HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-18, Page 1nUitatt GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY. OCT. 18, 1889. {LMCA 4.1111 It TuryC TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of change* must be left at this Office riot later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later jn Wednesday noon. Cas - WN *dvertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. sagas Noise& IIf athxsta notion ONO beat *shows «Tem Susie aJ medigs or eafer- 6sismeots ep whirl es slmiaien Jfss im mhlei/d, w frim whirl a settws ere SN* is Swive l. ...a is p.Id . r at the vete eiJ ow. emit per word earl isierfies, no chaps teem Merl /weedy -tie seta. Mem ad - err isrmesM of entwiwiesients enc inarrfd o brief loaf will w !ice fres MORN. Ata Wilms -et. Woodrow*. es Utk. On Retest sarker,.f • es.. IIM.a.n.-v Odarlsh, me_Wetlasseas. not lett the wile et Lees Wm YcL•d of • sea MARRIED. Pganues x -At Mama. on the tete t . h !!l. Pests ektwch. Mr 4.. Z. Pvidhon. et teederich, is Was Orme Rob - optima, eldest daughter of Mr John Rot- ermea, .1 Ui■tma DIED. ▪ vs -On ltd ems. Ooderich tswsabip.ea **■early, uct Mtk..Thossp.o. Greaves. amid M years. NEIN ADVERTISEMENTS. • Rena --L N. Lowls. Vella *sees -11. Jesese. •am.v.t-James Yates. )Amens -Mrs taRode. Om Fame -BsasAt.Moe. >AN Plemthfag-HJT. ARAL V.M.' !neat overt -Wm Mitchell. Val Mulls and Overeests-J. A. Reid k Bra Mere Remarkable T.ettmenale-J. M. Ma lamed. TOWN TOPICS. "t eAid'e owesse pa. table' metes, a' faith he'U perwt a." If y to see tie /.erg apso■ned phos te the west can at (iso. 8tewart'i year picture rates. Pomswy. - The asset mol. gen is a v. a Wirt pea. Ap- PO r • . meat. Uederiek. Th. Wemaai Cheistaa Temeer.ace Union .west a the Temporary* Ralf a "" Teesd.y mea iPa. ,rmastlus et • beldame The lumber et well dews* Odaslsh tan witte vino the cults a woK{ ovoid Y. tei,em! ~ tit was r. ceamy-sewu..g ddee buds= - the Veer augments. directed to eait sad ex- amw ear eines tins et iL of C esi ep Ooa ions saeRsopeAte /tats Dote seento ter 1 i . A ■uVlss rN M ter stere ecu. rlr auras aver .tdarL& oar mor.. YeoSee line el soave board,Soosi beab. shov- els. sea dm Jas. 8ic-taders! dor"` " loa- the AgZzreave cis elves la weespp evy'. Ye web • m yst a .. imitates et a W InN.r nehmen It waswho a vett that Alec. At east WadOK a: i d Jew _kac the www Aleut M imam wNf eaa eat to [aail.ir to vas let rr.vhM W..i :'` eze lama- BRIEFLE TS. Kim Rachel Gordon, of 86eppardtoo, is visiting friends in town. The Mises Nicholson have retried from their visit to the Mates. Mrs Hurry D. Arnold left Wedu.si y for her home is Owen Sound. Mies Ausebrook returned from • short visit to Beastford on Saturday. Mr Z. Qaspioo has moved into his brick resi4esse .n Nelson street. Mr Robert Thuesp.nn returned Wt week from his visit to Chicago. Rev G. W. Remy and wife. of Blyth, visited Godaeieit tee Tuesday last. Mrs linrto, aId ehildred returned to town from Ayr Tuesday afternoon. Dr Wine Holmes. county treasurer, *pest a few days in Toronto last week. Miss Minoant Miss Goderich, is visit- ing her cousin, !Miss Maud Johnston, Stratford. Dr KnDonagh will be in Godericb for 'teflon on the diet Saturday of very month. Mr W. Bendy, of Wiagham, was 'mg relatives in Sanford and God. - lest week. Kr Dress.sd returned from a h NMs1s1 east on Thursday even- Ilile/slfi edam, from prevent sp- iral Se ready for public ass New Year'.. Meg, who has been the guest of retuned to her horn., lent week. Cot, of Britannia Riad, atNs4sNs.ity in the chap. er tree is fell biome lest west. r Ssmwel Cot hes purtested from S Stokes the brick reeldssm en 8t street at prseat eeeepied by the Dr M N-ieholsos, the West-st dentist, rel 1 from Gehariek d last 8soday. Hew though about thugh MIS be work an the oitosi.m r town.