HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-25, Page 44 ys THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT. 25 1889 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE •STA.ae.aaun ts.r. HEAD O F10E. TORONTO. T, 01 AL (PAID OP) 2 mgt DOLLARS • Il. E. WALKER, GawgtaAL g$Artentm. :•0.000. GODERICH BRANCH. •IOR t'IL..kL Bugioula T.ArmACTIO. FAwcq' NOTES DSIOOINtTtD. Dante MININIOD MAYORAL* AT ALL POINTS NO CANADA. AND The PfloCIPAg. • aunt a/ TNt UN,TMO 5TATU Omar e111TbIle FIANCE. 11111.AMu.A, 11c. •AMNO SARI K'ARTIiMENT. DAPOnva OF $I -OO A.0 upwAl>0. astlt1n0i AND cM.RpT RArea OP HNTtf1YT m.&OwIo. IRT...IT A0t1Mt4 TO TNS ptilMp►At. AT Tett ENO OP MAT Ade >r0110-ew lw aeon Y11AR. Opeet.l Attention glean IN Mae 00i3s11Ms. of Oatastwswlat Paper. and F.rsnerw' Mile.. Naw.. R. S. WILLiAMS, MANAOtR. T t f urDn #ignal IS Pt.•.LISHLD £VERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT IT/ mit* ruori iso Orme&: NORTH -STREET. GODERICH. It V a wide-awake local sewapaper, devoted lelesontY ewe! and the dissemination of use- RATlaa er orniotlettes game a year ; 73c. for six months ; 40c. for three mouths. It the eubecnption is not paid is advance abseiled/so wW be charged at the rate of $2.00 a year. ADVIERVItalleD KATE•. eaj.t�lsr casual advertisements. 1111c.■ r 1*r fret V.srUoo. and 3 errata per line 0tr -I Weenies. Measured by a airs Local seder is aonparlel type Sc per line. Lead mottoes to ordinary reading type lc pe Heilman Dards of six lines and under $3 per ,Isar. Advertisements of last. Found. Strayed Cmeapv.ea.t Situation Wanted and Chnces Wantedd,. not exceedingdexceeding8 erhl $1 per month. Hewes es Sale and Kerma on Sale, mot to e>oosod $ Hate , $1 for drat mouth, Mc per sub- sume( math larger advts in proportion. Amy special notice, the objeet of which as to promote the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or company• to be conatdered an ad vertisemeat and charred aecordlLgl7. These terms will in ail cases be strictly ad- hered Special rates for larger advertisements, or advertisements for extended period., otade 'mown at the office of publication. JOgg1116 DEPiRTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Office is armed is connection with the ordinary newspaper �eit*e.s where first -clays work is turned out sr reasonable rates. Everything in tbs print - /rag line can be done on the premises trot. an Illmssle•led poster too -rotating card. A0 o0mmunlation, most be addressed to B. Mee:ILYf1'Mr, Mitered Tua RICV•L 'liiisheme Cal. No. W. Oodericb Ont. HURON SIGNAL. niDAY, OCT. 16. 1$1111. ABOUT RAILWAY MATTERS A Port Albert correspondent writes to a Clinton newspaper : The weather during the past few da has been beautiful, but he cold, chit walls of November are fest apprnecht and our people would be in great doing of taking a very severe cold and the co sequences might be very s«mous, we they not taking a dose of Dan. Melia cuddy'* blood and thunder--perticula ly adapted to cure all railway diseases blow the engine off the track. Bs Daniel can bet his bottom $ it won't 6 on the Port Albert and WI,.gham rail way schema Dan. should -pull down them vests" and not get toxo far out into the "swim"; we are bund to have th road or perish in the attempt. Ne has the 000nty with os -from Dan to Beer aheba. Goderich has footed the prop! of Dungannon and vicinity 'u.. Ione o the railway matter, "and the peupl know it." Harry Meter made no a sertioa he cannot peeve Tea Si i,* Des out of its way to abuse ham .r.npi bemuse Meyer saw 6t to attend • rail way meeting at Port Albert end Dur B annon, and revived the old tohe.n from Wingham to Port Albert tris Doe! g alloon. Both •"far and S1oNAt a •rr.e out with villainously strong taneuege against Meyer and the notes*, .ch,...., Well, well, well, now ! ao d're tell us sot What a terriblq fell.