b.'. of wasp, and wipe 111f the soap with ter flannel wrong as dry as possible. If tit. carpet is very much wiled • .eruh brace, may be used atter the sap is ap plied. Cleo shout thrre-quartera of a yard at a time, and let it becaoo per- fectly dry before tt is used Brussei. and velvet carpets may i'e wa,heJ .hit.• on the floor, but great care should ler taken bot to let the water ..oak tdrougb wlttpow CLIANINO The clrauine of windows seems to 1.. a very easy matter, yet ...any housrwive would prefer to do ally ...tier of ..f th house cleaniog than tint As at 1 h, season of the year the whole L"oar supposed to receive • thorough cleanoint the windows must, to be sure, come 1 fox their share Never begin this woo► en•ii all the paint is cleaned. hut. oio, e.pi-c.s'ly, that part about the en or If the window iglu s dome first, it is a most impossible to wash the psi around it wit) out smearing the •!!a Never wash • <.d...'.o s Damp da. although a cloudy 1/11e ie not 111J14;t•.•. able for the work A bright, clear, esu ny day is the best, choo-ng that part .. it when the windows aro in the shade Windows washed while the sum is o.• them are sure to be streaky, no matter how well they may be done. for the two dries them quicker then they can he wiped. and, aro-•'quently, the water dries just as it is put un by the warn cloth. Always dust the witada.s thoroughly. both insole and (subside, before be,tin- ning to wash them. Use small, dry paint brushes to get into crevice* and corners when dusting. Wash the inside of the window first, and it will be much eerier to detect any defect when doing the out side. Take as much clear water as de sired, hut have it as warm as it can be conveniently used. without pare siting eke hands, and add to it etsoupth hot household ammonia to soften it With a soft cloth that is free from lint, wash e ach pane of glass thoroughly, us- ing a small pointed stick with a cloth on It to get into the cornets. Use n+d cotton to wipe with, and dry each pane immediately after washing. Where the water it quite bot, if the glass in not wiped i.nmediately, it will dry en that it will have to be rewashed ere wiping. Where the ammonia is not convenient, o rs clear water and never, on any ac- count, use soap of any kind, if you want your glass to be clear. After washing in clear water, a nice polish may be ob- t•ine3 by rubbing the glass with tissue paper, but where ammonia is nosed the latter gives a nice polish without any extra work. Baking soda on • damp •o empty stomach, sten if you must tear cloth is said to be nice to give windows a good polish. Cleaning windows with a a hutton from 'our coat and swallow it cloth wet in kort»ene is recommended before," says an Arable proverb. This for the same pnrpoae. applies to tea as well. In the general house cleaning it is a Don't attempt to remove foreign b d - good plan to clean the outside shutters lee from the upper part of the windpipe ere beginning the windows. Hays' a by trying 1., reach them with instru- amall, dry paint brush, mid with it 'brush ments of any kind. Try to give a v.o- the blinds thoroughly inside and out ; I lent blow on the back immediately after then take another brush til the same size, the accldeut. If this doe, not succeed, have the patient suspended by the feet, head downward, and moved rapidly front aide to side, while you strike between the shoulders with the palm of the hand. Stop this at Duos if the patient shows evidences of suI.catiun. if these con ttuue or the fcreign body is not dialtdg- id, send for • surgeon to perform trach- eotomy or laryngotomy as quickly as pussauls. -- Phrenological Journal. beam He came to • posses whom be thnegbt wueid be likely to Rl" bias en ceruses sed kunst iofur.attca.usoers- tag severs! .sea whose names he bad One was d'so.aeud, and aaet►er sed lluot►er. Thou the nits. a Mr -- wee meadow« 'The very maw fur the p�e� ; .uesp•-tea' Slid worthy of respect; M1t he emit 4 poemely to spared from the Piero he now ►old•." "Sir." said the 'godson, ''we do gut wast a coats that oast ow stand !" There was a big 'oleos q that n mark. "We do t.