-Brues, Pest. makes tke preservation el the sat. teeth a apesiskas y, Gadministered from 9 a. s. lot the *sloes extraction teeth. N. G. II 'whiter, who so emdsstly m pertered the duties of assistant prst- sasmr here fur a year past, bas takes a politics w the Gudertob post-ofliee. - Brsmds Post. As issovopposition in eoosition with the ns fotsiesme the Square was the supply- ing of Cupid with s seat drapery, whish wasedmissd by many, particularly t modest Cunt House officials. Persons wishing to improve thee m4eorise or strengthen their power o snootiest should send to Prof. Loiuette 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his exp prec tee poet tree, as advertised in soothem omens. 10-tf 1'6e neuter meeting of the tows sewn .11 will 1» betd this (Friday) .veslag. F. W. Kellwas hoose A full attendance of the membero of Eureka Commit No. 103, R T. of T., is segoested for Tuesday evening next, 22nd lost., at 7:30 o'clock sharp. it B. Smith A Co. have improved their premises by fitting op the rear por- tioo o' the store id a highly artistic man oar, and devoting it exolusively to veno:s and other fancy goods for lades. ✓ The evening clam (for writing, artth- f sang and book-ke.pieg) at the Meehan ie's Institute oommeooes at 7.30 p.m next Tuesday evening. All piracies ✓ who intend to take op the course should be present. Mrs Robs. Mcgaw stud family left tows on Thuraday morning last for Kee- watin, Ont., where they will join Mr Megaw, who has lately &closeted a posi- tso. is the large floor mill there. November 7th has boo proclaimed Tha.kseivi.g Day. Ws understand that the ladies of North -et. Methodist Ohara are making arraneemeots to bold their usual Harvest Home on that day. The town clerk has issued his notice for the *lection Arta consultor in St George's ward, sed a Soto is 8t Patrick's in place of the hue A Morton. The nomi• n ation wall be held on Monday, Oct 21. sod it • poll be demanded the election will be beta on Monday, Oct 28. FOOTBALl. -The Model school foot- ball club visited Clinton Thursday of last week sad played a match with the club there. The game was a draw, the sore standing 1 to 1. Another match w ill likely be played in Guderich in about two weeks. ArrotprtrtgT.-Clirtun Xno Era: Mr W. Campbell, of (kderich, bas finally been appointed postmaster of that pleas, and entered upon his duties ma the 1.t of October. There has been • lively struggle for the positton, but DO one can deny that Mr Campbell, in s polities oto, has earned the office. W believe he will make a faithful officer. Ora Mrars'a.-The ,War mentons then Robert Porter, M.P., of Simone was one of the interested spectators at the Fair in Goderich. No doubt he was also preparing to move to Oodertch o[ Clinton, as was promised during his mons he would do if elected, unless he thinks it would hardly be worth while for the Solstice of his term of office. - Clinton New Era The ssergetie and efficient town clerk has received 4ieiai notice of his appoint- ment to the position of postmaster of Goodericb, made vaoxot last Dassneber by the death of the late Arch. Dielmes, That Mr Campbell will proves h competent sod efficient poets/WO Shoe can be uo doubt, and that be dsesrtw the appoioteaent is universally admitted. -Exeter Times. The anneal meeting of the curling club was held on Tuesday evening, Oet. 8th, when R R. Watson was elected presi- dent, Wm Proudfoct, vice president, and C. A. Humber, secy-tress. Other tomes* of importance was transacted Water from the town service is to be put is the nuk, and electric light will likely follow. LiTRRASY Socnvy.