HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-25, Page 3I 5 nn trd it .whoosh n il Illy. oaf Mer- ia.taess d brttb- duesises tad tried onto safari- , eekw hey am- Tbie is This is Beiges nadQY sod. k ileo the rworkad bet wis closed r was Mr. e ending M7 .,s - of k for {?odors coir . immo tact fey mike s bend. MOM IPPLIS L.. . oilers, sysh Fara I IItlti oris Day Malta % T1 ET, CAL 110!D TCUFLS on is. t'u't IKB ;al c CAL. tiraiCi IAL ••wheel lu the •eeta. MHR• I IIOn`N BOMB NV. r*,• of ILBGARD aches. ION CARD, vPL;*N..e UE. Use. ND GLES tam aae •testas twtats•. Lams surtsias sauuld be soaked over eight to • tub e1 lukewarm water with two taa.epoesfale of ammonia ad • 1iNd. soap Ie the morning drain our the weber and pour over theta fresh water Wendy warm; reeve the lee* about eare- felly, squirts out neatly and put to a Ntrd suds. At the boat rinse blue in We starch water, per lightly tbroegk a weiag•r, b.ag them •p. and else nearly ley pin ever • sheet stretched on • car- pet or secure in s frame, with • atnp of Milton tacked up on the Odious to 'bleb the mitaia L smoothly Mimed, thea left Iedry. An dna way is to fa•tei Skim to the Use by uo. edge with anther pins osly a les hushes apart ; thea gently pull and stretch them until dry enough to irua. A good authority rives this way of dolor up sweetie seriatim. W. them genitally, amok and iron while damp, ea the wrung side. Thus restores the aposarauoe ..t new cloth. When you IOU them have the table perfectly sever it with • Rood, fleck blanket, and then with a good thick ironing sheet. Lay the curtain on the tante straight, sad swags move the Bating) in the mate diratAtoi, up and duwo or backward sad across the curtain. Do nut pet 'under the edge while ironing, as it will give the ourtein • ruMsd edge wki•h will greatly mar the appearance vitas Wei at the window. ,brae. Nivea aaasae. "I had such distress in my stemma and head that I thosght I would Iwo say rasa .o, but on trying Burdock Blood Ritter* I derived great beuefit. I hay. used three Mottles and duo now as well as I ever ass in my hie Tnanke to your o edunne." Mies Lizzie Muslim, Wei- ser, ills, Chit. 2 • Prate a *•dicta•. Fresh, ripe,'perfect, raw fruit is asto- und healthful at all seasons of the year. gad amid the ravages of daseaar, whetbe• e pidemic, endemic, or sporadic, grner.l specs& ..r local Under peeper metric lino as to gosntity,■uch irate as named 110 sere diarrhoea, aid in removing a mho, cold, fever, nr any tither dice.• Whose treateaetit requires the tw.wrle to be kept freely open ; for this effect Irma, tips fruit is acknowledged to nave the requisite propane' ; mat t., be used ad vantageuwy in hank and disease; ter following rules aro imperati*. : Fruit should be eaten ripe, re., fresh and per- fect It should he eaten u" lair than four o'el.tek in the afternoon. No water or fluid .•f any description shoold be avoillueed within an hour after rating fruit. To bare eta full heneacial effe.t, ar.tbing else "koala hit retro at the tear heat is taken. It re to the argleet of theca observances that erroneous ion - presentee prevail in many families, and to e. *strut tot, in some inataneea, that the owlet lames perch nr apple, or Mach of grapes is regarded au that week embodied cholera and death. Isere Neesaenante wilt. Found at ia.t, what the tree public has been hooking for thea. many ywr.. and that is a medicine which akbuugh but lately intuoduced, has made for reputation mooed to Dose, the s J. hnsun's Tonic Bitten ie conjunction with Johnson's Liver Pols has performed tome meet irooderfol cures impure or im- poverished Wnod MVO becomes purified end enriched. BiIhuos.ees, ind.;testi..n, Risk headache, liver complaint, lanwoor, weakness, etc , soon disappear when frosted by thew exoelleut firma midi- , ulnen Fur Sale by Good, drugeiet, Al. Mss block. Oudeticb, sole agent. jet tars•.r Is* ./ugaNts. To •say of bet majesty $ subjects it boa liege known for mote than a half editory that our 'mentos gases se with the "gift of lunettes.. I. feet. the is one of the four most accom- ZVbegaists among Bloch ladies of a1 rank, the other three being her Om dttiacktw. Victoria, the widowed Germs empress : Marie Fordo/roves. the Hessian czarina, and Elsab.lb, the £IMtrisa kaiaena. Tb. venerable s,y' ereigs of tb.ite realms is absolute mis- tress of the four Europese lanruagee— Freocb,,Oerman, Italian and Sp•nish— wbieh aro most interesting from • liter- ary point of view. Taking into conaid- eraion her strong predilection for the "Land o' Cak." and fur the Highland people, it is by ao means .urprfting that her majesty should be 'steel •cquent with is Odic," and we have been in- formed that, some years ago, she aassdu- ordy and seeoee.folly studied one of the native languages of ler Indian Empire. Worms cause teeth sickuees among childr.n. Freeman's Worsen Ponders prevent this, and utak* the child bright and Le.ithy les .wren and ileartcs. !Nothing • so strongly to the im- aRinatien, t asasibilttiee, the moral nature of a child as a well -told tale, says the Philadelphia Tiller.. They rebel against what is oommeely oalledy"preach- iag." bet the greatest rebel of them all will yield to the softening influences o1 it ta. that .atria lea lemon with it. la sot that worth? Bet the story doe* more. It broadens their views, culti- rates their finer Imbues, destroys selfish nem, teaches them so ate their mistime with others and planes down the meet gimes that would fill their lives with @1t.tte.. Tbs. mueh it doss tam them e.salb-, but it is .geally help - Id a them' .e.mgy. A young mind bust have reesaetion es well a. a young The story brightens end re k,brashes away the cobweb* that will gather evert at a trader age, and fits II b result with new ,I n, to its genre weds'• week. More them that ; it adds to the.hild's iaform.tion bg misting him w her with •sepia of life, with *nesse sad ••ween• the are net taegh1 by were biatory. By ell means, thee, hot thm_ebildtea read Notice. Never allow tbe bow.M be remain eoa- stip•ted lest whioes evil hoses. Natiotml .Pits are unsurpassed as a remedy for eoustipstto.. 1 . three Wingham boys went tato • res- taurant recently, and demolished be- tween them a teal,+ pored bwkgt el glares.teete They ben decidedly a nmol) • THE HURON SI(4NAL. FRIDAY, our x.%, 189 toes•. Add J...b Hal..e was delis' ea her doer tlsss .e deq mad by her aide sot beam. Leis Liebe", sad she arid, "Lim.ie, me beide Web, ye are tease and I am saki. Your brow is elder the. the .now, year sheet is like the rat, red row, bet dby brow is termed wi as.., sad my .leek ie like the with- ered leaf that liekere ad fa's to the o midriff /weed. I hie .is come through • w•rI o' treed*. Maisie i• the time that 1 ha'. t.k s • dooms* .cif ane ray o' log. rrNers.d. bait there aye fe .faded t*0 01.54 "Vibe silver lining and the blue kite •boa.." Nave wee mougais about M T Why suffer • stag. moment when yea ear get immediate relief from all inter. sal or etteruai prow by the taw of Pol- eue's Nerviliee, the great psio erre. Novelties ba sever beer lumen b tail is • single oe•e ;11 cannot fail, fur it is a eombf.atins of the woof powerful pun auditing remedies known. Try • 10 cent sople butt. of Nervilioa You sill find Norville* a sere oars for Deur algia, toothache, headache. Bey and try, y. Large bottles 25 meta, by all +srftry A Boston gersiaan tells • litany story .4 his aspartame as a t•.obr. One day • lady somewhat advanced in years mime to masks areauiements for taking private 'eases in aingisg. At the end of the second lestoo the teacher felt euoetrsin- •d to tell bur that her ear was not true She received the remark very coolly, and t the next lesson sang as badly as be- fore. "I am afraid," said Mr Kicbburg, ''that you can never Imre to slag in twee " •'Oh, it doesn't matter," was the serprieine reply "Doesn't matter!" said the etduaished teacher. "No," said the papil "I don't oars anything short mt54s, but my doctor said that singing wwsill be the bast thing for my dyspepsia, shad so I decided to take leo sons.' b •.d ars M Oa ream. Dyspeo.0 is dresdfel. Disordered liver is misery. Indtgeetioa u a fes to gond nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in ezieteuor. It is easily pat out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, had cookery, mental worry, Isco hours, irregular habits, and many other tints w hack ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower has done • wonderful work in reforming this ad business and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy heir meals and be happy. Remember :—No lumpiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness at the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle Seventy-five cents. eowly The many trieods of Mn Thomas Honking, of the 13th con. Hullett, will or sorry to hear of her death. which oc- curet un