The Huron Signal, 1889-11-1, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL. J'RlDAY, NOV. 1. 1889
111/w Biem s Ifl*1stisstL
BY Man. L S. a40o.1.
than the widow Brews, bet she Hegel
Intl* fee am vdse* set estioss•ed h
dollen and mots If no owl only
asteminiee er week 1 should hem aims
hope. but her 00b0.. ►sii/awe .s
Mrs Deborah prows was agood mo-
foramens mens ins I almost weto shows
her. though to be glee I dew's a+pzwye
teas ; there is so doubt shout thin, d mess earns! any mom We
though eueui►st sarrvw-mieded. It the apostle did" a pine sheath
was Mid of kat, indeed .he bad said it ed sedoodi ; •• We know the
el hewed!, that "the widow Keown was Load i. Del alma tit to our few boartliwg
tot one to shirk s duty whets elm seder ways of doing Wens. No Meet 1 kayo
atm" tt was." So, perhap., her blosdered and made • mess .•f it every
auidenteodi.K was at feels, for at was time I've talked with her. Perhaps if 1
meat to imp -risible to coatis beg the& had approached her aroma by the w•7
the world outside of her ion small orbit of the mercy -sesta intend bete ssooeed
had any slims spew her wheever. ed bettor. Yu, let Si prayover II.
And she had platy d uPe
Scripture texts et Peradventure dvture the Leri w111 pleased
oommaod to fortify her nee upinioa. In, to do nese great thing through bee
for ig sass, "Let story man bald over means ; support a towhee or endow •
taint bis own house ;' "He that pro- scholarship -who it. tell r
elan& not for his owe is worse than an "Where two os earth agree as tooth -
Midst ;" "Tho poora have always with ism "myths* that they shell ask, it shall
you ;" and e.peoialIy that &boot "pe be dobe for them of my Yetber,'• said
roots la nog up for their children " Elbe Mr. Scott, and with thio word a prom -
had chi' , and felt the fare of such lee they parted.
so admonition. The same evening Abner Cole, the
Happily, she bad implicit faith is the widow Browo's Aird maw, case into the
Bible as the Word of Oud. She was -ru
sitltngem, be his habit was, to talk
aewtfr Irusbled by doubts In to its au- over wattage of mots.) interest with his
tlmstieity or staggered by its mysteries.' employer. A good, faithful soul was
8M believed the story of the creation Aboer-manewhat smooth sad quite
jun as it Is told in Guests, and like- uncultured manly, but he hoes • good
wise that of the prophet who was sent to deal about farming and was as fully
foretell the destruction of Nineveh. She identified with km employer's interests
had been • north 'souther many yeah, as d be bad been joist owner and pro -
read her chapter every day, and in a puisne of the whole st•blishmest.
immoral way conformed her life to the "Well, Mis' Brows,' said be, "I've
teaching of this book. Bot she bad very rot off the !sat of them tilt sheep today,
little comprehension of its value as • sad I'11 be basad s likel:or hot never was
none of duly help aid gaidenetr, in shipped from this station. It's quite a
both temporal and rpirttssl thiggs She chore of my hoses, too, bet, fur all that,
bad not within her own soul IL. key by it seem kinder lonesome rued the
which to interpret its teedris0.. She be . Sheep ain't like othee dumb twit -
needed the eowwc.tiig tosck' that t. -they seem .tet o' bsmm•o--their
has changed the meaning of life to so fess I moos. Nu two jest alike, and
many women io our day, and made eves I Lwow every one oft 'cos as if they'd
ou'tben vessels meet fur the Master's Mew children. Yee, I shell mw 'eo,
w ' hat I reckon we sold at the right time ;
She had bona "the widow Brown" for sheep won't be any higher. There ! I
twenty year. ; called so from no w•ut of like to forget the chuck," and Abner
respect ; but cbiedy to distinguish her took frogs hie vest pocket a paper which
frogs several others of the:same name au represented the value of the 100 fat
the same plus 1n money matters she sheep just marketed.
vas "well fixed," her neighbors said- Before going back to his corner by
not wealthy perhaps, bot certainly Md.- the kitchen stove, the moo remarked :
ant, and growing richer every jet. "They say wheat has riz."
