HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-4, Page 66
Cams* 1lotMMeas.
"What are pee bddiag, darn add
1 Mini of my girlie fair.
As rhe quietly sat as the bewared.
P1mts her bigots with mare ;
Aad the roads glower tads Mfongilf
Dried o. her wiles hair.
"I ama beddi tg • .aesb, /.sheen.•
Y7 Iasis nae !waded ;
"AM there are the wells &+Dead it.
AM herein a puewa7 wide.
Aed the le a fumy stairway
To ./elms y W the sire."
The bum mutes Sager*
Weal ea with her pretty play.
And the oast:a walls were Asti/
la the ending wieder d.7
When a sadden. Motives moths.,
Ad all 1. rale W I
Ah. tummy little builder,
The years with meant, reef,
May brims fell seamy • vistas
Or castles ran and sweet.
To sod. like your bob,' pastime.
la rule sad and fleet.
You Taut k o'er the toy walls Tanen;
So sunshine follows rain.
And we may smile. looking backward.
At ruined stelae and false -
me --
bile the heart hath shattered ;.sola
It may net b M mini&
Wrest gad se Ws
Scrofula leads to ocoeumption. From
three to six bottles of Burdock Blood
Bitters will cure scrofula, salt rheum,
erysipelas, boils, pimples. blotches, tet-
ter, shingles, scald head, sore eyes, and
.11 skin affections, by cleansing the sys-
tem and removing all impure matter that
ceases bad blood. 2 It
urate wetpa. 11
If the cover is removed f 0m swap
dishes the soap will not get ..oft
When flatirons become rusty black
them with at.•ve polish and rub well
with • dry brush.
Use charcoal to broil with. The
Semen close the pores geickly, and make
the meat very tsoder.
Silver can be kept bright for months
by beton placed in an air tight case with
a good-sized piece of camphor.
Use squares of dull -covered felt, pink-
ed at the edges, under statuary or any
heavy ornaments that are liable to mar •
polished surface.
Do not keep ironed clothes on bars in
the kitchen any longer than is necessary
for thorough drying. They gather un-
pleasant odors.
Equal parts .-f white vhellac and alco-
hol is • perm•oent fixative for crayon
and charcoal sketches. Spray it on
evenly with an artist's atomizer.
A tableepxonful of brandy put into
each bottle of tomato catsup just before
gosling will not only preserve it, but will
add to the flavor when wanted for use.
Mahogany and cherry furniture often
- gets dull :lir want of • good cleaning
with a moist cloth. Polish with the
hand, rubbing well, end the revolt will
be surprising.
Windows can be cleaned in winter,
and the frost entirely removed by using
• gill of aloobol to a pint of hot water.
Clean quickly, and rob ou with • piece
of warm chamois skin.
An old and reliable English cook -book
gives the following recipe as an oil -sloth
restorer : Melt one-half an ounce of
beeswax in a aft of turpentine. Rub
the surface all over with it, and rub in
with a dry cloth.
Many youngjchildren become positive-
ly repulsive with sore eyes, sereears,and
scald head. Such afflictions may be
speedily removed by the use of Ayer's
.tatsaparilla Youug and old alike ex-
perience the wonderful benefits of this
Telegraph wire of galvanized iron is
much better to hang clothes on in win-
ter than rope, as the clothes will not
freeze to it. Hare it hung by a line-
man, and it will never "give," no matter
what the weather may be.
For chapped hands, make camphor -ice
of it ounces of spermaceti tallow, 4
teaspoonfuls of oil of sweet almonds,
and three-fourths of so ounce of gum
camphor pulverized fire. Put on
back of stove Datil dissolved, stirring
constantly, just enough heat to melt the
Ingredient. together.
Fay fsver is s type of catarrh having
peculiar gmptoma. It is •herded ley an
inflamed condition et the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affecting the lungs. An acrid
mucous ssecreted,the disc}ttegeu.co.;m-
p.tted with a burning sensation. There
are severe spasms of ane'zing, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyea. Ely's Cream Balm is a reme-
dy that ren be depended upon. 50cta.
at druggists ; by mail, registered, t;Octs.
Ely Brothers , Druggista, Owego. New
York. 1 y
Boiled cauliflower -Take one or more
.nuliIi .wen as are needed, wash them,
trim ..f the leaves, an pot them in two
quart, off boiling water on the fire, add-
ing half an ounce of salt, half an ounce
of butter and the joie of one limns.
