HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-11-1, Page 66 - � a W THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY: j V. 1r 1881. - THE RUNAWAY. "Would they put her in tt•e asyl'tm," ibe eroedeted, ".t they amidst her." Folks would softly ,husk she was crazy She stopped at the stow wall to rest, lied looked heck timorously at the old familiar .00ze. Far b -hind her stretched the meadow, a nymph ma of ..live and green to the late f.1I. Here red there by • sunken bourder stood stldterly Iotdeu rod, cr berry bu.hrs clothed stow is scarlet and gluld At intervals on the Iuog slope e tot:l solitary tress, where fluttering, brittle leaves 1,11 in the gentle chill air is summer time she remembered well the hay mskers rested in the shade, and the jug with onager water *be made for the unto was kept there to be coot. She seemed, as she stoned there, to re- metoer eesrytbio.. The house was all tight, she Was sure of that ; the key we• under the kitoheu door rust, the lire was out io the stove, and tho oat lucked at, the barn. She held her work hardened hand to bee side, punting • little, for it was • good bit of • wale acnes the tr.eadow, and see was $t) years old oo her tart btrtbday. The cows feeding luuled homelike and pleasant "Good -by, critters," she said. aloud ; "metey's the time I ve druv ye home au' milked ye. en' I silos let ye est bl the way, nor never hr:rrie.: ye e. the boy. He had Ingot fight ►.r s asp of M`e M the last stenos, sad had poiated oat ea the way .b Dips he ttloubht algal t.terest her. re Desiree." •' Wal,wel ; retire from Pine Seglaod, ell be Wend r "From Maine," she answered, sail that she grew c ommusteative, for she wive always a chatty uid lady, and eke Wee • toilet to tell the et •ry of her weary had possessed her Seoul ale allt.114:0 w lung, sed 11 years of wetting to a kindly lutes sr. tribe tell him all ebm relation, arse had were two grand nephews mid their Nail - bee. That twenty years ago S is (for she had brought thew up wbeu their parents died .4 ouusuniptuoi, that kills so rushy of our i•.:ks) •int out west Be * a always adventurous, and for ter yaws .he did nut hear from hie ; but John ems different.nd steady, mud wheal he Dame of age she had vowel,. bite err bum, with the ixovssius she should at w ays have s home, otherwise he would have gone sway, too. Well, for live years they were happy, the. Juhu soar reed, and his wife had gruwu to think her • burden es the years went on, ...d tht obildreu when they error big did ror vire fur her ; she felt .h. had lived too 1 .og. "I grooved so lonesome," she said pathetically. "it seems 1 couldn't aka up heart to live day by day, as' yit I knrwtd our folk• toss moa, lived reit years back, when; Sam elute he wee • , oiu' fair •u' .rut we worry, 1 tteguu 1., think of bees ; fur he was spur geser- out au' kood, .u' the gratefuleat Joy, .n' so I bevels to save to go tel him, fuer I koowed 1 could work torr soy herd tut • good teeny years ,to corse. Fur three year be ain't hardly wrote, but I boo hat t.. the wild lunar, he lived so. 1 said bars au' Iijuue don't skier roe none, fur when I ell a gal en to Ans. tuk krntry there wits plenty of both, an' e• ter butf.Ier. them h.•rnel mule dolt skeer me mute, fur I've been used to a farm sinus. But the louesumurss id those madden hs. sorter upaeot me illi' made me think every day Sam was furth- er otf than I ever me'laied an." "But what will you do if Sam ain't ill Denver r" aaked the tanner '1 hey put my faith in Providence,' she answered siu•ply, and the .,ranger ouuld nut m.r that trust by guy word .