HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-10-4, Page 1IFF
tice of changes must be left
at this 0 - Ace not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
c�hannc�e�s� must be left not later!
thflli�lfednesday noon. Cas-
rtisements accepted
Thursday of each
Meal leasee,.
•Jaws.et tuition in the ieeel slovens.
if ?as Swum. of meetings M enter-
tainments at which as aJmiwiea fee
is charged or from tdiek, a ,-
•ry benefit is derived, meet k pax/
Jur at the rate of uric tenon per
MOW each insertion. no charge less
Man twenty-jln ants. Where ed-
errtiapaeeL of entertainments are
Monied a bv:ef local will be giant
Peva-Is. Amberly, tie wife of 1lr Freak
Bayer. ot a sou.
its --In Kincardine. tea wtte ot James
Dares, of a son.
tuts -10 Amherly. the wife ot Mr Owens,
shoemaker. of a eon.
0-1a [).nip, ea the IOUs of sleet. tem.
wine of Jame. Tobin. I+oodowne
term, at • sus.
Ass -Is Dederick os Saturday. meet.
free„ the wife of Alexander stewert,
W etaeb ot a eon.
-1n Oodericb. ea Sept. Nish. the
wife d Wm. Henderson. jr.. Uuderscb
sowtt•hy, of a son.
-la P.rnmoasa es Sept. IOth. tae wife
of Mr Assirsw smith. ons daughter.
rpowALD-McL) omALD-Ahem McDonald.
of Ambarly. to ItiN1y McDonald. at
Lases both of Aaheeid.
the mesas. ()odwtob. itis. A. An-
dersontbr.Je tt el ]�
i)ossiA, of Micelps.
Currrox-Host -Bosom -At the et Use
kride's tether as the tri Rev
Jae. A. Asiletee , R.A., Joie of
etaattsetl, gas of W Wtsm Col-
Joke bwsohOs and ltliso, of
ats-Ia pAm'oberly7. the and last,
Zeneeeeit taisit -UM-. aged • seeiN. p
Droves -w. c. Geode.
RonanffinflH Parsers.
71171;tle-Wm. Keeton.
Sat �r�j� Tasww aisperr.
Assigo00l Nottee -Robt Gibbon.
Fars for Sale -Edward 8traegb•ti.
Dry Goods-Cromptas. Apel & Co.
Carpet Sweeper -R. P. WYbieaesk (:e
• • A shirrs trabetsc vs. taken' •oto.
Lw'emith mou perm u. -
Deet tall to i0A at George Stewart's re-
vesdettel used.New auspice` Tear tiietgre
Leet' �s�lraGm Aph
The Wee se's centime Tesyeeance Cabs
a tuse�P��pae••etf Sslat Tuesday
O is set of the wet s g of P. &
' •sd the -heat always lest
Is the stem eve
presentee asst
Have you ma the beautiful maimed wood
stoves from the E. e C. Gamey Co'r. on ex-
hibition u Saunders& Son's. next door to the
Poet Office t Wbea you aro down town call
✓ ed see them. and sok the pvinea, which are
Se low tk.t everybody le astonished Saun-
ders &Sos am sok agents for all the E. & C.
literary Coy'. goods. The cheapest house un-
der the .un.
R J1. 8sllows is at It spla. He hes • On
Aests.m la photo work. • rushing trade in
, forrI.kinng •seerlw u. oft tas rips darter
Zileiwinter means to wttide cborobee awe
s.k.ot hewn with his stew apparatus for es-
hlbittog view es the large mares. Leat
year yin....u�� mereseeedslN� with
that Has this year. eased amoaat of trade is
Miss Lawrence left ova Tri lay on a
t Ent to friends is Detroit.
8. Gnerws, tailor, left on Friday last
on • visit to relatives in East Saginaw.
The Mimes Nicholson are visiting
friends in Detroit sad other Michigan
Dr McDmeagh will be in Goderieh for
eonseltatioa es the first Saturday of
every .oath.
Mrs Leech is a visitor at the Meth-
odist Woman's Mi.aioaary) Society oos-
natioa at Dudes.
Mn W. H. Oren rid nom, of Toron-
to, have returned to their home after alive
weeks' viit le Kr M. 0. Swanson.
Mn Stanek &operand several young
m a Mieltigaa trip, last week,
on her to a call epos frieada
"Dead Mash in Sud" was.
eessniel el %.Amain
Mie Leenlael W ' is misseeeg of she
see less Iii. due44 'Aut . mala Two -
Y he the eonvs-
m'y doeiety, messing Desia.MWoe.