•. 'hi. Mc(1,I. • ee e 0 above estreet ft will be seen that Le says : "Ham Meyer made no assertion he comma prove." Mr Meyer will not tbaok his Port Albert friend for letting the oat out of the beg in this way, and will make no more rash essertiooa within earshot of the pugnacious scribe from the embry- onic emporium of the great unsalted era, yelept Port Alpert. The Win(hain rail way projector has a perfect right to go on with the work which be has nether- 'taken, and we wish him every success in his eodwvor, for we favor a network of railroads in and through Huron County, but he he. no right to •sperm the mo- tives of others who may be just as zealous for the public good as he, and whose motives may be equally disinter- ested. Go on,Mr Meyer ! Go on, Port Albert! Go cn, Dungannon ! Go on, everybody ! But don't hallow at Goderich to get off the track until you have bought the right of way. l Oft of these days you ay all be anxious to have aid tram Goderieh, and it would not be wise to "saw your boat," so to speak, prematurely. Since the above was In type we have received a budget on the railway ques- tion and other topics from our own cor- respoodent at Port Albert. He has evidently aught the disease from the other correspondent, sad he "has it bad," to use a colloquialism. It isn't every day we have the privilege of pre - sooting so much humor, pathos and sentiment on the railway and other questions to our readers, and we publish it in full. Port Albert has the railway fever,and its pulse is abnormally high, if the writers referred to voice the senti- ments of that stirring little business (-entre Sbo old the road to that place be- come* a reality they will be able to run road ad cheaply, if the directors of the road etntract with the c ! respondents to furnish the steam. More power to you, boys. EDITORIAL MELANGE Tea railway question is the chief topic of 000rereation. It now looks u if G«derich were about to take its pro- per plane as a reamed centre THR question that new agts the fem- inine mind is.,"What effect will the pira- cies of the Yankee cruiser, Rosh, have ta upon the sealskin rgtle market 7" n A Drno*I/wgp TLsuhorritler wails, "Of what use are the f moraine on the s - L Square r Why, bless your innocent ) heart, they are for ornamrnt (T) and not for use. 1• I IT appears that B. uheneer anglicised - fweans Baker, and it ,.ow looks ese if his coke were dough Hen in Godrrich 00r bit man a Butler, hut thus far he rules the newt, and make* a big fight to keep "oat of the soup •' lieuddy u, anyhow ! H•• moo hove hoofs, horns and bet's wrntrs t.. Jude« !rum the opinions expo...pert lit •h., .red other correspondents on div, ra q„r•rt•.o. And to think that all th.t t . h.s rwau guilty of has been an adr..cwri •.f ...ore united action in regard to the pr .n...t..n, of • railway scheme to 0 d. -nos F., the benefit of t1.• irate P.•r, A ...rt tloribe we would state Chet THE SIGNAL does not, wad has never obi -c(..1 t.. P Albert's netting a road, at ,•nor ea, p. •- aibly be built ; Godericti pea n,o. t.... , d the people of Dungy.. I',e iv foolish action the county toes, b.. s..•,. guilty of, is that it has hemo h.-rr$,.1 re tardy in its action for rialw.v o•• •re,. •t,...: I Tan Stamet hes not absi.-.t M. s.1r f ass, and dose not intend to, but .4 .o ...Mee' airy to take Deft with that .