Boil rapidly until quite tender, drain
carefully, and serve them with • white
White Reese -Pot in • soeepan on
the fire an ounce of batter, which melt,
and add to it one tablespoonful of flour,
a little salt, white pepper, and one glees
of milk, mix all well together: stir until
boiling, then add another ounee of but-
ter, strain and serve.
Mashed Potatoes Browned.- -Boil po-
tatoes until mealy, rub off the skins, re-
move specks, pet then tato a bowl, and
take two forks in ore head with the point.
of the prongs turn outward and break
the potatoes with them. While break-
ing add better and milk, allowing one
ossm of batter and a gill of milk to
every dams pritatoev, salt ami white
pepper if liked to teen Per. into
mound. and sat is the oven unlit brows;
glans with batter and serve.
Nome allow He bowels to r.snaia ace -
atMO lad amities well omenNaH-esJ
e emerMsald r a remedy foe
e..difeMAL 1.
AM About Meas.
N eatrta i. alleht m. Parlor.
Loss spoil. opt taint dor aoighbor
hunt/ spot the ti... ff.ai.aea flask
trimmed with beaver far sad her bus -
bead's M ovseso.. both badly neutk-
e.t.t. One VIM worth of obthfag
reload, atitml.SNy, by those d etr.sttr.
mood., whoa a little care /sight ben
pr..wt.d th. damage I rat is a dim -
4 Mf1M.d parlor oaf May aAsr.000,
whirr a demo rimy, dimly -triaged mil-
ler. /.tewad abort, and later was not as
• U surprised to have the lady of the
bolter ask what she sba.Y de with her
parlor furniture and warps's, whisk wen
tall d moth.." Another a.q.•intamo
took vigorous shwas after • Muller fully
en iasb lose, Nader the idea that etre
was destroying the parent of tie brown
"worms" that were destroying bet ear-
FeIt Is tb. little, silken -winged, light
eutotst miller which las the eggs what,
develop the larval with such voracious
appetites for wool and fur. The .sale of
the species is often Galled "elver fish"
by the children because of his shape and
apparanes, and is shy in habit and
much lees often sees than the female
These antlers commit no damage in pn,
pria p.reooae, bot the large cause platy
of tors and much wrath .very veer.
Old houses are apt to be infested by
them ; and they revel in closets full o1
cast-off clothing, those treasons some
people are so food of accumulating Dnde•
the impreseioe they may "cu.a. handy'
in that indeterminate time known a.
"some day." When they once get eel
e stablished in a home they oust no eu.
of trouble and lose. When the aipet
are up in the spring, the floors anew.
the base -boards should be washed with
hot alum water, which destroys eggs alio
larvae, and the carpet. well beaten, es-
pecially about the edges. When they
are in the carpet and it cannot well be
taken up, a good way to exterminate
them is to lay a wet cloth over the in
Jested sputa and press it with a hot Iron;
the steam kills them. Salt nosttereo
along the edges uf'the carpet is also de -
.tractive. Watch especially for them
uoder furniture and in dark corners
To sweep often and thoroughly also as -
cats materially in eradicating them.
When they got into upholstered furt.i-
tsre, It is "e regular picoio"-as a .malt
girl of my acquaintance says of every
thing -to get rid of them. They revel
in the excelsior or hair with which the
furniture is stuffed, and increase rapidly.
eating the covering from the inside. I
know but one way, and that the plata
fol use if bensine. The best way is to
take the furniture out dare, and, with
a floe rose sprinkler attached to • water-
ing can, saturate them thoroughly with
It is not necessary to pack away wool
len goods in tobacco, camphor or other
strongly odorous .tub, so that one goes
about smelling like • sick room or a cigar
factory ;when the clothing is unpacked
for wear. Shake and beat the articles
well, and at once peck them away in
bones, pasting strips of paper over the
joining of box and cover. Ike this early
before the millers ly, and you are safe.
