HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-8, Page 5THE HURON RIG N AL ',•R DAY, NOV. 8.1899 FALL DRY. GOODS Our Exhibit of New Goods for this season is now open. 'YOU ARE INVITED I JOHN ACHESON. ■w. THE NEW LIFE. The Peeler et Itetttk.ss. res&Mk.e Aare& mooches a Serves te ?hese ate rave Bees Tera Aswan" ittasfag elm a.vtva► tlervIesa Jowl Crouse. Daring the put five weeks .peat•+ ser- vices have been held in connection with the above church, aced a number of per- sons have bees be.wght under the ,viae ingtteue» of the gospel ut Christ through their inatrume•t•Ilty. Oit Snt.dey even- ing last Rev. Geu. Rrcharoaon Rasa an able discourse on the subject of what a Christian'. lite ought to be, and in very Otte* instuer pointed the people of (1e d to the Bible se their hellion standard of extolled e. The (ullowli•k ass Mort sum teary of the senses, the teat for the evening bang takeu from Ptuhppians 1 : 'Oat, let your a ewestlea tom R balm etb the gospel of Clare : that wbetber lame sad see yen. er else be absent. 1 may herr or Yen affairs. that ye masa fast is ow sprit. with erre mind striving together tar to Will se the go.pel." The preacher said, the Bible gates us the When ideal • f an. Huila con- on:liuns degrade Rota. The BkWe d•..s not uverh.•.lt oar sad fail iut.. stn ; but the trend of its teaching is to skew our high onion, marvelous capacity for it pruvement, and the unending lite ore most lire beyond the grave. Peel shows that now our Metope are ''temples of the li Ghost." In the rent be urges the siren at Philippe to live in harm..11 their tetere and destiny. Tee p.u(t* gathered loom the text the fee that the life n1 the true t;brattan adore 'rola the life of the poop** of the word, sad mated that personal salvatt.,a is the infueton of a ..pernateral element into the human soul, end noose never be ocnform.d to tee sprit of the world. lie bete quoted several passages of .cr.p- ture sheering bus no to.eets rwltiahriese and narrowneeo, she* on the other hand salvation restores we to the mind of Christ, sad eters* our sympathies ; that while stn pr..duces awry, airenuw brings joy. He tb.•u dwelt epos the outward manifestation ..f the Ohrati•n's life, and showed how the "lights .1 the weld" should be known by their fruits ; and that there be • uniform standard of measurement for all Christians. and nut a separate one fen each de»omioatios, that standard bt,u. ''as becum.th the gospel of Christ." The pastor then west on to show how important it M chef Cbriatiana should ha. the written gos- pel standard. Paul did out simply send the Philippians word oy • friend. H. wrote to them. If the menage had been sent by word of mouth the ai..•nnger might not hare been abler to give • cor- rect venal b000snt of it, therefore the ad - 'stomp of hayloft . written gospel Ines- DiQerent oasts of mind may put varied interpret• I. n on the standard, still all people have amens VI the sae standard. Change ut circumstances sbobld not lower our religi..es 1.1e, as the text (usher points out Pages pers- onae or •bares should have made nen differ.aee with these, for they had th. standard of expetieoee and mmduct before them enutinually ; Itkewsw change of pa.- tors artun should make no dia./once with es. Absence from home or a change of rest dens should not be made • pretext for sin in our life. Mr R.ckardp i spoke of the inclination to frt.geent the theatre and other places ques.iunable from a Christian •tandpun.., when •way (r..m home, and entreated those who had .0 lately started in the hotter way to take the standard with them wherever they go, and to faithfully follow the rule ed life that they had set set rep for them- selves at horde in aeairdaie. with IM. atmwd•rd. The test further .bowed that to improve o.r relsginea life and build op cheater requires effort Ohre - ere to .trove, he mid. u. "stied and then presented to his Aron re 1 wed picture. illunr.tieg Chrienat.. needles on . plane inelised towards am, up which it required eotttiu.al effort "t their part in oroer wean, the desired end. Apia the preacher quoted several pee - raves of scripture illy •tr•ti.