HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-25, Page 7ea a aorreso sue. 1It me weals W gel • Itw* mess of wine it seems s. reals throeigh epos at UV tie bill Wise se hour. le most get est • II•ws•tive. Thee 00y does he bogie se realise what trt$ss staid be - tweets ors sed dastreetioa. A few wean. Ms • hely sat ea hoer in Ilse nab oda kilo otay. \celiac • fast express testa over a mouoteie red. Bae saw the marrow bright lies of the rails sad switches.sheadoe potato of the bead time Steed's of the bridges, and flaw the %reek .vet to by rooky blsa., Md sew perils soddenlyrevesaed as the armed ated t'harp carves. spinwer tree 10 Ilex m*g i$o.ol, .se's of Banger was a:most se )shag. To have made her experience aom.p� .be.bo0ld have %ekes o•e ea- gtN ride in a dark and rale night. In a &yitchi ride of a we, we ease to rake. bow .lender is the roil sad bow fragile .1e f..t.oilles..ssperms wty the ponderous ..akine whit Limy marry We see what a trifliag.aovemeet el a switch makes tbe diaereses betty..s life sad death. W. baro hew short the to k •Mad most ohm be, sod how .lose either bead. But it is a,- ` . t ride that we learn how depeadeot the easnaeer mus b., atter all, epos. the faithful vigilance of others. The heedlight reveals a few yards of glib..ing rail, sod the ghostly telegraph polos and switch target.. Wen a switch epee . rail taken, oe a pile of ties on W trout, we meld not possibly vee the danger is time to sop. -Scribner. £Usse0M These Times.. "Having been attacked for the third WIN sett Inflammatory Rheumatism, *Mei kept me in bed six weeks under mensal ears, witboat relief, I resolved Miley Burdock Blood Bitten, and be- iluo I had finished the third bottle I ��fle•• •Me to work again." Geo Robb, B4a4.. Hill, Oat • l 1.11 Iaae.. The way of the whirled -the welts. Goad ooly whoa used up- the am- kleila A desk of a bonnet often 'sakes a goose of a woman. It is probably the attoatioa paid it which makes the weather -vane. The after-dinner speaker generally has a &s.t way of expressos/ himself. A woman should be able W do more Rise a,.nsn. She ha. • slighter hood. AS exams" asks : What are oar prang seen easing to 1 Cumiag to see ear girls, of coarse. A machine for peseta, hops bas been invested America is the hoose of the The sovereiges that exert the (realest away in this world are &either white nor Mash, bee yellow. "I like Paris," said Mrs Mulbooly, "them Two lave mod Boys de Bologna mad Champs Slime is immure." "leek, please don't ! Toa mass my kilt I" But Jack kept right on, on the that if be mussed he moat type of girl takes the best 'ter 1 Bloode-b•ired girls are a typelliaigbter than the others, Renerrally . - Baeeese in life is the result of peak and tleercy. If the blood is impure and ilfilaish, both body sad mind lack vigor. 4b eleamss cad vitalists the blood and iss- psit a.w lite to the system. nothing else kis and a marvelous sleet a. lienaparilla. Oletb dorm are made with tight -6t - t __ ews� I! tial sleeves d so thick tt>Mtei• i•aiV net ba worn with autumn and v101w pabata Time Alert Waeam•. Wares M of approaching danger, a bookie' eo.gb wares as of smiles eon- assptios. Take time by the forelock mei .r Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam, the surest, safest .ad best core for the tto&g"s, mold., asthma, be.tas.sss, bronchitis, and all throat and long troubles. 