HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-8, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL. FILMY, NOV. 8, 188) THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ► 10STAa•eSMSa I41117. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. AL ma Mk&1 eel so OR MOLLARD *0.000.000. pre 5700,000. ., • 11, E. WALKER, Otos. Mies*oi. GODERICH BRANCH. d41 Oslt[ItAl. BAMKMS etl.i.•• Tluw*cTtta FAtttl[Itg' Nardi DMCCvNTEa DwAFTS ,Moto MAMA AT ALL wowing is CANADA, AND TUE PRINCIPAL ORMi et The UNITED STATER (311SAT BIwTA1N. Fi*isci. 1M; ID/4 .n OAtfluss DARK OcPARTRISRT. OS.tDMTS of 81.00 AND UPWARDS RECelVto AMD ONsRSMT RATES OF MOW •.*.Disc IOTWINIST AOOSO TO Tem PtrNOMAts AT TINS SMO OF IOW ARO M•sEwlt 1M S*SM TEAL 11.80 1•1 •Itmeittist gives N M. OwINelime t•1 O•wlw.rN.l Popery rood Partme.M trills. Notes. R & WILLAMS, MANAGER. -e Vuron ignal m PUBLNNDED ZVERY FRIDAY MORNING, 07 ITe grass reitte No °Fmk : NORTH - STRICT?. GODERICH. It le • wide-awake local newspaper, devoted to meaty news and the di.sc(yinatloa of use. gal kaowledge. ISATIS Mt SEMICBIrT1 $1.J0 • year ; 75c. for six moth. ; 40e. for tires matbs. If the subscription is act d le advance abecrlption will be c et e the rate ot0 • year. A0YEST0IAD SATO, t wiltand other casual advertisements. We. pr are for first insertion. and 3 cents per line for each aubsetiueut insertion. Measured by • .onparall sccaalt.a. Local mottoes in uonpartol type 5c per 11se. Lewd retires In ordinary reading type lc p• tweed. Iawalmeo cards of rex lines and under $3 per •0.r. Advertisements of Inst, Found. Strayed Vacant. Situation Wanted and l'iliChabeee Wanted. not exceeding 8 i11 $tmp•riel •l per month. Houses on Sale sad :'arms on Sale. not to exceed 3 hues, •1 for Bret uiontb, 50c per sob amuent month. Larger advts in proportion. Any special notice. tits object of which b to pruaote the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or companyj, to be considered en ad vertlsemeat and charred ac.ordtnwtl• These terms will in Al tares be strtetty ad - bend to. Special rates for larger advertisements, or advertisements for extended periods Made lows st iris once of publication. J012I111 DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing (sloe la carried Os in connection with the ordinary newspaper beeness. where first -clam work is turned out • M reasonable rates. Everything in the print- ing line can be done on the premises from an W.ininated poster to • visiting card. All communication, must be addressed to O. Mee uLUcSNT. Editor of Tun SNINAL Ibletheae (Mal. No. 30. Goderich Oat. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOT. $, 1aBR rill RAILWAT QUESTION. The Town Council has at length taken definite action on the railway question, and at its last meeting appointed a e;.m- mittee to take decisive stets to prose. Bute the Goderich and Wingbam scheme Meetioke alone the proposed route will be arranged for at an early date, cam • eucing at Dungannon, to further the kerrr.t• of the route, ant to prove to Ibli people to the north of us that (3ode- trioi is ripe Lar railway communication from that direction A resolution was alat. u nanimously earned deprecating the fact that efforts had been made by interested parties to create the impression that the dally-dallytsg of the commsader of the dredge to the notice of the Glovers - meet. It is too bad that our harbor should be almost rained by the dilatory action or negligence of the Government x its employees. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. ♦ West sr two Abets O*uy rwblleNls.s That Have tease ce Mead. •tDEN'3 MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA. We are pleased to note the appear- ance of the uineteewth volume of the admirable Alden' &Manifold Cyclopedia It was apparent from the first that this was to be the Cyclopedia for "the peo- ple," and each auocsedtog vo:ume em- phasises the great superiority of the work work for popular oM over its EN** costly oompstitors. It 1s remarkably compre- hensive. The fields of litorature,scienoe, art, Sud of all knowledge are thoroughly gleaned. The topics are ably treated, many illustration aniline, and • vast amount.of information ss coudeuaed into small space. The article. are written by experts in their various hue., sod are carefully and skilfully edited. The re- sults of theletest discuveuee and inven- tions appear, many of the subjects beiug brought down to Juue, 1889, sod mete even later. Among the important topics treateden this volume we notice Howe Rule in lnlaud; Homestead En- try, and the Homestead Laws for all the States ; Huwtnupetby, pearly 7 page.; Hop; lioroloity; Hors, Horse Racing, Hgrse Si.oeiug, .tad Hone Taming; Hos- pitals, oe-pitals, 8 lames; Howard University; Hy- dropathy, over 6 pages; Hypnotism, 4 page.; Hysteria; Ice; Immigration, with valuable statistics; Imports and Ea porta, with figures fur the Uutted States cover- ing 100yeare,aod brought down to June, 1889; Indians, 7 page.; Induction go( Fiestas Currents, 8 pages. In the fine of biography we find article. on Homer; Hood; Hopkins; Horace; Howard; How- ells; Hugo; Humboldt; Hume and Hunt; while actor q the Countries and States notes are Honduras; Hungary; Iceland; Idaho; Illinois; India. 35 pages; Indiana, 8 pages; and Indian Territory, including the opening of uklahon,a. The price of this great work is almost incredibly low. The tint nineteen volumes in cloth bind- ing will be sent u0..ot receipt of $9. or in half Morocco stye f .r $12 80, if or - doted t once. A specimen volume,sub ject to return if not satisfactory, will be forwarded for 00 ants in cloth. or 85c. in halt Morocco. Joist, B. ALIMP, pub- lisher, New York, Chicago and Atlanta. 1111 CO.M.aPOLITaN The November number of this interest- ing Magna. tie runtatr, the folk, • irides: -•"The French Armtrow teas F'o..ting," by Co ant Paul V•sili (illus- trated); "Ebb and Flow," a poem by Anna Vernet. D..rsey (illustrated); "Thu Stables of the Queen of England," by Charles S. Pelham-Clistnn (illustrated); Godencb as • town sou opp.eed to they ( proposed route from Winebam ria Dun• goons. Su far as G..derich 1. c-.ncero- .4, railway communication is wanted from even posssble point. and where. ever aisietaooe can lie obtained to pro- mote • scheme having the county town for a terminal point, the right hand of fellowship will tie •.xtended. We have no intimation of decrying other scheme', but we will hold to our own'tirst,tleet and all the time. The time his a .me for decei- t's,. action, the town has wsked up to • man upon the question, and the work of peaking along every available :rote will be encouraged by every one of our resi- dents. Goderich hu put its hand to the plow, and win not I....k heck. THE HARBOR DIFFICULTY. At the last meeting ,.f the Tows. Corn. ei1 the question of harbor dredging ens brought up by the Mayor, ant the stetter was pretty thoroughly elte- ctaiedderich harbor is a (1 mere meat herleve •.f ref.., and the manner in which it his been neglected for years past has been shameful in the extreme. True, tens in • .hole the dredge has some. to the harbor, but unfortunately very little troth has been performed. Por the past three weeks the dredge has Mea lying in the harbor, and doriug that period it is safe so ere that art two /aye' work was demo. When spoken to the commander is eae.11y "waiting for seders,' or some oge•lly absurd versos fig sinned why the work is net pro- e.sded with. Whew the Andre is "or- dered" to a specific point, it oath{ to he meaderetood that work ahnold be p :Ions. J thew, sad that the Akers sad mesa sr. one ,ddagat.d on • junketing trip p awake to make little ditereaes who is -` •ss.s.aad of the dredge, fora els. mitten haw appears to proved this as 1. *Mort as pouiiblo shodd bo pat fi lth by tie (ioveetaoseat employes. , yeweent• the work. A •emmittee was yod.tad by the ememoll to tab inn - Atte MOM NS this natter. sad le brio' 'In the Ithirlpnools of the brand Caw - os," by Eth.;: Allen Reynolds (illus tr.