•1 ,srntne. Ile gyve his address as be got off at tte Nebraska L'.e, and told her to moo him Burd if she eroded help. With a warty hand clap be parted from her o. j..'. the phantoms in her memory of "bolo. Chet had biu kind to her,Go.d blear'am," anti then the tra•n went rumbling tn. But many of the paesenyers had ha teased to her story and were tuterestrd. end they came to sit with her. One pale little lad in the seat in front tamed round to look at her now and thea end to answer her smile. He was go tog to the new country for health ah. wealth, poor lad, only to find eternal rest in the sunny land, but his let days were brightened by the reward for his tboogbtful ate of.kindse... "She probably brought those boy, up," be thought, "and denied her life for them. Ia she to die unrewarded, 1 *tendert There cannot be any goad in the world if th.t be so." He thought of her and took out his poor purse ; there was so little money in it, too,every oast made a big hole in his store ; but the coneciousnees of a good deed was worth something. "I mayn't have the ohanne to de many more," thought the led, buttenino his wore ovetcost. He dipped off without a word at a station and sect a telegram to Deaver. "To Samuel Blair '-for he had caught the name from her talk -"Your Aunt Hannah Blair, o) Maine, is oo the W. and W. train coming to you." It warn only s strew, but • kindly wind might blow it to the right one after nil. When he was sitting there after his message had gone on its way, she !seised over and handed him a peppermint drop from a package in her pocket. "You don't look strong, dearie," she said : "hain't ye no folks with ye?" "None on earth." "We're both los Does," she smiled ; "an' how sad it be there ain't no ooe to fess over ye. An' be keertul of the drafts, and keep Ismael slius on your chat ; that is good aur the lungs." "Yoe are very kiln' to take en inter- est in me," be ,oiled ; "but 1 am afraid tt is too late. ' Another night of weary slumber in the cramped seats, end then the plain began to be dotted with villages, grad soon ap- peared the straggling outskirts of a city, the smoke of mills, the gleam of the Platte river, and s network of iron rails, bright and shining, a the train ren shrieking into the labyrinth at its desti- n ation. "This is Denver," said the lad to her, "and I'll look after you as well as I done. ' With a farewell glance she went .•u again, smoothing as she walled the seat- ttrred locks of gray hair fsih..t 'trdet the pumpkin hood, ■lid keeptog her scant black ge.:rn out td the reach of biters. Across another Cold, then in through • leafy lane where the wood new hauled ill winter, then oat through a gap in a stump fence. with its great branching arms like a petrified octopus, to the dusty high road. Not a soul so sight 111 flue coming twi- ligtt ; John, the children, and the scolding wife whu made her so unhappy would not be home fur an hour yet, for East a 1111■ was a lung drive. Down the steep hill went the brave little figure, (yellowed by en odd shadow ot itself in the waning light, and by tiny stones that rolled re •wiftly they passed her often attd'mad, her look behind with a start to see if a pursuer were cum - Ing. "rimy d put me in the asylum, sure," she muttered wildly as she trudged along. At the foot of the hill she eat down upon so old ler sod waited for the train Across the rued, guarded by a biu, sign, "Look out Lor the engine,' ran two pare 1.1 iron rails,' that were to be her road when the big monster should come panting around the curve. At last the dull ramble sounded, a shrill whistle and she hurried to the track, waving her abseil to signal. Thi.e, to