•" 1• -nut. OA bis latest wthams, we hove . rt right to disagree with him, If n• tet So moeh 1n reply to the .n..,. q,00t, time, and now for a little ...or he .011 es the question. In oar last s»lest thwt "ao effort bed been men« aaisepreesioe that Goderiob w»u..t . pI •... any mate sowing In fro. Dune•oo..n •' At that time wa did sot mate she Mr Meyer wee the Denson who had ►•sew &savoring to spread that 4.».,.,,, two 1 elms oar net Wee we have reeeserd to. I.. a* os thea he M the respow•,Me mime We would hi loth erns sew in neer Mr Neter is this w....thw, were it wow /1r *S bet that the Port Albert enrIes- h-M1, eine that Mr Merino IW O SAM f. *at 'Wier, hp h. y„ 1.. price of bread in Hamilton has dropped to nine cent• a loaf. We haven't heard /4 anything like a drop in the peke, of bread in Gods - rich Eat then gond news •round hi,.. travels •I•.wiy Our bread up here to always on the new It must be in the !yew ITn. lo,os of the Brooklyn tabernacle o eseo ly destro.yee to estimated at $1b(',- 0041 •4 the hueldu,g wee insured for Illyb 000 Coming/ on, the heel* of these bele If same tether strange that Broth- er T. rn.ge has Maned an appeal to the ...,rid to ria his e.onrrevaanon in erect ins • ',est tither. aide What dues he .noped to do with the insurance mosey, '1 •o.t•.den r.beeld hie plass for pr.+ehu.g I --- -- ____.. 8AL1TURD. Quorve --Tits recess eMlt $mm 1..,t .nuds to W J n0 ergo f Nive, the lowiet.t hoo.der of the woo. handed rhaa.p,..nahip of (1.od.nch and C.dbora., • .0e. pies for the ties. Lad date geed ray W J Novena, bet os Ne day before be seine Mr Si..o.nd. Not stales to hold kta.aelf .r. r,a,lnawesa to attend the crewel .d nue of the more hers of 0 O F . 1.•drnets, ..f which h • THE TOWN OOUMOLe the Mlaeli .t lase Uma lewd 1 IteaS. tag. The teara wean, met loot FMay ewe.itlgr the 1$th tact. AM amebae puts.$ won depot reeve Smit! sad .sw.ail' Smith. His worship the may as is the *hair. Moose of Iasi regular sod two special moony wen read and appte.� ?hs tleacerer's report was presented, *bowlegs hales** ea bead of $$,090 87. From Jae Mae i Co., Wiagbase, es - venni •boot street lamps, with a view to Jargbatiag them -sliest. From Tb Warwick, eagles expert, stating that he would wilt, a doff for the amount due Wm. Moved Ey Cul - borne, conceded by Thompeoo, that the draft be paid -Carried. From the Ooderleh Organ Co., re- y.wting the payment of the boons granted the oompany by the town. Moved by Proudfout, sesosded by Humber, that the Imam committee take the neosseary steps to dispose of the organ factory debentures- Carried. Moved by Holt, seouaded by Hum - her, that the mayor appoint • e3mmiyee of three to meet the directors of the Organ Co., to confer with them as to the terms undo which the bonus may be peW over -Carred. The mayor named roudfuot, Naftel and Nioho o. From Alex O•rtshone, Hamilton, stat- ing the helmet* due him to b. $528.4'2 - refe.red to finance commute*. •• '•'OCNTS. The following accounts were reed and referred -to the finance committee :-A. g Collis, $2.76; Boson Sweat, $0.26; Doherty Mfg. Co., Sarnia, $78 98. The following *000ente were ordered to be paid :--Huiost SIGNAL, 137.50; Beffalo Cart Iron Co, 1380.90. The report of the finance committee, which was adopt• ed. recommended the payment of the foliowing account,: -J. U. Proudfout, $8; W. T. Welsh, $1.50; Joe Williams, $8.46; R. P. Wilkinson olt Co., $16 66; Joe Kidd, 13 87; I. Cassiday, $1.25; Fust Geo Rbyoas, $1.15; Eat A. Dick - sow, $18.20; Stevens oft Burn., London, $13-80; D K Strachan, $12 50; Detroit Pipe