•.t wait • soar that eau tee spirit!" N'bat • multitude of ascii who eau be spared Dumber every sense to prom. -the barnacles, tb sharks, the makeshifts, s.ewtody's guod•fur-nothutga Young man, reas. o - bee, pesos, t hat thew are not the oven who are tailed for when re.puustbls oes are to be titled. -Sign of the Tian*. Mohs ra•trrlOal. pear'.. Don't ger. • child any •wests except me •.Inge candy ..r chocolate c.rainto, and these very rarely :t000's. permit a cbdd under 6 to re mein out ot Peel atter 8 p. m., evert if you have to 1..re,gu "own duties you thtus mut sacred. Don't thus . dist • child nods food each a ..- at utanitwls hunger. Try t.. .+ were its there uy eaverat tea•pounfub .f trolled and c,..dr.1 water. D .n't hold a child tet Ciwvulat..M ID your arises. but scrip ,t quickly rod 011.1- g.0111110 to for ..wk iu a but bath, to w bosh a tv.ap...utu1 ..f mustard cat be edged Porti .duos • p.otent rich .olio to sof- tor mulo the pet.rcirta arrive. ; crate Sims inject- ...• (le.. quarts of warty ...ter with t .. J. •p,., adult does, 1,1tiue torr "toys... ) D,11.1•0011 r..oet for burns by the use .t odd water ; it . mining else is "hasn't' we, use .aro ••ter ; better dill; keep ibe part row rob is .otic ..r iinserd oil. his. your head with case. tel bleeding at the .unm ; they very rarely peeve Imwedl•ier) let., Prop the pe tient up 10 beau, mid gave bis auuall t.0eve •t ice too ..au..w,and fifteen drop. e1 IMO..r... f rt,t.o ( u edger id lead of .c.0) rvrry 10041,1.1111' your physician ar- .,rr.. D 114 iu.agta,e tun .uuatr..ke (host tu.rtutt•..) r..1..•. rxp.ure to the sub 1,1111vr'v. l'n. aeoe may be ptudue- '.t rx-esswr u..., even at bight, rape - Ashy • ben ' ter p. ra••u is much fat iguod, .1 01 * en,*dr•t r..•..0 D •o'i vat p. rig Whet. ,t as •haolutr iy uuar..id•:•:r w d•. w, it should be rendered h■rust 0y hesug thoroughly • vkr'i by • air ow lir. 7•en't bia o.0rt and vegetables to be telex .d ,n the w, ., ....uparivaei.t .4 the ref. we -rotor Don't wear h.gr• hrrl. W•.wen •h. wear ih.•m publicly advert►.e the fact writ they Seri r •..h 10 mainline sen - ."us internal ' coulee. DO, 't mi-ialke ••-ight f..r •arenth IR cl.dblsg 1r r...- to«.pie .nay Ire w ori. down by heavy clothing and yet be leas sheltered thin I. • e who. wear hat woolel, fabrics, tooth me tuner Wd outer garments. Don't ruo the eyes except with your elbow Don't attempt t., ctran the ears with anything out glee tip of the tittle longer. Don't attempt to remove hardened ear sax by picking 1t taut. If you cannot reach a phyuciart when hardened ear wax becomes troublesome ter puntul,you may gristly biject (by mean. of • loon - tan. syringe) warm water, to each pint 111 which ball au 'mime 4 bicarb.uate d soda has bean stilled. Ask for Ayer's nava p•rt1la, esd be gars you set It, when you walls ibe best Mood-pariller. With its lurty years of ua.zampied Guo• was is the can uI Skied Disease, yes caa make no mite take la preterites Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any other. The torr -runner of mud- eru Wuud modicums, Ayer's 8arsalwtlla b gull the must pop- ular, being its great- er demand than all others combined. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1s Gelling faster than ever before. I sever hesitate to recommend it." -George W. Whituutu, Druggist, Albany, Lod. " 1 am safe is saying that my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla far excel those of any tion."-other, eL. In. Busht, Des Moines, Iowa.~ "Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills are the best selling mwiletnea its my store. 1 pin recommend them colss•ieu- tiuoaly." - C. 1ickhaus, Pharmacist. Ruse lead, 111. " We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood-puriller." - W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. " I have sold your medicines for the last seventeen years, and always keep them in stock, as they are staples. • Then la nothing w good for the youth- ful blood' sa Ayer's SarsaparilL."