HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-4, Page 7el mem TIIE MINOR 81G!AL, leRIDAY, OCT. 4, 1$119 - 111111Mor es swifts. Th. Velar mtuag-recta should hareem beer WitenesieMt i• the home This ma he we other lbaa fMet with unwisely Vutlook. 1!< MOIL toes are more sheet! dtwntmi with wet tit cad true - ore ma de 411sr, ..d there. mm ted oar pines gama hat s Moe tee winter Mom*:: plan se thethat are wen mown bet hay newer bedded, it pr..ible. Ivies shoe be set remote frees the ale.•, u its th widows at an ; though they ions hest shady ionise mad pleat of drilla, ss they are both wile. by nature sed teeeni in tate rpsea firmly Geraniums should be he Iml7 Period is risk soil, end he givee plenty of sem Mibi Dotty are the plants athiskiy set wttb teeny branches do not neglect to sip oil the last two haves of such sew branch es it attains a growth of arse or snore fear inches. Nothing is dieheart- e.tas to a lower of Sowers theeto be shown a .amain that Peas seat upward for two feet, perhaps, tee, three, or fear reek, t he mei with a few ►t heed, keg leaves •p and • its t, MIL Mobile, a military d beds at the spindled out top, mad t0 hawe ie too easily tlettsb.d ositi- trstur intrude°. it gw►tualy with "Do sem how aim my plata are doing ; areal th O.tall r' e who knows a healthy plant, with the tree iosttact of a flower physician, th heels e same sort of indigestion with mof the aete.r, sod the sasse sort pima for the piathat the bendy p`yeisise feels when some silly momma is proud of the eery physicm al weatnsee that, is her ig.o.anee, she has drat mas eaemei d the. iwtsmfed ; he sees the does Pad—so ds the Sower lover. The tall, ba pale -hued pleat s not bee. properly restrained, disciplined or fed, so that it is like the sedieciplioed, ill -fed child, $ m sect of oesttossty that ter after training MO SWer quite restore to what should have beets its normal etAte of health and beus- demos,As the child may be improved by for- tunately passing out from the unwise us - demos, perhaps tato a reformatory, so the phut may ha titan become more promotable, if its owner) will cut the re baches off ruthlessly within fine inches of die root, and thio persistently nip beck each branch, a d before suggested. If the plant's constitution has not been broken, i. e., its routs weakened, ie a few month. one cea have wales syr be • • 7 ore the le • Id 4 a metrical plant. • If a plant Its. • Madam to grow tbnftiiy owe side and in a weakly way o• the other, keep the sock side toward the sea, and penistestly eat back the breaches on the other. Do Dot let the earth In the pots get either baked hard nor dry and dually ; setae, err oat the other aide and keep them in s stmt. re- utrbling • sod -paddle. Bee bow ma- ture waters her pleats ; a heal rain, and then they are permitted te dry off ocosaionally. When the leaves of a ; lint sulteo mad tarn yellow. it smelly mesas, "Yoe bate given me so mach w ater I am sick at my stomach. A baby could threw it off ; I an ter, so I ma di.." Heed this yellow masa aid that elms of pleats less water. Queen Victoria las a remarkably fine !teed of hair, fora lady of her age ; but 1, er son, the Prince of Wales. is quite bald. Had he need Ayer's Hair \ Rigor earlier to lite, his head might, today, have been as well covered as that of his royal mother. It 's not too late yet. Ar, tis .sarodea It is natural to .eery imam to aids for distinction ; and the praise of those who ern confer honor by their praise, in spite of all false pbil..ophy, is sweet to