HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-27, Page 6THE POET'S CORNER. fes• Puny tltiN:ra A tubbier kis hamar team Hie era this. le his bets Hell eters • ,see ops hie /M iy t Tomah* It sits -Aid arid. We geode are always ruled team Thorns seal to tie•e who call ; Pert et W wealth Isla We prem Vet l• It Mikis swL Me sskm• • pair of rippers. deft; if bath are Anat. they're uses. U aims •re lett, the. both are left; Made nad ay they are •irons. A eeNbr he will never eat, No rsea•ib. ► ie be. yet Y be driata, when othere treat. lie ll swallow v"Milers, hes. Thomas varied lou or menu roc Pelt lite °we said guy fuse, Though he tea serer heal himself Hymn heel- boots end shows. Hell "boot" r dug and ' shoo- a ben Whew either are about; When urlu,t be peep la. bat whir !let dried he pals oat. H. C. Dodge. la Detroit Free Pres. at Nets'• Neer. My Atli, boy nad durrli.ua and case fay n. -r dyu.e. After the Isadore tv• r thing a se wr used D. Fowler's Et tract of Wi d Strawberry, which caused epic- cure .rad I know of tau tubers els w. r cur• by the some remedy. Free- n ess res■lel l A ..OD Ont. 2 .r. Tateeltee N ■I.1.terL Gave _..our o,.n.ater a good worldly sspieiri, .f ,leu w...I.* have nuu ;;itr you gu.,. • iuo.n•. M any animist era are by t!. . o..s,grrga-I0.• half starved. Per bap' it your post r bad natter food he w.• d Aar.• more tire Next to the D. to • u coon, the uuhtater needs good b d; o.$ he ewer/t mike that out lel too_. t.•etwr. 0.,e teas .n why th. • p• •1 r. ,.r••acheu • . p„errfully . to this •...achy `....d Ft.h era. cheap 111.1 .6( tiahl.e, sod this, witli leu b •tt•.d bread, gave them pho.ph•orou- for the Main, nttratra for the mood* nod u io' -aims f •r the whole frame Wneu 111.1 wst.•r to low the mill -whist g...s 'tow v, tut a toll race, and hoe fast rho greets are ground ! In • amts the artrrir• bre the mol race, and tbn boas, the white.. aim the practical work o• • /, s the et tat gr. end. Srldinn have f• led .,. h.ttle because their stomach. Ito .. reel ,la)s war, innocent of ever) - 11.n,•• .,r • ' hard -tack." See that you* mtni.ter h.. •'uil hav:,rasek. Feed him cos fru.: duan:• the week. ;:nd on Sum - da) he ..IJ vivo you gruel What i. a:. •s the "pare-n's noose" in • turkey o. fowl i, an aacory setting -forth that in msoy c..w.u•n.n.w the miuster come. o,;• t., lin .t ()lieu the damage begins in the e..11eve or the.Jo.gical seminar) b .+nl,.sg hosis9. insuttioient food and u11.ot wiser app. rel have done their fatal w• rt •ori the young man h.fore he reach- es the pulpit. He comes tutu life cowed down, .. h a pairh.m both knees and • hat that has been done over four or five times seed so weak that the tint sharp wind that whi.rl.e ronn3 the corner blows him 'evil/tory. The inertness you co,..plain of i••the ministry *Aorta early Ds yot suppose that If Paul had spent seven years in a cheap boarding-house, and the years after in a ps oily supplied pinion 1.[M, he would have mar - Felix tr.rible 1 You cannot keep • hot 'lire ID thr furnace with p our fuel and the damp or tweed. Mager.wa s'esaserreets. Comnterf.nts are always dangerous, m nr o that they always closely IMI• TAra T*II ORIGINAL IN Arre.%OANrx •ND DAM) The remarkable eoeoeleachieved b, Nasal Balm as 1 Piiinkre miner-fer Catarrh said Cold in the Head has ir- duced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The pubiie are cautioned not to be de eared by motivate Imitating Nasal Balm in name and app arar.ee, bearing such names as Nmol Cream, Nasal fialsam, etc. Arne for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealer. may ni ,e upon you. For sale by all diuggista or sew post paid on receipt of price (60c and $1 by addressing Fulford .