2 Thisge always aces fairer when we look back at them. We hand folks over to God's mercy, mid show none ourselves. No wiser bee ever yet *meed li0es el latitude and longitude on the wa- ists' ma. There i ao korai' poem in the world but is at bottom • biography -the life of • ago. Neesssity is oral, but it is the ogly test of inward strength. Every fool ay live aeoording to hie owe king. If the wicked flourish and thou suffer Dot dimmers/red. They are fatted or destruction ; thou are dieted for the Then w two things which will make s ha rel this world, if we attend to lyse fiat is, 'melt 10 .ex °.r- ise shoot what we cannot help, and sesame serer to vex ourselves shoos hat we efts help. L4.meee rellevea 0ewra ls. GOA Ttham s d1..e.. ley any, your Ines. Aho .11 breathing m.obteery. Very woe- maahisery it is hot only the air -pang.., bet the amuse a of tubes and amities binding from these a., slogged mad shouted matter which ought net het 1e these iongs c.aeot half do time. .es_. what they de, they =rams d. Call 11'44 MOO. weep, peeervabs, treesseptioe or as el the d test avid ewes eel any mad ekmffewa� all eve bud. All tl bks. got rid d. There i jest mole we to get rid of thous. Ihet bio 1 '. Ouiesae Syrup. whish tribes will sell 1°w et 71 oasts a Wes it ev.ritiag oleo haw pee. pots asp des d es glei wads Ibis • A a*wAKs-ext esu be •"heaves t~ try eseatMb(the beet tem 8. ail "edema.vw ra.nehalb film the Teeth .ed ea oraMrlr THE HURON SIGN Ali,' MQA Y , OOT. 25 TN& FASHIONS. • womb*/ of b 'a e use W W Imeeeee• she nem sea. Alpaca is a favorite l•be1e fur dreams. Looe wraps are ie vogue for general wear. a sew salad bowl is shaped like as ppm rose. Ribbons are used as freely as ever for meetings. Bosse pretty mammal dishes are called "The f.______ " The Tyrolean w the retreat okapi ,for (isti..ii . butt. Its sew lasts an large, bat Ilse boa - nett low and small. Astrakhan, seal cad plush are lo be u sed for oust trimmings. Brooches are the favorite ornaments among Algeria women. Buttons at X90 • doss. will End many perwba.n this winter. Reset wool goods have the prdereoos over mood' this swim. Steel knives have come iato fashion ag•ia for um is certain manes. Very full sleeves are sot made ou a garment to be seed in the street. Then is so doubt bet that Scotch plaids will be popular ibis ..isms.. Box turbans with velvet facings are sold timing untrimmed hats. Elaborate passsmeet.riss are the trim- mings on the caw autumn towns. Jackets are from six to eight dishes luster then they were las aassoo. Children's clothes are not simple this year, but are tasteful end pretty. In choosing black grog greet. silk select • thick cord -flat rather the. round. Women bare trot sed eoseero about the fit of a boot if it i, small enough for them Exquisite sashes, with and with3at trine's, are among the importation for winter. "Tea jackets,' and "blouse bodices" are .sousary to a fashionable wamao's wardrobe. The Pariain ladies are wearing skirts of sheath -like tightness at the preemie time. Hand -printed delai.ee for tea gowns are among the pretties fabrics imported this year. A diacueston bas been smarted lately as to the advisability of heaving at least seven pockets in a dna Felt sailor bats hays only just made their appearance, but it is likely they .111 take a very prominent place in head- gear this winter. The new Mapes in china -odd pieties like salad dishes, fish plates, chocolate pots mod ice-cream sets- are particularly unique this season. It will be iotereeting to cities paint - en to know that then is • new pink that takes firing better than any shade of that Dolor yet used. A. meal rad will take a promiawet place amom odors for street costumes this winter, the deep terra-cotta shades having the preference. The directeire .tyle is entirely cot of fey,* with the dressmakers, but they .bow a polonaise in it* pleas whit& it short, like a bodies, in front and long is the hack. Indications daring the sumastlf have been for dreams with low eat males., bat with the display of winter fatlhiens high collars are discovered to be sill. vegeta ■ IaeM's •assent lir anis ee.,Mmaw. The mourning woes jp lliw& bardt since the death el hal' btreba.tl le made after her own design, and is there- fore eccentric, but it is a style that will be in vogue before the end of the sea- son. Victoria Carbolic Rahe is • womderfal healing compound for cote, wound., bs.s, bares, leads, boils, piles, pim- ples, Meanies