HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-18, Page 5FALL DRY GOODS Our Exhibit of New Goods for this season is now open. YOU ARE INVITED I JOHN ACHESON. TQ!r-r ]E T SOPS i STANDARD ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. Ano A La.Oa (TOCK /NOY Tura REST AMERICAN MAKERS. A PMESg !SUPPLY 01 TYAT FAVORITE WHITE CASTILE TO HAND. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. NEW AND STYLISH MILLINERY! MRS- SAI ELIC wishes le 1 1lmate N tar aemnous oest.men, and the public ga.er*UJ. that ler Meek .f Fall - trimer MtBm fR7 Is tally asserted and comprises all I. latest glee than bare bees placed as this samoo s marks . badnmr Itae .t VELVETTA DRESS TRIMMINGS, all slates. in Steck. A gel >a iespectt.uy solicited. MRS SALKELD, N.rtb .ode .t Squire. THE MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT STILL LEADS THEM ALL WM- ACHESON, The Old Zstablbbed Hammes Maker, wishes to let the p.aof the County of Hares kmew tkaalt abee W at= largest stock d Shies Rani Doulale Harrow, Riding � Bridles I}eshg le=st m Rrtb prices .alb, r keWY to rNw bisem" wklel lee ook Were the New Year. I Cavite au wed iat..d perebael.gt a .emea sal Was baying elsewhere. Can th sad see e shampoo snob barmen matter N the Cueaty. Itemetabm the MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT, H o MILTO1ST -ST., GODERICH_ AU book .00.eam naval be settled by oseb or rote bstore 1 be lest of December. iIN. 177=17:1... =1 Ac3:1e0os1. DO YOU READ THE COSMOPOLITAN THAT BRIGHT. SPARKLING YOUNO MAGAZINE! 1 The Cheapest Illustrated 'tenthly in the World ! 25 CENTS A NUMEBR. $2.40 PER YEAR. $.$argue. a e....e. ll.I.r N ns Tows. Tint Ci.twpotawwtr is literally what the New Ter* noses calls It. "AA w press, the brlaheee , sumo .arced and base edaN et she ra/aebae.- SAN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY NM NEW sssDIS, iota NE WWM fit. The Cosmopolitan, per year, - - *2 40 The Huron Signal, " - 150 The priooe of the two publications, - 390 We will furnish both for only - - 2.60 This otter is only N astir subscribers N Tits Ctemouou,Asr, end only ter sae year. 'It Icas waw solIebes Is sash ember that ars spaJbwwab sed dower ealatereatiag Pavel um.sq of he seseempsrMMa"-Bee ss "THE �'MOPOLITAlf PU119 HIe mit THE TIENT TIME HI MAGAZINE RRA RE . .T= AT.» TRY IT FOR A YEAR. it win be a liberal Nueafer to .very member of the h. bait. ti win nab ya Baty ethv"e esse'u. 1t will glue you mere tor tM mop abash you sea .Maio be 1)0 ou want s first -claw Magazine, giving annually 1536 pore by the ablest writers, with more than 1500 illustrtion, by the cleverest artiste --as readable a Magazine as money can make ---a Magazine that shakes a specialty of live subjects t awes at. el r bow tto - - --e eau give es south ter the nonnd-p y."-rha�ace ea Send $9 50 to this Oeoe, and secure both The Cosmopolitan and The Huron Signal Envelo , Nott, Letter azid Ac- count Pa ere at "The Signal." 1"7110011,111M, 'PAIRErTT THZ HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 18, ' 9 LADIES CAN SHOP BY POSTAL CARD 1 Parties at • distance who eanrwt conveniently visit Brantford in Person, may have Samples sent them, of Dry Goods of all kinds, if they will write ua No charge and no need to order if not suited, We make it • business to attend to such letters QUICKLY, and when orders come we send the EXACT ARTICLE wanted at exactly the same price as other customers pay when here buying in per- son. Goods are sent by mail, express or freight, according to cir- cumstances, subject to return and refund of money if not satisfac- tory. Having trained and responsible clerks, who are able to use discretion in tilling orders, we are enabled to give Great Satisfac- tion to the many customers WHO LEAVE THEIR dHoICE TO IIS. With a reputation of over twenty years at retailing, we can- not afford to lose our good name by lack of proper services to absent customers. Write plainly and describe fully what is want- ed, and about the price desired. CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO., (Baccarat* to H. W. Brethour & (.b.,) s 9G Colborne -at, ERANTFO RD. GOODS, THE DRUGGIST Mates a speciality of FINE DISPENSING, PERSONAL ATTENTION, FINEST WORK, NIGHT ATTENDANCE_ TELEPHONE CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. If leo request at, your Physician will Move bis order it my Kstabliebmeat. Ma seoarisg you Limos advantages ad mese-ram charges. -We lead on -- HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES- Try sa ter SPONGES. TOILET ARTICLES. PERFUMERY. ETC. A hew pao.eiet that BEAUTIFUL MUSIC roves to Pubes yr% purchases. WO is stuck. )IcLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR, and all MMMT lading Potent Medici.oa W. C. G OO D E, li DRUUUIsT, ALBION BLOCK. WE HAVE GOT IT! eAer0.