Mw ase. nod holly re -
WNW - tbarmy St twyiato Pbe then ettelly Th.
m . geography d We seKhm.
maw �1ilbtheeiiem, tet Ib. nsletei
trier • tl ftysa.d Ewe
ti g�»► a /u M. polus. ..treaties of
Mr ?lies, �e0�idp
�i,;Wg brae Melted to leash Tessebe.M.C.A. eheetbeed dein this
— wIll be the third eialethe
Messrs. P. Adamson and A. MeD
Allan retuased trove the City of the
Straits on Friday evening.
Mies F. Ralson has returned from
her visit to Detroit. having taken in the
big exhibition daring her stay there.
it.. Henry K. Hill, of Hayfield, will
preach to tis. Vietoxte-street Methodist
church next Sunday, both morning and
Mr and Mrs Joseph Shaw, formerly
of Ooderiob township, lett on the Mon-
day aftersoou train, for their home l•
Pittsburg, North Dakota.
Cul Allan, of Toronto, was the guest
of his brother, Mr A. lf(eD. A lla., dur-
ing the week. He is much improved
in health, and bids lair to be once enure
his former self.
Messrs W. MuUregor, Harry and
Charlie Donath, and Jae Moes, of (lude-
rich,left lest Monday for Keetwatio,Man ,
where they intend to work in the *moor
shop in commotion with Use large flour
veill there.
Mr Tbce McGillicuddy, of the Bureau
of Industries, Toronto, left for home
Friday last, accompanied by his wife and
family, atter having/ spent about three
weeks in a pleasant vacation amongst
Irmo& in town.
new Soft Stop and Practice Pedal attach
moot to • Newoombe Upright Piano
sense the nerves of the listener or per-
former, when practising, se well as the
instrument from wear, and preserves the
toss. tf.
Manager Williams, of the local branch
of the Bank of Commerce, has returned
from his holidays, and has resumed busi-
ness at the old stand. Mr Jae
Stream, who so ably filled hie Oboe
during his absence, left for Toronto
Mooday morning.
The regular seri-monthly meeting of
th. town 0000cii will be held this (Fri
day) evening. It is quite possible the
question of Mr Campbell's resignation
of the clerkship will come up, and that
his suoos sur will be appointed. Thee is
a matter 7( mouton to the residents of
the town.
Reale left town last week to opo ep
business in West Toronto Josction. Mr
Heide is an energetic young business
.an, thoroughly 000vereant with his
linea of business, and of onblemi.hd in-
tegrity, and we have no doubt will some
to the front with the rest of the God*
risb coatiagent who have oast i0 their
lot with the Quem City.
Lz -n•u . -Rev B. L Button will de-
liver • popular and interesting lecture
ender ths auspices of the Young People's
Society in the Victoria -.t Meth.diat
Church, next Monday evening. Subject
-"Love, Courtship and Manses." Dr
Whitely will take the chair. The pub-
lic are invited. The theme is attractive,
the lecturer is wall known, and we have
every reason to believe there will be a fall
meeting of tbelYoung Mo's Liberal Cleb 1
of Goderiob will be held in their club
rooma.00r north-st and Squent.on Mon-
day, the 9th test, at 8 p m. A large at-
tendance of the old members and all
who desire to see (the club a success ;
requested. The meeting is called for the
purpose of re -organization and for con -
Odense ways and meets of making the
meetings of) the club • success during
the Coming winter season.
PUSHING Browey's.- Messrs Chrystal
& Black, of the Godench steam boiler
w'eke, are pushing business in their litre
this season. They recently put in a 60
►.p. boiler for the Clinton electric light
works, and have now in course of eon-
struction a 40 h. p. boiler • for an lg.
Irnmdvill. firm, • 25 h. p. boiler for
Messrs J. & J. Livingstone, of Bade'
(to be placed at Atwood,) and a 60 h. p.
boiler for the Goderich Organ Co., with
fair prospects for farther order These
boilers are all being built of steel. They
are also eo yini • 12 h. p. .taut.* for,
the Ego on vill. firm.
