HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-27, Page 8J 8 THE if Ito I N SIG N AL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 47, DIUNGANNON. Fees our ewe earruspoYeat Rey k Patter has arrived dote bum visiting his aged to u1.her. A bnitber of We McArtbds h M present witting his. Mr Ates. McKay. a so4dIts. Waal dome wasting his folk on Friday and Saturday. Potato raising, threshinc, and fall plow/Meg, are the order of the day. Nu apple picking this year. Mr Willies M.Ilough, J P., who has beau very ill, we are pleased to be able to state is becoming convalescent. Our Main street is being n►oely gravel- led with a good supply of gravel. Mr Jai. Walker is inspector of the work. S more elkoieot person amid not be easily had, as he will have it deme in Root style. Mrs Jae. Testable and others of this village, who have been visiting relatives, and ..song in the sights at the Indus. trial Kzbtbitios, Toronto, arrived home the latter part of last week, being highly Pleased with their trip. As to weather we presume the North• western Exhibition at Godunch has been (week too esrly,ssso far this week weath- er is delightful. However we understood that notwithstanding the inclemency of the wester during the Exhibition it was a tinsucisl s•:xess. Dunganuoo Fall Show takes place os Thursday of next week, the 3rd of Octo- ber. We hope that the weather will continue to he as delightful as it is at present, as Duoganuon,lik' (:.derich,has been In previous years uuf• roust* in haring unpropitious wosthsr at show time. The demise of Mr Samuel Cook, an old settler In the township of Ashfield (near the village of Belfast,) took place ou last Friday; his reuuios were Interred un Sunday,the 22nd inst., in Dungannon cemetery, being followed thither by a large concourse of relatives. friends and neighbors. Age 711 years. The hereat ed widow and family have the sincere sym- pathy of the community, K 4117 NEXT 1 - A young pedagogue arrived safely ant our hamlet on ..r 111)00, last Wednesday,the 18.b trot We wel come the young gentleman, hoping Oast he wall be spared to tench the young idea how to sh.•ut. We take the liberty to congratulate the joyful parents (Mr (3 8 Woods and his wife) on the happy event. They are quite elated over the heir. Mr G 8 Woods ta the principal in our school NILE. From our own correspondent. The Methodists are very thankful to Mr W S Clark for his kindness 10 giving them the use of his ,trove. The is the third time they have used it Mr John Pentland is able to be out. Ha friends are pleased to see his health improved. Mr James Young, of Clinton, and Mr Horace Foster, of the risme town, who supplied on the Nil. circuit during Item ti Irvine's vacatera,were-very highly ap- preciated. Roth gentlemen will be warmly welcomed by the congregatiot5 of Nile circuit whenever ituy Ceti come and preach for us again. Clinton is highly favored in heviig each a guar- ' tette of Methodist local preachers as Messrs Manning, Holmes, Foster and Youi8. The Methodist "Harvest Home" on Tuesday tie lo.h was • success. The day was hw.utiful, the woods shady and coa), the Kaman and swings interesting for both old and young, the crowd order- ly and happy. There was an abundance of 1,1ovtnuns provided by the g•o:d ladies of Ntle circuit. Rev Jas Livingston was the only speaker, nut his speech was kitthty enjoyed. He and hie good wife were very welcome visitors to our gather ing. The total proceeds of the Harvest Ilomo were *78 !K). This sum goes to the Pareouage Trustee Board, tc assist then iti psytng off the bale/ice due on our new personage. LAN(iti1DE bliss Christie hogs and Miss Jearie ,'•1cA lister paid use flying visit nn the °coumn of the Caledonian rames at Lucknow. Some of the hearts of our youths were made happy by t: eir pres- ence. Mr Archie McKenzie, whom we are always glad to see, has beeu visiting fr.ends here daring this week. A very enjoyable time wis