Bit three children were married and "Yes, so I understand," mid Mn
settled to her satisfaction. The hand- Brown.
some farm left her by her husband had "Had an offer ?"
incensed in value, though diminished in
agree by the sale of building lots to meet "How much 1"
the demands ot a manufacturing bosi- She told him.
nese that had grown op in the village "Good. Closed the 'tenni!" l'
near by. She bated to part with a single "Not yet. The otter holds mail to -
rood of the land that her dear Silas had morrow. Think I better sell t"
ons owned and occupied, bot she was "I reckon yew had ; it's • big price tor
comforted by the thought that if he wheat this year. Dlore'o &oybody else
knew the circumstances, especially the got around here."
price received for it, be would approve. The nest day the widow Brown old
No doubt he would, for in hie day, as in her wheat sod wrote to ooe Banker
here, the one distinguishing character- Brown that she mucid come to the city
istic of the head o.f that house was thrift. the following week, prepared to
Bat this story has nothing to do with purchase soother $1,C00 bwtd. She
the widow Brown's late husband, only had been saving sod planning to this
so far as his memory continued to be • trod for months, and now, in spite of
potent influence in her life. To carry not taxes and other expenses, the sudden
his death -bed instructions seemed to be rise in wheat bad added just the sum
her supreme desire, not only from loyal- ngoired. Banker Brown was • distant
ty to his memory, bot also because she relative and an old friend of her bus-
hed implicit confidence in his judgment. band. He bad shown him many favors
during his life ; and had been the only
councillor of his widow in bestows mat-
ters, for Solas had said to her : "Al-
ways embank with Banker Brown, Deb-
by. His advice all be won more
than • lawyer's, and art lees ;" sod she
had done so, especially as to Erns and
investment.. She and Abner (mold car
re on the farm, but when it came to in-
vesting the proceeds, she trusted no one
but Banker Brown. When the &monist
exceeded a very few hundred d ,Ilan,
she was to laform Dint somewhat in ad-
vance of her coming ; hence the letter
A week Inter, as she took the morning
train for the city, twenty miles distant,
sbe fund half • dozen ladies stung bet
fellow-ps.sengen with whom sbe was ac-
quainted. Among them were Mn Sonet
and Mn Edgar, who were going to
attend • mi.s►onary 'reeling. They ex-
pressed their pleasure at seeing Mr.
Brown, and hoped she was going to the
meeting also ; but she said her's was .
business trip, and she must return by
the first true.
"1f you have a little time to spare be
fere your train leaves, come into the
meeting. It will be pleasanter that sit-
ting •t the station," said Mrs Scott, as
they separated at the church door.
Mn Brown thanked her and walked
on two or three blocks to the bank. She
reached the building and mounted the
familiar steps before she observed that
the bank was closed end s long stream
of crape hong from the dor-knob. She
was shocked beyond expression and stood
gazing at the sight for some moments
before she bad the outrage to an • pass-
er-by is meaning, to be told that Mr
Brown, the president of the bank, bad
died soddenly that morning of apoplexy.
The effect upon bet was like that of •
seven I blow. She leaned against
the building a moment for support,
then potting nit her hand, like owe
ualkiog in the darkness, .eemed to
grope her way down the steps, and
slowly turned book toward the station.
She had n..rnt to do • little shopping,
bet .he had no heart for it no..
It was not so mach • sense of person-
al benevement that affected her. Her
iotsre oars* with the man now deed was
awgned mostly to business ; their con-
versations were chiefly ahvot vanes and
securities, bet it was the saddens= of
he event that overwhelmed her, the
quick treneit,os from this buy, pprraaeoppe�e
otos life to the stillness and the darkoo er
of the Peeve. Sbe did not look beyesd.
