HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-27, Page 5c, and owing New Yard, It and is Gad IO. li0r,ew; f red 1 1es . desk- ; Omni, toed 2. R Nakao ; otic, 2 ialktld ; 2 Juba seedating Ann 1 d 1 pair I,2Wse Africa& 1886. y .►f the nativism ask as u make " dims- amaldq► Mt no Ronan krkti,mn, smith r nom east , again fen, part of the la- in the to the him of mad. is DRDY. re /ta0- request ar,wkich L Tag to Mr Equal e s what of an- ise- of *a- rray, n- asofea- rny, as shalom* kind of ceps ion !!'11130•• lUemoa political lend ac - word. it Kiane, '.iohard- load to erfect)y Ones*; wed Oa r morels of any Ire ap- .etM1ou meof- Df 8 S. 1 of or. Rittha e 111440 - Robert - !oo•rns, chair- Braun• ► Erival hearti- int. It dilluo. oe, &IA o serve ,cistron Equal ,nee of Ith. Its Env - Iws for t saocj.- :h meet 8. (701. was the as loi- n ; rpm. •ret.ry, ✓ illisnt e , Wm 1 A Ilan, .r bend- •t attain • meet- 's some p• e THE HURON SIGNAL, FRII1A v 81..1; 1, l$ • FALL DRY . '1 l GOODS 1 Our Exhibit of New Goods for this season is now open. ,yon ARE w INVITED. JOHN ACHESON. WAMIFID.-TO L1241124 THE -113 MEWS APPle to J. W. SMITH. East-st. bakery. Zhu People's Column. APPRENTICES WANTED II,IMs- DIATELsomppYiy.-T. tears tha dree.mak RIC - 001.0v r Job As . See W MISS RIX*yt 4S 1017 ANTED. -MA yGOOD GENERAL MRS. D. Mt ILLJCUDDY. BOARDERS VILA NTED.-MR& W. D. SHANNONprepared to take Lear crave gratleaesn boarders for the winter. AFNy at the bows. 81. Pstrtek Most. 23-11 elOns E$TRAYED.-ABOUT TH E ✓ lith InO • small dark rel ores wttb ten bora turned .down. a vert mall while spot 0 her M,be.d •.y Noon g1 des as to her wh. ea to .L be t�l iult.Wy rewarded, s.NDrWHD STOKES, .tt Wd.rlek. THE GODERICH AND C. P. R. JUNCTION R. R. COMPANY. A ItaertWr of 'be Provisional Director* of the U.dencb did C.P.R. Jaaettoa R.It. Com- pany will be held 1n the Town Hall. O.darieh, tkla iFridayl evening. sept. 27ik. at $ .clock. A fall attendaacs of Directors M re veered, as a practical .eludes of IM railway gnaetlaa hill be preaeated to tam oris. 31 -It OK WANTED. -Immediately, fry C?rashly of four. p0tyeo od wages to ao t- periesced r aft Pete. *paid _at CAMERON. C1EO. W. (THOMSON'S iS THE ekes bow in Ooderich to My Planes. Iriiws. t$ewlag Maritima, Wanser Irr ps. Wanes, Cookers. Violiaa Month Plates, rtes. F1...eters. Ancentr as, lase, Vlolls Strings (111. Needles sad !lima M URIC CLASS. Mhos R. Prime hes re -opened ber music eines atter the tnid-.umowr imatlen- ae4 ba• • few vaeaseies for pnprl,. Apply for psrni- rears to R. M. FRASER. els Frage j Paster. 111 -Lm BARRER SHOP REMOVED. 17y eesroraers mad tot woornl public are h1►.v,-vehy informed that 1 have removed Gly shaving parlor front Ramt.w to the Rgopro. next to A. Burdock's mho. empnorira. wbeP 1 will he prepared to shied to an bodiess is my time. rine parlor, may chairs. wed good work 2- teed. H. L. W*9TO0. THE HURON HOTEL, Ibis well-known nod popular hotel ba be.s refitted and en during the pa+t metros. and 1s now merond to Igoe in quality of &1'- o mmsndation for the transiting pallia Good mUe aecemodaa for treaalentguests. WM. CRAIG. Square. Oodarlei. Oat. Proprietor EXECUTORS' NOTION. All parties