HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-18, Page 4TIO[ THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 18, 1889 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 8181111111111111111111 Md. HEAD UP$10R, TORONTO. 8 waiw� AL AAS ern ea muss Nausea w w'7mv1 • • • .► M. L WALKER, dlmRfiL iMONAMMIL • e'700r•••ee GODERICH BRANCH. kdi Gamut. Bammsls BLIBMMMM TmemaignI*. PAS Noris 011100 ar.Tts Deem MusD PAYABLE AT RLL POMO w °MI KI. amu Tsui P•INC$PAL CfTWA w TIS limns Sumo% SAT es TMN, Amines, Bissswa. as. •aruu•• MAIM SIM PARTIMMIt. meows OF 11I.o0 AND UPWAIIDS mf.metwum, AND 01111111111T NAM OF MrTgtsfv ALL Oath. NETOseT AOMMU TO Tam P I MpeMi AT THU _s OP MAT Algin wovamaMM NI MOW VIAS. •petn1 a1MnMsm Owes to Mae *.seethe of Onennwordied Pmpt., Lod Fmerner•' Salm. Roles. R. & WILLIAMS, Mamsica*. • Wier/haat le the lake will ovate to Bodo /man fignal rich, if it goer anywhere, sad after that u PvnmtMIN VERY FRIDAY MORNING IT Ise RmAM InunTiIN *Mat : NORTH- WHILST. OODLIUCH. 11 k • wideawake beatasatfpaper devoted ti coasts sews and the dimemia•tioa of .ss f al kaowidge. HAM e/ m ONSOIPTlsi t Now a . year; 72c. for six meat!. ; sac. for three menthe. It the sobsorltsttes to not mid la adverse* ubucriploa wUD be charged at the tate of 12.00 • year. A!♦I_it•1 S MATE/ c11w)pH T/d eam.r ea.W O.&.4 $ semests, lea eslaw! mr ret 1na.et.sa. arsd i aver der Itss L.rtlea. Measured by • a___1 Leal netlssm to .mapar'l.l type tc per lima v&al adtsea in ordinary reading type to pe Eselases cards of vii lines and ander 16 per Fear. Advrtamements of Lot, Found. Strayed, Vacant Situation wanted and Cbasoas Wanted, not e:c.ediag 1 .eapari.l $1 per sae.W. Weare on Sat and Farm. as Sale. Dot to gamed 1 tl.es. 11 for Arlt month, tat per sub- a.e.eat mark urger arts la 'proportion. W mastabsil sthe ob$oot of which is to �r�m�t� iM m.lsdi- vxaml er sapan!7,, to b. coesidered an ed pecuniary blit of say verlemmont Rad clamed •ccordtnety. TThess terms will V .0 ogres be strictly ad - ed rales ter Meier advertisements. or at LassssetN loesnrfod‘ Bade JOBBING DEPARTMENT. A /w ordeped Jobbing Once is carried eilemeonseetiea with the ordinary newspaper where firgtclaaa work is tamed oat rates. Everything 1. the Fria - Poetabe dose on the premises from aa to •visiting card. V eammuabations must be addressed to WeGILLICTUOT. Edgard Tun intra.. Tttltlesae tasL No. M O.dmtsh at. HURON SIGNAL. - PlIDAT, OCT. 18, 1890. THE RAILWAY QUESTION. About two weeks ago, at • sleeting of the Provisional Directors of the Gode- rich sod Wingbam Junction Railway Co., and other prominent reaideote of the town, it was decided to apply for s renewal of the charter, and the town council was requested to take the nesse- sary action to that end. At the meeting In question the nuts of the prpged hoe was die- ettttsa, did the p. ding opinion was favorable is • iMO h D•ogannoo, owing lle 1 that Md • route would Is roofs likely to secure sub- stantial bonuses from Wwanosh and Ashfield. There was a time when ob- jection to a railway to Goderich from Win/bass tie Dungaouou would be ap- posed by some of our residents, bot owing to the discussion of the subject in the columns of The StoitAt at various Duna during the put five years, the antipathy to the root• has now almost, if not entirely, dwwr peered, sod our people ars hand -in hand with the neighboring towns and villages in the promotion of •11 legiti- mate railwt.y schemes. This was fully exemplified in the recent action of the railway committee, the board of lade and the town council, and so mated were thew bodies upon the route trio Dungannon that the reeves of the town- phips through which • hoe touching that vl7kge would pins were named upcn the new proviaion•l board which was adopt ad by the railway committee two weeks ago• Notwithstanding these facts an effort hos been -made by certain