Me hem nothing of bis preparation for
another life ; bet .he was dewed Met sill
things earthly fee him W so suddenly
aloe to as est
The day seemed to have grown dark
and still She shivered se she drew her
wraps more eiceey shoot her, sad
quiekeeed her footsteps a trifs,oblivbes
b e.erytblsg in the h.y streets N
which ate p and eatil she subs to the
Monk where the ladies were sesnsbisd,
jest es the .cruise of the opening hymn,
greed aid Cososoties, song by a hoe.
deed .steam meted est epos the air, sad
she reslled lire beott'e invite**.
ikgsey bet own thoughts would be poor
Mspasy derag the two horn Were
teals those If eh* west to the statim, eh
she a hated the shore& •ad sat doers
mer the doe. swim' to the yam( lady
sato, who what ler to go sap Meow /he
Item. that akar Matt leave sass Sod pent►
fermi hot pseesst seal
IMOIli Ws the Mise al bra ptwdttelt "use" ldig Is ]five items
"1 have left everything to you, Deb-
by," said he. "I know you will do what
is right by the children. But I've been
tibiitking since I lay here -perhaps we
ought to- -you better do-"
"Oh, whet is it, Silas 1 What had I
better do 1" she asked, as she leaned
over him to catch his last words ; but
his stiffened lice were silent forever,
and it was years and years before • sus-
picion of his meaning dawned upon her
---• suspicion that poe.ibly, u the things
of time and sense were vanishing, mud
his eyes were beginning to behold those
which are invisible to mortal sight, then
may have eogse to him the shadow of •
fear that his Lord pas about to reckon
with bio rad might ne.t be altogether
satisfied with his servant's stewardship.
But no sub cloud bed for one element
darkened the sky of life for Mn Brown
during all the twenty years of her wid-
owhood. She had gained the reputation
of s good manager, and she deserved it,
for she not only cultivated ber falai to
the best edvsetage, but she bought and
sold judiciously, and made her invest-
ments wisely. But she never took risks.
She knew Silas never approved of loch
things, and her own good judgment
justified the same view. She gave some-
thing to the poor every year, and
paid ber church dues as regularly as
she paid her tarn, though since her
children were tone and her help attend-
ed other churches, she rented but half •
pew. 43he said pew renting was a but -
en" transaction, and it lila not her way
to pay for more of anything than she
had owe for. She never failed to drop
som thing into the enotribotion box
whatever the goes might be, and when
privately solicited was rather fond of
calling her gift "the widow's mite," and
not inapropriately ss it sometimes seemed
to the solicitor. Alas ! the men with the
mock-nke was not more unconscious of
the crown above his head than was the
widow Brown of her pnvileges as a
Chrisain woman and a fellow -servant
of the sautes
"Oh ! if her eyes scald once be open-
ed to see things in their true light, what a
tower of strength she would become,"
maid Mn Scott, • lady foremost in all
the benevolent work of the church, to
Mir fellow -worker, Mn Edgar. Th. two
were dieometeg ways and means for in-
eres.isg eertai= revenues in which so
messy ladies are interested at the present
thee. Mn Edgar had pronounced
opinions apron mut subjects, and she
never hesitated to speak her Mod.
"Well, that woman's eyes will Dever
be opened," said sits, "e7 anything short
of a mivnels, sash as opened the eyes of
Prophet'sthe servant in Old Tesaseeet
"Aad that was brnotht .hoot by
prayer," mid 1Nn Seoul 'Let no prey
bet this vestry thing."
"Why, el souse I've no objection
Isnot I hvan'I the least bit of faith," said
the I.gttsense little lady. •'I have
hawed wtik that .erne• of sad es,
eseeBs to eosven • Retteeat, ••d left
hes BS sad o1 misoloaary mag -fees led
lesegk.lbt it all does so sort of good, pho
say Mee west seem of the rasa
'mobs gdwutimr-think .1 fiat Th
1ndMda 4dt BS More hold of her than
041 Weed t estuienpl•se d.eats is the
=papeae, seg half ee etsah as /110
asserts MAIM is better he
W sneer Weeded, .nod it me • revel -
Mice to her. She +td sem suppose that
taws wase any musses is the lead who
meld Meed bidets ea seines, 'wen of
their own as:, and talk sad 11557 •.
these women did dung Rho devotiesal
half hoer at the botiaaillt. Tbe merry
.11�sphe.c •e need eha+�% with a mob-
ile to whish she his bet eosld
not comprehend. Now sad thea elms
w ord ee seateaes, peshatpa s familiar
BIW ,eae, woad take hold of bee with
a jgrip that she bed sewer been enemies,
of before. She Weems tateoeely later
sated, ye} she telt that she reel had
nothing ie memos with thou ladles
tot she was aumehue separate and eat
WAD time in this work, sed for lbs Ant
tome her iedillerenas toweled op before
bee as • sin.