the conductor's vernacular, wen • cress roads station, where he was used to watch for people waving article' frantically. The train stopped, and this passenger was helped aboard. De no tioed she ora • bright eyed old lady, eery neat and precise. How fur Z he aced. "Bogen." •'Cit there in the mornin'," he said kindly, waiting for the money, as she opened a (loser little reticule, where, under her knitting, wrapped in • clean cotton handkerchief, was her purse with her savings if long years -the little bums Sam had sent her wham he tint be gen to prosper to the west, and some money she had earned herself by keit- tint sad berry pieking. At a ernes roads, as they went swiftly oo, she saw the old sorrel horse, the rattling wagon, and John with his family driving homeward. She drew beck with a little cry, fearing he might see her and stop the train, but they i went on so fast that could Lout be, and the old horse jogged into the woo ds,end John never thought his odd Aunt Hannah, hie charge for twenty long years, was running away. At 13.oston a kindly conductor bought her • through ticket for Denver. "It's a long journey for en old lady like you," he said. "But l m pent for my are. ' she said sszlousiy ; "I never had a day a sickness Mace I was a gal." "Going ail the way alone r "With Providence, ' she answered brightly, alert and eager to help herself, but silent and thoughtful sa the train took her into strange Landscapes where the miles went en swiftly it seemed like the oat years of her life s. she looked i back on them. "Thy work is marvelous, she leer. inured often, silting with her hands folded, and few idle days had there beet. in her world where she had sat and rest- ed so long. In the day coach the people were kind and generous, sharing their b•rkeb with her and seeing she changed cars right and her carpet bag was safe. She wee like any .one of 4ike dear old grandma in eastern homes, or to ¢betted men end weary women, like the memory of • deed mother s. faint and far away es the scent of wild ruse• in a hillside country ground. She tended babies for tired women and talked to the men of (arm- ing and crops, or told the children Bible stones : h;.t never • word she said of herself, not one. (In again, guided by kindly heads through the great bewildering city by the lake, and now through yet • strang- er land Tired and worn by turbot to the one-mfoNsble seats, her helve spirit began to fail • little. As the wide. "I won't be oo burden," she said brightly. "i ye twenty dollars yet, es that's • sight of money. The train halted to let the eastward bound express pass, there was an air of excitement in the oar, peessogers were getting ready to depart. gathering up luggage and wraps, and some watching the new comers and the rows of strange faces on the o.tw•rd bound. The door of the car slammed soddenly sad • big bearded men with eager blew eyes Dame down the stole Moking sharply from right to lett. He bed left Denver on the 'zeroes to tweet this train. His gimes fell e. the tiny black gore. "Why, Aunt Hannah ' he aried,wltk a break in his 'obey, and she she put nut her trembling hands and fell into the hig arms, tears streaming down the wrinkled face. level plains, lonely end dreary, dawned "i kanwed Providence woold lot m* IOU her eight she sighed often. God ye, Sam," she said brokenly, and no "it's • dre'Id big world,"' she said to a gray bearded old farmer near her : "so big 1 feel a .nm •st lest is it, but," hope- fully. series them deserts like Ibis lung e gn Provident•.