Friday, 4;h'inst. Wks had of late been in s low condition, having passed throogh a very severe sickness, I winch very little hopes were enter- tained of bur recovery, bat tooter skilful treatment ma on a fear way to recovery, being able to out visiting, when ty- phoid fever set in, and her constitution heiug so frail she succumbed to the disease. About two weeks preriouri Mr Hunking buried • cbild. The re maiuder of the family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire erne - inanity in their sad bereavement. Mrs Husking was formerly a Mies Fisher, ot Colborne, end sister of Mrs E. Town- setd, Hallett. Neal sweeataae Run nr, nae in buying caedicine, but try toe great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made by Dr. Chaos, aethor of Cbaw'e receip.s. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases ot the Liver, Kid nets, Stomach sed Bowels. Sold by all >uggists. The distressing pottiness so often ob- served in young girls and women. is due to • great measure t. • lac* of the red corpuscles in the blood. To remedy this requires a medicine which produces these necessary little blood constitueota, and the beat yet dteopeered is Johnson's Tonto Bitters. Pries 50 cents, and $1 per bottle at (hode's drug store, Albion block, Guderich. So. agent. (bj RAewaeatie rasp Require no descripuorf, ranee, with nn exception, all at some tame have riper ieneed their twinges. Rheumatism is not easily dislodged, only the meat powerfully penetrating remedies reach to its very foundatiose. The most suc- cessful treatment known, and it is now frequently resorted to by medial mcn, is the application of that now femme remedy for pain—Pols.n's Nervilnta it is safe to ay that nothing yet dile severed has afforded equal satisfaction to the wf4eimt. A trial eau be wade at a small wet, as awapis hotting of Nervi - line osn be had at the drag stow for 10 Dents, large bottles 25 assts. f ' After a lingering illness of 'early a yen!, Mr Albert I. Phipps, it's of the most respected residents of Ooderich township, died on Monday of bast week, from the effects of a tensor. He wet born in Whitby township, and hoe re- sided ne the etb sou. of Oodenob town- ship for sisetees years, and a mon one. sdeetiots sod isdestrioes citizen meld not be deeived. He was a somber of the Methodist Amish, a Referater to politica, ad leaves • wife. tee zero and a dsegbter to now' hie detect.. The ree.sina, followed ky • lame .amber of permute, were Uttered t. Mattes wen tory, ca Tuesday. A Pre'asbte llfllb. Few men have •esompliebel As stem sumac of work and good kl IW. recd es the e.lebvawi Dr Obese. Over I100,000 el his works have bees sell e oiwstia .bee. Ws welt eta penin treebled with lover Osteplsin. Dyo- p.pia f.ewhehe, laibay nr Urisy 4g, M b iv a bolus of Dr Chases Leer Ogre, it will cost ye. Medica. eff a▪ aette pe Beek $1. Sold by all 11• gypsy eve.4r,a the Saes the Ct.rIMW /Mfrw :— "Oipy Oehl broke dews aM dee sem. us EtteMy .t Tri.its ll>iaetti u.t ilisepialts • e if epoeisg a bIsillketatehee at a cost e1 $1 • word. Hs has si Wsls w fur ednistvin. No use ems fhil to miler - steed him. He kite far savariar toot to new Junes is mssipu1stistl a eoagrsP- tiue. He liges no slang ad i• never vulgar. Soesou .. like a. 'rural Itgbt he shoots lip a esiotilisei.g lame et sbq.s.es, and is always Iesiaosa" 1'►s Teekemeitb cached are havfag a bra drain plowed •hong to front of the H•rperbey mete.rryy so that she aids et the road am he celeveled off, the improv- ise the appearance of the puss and sa- sbling berms and vehicles to be drives right op to the tie poets on the 000ssiow of f sserale. t'bvenar Comte mad cads And all diseases of the thrust sad lunge *an be eared by the am of Scott's Zonal - aim, as it contents the heeling virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their fellest form. See what W. 8 Meer, M. D. , L R. C. P., eta., Truro, N. 8. Bays : "After three years' exper- ience I consider Soott's Emulsion one of the very beat in the teethed. Very ex- cellent in throat affection." Sold by 5* druggists, 50o and $1.00 mw a ssdeunpg tem. A slim young man in the height of fashion was violently snowing in a street car, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Chawles, dash boy, how d'ye catch that dweadful add." "Aw, deal fellab, .ft my case in the lower hall tother day, and in sucking the ivory handle, so dwsadfal add, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had