Sorra HURON FALL Snow. - The
South Huron fall above, held in Exeter
on Tuesday last week, was • semen The
live stook was Brit ones as to quality and
quantity. The grata was good, bat not
in large quantity. The vegetables wore
eery good. The fruit was rather
represented The fine alts, lepopw
ladiss' work wore the bees we hare hid
for several year Farm implements,
carriages and begin were well repre-
sented. Dairy pro esu was very good.
The weather was all that eosld be de-
sired, And there were over 6,000 peooplee
present. Everythieg pined off=
and orderly. There was a
.atel in the forenoon between the
union Gleba of Leen and Lona, resish-
iag favor of Exeter by a sore d 99
to 15.
Am I.ruarrrlrn Rauo. -The late P.
Oarroli was on of the meet .et edis
saes. In his beiuers deollein be wet
epeight esoureMesa b . math la hiehe �e
trailed spas..tnhs kept a mayFor a� pease
siintimded intimly of Ile nettoonly
se they ..send W Y., bet .e they at-
lasted his ee1gbbees. Oe .ore thea one
.sow'ss this dirty wee the MOM el
seething Milsolein inesq0 Ms neigh-
b.rs whisk would rerwire have
sensed vetftl.ee sad GEpwive Wlf-
ttes. Se potholer was b. le hee�teg tip
the tratriss OM be .made a atairtweeiea
eavry wsash as a eeing pi Me'` iag bbulu..
his ..thea desanib 1i ..cern le 1Me
was this to bit n r./i. mithet, hi
honey tined Aim paws. —I .
i ff1J8 lj i IN Bran ►Cs
Mn Sawed Fisher, of Ohne', is at
tY:t visiting her father, Wm Bisset.
oiat, who is still in • very weak eon-
ditwo,having never walked sines ha bed
the paralytic stroke ewe* weeks ago.
Penns wishing to improve their
memories or strengthen their power of
•tteetion should Pend to Prof. Loieette,
237 hath Ave., N. Y., for has proepee
tee post tree, as advertised in another
column. 10-tf
TEurse*scs.--T', Young Woman's
Christian Temperance futon will bold
their regular moodily meeting on Mon-
day, Oct 7th,at 7 :30,at the house of Mn
it Henderson. A full atteadenoe is re-
XS•nwe seeks ago we not out a y
number of amount* tosubecrib- ZN.
e n to arrear. /Several persons owing as
w ere kind enough to respond .t once,
and we return our thanks to them. A
number have nut yet been heard from,
and this week we send out duplicate
accounts to many who have failed to re
spend. We will continue to 0000 oat
accounts to •11 in arrear until our books
are straight Even if you don't get an
amount this week, look at your label,
and if you are in arrest be good enosgh
to pay at inc.. The item is only •
small use to you, but the aggregate to
Xw foots up several thousand X
dollars. Pay up : /�
BORDER --The following is from last Sat-
urday's issue of the Stratford Deify her-
ald :-"Mr Charles Vanaeter, who for
several years has been to the employ of
Mr John Webb, jeweler, leaves today
for Galveston, Texas. Mr Van•tter is •
steady, careful y000v man, of good re
pate among his fellows, and liked by his
employer. An illustration of this latter
atatetsent is the fact that Mr Welsh pre-
sented him with • gold watch and chip
as • token of his appreciation of years of
fsitbful sod painstaking service. The
Herold hopes that the success Mr Van-
att.r hopes ft.r in his new home may
come to him speedily.- The young
man referred to above is a brother of
John W. V•natter, of this town, and is
well known hen, having frequently
spent vacation+ in town.
Iel Petra L FsnERAnos. - "Resolved,
that tt is in the interests of the British
Empire that it should hare • federal
parliament" was the subject of debate at
the High School last Friday evening.
Mr Jou D. Swenson was leader on the
aftrinative aide, and was backed up by
Mr A. J. Moon ; while Messrs Fred.
Blair and H. I. Strang performed the
same duties 10 the opposite side. After
mentally weighing the arguments pro
and eon, the chairman, Mr J. T. Garrow,
gays his decision in favor of the oegative
side. During the evoing a chorus was
given by the Glee Clab and a recitation
by Mw Ruby Robertson, and nomina-
tions were made for offices rendered vac-
ant by removals since the last term, the
following being elected without oppos-
ition :-President, Mr Nivea. ; treasu-
rer, 51ise Hotton : councillors, Mr Ly-
n am, Miss Ruby Robsrtaon, Mr Boyd.
The attendance was very large.
- When the congregation of North -et.
