HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-18, Page 7L
TAE HURON SIGNAL, lc I tJ A 1, U01'. IS. lax$
rsa roKI^s cuexEx,
Plea Put Pie -Put isle • b•kisg
else NNasof• Nib. dish, limed with paste, same sliced psash-
Te esr. drink. east he Ivry. bsaeees swan -
raw we dee ;
The ilest 1. talent to burp a silt lel& isle
To gamuts with grim psd•teses the males of
• gelds. More ;
Te dill ter • tare subsistence that steeps the
wolf Mem theater.
Iset whether. is purple sad dente, w• teed en
the tat el the ked.
ID, tap he the middle is ditches, Use bard by
b01 head,
To wfsiylietfe esat sad rlt u • gouger .1
Orem and mea
Where *1.'•k'.ry nae ter h seeset, and Uud.
U He will. ter es all."
With weed that carries pe£aNea of lase and
tired strife.
Vim Webs the tree.Masiesl. the most sled aim
Mp. flgnly sparks celestial is. serlienlis
dross with eg.
)� ilttslaab mama .red bestial can never be
e1Ms6 thea
Aid tlwR unlitik the portals that bar their
Myler whom
ifiroyirseum:r fellow . ale Omagh
wens -aka here.
Miring head to resell em. that guides
with leader oar,.
The loving lesson to teach us. of • holier fu-
ture there ;
Te wiper bow fair sad maple the field we
ku.baad below,
Teta d the grs.t example the Mas et con -
maim .rid woe ;
EK,ieet prima Ief bailed Hist iullhe nuttily
path He trod.
And hew the lowest may dad ILm. who
straightly walk wit► Ord.
Who bead thW hacks (*labor. earl bead their
knees to pay
is henna love for their aelathbur. His own
omens is obey.
Who freely bear for others the burden sorrow
hath laid.
Accepting all for brothers that need . broth-
ar's .id--
Heiofoe la the min restating from every male-
s/0N peened.
♦.d travel the road, exulting. thus& brings
stem honest last.
- U. J. Whyte. in Temple liar.
When the hair .bows signs of failing,
begin at ntt.•e. to use Ayer's Hair Vigor
This preparation strengthens the scalp,
promotes the emwth ut new hair, re-
stores the eater.' actor to grey and faded
hair, and renders it soft, pliant, and
Theresa* el tine tiasalaaee.
Bet now, as we tarn our back on '.b.
Bass, as Cher ruined castle, grander and
ter more .arise and lofty than Dirle-
tow, AIM the eta On • Lofty jagged cliff
that MAW to rue out hoei the sea, std
is washed oo three sides by its
waters, Meads the far-famed castle of
Testalloo Sir Walter's description of
it is "Marmite," 11 nut in the highest
style of poetry, is a wonderfully oorrect
The picture.
of Tantalite) Castle. the
renowned stronghold ..f the Dui/lases,
is unknown. F..r centuries tt was the
great citadel of the family on the east
.dazed. Ira &steatites was so remark -
the structure s, strung, and the
IA of defence cos Akdlul, that it seem-
ed to defy matter, attack In 14;9. the
barony of North Berwick and the castle
of Tantalite' having been forfeited some
time b.h.re by the Berl of IA.uttlas, were
Rive) by Jesse. 1V. to the Earl ..( Art
gee, the mauve ' Bell the Cat" ..f Scot
rah history, who figures in "Manama"
as the lord cf the place In the days .4
the next earl the ante stood • siege hr
King Jamas V , est hs king was en -
se to take it. le ISMon-
side huwevev,it was
taken ►y the Ouv .Wen ; thereafter
Creta -1Pi ii)eps a�iaivt1d it, and after
a feeble defense it lou taken again
Abeam a hundred and fifty years ago the
castle beswte the property of Sir Hew
Darya**, Lord President of the Court
of Sie ins, in .Mur• family it mull re
mains. -Prof W O. Bisikie. D D., in
13arper's Magazin for October.
Mfg was • Burden.
Until lately i suffered from headache.
always preceded by constipation, mak ug
my life • burden. A friend advised
Burdock Blood Bitten. I to.•k three
bottles, and tow feel n.yself a new man,
and my headaches are things ..f the pmt.
A. R. Julien, Ottawa, Out.
Winkles Iea5Ntrst nae u.y.
"I confess i sin a.inettmes aerely per
plated," mid the father, with • heavy
sigh, "when I think of the future .f my
boys. It is a great resonn.ilality t.,
have the choosing of • ceiling 1,u life for
Through the open window Dame the
voices of two of the We at ply.