every beano heart ; but as eminence mw be the lot of beta few, penisce of obscurity is a duty which we owe act more to our own happiness than to tie quiet oS the world at lanes. Give a loose, if you are young mad ambitious, to that spirit which throbs within you ; measure yourself with your equal., and learn from frequent oompetition.the place leach nature has allotted you ; make of i1 no mean battle, bet strive hard : strengthen your soul to the search of troth, and follow test spectre of excel- lence which beckons you on beyond the walls of the world to something better than man has yet dose. It may be, you shall beret out into light and glory et the lame ; but if fmint failure con- vinces you of that mediocrity of nature which is incompatible with groat marine submit wisely and cheerfully to your lot; let no mean spirit of revenge Tempt 700 to throw .off your loyalty to your country, and to prefer • vicious celebrity to obscurity crowned with piety sad virtue. If yon can throw new light up- on moral truth, or by any exertions multiply the comforts, or confirm the happiness of mankind, this fame guide* Intl to the true ends of your nature ; but in the name of God, as ye° tremble at retributive justice, and in the name of mankind, if mankind he dear to you, *"••k not that easy and swursed fame which is gathered in the work of revolw- i"n• ; and deem it better to be forever "lumen than to found a momentary •me npon the beset of anarchy and ir- eligien. %eerier, .ttaebrd. 'r"•' '!'rely snacked with diarrbees the pain waw intensn and h, 1 eonld not Nye till morning. ,•e o1 Dr Fowler's Wild Straw- ' uteri me and I have riot had the •r 'I' m of it sines. Mrs Alice ,•7"11'111 Hamihott, Ont Tuft lifter Tarr. --- • Lew tbowetd len- ed note and receipt, torus have jest n Printed lewd mswnfactursd into Its at Tea flutes ., which are ahead I anything of the tied res hay• let R"red for salts, being booted in heavy e"t"'ar'd ravers• with cloth lacks and war" •t,tched, and of a ante that may be ^monad is any ordin• ll seri eat.'re, shop and Mlles mea weemal., lart,• gsantity op into ped. of '0 eereiple smelt The pries are eery sable. Call and nee them at T. Memos - A Rimier, to one dross kliftekr • t"any ono wwwdln;the Wit hie •'r* i atone v the resseirehle e• .r the Tooth end Hutt.. Ai The Illktw.. sharer. There arts serials ample fame le re. heed' to the Mre et the shat that seer? 71sal,eag girl *said kaow bolero she M Pb apihssoave. shoes •f her owa.ed y there arefew w°of making s will. •wp tea, oe • pesos et meet properly. It use ha. sewer W the sane of am iavaiid, there sear he Nene memo for mot knowing emetically bow to make a pomades, but ea. eta at least iodate herself as far as theory goes. ►A cold, lams, wallas is positively Te make a hammed poaltio*, pour s gss.tity of wasel water tutu a tits basin, stood On the hack of the nays, anti scatter in the Bossed meal, stirring with • knife esti/ of • proper cuttsisteeey. Ie the me of the water you mum be gov- greed by the sae of the poultice regain et If it a too dry it will not h.I.1 togeth- er ; if too wet it is damp and aoo.nfor- table. It s►oeld he motet, without be- ing sloppy. Now take a coma piece of innate • ouuple of inches Tatler than th. poultice N to be, spread it with the mixture, cover with another piece of muslin, and quickly baste over as iamb all aroved. Do this withoet re - amebae it frame the bot dish, on which it should be carried to the bedside. If it is oeemeary to fasten it on, do that w ith folds of