-At the mauler meeting of the High &tbocl Literary Society last Friday evening Miss Halls was elected tiditres, after wbich the fol. lowing program was given :-Chor, Glee C:-Chorus ,Glee ; reading, Mies MacCormac recitation, Mise Winnie 8.11 ; choral, Glee Club ; reading, Mies Ruth Wil. hams ; recitation, Mies Crosier ; reed- ing, Mr H. 1. Strives ; reeding, Mr Boyd. Heins' 4L -An interesting eventtook place at the residence of Mrs 8 Pollock, Vtetogta stn, on Thursday, Oet. 10th, when his niece, Alias Elisabeth Hamil- ton, was joined in matrimony to Mr Albert Tbexton, of 8t. Thomas, Dakota. Tb. wedding was a quiet one, being oon- 6ned to relatives and near friends, and took place at the unconventional hour of 5 a.m., in order to allow the bridal wept* to take the early morning train ler the Est, preparatory t • setting out for their Western hosts The good wish- es of relatives and friends in thin section accompany them. Mr R. 8. Chilton, jr., private •aWr.- tary to Vice President Morton, of the United States, is the guest of his father at the American Consulate. He always has good weather when he Domes to town, and always has a good word to say of Ooderinh. The Amiss* will commence on Toes day, Oct 22nd, Mt Justice Rose presid- ing. Mr J F Later, of Sarna, will coo - duct the crown cases, which up to the present consist of the Blonde cheese factory burning case, and s cls. under the Charlton Act,agsinet John Crot,Jr., of Howick, The Toeing Men's Liberal Club of To- ronto have elected Mr R. U. McPherson president, and M. G. Cameron first riot - president. Tbe selections axe excellent. Mr Cameron is a son of the well-known Huron political leader, and has only lived in Toronto for a short time, bat he is able, popular and is boildog up • good business.-Loodoe Advertiser, AN IInPOSTAIIT Irrnovmr'IrT.-The new Soft gum and Practice Pedal attach meat to a Newcombe Upright Piano sense the nerves of the 'umlauts or per- former, when practising, as well as the instrument from wear, and preserves the tone. tf. How IT IS Dost --To build op • town e people must stick together like briok dust to • bar of soap. There most be nu wrangling or quarreling or jealousies among them. Property owners in town. must offer inducements to secure busi- ness ; must advertise in the local papers, and above all things must not expect to make • fortune io a year or two by es- tablishing monopolies and maintaining exclusive privilege.. -Ex. 8aevAnott ARMY Mrru-IANa, - Th. Canedis. Howvehold Band, led by Staff Capt McHardy, visited Goderieb last Monday and Tuesday, and held meetings in Victoria Hall. Their in.trwwents) and vocal music was well readered, and their testimonies and sf pests to the unsaved earnest and viscera, one relatiog that he had been an saconvwt- ed Elemsday school teacher for years, Clergies" Penniegtoo, sea of our towas- O ln, Mr W. Pe.siopo., la a s.isber of the bawd, which is.esposd of shoat twenty -foss young mea, who have de- dicated their lives to this week of trav- elling though the Dwtsidss--without pay-akinS op aelholins oh behalf .t the Ranee and Dr'soheeds' Rosas, Toronto. Macy sue Wily to the work of the Salvation Army sews the Mew women of that Sty. Is sevens seentba hese resolved into the Renee 114 wo- asd have gives on as stems 1,080 meals in a moneb. The *sweet expen- se. swosnt to $70 per week, is it is. be Been how .*.