I have always believed the cedar chests
owe their preventive qualities more to
their tightnem than to the odor of the
wood. If you pat away goods os which
the eggs of the meth have been deposit
d, they will hatch in cedar chests or
airtight boxes. I have kept torr in hos-
es, not sealed, rolling the boxes in •
linen sheet, pinned securely, and have
kept small articles in linen bags hang in
a closet. Paper bats are good, if tied
securely, but, there must be no
breaks in the paper. Some people say
moths will not work in colored furs on
account of the dye, but why they should
thrive in the dyed wool of carpets
and clothing' and object to the dye of
furs, 1 an not say ; at all event., I'm
not taking any risk., and my furs will be
put away as carefully as if Do one ever
suggested immunity.
lust here • word of caution. Do not
fold plush or seal garments and pat
them away in boxes or drawers. The
lying so long in folds rains the pile of
both, and is more damaging to their ap
pe•r•nce than • year's wear. A holy
who thought she had put away her new
plash cloak with the most perfect tare
found on unpacking it an ugly crease
across the shoulder ; • crease which
could not be removed, even though she
cent the garment to be steamed, I'ro-
cure a shoulder form, adjust the garment
on it, lay it full length upon pspen
spread upon the bed, fold these ever it
-it is • good plan to lay sheets of tissue
paper between the fronts and sleeves
where they fold over --and paste to.
*ether. Slip "the whole business' into
a bag made of an old sheet, ootton or
linen, tie tightly and hang op in a closet;
then you cam sleep sound nights.
sive Them A maw*.
That is to say, your lane. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very won•
derful machinery it is. hot only the
larger air -passages, bet the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading from
When these are .logged and chocked
with .utter which ought not to be there
your lungs cannot half do there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
6111 it cold, cough, troop, pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or anyd the
family of throat and nose and esd and
long obstructions, all are bad. All
aught to be got rid of. There is just
one ear= to get rid of them. that
is take Rosohs'a German Syrup, which
any druggist will sell yes at 75 cents a
bottle. Even if everythsg flee hao
failed you. you wry depend epee this
for e.rtaia. eowty
Lwye-I have my opions of you,
Cttisw--Well, you ass keep it. 'FM
led apneas I got he. yo■ fed ma
The hest regulatew tee the Mtm.ah
aidthe Wel sore foe hi iomosua,
O ak land all allow.
time Mang tram a w,.tsd liver, are
Piwills. ot.eatioi ,
la ohm awe mato&
yydd .�f..Yvta i ohs, par bottle ole by
dimmist, MIN lreoh,l God*a)
risk, sok Wish
amensme and nous/;,
A paste .ennoble to pwmeen tie ekes
.1 passes leather and peened moulting
is made et was with • Maio Amo ril.
ka* sad dl a terpeatia., tamed whoa
worm. te M d she emaieteesy tit MIA
perta when cooked.
(kis/-bene. Iva sicked -plating .bo•ld be
liniaked doe with* soft sane% belt, mad.
b7y ..swiss • wheel with leatbemid d ap
Pa7ay sae er.ry with glue Goods that
w net gat ars se.otim.. Giddied is e
/•.►li s m..hi.e w tha desired fiaie\
for .i.a.lisg.
To semest goons glass: One po.ad
of shellac dissolved in one pint of a sun-
tan of alcohol, .itb one twe.tist► its
volume of a *elution of `otta-peroha is
b.-eulpkide of carbon; will dry quickly.
A slow -drying eminent may be made these
-two usages of thick glee esl.tio., owe
tune. of *;mooed -lid varnish or three
quarters of .m (noes of Venin turpes-
tue ; boil together.
.heuesesse trams
Require no description. uooe, with rare
•xueption, alt at wine time have wiper
.euced their twiages Rbe.matism is
.4 amity dietodted. -only the must
piueerfally penetrating remedies reach
t.. its very foundations. The moat so.-
•wssful troatmeut tuuwn. and it is Due
:requeotly resorted to by medical men,
• the •ppileatiun of that now famous
randy f..r pain-Pol.on's Ner,ili.e.