persona, for what reason we are sot awars,lo create an impression that (;odench would oppose any route arming in from Dungannon, sod at • meeting held in that village on Saturday test, we understand Mr Meyer endeavored to inaugurate • new railway meanie with • terminus at Port Albert. Now, Tn. Szo,AL has no objection to Pers Albert getting • railway, if it am, Int we certainly object to Mr Meyer'. endeavoring to step In upon s okies .l - ready pre-empted. The God.ri.h a.d Wingbam J emetics road has been nu- des eoosideration for the peat three yearn A shatter was seemed, whi.b aaiortamstely was allowed to lapse, sad sow active steps are being takes to re- vive it. And whoa oa the h..k of this, kit Myer undertakes to week op a lin., the major portion of whieh is pert sad }gi.sl of that already projected, wink t►. IabeNioa of dinning the termiwe., we wlrtsiely feel booed to 1011 Mr Meyer ply that lbs Aka; *mast he dons. We haw ito has thee Mr Meyer', new pupas TM baa seems The road teem it Pprt Albert wants a spur Ooderich will sot obje.L But then must be no rowans: on our preserves by Mr Meyer or anyone else, sad we give din waning to that *feet to .11 wheat it may aos- eern. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. A West a tine Meat sew Pabite.tks. That lime Crass be It1ea& Thea Tars Or RMOwLIDaa. We have received from John Lovell s Sons, publishers, 13 sod 16 84 Nieho- las-d, Montreal, a espy of the novel, "The Tree Li Ksowtedre." by 0. M. Robins, the well known author of "Keep My Secret" sad .ether interesting stories. The book is well-written, end hasn't a dull page in it. On tale at Fraser A Porten' ; price 30e. cows: • LOTS TALI or MODERN atTrT. One of the Popular Series is "Zorab," b Elizahetb Balch. It is a tale of Modern Egypt, and is entertaining and Interesting thorougbout. Published by J. Theo. Robinson, Montreal. Pries 30o. Ou sale at the boomstalla. A MARDI nODaMM.AN. This interesting dory has reached us from the publisher, Wm Bryne, Toronto. The fact that "A Hardy Norseman" is by the popular author "Edon Lyall (Ada Ellen Bayly) is of itself a warranty as to its being • readable book. Price 2bc. On gals at the bookstalls. ALUa!t'a MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA. Careful examinatioo shows that In many respects this remarkable work is superior to any of its oompetitors, espe- cially in its adaption to popular one ; its combination of an unabridged diction- ary with the ordinary features of a cyclo - of universal knowledge is ucique. The de6uiticnal and pronunciation ..f the words are clear and accurate, the il- lustrations are eitalleot, the topic. are thoroughly treated and embrace the re- sults of the most recent investigations sad discoveries. Then,too,the extreme- ly low price places it witbn the reach of a11, Th. eighteenth volume is fully up to the high-water marc of its prede- cessors. 11 is especially rich in Ire bio- rraphtea We find sketches of Hall and Hayes, the Arctic ezplorrr• ; John Hall and Robert Hall, celebrated clergymen ; Hallam and Herodot.•, gnat historians; Haller, the philologist ; Alexander Hamilton, the statesman, and Sir Wil- liam Hamilton, the scientist ; Handel and Haydn, the musical composers ; Hanaib•1, the foe of Rome ; Hegel, the philosopher ; Heine, the poet,•nd Heng- steuberg, the theologian ; Hershel, the astronomer, sad many other men of »- Down. Among important articles in other lints are Hallucination ; Hand ; Hanseatic League, the famous trade union of the Middle Ates ; Harbor ; Hartford Convention, *pique and fam- ous in our political history ; Harvard Uoiverstty ; Hay ; Hayti ; Heat ; Heart ; Heaves ; Hal ; Heredity ; Heresy ; and Hisroglyphios. The forty volumes in whish this great work will be oompleted will tasks • splendid library. The price, which must advance as the work nears completion, is wonder- fully low. 1f received before Oct. 15, 1889, 117.90 will pay for a full est in cloth binding, or $56.90 for the ball moroeoo style. A specimen volume, which can be returned if cwt satisfactory, will be sent for 60 cent* in cloth, or 86 cents in half morocco. John B. Alden, nablisher, New York, Chicago and At - WIDE AWAKE TOR oCrOrnR, General 0. 