spent by all during his stay. Our genial merchant, Mr R. 11lalloogh, formerly of Lucknow, has settled dorm t., business. lie is keeping up his reps- tatiou as a good business man, aid we ere !oleas.d to welcomo him to our midst. Mr Murdoch J. MgKeti re, our pope. lei teacher, eutertairied visitors on Fri day last, to the persons of Misses May and Maggie McKenzie, of Parana nut, who gave a very fletu4itig acc,uut of the work dome by the teacher. One of our most prominent young la- dies was united in the holy bonds ..f ma. trimony a abort time ago to a member of the Order of Disciples of Ohm. A number of guests were invited and a pleasant time was anticipated, but, ow- ing to the appearance of another claim- ant for the gentiemau's affections, whose ohms. it was imp amble for him to reed, the ceremony was hasu,ned and perforat- ed the previous evening. 'rhe couple immediately left for their bridal trip, so sal to avoid any unpleasant scenes. The guest* who sae.mbl.d next morning were Moewewhat dusappoNMed M find that thus whom they had come to do honor to had gone. This gave nee to unplea- sant rumors to the ea' cl that the happy temple were seerete•t about the premiss, on as to escape the vesgesoee .4 the tyird party. We are glad to be able toeiostrad'c( this statement, whish is et- terly fake, as they spent • very seyoy- s'de time in • r•.uod trip up than lake,and t queued looking he.n.fltted by their ex• a•rreien, and hare sine. departed for their hose in Ohio. The good wisher of their assay 1reeds ase..etpany them. AUCTION SALES. AR parties getting their aide MIM prt.tes et this colde will get s haw maim resersit i. tile Ilse up to the time of ale. t.reeerved ogle of farm Moak sad implasants of Alex Oseepbell, Int 10, ern. 10. W f) . Ashfield, no Men, Sept. 3011, John Griffin, atrotimmest. 1 ls♦siR� tiwr1h Amcriall LiteAssuraoce Co�u.j 1_. IINCUMPORATnD BY WIAL ACT of DOMINION PARLIAMEXT)tahehr el 8. No. 6, sew al Werth", Ovitaringtrligelig his uM yeti ivlet6.s The se►splAmp sajgd tito days' holt days last .wk, the Illetikseaateado.tt the react te•akaw' Iaslksts hold to U. der. tali The enlvart at Ike mortkern toed 1•• s base treated to a sew plashing, by in* township fethetta, J. H. Barker boom the contractor. Quite a ossber et our teside:;ts to. k in the big world Show held MI 41.Asr•. h, sad are all fell of euecdutes •d what te., heard and raw, partwula.ly the . d sosteote and the fearless ndmog of the sow buy in catching them. The little fulk,aa cell as many of tb it elders. ere lost in deep adairetioa of 'b pretty bmaabo posy whten has h.... ppuureh.s.d from the lot .sen in in Norlhweateea Show in Godp.eh, by our towusmaa, A. Allen, for his son Frsi.k A resent assieteat depot) judg.• tUoderioh Show gars our bandit • dy.ug visit this week and is s, Weave.' e1h the shrew of the poultry department that he intends W start amaa.w.tk heene•v which he rays will excel auy in Oan.rio. Hsst.tLns--ibis maestro, pomace' traction engine which works the Bu-. tt Separator in threshing this stew,. e.. in our midst lett week, aid its drive. Max Smcbler, showed greet skill in re. - ..ing it along the roads and bevki..g it .tl• into p.artien for setting the machine f••. threshing. The workmen g..00g tom one farm to wether to thresh raj... .it their ride on it and the tank *look draws u.akes a g.wd coach tor pros-... germ. The fair sex think the drtring s..t should he enlarged. The selar•tvr •a drawn by horsepower by its °Wier, Ge... Bissett. A Nicholson, w.11 kuown for some years on the Morrow and E •ht.