•g the Ohre tiss's warfare Ir. order a, •'daht the Rud lent of faith," at.d the apphcatiou and rsartion required to sneisee•fully "run lie rues sot before u, " He said that ,he menden iuocrse In Christian work s rata by wooed effort. Some per- ils haw unhappy tendsney to ianl.tu.n. If •ay t.e is pr.pn..d either in iron• Des eberob work they object to IS it 1...t in that •ay. and r. they •.1t... stand net aloe* and do nothing Paul'. Anew was that they .bnela Weave tn- ether. The preacher urged (res. eh.. .ed atarta4 se the new .am to joie h. .1. -tth their brethren In floe wort. Arcot. eking with regard to bele, out the '--i.n life he asked his hearer.... `w hieh.•t sat.rpr. atiow of the ' (:hri.t.an eip•Tiebes mad re - to a anem by asking all Obrae ass to a, -operate hesrtiy with those who had w lately found peace and pasties. You mar are of the bow, of springtime That glows ea the cheek of the yoe•g. nut 1 slag of • beauty that's rarer Thu may of white Foe have sung. The beauty that'smesa la the Mom (1 women whom summer is o'er, The solum• -like beauty tat charas as Far more than the Maly of yore. But the beauty is sees too rarer. The faces of moat women brae the beauty of youth too soon. Female dw.rders are like frets which come to sip the Sowers which betoken good health, with out which there eau be tau real beauty. If our Amerman women would funny themselves against the approach of the terrible disorders so ppwwvslent among them, by u.isw Dr Prereo'. Favorite Proscription, thew good looks would he retained to a "sweet old age." Thie remedy is • pmraateed cure for all the distressing weakuraes and derangements peculiar to guinea Dr Pierce's Niles", one • dose. Cure headache, awtipatiuu and indigene». WEST WAWANOSH. Council. Merrieti.-Council met in the township hall on Saturday, 12th ult. Members ala present. l'he reeve and dark reported having exam - toed the security given by the collector, and la,iul the bunds executed. The report wait accepted. Hamilton Smith claimed compeu.atton fur damage done to his property by water beteg flooded al, to it from want of a ditch across the roadway op con. 4 rod 5. The matter was laid over until next meeting. Rev Mr Anderton and W. C. Webb asked for a grant towards the establi.bweut of a Mechanics' Institute a.td Reedit* Room in St. Helena. On minion of Mime. Stuart std Tudd 915 was grated. The Msae.wr'a r� $*ptemher wee 1�; it SWIM • Medi Wane* on hid* Jell Y LIMO sad W H Wilson anted ler •'paid pest t,,eards gravel - hog opp. bis 19 and 10, eon 2 and 3. A grant of $30 was Bated f..r the pur- po►e need for, said amount to be ex- pended where the commu•ioeen thought advisable. As there is en amuuut in the bands of the treasurer to the credit u( the drain acoount, the clerk was in•t,%cted to reduce the as- sessment for Young's ditch for the cur- rent year so that the account be ad- justed. The following meoo»nts wen ordered to be paid :-Hamilton 8n.ith, ditcb.og, repairing culvert, etc., 947 07; Wm Smith, gravelling con. 5, 921 76; Richard Begley, ditch, 14 00; Richard Healey, repairing bridge, eon 4, 94 00; Jacob Miller. era•elliog bet. lot* 18 sad 19, con 11, d.:; 69; 11 door, (unenl ex- peueee Mrs Nc:.h, 912.25; Jacob )till ler, jots con 13, on N 13 and between iota 16 end Ili, ono 13, 128.00; W Anderson, breaking atone, ata 3 and 3, 9300; Juo Kilpatrick, gravelling opR 14 14.0"a 4an.1 6. 937.80; R K hedger, part salary. 175; R Webster, I! oulyert, W 13, $2.26; Thos Agar, I! culvert, W B. 98.21; Hutt Bradford, 4 cedar and culvert, W 13, 97.19; P. Welsh, gravd- ling eon 8 •od 9, 916 75; Gra, strung, gravelling } gravelling eoo 1, 926.40; Jae McOug } gravetlooie IC B, 930.50; Joe Mole, 4 j .h, 8 B. 910 4 i; Wm Syming- ton, 4 job, 8 B. 931 31; Tarts Aederaon, i gravelling 8 13, 9.160; TLo. Lowder. bait Weskit* an,,w rued, 8 B, 92.00; 8iaa'l Oarr, half breaking stone, 8 B, 91 00; Win. Cameron, r.p•irint; Midge between loots 18 and rd, mu 7. 