"Look here !" loudly exclaimed
Johnny, "that isn't fair ! You divided
those narbtr so as to get all the best
ones in yo.ir Lag
"Didn't I have the trouble of Att. l-
ing 'em y" reiterated Willie, hotly
"Think I'm g. ung to mend my tem. at
obs for Duthie g r
"So far s. Willie is,concerned," re-
ined the father, ■fter a passe. •,he
k of ch.esi,,v • «5.tion is not •.•
imrult. 1 shall make a lawyer of
assesses crassseeAMa.
ocn tette is are always denger'•na.
an that they always tinsel, Int-
end naratltarAPPaAIAWCI .;en
a The remarkable success sates ed
Nasal 13•1,n as a positive mire fast
t .od Cold in the Heed has,r-
d,med unprincipled barites to imitate it
The public ars tv.nhoned sot to he de
wiv.d by nostrums minium; Naval Balm
is mew .ad appearance, learner 'web
salaam as Nasal t)ream, Nasal B.lmwa.
els. Ass for Need Balm seed de slot
take imitation dealers may terve epos.
yell Yoe else by all drtaggt.q) re area
tr• erues egersis of pima (O, and =1
a efetl'Raiford Aro. , Ilrnek.s1I.
Mr Aware.. Mounds hes rented Ata
a1, the gravel seed. gasser WaIt..n.
Mr Mwhsel "Ise , fee Ova yvsr5
an asses! reseal 01 tpllo Th. 'trio
sla.lS ewes, kr Merriam has
somft•sem with the Aare,- of the
awl Weeds feminine tan'
is Magi rest, iiertve sett. '
Jai them tiMMj Iii .Mt' Met
ars ; sprinkle these with mutt white gagger
sod • little p•wdseed •issenrea. Ian it
hake slowly fur three frees, until the
aloe mattes. Whys cold is is very de -
Frusta Passim -A quart of mused
or fresh plashes, • beawug plus of gran-
ulated wirer, ties quart ul water. Hod
Ike Pear sad water' twelve myatee, add
the parishes, sad °Jut twenty minutes
louver. Rub tbruaeh • rete, •W3
frees*. Take net the baster, and stir i0
port of whipped Graeae lightly with a
W'utesetenhire 8muce.-Take one gal
mos of ripe lanime•ea, wash and stunner
in three quarts of water. Butt dues *ad
strain in • sieve. •Dluw add to the juice
{eu tablespoonfuls 01 Kir:ger,lvo of maw,
two of whole black pepper, two of salt,
one of cloves and two of cayenne pepper.
Let sunnier until retest. J to yo. quart.
Pour w half • pmt of beat Tido/geese/sin
tbrwegh • hair sieve ; s&l tightly iu half
plus bottles.
Sweet Pickled Peaches. -Make a syrup
of five ;weeds of sugar and use pint ut
smogs' ; let it aurae 10 a br,il ; skew uA
the froth as it rises. Pare ripe peaches,
seven pounds without the skins -never
leave the skins oo - -stick three cloy.* in
each peach, put them in the syrup as
wen as It begins to buts, and let them
sl...k until • br'.o splint will run
through then' easily. eine' o•r.fully,
and when cooked add brakes -up stick
cinnamon to tole Put is a covered
atom' jar. It the fruit rises to the sur-
face, piece a chaos plate in the jar to
keep the fruit ender the syrop ; other -
rue it will turn dark.
Tapioca and Peaches.-7his rosy be
made with cloned peaches or from the
(web fruit, pared and ouddled whole io •
little sugar. Musk half a pint of tapto;a
fru • whole aluminas, or oyer Dight, Iu •
half pint of add water. Fill a baking duh
about t• °thirds itsdepth with the peaches
taken !rum the syrup ; sprinkle with
sneer and bake from twenty to thirty
initiates ; add half a pint Lf the peach
syrup to the tapioca and put it cn 10
buil, adding one gill of boiling water
and este gill of sugar. When it is clear
pour it over the peaches and bake slow
ly for hail an hour If eaten cola, serve
.ith sugar sod crests; if hot, with "(&a,y
Peach Jam or M•rmalade•r--• Peel and
stone enough finely flavored, fully ripe
peaches to weigh four pounds when thus
Crush the fruit and boil
quickly three quarters of an hour,
starring frequeutiy. When partially
boded the fruit may be pressed through
• mm.ve, whish will greatly improve the
).m, but this is not absolutely necessary
W hen the fruit has boded throe -quarters
of an hour add two pound% and a half °f
w hite a ; Atom off the skim as it
ruses, and boil five minutes ; add the
strewed ju►x of one or two lemons and
• few of the blanched peach kernels; OM -
titter the boiling for throe minutes, abd
pour out the marmalade. •
Preserved Peaches. -Welch the fruit
after Itis pared and the atones extract-
ed. and silo. • pound of auger to every
one of peaches. Put the sugar in a pre-
serving kettle and make the syrup as
directed ; after it ea strained put It back ;
let &1 just hint steadily ; lay the peactee
1n and let them boil steadily until they
ars tender and cl'-so Take them out
nth a perforated skimmer, and lay upon
Bat diad«., crowilinrn ea latus as pus -able
Boal the .yrop almost to • jelly -that is.
until clime' and thick. skimming off al
the rheas. Fill the jar two-thirds full
of the peach'', pour on the boating sy-
rup. and s hen e'11d °tsar with brandy
tissu. paper tied tightly over them, °r
put them in air -tight jars.