•i thre.hen, is nn the staff The lads .r - full ..f chat and lots of fuo, and arra 1. think Dunlop the jolliest place thry have struck during their traiels this 50511)11. LEEK( RN. From our ewe, correspondent. Mrs IV 81 why. of Iloderich, and bfr.. W Reid. of ILatailtoa, visited relatives here last week. Mr R. Fulford took in the Toronto Exhibition last week, and visited frt..nds in Hibberd townslip, Perth county, on his way home. Saturday morning of last week H Zell - nor had twu 6ue sheep killed by dugs. Mr Zellnor is going to take measures to prevent future ravages from the canines on his sheep. Pitanoxai -Mr D Fotherineham, cf Tuckeramtth, with his two steers, Jane and Maggie, visited here for several days last week, and were the guests of their cousins,Jamea and John Lioklater. TONIGHT -The I. O. A. T., No. 213. will hold • free entertainment in their hall, sod • good proems will he given by its members. Also the Itev Mr Hatton, pastor of Victoria et Methodist church, Ooderich, will gine an address. Proceedings to .tart at 8 o'clock sharp. The teacher of our school, 1' Stuart, attended the meetings of the West He .:.on Teachers' Inst lute held in Glide - rich last week. Miss Jane Upheld, who teaches near %Ouch, was also up at. the session, and gave her frtepd. hers a flying visit before returning to sesame her duties on Saturday. Prayer meetings, which for a time have not been held; will, on Wednesday bight of this week, be resumed in the .ch.,ol r..om of the church and be held afterwards weekly. Rev .1 A Anderson will be present at them once • fortnight as formerly and will preside at this one, and during the afternoon ant K'edoes- days make pastoral calls as before am:;nig the charge here. The recent world's fair is. Go,deneh saw a good turn -out from Leeburn to see its wooden, all of whom were well pleased with what they sow sod heard, and the Little Northwestern, which ap- peared on the show grounds as an••ther object .f Interest for aeeriwloled specta- tors to new, returned with its mother safely hone on Friday afternoon. •S><= ANP 11FICIL The reams why a wna.n M ahold est a mouse M a profound mystery indeed. It has never beim very eMwrle Iw.,mi glut .he 10 - But But antee women are constantly in ouch a nervous, Irryistable condition that the sd lighte and startles them. The rause of this tmfortunatc state of atarre M tnntay some functional Mean rte some di.trera- Ing or painful Minim y. some M�r�. sent or weakens weaketmddel$ to k.r rt ; or. fthe due a inflammation, ul- e.tnfton or displacement, of some of the pelvic viscera, or to other ()e�rmotic lesions peculiar to her ser. Frost whichever mutes It may arias. Dr. Ple•ror Pavnrtte Preemi tion M a pattens reassdp, to eertaln to t� cttrative newts that ha rsanwfa.Merrre sell 1t. through dragsters. end: r a aserawt a Its 1ap nmow•'paid t�141. e* of fve.red. As a soothing and str i 1b.Mnt ner•rine. Favorite Pnw rippftioe " 1s ttwP- qtaMt and M inraltatIe la allaying and oub- dnhht.rr rwrvenr eretabOIty, trH *ahttity, es- hmrrsttbrt. prmtrattnn. hysteria, sad oleo, .its acre enmity sgeil mit upon fuoat end der of the womb. It Wawa deep and Baines tsinseal assiotrot ptpyript. ante by Wang's Dia low. tugs. pi.PELLETS Anil - Bi1M.w ar erss..i10. are alit ea....1L to alae of Mmagi a vial. 6000 Wen IS DONE AT SIGNAL HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO,IONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. I Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Canadian Company PRt$WDEfT -HON. A..IlA(.t1CYJILli IL I'. IX -Prime Mlal sac Canada. vice-PREsioawrs l Ht„ lyl L R0.151 LRR it Alt AUINO DIRIGCTUR W1LLZAM ABS, F.I. A... Les. TIN Helm Imes ` all Approved Form of PoIIc. a •olid lIalUaa, RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. This Polley OUAftANTEEB A RETURN OF ALL PREMIUMS PAID la oddities to the full taw of tee Polley la the sweat of death daring the 1$veatt eat parka. At • bower rate than sal other Company. 