1• is to wen that nothing yet die
-vexed he. afforded equal satisfaction
.. tee suffering. A trust ma be v a.le at
small not, as sample bottles of Nervi-
ng' can be had as the dr•ia stores foo
10 cents, large bottles as weots
It is said that native sulphide of baryta
i. an active poison to rata, mice, and
toga It is not easy to explain its action,
•uaidering its,:tame ineolebhty; bat.
mixed with lard, 11 u readily eaten by
teem. Thio being the case, the ques•t••a.
suggests itself whether it might lout ro-
,.Isce the more dangerous poisons now .s
couch used for this purpose, and du away
lib the risk attending then/.
her a Seek teems
Mr Geode, druggist, is not a hook
.gent,. but has the agency iu Goderich
ler Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he
can heartily recommend for any cum -
plain to which a tonic medicine te ap
plicable. This valuable medicine has
teen with must astonishingly good re-
sults in eases of general debility, weak-
ness, irregularities peculiar to females,
extreme paleness, impovenshmeot of the
blood, stomach and liver troubles, lose
of appetite, and for that general worn
out feeling that nearly every one is
troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forget the name Johnston's Tunic
Bitten 50c. and $1 per bottle at Goode'.
drug store, Albion block. Goderich, wle
agent. •
Iron bricks, so called, are maid to be in
satisfactory nee for street paving in Ger-
many. These bricks are made by mix
iog equal parts of finely grouad .rad ar
gillaoeow slate sad finely ground day,
with the addition of five per oent. of iron
ore. The iegrdieots thee mixed to-
gether are then moistened with a strong
solution of sulphate of iron, to which fine
iron ore is added. After this, the com-
pound is shaped in • press, dried. dipped
oboe more into a thick slip of finely
ground iron ore, and then burnt in • kiln
for about forty-eight hours in a reducing
As alcohol has a tendency to alter or
even wholly destroy the colors of animal
specimens preserved in 11, Mr Fabre
Domaine has been Id to make some re-
searches with a view to finding a substi-
tute for it that dome not possess this in-
convenience. He recommends the fol-
lowing mixture -Sirup of glucose, dilut-
ed, one thousand parts ; glycerine, one
hundred parts ; methylic alcohol, two
hundred parts ; camphor, to saturation.
The glucose is dissolved in warm water,
and, after it is cool.the glycerine, alcohol
and • few pinches of camphor are added.
As this mixture is always acid, it should
be neutralised by the addition of • small
quantity of a solution of potash or soda.
After filtering through paper, a few frag-
ments of camphor are allowed to float
upon the liquid. This liquid is well
adapted for the preservation of hard -
shelled crosier -ea of green, blue, or red
color, and also of certain echinoderms.
Most soft animals preserve their color in
it, although they contract considerably.
Table giI.mette far children.
Here are a few good rules that an be
safely followed
Give the child • sat that shall be
strictly its own.
Teach it to take its seat quietly.
To nes its napkin properly.
To wait patiently to be served
To answer promptly.
To say "Thank you."
If asked to leave the table for a forzot-
ten article or for any purpose to do so at
Never to interrupt and never to eon-
Never to make remarks about the
food, such as "I saw that turkey killed,
and how be did bleed," as I ones heard
a little boy remark at • 'thanks giving
Teach the child to keep his plate in or-
Not to handle the bread or to drop
food on the cloth or door.
To always my "Excuse me, ea.., '
to the motb.r when at home, and to tie
lady or hostas@ when visiting. if navies
the table before the tat of the party.
To fold its napkin and pet beak Its
cllstr et push it does to the table before
Akar leaving the table sot to return.
I know chddrss who observe ovary
oats of them rule., and are in no wig
pr{ggLk, bits ply at it.imwall-h.bared,
,t1�1g1and they owe it
� d afromreful training from
hlfi% a
A wwIsetas meow.
The krona mesa, and one that plops
a ewtrouiag past os the health of im
body is Umlaute. V torpid eat ;•slips
the whsle eyetelt i.t. s dlewised.
Dr. Oham'. Luer Ossa le nods urs
for Lime and [id.d� diw.,swiessisei up= i
$Lbe assizahosseilt sod
� kv
The favorite
elodista. for Throat sad Lang Dia -
eagle has tong Me% and will ta, yotr'a
Oftly Paotaasl. It care.
W♦ueotag 0, ffateacN ,
Aatsmt.; melbas trrttattoa d Um
Ili: amid Fawns ; esrss thous the
Yowl Orgasm; allays mom= of she
L.sgai provost OnnwesMfio , sad.
even ta advaso.d stages d that d mow
relieves Coag►lag arid tedium Soap.
There 1s no other preparation tor dls-
ew of she throat sad Imo to be oraw
pared wish the remedy.