Pee Iter.. In the street -Hat lifted wham saying "Good -by." or How do you dor' also when offering a lady a rat or sol now- ledgit.g a favor. Keep step with any one you walk with. Always preeedu a lady op -stairs, bet ask bar if you shall precede her ie going through a crowd or public place. At the street door -Hat off the ata meat you step into a private ball se Aloe. Lot a lady pass first always unless she asks yen to precede her. lo the pat --Aland till every lade 1. the roma u seated ; also oder people. Rias U a lady eaten the room after you are seated and stand till she takes a wt. Link people straight in Holism when they are speaking to you. Lel ladies pass thr-aagh a door first, standing aside for them. le thea itniag-room-Take your seat after lathe@ or elders. Neves play with your knife, ring oe spoon. Do not take your napkin up in a bend" in your hand. Eat es fast oras slowly ae others, and Isiah the 000aea wises they do. Du not ask es lip excused before the others, unless the Harm is imperative. Else when iodise leave the moss and stead till they are out. • Rola lraswb . Mee be Ineneso< if yes do out heed the sareiegr of as- ters mad N sem pay stestin* to Hie maiatelwes d your Iwhh. How ofkw we seem • passel pmt off hos day to dry the parables d • "sodomise whin" if ro- amed at the esllstart of a disease would have remedied N almost immediately Now if JehaWen'. Rosie livor P1W W been token wh.., the first ue.amnes made Ma appearagsee the Uln.es woad bows bees "Apra 1.. Ailed." Joba- em.'s Tsai* Mien sed Liver Pills are desidsollfy the best niedisise on the mar - hes ler sieral took invieavegiog pv�.paatw 1!'iN. Wieres bottle. Mason i0 salrls deli 11 par hoist., gold ►.p aired* she. iruggwt. ALMoms wok, ad. J • Mr Orow, Mitcham'. who Maws two m'sthe ago was swishes wish a paralyse, stroke, is try jest alive. Bias. armi- es dawn he hae takes ne suerwhineut, save in the form of • 'sedan, awl the doeWrs hold net no hope whabever. aM walla mart... Until Intel I suffered from headache, always prov ed by c.,..>tipatsou, waffle my life • horde... A (rased advised Burdock Blood Bitters. I to..k three bottles, and .tow feel myself • new .a•a, and my headaches aro things of Ste peat A. R. Jellies, Ottawa, tat Nolluralook lir 1'. Robertnw, of the (iliac.. Pup Works, met with a severe socide.t at is4,y6.Id, as Friday, the. eth H. was watering kis hwsss, who., %key sud- denly jammed him up ageiast • post, breaking hie collar bone. The beet refits/Mon tar tab* et mesa and bowels, the bast oars fur bilimemes, sick headache, iodigestios and ad./..- bons arisingIrmalna distJared sive,, are without exosptius Joaaoe's Toni. Liver Pills. Small in sins. sugar ousted, mild, yst *active. 96 eta, per bottle .ole by Goode, druggist, Antes bleak, Dobe rich, sole egeot We understand that Mr Musgrove, teacher, Wbomb arch, (brother-6ohew of Muss Simpson, ..f Chattel Model Ilcbool,) has Mao 0o.mp.11.d to relin- quish t..cbiog for a time, owing to wee ailment of the throat. we ea Tow word. Duet allow a cola iii the head to siow- ly and surely ran iota Oatenb, oboe you eau be cured for 26c. by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Curs. A few applies- tione nun incipient catarrh ; 1 t. 2 buses cures ordinary ostanh ; 2 to 6 bones is !guaranteed to mare chronic oatarrb. Try it. Only Rio and ser. care. Sold by all druggists ly A. R Smith talks of going to Bran don, Man. Ilr Smith has worked op an excellent trade once hen advert into Brussels, but he ease • wider field is the Prairie Prortao., it swims. )iilburn's Aromatic Quinine Wise fortifies the system against attacks of ague, chills, bilious fever, dumb ague and like troubled. 