S•e forgot the train, which had been
gum an hoer whys the moraoog session
cared, and all premiss were invited to •
collation in the "harsh parlors. She
would have gone away, but Mn Scott
who bad observed her when facing the
sudi.aee to reed a paper, laid hold o
her, mud she was carried along with the
crowd 000tr•ry to her inclination. Aud
w hat s ple•eent, social hoer she spent
with thee, elect ladies. They were so
medial, and the flavor of their ounveron-
tion,like that of the viands, was so agree-
able that she enjoyed at, and the feel-
ing that she was so totrsder wore away.
Moreover, it was • wonderful eye opener
for Mn Brown. She had associated the
class of women, in Mr mond, with those
"she wore short hair and hideous gar-
ment•, and sere clamorous IA. their
rights ; whereas she found them mate
.nexceptiousble:in dress and demeanor ;
while it was not woman's tights at all,
but suns.i ditties that they were met
to advocate, • point of view as remote
as possible from the other. Then
ass no train that she could take until
evening, so she made • day of it at
the missionary meeting, and sot reluc-
tantly either, for her interest ountiosed
soul the end. But on the whole it prov-
ed • trying day for Mn Brown. The
shock of the moruing had its effect upon
her nervous system. Then,too, her con-
science was i11 at ease, which was indeed
a new sensation, and finally the promise
of fur weather had proved deceptive,
fel, when the meeting closed, the rain
was falling and the sidewalks were slop-
py, while she, usually the must prudent
person in the care of ber health, was
provided with neither waterproof, em-
broils nor rubbers, and rode home with
damp clotbiag and wet feet.
It was easy to foresee the result
Sally, her faithful mud of all work, owed
eigurosely the simple preventives at
band, but could not avert the dreadful
chill, followed by fever and delirium
In the night she roused up Abner to go
for the doctor
"Me' Brown is oat of her heed," said
she. "And I'm afraid she going to die,
tortoise's talking religion as I never heard
her before "
Sally was • Methodist, and although
s:ie loved Mn Brown and would have
resented any imputsticn open her piety.
yes et cannot be denied that she would
have been better satisfied herself with
its renuu.enese if the lady bad habitual-
ly borne her curs in the prayer meeting.
For . week Mn Brows hovered be-
tween life and death. It was pitiful to
hear her talk so incessantly yet ioouher-
ently ot talents, stewardship, unprofit-
able servant, treasures laid up upon the
earth, and the like. Once when Abner
came to look at her for • moment she
exclaimed : "Don't mow wheat this yesr.
Abner, sow the good teed, which is the
Word of God ;" and poor Aber rushed
out eryinr like a baby.
As Mn Scott and Mn Edgar left the
house together osis day, the latter acid.
with • gob :.i that moms duos I shall
feel like • murderer. All that toy at
the mission meeting my heart gave
thanks to God that she was there, sod
now see what has come of it."
But Mn Brown did not die. She
came "lowly hack to health and strength,
a holier and happier woman because of
the refiner's fire by which she bad been
tried. She said to Mn Scott, sitting by
her bedside dieing the time of coeval's -
mule :
"A sick bed is not the wont thing. It
has been • blessing to me. For twenty
years I have been trying to understand
what it was my dear husband wanted me
to d•:, and tried to tell me oo hie death-
bed. It is .11 clear to me now. for I
have felt in the same way. He was
troubled because we bad done so little
for the Lord. sad it is such a mercy that
it has not come to me too late, as it did
to him. No, I am not talking too mach.
I shall get welt faster if 1 tell you some
thing" that are in ;my mind. That day
I was at the .nissiomery mooting I had
with me $1,000 itt cheques and bank-
notes, that I was to exchange for a hood.
You probably know whet prevented.
S.1 and shc.eking as that event was, it e
well for me that I did not make the in-
vestment. I can do better with my
money now. I felt while sitting is
that meeting that my possessions
wore worthless compared with the
riches which those women were
scoamulating. To be the very leo of
the servants of Jones ..seed better them
to be the wealthiest woes* is the world
Now, in my hosbsnd'a umi, i wish to
endow a sehole.ship 1e some seminary
down Seen, and also take a few shares
in that "shoot in Japan, that i
beard of till that dsy. Yoe may take
the money now for beth object*, if you
will, and thee it will be off sin mind."