• tont a star to raid* them If wise men of the east, aa' i haat lost my faith " Beta the day worm nn, and still the lona. mmsotnstoes teed showed no keels@ ba h,reit.on, an oasis of green, her eyes Jimmied, something like a soh roe, se- der the desk kerchief ca the hewed ab.nl.l*ve, sal the .p.staeles were takes of eilh trembling hand sad pat •w.y e.refelly in the warn ti. cam "Be ye Bola' ter, mother r' said the old fare! er. ea, smiled when the sig men sat doem bsNde her, and with gentle hand wiped her tears away. "Why, I've seat John $21) a mouth fee fire years for Toe," he said, &nerdy, as she told him why she ran sway, "and he said you mould not tont., for yes had a stroke and was helpless. and 1 have writtee to yes often sad have seat yes It's hard fee • mem to Ball his own brother a eatable" "We writ Sem," she maid gently, 'bet poet fundi; are I wee't lis a hordes to ye, for 1 ma work ?it, an' for years t. gems." Werk, indeed ! don't I ow. Tee eysrythiag r S. stia& "Acv my wife hoe 4•gd for yea t* sane 'dare .so eielee deer old soul. lis this euuutry, they've prise), 1 tell y,.e. Why, its as e red a • royal Deer -d -arts le hare • dear handsome old •otuau like you for • • Thee he found tat who tent the tale grain and paid the lad, who matte red h ad Mashed lake • girl, seal d td not . amt to take K "I moppet.* you iron a job " as d 1. e big .s. o. "Weill. 1 can give yen tore; rm in the teed and e,m• ,season b 1,.uo•.-, thee you uomethtng light. Leos el you. Mart, poor led, out here All the refer- e e*. I want is that , ills kihdurss ul yours to Aunt Hannah " ''Biro's the depot, Aunt Hannah, .td you won't. not 'bre. and Inier's.' riot the buffaloes you *.re mitotic about, too the print*et and sunniest city y .0 arts err y .oar dear ryes upuo He picked up the Mei carpet h,g fad t. 1 cud ..1d fashioned not • tot sobers..., of it, thourb is lo••k-d ,Ikei Noah mt.iht v• e,.►. is I it to the ark. They said good-hy. , .d the last es. of her was her happy . Id facto beam, s from a carriage Gerd..• sa ilei folly. -ivy to what air koew w„uld he a p'*amnl home for ail her yahoo ye.er• - Pataeuoa Staple, •. o, (ire •r . We, k mels ter Winter. When att.ok• ,t rev * ...Deters or es•+d n ...rteonese, asthma, `r•oseh.tn.. croup •. •t•euet•sa the •ii0*erdul esperireo• thuusae•de u1 fsrothw who have uwd rrgelarly for •II ...eh tr•.uhl.,s duet 4, many yeses, .uvgesr. the- use •1 H. .aril's Pecs, rel B.ipue-the rid. reit. hie household (.voroe. Y D Hartley, Bitr..,ie. returned 11.u•. alter an st,e* r,• .•t ab.•u1 tea• ye.•. nn S.tunlay, ih.• 12 h suet- %too ru bouts leave 1.a Taeeekt .best 11 t Why ruder • wooly- waist *hen •, ell mu gel tw.uediste r, Itrt l.om. all •,• • nal Sir • xterusi p•.. uco_ use o1 r sone Nervihue, the teat pain cute Nervt.u•e his u. ror Renu kat .alt I tail In a .toe . saw ; .1 .•.,,.art 1481, it is a combination of the most p... situ ta.0 muwleieg remesse. k Ir 10 cent aao,ple h,t(r " N rv"Ine. Vis will bud Nerrutu.r . out. rife 1.4 lieu aloe, toothache, h....l•rt. Buv at d rt. Lorne bottle. 25 cents, 07 •u druggists. H.rrr C •rmsrk.,.e'a will return his position. at 8r ..I, Min He holds a lucrative -.IS.* u• -der the ma..avrunr. ,1 the. Kt Paul, Mint eap-lis & Mantt,- ha railroad. "They have • Larger ,ate in my eft trice," flys a well knows lruggur, "that any other pill on the market, and ,rite the hest ssusf.etio, f..r ...•it heed..