Poach Short Cake. -Take two heap-
ing t.upoontals ul bilking powder,
sifted into one quart of lour. • scant
half teacao of butter, two tahlespmonfuls
of sugar, • hale met, esotgph sweet milk
or water to make • soft dough. Roll IP
out about as tt:in as pie crust. Place •
Isyerin • baking pen, spread with • very
little Leiter ; spru.k a 011 that some
flour. Then mid •-,other layer of crust,
and spread as lief re; go on notal the
crust 1s all seed It is best t.i have a
pro, 14 inches by 7. and that will haus
room for fear layers of crust Bake for
about fifteen minutes in quick oven,
turn out moil.. down. Take oA the
(then) top lay , put it in • dish. spread
plentifully with t.;oe cot peaches that
have been preyiouely sugared down
Put laver upon layer on the sswe way,
wed you will hare a handsome cake, lis
be served hid with .war and cream
Were tkeesarkable M111.
Found at ;art, what the true public
tag Men looking for these many years
and th.t is a medlctoe which altboasb
but lately introduced, has made Roe
itself • repetatton second M none. the
,twdsein. as J' h.esou's Tonic Bitten
which in o ngIlliction with Johnson'.
Tendo Liver Pi I. has performed some
meet wonderful cures impure er em-
povt ri.he d blood woo becomes pnrtfied
and esinehed. Balh.rwnw, indlgesnnn,
eiok beseeche, liver complaint, 'wlanguor,
weeknees, etc , on disappear when
treated by these , scellent t•.nie m.di-
risow For Bata by lineal, driggiet, Al-
bion Klock. i'xleI,rh, .tele event. [d
The puAho ..II iso diode A. taken by
corprw to learn that A R Smith talks
.1 wining to Braa.d"o, Man. Mr Smith
has worked tip •ie',�st-Yer,n�slued, trade slued
his advent Otto ..•,.vests, Mat be wee a
wider field in the P.sone Province. at
serine The trouble is too many of tar
Caesium young men sea Iesvaug OuMra
tet the WW.--R•.t
Victoria Oarbulk' teal ye is • wntlderfel
besitsg enmpend for seta, w.e'n.ls,
bruises. bene, .gelds, bads, piles, pim-
ples, 4a lm
A gswNOhle Leta.
Few stew have rwtmpli.bed the same
amauat al work mei mind it this world
ea the sebMsse 1 Dr Masa Over
600.000 .1 hia west* haws hems .sN 1.
Owed* slows. We newt .eery ptrrts
travailed 1.1111 Lr'• Ousspkisa, Dye-
��ris��Iss�� Heedwehe, &iderey .w Veiny
Ter.hlwa. to i.e. • testis .f Dr Mesas
Liye1 OR., it .ill eases yam, Medliehm
earl ikeeye &eh 81. satin b m
s dhh Pewee gm eisaeee.
W• Legh& uiawd alone as rwgards the
ist.n.es ut the Iwur at w►w► we dare,
%td f.,ratgltare Can hardly uuderstaud
shut preteeM. $peso fur w late au hue/
fur maks the reset sisal of ilia day,
Her Majesty the (Jesse sets the eget/4W
by dustier at ease e'cluek, the l..Jiug
mobility follow it by dieing .t IMO past
eight ; nett o'dusk, I.uerever, is • very
general hour to Lwo.•u society at weigh
to dire, mud very tea people with toy
claim to to considered faabtunat1e dues
earner, ramp{ &sae rho wish to 'dears
to slay earlier b.. r of y"urger dais, and
tna:at mime (tieing at halt past moron.
M ouhitnwtal starts, tett Ih. 1/4•114411
toe lealuua•ble them" 'sour is 1...1 later
then sus, •ud at sine omits earlier iu
the summer mouths. Society duets at
the .awe hour, and all 'kliegs .un:mimed,
weti/Mug advantages .gaia.t diwdreu
taiga, foreign s•.tryty te certainly sue
gainer by the adoption ut am earlier dim
oar hour than ours The six o'clock diu-
osr our enables society t', take life Mot,
quietly,dtuner mu be &left neusurely snd
theatres leisurely atte•dud, and balls
sod reoepts..tu do dot tank.. Si: solitus
dlate alarm upon the after dinner hour.