0. Howard bas written an article for the young folks who read Wide Awake, which will also interest and enlighten their •Iden ; es refer to the little paper in the October number en - tuna "How many Indian* in the United States 1" In the asme Dorn bar Miss Rose Kiageley, Charles Kingsley'. daugh- ter, W • vsJnable contribution shoot "The Boy who Invested the Telegraph" Claude Chappa, a little French lad. 111E Goddard Orpen in her "Famous Stones" series, gives • very different page of French history in telling the story of "The Dia.o.d Necklace." After ex- cepting Mrs White's Pohle School Cook - o w paper &boat dainty preparations for eyelids, and the kindred one by Mn 0..azaa about "Sleep Slippen," anti Pntf. Starr's "Geologies! Talk," and Mn Olefin's "behavior" letter, Ibe remain- der of the number is given op to stories, posing and pictures, .11 of • moat ester- taining character ; notable arcs( the latter is Mr Hrid*man'. •meets/ Court Calendar and the eighteen Pnas Non - winos Animals, the most remarkable chapter knows of modern natural his tory. The poems implode eootribution. from ()Takata R. Tommie, lin Oaten T'h.xter sad Mrs Whites -Stone, all at their bast. The serials are llargarat !itdney'. "Peppers"sad Swan Cool- sdgia "Little insight of Labor." The short atonies, all tree owes, are ''Pates, cat Scotia,.•by Leigh Young. "Niche," by Ante H. Wayne, "Salem Oobraltars," by Mimb.N Merritt Geese, sod "Tom the Mgr hsp,'• by Mies Risley Seward, the hider • Isle of Wseitimegessi and the Resits illosinnins. Whit Awake is r•• rhir., Denies. p, M • Illsseeti ed.assa_i entree ...r... xi:filaLti MUM Asa The same.. et Mho Leine ,1g* far Ib. meat ending Oelobr Mb and 1 k have rhe Adiewkag assesses 1 hely DeittkeR, b the HsrehwAlienAde dodagno, ��� ceawry, • nan.inm Chummar inks, PerMttiNltt Leiser ; Wordsworth sod the Qas.tsek Hiro, Meli.sal i- Lewn's Wow ▪ .;dtline s UR- Mt.is die ilehtsooth ; TheOO is aoon te. T.J.stpBee ; The Orsio .li Modem Ow ..Fusser. Noticed away ; Patelli to Ira RIM Rale, bj MMwad A. Free- o ms, P.rigijhd, ; w•aa4 Pias, sea Osatphur Formes, ()swll.atsw'..H ; Lyse at the Cape : Wooed, a lrtboe Blechipooirs tk olsii '.~My meRail awz together with iestalanata el "Sir Charles Deaegrs" Rad "The Minister of Kin- dest,•, and poetry and muoell•oy. Fir Atty-two'naatbersof sins four lawn pages mash (or more than 3,300 mos • year) the out es.tptios price (08) m low ; while for e10 60 the publishers oar to mood Roy nae of the Americas $6.00 meotkltm cue weeklies with 1%. Liway Attt Co., forBo ago the pyear, both �Litton bera tm c&E♦ri♦g gumma. This new and elegant m.gesine le sun 10 plasm every Camedi•a women. It is devoted to Fashion, Art, Fussy Work, Flowers, Toilet, Home Deoorattoo, and Hoasebold Matters. It is handsomely illustrated, and 1. equal to any of the high-priced English sad American pobli- canoes It should be L every cultivat- ed home. To introduce it the publishers offer to send it three months oo trial for only 26c. Address The Canadian (iMutt, Toronto, Ont. NORTH HURON TEACHERS. eimi4As...i Me.Uag et the Ass.etasiam. The semi -andel astatine of the North Huron Teachers' Association was bold in the public school, Brussels, on Tbard.y and Friday of last week. The forenoon mud= of Thursday opened at 10:30 with an attendance of about 21 membra After Scripture reeding and prayer by the president, the manatee of the previous meeting were red and adopted. The president then delivered his opening address, in which be touched upon many points of interest to the teachers oreseot. He