•h. biloiou•nee•, indigestion, etc , and whet. onnb.ned with Jotnaton'• Toni! Bitten. Johnston's Tonic Lsvrr Pulls will pot form what no other nMr.ctne has d .ti, before for sufferer; h ..... suite 26 centa per bottle. Bette re 50 onto. and $1 per bottle. Sold by aytotte Dau¢gist, Albion block, Goderieh, sole scent (el btir Richard Cedmors, Toeksrsmith, who hes been laid op with sciatic. the g reatee part of the mummer. contempl•v. $ trip to the Southern States for the benefit of his healtt» Titre, tears See. Oyer 30 years awn there urea plated upo. Ira market • remedy designed to rel psis .04 °livable of either o treeder M- l tarsal eget Frothe first it bee ial won- derful .mew, and hundreds testify that H•gyard's Yellow Oil cures rheumatism ernthroat. e that, sprains. croup, cuts, Honed'Honed'end all pains and aches. 2 Frees Rich and Poor Mate mall Pausal. the Mtltionolre mho Day L.b er. their ego osmoe et this rafted! rep- utation attest the world-wide re utation of &paPula Lsadt.g Foy - skims t..al....d these pills ter fsteftseb .ad Liver Troubles, Costive - aims, Billenwases, sad Wick Headache ; ales, for Rhasmiem al, Jaaadbs, sad hearing's.. They areseasr-prompt. bet sslts- taus we calomel , are prpt• d. is operatives ; and, therefore. Abe very best medicine fur Family Use, as well Y fur Tr•veters and Tourists. "1 have derivderivedha groat relief ft Ayer's Pills. Five years ago 1 was alai w ill with Rheumatism that 1 was ..able to do any Weill- I took three hoses of Ayer's Pill Red fret entirely cured. Since that time I am never without • lets of these Wis." Peter Chrimteaaeu. Sherwood. WI.. "Ayer'. Pitts have been io nes in mJ family upwards of twenty years sad have completely verified all that Is Ib claimed for sen. 1u attacksf piles, from whish I suffered many years, afford greater relief thanany other medicine 1 over tried.".-- T. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I have used Ayer's Pills for s num- ber of years, and have sever found any- thing equal to them for giving mo an s appetite ect in parting seer= and strength to the system. I alwa s keep house."-11.them in the house." -11. L. Jackson, Wilmington, I el. "Two buses of Ayer's PILL as cured e of severe Headache, Kenna from which 1 was long a sufferer. - Keyes, }tubbiest -dawn. Mass. •• W hettever I em troubled with co.• stipetiun. ur suffer from lues of appetite. ta Ayer's Pills net me right again." - A. JKock Kiser, Jr., Kock 'louse, Vs. "Ayer's Pills are is general demised among unr customers. Our sales u' tbeus exceed those of all other pills cow bind. We have sever known thea fail to give entire satisfaction."- Wright & flannelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, FIIIAKED aT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co" Lowell, Mgee. gory Uy a4 Dealers is Madm. humlefa tp., potion end pertltsoea result. • ergs pens► from the tore .f rill ion's £•nusetue Q ietine Wine lm ("rook A '% moil, te.ol er at 8. 8. No 10 M.orrts. 1... her, • ral_aiicd for pelt ,.•.r at a eatery o1 1376 r fever oaten:" type • f oata1 having m peculiar symptoms It is attended by au 1 alto u. wt cotedlrnot of the hnrnt ml.tr- hranes .l the nostrils, Gear -deet, and rhr..et, effe•ettttg the lunga. An acrd ,,oc o s 1. secret ed ,t he atscharAeteacc.;m- tlamed with • hur.it•g serimtn.n. Thar* are severe spasms of srue2ing, frequent attacks of headache, watery and inflam- ed . 1 ea, Ely . t" r:.ru balm remit - it a rem- it that can e depended upon. Mtn,.. un drugeote ; by til, rmoist*lid, 600.. g s Brother. , Dru,tg .ts, Owetto. New Tart. lv ARMSTRONG FAANIIG MILL ANO PUMP MORNS ARMSTRONG'S IMPROVED `"'" urain and Seed Cleaner The tesch.nofthe Coll rens to fey. et*. Clinton, were re-engaged for 1890. at the following alariee --J. Turnbull, $1 200; S. W. Perry, 9960; D. Robb, $900; Mia. McArthur, $500. ta.e.ftpIsea es. be Cared By paper, healthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Coo Liver 011 and Hypophosphitee, which contains the healing and errrtnorth giving virtues of these two valushle specific* in their fullest fun.. Dr D D McEhu std, Petitordiao, N. B„ lints : "i have been prescribing Semi's Bmoleion with gond results. It is especially useful in peewee of consumptive tendencies." Sold by Druggists. 