Plenty .1 breathing ume is slowed.
Agan, (limner 1011•-t, u e• u.i.lrr-
staud it, Is trot worn, and hath d..,....
owe de nguer 1s everyday life, this ex
captious being wade un fay. r ut . sae
banquets. Au early .Boger Pour elbows
of earluer hours belug kept by those who
wish to d.. au without rennqutshtoz
cony, as etiiertaltimentt dmtiuct y eom-
wenee early in the e,uuing
uudoubtedly-we 'night say I;et.peee.a
also, for .h.. is Peppy nam 01 health 1
-is on the side of Hesse early hours.
However, as long as h is the fashion
to dine late the bour will remain
alterable, for the simple remain that if
toe elected to dine at the. cenenenta.
hour of lis one would dine • •or y1,d
bad ooin,,sratively ep ec:entrl, 4.1141
soca, practically putting °emselt "u, of
all that duo's friend. are Jt•i..t Tne
only alternative to the dinner Itis, -r i+
render the diner as short as p..... by
restricting the number of dishes +ud •n
traducing every weauy to e11p4•411te the
service. This 1• now the ruts ,d what
are considered the smartest honors, and
is as greatly appreciated by duffers out
as is good eentslatins in a Wll na,w by
dancers --L eduu Queen
Tae *reel W.lebt s.
Warns us of •ppmachiog dative?, a
hsckn•g cough earns us of comms; am-
sumpts.m. Take tint° by the foru.o.•k
and use Hagysrd's Pectoral Balsam,
the surest, safest soil heat euro f. r the
coughs, colds. •.this•, h atsenrse
bronchitis, and all throat au•I lung
troubles 2
A level Saalsary Maggots.
A wcr.tlrmse, maki'.e • call at the
house .1 • friend, • is astonished to find
the rooms and passages in a'ntuat..0 ;
• tad, oft inquiring the cense was &newer -
ad : "Oh, we are very much •nn,yed
here : a rat has route to finish his este
ere° u.d.w the issue e( err hove dr,w-
,ns neon. We do nut &now the 'siert
place ; but we crureus endure the stench
any longer, s/ we bare rrin• v.d the
furniture, rolled up the carpets, and
called in the car,eeters. who are jest be
ginning to take up the flew.
"Now, don't h too Ikon)." .eii the
risiter. "You need not pull up ser.•
than one board. 1 will show you eh.'
1 mean presently ; sod, meanwhile,
shut down the drawing remit it wsodows,
and slues the d.•or."
He then stepped Into the cardr n,
walked ar..und to the horse stables, •lid
after a few minutes' absence came hack
to the drew,.,¢ -reside with both hands
tightly ehisped. Placing himself in the
center of the drawing room, he opened
his bands, and out Arm two large blue-
bottle flies, and bussed around the neon.
for • .ec,nd or twit. But presently one
of them alighted on a certain plank on
the Astor, sad was almost immediately
follumed by the other. "Now, then,"
acid the visitor, "take up that beard,
and 1 I engage that the dead rat will be
bond beneath it " The carpenters ap-
plied their t.osls, raised the bard, and
at once found the cause of the unplea.-
ant smell
Jras1•Il Nista
Att., 11W •1'. N wetted tied dried.
lea. hs •:..m)w sneg1 awie oat seed 1,4d
ll t.•Jt .her 111.-
ins .,etre MuiaLdH •
teldrsv'suful .d st•'.4 to & 111.1.. eo,J
water, 'Oen add • 91..1.1 (messes./ eater,
s11r 11•1411 11.1 wtl•.1. 1• 90. f,.etly els-•
LAp lb* au•,u., •r••ug Otte •'ut, into
One starelt, •1,J .ur amid. o, add eater
mint era',e t', • 011.1.4111•1•110 .t a 01111 tray'
401 Ruu 1:1y starch to tbon.uahly,
4,11.01, ear_ 1r•• t get .be lrpt perste,
vu use rieLt SOU. 01 the bottom. Him it
to, and .1 yogi li..d •1 .•.ram ars not •tel.".
ctaouyt.s ,,mte.oad, 0,1 it tea seuttin1
tome WI t'.. 11.J
• •1v1s.")- rb,ko 1' "1
&rlt • •, :he 0 -.rn• .a .le
brlhs(1 ltitl .We sustain
straighten) tits..Sw.'.'.
o de.. of he whist ..ver 141
[ 1s perfectly
si'd fuel both
1 ear her, Thus
♦rtbr• .. r.. ;
N"« fold the
i 14 .1.1 51,11 •w -
gloss g .1 ilia ..* k,r •11 It '1911 eiy. Fold
it Al . 1,.10.1, >,., , pees a .t y .t:.;d p roe
.0101 el b••urs, r over night 1 ase •
L"Ild pn..m, •"•CNu-e tr..• .arson -115.4
Mur If k pi lis . t•are, pia..• many there.