bavlgt any claim &gained the estate of the late Patrick Carroll. are rel nem ed toeddrtw the same In writing to Thoma Troy, Ooderlce P. 0.. on or before the lith day of 0otoksr next. otherwise their claire. will age be recognised. Alm all pa•- t1tu Indebted to the acrd mato will pleas WY on or before that dale. otherwise the mato. will be placed for collection. Toted at OoderIeh this Soh day of Sept. JAMES DOTLR, THOMAS CARROI.L THOMAS TROY. 20St Executers. Notice is hereby given that a Court will M iMM Otto 'The Voter. Lista Art. IVO' ► pb Home the Judge of the l otsaly Unar' 01 the Cosaty of Huron. at tie Townahin Hall. Carlow. Township of Colborne. on Wedn,sday the 9th of October. Uses, at to .clock arts.. to hilar and dote -urine 11e ,everel eoer lal•ta of errors and omissions I. she Voters' List et the wonirlpalhy of (bi borne towf,hip for ISI/ All persona having hairiest at the o,lrt aro re.le4rad to &stead at the mid time end place Dated this lath day of `epte,nh.r, ISIS. .1. H. RICHIRI*S. Clerk of the maid Mumietpu4. S-1 t A DMINTSTRATOR'S NOTION TO 1 CREDSTons. the tltatter of the Matte of Or, Rh) ans. the Town oftiod.rch In the county M dreamed NMk,e w h.Mby Ensor. t to the prnvlsioro of the Itarltao �. a( Oatart0. 107. ter 1M. ttseffn, hat 41 emitter. and other perwrna ha' ins •erl'Mann au.lnst themeiaowof the an,A Rhyme. Rhye. wb0 4/0110• or shunt Then) d ay Sept. 141h. A.D. INN, are rognirwd t1. by post paki to F. F. lawrolace•. h• Ado nIMr,tow of the rmi*as of the deow.mrd. on .r before tbv 4atb My ..f pos. 1741 statements of their aurora &Aire.* es and dewrtptipsm• and full paittrwMro end pmol' of their riltri end ne.nanns upon tire tlttht estate, sal et tap termite... rat earn hew them ; and atter the said loth da n le I, 1 the mot ldminlstrt.eor will proceed to •dmialsterthe 'Mate mei Mao lhote the aiv rots of the mot Ae.•eaasd aetanga► the gash,a metitnot thereto. having retard nen to the cteims.-f which metre shall have brow Alun *.ab..•• required; mad the said admtnrtrabrr will o,11 be liable for the maid mete or •.sy mart thereof to aoy person or peasern, d' whore olalro IMete. Mall mut have been n•- ersived kg him et the uses of .sea ats41►.. 1100. E. 0'. Ll W RENT(' AdtataiMtew. Rand at Oodemea, this lith day d inept. Allira •mesilate dee the .state mw be milled if• asst nee swam use memo Rao. The inortahty senor* Canstaaaptivat has been materially dserttaeed of late years by the us. of Sweat's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypopboephitee of Lime and bods. Phthisis, Bronchitis. Abscess of the Lunge, Pneumonia sod Thrust Affections are completely subju- gated by a timely ase of this excellent pul•noslic. Palatable ea milk. Sold by all Dreamless at bOc and sl. 4 Dentistry. M. NICHOLSON, I*INTAL ROOMS. Eighth door below the Past (Ides, Wast .t, Geos ice. 1520-11y DR. E. RICHARDSON, L.D.S. 81111010N DENTIST. Ons Gad Vitalised Air administered for palateesextraetingofteeth. Special attention Tilers ves to We preserve/Jos of the Natural teller -Up Oaks. Grand Opera House Block. Rstsases on W.st-St.. Oodsrlok. ilii -l. Legal Notices. IN THE HIGH COURT or JUSTICE cut arms i►tvmom. MURRAY ra LIIECKENRIDGE. Pennant to the Judtmest and Final Order for Sale heroin there will be sold br and wit/ the appri. MUon of Sutherland 71ai.,o.sos.a, Rooter of lbs Supreme Coen u Ood.