Co., $ii87.51-lees freieht. *IIP0CT Or CLitTIH; LUHT AND le Aril - WORM! WY>lyTrUC. To the Mayor and Courted : Your electric light and waterworks committee beg to report as follows :- Since we net last the pipe -laying on the Huron Road has been completed, also the pipe -laying on Brute-sL We have put In seven ..rvlces in various parts of the town. Ke have bu.lt a line and placed an 8 Ampere lamp on the centre of the Maitland bridge hill, for which we received $1011 tr, m the residents of .8al:tord, as a contribution towards the building and maintenance of the light. This line rune along Cambria road to Nelson -et. The $100 received has been paid over to the town treasurer. We have made a contract with the Reliance Electric Co., for two 60 light 4 Ampere dynamoe,40 new 4 Ampere lamps and the changing of 30 of our own 8 Ampere Is.npe for the sem of $1550. One dyna- mo and 50 lamps to be shipped on tee 16th of November next. !'e have also made • contract with Mr P. McEwen to drill an 8 -inch hole at the harbor at 12 per foot. JOHN BUTLER, chairman. The report was adopted on motion of Nicholson, seaooded by Cantelou. IMPORT Or rustic WO$$A COMMITTER. To the Mayer area! Council : Your public work* committee, having considered the petition of Messes Manger and Lee, would recommend that the matter ire Leer for future consideration. -The emoutuDintioo from 'Reidy* and McArthur, asking for the use of the tending is rear of Belcher's bakery or a lama of $300 fur nine smooths, would re- e0.me,d granting them the use of the Wilding and I,t, provided they use the building fur the manufacture of wine mattresses, et a yearly rental of one dol - tar per year, tot timepiece of three years. With regard to the petition of Robert McLean, asking the council to pay two- thirds of tha cost of putting a stone sidewalk in front of his new block on the Square, we would recommend that the prayer of the petition be not granted. With regard to the petition of Samuel Gibson and others to hate the wino, trees op Bay field road removed, we would recommend the council do in- struct the street inspector 1', have the trees properly trammed. Tars C. NArrt1. chairman. Moved by Neftel, aeeneded by Ho. bee. that the report b. adopted -Ca ri d (loved by Holt, seconded by Nittho eon, that the clerk be instructed to pis chase 25 to 611 cords of stood at a ant o 11;1 26 per c -rd -Carried Reeve Pruudf000t reported that 1, ba attended the body of the late coma -Wu Ales. Morton as farlte Parr. Mowed by Holt, seconded by MAW eon, that the Mayor and to0t.ollon Out borne and Holt be appointed • eo.t.it tee to draft • resolution of cosdobnss be not to the widow of the Mj. Ala Murton-Oarried. In pursuance of notice of motion Pmu,lfoot moved,.ee.nd.•d by Coln see. that clause 1 of bylaw No. 8, 1888, be amendd by milking out the word "three" before the word "messhere" w the third line a.f mid section, sod sob- otetuting therefor the word "five The mayor ruled the motion oat of or der. Proudfoot appealed (roes the rul- ing, and • vete being taken his appeal was sustained. The mnta.* was thee pe- sod lost by • vote of 6 to S. Ouneillor Holt u.furw►ed the council that Vies McIntosh wished her fates reneitted-referred to Coors of Revision. Councillor Naftel informed the commit that Mrs Moonteaay wanted the teem to supply leer with wood -left ae the boli of a000eiller Natal, to report at .