•od) ; "(;...operative Housekeeping it Ttmemeota," by Elisabeth Bulaod (illus- trated); "Scene Painting as a Fine Art," by John P. flitter (tllustratrd); "Chic- o /go'. Chiaauto'. Candidacy for rho World's Fair of 1892," by Senator Charge. 11 Farwell (illustrated) ; ''Cornell University," by Hilmar Hj•.rth &.leen (illustrated); "In the Fan," a poem, by Alice R My- lene; "P•.»ginger Agent Service," by Issi.h 8 Emery (illustrated); "India under the Queen," by Frank (1 Carpus ter (illustrated); "The Elixir of Life in Science and Roessner," by William 8 Wal.h; "The Dark Hone; or, A Month ,n an American Country House," by George A Hibberd (illustrated). In the Social Problems Iepartmen t Edward Everett 11..1° di.cua.ee "The Pressure of Winter." THE TOWN COUNCIL The Misstate of taut amel-llNtbly Meet - tea. The Town Gowen! met last Friday evening, Noy. 1. All the members were present ext pt (deputy -reeve Smith and councillors Holt, Pridhin and J. W Smith. The clerk informed the council of Mr E C.mpio.a's reture a enuncillor for St Georg.'s ward, io plan of the late Atex Murton; a1s.. that Air Campion had sign- ed his quallticail.M papers. The minutes of last {meeting were read and approved: This treasurer's report. showing • hol- •o., own hand n1 $10,706.63, on read, • ■d referred to fintr.ce, committer. The mayor init►mrd the awned that John Mckerian, • vagrant, was becom- ing a Penance to winos of the inhabNante of the town, and said some steps should be takes to hare him either confined its the jail ..t sent out of town.. Mowed hy Noe&nl.tn, spennd.d hy Oameelon, that the anal ter As left in the hands of the mayor, reeve and eoutool- toe Campion, with power to pay his pas- sers in Trpl.nd. or a part thereof. is they may me is. Carried. s. r"hersiwwt .4 the entree of Ratified seMeery .hawed nine internte.nt• /..r the seowth of (►etntter--three .dolts sod sir e►iWno It slew. elated that •mesa Sew kiloton, poen had hwpn not hon Sha etownd•, as ordered hy the ensitel. A letter from Robert M'elndon. none P the U.di,irh trod Wmilasse R.R. ma- in ie. M.w.l.te of the saran floe the eti.rter, was read std /4.d, • ess..r.ieatbs from Jessie John- ston, reeve of Weal W.wa.es►, wee, mg positive ire the board of provisional directors of the Uodsrish sod Wugh.s. R R , wed read sad toed. Petitions fres. Miss M, J. Graham, Wim. Heeekotr sled G.. Bates, Waft fur redeetin is tares, were referred to AM e..rt d .evkiios. The following seeoe.ts wan read sad referred to Anon eos..ittes : 0 Orabb, waterworks &tine,, $7.24; Hardwick° a Warn, Belau, pipe, oto , $40.67; Geo I1eibrr,all, lumber and eleotrig light per, $62.40; Buffalo Oast boa Oo., pips ..d Noises, $306.913. The &dein of the Iowa solicitor its re- gard to the applteattuo of the treasisnt trader bylaw to the ease of a party who hate oposed net sa a.etin room to town Was read The edi.itor thuegbt that the bylaw to good in this ow, and that t►o tieeseo fee of $100 is nut excessive. The eommittes o0 public works re- ported, recommending that the applies tion of Messrs N na Lee and A. J. Rae- der for a drain w aceepted, they agree- ing to pay one-third of the strut Iso ameodmest to the motion that the report b. adopted, Proudfoot moved, settooded by Nioh- ol.oa, that the report be referred back to the public works committee to see If the drain cannot be run to some other direction, without emptying