1st -ly F. J. T. NAFTEL,t BINDINGTWIN E WE Alts SHOWING SAl1PLBO OF BINDING TWINR roe TSB COMM HAar1I I PURE MANILLA, SILVER OOMPOSITE, INDIAN JUTE. Which we are offering at a Special Price to Early Purchasers Our Stock of General Hardware, as usual, is com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed, Plain, Twist, and Oiled Annealed Wir as you lice /t R. P. WILKINSON & Co. INE TAILORING ! GRAND DISPI.A OF Choice fall Goods GENTLEMEN, --- I invite your close inspection of my new Fall Stock, which for excellence of quality and beauty of pattern is pronounced by critics to be the best yet seen in town. B. MacCORMkO. ee CARLOW. Mr Thos Morrtab and family len fat Fairbatru, Man., on Saturday last His many friends in the section wish kis every prosperity to his new home. THE hMAI►KETS. BREADSTUFF'S AND PROVISIONS Godertek Priem. GoDattwst. Rept. 26. Ufa. Wheat New...... ............... 2' " 080 Roar. F bbL. ».... .... 17 0 E 630 Oats.. busk 0 10 4 J Lw Peas, • bush .................... 0 50 R 055 Barley, w busk .... ............. 0 40 40 0 65 Potatoes. new • bwM to m 50 Hay.. t 6 014 40 - 00 Hotter .• ...•.. 0 is los 0 (6 ........ Fares. peak aapaeked 1 Ass . .. 0 Is M 0 It Cheese 0 121.1 0 13 :Shorts. gboa12 50 K 12 50 Bran p tris 10 AO el 10 50 Chopped Stuff. 1 eat 1 25 •' 1 30 Screenings. 1 cwt .......... 0 5!t" 5221 Wood......... ............... ... 3 30 - 0 tt-o.ol.... .. 0 111 " o 21 e.e- Mhtrskias.. 0 60 " 0 70 fireweed 03 Apples.abush cwt •M- III! Gunge. INata00smsr Flour Fall Wheat,new and old spring Wheat Barley Ott. .. Peas es. twtsttat pith JIM Potstlsss ...... ... (butter.....,... F�ita ('ai4west. Poo airr . r...... ..... ... Sept. -tat. $5 50 to 090ro 0814 to 0Ptto 6 22 to 010 to 1 50 to 640 to 0 121to 011 to 500 to i 00 G o sit6s 00 D tan at 50 10 50 0 15 0 13 7 CO is 0110 0 911 6 70 8oderich Steam Boller Works I:s abl,shed 1RS'0. Chrystal & Black i Manufnetun•rs and dealers la Steam Boilers. Fait Pane. Tanks, Heaters, Frookestaoks. and n11 kinds of Sheet iron Work. imprnred Auiema•tc rnt-o ('orlta En- gine., Upright and Horizontal Engines. Ma- chinery and castings of every deacriptlon. By... Fittings, I'ipe and Pipe Pittings cow atantly ou band. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Works r app. 4. T. B. station. K pepsin promptly al tended to. P.O. BOX 381 2150- 3Reaical. I1Rlt SHANNON a SHANNON, l' 1'nyrielan. eursrnwa. Aerosolises. &e. tease at Dr. Khanna.), reafdeace sear the Stool Ooderick U. C. tSHawwoa. J. It SWAN. R0R. 1761 Noma. - McLEOD'S SYSTEM - RK NOVATOR Will be found for sale at the fetlowing d rwts'less : W. 0. 000DE, Mites Meek JAS. WILSON, Preaerlptba Deis Mme. a1110. RHYxA Th Phar••e.. MS PEAR, Beaftwtk. MR ROBSRTS, BIRBY & DATrdt M R OONO IIIAM Lttiekaaw. MR OO esseA. k•ew. J- M. M LEOD, PRVPRISTOR. sit GRA FI:1UL-COMFORTING. FALL -MILLINERY. I NERY BREAK FA8I. "By a thorough knowledge of the eaters) laws which govern the operas tons of dtwedies and nutrition. and by a careful application of the One properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr Epps has provided oar breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save as many heavy doctors' bills. It M by the Judicious use of such articles of diet that a toanitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to at- tack wherever there 1. a weak p0501. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortterd aith pure blood and a properly nourished frame."-"Ciril Service Gazette " /lade simply with boiling water or milk. mold only in packets by gro ors. labelled thus: JAMi21NIPS It Co.. Homeopathic ('kea- Ists. London. Insetted. 2186 The EXAMINER (P. 0. Boz 3081,) NEW YORK CITY. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton Street. begs to announoe that she has now in stock the latest styles in fall Millinery, special- ly imported from the British markets for this season's trade, which comprise some of the moot handsome goods ever Been in this section, including Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Shapes, Trimmed Goods, etc. .A. CALL SOLICITED_ M=SS C.4°A.SZERc - 21-Ynooa. MILLINERY OPENING To the ladhie fi[ Oetlerich and vicinity. c Loading Baptist Netoager,As has bees previoslyseaeeaeed le them esteems i hare lately pnrcbared the stock of