� afeet Ing. Mt.ed by Colborne, eaeoaded br Pridham, that the street lampoon+ he in - co ,ant tr. Ho; wrested to pet • se* Week sidewalk am '►d to Mr 11..ew...s lhatl the square is front of R. McLes1's sew eosin, he would nae br este to play the Nook, also ea M•»,treal-et, the depth of e..e, tier would owe Ilis an ds td aha thr ewes• 1 ) bteildisg. Awed ie s.5ed.eaj w( wok 8o ler Mr Nivea. B..bee, sne.8.d by Thomases, that hos mew mem as ooaaabuse of the tel- I kb lord lurk: ._ wit1 the .4.rk d o hen wishes t �e 1�1! ee iMaA se w to tie cert yd tem �� • EmNlced ori the per. e reply is a'r•wN for melte ~' him 01 leek r mord for Th*sbgIN.g thig I Poo 11-11.11.1Mwelka 11 th rtes setldeeterj that the street isyeysr Fres with w Nylon .t a *oh ids well. The ..salts*.$ was lust, sad the malts dedsned serried. Mewl by Fruedlo. , ..e•,.ded by Holt, that cosn.sUor Me.ber take the Mese ei eosi.tullur Morgue Om the .Mets, light sad w.terwurhe cumetittee --Carried. The owned 8....d joerod. KINTALL Pram our ewe osr.espsedentt. Beautiful weather. Locale are source, osarosr, seatce•t. Jobs M.K•j has refereed to the Stell. J R iggis, who has be.s assisting bM father is the betook-llard, dari.g lie sememer, left ea Wedmeeday for 13.gi- ne*, Meob. Mi. Role WKessie, of LuchaW,who was voting (nude is thus vicinity, has returned hams. The first ae.i-eass•l promotion ex- amination was held is S. S. No. 3 on Thursday and Friday of last week. A oomp isentary sapper was held at YIasagasi oo Wednesday eight of leaf week. We think at might one appropriately be termed • Brookes revel, judging by the mesaderings some of the party during the small doers. Strange tb.t oar ase.4agly ropsatsble young men will pingo is indoytteg occasionally ism* p letjble farra- goes. -Ralf. A thew HMI et 1011111..-1 has been pat in operat500 by UM maae- lecturera of Dr Pteree'a esethskees. Ilia "Golden Medeo.l Dwoovery" sad "Fa- vorite Pre.criptiem" are sold by dreg gists under the meouf.cturers pebble ynara..f... Either benefit or • our.plele ours is thus attuned, or money pard for these medicines is returned. The meta. boats Of guarantee gismo an connection with sale of these isedicine• is equiv.- lent to a policy o1 ineeranoa. The "Golden Medial Discovery ' cures ail humors and blood runts, from weenier*, cause arraiog, skin and scalp dimwits, pendulous sores ated swellings. The "Favorite Prescription" cures all those derangements and weaknesses peculiar to women. Dont hawk, hawk, sod blow, blow, disgusting everybody, but use Dr Sagas Catarrh Remedy. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS 6;Merleb Pries. Guogmtcu. Oct. S. lIN flour. y tee_ .................. .. 47 0 M i as Oats. qv bush ................... 0 , 11 Jar Peas. 7 bash a 50 N 0 S6 Barley,* bosh .................. 0 M M 043 Potatoe.,sew P bash .......... d A 30 Hay. w tem ...................... 0 Oe A 7 . Reuter, p a .. .... 0 lits O il =fresh unpacked 9 des .. a 10 M 0 17 t.4ees. 0 11 IP 0 13 Shasta 11 toe.................... iS t0 w 12 ie Bram p tem N 50 a 10 10 Ck•Pp•4`ar••Wtal•ia. i/ nowt w1..... .. • galS Stet 2• - 1 M ' 11 300 - cid WHideo. ................ 3 73 " • CO 0 171 0 et 'abeewklaa.. • M " . a tomcod Hese. • cwt0. • o a. Apples R Ouse 030 " 5 75 meets flied- -s. Oct. 22. Floor . K5 00 to 6 0D ran Wheat.oew and old 0 m to 0 M Spring Wheat 0 el to a re Barley tr038 to 0.3 Ossa m rt to 025 Otto 010 Appies, twister) Par- bbl t N to 1 ,s Pommes• OM0 to So Rutter 011 to 0 10 tin. 0 17 to 0 17 500 to 700 BeefCordwood ........ N. 300 to (00 ...-«-+«»0 M to e M iulo eM 1d0to 470 Pork ...... Mwmeel Cease Merest. The receipts of Ilve weekat the Montreal Charles, for Stork Yards. Point St. C ending 0.3. 