•ncb. a. )iartia. Heel, 1a the tows of Goderich. a. bat.rdaayy.� the f&ebday of 8epeembnr. lee, at two .clock in the aft.wn•m tot fdMwintt parcels at land. vis 1. Tic $ s.tar: j 11• acres of Block F., Ttb Coo. K. it ul tae Township of Colborne. in lke Ceantl of Heron. situated about 4{ miler from Oodertck and 14 miles from (L$ ow About 110 acres are cleared. The lot ie well fenced and well Ira' reed rind bas • flood trek - an'. Ti..' builds p ,'onsial or • itood frame house containing 7 rooms Gad a Wer barn asd cattle .bed. 2. Lot 9111 a••A the Easterly 1•ft. of Lot RI it the Town of God rick. TIM rat is tel Newptt sweet/pear rh.. u. T. R Sot Dos. There are i w. wales other n t- r .ell* Id w' oo and frame rags the pre mise•, alar. comber of fruit trees. 3. Int legno(Mclboald Serest In the own eM Uoderton. Tbim4'• vilest lot near the Hytb Salmi mad Agrrrwkural Park. 4. Lot f67 on 8t. Patrick Street, to tot of Oalerlrh. Therit are two rough' -cast do/r.lins houses on this lot. S. Kigb'een .crate ut Blocks 13 •md 11 in the Town ut Ooderich. mostly cmnpored d aur. along the River Malt land. There are a gnaw boom end esahk on the premises. TERMS Or SALE. Ten par .set. down and the balaaoe la tet days; the pun:hare: will be required to sign as .trrement for the codpietkin of his pur Worm and to have conveyance prepared • hie own expense. 1 'repast, w111 be out a1, euhjeci to a rreerved bifid is other reeprcts tr,. condit.on• of sole will be the standing eun- ditiums of sale of the High Court of Justice. Further particulars may b • obtained from /be Plaintiff's Solicitors sod from 11. C. Hal■ Gad 1L Campion.t4ntic4tora.O.drrich. owed at tludericb. this 10th dry of Sopron ber. I. GARHO W t PROI-i1FOOT, P41mtil'. Solicitors. "P. MAifi.1Urr•.- Ma"torat tr...-lcri/-b. 21.31 Loans ane insurance. 'N. LEA 114. Barrister, Proctor itn t 1. Maritime Court ; Raney to loan at 6; per .vent., prt.ate feeds. Straight 1110. in tyres yearly. Corte very twot/rnt& sur :artioatisrmcall personally or write. n tSE16ER, . C1.IC:IR FIRST DiVISION COURT. I'unrdyaaesr. Insurance. rotate sad 0edoral Agent. 1111&14 to 1w4 at Low Rates sad Cost. renor'of Viggo Discoe.'ed. feint* Next to Corsairs ruraiturm Store, Cluderich. 209-41 �, J. T. N A FT EL► IPS, FIRS AND ACCIDENT 1N- :0781.NCx AOINT, lle,r."Mmt.oi( North Hrith,h er Mercantile L. ce-pool. I.uedoa 6; Hobe' Horwich 1•oleo ; \nnh American 1.1f*; wad *mildest hoar 4116.1. of Norah Atn.nr.. Iw.went hares Lama smiled promptly Money to Loan on Farm and Town i'roo-ry . 'on% cywicirot done. f'roperiy valued. etc' lilies -('or. North -R. and Square. 0edcrkh' 74- $200,000 PRIVATE IrtNDH 1 yes. -aa farm sat town prepost,. at low eat iste,,n. Mmrgn w par'-. 740 now m imam ahailloi Merits for the Tenet and 1#01110 1'..wtrany or ones de. the Cals.da Landed ....Int Cmmp•ny. the London Loess Company ..r Comm. Interor4. a, a4 and 7 per oral. Si, ft. Narrowe1.11 ran otMain naumay la day,4f title yet lef otorv. DAV 10oxIs 1=1'ON. ,Ell) Ian Oeeler4eh ;5100 ,000 TO LOAN. APPLT TO CAM/CRON H7i.r 4.CAMERON. OM r •eb, 1749 R RADCLIP 1, (Waif ORAL ii1SURAHOR, - . RNA L N8TA111 Aim KoNNT WAKTlfO AuiIM' 0.