- R. L. Parlfer, Fox Lake, Wie. "Ayer's Straaparilla gives the best satisfaction of any medicine I have in stork. I recommend it, or, as the Doctors say,' I prescribe it over the counter.' IcDever fails to meet the ratios for which I recommend it, even where the doctors' prescriptions bale been of no avail." -C. I Calhoun, Monmouth, Enna. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRUPAtan ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Yrl•s $1; .tx bottles, ts• Worth 1 . bottle. R•iir.ad at.•ck is taxable only for Stn's tax, and hank stock is not taxable . t a11. but all other property, both m ooey sod bowls. is taxable by corners soon and in the ft ate also Invest your money in stocks and bonito w aa 10 pay Stir tax only. XSemi!weeks agn we sent nut a X number 4.1 sccsunts to suhscrih /� erg .11 •rre.r. Several persons owino.a ware Lind enough to respond at once, end we return our thanks to them. A n umber have not yet heen heard from, rt.d this .eek we send out duplicate accounts to many who have failed to re .pond. We will continue to send out accounts 1.. all in arrear until our books. are .lraight Even if you don't yet an account this week, look at your label, and if you are in arrear he good enough to pay at rine. The item is only a small one to you, het the aggregate t. Xus Coots up several thousand X dollars. Pay gip ! /� ARMSTRONG FANNIIG MILL AND PUMP WORKS iBr13TR0Na'S IMPROVED tbrain and Seed'Clearier Don't allow yourself to become habit- ually coudipated. Coax intestinal action by regularity of baba, exercise, fresh and stowed fruits, and the •guidance of constipating food. Don't believe that eating fat will make you fat; quite the contrary holds true. Don't est gamey meats ; remember that 'Orion.," is the hyper -netted word word for rotten. Don't try to check a diarrhoea sudden- ly. "Don't pour a mouthful of coffee into and dipping is irate clear water, go con the blinds with it, rinsing it frequently. When dons, change the water and rine. the blinds well with the clear water. Although this will occssi on a little extra work, the appearance of the blinds will well repay any labor spent on there, cHt'te•H ArTITI PL41. Dr Liddon is the author of the follow- ing :-"Burke has shown how various attitudes of the human body correspond to, or are inconsistent with, deep emo- tions of the human *mol. Yon (*isnot, for in tenet, sit lolling back in an arm- chair with your mouth wide raper., and feel a warm glow of indignation, and, if you and 1 were introduced suddenly into the presence of the Queen, we should not keep our hat* on and an down with our hand* in our poeketa, on the ground that the genuine sentiment of loyalty is quite independent of its outward ex- pression. And if people come to church and sit and talk and look •hoot them while prayers are being •ddreetled to the infinite and Eternal tieing, it is sot because they are so very spintual as to be able to do without any outward forms. They really do not how because they do tint with the efte of their *nun see Him, the sight of whom awes tint the enol and then the body into pro fondest revenue. "-Ckuroh wnn Aar W1VTrp 7 A gentlestad in a re.pnssihle govern- ment office, when complimented nn hie long and well appreotatel service, re- plied,"There'* nothing like mak tog your- self indispensable. • This i, worth thinking n;. If ono have • gvwid place and wish to retain it, try to make yr(smolt se useful that your Cannot do without yna The other a lowed's:sot wee meting le. quirt for the purpose of finding a man to fill a position Ira s Isrge morsaatile There is no mire fruitful souros of disease than vitiated blood. it involves every organ and function of the body, and If not immediately corrected by the nae of Ayer's Sarsapardle,ao.ner or later leads to fatal results. Be warned in tune. Never be persuaded beyond your own