10th. I were tDe seek Receipt* at live stock et the Newsreel Steck Yards.PL St Charles. for the week • Leh over from pre- N.428viou week. . MO Tet•7 for week 3 fall 1.eft ea bead1.100 Lspnet 1.r weak. .. 2,-13 '21 4 715 430 1016 1.500 $ GRAND DISPLAY OF Tweeds and Coatings -lPUliit - PALL SUITS AND OvwBOOATO Our Tailoring Department is well stocked with Tweeds and Mating* from the coarsest Canadian to the finest French goods, which will be cut out free of charge, or made to order at exceedingly low prices. We guarantee the fit and finish equal to the best city trade. Call and inspect our choice stock of new goods. Great valve in underclothing. J. A. REID & BRO • Jeeimei Odd. OdmMkr Oce Mab. Mea. Andrew Borten has rested his 130 --Tor sale or to Let acre term south of Waltos. to Kocher! Flannery, fur • term ut tears 1111 rout wall be $390. lir 310.rimon and family will remove to Man.ltun., where they here taken op land. Mr M.Hnem is au old reed/tut of .b1. (ues'uy. Dentistry. DENTAL ROOMB, I:lgktb door below the Past Whoa, West -r., (ieoemrctL Nn -1, DR. S RICHARDI3ON, L D.B. 8t'ROEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalism Air admbi•tered for pefolese extraction dtomb. Specialattestiae Oven pet to the ervenes d the Natural Omoe - Up srstm, Greed t ipera Hoene Bleck. Katza.oa o• Wess.6,.. Godertck. 2111-I, She People's tolumn. `yANr8D.i A geed plata rook -1-e; washing. Also a hominoid. H.K:-.... warms paid to • atm- gf t[pApril or MR. J. T. DARROW. 1OTICE 18 HEKKI3Y flIVRN float as 1 am retiring from tate flour and reed ba.nmr a in (iodr►M w to take eh•rge of the Aol era seerand raw .LL all mono dee ate most be earned by the al.► of Nur. neat. by e 15 e1' mot•, at the rant .t fluor .ad reed meets Ma A. I. eULLIi. MA 1 A K E NOTICE- 4 i. L A C^.t 4 U N Tot l meat be settled by the 1st of Dee., ettner by dal or sot,. J. H. RICHARIkt, 103 t'arlew. ►is. THE ELECTORS (IF MT. GEORG C8 N• A RD. Having bora requested to allow myself to be .ew,i.a,el fes Ce%nrilor to cit 'he pa- tios ion wearer by rh. kite lanceted Mr Alexandre Monon. for the Weave of tate year 1*.. 1 would re.pra.r.11r oedk-4i seer support on the !rh isle , and it you have owe *dens ennogh is me t•.Mrt me, k ettl em. •iatiuualr .nd.•wvor to 111 Me macaw. io the how amt ay ability seal the :woe intermits 01 the town. Yoeus soap«-Ifallt, n_- - NILAIkR SMITH. `T' ANTED - A GOOD O=NKRAL eervaa1. Apply to MRS. D. McUILLiCUDDY. rrZACHIR WANTED M.le te•cber b•idi.R and •'a" eertiaa,e wauted fes 8. 8. Na. 1. Ashfield. Apply. etatl.g 881[77. R0.. to W H08. HAK Ore'7 8ct.00 ;) Haerd. 1f-31 Port Albert,0.1. TEACHIM WANTED. A teacher with 3rd class certificate M want ed for 8 R No. 0. Colborne (Dunlop school.) P'.- .ole teacher preferred A pplerat,nna let tae res ei ved en to the Soh of N pl.cat+nns to state 11111111011`11110011 and *eery re quired. Address, Its)* RT W! AID MM. male* P. O. H017811 "TO RENT. -A t11AMQ moos. .t~ se 8talsn formerly e000pistd�r Mn F. memeaai•latatt sm erect**, y 10 2t it mita 8MSATH. Lit SI BALE. ammThat o*rtyClub , ehuettie331 scows and ahset s /r.. 'Hernstory nilly atatt�t e, *i.►awo wos tury hese lima ga e side barna es, •rteantal tram se 1 es diet formerlyyoccupiedb•riverb� karma Part d tat at se tits ass ferule lama. woe and dry. t me 1e. h • Gas ant nomads. awe worm Weeded Noorol) by .traeta, so glare r, to r- l;ut•celssee.. sad mull ,•upied by Mr t .oey Iwo taset tk ea- t Will bye .wW�t auction w '1'► !. IBM November, et 2 p.m., .t use W.verl. (14.' ,, where a wan ons a now be saes. Thi owner ae wnili.( to sell mew by private uses. treat. These elven for Own 0m7.sat. wtsen d any .ale that any lam hese made id say pert briars hes be had pesanM ice estsr e lsiker e tteagleu- LLKZ LIG17 te ?! id Tba Q•+•euln Kew. Totowa. 