bandaging, and Dover wttb a compress of flannel lo retain the beat. A piece of oil silk is is. clumsy and will keep moisture from tate bed clothes. Then are many difereot formulas for preparing beet ter, bet the simplest and bast is as follows : Cover one pound of leen beef from the round with • pint of cold water. Have the butcher chop it Bee as for Hamburger steak ; beet it in the water with a silver fork fur ten min- utes ; place over the firs, simmer for twenty Quante., strain and set aside to cool, in order to remove any little flakes of fat that may form. When ready to serve, make it bot, season with salt cooly, and serve with thio, brown tomtit, or little w•lercraokerm,—Amenua Agri culturiat ler July. Triad t Tested t Preyed t A year ago last summer I was trou- bled with dysentery. 1 procured Dr Fow- ler a Retract of Wild Strawberry and took according to directions, which oom pletely cured me. Robert E. Green, Lyndhurst, Ont. This medicine cures all loo eoese of the bowels. Tib (barn era Sweet a.ure. I met, the other day, one of the most fashionable women of the city, and thing •boat her tbat charmed w the most was her perfectly trained v sloe It was low and melodious, never raised above • certain pitch, but her enuncia- tion was perfectly clear. A sweet, low voice is one of the most seductive charms in • woman, and yet how seldom rocs is found. The majority of women do not seem to realise this, and one's e ars are oonatautly being turtured by the sound of loud, shrill voices. At a res- taurant wren I frequently dine tomes very u(tea • pretty young woman with h er mother, mid when I sea her coming I want to go. 8be has • high-pitched, cracked, old woa.ao's rotor, that takes away my sppetite and sets my nerves on edge. At a recent afternoon reception • handsome lady entered and began to Idle As anon et she began every one else stopped and listened, for her voice was so loud sed harsh that it drowsed every other. She wig clever, and what she said was worth !laming to, but it was torture to the eeoaitive ear. The moll of • beautiful fees is often brokee by a harsh, uncultivated voice, while • sweat voice almost makes a plain face pretty. I would turn resod in • crowd to discover the owner of an •ttractit e voice, but I would not turn round in the street to eateb • second glimpse of a pretty face. Pretty faces are oommon * sough ; one sees them everywhere; but a thoroughly renned, cultivated and sweetly modulated voice 1. indeed rare. —N. Y. Paper. Vlore Tremble isf be Kemerird. if you do not heed the warnings of na- ture and at sneo pay attention to the maiotainance of year health. How often we see • person put off from day to day the purchase of • medicine which if pro- cured at the outatart of • disease would have remedied it almost immediately Now if Johnateri'e Tonic Urer Pills had been taken when the Brat uneasiness made its time-nnce the illness would have been "nipl.-d iii the hod." John- acm's Tonic Bitters mad Liver Pills are decidedly the best medicine on the mar- ket for 'emend tonic and inviaftwatinq prepertles. Pills 25o. per bottle. Bitters 50 cents and $1 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albion bloek, sole NHewt bj tlrent CerI..Ms... The spur of a moment. The horns of • dilemma. A nick . f time. • A bone of contention. Pert.amectary whips. A man of straw. A gain of truth. The threads of stories. A ship of state. A fly ons wheel. A Ives in it ti -tenet The point of a joke.. The dark horse. A political stunting pan. A otvel• is whioh mm •reoe. The historic sword add pen. The silver tongue of the orator. The frailties of a Masked eawdiiate. Msorew.a na.m1 R4I•. Orwoterf.tta are always dangerous, were en that they always closely let - TAM TNR oRrnraai. f AfflA*AArR An MAIM The remsrkahle.eec.u.achieved ivy Nasal balm se a positive cure for Catarrh and ('nld in the Heel baa tr- amped enj'riccipled parties to imiWo it. The public are motioned not to be de mired by nostrums imitation Nasal Halm ia mums and appesranee, bestial/ nook ammo a Netter grease, Nasal Saloum AAs. Ave for Naesi Halm and do not take Imitation dealers may nr,±* upon yea lar .ate by all druggists or sew peat -paid en receipt of pries (BOeaad *1 by addressing Tuliord Arkio , Brea vide Out. If Ilik.1s se Medea, alseeeseerrs. Du mol sorry goer niebrells er seem au that the penua behn.d yea is thrsmtetvsd math the lone of an rye, .r must ....Witte avoid a thrust ii/ die fare or rift. Be earths' out to perry it uuderryuw meet et so eagle of fusty -five degrees going lip stairs Du not watt in front of • rsi real tick- et wlaidow to amend the dere-tetra. 1)0 nut wa"t w 1 . it, of the ticket - seller befu.,, your p..ctet-tout Is Lound Try to here tate money Pretty, the exact change, it rt.. ihI., and ow.t.iwr that, while you have plenty o1 time, every• budy following you us not et forepaw Whop .u•rrt a•ww Ia veuroh, do but .It fl en la the aisle wld, tool tea- pot •--,.1. ,w tame to °roe d past you. Go tbruegh to the sud,sud reeteuil.er dist to be poste retrive that the least discom- fort sed ev-.trbcot .hall be caused by your atoll Brigeods, robbers ur Iodise.* are nut likely to- make de -sots epos pubhe places of sutehtp or amusement in our uav, aid Bowen way t..' trusted to sat In the .1.1,. rod o1 palm or Orate Wiwi. there era i/o reserve t sesta. end the whole homer is ...Id at a uuil..res pn.,.•, at is hardy fair for one pereni t.. 10 *1.4 tea -res three o- four to eta foe friend', s.y.og, 'the seat• ore engaged," t, totes who., wee just end p .h,., re- fuse ot question the ',jammer, mei un quest wittingly .take for adv.tttatteoue Mists, demob .bey ...critical time to se- cure better, end are (huhu lied, alter the performance or I.r•ure ha• Lege., by the lute arrivals who had used a (, seed te de fraud the public If you tweet • friend to a *tore, d.. but forget, In pour owe" ley of we. tom her, that the clerk • lona is ped for. and that you have tor fled w woo.p •La- it to the exolwi. is 4101 trade In Ieavinp church or any pullouts hall do not step to the aisle-e••Jy r.f vats, preventing 4.111er p.•.•;,err •r...n it the building who nosy h.v. a.. nvnr ....pend that way To remember tarot .herr ase ..Urso peo- ple whit her.. their ..w,, allot. ih.t ..red immedicte attanitb,, glop lu.k.- cogent, agent, for • o.•rtun tune . twit they el .wet err kw 0, is t.. 1.., .iml.:y jos. T. cite as flub- ea Iw,.e.44 the cetreeni 1.1 travel s the i,.trt .1 even c•...siderste Inas and *..last• Slew a thearc.ugbs Veld. A slim young non in the height of faints' was violently site Kung in • street car, when a cotnlaoi••n remarked, '•Aw, Chawls's, deah by Mow Wye cath that dwesdful c..id " •'Are, .Leah fell*h, left my mento the lower hall tether day, and in antckin; the ivory ha.idle, so dweedful ...Id, it .holed rue aIm.at to death." 1t Charlie hod uee.t Dr. Har- vey's Red Piee Gum Ara cold 'would not trouble hi. wer> nutcb•.e, or .al.. at J 11,ilenu'. prsecripttoe drugstore. tf Bleed M rterrrter Than Seer. Magtstr.t.