over the bank as proposed, and to report at net me.ttsg, with estimate o1 cost, and names of parties interested. Carried. REPORT OF FINANCE ODM111TTas. To Nid Mayer aid Cowan! : Your Roane oummittee, having ex- amined the following accounts, would recommend that they be paid upon b. - log duly certified : - Doherty Mfg. Co., $78.98; Hcso,s Stox•L, $6.25; A. E. Culli., $2 76; D. K. t;tracban $21.00; Alex. G•rtshore, 5628.48. AS of which is respectfully submitted. J. H. Coosoales, Chairman. The reprrt was adopted. Moved by Nicholson, seconded by Dunlop, that the mayor, reeve and Campion be • c ow.mutee to communi- cate with the Government and others to have necemary tmprcvmente and re- pairs dune to the Goderich harbor.- Camed. Councillor Naftel reported that be had visited Mrs Mountenay and that she had expressed a desire to go to Joliet with her son if the corporation would pay their fare there. The cost of two tickets would be ES.. Moved by Camp- ion, seconded by Nicholson, that coun- cillor Naftel be empowered to purchase the twu tickets, providing the cost does not exceed $30 -Canned. On mitiou councillor Campion's name was pieced on all the committees -with the inception of the electric light and waterworks committee -of which the late Alex. Morton was • member. Moved by Thompson, seconded by Dunlop, that, as it has heed represented that the town of Goderich is opposed to the passing of the Goderich and Wing - ham Ptcilic Junction k. R through Dungannon, we, the council of the town of Goderich, take this opportunity of riving the said misrepresentation a Pol- tava denial -Carred. Moved by Proudfoot, seconded by Nicholson, that a committee be appoint- ed to look after the railway- interests of the town, with hill power to do all that they may deem advisable and to act as much as possible in oonjunctioo with the provisional directors of the Uodericb and Wtngham {road. -Carried. On motion the mayor, reere and Humber were made the member* of said ess..ittee. temocil then adjourned. DUNGANNON. Prom oar own corrspowdeat Mr George Berry, of Lucknow, has daring the put few days been the guest of Mr B J Crawford, of this village. Mr Wm. Lane, treasurer of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire In ur•ne. Co„ is un • collecting tour for insurance looses. The weather on W.doesday, the 6th. assumed, for the tint time this season a wintry appearance, emioiing on tha winter IP approaching. Ln .11 ounoero ed take mote. Mr Ain. Cameron, tax collector for West Wawanosh, is on his tour. H• ex poets all concerned to be prepared for a visit from him. Look out for Mr R R Sellcwa' enter - tenons to be held in the Orange Hall ben ow Friday evsning,tbeSth,u it will be worth going to. This r$ilway question is at present ahead of all other questions, it being vigorously agi•ated, to which more reference will be given again. Another Hallowe'en season ham orae and le sow put. The wee °hippies on that oeeaan.n, se usual, enjoyed them- selves iso .rrying out the program of Hallowe'en euateme. in so far as to mischief is done or property injured it is quite proper for the yoone people to en- joy tbeaMlvea on each occasions. It seems that Mr Thos. Derain, who has hen Looking for a place some saw, to 1 eau himself and family, has acme to the aw°hNion that Dungannon is the beet place to reside 1n, as he ha* pur- °ha*ed the property of Joe Smith, carpenter. formerly a resident of this locality end village for meaty years, bat now of Chicago, U 8., for the sem of $1100. As there area good, auhslanlial, w(411 howbeit residence, and an orehard of 1po••el. choire fruit trope, also nos half were of land, it m entaidered by m.ny hereabouts to he • good bargain We welcome Mr Durnie and family to oar ha..let, and wish them the host of 550°°5.. Wight the *apreea