*nary M 1e be rsim mosey to terry es this good work. Devine their stay in town they mashed mot a ssmhw of times. and day Neely taste sad midiaty &ppm/ones of the bead boys wee appt4.Mtd by sassy mend* of the Amor. twee tots, of tgasi.sky, Ohio, "NO ` iMoNeesl la et Rey Father Roo. e ext lt, 10t 17 teen ►eer bo sew of Termite, Mies dssiag the week. tie left by the 4 p. ss., pais Iles - PLAT' Gens. -During the past few woke there has bees • large quantity of plate glass brought to town, and placed io position in a number if onr first -lase business stands. In addition to the quantity plaoed in McLean's new block, the stores of Meson C. A. Nairn, P. O'Dea and James Yates, (corner North - at. and Square,) have had handsome (meta placed en them, and taken all in all, the result has been a credit not only to the proprietors of the business places thus improved, but to the town at large - The plate glass brought in has been handled entirely by oar townsman, Mr Jas. Yates, and the success that has at - needed his efforts shows that he is a carefel dealer in that particular line. He makes plate glees a specialty, and is prepared to 611 all orders with careful- , nese and promptness, and at the lowest rates Tan SWILLED BRAD, -There is a class a men that are always too big for their serreundingt and have a l-fty con- tempt fir the little things by which they are surrounded A few of these exist in every town or village and the lick of prosperity and progress so painfully ap- parent in many places may he traced to their sinister infloenoe. They feel e contempt for everything about thew and are not slow in expressing It. They never speak well of the place in which they live, but always sneeringly or slightingly and, instead r f trying to build it op, they are waking a constant effort to pull it down. The moment a roan booms. so expanded that be finds the place too small for him, he ought to move out sod give himself room lo spread. He need not feel that his pleas will not be filled. The man who takes it may not he an ignorant and orneetted bet be may have a leveller head and mon eomnoa sees. - Ex. Rtant,tmoN or OoNDOLRNrgi. - At the regular meeting of Maple Leal Lodge, No, 27, A O.0 W., held last Monday, the following resolution was unanimous- ly paved : Whereas it has pleased the Almighty to. remove from our midid oar late Brother, Alexander Morton, who arted this life on Monday, (lot. 7, 18811, Resolved, that as, the members of Maple Leaf Lodge, Hoa 27. A. O. U. W., take this, the earliest opportunity, of tf.on reseed our deep sena, of the . Order sea body and mer Longe b perti.alar bee sustained by his reemov V. Asa washer of the Lodge be was highly esteemed, as is evide..ed by the feet that he bas held the highest p- sitions in the gift of the Leis. which he filled with weak to himstelf and honor to the Order. We feel thee by his re- moval we Imes Icer a. -Nmssd Blether, a vetoed Ales and a tree friend. Wei also done to,supress one tales re sympa- thy with Mira. Monne In her bereave - meet, ad oar ease* desire is that the rfe`.s% esneelaeboa at Heaven may rest spoil her in her l..slh n and sorrow, d that her sttuugth way be embed see to bete beide. of ane, soli ob. le veined ret. his Well ewe is the BsTet luno loo, Row . P. HAleis 1K. !I ,11r Kao: Marsh Kasha Hand e.taraia- anent will be held nest Th.raday even- ing, Oct. 241b, in the eker.h basement. A novel advertisement (roe Mac Oonaac, ilia tailor, mane in too late for insertion this week. He quotes an authority on dress that no ono will dis- pute, and those who want to follow good advice from $ reliable source will do well to read it a•refelly next week, and act upon the seggestioo offered Hwa SCmOOL.