1m Mr John Medd, Hallett, has rooted hie farm on the ,ravel road to Mr Joseph (Jarrett, and has roue to live i. lima. i1e.,d's Llailiment Cars 0..dre1 1890 SNfl ipMEE 1890 WEEKLY EMPIRE Wart Leapt Kewspapllr PATRIOTIC IN TONE, TRUE TO CANADA. TRUE TO THE EMPIRE. EMPIRH I8 NOW J"I 1 ' 1 t 1 . T HILLY PAPER .F TEs NlalfNo, and special arraatements are owing made N add sow eat att.acti.e features. wbich .10 t rsatlr I.mrsas.Its interest sod oohs. As as tadmeemea1 to Owe 11 f. the lauds of an Pa?MNTIC CA II 4Nsae the hot..ww of present year wines Luray FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, Makbag it only n o f �.. 5,sow •ddnee '•ria s*Fass- TORONTO. ONT. ICU The EXAMINER (P. 0. Bax 3861,) NEW YORK CITY. T Leadiu Baptist Neu.) er, , Published at Two Dollars a Year, Will be sent on s "trial trip" f OCTOBER 1, IBM, -Te-- JANUARY 1, 1800. Tor tie wfatal sits of THIRTY CENTS. IFy.. a 1•h t. k.ow what ►hew 2Nise d.. manl•etlw ss. detaag.,, see� 1t.� na0ra aK the news of the cave s.maldso. tq KxAtnwart. their Nati...[ paper. a live tt.weyape, ae wee F who.... fbrl' iovae'N dartos the K .eves s 1000 to eagnt�l��aw yea sodwewill re- p liasw.l� (Boyd minas ember/ t11� newest Darer- CaaMarr W. Isrvaats.w..1 gm* THE SALT-CKLI ABS, Atm a Qgettiew of Proverbs, Towner With Hoawwiy Not.. Tia ase, ./►ws t f ole eptd.st amid meet semrass soma IFmg aims* soma a seems and fl .0 s.. saw* the 1A, send wi*ever inte Aer 7 u m., u tie sase tlno sass. for ser 'BOOS OOMMTRRION LIST AM .se w lett Meals. 1oeMK Tan, aMatrrvmaa. � ss 1 1 !.r �o'tr'ra�slsr N • i. re - SOW Tee to i sae been for every seek mese year. PM MOM BUT OM. ten= MI,. Is. maw.. AA MI la��fggl tea eats CITY• manta. dimll yet haw .au l us..vaiaiw aawaa &Wm tams. • 1 SPEcIAL *i !;,f The A/tenlion of the . sin . Ocmi un y Re ,pec idly ACCOUNT PAPERS, Coosietini; of Bill Heads (4 niz••a), :It.awmsent`• and (lpnuerw Wo cavy the largest stock ►u tea• t:.►tt.taY. We plat mol wort. in tl . tl.titiuo too suit Ctls•o.0 rn. Far"! .ns.. stock, b.rai print ing and very reasonable prigs. . ',tI I m. t.1 dee .maple•. NOTES AND RECEIPTS. We luanufactur't these goods our., Ives, and have malt up a large quantity in books tet 20 '1•1 50, with ptsrforatud stub, substantially bound In I.rays , reaotward covers with cloth backs, and of a size odiVetuettt to carry in the pocket We also make up receipt forms in pals of 100 each, for desk and counter use. Prices low. Call anal see them. NOTE AND LETTER PAPARB. In variety, quality of stock, neat printing, and good ser• viceable pudding, we excel in thole lulus. We supply these goods ruled or unruled, anal carry full lines in French Quad- rille, Foreign Note, Linens, Wove and Laid Papers. Price and style of work to suit all who favor us with their orders. ENVELOPES. We believe we are safe in stating that we are the largest handlers of envelopes in this section of Ontario, and supply there in quantities to suit, at priers that cannot fail to secure your patronage. Quality anal printing suitable for all pur- poses. Country dealers supplied at a clone margin. A call is respectfully solicited. CIRCULARS, FOLDERS, CARDS, &c. It is a well-known fact that when anything of a specially artistic nature is required in this line, the judicious business man instinctively turns to THE SioaeL Office for it We can- not afford to go buck on our past record. hut, on the contrary, will endeavor to keep up to the requirements of the times. (food Type, Plain and Fancy Papers. Fine Card and Bristol Boards., combined with gond workmanship and fast presses, enable us to turn out orders expeditiously and in a most satis- factory manner. Be sure and call. WEDDING STATIONERY, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, CALLING CARDS, MEM- , ORIAL CARDS, &c. THE SIGNAL Offit'e is headquarters for these goods, and samples of the laical. production: can be seen at ally time. All orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Prices as low as this class of work can consistently be done for. ALL CLASSES OF PRINTING not specially mentioned above, including Labels, Dodgers, Posters, Price Lists, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Book Work, &c , executed in a satisfactory manner. Estimates furnished. "THE SIGNAL" STEAI PRINTING ROUSE, GOD •D. YeBII,LICQDDY, Ptaprietor, MEMORY! DISCOVERY. D*RLIaG'S 8 LE & PORTER CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGBII (Bottled) Iver slate by 6. H. PARSONS O Al.