regretted the absence of so many members. He maid teachers ware paid for these days and should not regard them ea holidays to be partly *peat in visiting their friends. All should beo:me members of the Institute and not only be at the place of meeting punctually, but should also take an active part in the discussions. A com- mittee, oowisting of the president, the secretary and Mr (umpbeil was then appointed to assist the local teachers in preparing for the evening meeting. In the afternoon the attendance was greatly augmented by new arrivals pour- ing in. The secretary, A. H. Plummer, read the minutes of the forenoon session, which were at once adopted as read. Then a reporting committee was appotat- ed, consisting of Messrs Bowerman, Black, McFadzeao and Plummer. Com- mittees were next appointed on Resolu- tions, and General Busitam, after which • .ynopai• of the proceedings at the lest meeting of the Provincial Teachers' In- stitute was siren by the delegate, Mr Doig, who showed by his interesting and instructive report that E. Huron was pretty wall repreientsd at the Niagara meeting. A discussion theu arose between Mr Doig and Thos. Gibson, Esq., M.PP., who happened to be present, in which the former objected to reducing the grant to High Saooki, and asked the latter to explain the stead he took in the House on the Towhees' Seperanoea- tion Fend question. Mr Gibson proved equal to the cocasioo and very ally de- fended his position on both questions. Some ether points touched upon in the delegate's report were then discussed. Mr Doig held that the teachers did not receive much practical benefit in Normal and Model Schools. Too much time was there taken up in fine spun theories from Baldwin and Fitch. Messrs Tay- lor and Cornyn in reply defended the present system of training teachers in those schools. Mr D. Johnston thought that teasben should have the benefits of Normal training first before they began towbar. This plan was opposed by Merin Taylor, Blackwell and Cornyn, the latter saying it was good enough is theory bat impossible to pot into prac- tise on account of Inc expense young teachers would be pot to. Other points of miser interest were then brought up after which Mn B. Kirkman read • number of valuable extracts from a book entitled "Teachers and Teaching." Mr Clarkson next read a paper on the "Wants and Woes of Teachers," which was well received. The thew /rest woes he referred to were isolation, poverty, and the yearly eng•gemont. ; fur each of which be suggested remedies that would reduce the waste of te.ehen to a mini- mum. A motion t) have the paper pub- lished in toll is the local papers was car- ried by a large majority. To the evening an entertainment was given in the town hall. The program was • good one sed was well carried out. There was • large attendance and the proceeds amounted to over est About $ had to be taken out of this,, however, to defray expenses. Friday's session began at fl • m. After the raiding and adoption ofthe minutes of 'Thursday's meeting, Mr Blackwell read • very gag/esttw and practical gray os the teaching of Compoeiti •a. Thoughts, he j said, most precede words. The first thing to do is to get the pupils to Mink, after which they will have little dill.utty is getting words to express the ideas Show pictures sad set the elms to talk about them. The platers. in the read- ies loan's' ma them be used with groat advantage, the lewder asking gosh les- see is Part 1. and Pert II. of the FlrM Reader the basis of as oral Iangamas I. mus. He thea eeggeeted many valua- ble Mods of ..ereiemm for third acid loaelh ekess sod highly r eommcmded seine that he had tr»t in kis owe ssboel. Mr J. H. Otinys next toot up the euhjeet of Wrltiaq, with a elms of erase ev debt pupils from the lir..sels psbli. .sheet. He Orel pet msm writing trs the bleak/ward and thew fed' gaegMesed Ia. deem