& Co., Brockville Ont. tf The tents trT mMslehe.i. There is s market inside the Jaffa gate, says a recent traveller, and I o an see it just under me as I write. Great piles of oranges and lemons lie upon the flag sidewalk, and there are scorns of women with baskets of vegetables before thew. Many of the./ are from Bethle- hem ; and the Bethlehem girls are the prettiest you see in Jerusalem. They have straight well-rounded forms, which they clothe in • long linen dress of white, beautifully embroidered in silk, so Chet a single gown requires many months of work. This dries is much like an American woman's night gown without the frills and laces. It falls from the neck to the feet and is open at the front of the neck in a narrow slit as far down as a modest decollate fash- ionable dress. Over thisthey have sleeveless cloaks of dark red stripe. and their heads are covered with long shawls of lioen beautifully embroidered. .Inst above he- fcrehe•d each girl carries her dowry in the shape of silver coins whish stand nn end fastened to • string, and crown the forehead with money. Some of the girls hays several rows of these coils 'and some have crowns of gold Nut a few have coir of si.rer and gold the size of oar $20 gold pieces hung to strings about their necks, and none of the women hide their pretty (sees, as do those Mohammedan airs near by, who, in shapeless white gown,' with flowery white and red veils covering the whols of their floes, look like girls playing @ko•te its white sheets Beside these are Russian girls in the tiesaa.1 costumes Of modern Romps and Jewish maidens in gr -os -ed flowered shawls, There are (.reek primate with high black asps, and monks of all kinds, web as it see ender to bleak cowls of Europe. The Byri•', the Turk, the Bedouin. to Atriw, to A riser. and to Greek ars i. that weird below ms, .d •m.rsg •11 chem an 1e to term 4 to eb'q.itn.. Aoamrieon traveller, wbo, is pith alias last and greets ires umbrella, has aee- q.ussl to east se well as the west, AS ages and eeminiemt d p"ople may t WOW t. Ss peat bead& . 1 ea THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, lt) Rich and Poor, -.aware were. Wt•hiwwetrM, lassos. ie ego et the Melee a tan Weet tW lime *eyed a maw 'bale r • weed whisk elands ter s state of thin s is whi Oise sear, whole people kiss their hast, and with them, eery dies, thea amen. Lary - thins "esehi. " Wary matin is a "reader,* or a •'►ostler, and the We le fed d mnemes d m•kiee them es& he a day. Dories the emitemesse ie Weiski- teweeshitr wins lend wee amnia. at tabs - lees mess, en esd `.mer drove into the map sod hosted up a reel imam meat hr en pees, 4 mason • tree. "I'.. get a farm that 1 wawa to trade kr • alp ha ,t'Mexai ee& "My oddest hill wants a tease d sty life and the excite- ment et the great metropolis. as ate oath it. I'm atr.t•d with the fans myself, vet to mimes folks great to live is taws." "Fray well, dr," mays the sireat,bl•sd- b, "we ma sat los. About how high • Mime mem you go i' "Well, about • three -thousand -duller W. My tars is worth all of that.." "Call *mood this afternoon," said the agent, -and I .111 take you to see some of the tiuest sty luta in '.:'•tchitow•bh- it.' Promptly at the time fixed the old man presented himself at tb.it °!flea u( the *gest, whose team was at the dour, • ,poo of horses and a buggy. ` Get right io, and ..:l ride out to the Iota," he said, politely. "How tar is it 1" asked the farmer, w ondering if the city lute were so far apart that two horses and • buggy were • eeewary to get to them. "0, out very far," replied the •gest. as.nnngly. Toey got into the buggy and the agent drove rapidly throueh the main avenue of the city. The farmer kept glancing e t the tine busmen, blocks and wondered e:. _u the three thou.and dollar lot would be reached. Soon the avenue began to merge lota the prairie road, the houses grew farther and farther apart, until they filially di. - appeared, and the agent and the farmer were riding through the open prier e dotted oocasiooelly with farm mottling.. ing.. and still the ageut urged his horses, as u he were anxious to Ret back to his Who. before dark. "Well, well," thought the farmer, "ibis le the greet metropolis. is i r Finally, after driving some ten miles, the ageot draw rein beside a pities of un broken prairie, when just above th. grate could be seen rows of red painted makes driven in to designate the lines •1 rouse Iota The piece covered about fire acres. "There !" said the .gent, with a grand .weep of hi. band, "there is one of tin- finest hefinest city squares in the market. Thi. corner lot here, twenty-five feet front, is quoted at three thousand tiro hundred dollars. W. will let you have it for three thousand dollars, the value of your farm" "Muter," mid the •gricultunst, slowly getting down out of the buggy, "do y u see that farm hour about t. mase bock on the road we've just come saver, towards the city 1 That is my farm, and I don't know as I want to trade today for this city lot. I think if I start now I shall get back there about milkin' time, I've got all 1 want out of this boom." Geed advise. To be hes:thy and have lots ref life and vim, be careful in diet, take plenty of deep, and regulate the bowels, bile and blood with Burdock Blood Bitters, a sore cure for constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, •11 blood humors, ecrofula and all broken down conditions of the system. 2 Testy entrees' et Me Sea illimne the United Bastes', -- Ile who would lew to pray should go to sea. When one falls into the sea he stays there. When you walk, pray once : when you go to see, pray twice; when you go to be married, pray three times. Women are ships sad must be mann- ed. The sea refuses no river. All the rivers go to the sea, and it bverrUDs. The sea is mot soiled because s dog stirs it ug. T3 • drunk mac the sea only reaches to the knees. If the sea boiled, where would one go to had water to cool it Being at sea, sail ; being on land, set- tle. What comes by starboard goes by lar- board. He that will not mil till he have a full, fair wind will lose many a voyage. &-olea you are the wind astern you must know bow to navigate. You cannot mil as you would, but as the wind blows. in a calm sea, every man is a pilot, To a rotten ship every wind u con- trary. What fear would he have of the waves who had Nosh for s pilot 1 Every sea, great as it is, grow. calm. A large ship needs much water. When the ship can go the briganti•• can go. It is easier to get away from the beak than from the botttom. The ship which doesn't miud her beim will mind the hidden rooks. He who an steer need not row. It will not do to ban. two mammate in • ship. Better lose sir anchor than taw whole ship. Good roller, good sailer. Do good and east it into the ma ; it the fish ignore, God will know it. if (goods look like they had been .erwteh.d by s hen, get ready 11e reef your topsails thea. The fell moots eats aliens. He who sends • teesa mom b ger get .either Ash ..r eaIL Spy pert serves i a gala A weaver east have his eyes es Ilii reeks sod mod as wen es e. the North liar. I11 goes the boat without rasa i•4om the boat we get to to ship Don's jesigo d the ship Irma to land. The freshest and mein Y nor prem the mates( ems. No sero eau amplallo d ihs as who W been twin adpv,sskeL lie gats his peewee kir mllihi.g ami wiehe et the eiplonee MIS Tb. sis MIA leimisg. Purity of iso diests sill eeessery .c oosrppw•diog make Milbare'• Aromas (jet*ioe Wise the criterion a ti•o•'- hose. 1m Mrs.. M • retry a.l rsmmy. As • indite swim•& Haply, the bamboo W ao espartos. The "lope' is • term whisk should never M applied to that adios in any other breed of horses. I hare watched s herd el emir ponies twine Abysm over to prairies, where the no- dulationne of the books is to movie/ throng wore as regular sod ease Y the rise and fall of the watery waves. The fox trot, whisk is to hobnail sett of 511 plainsmen. webers sled Iadins., r easily cultivu sd is him, •ad his light. • mole frame aeammotatee its At mitrals ty to the moths. This psrtieulor America', hone ley Saila to soother quality, which in s% esti.s•t ion is not least, nod tit it is his wonderful picturesqueness. He graces the western landscape, not became he reminds a of the equips ideal, bet be- cause he comes of the soil, and has borne the heat and burden and the viciasi- codes of •11 that pale of romance which will oltnq shout the western frontier. As weave his bitched to the plow or the wag- on he seems • living poses against utili- Arieniem. ile has berms the Moor, the .puatdt conqueror, the red Iwdime. the mountain man and the vaognero throe, h all the glories of their careen ; but they will soon be Irons, with silt their heritage f *silent deeds. The pony must meek- ly enter the oew regime. He most wear the collar uI the new civilisation and .arra his oats by the sweat of bis flank. There are so more worlds for him to conquer ; now be most till the ground. -Frederick t(emangton, in Century. mea'. •8Katate Run Oc rise in buying medicine, bot try the great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chase's reoeipes. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases rat the Liver, Kid nays, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists. The distressing valences so often ob- served m young girls and women. is doe in a great measure to a lava of the two osrptncles in the blood. To remedy this requires a medicine which produces these necessary little blood constituents, and the best yet discovered is Johnson's Tonic Bitten. Price 50 oasts, and $1 per bottle at Geode's drug store, Albion block, God.rioh. Sole agent. [b] Young man, don't be a loafer and stickwhittler. Go to wort ! Do some- thing! If you can't be a bank president he • day laborer. Do anything that is honorable to maks money Labor is dignified, while idleness is • disgrace. Take this view of the matter acid the re atilt will be in your favor. The ern wbo works stoner drops his eyes while talking to boo, while a loafer can't look an honest man square in the face. His ,.pinions oe any subject receive o) re- spect or attention, because they are not entitled to any. Lay aside false pride,` roll up your sleeves and go to work and be a man among men. -Kg. Neta Mea Agent Mr Geode, druggist, is not a book agent, but has to agency in Godoriek for Johnston's Tonic Bitters, which he an heartily recommend for any com- plain to which a tonic medicine s ap- plicable. This valuable medicine has been with most astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general debility, ema- nate, irregularities peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss ..f appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Don't forget the nameJohnston's Tonic Bitters 50c. and $1 per bottle at Goode's drug store, Albion block. Goderioh, sole Vont a 7ri.es and rsaaat, the 1tllllosaire •..a Day Labab, by thele combos w d remis0, attest the world-wide rep atga el sewers Me. Lsaltai pay- o la/me reeaame•l these pills tor mtsaaca sod Laver Treebaes, Gustave was, eilioweses. and Slut Headache ; also, tor Itheaseedlewl. Janadtc., sad lfesralgle. They are saes. -Costed ; eoa- taan no calomel ; are prompt, batt mild, la operstloa ; and. theorises, the very beat .*.dict** for F•sily Use, as well ea for Travelers sed Tourists. • 1 have derived great relief trent ��e�e P(lls. Five years sgu I was taken so Ul wile Rheumatism that I was usable to do any wort. iI took three buses d Ayers Palle sad war eutlrely cured. Muco that time I •m never without • bon d these pills." Peter Christensen. Sherwood. Wis. "Ayers Plile have been to as. in ml family upwards of twenty years and have completely verified all that Is claimed for them. In attacks o1 pales, from which 1 suffered many years. they afford greater relief than any other medicine 1 ever tried." -T. F. Adams, Holly Springs. Teem. "I have used Ayer's Pills for • nits ber of years, and have ever found any- thing equal to them for giving use an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the system. I always keep them in the house." -S. 1). Jackson. Wilmington. Del. "'two buses of Ayer's Pills cured me d severe Headache, from which I was long a sufferer. - Euima Keyes, Hubbardaton, Mate. "Whenever I am troubled with con atipaUon. or suffer from loos of appetite, Ayer's Pills set me right again.' - A. J. Kiser, Jr., Sock House, Va. "Ayer's Pi11s are in general demand among our Customers. Our sales u' them exceed those of all other pills cow. Dined. We have never known thea tail to give entire satisfaction "- Wright It Hannay. San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, ragraa*D