judgment. Parielaa gains. A drllghtf('ty perfumed prepantbe for reapprd Rand. cracked lips and noegk- nese of the akin. th,ly Vc. at all drea- glsee.Iwo ni.a, s Llwlmeat eery* raids, We. Negate bay • ononty bond until the meaty 6th pays the first eo.,nn of That is acknowledging that it is tat and makes the county bound tor the debt Even if you have to pay more mossy Inc the bonds, wait till the county pays off the in cooping, then you esn bay, that makes the eogity roaposeibie. i- Ihrestents Pesees. People an oft.n irritable by mason of Home .saeporating *kin disease wbbh de- stroys erenfnrt and good humor. Salt Rhesus, settle rash, erysipelas, pimpleie, scald head, tete., are of this nature, they cites from hied Hoed, and can be erred by slim lterdoclt Blood Bitten sesord- Iag w din/otiose. 2 ANOT STEP TO THE FRONT., ISAAC N. CASSIDAY, - GROCER has removed from Crabb's Block, to McLean's new Block Court -house square, into the Plate glass grocery store 3rd door west of British Exchange Hotel, 2 doors east of T. Det- lor's Dry Goods Store, Where Both Old and New Customers will be Welcome gotalso intend to give Great Bargains in Teas and Sugars. I have just in a tine assortment of fancy Delf and of the very latest patterns in Brown Rustic Tea Sete, Slate Rustic Tea Sets, Enamelled floral Tea Seta, Brown Rustic Dinner Seta, Slate Rustic Dinner Sets, Sage Rus- tic Dinner Sets, Blue Benak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Sets, Begonia Toilet Sets, Lngmelled Toilet Sets, also a very tine assortment of plain Delf that will be sold cheap, and 1 intent) to pay the highest price for Farmers' Produce. Thanking wy Customers for past patronage, also soliciting their further orders. Orders will he delivered with pleasure to any part of the Town. CAS S=HAY, • Goderiok. Od, Mb, hale PLATE GLASS GROCERY. Have just partied t►rosgb the Custom boos.. Direct from the Manufacturers, the Brat Assorted Stock of DRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO fODERICH, CONSISTING OI' SILK WARP HENRIETTAS, NEWEST SHADES, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Golds AT PRICES AT LEAST 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS. ' Ready-made :Met. Suite of ;Beet Material, Fashlolmbly Made at Fabulously Low Priem. - 80 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25. :o: IN HARDWARE DEPT. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH AND BUILDIEG MATERIAL, A FULL STOCK. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. C. CRAABB, April 19, 1889. SQUARE, HE LEADS THEM ALL. —:OPLL AND 8RR :— A_ B_ CORN JDD'S - BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF - FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS, =shy acknowledged to be the best rtes shies made for thoroughly cleaning grain and seals ot all t lads. —IT— Separates all Noxious Seeds and chess from grain at one cleaning. saving and cleaning all timothy seen at the same time one of an kind of grals. 1t can be fitted Into any fanning mill without removing the .hoe. no matter how old the mill is. and makes It do as good work or better than the most Improved new mills knows. Hallows no seed to be blown Into the chaff It Cleans Speedily. SIPE:eery cleaner warranted to work as repre- sented or no asle.li in ordering by mail give Inside width of shoe and name of maker of mill if convenient. and if she hos side shake or the old fashion- ed hind shake. A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS on hand manufactnrcd from Algoma while quartered pine. btpg•-Unlers by mail promptly attended to. Shipped to any point. ADDRE88 ARMSTRONG BROS., 17 -ft Goderiand ch.. �Allway, aiiM ter .cu Mese 1$wthus r. OMrs Wasn't 'bo BraTttt7zid.erco1d. ST ANN MAN iN THE Of fll*i. A. 13. OR NNf EIAIL4 JOHN .ROBERTSON Begs to aasws'e that he 1. now agent for The llqllorTea Compaus Celebratod Teas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. 