wanton war em W way to the natio., is Cltatuo, 8s*u.day iMeratroa, as axle Mapped, sod the driver had to leave h>as load sad nes oe with the mail bale. The remain itf Hartley L.youok, Soo of George Layouek, • former reddest of Makin, were interred at Weodstoe8 last week. He was stout 24 lean of age, .sad had died is Knees City. Yr Thos Wiseman, late with Marshall, Field S Co., Changu,het,we underlined, sabot • Ntltattt.a to Toronto, where, he believes, sours mune: cae be saved at uvea s less salary, thaw eso be dote it the west Mte Chas Ainley, of Harristuw, has a card of Iheass published as the Harris. too l 'iku.e, acknowledging Eke prompt payment of $2,000 to her by the A.O.U. W., °I which order her late busb.ad was a member. The rrfleetioe of the electric light in Clinton no bt even quite distort), •e far south as Kipper. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS eelerlrb Mem. Oocaatcw. N... 1. 1384 Wheat •/leerw Oats,. bauY ........ .......... 0 fpl 0 Peas, • bash .................... • he w Pltateekartwh • hw a .......... • 0 i H.y.•too...................... •OD0 Bauer.* m ......................100 Sam trees wwMeked • IN .. • M 0 Clare.. •11A Shorts. • tea.................... 15 toe 1 Bran p tow 11 00 0 1 Chopped Sidi • me4 1 25 Wood&revilinto. •east...«. • 66 " Hides................«3 W Wool ............. • 111 Marvell' ies. r ....««•. •• DeemedApples. eigh 11 t•0 es cusses filer. Nov. 5. U Wbeesad 0 IPt,mw M to Dairy Wheat .. 11 Iml n es 0.1. • 30 to Appl▪ es. Iwned/.G • bill 1 it b Potatoes • • le Butter ...... -.........r • lti to Ems 0 ,. • to tweed. ._... ;» Reef ...,..». • M to Wool • le to Pork 550 to seat real rattle rerttes. GRAND DISPI AY OF Tweeds and Coatings FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS Our Tailoring Department is well stocked with Tweeds and Coatings from the coarsest Canadian to the finest French goods, which will be cut out free of charge, or made to order at exceedingly low prices. We guarantee the fit and finish equal to the best city trade, Call and inspect our choice stock of new goods. Great value in underclothing. J. A. REID & BRO: Jordans Block, Godertck, OM. 18th. IME M Mr H Enford, of H.•Imesville, raised se3260 Ibis orf carrots on a halo leen than M 9 square rods ..f land. This is $ ylaid Mret the rate '4 neatly 1000 bash per acre. N When is tba eau that can lariat of a llaa greater weight from an equal areal 13 Tb, following officers have been elect- co* ed itsCourt tielwoud C. 0. p., Holtoe.- 30 vibe, fur the etuuiog term: -W C R, 8 56 Sturdy; V C R, Ed. Levis; R See., T app Murch; F Sec, Thos. Lobb ; Chap., 22 J Phipps; S W, Simon McCullagh; J W, Richard Chambers; 8 11, Geo. Livia; t6 J B, Wm. Stanley. M tt 1• 45 81 50 I m w to 0 18 0 IS 7M 4ISM 000 6 00 The receipts of live stock at the Montreal Stock Yards. Point St. Charles, for the week ending Not, 51d.1300, were: - 1 o 1 Dentistry. M. NICHOLSON, L.D.S. DENTAL ROOMS, Eigbtk dopy below the Post Owes, Went -at„ tiosaatce. IMS -17 DR, E. RICHARDSON, D.S.L SURGKON DENTIST. Oe. and Vitalist* Air administered for painlessextracting of teeth. epode] attention glyen to the proservatwa of the Natural TeN h. tlmce-Up stain. Orod Opera Horse Block. Esttac. es Weal*.. (iuderich. 1141-1• zShe People's Column. Receip■ of live stock at the `gTAltli' intik-A0000 0V4*IAL Montreal Stork Yards. Pt. 11 8t Charles. for the 20.4 f. MRS N. W 30. week 2,34 1,131 303 15 Left over from pee- r ious ee-riow week 150 300 130 Total for week 2.204 1.1..11 Left on hand 450 1.110 1110 export for week2.5Se 1.510 Do. previous weep4,532 2.427 Trade for the week baa been quiet with generally lower pries. Butchers reee;prs were large, tut for the most part of rough in- ferior stock ; as the butchers bad already • levee supply. priors were very low. the best beeves bringing little over Vic per Itt. Hoe were plentiful with no better demand. Calves metre We quote the following as being fur sal- sas: Experts, gond 4c to rye c 3 Ratchets'. good 2fc o Butchers'. medium ... 