(. am bl ai4 cheap CARPET SWEEPER w wi:g t`�"em :'°h:►r ea. hes-pend esiL Waal wear 1M aaroet, and wwa't oast you a.ything for A TRIAL. WILL YOU HAVE ONE? Ws have also the famous KEYSTONE EGG -BEATER. which BRATS the world, sod WHIPS everything 1n a truly mechanical way. All other lines, as usual, are well selected and com ,plete for the fall trade. R. P. W I LK I N SQN & Co. LATEST Stir Y DES —IN— MIZ T121F'1%Y'_ We have now on band a complete stook of Pattern Hate and Bonnets, with Latest Novelties in Ribbons, Plashes and Trimming Inspection oor'dially invited. Miss >=3olan d., Auseesrr 1R Mks esh.m. w.rtytd FALL MILLINERY. 111188 CAMERON, Hamilton Street, begs to announoe that she has now in stook the latnet styles in fall Millinery, apeclas- ly imported from the British markets for this season's trade, which oornprise some of the most handsome goods ever seen in this section, including Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Shapes, Trimmed Goode, etc. A CALL SOLICIITED_ MISS C.ZIAZZEMOINT. WANTED N to sell teaks Nursery Mee y Weeklymu pay salary. .e eemnbl�1aagg beatws N rrMd. rlN f'nso. t r Reahester. N. Y. become .7 ovawm kp.0 M for esey tis it104 est. r Winos, Liquors, 8c TOR SALE BY G. H. PARSONS ALRiON BLOCK. 000ERICH' Fall and Winter GOODS. alts rsP uL-oourSRTnto. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAK rAST. a tk••eallb kasewtedas of the aisaul sail awl Isms movers she pes.tises sof 1y1 M-laaN• seryl M °"slew wf �>«n�w�tl wsbr tie se muster of biltthat • Iauai�ayegs�Ra d� may of 7 agitta�wlwi.710ver� Tat wit e wMhbrb d�h sr silk. is asoullkk: EtiA.nL ~ >diTilir - t7J131,110 rDDRM/B, Pittbros., - Beady made Clothing at PITT BROS. & CO. Prices to suit Pur- e. bit ST Mk OLIARED OTT. H. DUNLOP, ' 1111. The Tis r. W.5el. lapersers Canadian Apples. M elms wteserea.es...Ndw. MO.Consignments solicited and liberal advances made thersort. 1►4M 'ANOTHER STEP lu 1HE FRONT: OINIMEM AAC N: CA EIDAY, GROCER has removed flout Orabb'a Block, t.o Mc' ean's new Block Court -home square, into the rlate ass grocery store, :.,rd door west of Br :.,5 Exchange Ht,tel, 2 doors east 0 T. et- lor's Dry Goods Store, Where Both Old ud gee Oust ers till. be Welcome. I also intend to give Great Bargains i i Tess and Su:a•� I have just dot in a tine assortment of fancy Deli an of the very latest patterns 1u Brven Rustic Tea Sets, Slate Rustic '('es Seta, Enamelled Floral Tea Sett, Brown Rustic Dinner Sete, Slate Rustic Dinner Sete, Sage Rus- tic Dinner Sete, Blue B.Inak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Set., Begonia TI -ilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet AN, also a very tine assortment of plain Dell that will be sold cheap, an 1 1 intend to pay the highest price for Farmers' Produce. Thanking my Oustomers for past patronage, also soliciting thous further order{ Orders weli be deliver.,tl with pleasure to any pest of the Town I_ N- OAS S I D.A-Y-, tiederteb. Oot..t b. lett P ATE GL r)CERY. Look t = Look! T_ 1vr_ PRO'TRT=-90=' Has just received a large stock of he Finest Groceries and Dry Goods to be had for Money, and is selling at a very great reduction. Just give him a call and be satisfied. Also Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVER' D FREE. WIT - The GRAND DUCHESS RANGE See the Full Stock of SAUNDERS & SON. DISCOUNT. 1.wiabeg g teDisMrti m ES for ORMe- sad tle public geaensir Jly that I hate de ided to sr ttel.tlso.en' SPOT CASH. 5 per Dent of all purchases eft $1 00 sad less than $3.00 ; 10 per stat off all trorehasea of 53.00 and upward. On goods .d my own manufacture 6 per Bent will be allowed. I have es hand Poe of the largest stocks of BOOTS & SHOES in the Dominion. a detailed list of whish would occupy more space than the "Ego - NAL" A prepared to five ; suffice it to say it eumpriaes every desirable line to he found with the hest M.nefeoturers of Canada. Every lase is slimed, markdd BELOW ACTUAL VALUE and the above terms make my store the Cheapest place is Canada to buy your sheikh An amasses stock of RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES to every style both in Owsdian and Astoria*, Glove Goodyear maks, which are subject to the same LIBERAL TERMS. A Large Stock of ladies' Imported Kid Slippers, very 6tte. Call sad sea them. Oor. Bast -et. and 8gnare. E. DOWNING. WE GET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry, OUR STOCK IS OOMPLETE, and we can show you the finestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown is Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, FINE GROCERIES AND 7&UITt 0076. 311r L adrxLTOii-13T. Ee MQ1QLi311. wlslsale sag R.tell. R. 11. -Try Oas.line Vistas fs. Hemmer WNOTICE It Will . soon be time to make out accounts. "The Signal" does good printing and furnishes good paper. - - .