1- ARM EIGHTY 4CRES (Seventy IssAaiGrrr. 4c 1. 4.1 t * d 7g yalt aa4 oosaes tor. (i./rrrl. h wwaship, Ave maks ad a halt .Ct.Bpeoer.p far-milwl.rune welllatuwatered. . Beet. .g. fisr gw. pair. t`..oressiun by ant October. Teres easy. MR KTYS Setts 41 el AMar7'It., Toronto. FOR BALE Pari of be $oetbeely pontes of Lot number .11 a lheave.,da conoesston, '488458* Divis- ors, of the Township of Aabaetd.ts the County of Hwuw. te..1•,suyt sat acres 4 lad. This emeriti M mewed at Ktnapbridge. an., ,e known as the ' Mr Crro,. Hotel pro rt.. 'and wee lately ors mood by Mr hu4e1 Eve term« and py•arrto 1 roti apply lees ✓~Ott'RNIIY, P. se �t2K1t0N. HOLT a CAML12ONK Hnn•tste.s, Gdetieh. r�y) kroomedKNT-Ft..,. / 1-t , • ten roomed boo.. ovcr4oakiass the Av with good ,eller. pari sued loft water. 1. ant -,sloe. , emir, and half as acre of mr'deel if d.•..r-d 11-tf M. NICHOLSSON. to I�`ARPOR SALE -THAT VALI'. N able farm kaown as west half. set 1, too. 3, t..wn-bap M ('t44.'0. W D.. la o ffetragallsr mer. Th. 4d nroporleee *wee. fusty-1ve of w 1.e• h are cleared, and the reaswsdrr mule hardwood timber On . he lot is a good h,... and aatde a..d a beerier uro4.rd. Me tar .e aLu w.-41 watered. flee 'nether Mrt*ub» apply 10 EDWARD BTRAUGHAN 0P. the premise. or by later lel mita O. _ >d 11 FARM FOR SALE 'rhe ocdersias,d will oiler for asls the fol. h.wiair tory desirable Wm. merlin ina dab. easterly 1.4 aeras .d Work 'K,' ,n the 7111 coo - residue of 'be Township of to Is the Merit' d Hamed . This tarns is HMIt miles from (1wder chnts4 li miles hots Carlow, ea the itto ones Road. Tkrre is a gond frame Nom N• t.ior ys alsto.r sous b7 211 eoanatmjms1m 7 roar.: a large barn. ! t'7 •2. w4fA sb.' 12 k7 a• .ln.rh,d. soul isms .N the $ .; so. Mrd. i■ oho, township. 1t w *0151'.4 ter trvet-ta'tlng a.r4ng mock ss4 . 9504 wN11. A boat 1)0.,,., cteerM tni The Marr '.iso waate land nail Ne skin on the son auhool 'titbits M kind of it' OO..e. tt-'II he .Md on ressonahle fettle roe teras sad hotter pp JNO. Illt1 aitaniirt scalars 1t g, apply to or • .H Xis l Mottc0Wjj Ooderkh. en rkeaeaNasa rj iRBT CLAi1g BRiCK HOURS AND L(77 FOR BALK ON ST PATNI('R ST. A boot two eninease walk from the Two stories 154(11, arise addition la the rear It *toren biigg15h s14i•( elevered wits* min toucan has 3 home roma eh /rat , op{a.11ialn Then are - Bonn rom.m lta 115 e rem ad.4•11, 4rw, akar. ere kltcht. paa..7 e cellar. � sale rho. b• Rhe all Apply iee seemlier; a� wk( ISM geed sif. DA If 11.GORI►ON. I/ALUARLE FARM FOR SALE.-. • Thwt valuable woes Ofte nide Gree.. go temerity.h Oithin embankment nide of tie hires ere a b ne iume hew and kiw:ke,., with p M MI ROMP bars and shehis• roes- �Iartlere •pdffoeiiso arcs se NI the farther moo F`AR18 AND TOWN PROPERTIES A) SALA- Lot Ie. la farm Consents, lit acres -- • very 0*. taro o Prig. O sem,. Lot Ktt t tint cos. N. D. Asbtleld 'k i$� )I.M• 13 amid Is int lone. more ohaap,l„tm mj' 110 arra.. grill te soler glen. Wawa...h, asA till a I7. Iw the rlh rue blo,,k Prig( > wam cf cit elleat IaeA In Hort't Tows of tent fl.MeDnumalrs Let 4 Yews d dN�b. enn°rfpt -,.esti i .fres t w4ta Jots sad ala t P. 'sly Tawe et weenie , p1 IOat tys4 pl.so 19.• . t' 154.ek whlrla the •• sore Iw (im1 part d the AMf7Nio ~ tlsii w Mq 4e.i ee Pa1Mesft'iai. N.A.- a RSAAOl, rein b. ese� to M"4 rates f0 FOR SALK n THs HURON HOTEL (This well -knows end popular bore) he •ren refitted sae relented during the p.., mama. and lemwwtsr....i to none in quality el Pc Mal for the travelling awhile. (food ter trameent gems. WOtames. YMmMi. (M M CRAIG. Pns0rlr5sv. Loans and insurance. Si Do. previous week . Led i..; the week's rec.