[i�e?atrae a leer latrate •F.1 unmet aur wvy M ti. Borrower V/larm=ritallti61se n° aii14.64 C -RA.NID SHOW -O:_ MILLINERY, l[ANTLIS, DDRRE88 GOODS AND - ♦T- CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO.'S GREAT FALL OPENING. On Wednesday and Thursday, 25th and 26th inst. We invite all our friends in Town and Country to call and inspect one of the Largest and Choicest Ecocks ever brought into the County of Brant. (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,) 9G Colborne -:,t, BRM rFOFt.D. DIBCOUNT! 1 beg to Inform teCttetomeee and tb gany tact i have decided W �r Dithe fo'- lowing Discount for SPOT CASH 5 per eget off all purchases of tl 00 and less than 13.00 ; 10 per ecu• off all Dunham of $3.00 and upward. On goods of my own manufacture 5 per cent will be allowed. I have oa hand one of the largest stocks of BOOTS & SHOES in 1be Domioiw, a detailed list of which would occupy eio•e space than tb. "Sp: Xtl" u prepared to gt•e ; million it to say It 001•1011111C• •vary desirable hu• to . r found with the beet Manefacturers of Canada Every line is already marked BELOW ACTUAL VALU and the above terms make my store the Cbaspeet place in Canada to buy your • ho An iaseeeea stock of RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES is every style both in Ceosdian and American, Oluvs Goodyear make, which .r. subject to the same LIBERAL TERMS. A Large Stock of Ladies' use them. Cor. Haet-et. and Squars. Imported Kid Slippen, very fine. Call end E. DOWNING. `1 ONE'$ TO LEND. -A LA R O I 1 amountot Private randstor lovedmw I 1'0 RENT. -NICE BRICK it lowest rates on arst-class Mortgagee sap) tage, six room good garden, t trees 'o'OARIW W t PROUDFOOT COT - grams etc. Very o 07004.01 and esinMe. Immediateposs.wioo. Rent low. Apply to C. SF.AOER. Oodericb. to teed For Sale or to Let. N.B.- Farm mai town properties for rale. Mow to • very low oto. to 110 RENT. -Fitt. October 1st , a L tee roomed theme ovharterlooking the law mitt tiserega glideralt MY•inn acro of garden 11-01 M. NICHOLSON. I41ARM EiGHTY ACRES, (Seventy Uclear dl, beautifully situated es Ma,. and River. lots 45 and 71. M.illand -anc•ess- on. Ouderich toweenip. ave mhos and • lalf fres. Clistos. Beat land for gensnl arming, well watered. buildings ,n guod re- trir. 14►ses0isa by drat October. Terms MR BVANS. yi 1648t. Meq -.L. Totosto. LiARA1 FOR RENT-TH117 VAL- 4. noble fart known as lot No. 1. son. 7. K. I/. Colborne, Smith's Hill. The now con - Onto of IIID germ. well fenced and watered. 'h• the farm are good dwelling house and cables. .nonediate po.mresioa can he given. cur particulars apply to PATRICK HAMAN. ooritetor, Licieril•h. or at this Msoe. 11.41 I ARM FOR.SALE.-THAT VALU• able property known as Int 1. two. 2 1•1114-1/1. and con`risiryt 5e acres -. land. ail lanail neared •nd well fenced. 1'pon the lot U e nme house and • Rood frame barn and +table. There are four "nod wells on the nrenism. Alae a gond orchard. Tne farm is • miles front Lu eri''b and 14 from Pon Alb •rt. where pont ors/. school and chorea ps 'pima arc obtainable. Terms reasonable. For particulars apply on the emotion' or to ('HAS. MURRAY 11.2m Port Albert P. 0. ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES 108 8A LM - Lot Ig, In Maitland Con 113 acres -a very One tare. Price R.{ 1 IA ist ma. E. D. Asbaetd, price llfli Lots 43 add 14 in lee Una. Brous tamed. too acres. Will be told req cbeap.Lota 15, naiad W{ of 17. in the rah ege.Wawanash, ma sena otexr•ellentland in =irk. Price 11115,41). Lot 73.Mcllougall's •aney. Tows of (boderich. Price only lot tae, town of Unclench. on Light How street, with brick house and stable. Price Duly WOO. Lots roe. E3. 1015 and pt. 1014 Town of Uoderieb. nearly Ith of an acre In one block within the business part of the town. ('rice only {LOO. The shove proper- ties wiii be sold on easy terms of paymsst. Apply to C. REAORR. Oodrricb. N.B. -Money to lead at vary low rates. f/ 11 IliARM FOR SALK The nnd.ral.oed will -.'r^• .►'e the fol- low iUg err) desirable farm, c nnststis - • l the easterly 190 acme of Ml.n•k "r," in the 7t1 eon- cemion oe the Township of Colborne, 1n the Co.nty of Huron. 1him firm 1. t ed 14 mile. from Gnd.'rich. and 11 mike from Carlow, on the Main 14 .1 Road. There 4s • good frame home. It - storeys. almost new, 3ti hy 31, ontainiag 7 comma a hose born, 00 by 13. with esole she 1. 1! by 11. •ttnrhed, and oar of Ow finest orchards to the township. It is watered by a net er-fa.ling e1':'no crock and • y(rnel Agri 110 morns Momma, and free from st amps. More is no waste land of anykind on the Pare. Good school within rode of taw s0.0e. Will be sold on rearmost/de terms. 'Nett/cm and hos ber ppaaniculnn apply to J50. BRtX'i1IKNR11►OR. 1'. /torte -tor. 14otierich. nr JOSKI'H Mug /W N. 9- w theperm isms. 14'IRST CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND 1 14)T FOR SALE/1N ST. PATRICK ST. A bout Iwo Wald" walk front the Aware. Two uncle, blob brick addition In the rear 14.tortes high. building covered With anuli, .1n b4441,21, -,r•,, 3 Pew room op OM (1q. upstairs there are 6 torso reom& la the rear add it on there are kitchen. pantry, washroom. llpstairs, girls room awl treihroom, AMo good ._Iter Apply to the na4.'reztleed. who w111 give allenec.a..ery Information. ttf. DAN Ink GORDON. lirsiLticILELE FARM FUR SALK- Time ♦al gable property known as Int 1M, Maitland roc., U.rk/rich township. within we male of (iodertch. On the farm arm a large orcharod good frame Mawr road 'Make*. wing stone n and frame barn laud mt*Wen; row - prime 7t aures well watered. For further =trident apcaGts pine n 1i1o1ea arm. Dana 1 ''Oft Lt A LOTS sums 1N n 7 woo to area' sod 1 d ketree, p1, to TH($S WfiATIIRRA1.D. 11134- .144 i K lt.14X. Lot as 1301100169i. 'k'rHUAI MOLT. • FOR SALE. West half of lot 1St, Arthur Street, with small brick cottage thereon. Bon -onto Lots. -101. Iflt, 244, 246, SIgio Street, 8t. Andrews Waal. Nl. colnerof Huron and Britannia Road. Frame i{ story house on Heays Street, lot and belt land. Several lots In Reed's Survey, oppo.it* nevi Show Oroands. viz. : Nos V. 24. 16. 30. 