" My wife had • diatreestag eorlgLb.
with palms In the aide addbegot- W.
tried various medicines, bit some did
her any good mutt! 1 got a bottle of
Ayer'* Chuen Pectoral. which has cured
hes. A ebur, ]lens. Glenn, had the
measles, and tae cwyk was relieved be
the use of Ayer's ('berry Peetoe•l. I
have so beeltatio. /n recommitting ng this
Cough Medicine
to every one amieted."-Robert Sorbs.
Formosa 1/eadt(ghi, Morrllltea, Ark.
I have been ahead with asthma
for forty years. Last sprig I was taken
with • tioi.ae enl0, whites threats.md
to termiasM w4 ftys. livery one pro-
nounced me in consumption. I deter-
mined to try Ayet'e Cherry Pectoral.
Its effects were magical. 1 was immedi-
ately relieved and continued to improre
until entirely recur.red."-Joel Ballard,
Guillord, Conn.
"111: months ago I had a severe hem-
orrhage of the lusg brought ou by as
increment cough which deprived me of
sleep and rest. I tried various reme-
dies. but obtained no relief until I be -
to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A
!,-w bottles of this medicine cured me."
Mrs. E. Coburn, 19 Second at., Lowell,
"For children afflicted with colds,
coughs, sore throat. or croup, 1 do not
know of any remedy which will gime
more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. I have limed it. also. invalu-
able in cases of Whooping lough." -
Ann Lovejoy, 1257 Washington street.
Boston, Mass.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Paaraa.D DT
De. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Drageisu. Prete $1, Dia batt;.., t+.
se es Taw Owr'd.
Don't allow a colo in the head to slow-
ly and surely run int., Catarrh, when
you can be cured fur '25c. by using Dr.
Chase s Catarrh Cure. A few applies
tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 bones
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is
guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try
it. Only 26c and aure care. field by
all druggists ly
co. May.
A aiecerniug writer has said that
"civility is to • mac what beauty is W a
woman." Without pressing the adage
too easily must people. oo doubt, wwl
be prepared to admit that as her charms
of fat and figure often make way for a
woman where her better qualities would
fail, w the faculty of being always cavil
will stand a mu' in better .ted than al-
most anything else. It does this from
its very rarity. Genuine civility is so
uncommon • thing that he who has it
adecta his contemporaries es • new and
very plesant satiation. They im-
mediately become un better terms with
themeelves when in company with rush
• man, and, as • nature/ consequence,
feel drawn to him with quite uuu.u•l
attractive power. It is hard for them to
refuse him anything that he asks of
them, and if they must give a refusal
they are *shamed to give it in any way
but what is to some extent at least a re-
flection dt-IM own civility. So that this
personal adornment is its own reward.
Civility oils the creaking hinges of life,
and often calms the tempestuous waves
0112 the sea of iifei as well. The man w he
has it in abundant measurels well equip-
ped for the struggle. Good measure of
the same, pressed down and running
over, will men be likely to pour into his
bosom. He has a charm that will open
many a door which would otherwise have
remained tightly shut. Civility in
twin brother to tact, and one who is
blessed with these two good angels will
find his path much smoother than that of
abler men who are not au favored. Ci•
hilit, in the highest development is
oubtless born in men, like poetry or in-
ventive powers, but unlike thea, much
may be done in the way of cultivating a
civil habit of thought, speech and beha-
viour. The essential grruodwork is pro-
per self-respect, on whish tree respect
for other people will be founded. The
role about loving our neighbor as our-
self, if rightly understood and acted on,
will issue in the most perfect civility.
Worms cause much sickness among
children. Freeman's Worm Powders
prevent this, and make the child bright
and Lealtby los
Gypsy 5M.SNs.
When a gypsy dies, that is the end.
Every ae.hsr of the nee has a horror
of death, because no gypsy lines who Ism
faith is a hereafter. They cannot be in -
doped to oontemplate It. No gamin*
gypsy ever soompted Christianity. Bor-
row, in hie many years of Bible sad mis-
sionary work among them, neva claimed
to have ooeveeted one. In all mutinies,
as is tram of a goodly number of other
folk, they ooe.to.all proton a sort of
attachment to the ruling arced. For in -
doom, we hear of • "gypsy exhorter" in
Ohio, and the other 'day • good Bishop
of Delaware was allowed to Arida. a
gypsy child in a camp sear Wil.iegtoa
Bet these little hypooriia. are ail in the
way of orgy thri The satire ram be-
�tINd •gmoati.a-
=ewe !hes swabs Alam M f
Why salt a shots ar -.-t whoa you
ma get hint Bate aid boan all inter-
n al or eotasa i psis by the see et P+oi-
ses's Nerv8ina, the pest ppg40ia .ars.