used 1)r. Har- vey's Red Pine Gum his cold would not tr.uhle him nary muctine, or solo at J ilsou's prescriotiou drugstore. tf Rash ofleveeredieg. Enesaivs eating is not the most strik- ing or the tercet widely prevalent fault of the present generation. On the ono- trary, moderation and even sometime. undue limitation in diet is the prevailiug lobbies. There is still, however, a considerable number of pertains who he biteally overeat at meals, and to such • few phyaiolnitinl hints may not be with- out their value. IN. Raudon has been at the pains t, 'take some Direful in- vesugat,ens on the *abject, and his re sults have recently been published. A000rding to this observer, a not an - common 000sequence of overfeeding is the development of a series of symptoms in many respects similar to those of typhoid fever, The temperature rises. there is • feeling of serious illness, the sleep is disturbed, the brain is tamps. •hated, and in severe canna the duabiltty is ample. The Rause of thew symp- toms is insufficient elimination and an alteration in the blood brought about by the impregnation of the organum with accumulated waste product.. In ad- dition to these typhoid symptoms throm- boses occur in th« v. -.a.4. and what IP known as spontaneous gangrene, or mcr- itfication of parts wtnuot any obvious or suthcieut cause. Now, these are conditions of very marked danger, particularly the thrum hoses and the spontaneous gangrene. There is danger to life here. The ' ob winos remedy for such • series of evils is, of Doone, net four the overworked di - g eeing and eliminating organs. Both the quantity and the quality of the food must be so chsnged as t.. admit of. the performance of may diresuon, perfect assimilation and adequate elimination of ware. Lemonades and lemon juice aro said to be of greet service in diminishing the extreme craving fur fnod;and this,from • limited experience, we can to some ex- tent confirm. Milk, al.e, in moderate quantities is useful. and in aertafo caw skim milk would probably be best. 1t is not always found that the resting of the organs is sufficient. The fever may per- sist for a long time, and with it the feel Mg 1.f very decided illness. Drugs of d.ffrrent'kinds are then urgently deutand- .d, and • competent physician should be consulted without delay.—Hospital. I Mr Jobs 8syder, of Colbene, has moved into the Walker property, Mies Gerrie Crich, daughter of Mr Jrn Crich, of Seaforth, has been re engaged as teacher in 8. 8 No. 2. South Feist - hope, for the inning year at a salary of $325. Four head of young cattle belonging to Mr McBurney, Turnberry, were killed at the C P. R. crossing, on the 9th con. Turob.rry, on Tuesday morning of lost week. A former resident of Ryth will be re- cognized in the following paragraph:— Mr J T Mitchell, furiinerly editor and p v*'e°p riet.r of theha Erin kyr, and who s l t.ly been practising his profession as • veterinary surgeon, had recently pur- ebred the Preston Brush Works from Yr Bowerman. and intends pushing the business for all it is worth I‘ • lirrti.#.4-D VIVA w i SALSA rj be be4 0A.7111..111 b737,R33111SES, Pittbros., -Loudon. PITT BROS. & CO.,'. Imversers of Canadian Apples. M game f t meed st., Lood*a, Nee. Consignments solicited and liberal advances made thereon. nae Ann ulnas le Mkt IT sie.taa The Teacher Wb. tadvred her pupils b erwgthea their dads by W w el Aycr'• S.t- e.wrw.. appreciated she truth that bodily bsMsb le mwsehil hi mat. riga. 1., mums et *Mew and feeble etmetltattuo, windier yoaag er old, tits • medidas te renerk.bly beaedelal. Be am you get Ayes% /nrsnwUtn. • ler d .pt. fall l 1 take . ams - es Ayer's flersep.rtlla, and s117N b. MessJews 1i. •1 share• aim Ayer'. /asaap.rlll. web ~beads to my vassal health." — Mini T inn L Cream, lealasyte, ltd. )y twelve yes1 age,, hos for She yam e past year am h General Debility. A few weeks since, we lieges to give bar A en's flarssoartlle. Her Matti las y improv "—Mrs. Harriet Il. oleo, South Chelieatord, Mass. •'About• ser gatAyer Smnspsrtlla as •• r.sweddy foe dekility and neuralgia rewltleg from leaked exposure fn lb* army. I was fa a very dimes el Ayer's lbad co tk , het Mt .beds /sr. 1 am now *blst to em% W limbot .