Agate .he said : "Two Win have
lees reaming is my heed this morning
-queer tone they ars. too, yon may
t►mk, to anefnrt • Mk memo. the is
that shoot the Lord being 'able to raise
op ehildrwn mite Abraham frogs the
stones of the street,' and the other is,
'If God should open windows in heaves,
than might these them be.' The hist i.
assesiated, i• ta7 sead,oitit Mw leer,
and her ra&eeNure when she baste that
I hays sheet" my views She think.
that I am kseorrigihle, .end et wonder.
Tb. sashes i. is feeling that We
Breeder-weAtisg Cod tome plebrps 'sale
um of ube- cyan Ilse--afr« op uby years
rf idl.seae W ingret*tsdy end I .m
gasp to tele her my melee •Rdsegs.
Mg the Mems '
it is etas to use Pbweosss•. Wore
Powders. ee they set osly ells the worm
altd dlb net lettere the Child. lm
fi_1.. •---- sa ewe ltegasrgses
• IMMO if asIMBIN wt now am"rswst
1M MS nes
Sp.akislg of MstrgearMos tralaisds stn
that I kayo ohtsioed a deeps lett a hese
tlhl hole prow tut arum lady for bre
flee oommasios. It mesa be el white
fi•nwel, esdmoe., vodka&. Uesriett a et
Natseook. It is simply hemmed at the
bottom. The frost ie Wd is golf plaits,
sad a sash sad semesters aro loads of
whiteesreh. betel of this wreath of
artificial flumen, which is no longer
1 wore, to • d•tat: little 01000 boost of
Met, over which is throws tie ed. 11
is oo vele simple ties any i:Ey saes
E MS' it, med it is i■ the sweat of style.
The big eider" drew i. in the latest
style and of Veneta cloth to wood
brown, 'meninx over a petrel of dell
green plush, which febris will be lamely
employed as trimming, and • band of
amen and black pamementerie reaches
frim thesbculder to front. A brown
vette hat with brown ribbon trimmings
completes the pretty prisma.
Bonnets are the important question of
the day, sod are marked by their de-
crease in size -that is to say,the general-
ity of them; bet thereon, still many large
varieties to be seen for those to whom
they are blooming. Beautiful velvet
lowers, and others to deep, rich colon,
form dose borders rather than mane e
on the top, and they are made of every-
thing, from felt to straw, with silk, vel-
vet said plush, besides laos,aod embroid-
ered patterns, um the material of which a
gown is spade. One royal purple, or
"Cuban prune," bed • wreath of yellow
velvet ouwalipe with their leaves fruits
also have rises, sed in fact every
liner and every lady 5 • law unto her-
self. Yet the tendency ie fur smaller
aims and brilliant coloring.
C. C. RICHARD. & Co.
Gents, -My daughter had a severe
cold and injured her spice so she could
001 walk, and suffered very much. 1
called in our family physician ; he pro-
nounced it inflammation of the spine
and recommended MINARDS LINI-
MENT to be used freely. 3 bottles
cared her. I have used your MIN •
ARD'S LINIMENT for a broken breast;
It reduced the iudammation and cured
me in 10 days.
Hant•pott. lm Ma. N. Sitvtr.
Miss Maggie McBean, daughter of Rev
A McLean, has been engaged to take
charge of the junior department of the
Blyth public scbool,st the salary of $240
Mr W H Stewart, the principal, asked
for an increase of salary; he has been get-
ting $480, and asked for $500. The
board olered bits $480, hot Mr Stewart
declines. Mies L. Densmore, who Iters
had charge of the intermediate sines the
holiday, has intimated to the board ber
intimation of leaving at the cud of the
year, and now the board wants • new
principal and • first assistant for 1890.
wacu crime By it.
Health is not purchasable. The mad•
dened, soured dyspeptic, or the bilious
billionaire suffer, despite their wealth.