Methodist church arose for service on
Sunday morning lest, then were two oc-
cupants of the pulpit platform. The
regular pastor, Rev Geo. Richardson,
stool before them, and by Ilia aide was
another preacher, tall and angular,
straight as • sapling, though ad•
vaoced in years, with keen sesrching
eyes. shaven Itp, .lose -cropped grey
beard and altogether • man of striking
appearance. Tbe stranger was Rev
David Savage, the founder of the Savage
Band of evangelistic workers, whose ser-
vices had been secured for s revival
campaign in connection with North -et.
Methodist chorea. Who the newcomer
came forward to deliver the dluosres,
the eyes of everyone were fixed up-
on hies, and eager expectation was the
expression upon every countenance.
Slowly the words came, and low, almost
inarticulate to enemy of the oongrwgptios
were the opening sentences. No sips
of oratorical effort could be traced in the
utterances, but the (tarncatness with
which the ma.eeage was gives seemed to
have • magnetic affect upon the bearers,
and at the end of half an hour, when the
speaker closed the lids of the large Bible
whish lay on the desk, it was known
that the presober poss•sseI a pow-
er that was ide6sable, and had
mad* an impression that was felt
Is the evening Hen was a large at-
tendants' at the shwa, adthe
evangelist st oesepjpd the pulpit. Ha
dboosre• was, se lir the .oraisg, not of
the eonventiem•l order, bat wee never -
Unless effective, and when at the close
ata inrhatioa was siteeded to seekers to
eon forward a number availed them -
entree or the opportunity. Daring the
week ••rvi.m have hems 6011ink .vee-
* in North -et. M•tkadist iamb hese.
meet, sod already it appears that the
evasefiat has pissed bi■etr i• teeth
with the paepl., and that hie week is to
bear trekTs•adtiy the meni-
al .zessiw were 'mimosa the pr-
esses .t Mies Howard, el
eee el tba eelebeated "lavas. Saar -
who, vwe.11y end inetremeatelly. added
aatallily 1. the nirvana 'iter• •ervl-
ea begin east amine .t 7:110 e'd.ek
wick a
tick is
etre peeper of a ; then
shoe which bwesgOY. ddle.s his
ILs.maa, at the dost el whisk herb.
times taee attemrad to all who desire to
ester epee s AeWaa Iiia to sones far -
weed. 'flee 1st may have mad
tthe sires d the .ppeete.ty .e.
Urged Mn A. A. Vasatter, of Banat- i sob, Meta Sant; radtaties, NaMo-
ford, are venetian relatives in town. Creath; iastnmastal duet, Misses Nellie
Mr and *3.. Buchan, ..1 Lagrone., tied Mabel McKeaxis;solo,Liaie Bailey;
have been visiting G. W. Thomauu.
Mr W. R. Miller, formerly teacher of
(ioderich Pubito school, acid for • num-
o( years past one of the principal
agents of the North American
Life Assurance Cu , Pew in town oa
Thursday, and called upon • number of
his old friends. He contemplates • trip
to the Northwest.
last one of our prominent business men
was observed driving around the Square
with the oullar over the horee'• back and
the breast strap doing duty for the Dol-
lar. He was totally oblivious of the
peculiar mode of hitching until he rach-
.d his placer of bu•icess, when the mat-
ter was rectified.
ISO -A meeting of the directors of the
West Huron Farmers' Institute will be
held is, the Albin Hotel un Wednes-
day, October 9th, .t 2 p.m. The object
of the meeting will be to discuss the
program fur the furth000ung keoeral
meeting, and to otherwise further the
interests of the institute.
-Mr J. M. Depen, manager of the
Chautauqua Orchestra Concert Co., Tor-
onto, was in town on Thursday after-
noon to the interest of his company, and
made arrangements for holding • musi-
cal entertainment in. the Gmnd Opera
House, Goderich, on Wednesday, Dec.
4th. One of the special attractions of
the company is Mr Herbert L. Clarke,
Toronto's favorite cornet soloise, and the
other members are all of Pruvinsial
reputat tun.