$ION BLOCK. OOLKRI('H DUNN'S BAKING POWDER TIE COOK'S BEST FRIEND WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INOICE^TION, fLUTTERINO JAUNDICE. OF THE HEAR/, ERYSIPELAS. ACIDRr OF SALT /HEL'lf, 'HE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DR' b(88 HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every specie* et dimes. moo roma aniord.r,a l VER KIWtY$, ST't'aeAdt♦ sowl:a.Is on at.000. T. MILBURN 1 N?. PragirrAbin1� :. wt� •s.sos ...vasa r. .0 soar., in IA 4.1.4 111, •w. IwY .hew. dr no so Ono. no .al ».d 1p .0 r r oma t...wrrta..ap emiscr-.5. emu. e1 I ob. s llir�' Ow. Milo ale. .ort rre.• .�w.e05 .t.. «.w .00 .ad •.WG .R oolno. I. wore so alto...res ..w. wise .. •..d. o en...M ., yew t..... ... MAIN a movalb•Igialmiu became 31,•• 01111b • MA. Moo rm••,‘•.M •11.1 i.A.• rrtMt .., Y r•. ano wirer .a...,.wre. ws.ar •_._0..1.._... ~Doe Wait All .t sive ookol rho. w•ll. son . ca•..M. As a- do 1.-.osar0 ... 55....... sod es 0 YOU HZAD THE COSMOPOLITAN, THAT BRIGHT. SPARKLING YOUNG MAGAZINE! The Cheapest illustrated Ionthly in the World 1 25 CENTS A NUMBER, $2.40 PER YEAR. a.W.rd. eeeeaer. Bass, ne Ins Femme. Tae C,osoosot.rr.s is literally what 10r Neer Fort Mara mils it. ••.1 N. pees. Ike Mag0ee5. mss vaned sad beet aimed .r the /.polo«," oAiv UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY 154 NEW SUMMERS. 105 O5E Rill flat,. The Cosmopolitan, per year, - - - $9 40' The Huron Signal, - 1.50 The prioe of the two publications, - - 3.90 We will furnish both for only - 2.50 Tile sella le only to sow esbeeribm to Tena Cowrorou ria, sad e.Iy for see year. "it has mere articles is sob number that are readable. mol fewer aaistemeotl.A ps.gsa thea my of 1u eooseesporarls."-.este• Je.rw.b. "THE COSMOPOLITAN" FIIRNJ00 PORlH E roam TIME iN MAGAZINE A anstronam �i.LV ITLTZ0 la.LODI OAL £T • Pil0! TO MEM 1311111011111 =11. TRY IT FOR A YEAR. rt w111 be a oboist .lector to every member of the hsesskell. it wile make the Meats pea p.ses.tly. It wW give Fee awe for the MOW that Yell emit .twin la say other fere Do yon want a first -clash Magazine, giving annually 1536 ppat1ggeellt. by the ablest writers, with more than 1500 ill asfaiatioas, by the cleverest arttotw---aa readable a Magaoine as money Can .Hake --s Magazine that makes a specialty of live avbjecto -n sa is beer the publishers ase give se smelt 5.50. ..e. .- _ Phd.ddkatie I JAIL Send $2 50 to this Omos, and sours both The OosmapoIitian and The Huron AignaL Envelopes, Note, Letter and Ac- count Papers at "The Signal." Thewn,11.= a t rod mer AM ass iiiiisTM7 moor hadow.4. Da a F. co..Inmes num. r. a NM •. rel tleararp rt v wu.s t.... -them mad Kau - dawn ema.i. Om..ritpavt mad Yeo m seam d I.mmersand etl%JMeta sad sswd n•am* sari ie over/ re.pmk I soma awasameed It to all iaraetia Very napeetralb, yo . J Ikacsam [aOALL'S SPOON NSE. OaRl.[m•tj, b. Wee. I II" .Z. rIMlipsepill meat emits es .mw ems.vap.rtrwlty. I. F warmer's. SPAM/ CURE. Ker.. I i pdi� our s. eo. 5 �mesl��a� D. J. O't1t� of We hewers war ovum. ai twr.ism .�"p.'uTrier Kt gee MOW , ter Ire a J. Ipmfoltiti Awe atesibibesmo e/ ti amsd. timedrov_• Wes I `' aiassw at�nems.t.weo�eaar,s or DL h. nu.c. co. le ..'.•,,w$ Palls rt 1101,111L[R!rn DI' .t 1.1. 5" steam Boiler Worm h:.uMMhe.l 11p0. rystal & Black, • .n•. .,....erns sad dealer' le R .oar r. Arlt Pam. Tek'. N - ten, a, .we 0,11 kinds of LN •t 1..e. Wert. 1,1 m.'ie eat0R (`or 0 - Rh HerlMyr•1 Kwgl . . 1 ,,, of ..wry .'5011 an. . .'.aa sed' Pip' rat s, erne .wive germ's** Mteotlno. w ..ser"e. 1