91 60. Courted adjosrued to meet un lieturday, Nov. 9tb. R K. M/u.A&, Clerk. Mr John B.11, B yth, has heron appointed We "Alecto, at • eatery of 940 11. certain to give your eloildren en Littlish *demount at any oast, if you can. Never ay in a house confined to business else, except you work in the morning and evening. W. regret very mulch 4. ehrnniole the deeth .4 Mr Jiu..e Wanless, Sr , eh.oh 10..k plate at ha rserd.nes, Varna, on Sunday ..f Isar .ask Mr Wanleae was taken audde..ly ill Saturday evening, and in vale .4 e11 that medieml aid •,uld dn. pained •w•y ea Ssaday eve•- it.e The d ee...d had reeabe.d the r*.d old ego of 74 years Be ens owe eel the pewee's . 1 Rsaeley, having eetthtd ie that 14.14..44 'op K yeen eye. Mr Wewlww was • wow .d m..re ab.e average intwllteenee. • e •'d neighbor, sod • de- voted boatload and father. He took • very seas n. t -reel is the trwopetswes Nara Ne son buried ns. Wednesday of tad went :.::der the •*spier.• of the e --el Twee - LADIES CAN SHOP BY POSTAL CARDI Parties at a distance who cannot on t eniently visit Brantford in Person, may have Samples sent theta, of Dry Goods of all Land., if they will write ns. No charge and no need to order if not suited. We make it • business to attend to such lettere QUICKLY, and when orders come we send the EXA*-r ARTICLE wanted at exactly the sante price as other customers pay when here buying in per - don. Goods are sent by mail, express cr freight, according to cir- cumstanced, subject to return and refund of money if not satisfac- tory. Having trained and resptnxiblu clerks, wbo are able to use discretion in tilling order's, we are enabled to give Great Satisfac- tion to the many customers WHO LEAVE THEIR CHOICE TO US. With a reputation of over twenty yearn at retailing, we can- not afford to Luse our goal name by lack of proper services to absent customers. Write plainly and describe fully what ix want- ed, and about the price desired. CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO. ($uca ,Nora to H. W. Brothour & Co.,) 9G Colborne -;It., BRA.NTFORD. TO=Z =ir ! STATLDARD ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. auo • Wean ITutir en0Y THU saw AMERICAN MAKERS. A ►ni:5lt 4l"rt'I.T Or T%&T FAVORITE WHITE CASTILE" TO HAND. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. JUST RECEIPED A large assortment of the Latest Styles in Fall ane Winter HATS and : oNNETS, Also a choice variety of FEATHERS, RIBBONS an' PLUMES at the Misses Yates_ Mims ILL1NERy! Ile the teteet sad beet styles at MRCS_ SAI ] DD5_ Also a nimber of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. Tley are going off fast. Call early and make a good choice. "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." rn1 people who have purchased WANZER LAMPS intorno GEORGE W. THONz$O11 will testify to the • ',nth erase above statement. 1gvery fatly shoed have oto or two at I..m.13 PRICE REDUCED TO $4.00 EACH. (know the Agent, ri tCO. W. THOMSON, who w;n sea resell you may require, and gyre yew fall directions. SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT ROCK BOTTOM t'RICLS /'Oft CASH. 1.-11 (o• get the nese, West aide of Slam eaterich. Cit. V. stag, gni KINTAiL. Prost our ewe emosandwat. Daw'v Mras l?. --Mr R R. Hallows will give one of his celebrated entertain- ments in Fi•nagan's Hall on Tseeday evening. Everybody should we this ex- hibition, and it is only nn soonest et the. word nada and mons) ght jest now Mr Sallow. baa been indueed to mime and give his patron. in this aline an opportunity of witnessing his wonderful exhibition. Some local men will appear on the mares. -_" - -- - - - - ►sur MIMwm. Neely ASMeva &eV s ks.ci.iow i. nn.gnalled Mee what Dr O. A Bleak, of Amherst, A.S., says : "I have been segmented with Smut's Einelaine of Ond Live Oil, with Nypoobtsphitee. foe years, sad ennaider it use of the finest prrpsratioe• now be- fore the petit*. its pliaaatt flavor makes it the greet favorite fete chants lutarem d i d.. highly rede.ed it for all wanting disease. of children and •hilt». Sold by drwggiata, 00. aid 91. 