HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-25, Page 5ings )0tATO ;ked with ,radian to ut free of ices. We :ity trade. oods. RO. w watt alien a a1 loot We at sewn. nano&� booed- : beld. knows ;— to two asses. C1how% tate gory with at mallard rbc euay. Oa horsey now, Ie area. Tim private eon - meet tr- te banl ak Mast* kto nee ether ▪ Torquato. (Sevres, Aawail ce n unsawl a fur graveral Ay • . end w . Tweaks. s. t Lot awiabsr mare Ithb. la tassOsomdir h Ito r Dl an &Pgv to Y. mtieh P. O. SOIL/ION GodertOh. ter 1 _, , w t the harbor. 1 water. 1 ■ e of ~tea 3101,.•iON. T V.ALI'- �o y-ase d study? melt weed d. winnow*le( JOHAN to toadied IS it isle On fol. .tins h1 the the Manse brae. a the is haat asd 11 ale tsr%rel Alm% Ii >nta 1 sink f lb* Sam vpeed w NH tadea 'oda ,N the Iapw 1• see sa ISE AND Is XT. Asmara s tin roar rub • arae bt, a Lisa a nor whJiho Basad o will O RLON. 5ALE. - wttkl:: re • •boo, w N farther t�plre,o- ERT1Eb had tato o. AabaPrier a M (aa. III los 1* '1,. at load In thwaolT�s a� sit i▪ n ibis ▪ pyer aymaae, Is...` Ilk twirls k Ipgl• R. odes ass i IITON THE HUNON SIGNAL., PRIDAY, our. 25, 1889 FALL DRY GOODS • Our Exhibit of New Goods for this season is now open. 1:)U ARE INVITED JOHN ACHESON. —O F -- 1.1.11114 u es & Carriages STILL GOING ON AT THE Dominion Carriage Works. Call and see the bargains. Rigs sold as cheap as you can buy at Auction Sale. The following rigs still on hand : 2 CUTTERS, TOP PITON • 1 OPEN BUGGY, 1 GLADSTONE SURREY, 1 CANOPY TOP PHAETON, 1 TWO SEATED CARRIAGE, 1 SECOND-HAND TOP BUGGY, 3 SQUARE BOX TOP BUGGIES. 1 TWO SEA1 ED CARRIAGE, only $90 Other rigs at equally reduced rates. WM. McCkEA�'H, Agent for Estate. "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." IIA people who have purchased WANZER LAMPS tenor GEORGE W. TTOX2O W lu trate, to the tr,ub.t.gaahaee ell•teanNt. ,rxvery hail, ttlould bawd egr.ptw0el lesat7l PRICE REDUCED TO 14.00 EACH. an ow Ib. Amp.% OMI . W. THOIt , esbe will ae1l Jos all you may require. and pare you fall di SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT ROCK BOTTOM( NRICea POR CAIa. Dail forgot the plana. Wart sides( Square. O.dwich, Oct_ 11. IMS. PBXs, • REMOVAL. c. IBEzc1-1=itt BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, wYba t.....asee to the pobite that be hes removed tress bis old shad ea Hamilton streak to he stare recently occupied by Abraham Smith, Mahler. Neit to C. 1, Isfrn's Ornery, en the Square, whore M will keep roea.watly .s hoed • trash apply M BREAD, CAKES, BUNS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC .1 all kinds Geode delivered Seel. pees of Ib• Iowa. A Bail res .otteliy • stolled. • Oodericb. not NW IMS. Mr Ni..h•sleea. Tsrsbervy, won was et Tow.ot.) having as oparstaw Fowl. as his eye, has returned The ..p.nti,.a wee 'monomial sad the oro is math im- proved and will oo doubt moo be w scram ea ever. The Model 'shoal football eI.hs .d sad t)nderteh elad a friends) Dunton on n Thursday of we.b lam Th. MIM (nal was sor.r.d in items •*osteo by Oni.ri.b, ibexes" ..alho p1., Ilea airfares to the ileo. Fall and Winter vital Olintoa ""red within eco minas ad Maek the noel thea beim 1 be 1. aw.Tal played he gibs( plat Mods! the 1 GOODS, by a semi el 3 to O. It is bet fair to the musket boyo to ay that their ta,m was an equate its metal MruRth, two se three of their boat players rot being Beret. 