Goes ro Toatorru.-The Misses Mc-
Miekinr left for Toronto on Wedneday's
afternoon mein Ind will henceforth re-
side in thfjilees City, where their
father, Lr Medlieking, has taken op
practice. Tb.y will be much missed in
connection with the church work of St. -
George'., and socially their departure
wilt create a void. Mrs McMickiog and
the Doctor will leave this weak, and it is
needless to say they also will be greatly
missed, having spot some of the beat
years of their lives in Goderich. The
family are accompanied by the best wish-
es of all who had the pleasure of their
acquaintance in Goderich.
ars pleased to learn that Mr John El-
liott, a former student of oar High
School, and at present mathematical
muter in Brockville High School,
has passed the senior examina-
tion in acisoce in Queen's University,
Kingston, and has been granted the de-
gree of B. A. Mr Elliott a success is
.1l the more creditable to him because
while preparing for the examination he
carried on successfully his fall share of
the work of his school. He has am
hearty congratulations oo his well -famed
honor. We are also informed that 1. A.
McKenzie and Albert Mahaffy, MIN
students of our High School, have bees
admitted on examination to McGill bast.
vent'', Montreal, the former as • sew
and year student •ud the latter to tie
first year class. Considering the short time
they hare had for special preparation,
the result speaks well not only for their
ability and diligence as students, but fog whistle, the machinery and fixtures
also for the careful and thorough teach- for which have all arrived. The whistle,
it is believed, will be a great boon to the
Thenlifebo.t which William Marlton is
building for the Government, for nae .t
Port Hope, will be completed in s few
annoesomeents; God save the Qom..
TN RAILWAY QcE.TIos.-At the 1
meeting called last Friday to eonaider
the railway question then was a good
representation of the business mot of
the town, although the old provisional
directors were not largely represented.
Mr Horton was called to the chair and •
disomMoo of ways and means was had.
It was finally resolved to apply for • re-
newal ct the charter and the following
were reoommended as the new provisi-
onal direotor.: W R J Holmes, M D;
J T Qarrow, Q C, Wm Lee, Frances Jor
dan, Horace Horton, J H Colborne,
Joseph Williams, M C Cameron, John
Butler. Mayor, the mayor of Wiogham,
Jae Johnston, reeve of West W.w.noeh,
Thom Taylor, rests of East W.wanoe►,
Joseph Beck, reeve of Colborne.
Cu rros's TA.ror.sn BILAw.-Two of
our well-known townsmen were called
upon to appear before Joseph White-
head, Esq,
Mayor of Clinton, on Mon
day last at 10 • m., to answer a charge of
horseracing and driving fester than six
miles an hour through the streets of
Clintou. contrary to Bylaw No. 3, of
1880. The defendants were represented.
and prepared to prove that they " "
raced. The plaintte. who, by the way,
is Clinton's chief of police, and acting
no doubt under the authority of the
mayor and council, when it came to
prove the bylaw under which he was
proceeding, was entirely et sea, and all
the clerk's efforts to find the bylaw prov-
ed futile. The plaintiff and clerk had
.t lest to admit that no such bylaw exist-
ed, whereupon his worship dismissed
both casae. Mr Polley, one of the de
fondant., says that Clinton has been act-
ing undera Canada Company's ordinance
enacted when the place wan known as
Rattenbare's Corners, and has telephon-
ed Ike to pay no mcre fines until it is re
vamped. The Goderieh men believe the
prosecution was • scheme to make Nem
pay for that electric light that Clinton is
so proud of.
Sunday, Sept 29th. -Scor Pandora,
Black River, 400 tons of coal fur the
Sunday, Sept 29th.-Schr Todman,
Courtright, light.
Monday, Sept 30th.-Str United Ees-
pire. Sarnia, passenger sod freight.
Wednesday, Oct and.-Str Camp•da,
Sarnia, passengers and freight.
Monday, Sect. 30th -Str. United Em-
pire, Port Arthur, 3 oar -loads of salt.
Wdoesday, Oat. 2d -Sts. Campooa,
Port Arthur, 5 car -loads of salt.
The schooner Greyhound, built by Mr
_Wm. Marlton two years ago, struck the
pier at Southampton and went ashore,
with cur town fishermen's supplies on
board, comprising about 500 nets, with
leads, corks, eta 1f these are destroyed
it will entail a loss of .bout 32,500 to
our fishermen
An engineer is expected to arrive
shortly from Ottawa, to erect the steam
ing in our High School.