Now. to; the armour. tree tint the
meek h .rd, tarsi ' in sheaf., then the
b..k .4 the seer, Ilton the front, an I
lain 11e 1...v,m Put teeter the Los.•m a
e .,h., 'mord..ue'e•t!► •. •,,.0 Mnr.i ;
t w A1u1.•.. i• One M at wisteria' ler r..v•
• tin. e d 1• a 1hs.:416.ss duster . plain
lou.•. ..err a qu t.. suet -teat. S ,read
over to Nitwits • eat ci th. and 'roe It
Weer q stab a t.-ry hot trust ; 14.10
rrw.•ve ,uta Wei h, and, with a perfectly
a.u•e.nh .t•..., s h•, a• call he used with -
o_'. lhr hew,.:: nyidly op
• id .t .cab, not erM•w.tls, et the same
tnr h -lit! o- a.,d puha..., the bus-ite into
. 1.4).• it y.•u h. -e s p lishiut iron. tragi
i hr r ..• .dad was .•f the (nen, thus put
I.ov t l 1br Irtou•'11 un s 111044) part st
one • nor. giving $vel %.sweet of the glues.
.11 both starch .nd litter•
*el a Seek iteeivit
Mr Goode, dro.gist, is not a book
&gent, but has the agency in Goderich
for Jehusten'a Tonto Bitten, which he
can heartily recommend for any teen -
plain to which a tonic medicine is ap-
plicable. This valuable medicine has
been with most aat(.nishindly good re -
suite in eases of general debility., weak-
ness, irregulant.es peculiar to females,
extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
Aloud, stomach and liver trouble., loss
of appetite, and for that general worn
out feeli,.g that ready every one is
trembled with at some part of the year.
Dent forget the name Johnston's Tonic
Bitters boo. and 01 per bottle at Goode''
drug store, Albion block. Ooderiele sok
Mr Jas 11.11 recently purchased fifty
acres of lied from Mr W Drager, Lead -
bury. The land is of goad quality, bat
them are no bedding', and the
pnoe paid. $2,300, is a onsidered a fair
figure. We ar5ntslate Mr Hell on his
eon, mead prosperity.
Never dine the bowels to remain eon-
atip•ted lest serious evtl ensue. National
Pills are pawed as a remedy for
*unlit' patios. lee
Sive ?boss a Chaise,.
That is to lay, yo.nr langs. Alao all
your breathing machinery. Very won-
d.rfal machinery it is hot only the
larger air passages, bot the theasanda of
httje tubes and mwities leading front
W* nn thew are slogged and (hooked
with mattes which ooght not to be there
your luny cannot half do there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
Cell it geld, weigh, setup, peeem nia,
estarVtb, messemptirwa or ally el the
family of threat and nese sed heed and
1 wesall are tial. All
sass`st w he Ret rad of. here is just
ear ems way to get rid of tham that
i. Cabo Bmi uu's Osman Syrup, whish
asst dltsy1Mt *ID sell yea at T6 seam a
halal. Beim it oat•. 'rd M elthes hr
yen may laplslitl dyer this
fie ta
■esuses It's Priest.
e1 s ss'.
A wet*, Aimee Christ, the bei ef
Meta. teat Mt nu trewtwdeew sews the
Nus d Eked, will out save es. Eter.ity
m .1 Odell duns 11110 um* and redeem
it ; the mtl.teuwuut is a kingdom of
he we.. lty.uu earth ; It is au Luleter•
1anc1, w UN C..,y'_'s wdi,ttaa..t verses.
t►.,ethe, w the t....a4 a ruifiasut patewg.
be ea.. .ro4ti, h.s demi deed the three -
1 :d revereu.e' -•• might call it aJ Ira
.ion -in eke& the tree reugtuu m,.m ha,
tuu..dud-raver nee for 11,..rn above,
• bwet It. heathen or uieurel Mopes
1.01.1011/44 ab •ut w, whit/. is pbtlusopb,
end tar 1..14s betlestb us which is t�
religion ul sorrow, ul redemption, and,
in a .e-n.w oaouitar 10 steed, of Chrisla..i-
.y. feta Credv of ktuduwptwu, to be
realised hers mud 00w, to spew of the
ewe..t.ug dens mud the gambling -smarts
.d L•.wiuu mud the other INN ld-ettt.a-
a). email aro there that understand 111
Tete wily that one article, divine purer-
(1y- mc
.1 the individual fre
II wMm, wee •1 them for the tw,nwuuiiy,
fur tot urotherho..d, simplicity ut private
life, mud the es.i••ymeut of the ea est
(twiddle tb ugs ti. uomm°u.
mean more, we abut I : s s.