sv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co" Lowell. Mass. gold by all Dealers to Medicine. • heatable Lark. Few men have accomplished the mom amount of work and good in this wllrld as the celebrate d Dr Chase. Owe, 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every peewits troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- pepsia, Headache, Kidney or Urioy Troubles, to bur a bottle et Dr Chase* Liner Cure, it will cure you. Medicine ander Receipts Book $1. Sold by all d ICURE FITS! brew I say ('ons I do not mess merely u stop them for a time, and then havelhem retortagain. I M'.t A'RADDIC'AL CURE I have nude the disease of FIT$, EPILEPSY o r FALLING SICKNESS Have jest peeped throws\ she Best Cesium' H ed Stook d oemo. Meet from the Mnl elle omeas ESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO QODERICH, CONSISTING OF SILK WARP HENRIETTAS, NEWEST SH ADM, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goojai` AT PR10Ei AT LEAST PSR CENT LESS THAN IITBU TOOOlTO 20 OR LONDON FOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS. Ready made ;Men's Suite 4 Beet Materml, names* Med. at Teheiseep Low Priam A ilfe long study. 1 WARRANT r my remedy to t;t; an the worst eases. Bemuse others have failed Is ne reason for ort now reo.•irtng a rare. Mend !st ewe for a tnotlse and a Fare. Reines of my INrALIJIILlt itaM,ty. 1;1,e F.xpreaa and Post Office. It emits you nothing for a trial, and It will euro you. Address. H. 0 11,00T =.0., Branch Omos, 164 West Adelaidefyt:wt, Toronto. 80 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.26. IN HARDWARE DEPT, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH AND BUILDING MATERIAL, A FULL STOCK. lacrimr �rn Prices - GODERICH FLOUR, FEEL • AND SEED EMPORIUM. HUNGARIAN PATENT, PER CWT STRAIGHT ROLLER BEST FAMILY SHORTS BRAN SCREENINGS - $2 fib 250 2 30 60 50 60 BURROWS, THE SEEDSMAN. P. 8. ---Goods delivered promptly, and satisfaction every time. 20-tf FRESH GOODS I CABTOP.IA, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, CAMPB3E]LL'8 QZai rai ra e Ext. WILD STRAWBERRY, BEEF, IRON, and WINE, WATtl•T 15.41.B'TO QVR111_ GEO. RHYNAS, Prop. Prescriptions a Specialty. HE LEADS THEM ALL —: oiz.saD amaze :— B_ CORNELL'8 - - BEAUTIFUL "FOCH OF - FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS, The Bat eat Larsen Meek la Geier= ulna ays ahead. Prises lower thea ever. Ouse W -o .'t be"Crraiereold. IT MIT MAN Df THE COUNTY. A. B. CJORPTKLI., A.>t[ILTOlx-8T. d NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. C. CRAABB, April 19, 1889. BOOTS AND SHOES The Large3t Stook and Choioest assortment west of Torolllto, Si the old established Boot and Shoe Howe of E, DOWNIN&, All Goods Marked in Plain' Figures and Warranted to be justh as Represented. YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN ! Ordered \Vok and RepaiFhing Prfflp1IyA11en ded to AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNING. Cor. Eset-et. and Square. JOHN ROBERTSON � The LiquorTea Compaurs Colebrated Teas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. r FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLB SUN LIFT, !!M JOHN ROBERTSON. RHYNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS Goderich Foundry and Machine Wort; RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. �. HUROtt f'fiV ebftI, i !P.. RVN€IMAN « Pe.''� ts ave MttLLiT1AM tMClfle44-O_5A9.1 , t11e at el t, reparsTc.`,=5WS+rla •CL+,: t,n- 1=1 t-FMWiF11tS ,C.Shhe' EAST STREET t;001 RiCH C W . .� WI HAVE ON HAND FOR SALE: Improved Land Rollers - - - pp, HORSE POWERS GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERa, PLOW POINTS &c. .&41211 =IOW . 3-7.7"RES FLOUR ■ILLS:BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. RBPAZR8 ALM" 0.A.8T719'0113 or r -L 11:1M FURNITURE. If yea mot lea. the Wrest mak mt riatollamo r Itswlt, IN 1r �- CORDO.m. tlhM.