Burdock Blood Muer" is a rational
remedy fur dyspepsia, biliousness, con-
stipation, scrofula, debility, etc., sod
every complaint arcing from indigestion
or bad blood. 2
On fair evening John Mason, of the
Central hotel, Blyth,h•d a barrel of rem
sod mate sherry wine taken out of hie
miller, the perpetuators hawing hakes tie
advantage whist the innesies were buy
%iter the fair. They got between the
balding and Scott Bros.' foruitore store
sod made an entrance into the cellar by
digging a hole and breaking some of the
timber sway which was rotten.
It was ones seppo..d that scrofula
could not be eradiated from the sys-
tem ; bet the marvelous result" produc-
ed by the use of 4yer's Sarsaparilla
disprove this theory. The reason is,
this medicate is the moot powerful
blood -purifier ear diaeoyered.
IN ISMS min se cis Peau.
Drennan is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Iodtgeation is • fog to
good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the mst oomplieeted and wonderful
things in existence. It is easily pat oat
of order.
Greasy food, tough food. sloppy food,
bad cookery, mental worry, late boon,
irregular habit', and many other tL.nre
whim ought nit to be, have made the
Americas people a motion of dyspeptics.
Bot Grean'e Alone Flower has done
a wonderful work in reforming this sad
bustmw and making the American
people so health that they n enjoy
heir meals and be cahappy.
Remember :- Vii., happiness without
health. Bet Greene August Flower
brings health and happiness at the
dyspeptc- Ask yosr droggaf for a
botUe 8evsty4ve cents. rawly
On Fnd.y, (Motu 11th. the owly
child of Jelin and Obristni Smiths,
Walton, died after a "bort Moen, aged
Door snubs. The Innen' took plan as
fi•terd.y, when • large number o1 friends
and ee,ghhore gathered to attend the
funeral, theney showing their uyespethy
with the tested parent.,
'Uma,1b e•aam em some elslea, mar.
•0117 yeeutse
Rue ne nee in boo* medieles, het
try the great Kidney and Id.w regula-
tor, made by Dr. Oleos, author of
Otero ler rewire.
d Try e L Livse'ser,
of the Liver, lid
ways. libinuish and Bowels Bold by all
The diterseal s paMnose se often ob-
served to mess eels and woez.s, is dee
is s steed mNoen a a lees of the sed
ses►sselee ie the hood. To remedy
this regains a esedisise why praises,
them memeary little Mood os
sod the hew yet die oreJ i 's
Toes Risers, him $D .ilk efadpew Mask at Omer, Ere, dem Albite
Mask. Doderigh. 8ols re)
d'\iammoot t Ile them
seeWell met
Imre inassia wpm
j /ma the few of the 1sdrsdt of loiters
we hen soceired Ise those We hos
base stlmed so bsalth sod'twselph by
the use of that we der611. Aweswy,
Teri' Ohms C.... d, we mete a
few weans. We hope that the dim -
seeds of Cassie sites and women elm
ate naming iamb mimes and wasting
1IMIM1 tial !is by that ins and
phew .i•isissb
D. S: Davidson, el Montreal, sugared
in assn with Itewvoss dyspepsia, pain In
his hact, and steepkmnsm. lie erica doc-
tors without rebel, was toswtg Ash ryadly,
sed had about given up heart whets Its
commenced the ase a,f Painc's Celery
Compound. '"Now," he says, "1 am • stew
sou. 1 deep well aad my food doss not
Aiwa me.'
Nr. Jas. Johnson, 3or St. Chines Bar-
room Street, Mootresl, was weak and
nervous. had no appetite, and could rot
rest at night. His nerves were soothed
and strengtbesed by Pai.e's Celery Com-
pound, and he sou became well :DJ
Annie Gourley, of Rncr Beawiette.
P. Q., found Ilse Compound • certain ewe
for weakness, and now krill as well as she
ever dd.
A customer of Harrison Rio.., Eng -
gist, Hamilton, Ont., told them that he
was entirely cared of nervosa weakness by
the see of two bottles of the Ccmpoand•
des everything else has failed.
The tittle child of Mrs. G. E. Meredith,
}� D'Arcy St., Toronto, was cured of St.
Vila' Donee by Paine's Celery Cempoad.