• -' O'It..t ,, y. .0 ar. cbarg.d with assou1'lnr -lid Perera .7 bratiug Midas! bieU,...lay .. .he r.-uonen of the O'R.IIy taw y tee.erday. Hite you anything to sat r 1 • rets UN Ase..d este befit. el Dr Awe Liver Oen is a mediae! guide •ad rose* took euetatutud awful u.twmauou, oto. 100 reeeiFes, sod pronarenoed by doctors sad dnrgisse se worth tea tubes the um of the mdNiae. Medicine awed seeh SIL. Bald N ell dreenise ARMSTRONG FANNING MILL AND PUMP WORKS ARISTROBB'3 IIPROYBD Grain ,n Seed C'eane is igeeeerslly eeko.wled rd to he the teat taa- cblue made Ser thoreegbly *mamas vele and .ends of all kinds —IT— Separates all Noxious Seeds end chose from grain at .tme clowning, mining and cleaning all timothy used at the tiro tlrne out of ea hied of grain It .an fitted 11110 any tanning mill without rein., % mg Ilse .hue, w mett.r bow old •Ire mill Is, mod makes It do es good work er better then the most Improved sew millsinewa It allows n.. seed W be Wown lulu the chair It Cleans Speedily. eerEvery cleaner warranted to work as repre- sented or no gala 1a In ordering by mall give inside width et shoe and name of m*ker of mill tf convenient. and it shoo has side share or the old t..bies- ed hind shake. A large quanUty of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS on baud rmasfactur.,d from Algoma white quartered pt•e. leo order' by niAll promptly .heeded to, Shipped I...oy point. ADDRE88 ARMSTRONG BW S., C#oderioh, Ont. 17 -ft DON'T FORGET 15,4,4C N. CAsSIIiY'S —CHCAP— Cash... Stas e FOR GOOD. CHEAP Teas a ad aro.; rise. NEXT DOOR TO E_ DOWNINCVS BOOT AND SHOE sroR>r, O'R•Ily- hot,,... The CRABB'S BLOCK, aoderich. u ' bl kc s an ismewth.r. o"err, mood hasn't we dbrt.p at the O'Rauy W.,..d in his akin. begorra. Never hod my oyes ori hlm a- fore, yet H.es. r, .i h. drank a p all of the beer.' Magistrate—"Hoo is this, McDuoley I Are too • kiw.an o1 the pros user t" Mclyu..ley—' Foot, au' sure it is that I am, yer Home ; hue grandfather wor Patl.rick O'R.L, .v 1!irlfast, •n'—" O'Rally—' An' boded, peat do that prove. yes Worship 1" McIkuoley—••An' Peridt {j►ad4'* dochter marry, arse own—" - 0 R.Uy-o-"He's lyto', yer Honor; be'. lying. Me grandf.rher ueyer had any eheeldree at ail, at all, wry." 1. lady tees... Dyspepsia emcees many prat's, all disagreeable to the sufferer, yet it takes no form which from two to four bottles of burdock Bitted Bitters will not cure. B b B. cures dyspepeas, tones the weak stomach, aids ditesttuo, sharpens the ap- petite mid renovates the entire sys- tem. I had r:rvsr seen hint Fedor', and I slipped out of the room before he had a chance to see me. Milburn's Aromatic (Jeioine Wine fortifies the system agarat attacks of ague. chills, bilious fever, dumb ague and like troobi lm 1 know • small man who has • large woman for • wife. In company the other night he was very attentive to her and ceded her "My Adolphine ." "What's her name ,eked • gentle. men from the West. "He calls her Adolphine, ' • lady said. "She looks more like • whale, ' was the reply. � THE BEST BiK1NO POWDER �fl+- McUM'S Ci'iOilE 1IYBe /dam 11 D Nadas( t4ltetm.. PETRIIEI EIEU1EEE. GARTH AC l . FACTORY SUFPLiES Valves, Irma & Lead P; . loos PUky Olbre State let Psm•p, farm Noe, Wild ■i!ly Cream Separator., Dalry and Lsedry Waits. 538 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. D.A.MEGASKI LL iantp ac Pui6R S. '1 GHRl{E(t0jA' � "4SEpPEDALS HE C MCiN "F2r_AL CHADWICK'S SPOOLk COTTOI`s1 For Hand and Hada an Use. SAS NO SUPERIOR. sax /OR 1T. L�ATRB.RQID VIM -LIKES TaUUS In Suede, Cedes' and W what ktu.ia 1.152148'i.l ea *.