► nam ire o wssth t r sad i•i•a2,0W ga rv2M$ sae the Newer* PICTIITAM 7�7,t�& htIIQta math ease. 3O�aXS41431.rewcrossets ws�ttw te WZatsMma • � d l wa.r cress cts i TJNDICRTAKIN0. i Tr t• m ��a �rli mat r Otr..s.Ir. t. I Agrtl WM laid rn .kik ,'a. tttst.ew tab ruse Mal .tettriwar olds oleeelei over as aid vol itis the Wades d Me fright, Am 'algae mamsei.e 1 i�unsst past k• 'ty}i•h ntoeatun d -+T1s 6wtftstsw's M isterirsi Chemists, edited ria., Gasl-I ettanad wits' eery prelt7 ,ween know. head. The nob i the "Venue M..iltdea. I valley in the Ilea It. is whisk le 'Meets Enlists wetetiog pima II of the present mete a 100 males .set► -.i Aldborosgh. or, a it y celled. Ald.bergk, thr the little stream el A tows dense iM .tame, 11 been tie the pee, Rev Oeu knows se the anther of " Hall." It is sot iapltrbehds that tie followi.d vena 1 the poet's owe hand. es i teeth es the work el • "n tale ams velem* 4 th ankh.) appose theme two poem* of Lied Byrum, /rah' " ' and "Odea Vs gen811177 this time Byres Weis more io English Wend amine i• aeeordi•gly ori ajtgr. The whole .deme MINN, tirades ageism um sosenby aid the "Deism Intelleess•1 fad of that peeled i. Europese Watery quest to the inn Tema The Gentleman, ..gde.1 oe t1w. •.ewer, lordly irk* ice t the Bible be despised, will be regarded 1" In ousels slide to • very prophetic al the p.. d Sylv.ee Orbs ..oleins cf a work the. Job. Gamble -"A aeries el Smiley and Meissen is Ire/ me* diet rested comity apps politessl homage like • des chs* which at any morseet k sessisg tranquillity may forth ice devastating Area remember, was whilst good the Tbird was oa the the release has et last prove.' a sleeping crater, sad to Noce petit -up lava iltt Co. Westminster, has at length felt Tres vsLl OF swoon 'Hese winds a va'e sellae the N ed !1tfelueg. bd.. h•U !- ey u Thy silty briars obi Gees.'. ser Temalteses ttMww. awash thy es Thy lest. peeper, .hers The�waves fast kiwi the a T1s will 'Limine has ' kis ''�t TThe a vel ii eK Use •s�ey rough used .i. ll The elver bee es'.a11 Amid the toners of the bails • Wiest t scene preemie a Tse. caritas wars a• Bred e Tees arab their Mamba 1•.ds.1 vatted skied lair is the seem. whim Lusa& Danes en .yeas te the Nereids Whew s rude sere uproar Whoaev.aing mildly reign'. a k sett mph,' *Mow A sw• eetly cheats the Iasis DstfstUae diet's w11h her l Taws charms am alem--0, 1 Bit who shell tell what mew That t� MOM thy mss la Or. to ldghts That fairy laid. 0a1�'' ave With waving wed, ams �';i Ter t ser tet b'..sth She rein meg. M• mauves.. Foetid at kat, what tis W hero Wades for thee �H+mt-Tis - no wh belt lately introduced, hs 11 i ireput•tion .cooed .arils s Jt,bnauu'. T whish 1N eoejuocttos wit !Iamb liver Pills has pal tlgmM Vs.derful cores ice possoldled hound anon bee seal amriekoi. Billioaness sick headache, liver oompla weakness. ase , soon dw treated by these micelles! Mem For Sale by Good, Wee block, Oudeeich, .ole ••oe► &&lags 1a 2 Tan areSome ..n m Att sri.•n syse to see ie people. espeeialIy also poors out of doors. andlove to 1 and sunlight. Work tb think now be don. in I \hobo., tis. P.riesaw task. front deed cep► -pitta to sit to look cvsr ; •.d • maw women ellieding on the aids a wire bn*km beak eat tis. raee. that W bee dier.n Us• way tat lis• worlds also fresh air is by riding ears or omnibuses. These at sego'.r interval. -cot at street as they do with se- aleay. a small crowd .wait] ly'cannot, the upper pert 16 .e iliacs• are taken. Rte. 'Asir way hies. from mark heavy basket. up the sleep )*g two or three small cl 1f the weather is had, t have to fight their way a i ad tar tell the troth, if . p tr•swhl, •lona% calli.g the •nowt getting to hos se 1.111 1114 b. assisted ibe.lkTh..• nt ear owl.rs.h, •r. theirot p.i in summer the far/rite n by the wovkitm elaa•rsa is j."" .aorf e -d jaat "let 1fwtayhe stonsh,td.hrno/ i1'Ie decrease in time till t\ este, pale blue of else& meal d. 'The Freaeh nursery n lister r.,m,,d rap 1.1 . s Tat of Aleck or parole slosh, s viten-ma at the lack that re the vr.e,.d Th.c, ores t"se eieewl.r cloak, t., m. t►a' hones ern. tM neck b Y'" hear every ewe ab ling a.•y in French, three :1`". P.ngli.h. •h Mt teeintisl ^"psei in yrwe lewgua X•srl,sh .es1r.h in the large st. .( tis. r always kepi unpr 1 e hide •I