sad asked thews G esiltdee arms wind he pate• the bawd skellor to these soma mf them made e• their ahem is espy , his whin& He tree seed s• essay w the sesee.Eu1 t..ehnae of writing is Gisela He teeth- es pristine at the some time .a writhe', weave.. taesisg. Wwws perils to write with pencil N 8.d, Inaba all the pair Aphis hem Ai very Issideision. sad re - sial. Oossidsraends to wak� bdi erasion followed and tars Mr Oerk.os soda the follow - keg r..olmtios. (1) Resolved, thee the Pathe 8dool Marry is quite asastted 10 the .10.... ter whirl it i. authorised, and that a book writlea in .ie.pler kellee ..10.14 he suborn Orad as teem es possible. (Y) Resolved that 3rd doss seetid- eate..hoaY he made valid for five yens, that the Model 8ehool term alameM be extended to two .awiom., and that the holders of Thad doss o.rtil.ates be re- quired to .ped the rem•uder of the year es moistens ander supervision be- fore they an eligible to sesame fall charge of a .stool. (3.) Resolved, that la the opines of this Association the time has arrived for the total abolition of permits can* sr any tort. (4) That where s this Association hos repeatedly expressed ite disapproval of saiform promotioe e.amimation,Resels- ed, that we view the recast adios of the eos.ty comma in regard to the compul- sory introductioo of them examisations as aeotr•liaisg the spirit of the Depart- se•ta1 Rosslktioos. (5) Resolved, that the cordial thanks of this Association bs tendered to Revs J. Ross, 8. Boners, sad other kind frieods who misted in the program op Thursday *venire ; and also to the Brus- sels public school bused of treatise and the village ooascil for the use of the pub - lis school building and the tows hall. All the resdatioos were doped ex- cept the 2d and 4th, skid wen laid over till the next meeting. The ambit - meat of auditors was next made, and resulted i : F. Metcalf and N. H. Twang, of Blyth,beiog choose, after which it was decided that • change should tie made in the mode of electing oMoera. In the future voting will be done by ballot dur- ing the forenoon of the second day of the anneal meeting. Mr Alton Ander- son then read an interesting and in- structive paper cm Drawing. He said the timber should inculcate • lore of drawing in the young minds at Ent He illustrated bis points by drawings w the blackboard, which were vary well executed. After a few other matters wen attended to, the meeting adjourn - .4. C. Bow/mune. Teacher S. 8. No. 8, Grey. Mn McAllister, wife of Mr A. McAl- lister, Hay, died somewhat aaddeoly on Sunday last week. She was taken sick early in the week, and medial aid wag called in, but from the first the doctor held Do hope of her recovery. Her two sopa, who are living in Michigan, were telegraphed for, bat they arrived only in time to attend the funeral, which took place on Tuesday afternoon. Her re- mains, which were interred in Troyer's churchyard, were followed by a large prooessioe of sorrowing friends. The Union Factory, Wingbam, hos been taikitg for the past two or three mouths of shutting down for a tiz to in order to pot in new machinery, bot they find that it will be an utter impossibility to do so for some time yet, as they have many orders ahead. It is but four years since the firm commenced operation., and the progress they have since mads is immense. Wtelibate today would not be nearly so brisk as it is, without the two fermiers factories. C. C. Rimee:es & Co. Gent., -I took • waste cold, which settled in my throat and longe and sass- ed ass to mainly lose my voice. For six weeks I suffered great pain.. My wile advised lee to Try MIN 8RDB I- MENT and the effect was magical, for after only three doses and an outward application, my voles returned and I was able to speak in the Army that night, • privilege 1 had been unable to enjoy for YI weeks. CHARLES PLCMMIt. Yarmouth. lot HAT FOUND. -On