4 1. the plaein(f ei Mesptetins is the way of young as. by the venom meth- ods .4 the e.ktu•, right se wrong Anewt r ! The Med of the World :rem the New Tent Til bus.. Mr M'Iler's renewed draft on the Bank rel Cred. lits. which went to preterit in 1844, f.1. doe Out. 22-23. The 26th will he the last day of trees. On the 86th -if there ever u a 26th --the 40.000 mock-h.lden will he salted to resew ones m. re, while the amused ostsider who d. eoa't know when the world is coming f. en end and doesn't mare, en *bre it be not in his time, rosy he overheard beanie' Ohre, Wendell Holmes' famous limes Whoa legishoeve b•sp the law. Aad heals dlap.see with belts and Ia.ka; Whoa berries wer*te. evem tied elms. 01.1e bear dewswerda threegb the hes; W4.et he to steel atone Me rips Ow sky. •» etltehwd with medal oma And gam dud well the whalebone dee. Whoa gat en well.. tared .qdr, This tag let MU, Wes sway. And all W *.tete Wore, the gate Aft w1s mss em that eleeeed day. Then order most asesedee aha Dimwit*, Ey , le the Beane of a large dietith ry dunce, *a sity of 5,500 W- hale's. t., and bas had yowl optics for fourteen years. REMOVAL. E_ C_ n=I.,CHER BASER AND CONFECTIONER, saes. to aaeuuuce w .he psWe that he has removed from his eightaea aw.,ou steel, to IM, reoenUr occupied h11Ad HUM, al d..t4.4 t IW Star. Pelt to G. A. Nairn's Grocery, on the Square, where he will keep conetantIv oa hand s fresh supply or BREAD, CAKES, BUNS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC urea kande. Geode delivered wan porta of the town. A call respectfully soliolt.d. cedeely, oat > In E. 0. BELCIIER. 1!A•In WE HAVE GOT IT! eAtewsteely � d:rsee CARPET SWEEPER 74t.eb cbesper than broom. to a te•-poesy lofts everrtWug from • bale mail Won't wear the carpet, a•d wean cost you anything for A TRIAL - WILL YOU HAVE ONE? We hare also the (amts* KEYSTONE BGG -BEATER. which BEATS the world, and WHIPS everything in a truly .. ecbauical way. All other lines, as usual, are well selected and com" plete for the fall trade. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. Look ! -o Look M_ 11Z07.T3::ItOOT Has just received a large stock of the Finest Groceries and Dry (foods to be had for Money, and is selling at a very great reduction. Just give him a call and be satisfied. Also Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. 2217 The GRAND DUCHESS RANG See the Full Stock of SAUNCERS dr. SON. DISCOUNT. hew to thrones m} ends, e, and to public owing Lu.x,ut for generally the t have de ided to offer the folr SPOT 5 per cent ..:I all punches.. of .1011 porehaee..4 9.Z 00 and upward, 0 e,n.da of 1417 .'.., Mai. *If ru.WI' 5 1 here oa bled ..tie .1 the largest .... S ..1 .1, ^ . h a $3 0o ; 10 per Dent w ... b xeluwed. BOOTS c•. STAGES u the Dominion, • det.oed hat ..f which .,. s14 or'cupy more apace than the "Sox. sat" mimeo-tr..' to inv. ; •w■e- it to gas n CO•oprisr . every desirable Ise to be (cowl with the beet Manus cturers rel C..,, a Every line is already marked BELOW ACTUAL VALUE and the above term make my nom I be Cheapest place in Canada to buy your shoe,. An immense snick ..f RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES is very styleace Amerman, is Canadian and Ameran, Oluve 11,.•.<1•.r mike, which to the LIBERAL TERMS. A Leine Stock of (.dies' Import., KM t bppnre, eery line. Call sod s.e them a Oor. Hast. -.t. and Square F DOWNING. EGETTHERE 8eems to be the papular verdict in all the lines wo carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the finestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN FINE GROCERIESAND FRUITS. OOIt- 8�31CIL.T0111f-.T`, de dt<QUr111/0- wheinate and f11.ts& 11. 8. -thy deeenne Makes ter 1t...m.r iNOTICE It will ■soon be time to make out accounts, "The Signal" does good printing and firnishes l good paper.