3,' to 34c Butchers'. calls.....- to Tic Shee Hogs 8500 to $5.10._ N tic to 4tv Calves- $1.00 to •8.M Executors' Ilotices. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. -ALL PER - MONS having canes against the estate of the late Alex. Worto., of Oodertett, are re. quested to present their claims duly certified within thirty days. Aad all part iesnwingthe estate are requested to make tassedlate pay. Meet to R. T. MORTON, Ayr. 1) W. 8. ROBERT 0'1. ) Executers. Nov. ( IRA Ooderlc► Reit .Metre's -Notice. RE JOSEPH VANSTONE ESTATE. Notice 1s hereby given that Joseph Van- stone,of the Iowa of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, marble dealer, has made an atabra- anent of all t accounts, under Chapter 124 of thects e Reviseeed Statutes of Ontario to the undersigned. J. T. Middleton, to whom all claims dulr proven must be sent, addressed to him at Hamilton. Ontario. And not lee is alien given that on and after December let.. seat. the assets of the Estate will be dl'ided amongst the Creditors. having reference only to such calms as are duly proved and filed with the Assignee. All moneys due to the old Joseph van - stone are to be collected by the Assignee c.aly, and may be left for beim •t The Merchants Dark in ITincardlee. lla1eed Deth October 150. LAZIER it NONCE. J T MIDD1.VT1N, Solicitors for Aaslgoee, Arleaee. 78-31 GODERICH TOWNSHIP. nom our own eerreapeadest. At the promotion •t.min.lions 8.14 in ft 8 N.. 1. t5 ennplwnee with the peMie seh.o.l lest, ie the moire depart- ment (A M.ihew.n, teacher) the eptly aemh.r that teed anenrpd,A in paaslne ; the names .Std marks of oh -,m ore a• fol/con :-Front third to forth --Harry Ifs ; (3.1. sic K OP, IMS ; Retia ane:, 401) From eotrend t.. third. - •n McRae. 300 ; Borth* Barry► x33 ; r Waltham, who had been apeointed M Rote Ren, 337 ; Willie B e siders, .346 til the board ed provetesial directors of Legal. L"URS, FURS. TO THR LAI)i$3 or e,ODERICII AND VICINITY. The undersigned le prepared to clean or re- make.in the latest style. sli kitade of fur goods to onlrr. (:eats fur .:acs cleaned sod re- lined, highest peer paid for r*wfers. MSS R. MAY, Kisg.toa street, '9Ym Goderich. I)( 1-L FUR SERVICE -11E HAVE )) M.ughl another bull for the season of lee50.Terms- 40. W be pard .t the nate of service. S. R. MCDOI'O A Li, k 'WN. 111 -It - Proprietors, South street. AESTRAYGED RA31 Came os the tortoises of *ewe her about lar of Oct- an aged ram with peva cit' one ear. and • bet tail. The °wiser ►s requested to prorh property pay chive.* and take It away. Henry Kelton. lot lir cue 10. lake Shure read, Colborne township. 30.41 ' 11COTICE IS HEREBY AIVEN that as 1 am retiring from the deur id feed bonne.. to Oederic• to take the Asheen rosraad taw mi.l, all aOcewW dueine mart be settled by the 15th of Noy. nest, hy cash or note. at the East M. :bar and Feed Store. 27 31 A. E. CL' LLIS. TEACHER WANTED. M.lc teacher holding - :nil class certificate wanted for 8. N. No. 1. Ashfeid. Apply, stating salary. kc.. to THOS. HAW KINS. See'y school Roard. T-31 Port A Iberr, Olt. THE HURON norm,. Tbb well-known and popular hotel ha been refined and enlarged during the past 'teasun. and is now emend to none in quality of .e- enmirto•latlon for the iraieding pnblio. Good accommodation (or transient guests. WM. CRAIG. stymie. Ooderieh.Ont. Proprietor. Loans ant) insurance. N. LEA i8. Barrister, Proctor in J. Maritime Court ; M.ney to Loan at R per cent., prude funds. - .Straight loan. in- terest yearly. ('sus tory moderate. For particulars call personally or write. 