-x TRUiNKS la the World. J. EYELEIJH&C' MONTREAL. MIKA la ata Urn HOTEL BALMOBAL, Victoria C.rh.,lic Maly* is m wonderful 13HONTREAL. heeling comp:mad for cuts, wounds, Nay,. Merle et.. sots of the most soweed bruises, buaus, scalds, hosts, piles, pin- 5-t4 elegantly fwn.ls:ied tlm.-l. to tn.: 1 pies, &t. lm City. Aeoemoe0.u.,ofor soogt:cst.. ySitr.t C1 y �GC Rurlr, $2 to $s per day. t scene Ts the OMteet rrete..sent, ant. all whom N may tamers. Phos hstine, or Nerve Poeta, a Noe - photo !Clement la►sud nem Scientific Noes, Formulated by Prcfe,sor Austin, 14. D. of Iluoton, 11...., cures l'elson any 0onsuaptton, Sick Head.che, flier• yaps Attacks, Vertigo •od Neuralgia and all eating diseases of the' human Isystole. Pboepatitina is not • Merieesne, but a Nutriment, becmttae it co ten t. no Vegetable or Mineral 1'niwnns, l)piat Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but *imp ly the Phosphatic -said (i•rtnc Klement. found in our daily food. A sin_•le totttf. is sufficiont to c'onvinc'e. All Drteggues sell it. $1.00 per bottle,. hoes r te Co., sole agent* for the Doesinitae, 15 Front Street if..t Ter,nto • Prwtleetde Ilte. Pew mewl have accomplished rho same •mnont of work and good in this world es the eeleb.a1ei Dr 01.... 0,.r btl0,000 of his works bane been sold is Canada alone. Ws want every pawn Itonhl.d. with Leer Complaint, ii pp.epp..t1mm., Headache, Ktdtsey n► Tlrny Troahi.e, a ba • bottle .,f ile (loads Liter Oar., it will eters yon. sad RReesipe IMok d1. Sold by .11 d PEARS' kit Ars iii IIP ), J. PALMER SON Whole,*;. 1m.. r '1 CRU661STS' SUNDRIES 1753 3TIE NIL 5:.. MONTI4EALt IDOMINION SOAP. LEATIITII DUAF.D COMPANY. Idanntect.:ese ot ,SUESTOI Rt'_t.APARS &teens P•.rft:nr, FRICTIC'4 PULLET BOARD, 4w:. ism lgr.A,+1t-i.*iAw ECKITT'S BLUE a i • FOR 25c Call, or send us the above amount at once, accompan- ied by name and address, and secure the full benefit of this offer. D. McGII,LICIIDDY. ANN 10000 PRESE% S lit elrStYIOW.•.. ilia ter=ET Lana We will .end Is omll u sp- =U. toeachr.sidee.Vie, ow*a, ur kle• amity - *he will try the Batawala's BHtte Pewee set w rrd cxa1. bo.. wWWI said KMt Il In • Otter frit aril spasm aileir •filtersbr 5OarSeat •ase will secure tae rte 'veer tar kno i horse ill!err by1rCHUIB'i J. fi 00-.TUIOITO CARLING'S ALE & PORTER. CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGER (Bottled) for el by H. PARSONS MI ALBION BLOCK. GODCR1CIL MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. • SuAeMM 1lWeer 1==ath 1s ease realMemory le. w..d*rleg eared. 1 h`ni.t0' Wir ssms.rr arra 3READMAKER'S YEAST. BREAD made of this Yeast took t}r tir.t Prima at Ontario i• all )ho* a in Over anurias Iodic. have written to way that t �iy,,as t surpasses any yet CICt- , used them. It nates the lightest, •etient, sweetest braid, rolls. bum -sad buckwheat pancakes. Rakers in nearly every tow. V Canada are amt.( it. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ti Summer 1 Goods EIIIEATY!IIETY AND AT— lICE8 ;TO RGTT ALL 1—AT THIN— TORONTO ASH STORE. P. O'DEA 2151 ,MANAG PR THE KEY TO HEALTH, 'Unlocks all the clog/lel Avenues at the Bowels, Kidneys% and Liver, carry - ingot). d gr.ts•lly without weakening the system, all the impurities sod foul humor/sof the aecrotioas itat the same titan Corroottns Acidity of the Stomach. canna Bilioulatene, Dye. peEoartburn,CCb Headaches, Dryn ss of the Skin, Dropsy Dimness of Vision, J•aarlioe, Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Arrofttl*., Mitering of rho Scant, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility: ail those and ntut:y other similar Comilaiuts 1.