ER SEMIS. -The flower show, under the
•u.pioe. of Knox Church Band of Hope,
which was held in the basement of the
church on Tuesdayevening last, was
largely attended anhighly successful in
every respect. Oo the platform were
two large tables laden with flowers, and
is front of that was • long form, running Mn Jno Taylor, of Galt, is visiting ie
the fall length of the tables, which this neighborhood.
was also covered. In addition to this Jno Welsh, of Pine River, paid a
display the platform in front of the number of his friends in this neigh -
tables, and the windows and organ had burhood •visit this week.
ti. There are 175 Bliss Eephesaia Murdock, who has
membersmbmbemembersnn the
e solroll of the Band of
Bop* and 75 of the juveniles exhibited been in Winghaa soder the care of Dr
the display of dames on the 0000ioo.
The exhibitors each received a free
ticket, and were marked paid up in full
for the year. Then werea number of taste-
ful deaign.,amoogst them beiogWillie Me-
Creath's motto, "Welcome," in a wreath
of flowers and ivy ; Stewart Straiton'•
plate of eat flowers ; Herbert and Geo
Stoddart's beaetifnl fschsie ad scarlet
geraniums; Jew Nevis's pink geraniums;
Harry McMillan's sootd germinate;
Willie Black and Willie McCreath had
each a large sesriet geranium, what
wen placed .t the ends of the platforms,
sod were greatly admired. There was
• number of other haadeoene bouquets
and other exhibits by the girls
sod boys, but oar epees will not permit
of farther see aeration. As TER SIe-
S AL r.es.ved one of the bouquet• we
emu vents for the style .cid beauty of
thea The worreadertsbs by Mn Hen-
eramass is agood one, sad the manner i■
whish the etildres t.ke held show that
hat .forte to d.velops a taste for
the beantif.1 are telly.
Mewing is the professor :- 100,
S rets, Oawsed Adam by
audiseem; fieripteeearch goo er{
e Rev J A Aadceon - to
theduet, Miss Baugh' .rid Il [M. =ion ;
re.MMioo. Mud Murray, Ss -ebedy's
beee; .ole, Mho Meet, Nawtbors
s; reading, Phoebe
WSd Rowers; initrenta al 5510, 11hmi
Vaud ; r.cNailcs, third I hgel. Sag
Beet sale, A flanalses„ The s
eiciraae's adike.s-L H 1 M.wg,goesi
✓ ad �tYecsesI1.e�..sm..arewl i color
=moo 11116111011.11 Teti
d, Amissuu i muni trial
From our own ooreespondent.
1Ir Joe Agnew has purchased • new
gig. The only trouble is that it will
hold only ooe.
friends in Goderiob last week. The
moire of attnotioo is that way, and if we
may judge by appearances (pleasant et -
pression) he will eons ga wain.
A Weird er two *beet hew P.Mraslese
Thal brave Come to llama.
This Magazine b00 suffered no loss
from the temporary abesoce of the Edi-
tor, for tb. September member bas been
pruooeoeed the beet ever issued. The
current number is one of similarly sus-
tained letterset It has four copiously
illustrated •rtieles-"On the Rh;ne,
"Vagabond Vignettes in Palestine,"
"Hen and Then in Europe," and "The
Canadian Children of the Cold." Of
special letterset is William Arthur's gra-
phic picture on "Woman's Work for
Women an India." 'The Miseries of a
Palace," by Miss Tweedie, 1. a striking
picture of the gilded wretchedness that
sometimes dwells beneath • royal roof.
"The Cadmium of an Author," by the
late E. P. Roe, will be read with much
interest. Mn Barr's strongly written
story, "The Elder's Sin," approaches its
climax. The Editor gives a summary
of his mutiny through Europe with a
large Canadian tourist party. Back
n umbers an still be supplied. Price $22
a year ; 31 for six month. ; 90 sesta per
n umber. Toronto : William Primp.
The numbers of The Lining Age for the
weeks ending September 214 and 28th
have the following contents : Matthew
Arnold, by Lord Chief Justice Coleridge,
New Rerieu; A Glimpse into a Jesuit
Novitiate, Blackwvod's Magazine; Oaly a
Juke, Losgmww's Magazine; Roger Ba -
000, Fortnightly Review; The Minister of
Kiodraeh, ifurruy's Magazine; Emerson
to Concord,Jaterday Reviews; The Cot-
tager at Homs, Murray's Magazine; The
White Comm,: an Old Tragedy, Specta-
tor; The Doke of Coburg s Memoirs.