21 C SEAUER, FIRST mi. -1810x meta. Co.veyanRcl r, Insurance. Estate mad General -- -- - Mone t Lend mitten's'. (Ma(. CAMPION, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Pabfc, e t (Mine -Over Jordan'. Drug Stare, the room formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 22! C. BATS, SOLICITOR, o R, 0Ooe, career at square wad W. smart. ()odrrleh, over telegraph saes. Pri- vate rands to load at per mit, OM- I I 1 ARROW & PROL'DFOOT, BAR BIITPRRS Ator■.y , Benetton. Oodericb J. T. Garrow, W. Preadft• 17 (IAMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, Rarresters, Solicitors 1a Re. 3oderlch. M. C. C G. CMmenes. (. C jq •b Q.C.; P. Mt. M.17S1- 3tteeical. I )ltti RHANNOlf a 4HANNON office at '. libeeetp0 Q. fact rr 4 .asheers.t Ito. ga . A1IIttM. i. 1711R nowt. A musements. G'f ODEEWH MECHANICS' TUTS LIBRARY AND RSADix stairs 800M, 4)0 , tier. et Date stems sed Square fmt ()pee ham 1 Is • p.m.. ma hen 7 to N p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY irwdi5q Deily, Weekly sad IAw,bwted ropers, Nass, toe. , ea FILL RiP 1'1Csn. ORLY I.sR graining tree arm Library asd Reese Apollonian IM sasmbw..iap reserved tis Librarian, la r'eawt.. d M A 16)()111190x, os0. 'wring19etary ender4eh, Presided. Alit. RA o u .ow Rte'. and armeri Notes INsoosatM. Orrick -Next to Conseil* Furniture 2 F J. T. NAFTEL, LIFB, FiRS AND ACCIDENT IN- WR.4NeK AGENT, Representing North British t Mercantile Liverpool. !Ainslie' Glebe; Norwich Unica:North American Lite• sad Ao,Ideat le.tw- anee of North Amerlea. Lowest fors. Leasee riveted p owtptly Mosey to Lose on Perm sod Tows Protserty Co.r*yanclnw dose. Property Valued, Mc' 0 s'e--Cor. North•N. esti Square.7().4rrleh' $900,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To lent em farm and town property, at low OW Interne. Mortgages pereh...d. )►o nom m.an0n charred agents for the Trate and Lem Company of Canada, the Canada Deeded Credit Cownpmay, the Landon Loan Compass' of Canada. ttrterest. ♦ 14 and 7 per tent. dayY., if R.title sstl,8exnrweoau . money tney la taeIonn xW HAYMOW t JOHNSTON, arraoss ,ec. Ooderialls liblats'emallapil TO LOAN. APPLY TO Sour tCAMAItWN ON rim M- ONET TO LEND. --A LARD,' Iooww ttg et11gggg5N v! for by toelARRGwtP D A R. ampouFSE, oRkXRAI. IIISQRANCg, REAL ESTATE Air. MONET LOAMiNA AGENT ' ffryt-*livor c ar .rear M l.cad ~tea , iss.s, .5 1 sweet rate of interest deb Easy., a tis salt 111• d&eel' from E °As=- e■ ..yR,wgay t. W1:40s .s Ou4srls►. fEtitst re For Salc or to Let. L 1 Ot SB FOR SALE -THAT 'COM- IVKTAaI.I: deciliter houne, 'hosted on the corner of t'ulbon.e sad N atertoa..L The house is coilsen:a•tly torsoed within a *hurt dbtance of the bonne** part of Use egoism, ar,d it a mom desirable property. bee partu:ulers apply on premises, or address MRS. MOltT'ON !• 2t nen ig. tleaseich P.O. FARM FOR SALE.-CONTAiNIN0 ab. -art le scree, 1* the towaskip Ash - Mid, county of Mures - r -os- endeared. A paid frame hoe and frame bare esu the preen= being Lot W. I :4. Lake usage. Apply by letter, or p+.onaNy art 1J/4t D. J. IIc0 wAN. premises. b- LARM FOR BALE.-lu the tewe- atop of Ashfield. Lake Range, east band Let 24. cuntainiag Re acres ; l8• older can %•lion. wall feared. 'toed heddiagm, 01570.. lent to school wad cherubim ; Sauna/on 'a- rm witting half -a wade. Apply ors premises Or 10 S at JOHN Ira t;0Rt0Stated p O. FOR SALE. -- That property, shoat 32M eerus,..d about • quarter mile nom tate railway entice at Clinton, with two story lamas home, orhard, eart'eo, barna, side otthe river trees..... kt uooaw.. ed on one side by the : i ver BSalyyteujrd to that formerly occupied by Murray, Part of Int 19 o the B.) field road ; good clay loam. high sad dry. Alan the boom eat tad•, two acme. hounded easterly hr .unset•, la Cllato& W► ll *erupted by 31r gaol two (story with •o tffe. mellars stn !e., aid (storyweed orchard Will be acid at sact4os a Thurday. SM November. .1 t p.m., at the Waverley I1sse, (11•i05, where • pima ass mow be nes. The owner is willow to sell mow by private eat tract. Time wires lar part pavans. intim Milo a any oak that my have been wade of say part Woes afrau... sod ether puttee Iso cmc be had peetsa...ldper by doper to 27 -td XTs IQueeal H1 Noted. Tenet& L"ARM. EiGHTY ACRES. (!seventy l' cleared'. besatitully situated as HMS 11 - land Kiser. Iola t,i sad 74. Maltland uoseerie- Moe Oude:ich leasable. tee wailite ad a half from Clinton. lint load for general family:, well watered. buildntgs is pair. Posesesios by Rio October. E TTeenae W M N Wine •t tee Mary - M, Termite. wiPU RENT. -From October Mat , • ' good cellese ar. hart and the Is first-class 1 epair, .ad half an . re of imedea i1 desired. 21-U M. NICHOLSON. FARM FOR SALE The understand .rill saerior'yll wtart very cleanable foo. origati.' t easterly 1 e acre, of Block "Y," :n Ilya 710.'... ceesien of the Township of Colbornethe Count a Huron. T ,- in his fates he item te ed 4(` mile. Doe(eoderich 1t{ aid - hewn ('arbo.r, ea the Mals aimed Road. There te • Roves almost MM. by frame home, l nooms; a Large 1 X. notalsimg abed. 42 by 14.attae hed. sed o .42with chis orchards in the township. ftlewat the d by a sereefsding *print creek and • good wrLL There la lin1141 eree wasterared lands free from k M ria the place. Good school within M rends of the noure WUI be told /m reasonable tens. For tenement' further particulars apply to JNO. BRR('k .0rpprrggltNilt or JOSEPH MCKKOW N. Ooderbh 0 es the weeding. L iRST CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND 1 LOT mit BALI ON ST. PATRICK fen. About two minutes walk frac the Square. Two eerie, Mgt.. brick addition la the res: luno: se kiiww8h,, building covered with state. 3.•In %MIldlnit has 3 tergp Moine oe first Art 0p..tale there are 3 large enema. 1a the rear .441, ca there ere kitchen. panty, washrome. 1'p tsitw orb room and bathroom Also pod cel:sr. Apply tone undermined. who wen give all ■mosaary to derreat len. set DANIRL GORDON. vALUABLE FARM FOR SALE;-- That valuable property knows as let 1* mamma,' con., Gannett township. within ore mile of omicron. Om Oa tarot are o 1or orches good frame home and kitchen, wftR 'tone cellar, and frame bare and stuMes: aim. pesoo, - jt 7Nl wotered. leer 1are prer0aanm y yto Ono McEss es the pem . toxo 3113 FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES r0R SALL-totiA, In Maitland Ora (Whores. Marro* • very Sae fans. Prk'. Log ILI f In gat Dot. 8. D. Aa8Aold, Klekid it g, LOU 43 441a ahem (1., very J 100 seri. grill *old ery chesp.lmts 14 masa W l of 17. In t he gib eon. Waweeesi , ice acres of excellent land in rine block. Price Meek Lot 71.M. iemealPi Soupy. Town o1f Goderlrb. Pelee only • e. Let tett sews of Onderlett o5 Light Home with brick home and Mab*. Price Toro dod Oert.'h, nearly Itt8 .f an sore 00 neve block wilh►s the best ows part own. Prfce o51y 3000 T8. aha pr ep:. t4.. 8111 be told ea eM7 (eras M payme.rt Apply to N.B.-Romeo to teed a ver 4 . Onoes. 30 veer low :rtes, M - FOR BALL West halt 04 Moe tet Arthur Street, with mean item herr*. thereon.l °door Hi. 10. 114, 346, Klee *reef. gt. Ardrews Weed. .-ni net of Heine and Britannia Ceded, Frawae 11 ,tory hems en heals Purrs, 4.0 and half hind. t(eeevl lots t, Rr sd'e Seng, speedo awe Maw Omlm,4s. f vac : 0le,x •t a Nee _ Aq t,he above as. I ow RAtit . w. f DATi$O7r a JORNSTFON • __ ductloneenn9. JOHN KNO1L UENIMAL AUO • TIONRIR as d Lead Talcmoe, G,.4py44 thin Ravin bad eemidatsb4s enp.rtewtet N t **mien_Ingtrade. 8. le b . pnaltisw rohwvpe er s/wd 'etellateetien - A Rennet Xellealeste 4 deter mot y _ Mel Order aD eras •sd twtiwby {e air saisd 1 flare:.