1 FEW B ALLONS OF POKE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT. JOHN ROBERTSON, RHTNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS G-oderioh, Ont. Goderiich Foundry and Machine 'Works, LIME. NOTICE TO BUILDERS & FARMERS The Falls Reserve Lime;Kiln is now running full time and any quantity of Fresh time, can be obtained at the Kiln at all times for 10c. a bushel. M. & C. BItCHLER, 0e4erl,t, Maya IMI 214611 1'ronrietote Iatr Sit IJ)Irs The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. • .10 WR HATE ON NASD FOR $ALO: Improved Land Rollers -- - Pride $2100- HORSE POWERS tT ORU8i3ER8, STRAW CIIrr Rll, PLOW POINTS &c. nttlism ter LOW PIc3- 7Is3 1 FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON TRE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOT BN(IllgE & ROMER WORKS 00. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. RAMP A14/33 O.ABTIWO.IS OW ♦L • THE POET'I Me Mew Old salt 1was a nM Aad heaven was IW rise, bang • ver7 two Oe none Nd save am even la this het. "One emit nos tarsi nod hessian with *1 'Tin seed salvethiel Mat She "means of gra gleeni ed good hard And he took tee pews The rtdest of aha f. 'Mgr • aches lr •n t t "peer Art is& bre oiled 11117 sad/eds. km And get kis owe pen L elem meeting sort Sew heaves Ind gig Tokens look is the (te wens ossa d es "le tssildaa' a bars as Aul toes had,' be s -l'd r en .e' been beads O• Ruthin' bet sora ^I will ye, henbane, U Sheri ef timber sad And tbegent 1'd die r ►set. Arid Sanded all my s Big the Lied was men Aad emit rigid throe Tel tide W .gads in i A lumber raft adrift "plasty te beards wee Auden the sen MISS And • k•rl.' peek eel As sal one aver see Thea I had bread and Aad lbw atoned wi While I than.* sed, Vaso And Pm aneles it A AM -vetoed name e. The whole 'lessened Data keen -eyed mea fool la thoughtful way se Asked, "Brother It. dk Who lot chat tart as And Btu: wined kls.y ' Drs'berin, I or k THE FAS!' a variety .f Jetting* the Fair Syrian, velvet ib teen .ilkis made ap wits i .ilk. At her soirees Masa crown of ears' of cxi diamonds. Somme ..1 the very have handles of Mess tow dolga. Li•upin enema all a tacks, but abort frust Parisian mode. Embroidered .tnokii variety of elaborate tilt mentation. Red notions in by ‚ng effects ars subdt with neutral colon lack ails draws an mad* up in o,mbinatiot faille and black lane. Macrame lace is stair as nme iridins ant coning into favor again Englisld-tih serge flown. o half concealed by Bleb broadens. in black and dein hate, which encs an aureola, aof dark, are likely to be quite pi ter. The front. of Fresch extremely short, points below the waist -litre, as gtrdI.. Black silks, with mal Inge in brilliant Roman signs, are made up ellen Pre and early Sngli•h s A dressy house jack, missed or Roman red c dared with cashmere in told and silver threw Light ooloi ed*lion I a ss an •xtre ly pa NW sad are embellishe piteous is preference t. A bloat velvet jacket has a shirred blouse of a other *kat shows • pia ed biome of red ..rah, f lugs black polka dote Long mantles of the with plait loose ooat .le hag .leave., i meld fit stl shown Ili M g.rt.get Om le•diag mewge long ms PArig ls one thof toy.) poi poled sleeves end • Q tato bordered with Mack trimming abd braid ornu Tie triple Carrick nr e4p. w m high favrx wit! handle the reins the favorite odor for It is a d sad a terb.n ex •moll s �• .ante enlnr is wo n, wi Ilia tlewerel rule fi r sti '* • plata redlnente eti• evsv . skirt d ship �• Sgnnd, a braid tb. rat. i. followed sa for wool(wl. Ores! d:k.j M deep hire, blank. an. rely amhn.idered to n taaio„s enloegd .ilk., iss rob. *s rte O,1en tib are i• esti tisk whiter mantles with n tOfumps ed wle mute^.s *rad fun, are 1 ! ''es'danwnl., ■ •.. Sastre of t h. 1st *boy ars mars looked i winAkthonq •.Exposition tae Sae Arit•••ps and nano Oe tVeonde es whin •e*d Setae*. I.h.ve., tends s.te►e's own ex eielte enl picked rase •"d trseariad vhipb gold stint .fiver ibis llb• ---fe= ...•R er ted easall s ��M I,. t�-��nM eMtt n. esti-.. nhi , '45 will probably se `s, ne will sr-