-The following are the mases, in order of merit, of the seven pupils who obtained the highest stand- ing over 50 per coat at the written ex- amination in the Junior Division .t the end o.f last month: Peter Foley, Morrie Ticbbuaros, Otway Stewart, John Kin - Stan, Pearl Strang, John Old, Wesley Reid. BONED or TRADE. -A meeting of the board was held an the Town Clerk', omoe last Wednesday *visaing, when some general business was transacted. The secretary was instructed to write Mr Henry Beaty, manager of the C. P. R 00.'4 line of boats, and maks enquiries as to the placing of Godericb on their route fur the seaeou of 1890, when the oompsny's new road to Windsor is ex- pected to be an operation. The railway question was discussed, nod a resolution adopted armoring of the action of the town council in making application for a renewal of the Guderiob sod Wingh.m charter. IMPERIAL F•D"ATION D.aaTs -The Young Moo's Liberal Club held their first public debate last Tuesday evening. Owing to some mistake the doors were not upen until after 8 o'clock, and es s consequence quite a mustier went away The debate, which was on the subject of Iesperial;Federatioo,we taken part in by J. D. Sws..ow, in favor of federation, and G. F. Blair, who favored indepen- dence, as being mire in the interests o.1 Canada end the whole Empires The question, after being debated, was Tett to the house to gives decision, bot when the vote was taken it was found that the audience was equally divided. The Italian band was present and added to the evening'. entertainment. The de- baters telt that, had it not been for the presence of so many ladies in the audi- os, they would have had Tittle encour- agement to proceed. The president an- nounced another debate for an early date ; notice of subject to he given at as early a date as possible. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLOR* - That liuderich is fast taking • front place asuagst the thriving towns of Canada is an acknowledged fact, and we were particularly reminded of this o. Wednesday last while paying $ visit to the new tonsorial parlors of Mr J. H. Williams, which he has established in McLean's new block on the Squat*. The apartments are fitted oat in the moat modern style, one of thS features being • handsome ssve.-sarered dress- ing case, which has bees apssialiy manu- factured for Mr Williams, and is a unique piece of furniture in its way. The parlor is well lighted by electricity, and is heated by • furnace of Ake latest de- sign. There are hot and cold baths on the premises, which are at the disposal of his customers at all hours. Taken all in all the parlor is the neatest and best that we have yet seen, either in city or town in Canada, and we congratulate our townsman upon having made an innovation which reflects credit alike upon himself and the town in which he lives. NORTH -.'r METHODIST Cnui o B Itztiv- AL Saerie s. -The revival services in North -at church, which were initiated nearly three weeks ago by Rev David Savage, the evangelist, .re still being tarried on. Mcnday last Mr Savage made his final appearance, having been summoned to Watford to take chars. of a union revival at that place under the auspices of the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Episcopal bodies. During his presence in Goderich, the evangelist spired no effort to make the services a success, and the fact that the fruits of his labors have not been mere apparent can be sttrihuted to no lack of seal on his part. Since the departure of Mr Savage the settioes have been oonduoted Sy the pastor, Rev Geo. Richardson, is an earnest and forcible manner, and if he were thoroughly sec -sorted by the members of his congregation it is believ- ed good result. woeld cbtain. For some reason or other there ia a coldness and apathy visible in the congregation, and • .peetator would hard! believe he was beholding • good oI fashioned, Methodist rewire', ,.cit as was in vogue in years gonohy. Then doesn't