0. E L0I ER. PM-1or WANTED M testa Mates Posner, Wet L y Weekly Will /a► salary. samwM#IMt WPM N AIM It ami asestmwtar. N. T. asps .ell ;I « tar espysid Os Cos it ..t. 104 sae lir William Blake, Colborn., hist a Wee little wean, fletwdy of last week, hark .(.Ms of ie jars.. resolved os Fri- t/elks ri- tairh'. Oa seise to the enable Bred herr � hie kired feet hsl is the disterr- Re tura. mottle, Nape probably while o1msl hi.11 Ma Meed sad is straggling le raiz had es Hewed he head that 11 ilra111td to twigs he ewe sed wee ahe- m dons is h telt she Meow Nat day, bet le olio oaf all that be dose olisr eta wanriag. Ready made Clothing at Prices to snit Pur- chasers. 1r 1 ler X1 OLRARX0 017. H. DUNLOP, The Also wane. EMELOPE$ • . LADIES CAN SHOP BY POSTAL CARDI Parties at • distance who cannot conveniently visit Brantford in Person, may have Samples sent them, of Mary Goods of all kinds, if they w'" write us. No charge aril no nce.I to order if Inot suited. We make it a business to attend W had, letter* QUICKLY, and when orders come we send the I.IAeT Att l'ICLE w ante.l at exactly the same prim at other cu.t.1Mners pay way!' o• r.• buying in per- son. Goods are sent by mail, express or freight. .a.•cor•ding to cir- cumstances, subject to return shd refund of mu,. v if not satittfac- toty. Having trained and responsible clerks. wlt.. are able to use discretion in tilling orders, we are enabled tot l;yv • Great Satisfac- tion to the many customers WHO LEAVE THEIR CHOICE TO U8. With a reputation of over twenty piers at retailing, we can- not afford to lose our good name by lat-k of proper services tt, absent customers. Write plainly and describe fully what is want ed, and about the price desired. CROMPTON, APPELBL & CO. (Suce,,enorn to H. W. Brethour A Co.,/' elf; Colborne -at., 13 R A N m F0 JR.D . TO=Z�rT sO.ts.aQs i N' --: STAN UA RII: -- ENGLISH AND CANADIAN £11141 • LAW), $r.•71‘ rkoY TUr: BOO AMERICAN MAKER a /sire ICPPrr Ur Tr AT FAVORITE WHITE CASTILE' TO HAND. F. JORDAN'S MED:CAL HALL NEV/ AND TY._ N MILLINERY! QRS_ SA I -3K Lip wishes to intimate to her nnme,,.w customers, sod the Pul.li •gess -ratty, that ter stark of Psi} sad Pater Millinery :a unity ansurte.1 sed cs,taprise.s all the oath styles that bare bort. otaeed so VL seYaa's saartet. n handsome line of VELVETTA DRESS TRIMMINGS, alt states, to Stock. A am b respeetfsky solicited. MRS 'ALKELD, N ort h side of :Moore. GOODE, THE DRUGGIST Yates • speciality of FINE DISPENSING, PERSt/NAL ATTENTION, FINEST WORK, NIGHT ATTENDANCE TELEPHONE CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. ••••• •••••0, it. your Peraiei_• ow team Ms wader ..-soy — yea terse ads amens and m rdenste roar n• - tls�sw�ltt — We trod us. -- HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. Try eater seOs/nee,Tor LEV ARTICLIi$. PKRruble/Y. LTC. 'A few nem a11141 BEAUTIFUL MUSIC Risen to Woken with harchae.e.. stat in slack. McLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR, sad •u esker bald Neural Yedictn.•s W. C. GOODE, DRU ,;•.IST. ♦LBION BLOCK. e WE HAW: SOT IT! skald, .r bk.*d eb `•. CARPET SWEEPER esteem steam than. brw.e. itftsererything from a heir to •ten- penny nail. Wei, wear lb earpet, and won't eat* you anything for A TRIAL. WILL YOU HA -IE ON • We* bare neswo s,•.. low'''. KEYSTONE EGG BEATER which BEATS the world, and M HIPS .••.•rgthn,q .n • trills .' eehao.c..I way All other lin as usual( a e well selected and com- plete for the fall trade. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. D AT_E ST STYLE S — IN We have now on hand a oomplete stook of Pattern gab and Byones, with Latest Novelties in Ribbons, Pin-111mand Trimming ateri Inspection oordially invited. e1 ft* ltoeeasrlw to Ni.. Oration. Wenn.l FALL MILLINERY. IR19 % stook cAIt � hides imtltbt oohs hour now stook importedly Rona the dn yoor this osanioon%s width comprise iso this some goods + Ftom, Mowers. ,bbo.. ,Tri Trimmed G et. When A O.t`LL 1310I.40IT F D_ el ANOTHER STEP TO THE FRu.. ISAAC N. CASSIDAY, GROCER has removed from Orabb's Block, to MCLekn's new 1 is . k Own -house square, into the Plate glass groce ', store 3rd door west of British Exchange Hotel, 2 doors east of T. Det- lor's Dry Goods Store, Where Both Old and New Customers will be Welcome I also intend to give Great Bargains in Teas and Sugars. 1 hn..• just got in a tine assortment of fancy Delf and of the very latest p-.1 Nona in Brown Rustic Tea Sets, Slate Rustic Tea Sets, Enamelled F'lor,tl l e$ Sets, Brown Rustic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Dinner Seta, Sag • 'tui - tic Dinner Sets, Blue Renak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet S 'try Begonia Toilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet Sets, also a very tine amt r it rut of plain 1)elf that will be sold cheap, and 1 intend to pay the ea••tt price for Farmers' Produce. Thanking my Customers for past patronage, also s,liciti i. t ,sir further orders. Orders will be delivered with pleasure to a,t t i.ttli .,f the Town I_ 1•1-_, OASSIDA y , udericb. Oct. tltb. tii✓t*. PLATE GLASS G I.00 c '. ammommummommoommecow Look s -:rm LOOk! M_ ='ROatT,tr C.DCal Has just received a large stock of the Finest Groeer=es and Dry Goods to be had for Money, and is selling at a very great reduction. Just give him a call and be satisfied. Also Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FRE I Itl7 rhe GRAND DUCHESS RAN T 1; See the Full Stock of SAUNDERS & SON. • 1 bar is Worn mJ r;us servers and the public towing eletwenelerse>•wab7 that I hamsde ided to oDbr the Gti JPO CASH. 5 par ossa off all purchases ut 51 00 and Ism than 5.3.00 ; to per stat -4Lall purchases of 5.3.00 sod upwetd. a. goods of In, own maoot•ctan 5 per cent will la• allowed. 1 have ea band sere .,f the largest stooks of BOOTS & SHOES in the D••min;,ln, a det.i'e,1 list of which would occupy more apace than the "8lo- eat." a prepared to lyse ; muffin • it to soy t• comprises every desirable luso to be 1,wad with the fest %mac.o *refs of Gads. Every hoe is alr.*iy marked BELOW ACTUAL VALUE sod lbs eburts terms make illy store the Che ape., '.lace in Canada to buy your shoe. An immense .t,.e.r e.1 RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES to every style both is Canadian and Americeo, Glove Goodyear make, which ars subject to the same LIBERAL •TRRMS. A Large Streit of Ladies' Iepert.d Kid Slippers, very fixe. Call sad see them. Oor. Haat-et. and Sonars. E. DOWNING. WE GEWEGET THERE - Seers to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the flnestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN� GROCERIES C20311. >E.lACILTOM.'Q-eT. bi sgpjsv)d WbelsaM oma Rsta1. N.S.-Y11 Oarsman Plates for P1ltmmm NOT'CE'twill . goon be e to make out accounts. ''Tlie Signal" does good printing je and N.rniehes good paper. .