IF was Waal Sot outip •a $LZZatrlrx
is tate New Tea:mimut to which we listen
.iaoourdly or not at all, w church on Run -
CfserialltiVeDele SarcIy Cared.
To Ta limos :-P,.'a...safe.. •u your
rt.. -lora those 1 h..ve a peeitavw remedy fair
t he armee trued disease. By it. timely
,1-• thiluem..da of bopelus. e410e5 have
tx•rn peruse"•• • le eared. 1 Quill he glad
e. mod two bwilit• „f my •ylls.dy tr a
14. soy of your r..ad•ies lob.. h1ve ores•
sutopta.n. if they ,.sill *sad me their Ka -
wets. and P 0 addl.aa
Resperefelly, Ila. T. A. Shasta.
17 Yong, 8t., •P.'runto, that
nate and
*wort negro es tips es eaasbere.
T:,e ripe !eine" caCL.nrlers, nn my rel
haat SIM yearly left iu the fields. alter
the few '.elected for ate are Irdthered,
'...kr an excellent sweet peals .rend ,: 11-
c u. ;now-ch..w. To make the sweet
peck es, ...lac' npe cos:umbt.rs peel
tai -in lightly, cot th.•w it leugtaaue
'trip. awl rrwove the .ee.i. L., the La
11 a heht brine, ..arae by .dduu:- • cut,
of salt to • aaliu.. ,1 e,ttrr. 10 twenty
lour h un remote th,.n Ir..it, the lame-
n ese
amrnese them• put them fu • saucepan and
a•r..r them nth vu,r,'sr. Add a quart
el -ester to sty•'• fiLart of vineg.r.
Conk the coca $.deers I.. this sweet p'-'kte
miry slimly on the ark of the suite, till
tlfeli .se sower and trolsspar, et. And
etude ceun,woa....16.•••, • ylbbsp{.o��loqq
rut. '.f cassia -buds, a tee 'woeful
.d mace -blades, and two (.ince
grey., gal ver P•.cr the pickle .n a
jar. cover lightly. and to two
ntuu' hu t nue begin to can it. It may be
used so. nor, but 11 is better f .r the sea
.. - e of tune tl'1.. pickle is e.pemal-
ly 'leltm ma served with rout mutton.
II has the rspeeiel flavor of E.at Iudie
• LItVg'3
Ili; B4YA4I101
' ; tti a (Bottled)
.... RSONS
'stem 'IL •1 HIGH
day. What right his a believer In Orly demes.. preterm Of Measery Peelelne.
Chr'st to live luxuriously while his bre- Weer Y..as I.rarw.d 1. s.. re.dtae•
dins, ar. starving.:n au unjust waste • masa wad t -seed.
1 leery Ail/ sad gvea4ly' ►ewadstmd.
BW be phssd• the Interesta 111 art and
l:.••s io•+c•asle te a••••a
✓ vilisatloy, 10 m Pt
n witch be falsely, not " w,, +ctt st . W. A. Neem.
eeJau.uall„ pretends that but wit andel• •
,tip Led A
muteerveil Led thee, 1 any is I
thi name .1 Christ, alae art and civilize -
•- -
['oo t ' the savages, who are waiting for
suck • reu&ls.suce all over the laud. Let -
aim humanize and socialise has ncbes,
and then the n. 11 time he hears i•
church that Gospel of the B.:atittdes he
tete understand chat it minus, and not
ast.•ut d or dismayed The Sermon co
the M .sot was um preached in • monas-
tery ; ret was aldro.sd to mankind. It
dues not eoudetun civilisation, which
ates ge'.wn mom p..rfet.. chiefly by lay•
tag to heart souse -01 its precepts But
u w•.st unequivocally does cmdomn an
racluaive semety, the doors of which
..pun bot to guldeu kepi, while the
mut tended God's chuldree are toiling
to hanger and wad outsold for their
..eaten -Rev Father Barry, in Nine
teeuth Ceutery.
nasal lame lob
Rao nr• nes in buying medicine, bet
t'y tree great Kidney lied Liver revela-
tor, mads -i --br. Chug, au►her of
Chase's reesi/N Try Chase's Liver
Cure for all diessees ut the Liver, Kid
treys, Stomach ant Bowels. 80 d by all
The distressing paleness so often oh-
mrrwed in young girls and women. is due
in a great measure to a lace of the red
oerpuecle• iu the blood. To remedy
this requires a medicine which produces
them necessary little blood tu,neiituents,
and the best yet discovered is Johnson's
Tunic Bitters. Pew ti yenta, and $1
per bottle at geode's drug More, Alht..o
block, Oo dench. Sole &Rent, (b]
W rola c••uae much sickness &mon;
,..ho 1• • , 1'ree'nau'a Worn Powders
vr.-v.ut this, .ud make the chile bright
sees l.ea,thy lm
Mr W. J. Paisley, Clinton, who has
FIN., us the ohs country for about three
,u. :,ths, has re .iroed. He made a
one *het eztenuve tour of Enrlend,
Ire•a,ld and Scotland, but says he would
o,t .i1etoreside there.
see smite., wear*.