{ I cannot say toe tank lee year enesllent remAdlee .' — F. A. Ptakbam, South Moluncus, Me. "My daughter, sixteen years old, 1s using Ayer's eareaparilla with good el- fect. —See. 8.Graha, United Brethren Church, SoJ. W. Va. "_1 suffered from Nervous Prostration, with lame heck and headache, and have been much benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 am now 110 years ofage, and am oatisflrd that my present health and prolonged lite are due to the use of Ayer's bsrsaparilla." — Lucy Moffitt, Killingly, Como. Mn. Ann H. Farnsworth. a lady 79 years obi, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes : After several weeks' suffering from nervous prostration, I procured a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I bad taken ball of it my usual health returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PPPPPP ao ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowen, Mass. Primal. sit bouts., $9. Warta IP a buuia. mita C. P. R, BOOM TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS i have a large number of 'Houses and Lots and Vacant Lauds in the most desirable parts of thr Tower -res *ALaruaar. Now is the tune to secure property before the nig hush. The C. P. R. is owning sure, and in a short time prices will have advanced beyond the reach of many. Call and see List and Prices before purcbaa- .ng elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real taste and General Insurance Agent °gl... W eat -:?t-. third door from Square. C. P. It Ticket and Telegraph Office. 54-11. A COOK BOOK FREE By malts say lady wadies hr. he. pad sgbs adM.it. W -U:, Riichardtoe & Cn.,.eatred. I w e .1isAe.riamrf FOR SALE, PRICES LOW, CASH OR ON TIME. 1 General Puipote Horse. 2 One Horse Wagons, New. 1 !'airbfhnks Hay or Cattle Scale. 1 50 H. P. Engine and Boiler. 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Palley & Belting, 200 Plows various Patterns. 50 Corn Plows, $2.50 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Repo rs of all Kinds. Cash paid for Cast and Wrought Scrap Iron. Warerooms near Victoria-st. Methodist Church. C. A. HUMBEI . II If BaT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Etc.. Ric., at THE - SIHEIL PII SRNS SIM. _r..'.' --moans S PIIBLIC NOTICE 1 Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the oublic by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. onion! by Telephone promptly attended to. Mss k's" t a. * gmuse Ilereanate earl INA 066r MO ° `rte a Who k, viie celtheir est m.Nm and get /vbee. PATENTS cam, TOM 8*011 AIM CV7RISSUT SCIAstirmirditlio st MO BRI T6 R Our .Ace le eppeslts the U. a Paeewt Af• ties. we m elsrraabma 1Lrr•sMe ages thus dhow react• hes Ir/atf%TO Arad Norm, on'7Rf,I W7K1t a We ea- trifi":1 11' TA d rirl7 V1 honor i Q. •relev r ~ 4K ogle e . ~wfM. a demi irear OEM alley- - it! t44 bio EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. - .. ag - w B ti 'r 1$ a :2 11sti I 9' If I o1aa jii o2 ;A _I C =e a mg g `'` i B Fad i I c , .t i oarle C o4$; tit a o o y a •.0 `o I 9 iC 3 2 b ti y fflis1 i8 s 1•4°fVI 8 . a hw.Y a,_ 6 O ✓ it`t 8X g r;l 8 g tete 's' k VS / ' .O0 G'3 , E/ g;ec8 a - ao _a 2;s P. 9e.. s s d o...4g -et .A a • ..a:.... _v ../ ►. . 1...! .ew1 4 a°,;saetg` w+ e3 w 1_ '% °oTa q a 8i r3 ?3 loin d • !Ill; , •s i. e.8 $3 • ,°° a. F& ` o a 1 's id. s;11 rg%: WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. O O GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair 'to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. uNDERT.AgING.. In all its branches, promptly attended tc O O rip: EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMING s specialty. G 40. BARRY,Hamilton-$t.. Goderieb. EXPERIENCE, CAPITAL .AND SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the' mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk (foods I will 8911 Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillienz at former prices. .111, Specialties for the Seaso'i Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. • All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. 2004 ALEX. MUNRO, Dreyer and Haberdaabdr. FURNITURE 11 Teo wast to sae the lamest isteeat.r Fer%lture In tows. Flit. D_ G-ORDO11. If etym. em Wtw OOP lovely ams ebsepestsat iL w OW 11113.41L13111211 sed the so =ma.,mu MID Wit *.MX2ft3met, item. sortiairrtaAMID Obi* y de est bhp QHILD213112 1111 OA -RMI lCa Is ••••k ler wow et mem. a71 a eatemotes ea hated ear penes emadamouse t w W rNaw me a =NW TJ N D RT .A. K 114 G. fit as t 7=1::=1117= vyyi req le s ttiet t s wtt a -dostcad.rew Inrriiel D1e•we,r h t toeunty. CNAIWie—tff. atiaaWlalk aamn s".. lama New. . f