Blas Grabani. to which I hare added largely while a..eudintthe city openings,and in order Published at Two Dollars • Year. to make you full; aoxlialnted with m styles I T sod goofs I mid hold an °mums; from on the three Fair days of 'text week. Will be sent on s "trial trip' OCTOBER 1, l2Ja, JANUARY 1 1890, For the nominal sum of THIRTY CENTS. you is i•h to know what the Baptist de - I n enination is dolag, and to receive all the newt of the wort' besides. try THe KtAMiVKR. their National paper, and a lire newspaper as well. tae I you , subeerwith yltwourforBstaptisten fofrienIheds m tofor know the "trial trip." or induce seven of them to subscribe through you. and we will re- cognise your kindness by wending you • 371 Faget Itmo.. just wined volume of the newest work cf ('HAhLen el. fi1•uta,ano, the great London preacher, THE SALT-CELI ARS, Being a I:Ar-tion of Proverbs, Toletkrr With /lowly Notts TAB,.nn, One et the spiciest and most common sense of his works. I roc cannot seed seven names and et10 and .rear, the witty send whatever number you ran, at the same time send - Ing for our "BOOK COMMISSION LIST" Aad see what handsome book.•inclullns Tag 52L?-Cet.t.ARs, len esti add to your library or have tor Holiday gift Joist by Fedor i.g . few of the ' trial trip' tau mbar. arc new for it00 at our regular prloe of 12 a year. you reoelving. book for every such 55510 you renew. BUT de not waste preetos time le cerm- et' Just send la saae. s7oagut them. on pedal card. {f you wIll .Mdre.das Ti. EXAMINER,Box 3661,Nsw Yeas CITY. Still•! when you bare warmed can- yasoing SADM A earns rasa. SACHET POWDERS 8 iIIFFTRENT ODORS. MALVINA - CREAM ton TAN AiI» FRICa7.EA, FROSTILLA nut CARAPPRD HANNA. -RTJ 8IFOAM- /Oa TSR runt. moms OA 2011 THE TOILIT. RIO8ICKXE S MUMMA •iYsN DiV?IR* T MORA. >'vRI DRrOS AND Foes 000D11. Aenwietlen Dry!sora. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 17th., 18th., and 19th. i 1 shall be pleased to see all who may call. whether wanting to purchase or &VI MISS BOLAND, 21-2M. (Successor to Miss Graham, West-st) SURER Gds COMB AND WiTH IT A LARGE CONSIGNMENT -OF - Gan &hp for the Seals -AT - H. DUNLOP'S. flood material, flae styles sad fair prices is the motto. Next deer 1. Meatrsl Bask ID -A.131.73 ,13I31i»otBv Pitt, - BROS. & CO. lam.. of Canadian Apples. MI *am Ttd.e0a4 ,, Candies, gag. Consignments solicited and liberal advances made thereon. nes Liquors, ego FORMAL" MIT G. H. PARSONS ALMON i16sOCL, QODEAICR' WANTED LESMEM to sell chafes Nursery Stock berall ay 1% eekly. W11/ pay salary, hu an give something better to workers. N, yptMem, seeded. Write Faint. IC Yorso. Narserraisn. Rochester. S. Y. r 0 owl sell 04.0 will you become for Rochester. of Ito . Cob 1t out. t d for o0 tO! me 2 Ali TZAR'S MYRTLE CUT sad PI.UO SMOKING TOBACCO FiIN=R THAN 1[PER *11 TificB L Braes'w meth Plug sad Package. D7t$ TO Otice c at thi Mond+ chathan tpa.1 At Up to week. U adrottr of Tao f (aineseel u charge • bow for at word net Men tic sertisewte Ia =e. t rite --In ears.. t In la wit Atm. of ART - Mk.. tl w eet.et, wort n ire of awash* -la 1 eel Mr A . DowaLe or Aal Lan... b cFaDvtts the mal derma. CLorros-1 bride. J66. A.. Bustler bores te Jook. Ha NEM Deters -W.1 Mlllla tel Sut velvets Asignee•1 ? Tarns ter Si Dry Geode - Carpet ewe TOl "L .ht A. Don't tall sandaUtvd unek- aederanderr j f.TrmsOe P Mgt M Wlaa Th. =�t meeting at I Cease in o A. Pridhan ier we. and Oedema a' Have you M▪ ar uand see the p� 1 Gers*5low s 40? the .Ouralty maw R.R. gen imetases la plater, frau rsrtgerneri te the winter e aheel haus knitting els pyteaar therm apM Ise eeks for Mat Ilse tel Miss Lt IMitofn. & Grier om • visit 1 The M friends in cities. Dr Mel nomsslttio every atm Mn Le odist Won treaties at Mn W. to, beve weeks' visa Mee tis is om h da .rD tie M ltie�1 Noe IA INS IleLes NA et the ss Mw Ts tamed be Dir II I soakee the teeth a op • a. el, Is Its. 'Me Teoti7 bee wad . ( f