Don't allow soil(' se the head to slow-
ly awl surely run i^tut Catarrh, when
you sail be cured for 25c. by using Dr.
Chem. Catarrh Cure. A few applies -
boos sure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to b bozos is
guaranteed to cure ehmuic catarrh. Try
it Only 25c and sure cure. Sold by
all 4ruttgtsta ly
Mrs Coulter, Blyth, an old and highly
esteemed resident, died week beferu last
The funeral on Monday last week was
ivgely attended Tne old lady died as
-he lived, trusting in the Marione. The
Methodist church loan a good friend in
her death. Rev Mr Fisher, of Arthur;
attended the funeral, .
Ely favor is • type rf catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended by au
inflamed condition of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affecting the lungs. As acral
mucous issecreted, the discharge issea. m-
panied with a burning sensation. There
are severe spasms of snagging, frequent
attacks of headache, watery sed inflam-
ed eyes. Ely': Cream Balm is • ream
dy that can be depended upon. 60cts,
at druggist. ; by mail, reei.ared, �Oeia
Fey Brothers , Druggists, Owere. New
York. 1y
Mr John Palterer n, of the London
Read, had the misfortune, a few days
ago, to hoe • young and valuable horse
.on account of the stable- flour, elects es.
e levated • number of feet from the
grimed, breaking through in the n;get
time, and the horse herrn east in such is
manner that it died before morning.
"They 1,11ve • largo rets an my dm
trial," says a well known draggwt, "thee
say other pill co the market. and give
the beet .si,.f etion int sick headache,
biloioa•ness, isdies.tioe, Mc , and when
enmbiaed with J.ttasto n's Tos.m Bitten,
JohulM*'. Tanis lover Pills will per
ferns what o0 of er sedistiu hes done
before for asdsisg beverotly." Pills
96 Bests per halide. Sitters 60 'emits
and $I per MMi. Bell by Goods
Druegi t, Menu We, Asdahh, melt
moot [ej
A Rawutu--Of etas delve "Teams
as" le say see seeding the steal fuer Hn-
Apes es "rias est, ' the remediable
I jIs for the Teed mei Rata Ash
y Al slMset « address
Rev A. H. Drumm and wife hare
gone to Colorado, for the health of the
latter Mrs D. ams.'s parents reside at
Chatham, and with them her baby,
several mentis ..Id, was left. The child I
has since died.
Milbans'. Aromatic Quinine Wipe
fnutali•r alae system •game% attack* el
ague, chills, bilious fever, dumb ague
and like trouble'. lm
Mist L-.vel..rn-1 was terribly frighten
ed one evening i) the coeutry. A tramp
'preset at in. with • lung knife and tried
to steal .uy hair. Mies Camargue -How
thankful you newt have been then you
could take it off and give it to him.
Miss Aloott did some of her best work
on the back of her father's old manu-
Be..' hew t aeinght .,bout It e
Why soder a single moment when yea
eau ort tmetet,ale relief from all inter-
nal br external pains by the use of Pol-
Mm's Boredom, the great pair. eerie
Nerviliee has never been 'known to
fall In a single ease ; it cannot fail, for
it is a combination 1,1 the nest powerful
pain subduing remedies known Try ■
10 omit sample bottle of Nervlline. 1'11m
w ill find Nrrvnline a sure cure for neur
slam, toothache, headache Boy and
try. Large bottles 25 omits, by .11
t nags esteems.
For summer c'meleina• sad diarehte
1 can truly recommend Dr Fowler's Ex
tract of Wild 8trawherry, •• 1 have used
it in my family 101• h er.-t success Will
would not he ion h. ut it. J .hn R Hay -
eats. Ormsby, Oat. Nevar travel wtth-
wit it.
The Clinton New Bra of last week
lays : ''It m said that A H Mennen.,
teacher, will axe the next C .neervat•ve
candidate for the Leal in East Hurn,
Mr Hays hayloft dreliued to be a victim
any lunger. Musgrove is ft..te& had s •n
felioq, but has ur t the ghost .4 s
Ch*•ace skein.. ''Heieget TOO Oibet,n,''
who has represented the rtdu.g since
1871, and .b.. 1. avain the Miall ell
the Reform party.