Quarterly Review; Naomi. Murray's
Magazine; Tb. Works of Henrik Ibsen,
Nineteenth (4' slay; Apropos of Semael
Teiwyk Bar; The French Re-
volutionary Calendar, National Review;
The Art of Conversation, Nineteenth
(entor•y; French and English, IflacL-
w000l's Magazine; together with poetry
and miscellany. For fifty-two numbers
of sixty-four large pages each (or more
than 3,300 pages • year) the subscription
price ($8) is low; while for 310 50 the
publishers offer to send any one of the
Ameriesn 34 00 monthlies or weeklies
with The Liring Ars for • year, both
postpaid. Littell & Co., Boston, are the
McDonald for some months, is at home
again much improved in health.
Miss Eliza McKenzie, daughter of
Peter McKore, of Ashfield, is in a
Detroit hospital ander treatment, and
we are piaaed to learn from her sitter
Mary, who retuned from visiting her
then last weak, that:she i. Improving.
It is still our painful duty to report
Mn deo MoKosie very low and suffer-
ing greatly.
Mrs Robt Msrdook, daughter of D
Msrehi.oe,b sick in Toronto. Her many
friends will be pleased to learn that the
erica of bar dimes is past, and she is
expiated home soon.
Rev Mr McKay, of Loekoow, started
a bible alive la the mind boss.. Monday
night. The eongregatiou witeet goad
interest, sod will doubtless receive mesh
bomb from the meetings.
Fres asetber eserespeadeek
Miss May McKenzie arrived home
from Detroit os Thursday last.
Mrs Jobe Taylor of Galt is vesting
Meads bene.
Mr J ciao sprat a law days with
friends la Panamint lately, sod by way
of militias the sympathies of the lair
.ex be rive a very atheist aesoest d
hes "Web and erlWa Enc" h W resent
attempts at bs.►ke•ping.
Dewdrop Ledge has rwdved a ammo -
Weans frees oar .1d f0vor1,1 W R.ieb-
aide,_ who speaks be envies terms of
the Mated Shtee sed her people
Mr Will Dora was eat hoeing on
Feliap Wei sad hogged sense rya
Mr Jaen. O..k epee) a be days with
We do not bold ourselves responsible for the
opinions of our Correspondents. Contribu-
tors tc this department must confine t hem -
selves to pb cqueetions, and be brief.
Cheese reeIery.
To the Editor et The Huron Signal.
As one of the farmers in this section,
and having generally a wood deal of milk
to dispose of, I have often malted that
some entei pnMng person would start •
cheese factory at .ams near point, where
we could dispose of our surplus milk.
Wall not some one take advantage of
this good opening, thereby doing a good
thing for himself and also for m 1 Int
m have the opinions of cthen interest-
ed in this matter, who have ambition
enough to be always on the lookout for
further schemes of making the farm pay.
From our own °arrow:Pedant.
Oair.-Miss Celia O'Connor died
hen on Sept. 14th, aged 17 yeas. She
ooetr•cted a severe cold while attending
the Hugh School at Goderich, in the fall
or 1887, which culminated in consump-
tion, from which she succumbed oc the
date.eotieoed Her funeral took place
o0 Monday, Se0.16th, from her father's
residenos to the Catholic w.etery sear
Eingabrldge, and was attended by •
large number of friends and relatives.
Requiem mess was sung by Rev Fr.Bou-
bat, the parish priest. Mr Patrick (Y.
Connor, .other of the deceased, hes the
heartfelt sympathy of all his friends sad
neighbor., as this oneom.oesly promis-
ing girt is the third of his family whom
be has buried within the past six
Mr Miles Morgan, Birth. it at pros
...t nursing a sore had, injured while
working at the flax.
W,a. R. Stanton, of Sehriber, is io
Brussels on • visit for • while. He's as
engineer on the C. P. R. mid his week
evideedy agrees with him.
O. Monday of last weak Rev Mr
Geddes, of Whiteehonl, pondered a
lino two-year-old Ridgewood filly from
Mr Robt. Maid so, of Mecham, the
pries bang 3160.
The poll tem is wishing 'so.e of the
boys this Fall. A number of them wbe 4%
were SI when the Ammer was .round
lost spring aro trying to week some
aiah..fW rale to have. the T200.,• -
Q►i1H..0 Markle, son of Mr Wei
Merklsy, of %nanny, who has ban ha
Adrian, Irhi., lee tM - yews W
ban i.e darevallinhb'y le
friends be and atlwnd
rMsed sle Adrlss hast , amen -
ponied y
3110.10.11040., wire bleeds
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