appear to be the thorough waking up of the wombs, that one would expect at a Methodist revival service, and if the members sleep how nen the undo averted be awakened -"If the watchman sleep," So. Tits Siowat is not a danse iaatioe- al newspaper, but we want to see every- tkiieg trout retiree to polities ro with a boom, and if onr Meade the Methodists stens their prawn week to be a seems, they mese fled out what seem the apeNy sad root i1 net. if w. were Methodist we would ery out, "Brethren, what la the reason for this •eethy t" and w wneld sot rest until we had ferreted h Ont. The Parkhill Review ways of Kr O L Ball's essaesacr le dsaferth : "Dr Ker. rim raulwed to &*shut► Inst Waage. day. w1Nw he has Mesar/ a IssrM4.e end w.8 othellhhsd denial baelsen. Dr Wertes w e Mt -dr fol Y x18 hepnelasete d hbrs j= We awe room Parkhill mid set raisin Mo." ASHFIELD BRANCH -4111. AO SOCIETY. 1 Toss, 2d Jas fsymiagto.; voMeetistt 10usep lastta,a• J W aid, Si A BpsssL Following is toe en list of socs,ful ex- hibitors at the slow recettcly held at Diminution ender nue hauspices of theLaded('LLaded('IN Breach Agricultural Society :- Lof Moe W I■■ere as else serest ao.■- -hien yards mien Goma, H. Rutaerfoed, 2d Chas De rein; pair wool blankets, Wm Jones, 2d Gor- don Voting; collection cabinet ware. let and 24 A. Sproul; cullectioo tin- ware. Jas. Whyard ; best made pair pasta, let and 2d W 0 Girvin. LADts.+' Wo.. -Tutting, !lies 8ym- isgtun, 21 Mrs Colin Campbell; Grus►s& work, Thus Hamilton; embroidery i• linen, Chas Durnin; embroidery in muslin, Alias Sy mission, 2d Miss Jostle; embroidery in outtou, Miss Symington; braiding, Thus Hamilton, 24 !live Jones; toilet never, Mrs Colin Camp- bell, 2d Jennie Mouth ; bead work, Mins Jones. 2e1 Mn Coli. Campbell; fancy knitting, Apse Syiningtoo, 23 Miss Jones; patched quilt in wool, Thou Hamelnies, 23 Chu Di.Tnin; (easy petal work, Mus Symington, 2d Miss Wood.; patched quilt in cotton, Mrs Colin Campbell, 24 The Hamilton; Berlin wool flat, Miss Symington, 2d Yrs Colin Campbell; Berlin wool raised, Mas Symington, 24 Mrs Cutin Camp- bell ; embroidery in wonted or .ilk, Mrs Colin Campbell, 21 !Lisa Sysi■g- ton ; Burlin wool flowers, Miss Mal - lough, 3d Chas Durgin; linea shirt, hand made, unwashed, Thos Hamilton, 24 Miss T Buchanan; boom shirt, maosiw made, unwashed, Mise T. Buchanan, 241 Thos Hamiluro; pair knit mitts, hand mad., Thus Hamilton, 24 Miss 1' Buchanan; pair knit stocking., Mrs Anderson, 24 Mrs Gordon Yong; pair knit omits, Thus Hamilton, 2d Gordon Young; sof. cushion, Thus Hamilton, 2d Mims Jones; p.Uow shams, Mese T Bohemian, 24 Mise Symington; point lses, Mw Sysingtos; macrame work, Thos /fealties, 2d Miss Woods; fancy flannel shirt, Miss T Baoh- • naa, 2.1 The Hamilton; crazy patch- w rk, Jennie Munch, 23 Mies Syming- ton; tong cabin quilt, Thos Hamilton, 23 Mrs Colin Campbell; crewel work, Miss Jules, 21 Mise Woods; white counter- pane, Miss Symington, 2d Mas Ruther- ford ; arisen. work, Mrs Colin Camp- bell, 21 lie.. Jones; suit ladies' under- wear, Mese Symington, 24 Jennie Match; denied net, Miss Symington, 24 Mrs Cutin Campbell; dare on suck or .toot- ing, Miss T Buchanan, 2d Thoo Hamil- ton; tinsel work, Mrs James Lan., 2d Miss Jones; wax work, Ain Colin Camp- bell, 24 Mrs James Lane; best and greatest cnllsotion o,f ladies' work, usefnl or ornamentsi, the wurir of one person, Jennie !latch, 24:1 Mrs Colin Campbell, 33 Mise Symogton; specimen of pea manahip by boy under 15 year*, Andrew Stewart, 94 John Stewart, 31 George Durnin; specimen of penmanship by girl • ander 15 years, Mia P Crawford, 241 Mise Symington, 31 Mho S Coke. Jeanne. - Horses. - P. McKaoxie, Alex Nicholson, Wm Dankeld. Cattle. - li rbt Fraser, David Jardine, Juba Varcoe. Sheep, Swine, Paul;ry and Carriages -Wm Andersen, George Cat - rel, John Johnston. Grain and Daisy Products.