Ud•x .r .:: t; ., vowels/ the
Powo'.,arittraoy ...VTO , •arr�
IJugtstl tate• only vet,. s v .mprovins by
gotten. ..1 the bop••: •rasa wird Medd
b.aoort:o' the fele tat'ir • a. the Zane
tone Correct/pp At., lite of the
E ""w4,tditg t onuaterme:.1)71.
paLa; fltr ad, des,
OrmirdrAtifit, D-Irtmea
c. the Wain.. Drop.::. :4=re...t of
'i iatan, .illlrradiaa, .to,.c 1iL oder
Frysi.)cles. f3 ecltllu- r-kt +riJ• tat
ase Heart, l'itreoinete.aa, and r
t. -a1 Debtlitg ; alt Cleo ,.tad many
ct;,7r airc:lar C;omplitMus tie14 to the
�i Mast ii•nnrr re of
XI OD iol lrtEPR
tr, sdi.eery ^,.. 1`
•. Tetrill&
• ..a
1 4...0 r
.. ra: r• v
,..,.... 4b ,ae
1010-W Iso. Ie.,.1, ♦•, r
Wen n/.e Ono 75 ...a. e55 1e r r w'•• , w
res. ta'...m. ,wr�am,m. 1s u. •.,.:a..,., ream
a .1,51 's.•a.•br.. 4.: n6
71e, A.,gs.er. Y.o•.nwa
Tbe Nees Plese .sdbl Remedy •'.r tilt
.x,• •a 'tfis restate la Its enema and
doss Not enamor. 'red proof
nrsaw erriLi t, P. Q.,1 ay 1 0*.
Ds. 5. J. greet, L Vo , Enmrber-b 1 alta, V t.
ik'nticnwa.-1 have awn K»..
Anal'' snags (bre fee See►/we
and n1.° 1ipp .cats of lanu',•rve ■5.
M. f f J elates and foetal ft . taro
eery Never/ repent. 1, ..'.tally
reeommrad It to all ansa e•a
Very Mpectfullr p,nn, -' -
Ctaum J IILt7tau.
PT. remiss, P Q. April 22. nal
Da, 11 3. Oven"* ....• i'ro.hn. h era♦ Vt.
Sent.: -1 base ..-.d r Mw orale. of your Kell.
me.. essays Gare can car • 1l,
•nl^.155* rafKlar tram Ines -
eats ts w '0' bad form..•rd me
any asst year Krn.t-11.1 tipsy
(Lire marl, in ant.. is and
-CSrye 1,p• mel'si end It ss he
Mesmmd Wet Mno. rid Ila.mr55
urge .0.45.1. Lindh maid
me we of yourelsabh-r..'k•.e• tatted "♦Thais
455 w mile lima." Yo.lr. r•.{ .',^.fell!•
1 r w'uLnslat
Pour "u.aw. Kat . Day et an
reIlius• i. (a' , Mnuebe•.a m.ie ate.
I aiwsya ►• •• •ear tiCa•.mlies
ee5 tkl..e.'.e1 1
5. 5 1,51.•r fe, •'1 is
.tam oiev 1115 do I
aW era at •leanro •Yee •.f itt•.rt.,.•
ANt.4ttab m•Q 1104,
not 11P•11 say ds•• sr diet
Omar offspring. Tours.11 &Vivant
Pre- lei nee set...... w. r.., t.•e few ea, s■
draws)... 'Mea r.r r:.n get •• 1 •. r•.e, ur 11 • at be
gnat• to 51 ltddwn
r• on 4vtrti
• of poi.. n
ponniiniOW IL J. grin 41.1. 00, rut: .l}.rah Fol.. VS,
501.5 BY A t.t. DItt litiINTw.
6udcitLC� , t t : i
1 h
Clrys al W Banat, J+.'
\tenntt..a ma 4
mea. hell. R 11.1 1' .
The best r.polaturs for lam •t .mach ,x.ekr•e•a•kal' 1fµ
and bowels, the beet euro for Minimums,
sack headache, aedigesta.w, and • 1 atter
tame arising from a disordered liver, are
w ithout escepli(.e Johnsen s Tonic Liter
Pi/1s. Breen in ease. surer anted. mild,
yet effective tali Me, per bottle wile by
O(aed., dreserat, Albs.. bleak. Oodr
Wk. mile nasal. [al
Mew yea seed a good, We Amebae,
ask your drapfis Inv a hoe of Aysv's
pi11a, sad you wilt Awd rhes they give
yodel* s.ts.fsetaw Pero 4sdlsasttear
Wiegliver, sod welt hesilaehs them Is
veseramesol them.
InpreteA Art..o .•
chlne,* lis-;,
ItrlM Ire 1est
NNtI) on M
Mad settees win ,
wmrt♦.l ear. u. 1
IL 11r•1a1.. pr. .•
.1 t
er e