O we
le Mm
aloe r.. .. bob .
rg..Allay .r mew am
et.. oar
wJl is .►a wroth womidThom ,
P5.s, ma sem yea s.w ala
ower >• Yaw sur 1 .,..p5. 4•4 r... e.. ,. maw
..,. wy have callae....• s+es
.•s poring n
.a wale aisaaim cis ars n
►.f �— rel Wale*
iia 5 t>a. r Mwlit te�i.
IhU�Ef'S 0311
Wok's Fried
No Alum.
Notion I of urious.
Vatter, Irr. & Lead ?Ips
Loon PdMy 0:ers,
Steen 1st, Foo
Pepe, wind
Create Semmes, O:ry
sad Laney L isseIs.
O.A.MECA KiLL &1)9
For hand and
Mackin Lie.
LEA! I :4:OM
In Saa.ots. Tsai.** sae
W ens kiu.ja,
e,•tai ill r.: -.4 1g
la the Wo:11.
IW NGL IN Ili hili:
New* wDlammmee tik., see et t1.. meek a w•w
cam. `ages furnished
�f HNAta to the
menet�y WOODPUFF,
es net per day. 8. .T II Monster
91N !!'b !Kaiak—
K O>ulh
Wheelie Issp'tn of
1181 MU 9111 IL,
Maaaf narars of
eau= rwetrtag.
PULLEY 1000,
Me Ha Per1eetiFiMvm
EITAIL11189 Nil.
Nasw►aerno m is
I isi.. a w kat@ er
•d imeme a taaamal Mem" desriessa.
Fall and Winter
Ready wade Clothing at
Prices to suit Pur-
..... t
at1A- The Taller. West -d.
ALESMEM toreUvttotes Norway Stec
.ir .•i •, M eetly. WUI pry M
n g,ve.u.et1ty busier to wettis' N
aperkacr seeded. Write Irmo.
Tor nu. Nur.erJmasa. Reubstur, N. Y.
SENT. If yes beeetas why
el sett gi.4 wit cies Of fee gaff d
.1 Cut it out. SA
INoiaASTioN. DIZZINtBS. sues
NEADACME. A.• smtasu OC Tose
TMty Aim wlle.TwoMoboM Awe ~Moor
Te Seeooea sone styrene on Tee
Pittbroa., - London.
Importers et
Canadian Apples.
00 Mere t La.Ns, ggi[-
Consignments solicited and
liberal advances made thereon.
r -a0
1890 s`Fw;°SEE 1890
lanais Wahl Newspaper
or Tit aesua\Na.
lied went arrseitem.ata ars boom made to
add sew sed attractive features, Mittel will
weedy Meuse 1a interest ant volae.
As estadu .eaxat to Maas It la the ►ud.
Of Ail P•T.s Taa' a •b•NAtts the b•Iao-.
.f present seer wilt beaten
Making it till nee
iDollar t from new
Address " '50 Estrin i0' Te1116411T•. SOT.
(P. O. Box 3861,)
The Leadia j Baptig MOND et',
Published at Two Dollars • Year.
Will be sent on s "trial trip" fns
OCTOBER 1, 1889,
- Ter --
JANUARY 1, 1890,
Far the nowise' sow of
IF sea slab to Stow what the gaipWtdo-
thoe t• dealt and ee. roselvoall
the e sows e[ the
Ex•wtws..well. mum ems
eve newspaper as
IFRape* Moms to kaow
w of Mem far
severs of MIMI
yes w w Yefs
yew a
as. ae tour.ogr""rs.{i, oho
Bmiy a (bl'.riiow of 1'ro ser ia, Toy MAry
WsA Homely Not es Ila ni%
Oust tM spinet •ad moot eeusesew asses
of libweeks.