60e and $1. 4 D_OW S WORMYR SUP DESTROYS ANO m . WORMS or ALL KINDS IN CNILDIWII OR ADULT. SWEET AS SYRUP' A CANNOT HANM THC • -3. OZL ATIC CHIfi.W SACIIET PODERS! 8 tl1YTERINT ODORS MALVINA - CREAM FOR TAW AND FRRCRLY9 FROSTILLA TOR CHAPPED HANIDS. -RUBIFOAM- FOR TUIR rKwrH. RIIIMRL'S 0AT1131AL Prig TIIF. TOt1.gT RICKSICKER'S PERFUME, ervEN UIFFRRENT OUORA PURE DRUGS AND FiNE 000DR. "7C71 =tr1.ON' S neseeeneiss Dreg *Sere. Wines, Liquors, &c FOR MALS aY G. H. PARSONS Amex (MOCK. 0001MICB' ilii mete t r r y teMsafog abwit nd need. of all times. --IT— Separates all Noxious Seeds sad cheat from grate at one cteaaisg. saving and amain, &Wttmdhy seed at the slime time out ,•f say kind of grata. 1t can be fitted into any fannfnri mill without removing the Ace. so matter bow old !M mill is, sad musket it do es Brood work oe better than the most tinprrved sew mills knows. It allows se ,red to be blows into the chaff It Cleans Speedily. /Wintery cleaner warranted to work.e repre- sented or so asle.70i ts.trdering by aril give inside width of shoe and name of coater of mill it eoavenient, and if "oboee hat side @hake or the old tae►ios- ed hind slake. A barer quantity of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS rbud munitsetured from Aleoma white e•mrt•rrd pine. (irders by mail pnemptly attended too. Shipped to any point. ADDRE88 ARMSTRONG BROS., G-oderioh, Ont. 1741 Ll lel Es NOTICE TO BUILDERS & FARMERS The Falls Reserve Lime!Kiln is now running full time and any quantity of Fresh time, can be obtained at the Kiln at all times fbr l0c. a bushel. M. & C. Bi CHLER, e4erb5 Mai* lle I1 Pr lfmi,fers O Wa(cr Seriee & Rpairs The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System toDwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON BALKEID. ANOTHER STEP TO THE FRONT. n ISAAC N. CASSIDAY, GROCER has removed from Crabb's Block, to McLean's new Block Court -house square, into the Plate glass grocery store, 3rd door west of British 'exchange Hotel, 2 doors east of T. Det- { , lor's Dry Goods Store, Where Both Old and New Customers will be Welcome I also intend to give Ureat Bargains in Teas sad Sugary. 1 have just got in a tine assortment of fancy 1)elf and of the very latest patterns in Brown Rustic Tea bet-, Slate Rustic Tea Sets, Enamelled Floral Te. :rix, Brown Rustic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Dinner Setts, Sage Rus- tic Dinner Sete, Blue Brnak's Toilet Sete, Brown Summer Toilet Set., 1 tevitia Toilet Sets, Enainelled Toilet Setts, also a eery tine sueortment rf plain Delf that will tali• sohi cheap, and 1 intend to pay the highest prim for Farmers' Produce. Thanking my Cu.+totner' for past patronage', also soliciting their further orders Order, will be delivered with plure to any part of the Town. Vii► I_ N, 0A.SSID_AY, j PLATE GLASS GROCERY. auderith. Oct. tib, Imo. Have just pawed through the Cutts. Ines. Direet from the 3ivafastsrese. the heat Am.rtid Stuck of D ESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO (:ODERICH, CONSISTING 0) SILK WARP HENRIETTAS, NEWEST SHADES, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goods AT PRICES AT LEAST 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR TAS SAME CLASS OF GOODS. Reedy -made ;Men's Suite of ,Beet Material, Fashionably Made' at Fabulously Low Prices. 