If.rviliae hes nom blas its ern to
Gill in a she saes ; it wrist lull, for
it is • e.mNesili"in of the most powerful
pain eradiates /soak. knows •
10 east imingk beide d Ila+Nisa Yes
will flail 1/.niiae . gas sere kir steer.
d fd14 t..11tsebs, h--iaie. Bas std
rLos beide • IMamty fi
Han just pi *awl Womb the Cesium Hoon, Dine/ from tie j M•uufoet as
the Beet Aoudad Stook of
All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress
°' Made at Fabulously
Read) -made IMta i Sits al Hest Material,
Low Prima.
80 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.26.
Apel If, use
=row. ]:Do'�rn Prices
02 65
2 60
2 ElN
P. S. ---Goods delivered promptly, and satisfaction every
time. 20-tf
- -
The Best and Largeet Stock to Goderich. Always ahead. Prices lower than ever. Come
and get Bargains.
777-oraft lie ZTridaere old.
announce that be
new for
The LiquorTeaCompau�sCilabrdtad Teas
Your choice of one 'ut of a hundred or more Handsome Volume
by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs.
Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling
the expense. -
Goderich Foundry and Machine Wort
RIINCIIMAN BROS., - Proprietors.
AI•Rll!t Fot- siner.
'P. RUNeI3IAN be ee.
it F11F i.Yl\!.11011'1\•.`••1111
I �rT�1;.FNI t. l I t ICHC'�
Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.0 0. .
7—JOW" " r423-Ttt',ES
Having madeemeltts with the JOHN DOTY
We are Prepared to uote Prices to
Partied want ofthe same.
REPlIP.S .giq t caA.A TINtsB OP .&LL Z.mMdt
if ye. wets is is ilk. ergot Meek et Footage. d tows. go
D. &ORDO.m.
1111=yMElS eel the NAVE.
AZO hT.Vu rRrA.> X2WCX asset chemo, .703131111,1111F Sews
'dun'hal wg '
ran.l Xelni' w71m1a 1w�,O,.i at o.aawa lr:'I wM «/feat
�as imm UNDICR'I�A0. KIN .
ewer' Ase! M ;111 * "'
The wit
tales. rant
TkM esa�b
Il l
ming% we
/boa.. tbal
moor bold
be ..t demi
windows el
shady ears
they err 1
risk aui1, u
light. Uot
whb many
sip oli tin
branch as
leer Weise
miss tosI
shows • se
for two tem
rusk, treat
e lei
sod to have
vice latero;
sae bow nice
they tall r'
Oso who
rho tree Ma
feels the sat
the amatoo
sympathy fc
phyai.iaa to
proud of tb
that, in b
mused and 1
and- so dm
pale -hoed p7
restrained, d
is like tb w
sort of most
ma mot qui
have been 11
As the chi
tonately per
doonso, peri
h hie,
of the root,
beck each ben
If the pies/';
broken, i. e.,
few .oatha
metrical plat
It a pla.l
OEN* ow
,, bm
sea I
bomb» an
e arth la tb.1
nor dry and
other aide an
ambling • a
tare waters
sod then the
pleat soften
. sena "Yoe
water Iamei
weld throw
dies." I
t hat clam
Queen Viol
head of hair,
her son, the
bald. Had t
earlier to lie
have been as
royal mother.
It is eaten
distioction ;
who esti cool
spite of all fa
every human
ma be the
of obscurity
act more to c
the gtsiat of tl
las., if you
to that spirit
teasers your
learn from fro
w�ich nature
it no mean
strengthen yo
truth, and fol
leoce which b
walls of the a
than man has
shall buret ou
the kat ; but
vinare you of
which is Inas
submit wisely
let no mean .t
to throw off
country, and
to obscurity
virtue. If yo
no moral fro
multiply the
happiness of c
ynu to the to
bat in the nun
at retributive
mankind, if
k not that
hick is Bathe
and de.
Imam ills"
Veit the
A Hawtat,
to tiny ew
ea ''Ta