IFyes mime mad
ani spew* the R•lft. egad TN mime gad Wemasher see eaa, at the llm%
tag ter oar
hat Do.Nmamo
we kayo for sew
t' tar as
r.m a tames
!toy wuew,
_ Teske whoa saw tram a to a err
wac�Mmes g111111L
rto•10,a lar
Maple Sugar Cakes-Tbe
this take is published ley ream
a posed of etapie mew, toilet
ed ON, half • puuod of bottom
ee Ave tablespoonfuls u: milk
whole tdl the butter melts.
thoroughly, thea add • scent 1
fill of ginger and half a puuum
Boat well. Sdt • heaping t•1
.1 ballet -powder in half • mu
sod stir into the ske,beatisig
again. Bake the asks i• thio
A Knife Cleaner. -Take t
*Mem tones keg by us w
a belt of nuke" ever these 1
tastes them together ley hi
the hods between the bow
here bees epnskled with Biel
rub the knife rapidly bet mem
pasts made with emery Ino
sweet oil is excellent for fine 1
Removing Mildew and In
Spread the garment stained of
in the hotted sun said squeeze
spots !emonuice, sprinkling
with malt. This will draw out
trimonist Mans if the sun is 1
process if it is not
A Kitchen Oilcloth. -A
cloth (or the kit -clue may b
cheap, heavy towel -Alt or burl
the room. Nail it en the sid•
aide building and onver the ct
thick pests of rye lour. WI
dry, punt it • good, the
brown. Ic two weeks' time p
sad in two weeks in re give
coat. Let it remain till eel
which will be io two or thy"
anent -malt and nail down
cloth, it is said, will last for s
Smelling Halt. -This oli
remedy for faintness oceans
of liquid ammonia nod • qt
dram each of otto of roe
Kogli•b lavender, and -eight
of bergamot and cloves. Moa
the prescription and drop 11 o
or ea much *. the sponge .11
Perry is • drink similar to
from pears instead of spies
always be bottled white,
not keep as well as cider -Y
• twr.N *yeas.
Bad blood may o,rrept the
tem and cause •
int., otters, salt rheum, .rye
eyes and skin diseases, al et
ter, eta Burdock B:...d Rol
the blood nod cleanses,
strengthens the entire "oaten
Tame tM itse.w Ano
The Vienna o,r:espoote
Times says :-Agsertaotike spl
travel in Austria ought t.,
them their marriage anted.
American lady recently vat
child here and the taobw. s
by witnesses, not to remote
Owing to the •bunco 4 • to
titian the clerk said he none
birth as'illegitimate,' sod the
esesion mads after mulles pis
the substitution of the word
for the word illegitimate I
eVSSW that the parents b
Anglican chord+, the t
down "w religion."
chrome ceweia ria
And all diseases of the threat
can be cared by the tree of 8o
S ino, as it contains the bealeor
Cod Liver Gil and Hypeph.
their felled fora Se wl
Moor, III. D., L. R. C. P , oho
N. 8. say.: "After three ye
isms I consider Scott's iuek
the very best in the teieeke..
anent to throat affections."
all druggists. 50e and $1.00
Take eau •dvlee saw
War a small seat poo in
td scarf ; wear • larger o
Wear a low -crown hat wi
Wear pearl-gray gloves will
white stitching on the Mc"
Wear half hoes •sppwtma
cut shoes.
Wear wly the best qualitie
b a•iery.
'Meer light colored Benne
the seaside and dark colored i
Wear your trousers easy at
and pull them op • little shoe
whomever you at down. -Me
•,rn i erne..
The largest octan, *od one
a °Patrolling part on the hes
body is the liver. If torpid
the when system beongses
Or. Obs•e'e Liver Core is mat
for lifer sod Kidney disas
guaranteed to con. Recipe
mdieine $1. Sold by ab dee
Mr Charles Donis, of the
Colleens, retuned hogs. last
•poadiag the summer in Mss
has sot a favorable opium of
• rise all
Armed sash bottle of 1
Lor Ogre is a medial guide
sostad$i.g tossfsl infers
and presumed
druggists as worth tee
ens of the gsedtsiso Med
soak $1. gold by MI druggist
There died is Clinton, on
the 16th, at the residence of t
ter, Mrs Baker, Owtario 8t.,
wW be remembered by old Ha
the wife of a farmer Bible
m5Mor, We refer to Mt
Omelet. Abet 30 years el
OsMelos, thee married, tweet
Admosville ; a000 after lm
the 8. 0. mister?, and shad
o/ imported statim. until I
Mrs O.Mtdns lees time
Mas Baker, Mr W. Notelet,
cad Mrs Brae, Manitoba i♦
at tieeRe of TR assn, wee e
hot disease. The rem im wet
is Mitebell emeetery.