80 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $125. IN HARDWARE DEPT. GLASS, PAINTS, 0118, VARNISH AND BUILDING MATERIAL, A FULL STOCK. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. C. CRAABB, April 19, 1889. SQUARE, HE LEADS THEM ALL. —:CbLL .A.INfE SEIC A. B- 0OR T DD'E' BKAU11Ft'L rTOCK OF - FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS, Tb. * ,goad Largest Meek le OederiaAl rises& Pekoe lower rim sesta pas � T'ori.'t be ersolc�. &DaBY ANY MAN IN TUX COUNTY. A . B. COR 1NT ELL, MILTOrr-tllY'. iOHN ROBERTSON Begs 5. ssaeas• a that he it now agent for The L!quorTea Copallrs Celebrated Tis Your choioe of one out ot a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it • trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. A FBW aALLORS OP PORE MAPLE SIRUP LEFT. 2111 JOHN ROBERTSON, RHTNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS Goaerich Foundry and. Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. wilt( 'ft kan\f./ ..Mitt ia1RI P1!l. Nll r.,• — •-t-a•''i ml""�'s•- t -L • fr 1 tRt• • I N C M (Ci Siff alp late* 1 he Posh.. JPerksase.l a sr.atued 'tier members NI haderesion Wage. The weeld be dew PIDYlneet s& wsmss. Ai Wed, Oo.tel tt*letease all netts: in Quail deeps/mug tlir ern wheat tr other public the Pruvineta North Shore taws, the 1 atrium (Abel hbenlly on e prove.eate debt which 00 00 k tog on Witt high tat =ago for tadttetrl Die at home has so.ti.wd limited that w as sbaodoe for the States. neatly Disc/rib Mr Mercier et 1891 there neo thee a milled. limited States . ballet boots West i• Owned ton agrees the These testi to show that, aimed, the re denies our per sad beet marl It is emieenilj The Tory pees fortesee that 01•.•r• of the bot that morel striation imp. rich the few. Mg dram opt province Is an parlance to as three years a p et the any it Met as that all is loot to the e Cuoser,.tiwe system whish melte ie • Mt The eomeiow head for croon and sudden Dol parent, With Pectoral in the lase., a setons ten give. tit I was hada Arisimas, my lageeestd being $ sea. dnvre tom mea elite s Newwg 1 e.y toe tb..kl I tart i. beside He oilseed she tames. He ■ lied current eve horse he had, a mile after mile, petaled me was ins behind ser &n.11y inquired "Are you et overtake yo. r "Weil, wo-s 'gigantism T' "It may be 1 posse will be fr overtake m. " "My /need," the lamp whin me throat, "is why the sheriff ye. This is n bet 1 I hurt yes b.g on," "Urs, oo herr borrowed this h, been ago with,. rand the owl R Dost give I however I rue highway robbery Thew milesfr sill, he I.roked b tial es14 ; rP. must pet a half a demo. of .awry ed d 1armevym neer kiedasea " Olt, not .t bsoes fwwaed err the/ y.(. et1ts, tl ..til t►. party g tames sheriff gel he means 10 hi sn.wd iseet parte And, my, yne me valet to rennet 111""1 ee Sy r' "1u,...n't." "Thee good b1 He pet the hot was new of sight i er.ted myself se Is.ee. t1,. pea dof4 si I it• and •t Ake theta ening hnm • y o1 my Maw ..w wattle. horses to WI NM ON RAND FOR .ALR : Improved Lad Rollers - HORSE PO GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW00. PLOW POINTS iic. tiA.�r src»v-M—l=ct-vS 1 Ha.FL.O�UR 111111 MKT 01 THE LATEST 111PROVED SYSTEM. made ante with the JOHN l INE & BO WORKS 00. NTODOirY We arerepared to oto Prices to Parties in want of tate sane. aapAiRA A1WD OV►,E' p111 OP it,L Zi11f'Da Ram Re roved at lam es hese lookine d'lhat is a ma rt lately inti. 5.4.11 a episode edition, is Ji I hieh in eosj'ese .nue Liver Pitt Yet wonderful 'wished Mored eariehsd. B h*ada.he, h. esteem. w , reeled Ai E1 ... el ►bet. Gorier ,uttt dram.