Tsesdar mon. mg, a geed black stiff felt hat was fogad at the corner of East ..d Victorl••eta, with Initiate marked en Inside. The owner cgs have It by searing property set m for thh dvertMmt eesApply at this omos.laa VOTERS' LIST COURT. TOWN OF OODERICIL Nateheld eee its hheereby t teyvon that • ss -t will be �lLC on of the that 7saa of the milb sad sthe 8nstll a Ke• dost L e to ear ad to d error (rea�*ai forISM Llst of the All pmese@ bevies briiaem u the Court � earewired se et tit d said kine a MITCHELL terc Ooi.rtst. Oen Mk. 108. IM teaicai. ll RR. SHANNON A SHANNON, coop_ st Aeaceeeo.ehua V501.aa wow..1 rsnar flame - won. J. R 1711 17i1 travelling iuibe. 4RL RAND Tft1J RAILWAY. Trams arrive sad depart at 0dmw es fe lows : $E1 sa4 E AOarTM Mail . Am Mired ............... .......a...... p.m. alt Rad t}xp...., LM LIM lied vas OOG VIN. 111 DONE AT els GRAND DISPLAY 01' Tweeds and Coatings -7'0711-- FALL 8VITO AND OVERCOATS Our Tailoring Department is well stocked with Tweeds and Coatings from the coarsest Canadian tQ the finest French goods, which will be cut out free of charge, or made to order at exceedingly low prices. We guarantee the fit and finish equal to the best city trade. Call and inspect our choice stock of new goods. Great value in underclothing. J. A. REID & BRO.P- J..'ta s Block. Ooderteb, Out. lark, 1181 Dentistry. M N ICHOLSON, L D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS Eighth door MierO00.., Wast-eft.,on. 11111 - DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.B. SURGEON DENTIST. sad Thalami! Ate et mai Illgaidal eremitism Natural Ue Altl lkeeen Dawn MILL . Eetes'smseaW ML 1111-ty the PeoRte's Column. TO REMIT. Three roars Wheat., grad... ea deer. salt- •bl r r 11 odfiees :OMR ♦serf te >< It. L N. IS. FALL PLOUGHING. -I here 40 aerie ovams. lise .. a Milliaddsig Mia pori . restes st i is ens Ward ere Taamias,the natt MIL H. Y. ATTRIL. WANTED.- A GOOD GENERAL servant ♦ te MEM D. xcOlLL1CUDDY. TEACHER WANTED. A teacher with led elms certificate is went. ed for 8. 8. No. 1. Colborne. 'Maley school.) Female aao►sr preferred. Applications will he received up to the lib of Nov., 111R Ap- plication to state qualliestio.e sad Wary re. warted Addrees. ROBAIRT ♦iD. Wit. P. 0. rill/ACHE/1 WANTED. J. roe raids 8.8. No Il. AshAeld, • female teacher boldiag • seeded or third olaa. certi- ficate. Appifcatioam received up to the loth Nor, ditties to commence lot Jan. 100. Apply to CHAS HAWKINA, Std., 2i2t Sheptardtes P.O. BOARDERS WANTED. -MRS. W. Il. SHANNON is prepared to take four crave gentleman boarders for the veinier. Apply at the home, 8t. Patrick street. =At MUSIC CLASS. /dim S. Fraser has re -opened her music clams atter the sild.unttmrr vacation, ad hes • few vacancies for pupils. Apply for psal- mists to It. IL FRAMER, of mese Porter. l:me THE HURON HOTEL. =Mart -,-.TThlis� •.�ewrn eadd popular betel be bee. •ma m dew sseesa 1.nese 1a g.dip• tt 01 - resm a lr the travelling N►ijc. Geed far W ORL10. itesdss. Marek. Ont Proprietor. Legal. 0. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Re ogee. mestreet Dederick smover telegraph saes.lihrtars wP i vete FLAB to led at 6 per seat, IOW (ARROW a PoRODU�DFOOT, BAR Reseettera OoderiiobJJ. T. Osrnw, w : Preneteet. 17 CAMERON, HOLT a CAMIRON, 3oderie� Q.a; P.Telt. 1L O. Cameros. C C. Rem 1811 - Loans ane insurance. N. LEWIS. Barrister, Praetor is . Maritime Conn • Mosey to lees at 1 per cent.. private hinds. Straight loon, Is• area asyearly. Costs very moderate. For per.o.aW or write. 