- Chas Robinson, Joh* Lase, B Augustine. Vegetables, Fruit and Manufactures. -John Stewart, Joke Y Buchanan, Geo Cux. Ladies' Work. - Mrs W McArthur, Mrs Varooe, Mir P..dcl:f, Mrs H Morris. Hessen. -Heavy Draught. - Brood awe having raved foal in 1889, WAR King, 2d Tbo. Andersen; tw .-year-.old 6ily, Win Young, 24 Wm Cameron; two- year-old gelding, Thin Anderson; foal of 1889. Geo Correll, 3d A ft Anderson; span heavy draught horses, Wu. Y meg, 2.41 T Hamilton. Agricultural -Brood mare, banes raised full in 1889, A R Anderson, 2d 0 Curran; two-year-old 611y, Walter Stuart; two year old geld- ing, John McLean, 2d Ws McKnight; one-year old filly, Cha. Durnin; one- year -old gelding, Wm Cameron, 2d Th -ie Anderson; teal of 1889. Wm King, 2d Ed YcQuilliu; span general purpose hor- ses, John McLean, 24 Rohit Medd; one. year-old entire cult, J O Stewart, 21 A R Anderwo Road an4 Carriage -- Broad mare, having raised foal in 1889, Ju A Wilson, 21 Wm Lase; two-year- old filly, Jobn McGarry, 2d R Mul- lin; two-year-old geldia;, H Girvin; one- year -old filly, Wm Malloagh, 2d H Girvin; one-year 4.14 gelding, R Mu:lin; foal of 1889, Win Mallough, 2d Wm Lane; span carriage horses, G Graham, 2d Robt Medd; buffo horse, Thomas Anderson, 2d Geo A Greer. Correa. -Thoroughbred. -Mulch cow, having ruined or with calf in 1889, Tete Aodereon, 21 Win Kilpatrick; one year old heifer, tat and 21 Thos Andersen; heifer calf of 1889, Thus Anderson, 23 Win Kilpatrick; buil calf of 1849, 1st and 2d Thus Anderson; aged bull, two years and over, Thoma A nderson; bull under two years old, ^'m Kilpatrick; herd of threw females and one male, Thom Anderson. Grade Cattle -Mitch cow, having raised or with calf in 1889, M McBrien, 2d and 3d Robt Medd; two-year-old heifer. let and 24 Root Medd, 31 David Jardine ; one year-old heifer, Robt Medd. 2.1 Moses McBrien ; steer calf of 1889, John McLean 24 Moves McBrien ; heifer calf of 1889. John McLean, 24 Walter Stewart; fat- ted ox or steer, 1st and 23 B Girein ; fated sow or heifer, John McLean, 21 Jos A Mallough ; yoke working Oxen, Paul &enliser; two-year-old steer, Moose McBries, 21 11 Girths ; one year-old steer, Robe Medd, 2d Jo. A Malough. Buser -Long Wooled. -Aged ras, Wm McAllister, 2d J (1 Stewart ; pair aged ewes, raising lambs in 1889, .1 0 Stewart ; pair *heat -ling ewes, 1st sad 2d J 0 Stewart ; pair ewe lambs, J 0 Stewart ; ram lamb, J 0 Stewart Short Wouled.-Aged ram, Jae Lane ; shear:log ram, Oleo Bros., 2d J 0 Stewart ; pair aged ewes, raising iambs in 1889, Gleo Box., 21 Jas Lane ; pair shearlisg ewes, Glen Bros , 2d J 0 Stewart ; pair ewe Iambs, Glen Brox., 23 Jas Lane; ram lamb, 1st and 44 Glen Bros Pins. -Any breed. -Boar, James Lane. Pomo. -Game, tat and 21 k McLean; white !.thorn, Robs. Mutcb ; brown leg horn, 1st and 24 R McLean ; Poymouth Rock, Jas Laa., 24 11 Rutherford ; brahma, 1st end 2d S McLean ; block Spanish. 1st and 24 R Mabeaa ; Hom- burgs, R McLean; bantams, let and 24 R McLean; barn -yard fowls, 1st and 21 R McLean; geese. Jae Lane; duck., Jas Lane, 2d Wm McAllister; turkeys, R McLean; Cochin, tested 2d R McLean. CAwRIAGsi, Er.'