-ki to tl,e h_ ngtl.v _ inflDITTII�aof _ BUFiDOCY !. Isf.R'U i p.. Preirttrts, Tarsals is '1 nem f11It rlse..es• r , t errwere pan I Lina. a. 'J, •a M .« .I., corgi . , a . Orrin.Tinoes., et, • • /.,. •r .sr owl, soul • III 1144P .• -.ken , t ..a,. ,. , • •..e. Wit Lary*. •••••••• ..,• ,. a Yn torr.o •;."...:n.>. • 530. Mt. or.esw....... e- , Not 0,160•• N .r, •..• ,p oolot haw TeamTerrw.. WA tie e Abe .eon.... :..... PLATING MILL kt3AMI11IES it35. • Ruona/i Z B O I I3 L 5A-, ra.TC Ilene SASH, rooS and BLIND freehra tn all howls of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Ape her pi�•r. .e.teriel .Nev.Pr Moot Furniture a Specialtj • NOTICE In view large percentage who avail OT ANNUAL TO NNW become permanent of "The the following e tt1v l of the fact that a of those themselves of TR OFFER SOBSCRIBERS readers: Signal," we cffel inducement : FOR 25c A Z WILL SEND TO ANY ADDRESS " Tli SigaI" .......7 maims, FROM NOW TO ls} OF JAN.. 1890 • FOR 25c Call, or send us the above amount at once, accompan- ied by name and address, and secure the full benefit of this offer. D. McGII,LICIIDDY. ANN 10000 PRESE% S lit elrStYIOW.•.. ilia ter=ET Lana We will .end Is omll u sp- =U. toeachr.sidee.Vie, ow*a, ur kle• amity - *he will try the Batawala's BHtte Pewee set w rrd cxa1. bo.. wWWI said KMt Il In • Otter frit aril spasm aileir •filtersbr 5OarSeat •ase will secure tae rte 'veer tar kno i horse ill!err by1rCHUIB'i J. fi 00-.TUIOITO CARLING'S ALE & PORTER. CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGER (Bottled) for el by H. PARSONS MI ALBION BLOCK. GODCR1CIL MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. • SuAeMM 1lWeer 1==ath 1s ease realMemory le. w..d*rleg eared. 1 h`ni.t0' Wir ssms.rr arra 3READMAKER'S YEAST. BREAD made of this Yeast took t}r tir.t Prima at Ontario i• all )ho* a in Over anurias Iodic. have written to way that t �iy,,as t surpasses any yet CICt- , used them. It nates the lightest, •etient, sweetest braid, rolls. bum -sad buckwheat pancakes. Rakers in nearly every tow. V Canada are amt.( it. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ti Summer 1 Goods EIIIEATY!IIETY AND AT— lICE8 ;TO RGTT ALL 1—AT THIN— TORONTO ASH STORE. P. O'DEA 2151 ,MANAG PR THE KEY TO HEALTH, 'Unlocks all the clog/lel Avenues at the Bowels, Kidneys% and Liver, carry - ingot). d gr.ts•lly without weakening the system, all the impurities sod foul humor/sof the aecrotioas itat the same titan Corroottns Acidity of the Stomach. canna Bilioulatene, Dye. peEoartburn,CCb Headaches, Dryn ss of the Skin, Dropsy Dimness of Vision, J•aarlioe, Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Arrofttl*., Mitering of rho Scant, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility: ail those and ntut:y other similar Comilaiuts 1.-ki to tl,e h_ ngtl.v _ inflDITTII�aof _ BUFiDOCY !. Isf.R'U i p.. Preirttrts, Tarsals is '1 nem f11It rlse..es• r , t errwere pan I Lina. a. 'J, •a M .« .I., corgi . , a . Orrin.Tinoes., et, • • /.,. •r .sr owl, soul • III 1144P .• -.ken , t ..a,. ,. , • •..e. Wit Lary*. •••••••• ..,• ,. a Yn torr.o •;."...:n.>. • 530. Mt. or.esw....... e- , Not 0,160•• N .r, •..• ,p oolot haw TeamTerrw.. WA tie e Abe .eon.... :..... PLATING MILL kt3AMI11IES it35. • Ruona/i Z B O I I3 L 5A-, ra.TC Ilene SASH, rooS and BLIND freehra tn all howls of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Ape her pi�•r. .e.teriel .Nev.Pr Moot Furniture a Specialtj