11 el IMAGER, CLERK FiRST DIVISION COURT. Con v gaster. Insurance. Agent. Rad Oeeerai Moms to Laid at Low Rate. ed C. Orrice Next Notes Discounted. Flusher, Ston, Cloderieb. LltLtt FJ.T.NAFTEL, LIPS, FIRM AND ACCIDENT IN- SURANCE AGENT, Retirement( Ninth British k Mrcants. Lorth Liver ool.1 .an Globe; Nb►}Lake ; Ame*see of North Annrles. AceH.nt gerair• !.west Rates. JASeam settled Macey to Less ea warm and Tema Omverser ret dean PwwNq a lan�dg, ate• Our'•- Csr. Nonfat and legner., 0cdrteb 711- $900.000 PRIVATE FONDS aero less. ea anti tetra 000 T() LOAN. APPLY TO �ON HOu.r &CAMERONyGod Leh. t MONEY TO LEND. --A LA RG 1 ass.aat of Petra* P..4. ler iavostmee a ti�wictttoit Amb R. RADCU7r , GENERAL INSURANCtt, REAL =TATS ass MMOeSSY WAImip AGENTUM way le M. Onf1114111=1".„ tier Tor Bale or to Let. L"AIUE, 1EIGHTYY AOREfi, N NHL - Fanta IR er I.R.O. =fit=gin IIai11..1 ve eea�.� MIM Caster Bke it gLod ter v Weil watered. baWtypi la geed re- pair. Ytssaeaafott by Snot October. Terms easy. IL EVAN& !sass O.1 tlt. xry. ,, Traits FOR BALK Part at the 8.5Mrir eutloa se Let InLiber viz 1• thervents ceaosssiea. Western hint - Iso, et tar Township of Ae►Sdti.L the O.nedy of Hama�,seeesartta•aug As asses of Had. sad le Mem es the tee"1l1Lltewn - �pssertt"��� •ad was May occupied by lir Metxyt leer tenni RadpartIeelers appy to Has 8OWERBY. er xERON, HOLT !eC♦K T0 RENT. -From October Flet, a tta rosined hese overlookiagg the harbor, with rood cellar. hart and .oft wear. tarok. sad half as OenIf desired. d pe 11-tf 0. NiCHOLiSON. FARM FOR SALE. -THAT VALU. 0, MA W N Colborne. 7.D0.Llama as west` e�r�a/ 1�ir ere. The 1st oempr res ea nom. .Ne re which are eleered, and the resermdier deme hardwood timber. O. tit t e y ma Rad stabile and a bruins• Fat M ales well watered. For further pertlsadssa early te EDWARD 8TRAUQH11 on the p ..W or by letter to '04I* P.O. FARM FOR 8A LK The adersigsea win oar for sale the fel- L,w very desirable tarnk o.j.a f tit Ila acres of Block F *In the mi oma. onatria of the Towoshly of blowup ,1. the (Army of Herm. 10 rips 1. Nast N ed *. am mese from. Carlow. se the �Mais 9 Read. Then M • good frame hsuaR •i e1NVe. almost new. 1t by 1L �tt�tC • Forge bars. e M 42,w'�. .1.4 1 by 14, attached. • id sae elawretiaS tie orchards la the towaship. It le • asvmoilMag series creek end • geed About Metres caarsd and tree free. There le se waste Lad el myMedal= pimahoGeed school wftht• reds of the Win be meld ea nameable term. For terns sad farther particulars apply to J NO. BRICCLEN RI IKi or ` JOSEPH licK WN; ea the prime... FIRST-CLAts BRICK HOUSE AND TwoLOT 10i R BALK ON, •T• PA he 87. = there an reeray. la rear asedireme memo eawg V Orb resin and Ake laths who give ` U124111MOLOORDO1t. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALL- That rateable pis•ty knem ea l01m, lfaltlad one.. 0eawlch Ie. within eau tulle of Ooderteh. Oa the •1sm o rha«.ho good trews me rid Idiotism. with prises 71 see . sof all tramp&es berm sis1.,Yahanks, =abuts applyt. Cm WeRanea p,.ea 1' R SALE CHEAP - 40 LOTS IN to 7 ores pa;O. 1 i 1.e.s se Os to THOR T►LTtiEgA 7A FARMS AND TOWN PRI:MUMt FOR SALL-Lot 13, to ]1Ndamd llm Colborne. scree -a wry Ise I tem Aim IBM A.harfa. 1.5 N�4tK q~r ares eI t .M0. cry ebesp.Leei esu. W awaersh. sae bioek. Pries Survey. Tows ef Lot lie, 4. suestonth Lick berme oat/ NW Lees M pfl,.jg,yg_rMYad pt.MCITows Ij 1� e� d Dimmi Leek0edertch, seamy 18/1 of as sae see Leek wkhla the b tem. Prior only MK ahem tieswill b..54 us sear Iffier ' VW= Apply to CN.B.-Moey to teed at rlvery W FOR SALE. West halt of bl11 Arob.r 8lraot, with Wed* S ma. fee. sigh. Mil uwwRea[roHaressM.eaisadi__Rtla•mtle Road. 1i sten helms ea gears Street. /at atom vis Server, epesslM we. sea ttels sgi •bwve a Tb* tTELe DAIMON It JOBAXTON -Amusements. GODSRI011 MDOHA1gICD' Ilr<87't= L• P.1 u5*.1 If 0D R E� OW MMaasett .fess ad Open tram 1 to I poi. and fauns 7 te le p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'$ 11i LiBRART) Lemiiny voilayt, Weeny mad illwairwed Pipers, Moro,shies,, As., eta gsa0Yngtree sm 1'IC[ yONLY W 1 • lAteeeisa. L m. rooneetpea 1y 8. MA LOOM��iVd..t, AE0. 877jjq, y tiederteb. �M 111b. M. RgmMarF rho Anctloneestnq. KNO2 0l11'IRAL Ave Y . 0.aeett\