. -Oasis baggy, Is and 2d Adam Theesp.oa. Highly coin - mended. -Single berry, John Brydgee; iron harrows, Adam Tttumpeon. GRAIN -Tao bushels fall wheat, Wm Jones, 2J Wm McAllister; two bushels spring wheat, John Salkeld; two bushels barley, John Salkeld, 24 Thos Hamil- ton; tem bushels small peas, Thom Ham- ilton, 2a Paul Semites; two bushels nuts, Thom Hamilton, 2d Wm Mc/Ube- ter; two bushels timothy seed, John Salkeld. DAIRY. -:r Ibis table butter, C Durnin, 21 H Rutherford; 20 Ihs Docked butter, H Girvin, 3d Peal Reid; jar hooey, Gordon Young, 2d Joe A Malloagh; loaf home made bread, Jos A Mallough, 2d John Melloagb; G the honey in comb, Robt Mulch, jr. Highly commended. -2 bottles wine, Gordo* Youch: white beans, Gordon Yowag. V r4 ET a n LEA, -Tito named varieties Dotatoes, peck each, Chasacey Brows, 21 Geo Harris: five heads cabbage, Thos Hamilton; nine blood beets, Thee Hamilton, 2d John Salkeld; nine man - golds, Chsuneey Brown, 24 Jas Rose; nine Swede tornipm, Rube Match, 24 Ws Mallougtt nine long orange carrots, A Sproul, 2d '!'boo Hamiltomk nine white Belgian carrots, Geo Harass, 2d David Jardine: Wee early horn *smuts, T Hamilton, 23 G Harris; peck onions, Gordon Young, 24 Jahn Salkeld; peck tomatoes, Geo Tomei; twelve earns corn, John Salkeld. 24 David Jardine; Dump- I kin, Thos Aaderaon, 2d Gen Harris; . qw*.b, T Hemihos; four watermelons, Geo Harris, 2d T Hamilton; four heads easlil.trer, A 8preel, 24 Robt Mote►; six hems misty, Geo Harrel, 2d Alam Theapsea; that *limen, T Hamitto*, SI Gordon 6ssuig;; oelfeetio. '.t games veritable., A Fatter atter -- Farr named seriatim winter apple*, her of ..ch, J no 8.Ikeld, Ad Wm Jens; tear named vari- e ties fall solea, her of wh.Wm Jose.; two sassed tortoise pears, Jobs Bothell, 24 W. loses; edl..tioa grapes, Geo Harris. 24 Jia Symington; plate peach- e s, This Harris, SI Jas Sysbg?oe. plate spoke,grab gar4.. limn, Jr Sia Ingtos; ; ea8sa! rjrdrn , Ovee LEEBLJ RN. Prom our owa correspondent. The voters' list court of this town- ship saw the attendance of some of our residents interested in haying a right to mark an X for their favorite candidata• bomber five school was shaded by R. R. Sallows' camera, last Friday, two views of it with its teacher, P. Stuart, and scholars being taxon. Willie Linklater has again gone to Edgar, and will be much missed by his schoolmate* of No. 9 8. tt , Dunlop. Go his route there he visited his uncle, G H. Clutton, at etratford. A taffy social will be held in the Tem- perance Hall, Thursday evening,the 24th inst. Proceeds to aid in white -washing the church and getting matting tor the aisle. A good program will be given by the local talent. Admittance, adults 15 ., for children under 1.1 years 1Oc. H. Street, formerly of the Empire State, but now of lis cra, who visited in oar midst some five yeah ego, teamed ease after $ pleasant sty o.f over a fortnight. the guest of H. lelloor, and during his sojourn took a view of the Beasiller Fells, and smell admired the scenery about then and Godericb. This time Mr S. was rather disappointed in not getting President Clenelsnd to rob troche R.s'e vast t:.main for another term of yeah. Euritartnn err. -There was a Brood attendance at the entertainment gives ander the %.spines of Lamborn church Oa Thereday evening of last weak. Meese Maws and Stiren exhibited their daseltriog .1ews, the latter making the necessary expianstioas se ..oh view was promoted. The repr sentatieue drew forth e.thnsisem from the sudi- ruce, especially when the genial fees of terve Beek, who was referred to se "else of the coming p•rti century easdidna*," beamed frost the setae. The Asir was occupied by Mr Donald Cwo- siegs, and a suitable program of 'Seise music 61 aeleetios. was •leo preeested. Miss Horton presided at the omen. A seesaws. vote of thanks was paSed to Messrs Senors lied Steven, and they were invited to give soother estertai.- ON* during the ant wins as•.oe. Kim lean tUampatl. tsaeb.r et Woe- thump, ie- r bas beet enable to tats& depot theist. Awe weeks, and is quite (l *2 visor has takes her place in the sive.+ time.