-tots at these yards were large. both bor./bens a d shippers betag troll rippled. Tote so the *Ileo had for ood tear. 115.0015 there was no !scream fa mala«*, the oRbriag. b 1.ig too large for goal cattle. Calves are extras Expert sheep are PIe*Ural. We quote the following as bring fair mi- mes: 11001 Butchers• goad- . ....... Batehen'..a.4ieaa ., RMeett. Mn•. calls Hlata alve.. BIM to6$� . Legal. 4i. pa •i' R Q BATS, MOLICITOR, Re. fit. Oiaee, wooer d Rgtrn asst W s•t Pri- a�( lead . e pair wgat, sees. IN t ARROW ori; PROUDFOOT, BA R lr RI8TRR8 Attorneys. Soltches, Gaderieb J. T. Borrow, W. Prettifies.. 17 B.rrt.t.,," �T 1. CAMERON, ioettrrtcb. M. C. t **ares, 0.0,7 P.Chamegtc. 0. Caerser. C C. Rasa M t701- Auciloaeerin9. JOHN KNOZ ONSRAL AIJC- 7 TiONfcltR.m4 � Valud e. Oedema& ore. e. Newton W the suet.° *MOILla • h dee/mew with an. esittow Marts.'• HoyE .r 5804 ter ata/ �e ygg ft ol Dederick P.0. easefully disasy jet JO Clog t7w..ti Analleeser Amusements. a,ODERIvH 11111011A WS' nom TUTS L1i1g*RT AND RSAD4* /MOslain ear. of less sweet w 'mare no Orem teem 1 tot wet-. sad fon 7 b N ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 111 LTBRA T Leer ka y D.i�f]', Wwyy and litwelrefed PapeTa, Megens.., obs, sin 1ik 1fRMRS.. *0 T►C)t_ )Z7', GJjr,t grantee NI fres II ieffaelaMser7 ash iJ`eerl•m resume.Pelleaties ter n..et.e4 1r S. MA wlrmms O .T1Tffeareestre IIIL 1 4. Maritime Cele_ we, to bean at per rent_ private reads. oratorio loaa. le ',rest yeerly. Cams ter, hkelernts. Yoe vertivalere ea* permally or writs. II CLERIC PIRST !DIVISION MLR?. Illeetektwustemi at Low Hates sad Oest. Ames Dissemed. tiodericki. had Lieerpo,d. London* Globe; gerertrii armor of North A naiwispe Lowest Ames Lessem swiped preens) Money to Loan on Pares and Tows Presort, ton termini** dm. Property valued. ete' $110Y.000 PRIVAT1 To teat oa taro sad Mem prepertyort ire est tatenet. alersomes No MID MINEnith of harmers du. naterise Oessieni eat t put ewe. team/ la 1,10PIRT TO LRED. -A LA R 01 te UMW* mos RSA L ERTA TR Aso roe et imeweo bebas. ft sib way se W waif of let Arthur Street with sad beff old. Ma. OK Ogle sad Artemide Reed. Caren et. A Itablemee am Mean Owen Ma hi Ran's govver. omen* sew glow et tf AN*" DA YINON sositsvolg Dna silisitmon settee 141. DRY • Our Exhil ...WU Al re- BuggieE STILL Call and see the bar, can buy at Auction Si The folloi • 1 OPEN BUGGY, 1 CANOPY 1 TWO fl 1 8E0( 3 BI 1 Other rigs a • wishes te old mated where he will keep BRZAD, CAKES, Bi all Deed °Notch. 001 - Mr Illielnises, 1'6mb/eery. who Tamen lawn. so eperatiso pew!. ea hie eye, bee returned The ape was seesessfel sad the eye la sten pro•ed sed will so doubt sees einem as ewer. The Moiled echoed football rile Moot de Therein, el Tho Orel gni tree emu mimeos by Ooderish, IA VI* Pier wow ellitares to the when Moms soured ',Shia ewe to eit time. the reset that Wag 1 ' Oe Towle, of lest week the a easel played the epithet deb :sea lei semi of 3 to It is bet fei the ermine boys to se7 thei their wee sot equal° its anal strength, er three of their hest *Tete mot I Kt William Blake, Colberse, h gii,K: mare, Seedily of lest 1 soonieg the hired mos sib bar with her hied loot fast is eieha. Os Noise to the ei Ahem of iojeries reeeivel es lb Me. mine. there prohibit i gnalehhig Ns heed, sod ie striontlin hose Led se Mimed he hoed de he twin im ore eel wee 1 a dot to Whoa She heti thet Am het le eitfte el A Am ans 111.1111111106