62, 54, 5e. 04. rip. A11 the above at LOW KATKB. Apply to Mil DAVISON fk JOHNSTON Legal. C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Le. I.. 0111.., corner 0t square and W ea mroef toads to over telegraph .Moa yr1 vete %nasls 10 fwd •t 6 per Dent. �O elTARROW & PROUDPOOT, BA R iUSTIERS Attorneys polkltore, Goderich J. T. Oarrww, W. Preedtoot. 17 ERON, HJLT a CAMTR1N, C Barristers. Solicitors in r!»Aviary. Ira. 'ioderich. M. C. to sero&, Q.C.: P. Holt. M. 0. tamer's. C C. Rees. 1761. Areurelneals. (YODERIOU MECHANICS' IN3TI ifTU,TE LiDRARY AND RRADIN H00114. nor. Ot Eget street and Square on emirs. Open from 1 to a p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leading Daily', Wren, mod Illwsfrofrd Parra. Mwrutiwrs, .f e. , on File. MRMARARHII' TICKRT, ONLY Ili en, gnaUng tree nae of Library sad Remits Room. Application for membership remind bl Librarian. In roans. S. MALOOM"oN, 0110. STiV*Np, President. Secretary Ooderieh, Moroi) Mb. b. PBt. Aucttoneertng. TORN KIIOX UEI1ERAL AVO- W140745i 0 end fisted Volcanic Ond.Meb OM.t,partng had nnstdere le l the ow-, k► owl*.osdowl*.her to In . p„sj,eI./nn 'd1M!harre with Der cmdi mtlstari I in sit nom mMwloma entrusted to elm. Order'. 1411 0l 0.111 p or newt by tail ro ro e i.d Np .0...MO" ♦ r awandled tr f et a PO .. Look'! -:- Look ! T. 1'R077RFOOT this just received a large stock of the Finest Groceries and Dry Moods to be had for Money, and is selling at a '-cry great reduction. Just give him a call and satisfied. Also Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FR T�'C.T�� =N'77===_ MRS. SALKELD as return x1 front the Cities with the Latest and Best Styles in FALL MILLINERY ' And is now prepared to lay before her Customers bar - Aims in her line such as were never before presented. Everything possible to obtain in a First -Class Mil- linery store is on hand, and goods not in stock can be ordered immediately. Agent for the Parker Toronto Steam Dye Works. rhe GRAND DUCHESS RANGE Sea the Full Stock of SAUNDERS & SON. 302\ __ _ = ATG =777 1 8 WONDERFUL OFFEPt. GOODE the Drugist, in order to show his admiration for the fair sex of Goderich, makes the following SURPRISINGIDFFER FOR THR • MONTH OF AUGUST. To every lady wap fbaed Mo l�fhOn»i,4erfrit M perfumes 1-will'jfiw 11t!_phoioe et • ane pleoe or moble, so trash, &set steels ea Lest pap :r. one to en. h perms. These aro SOME OF THE BEI ECTIONS Guillaume Tell (8 patten) prise 75 cents F ee as a bird (vocal) price 60 cents L'argentine (8 pages) p ire 63 cents I Abine with wee (vocal, price 40 mote Alice, Romance (8 pa6i c prioe 75 mute Come back to Erin (tustr.) prioe 65 cents mad Away &hen o' like nigh standard gotten rap in the highest artistic excellence, I'ursoerpms tapowder, flnett 1n America pink. white nr br'.nette, always in stock. Kot B4ackt.erty Compound for summer complaints. Mcl.eod's System Renovator, L!ey juice. .s FINE DISPENSING-_ Full lin. sof drugs, patent seed:class, toilet articles chemicals. WALTER C. G000E 13. DH(7047LSr. ALBIGN BLOCS;. ARE YOU THIRSTY. -TRY TIE E - MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, COR==.z"4.a1...IS -B'OR .- COOLING- HEALTHFUL DRINK_ RA1137' R RY 001R L t rono,Inc. 4 just the this.; by all who hove tried it. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL ;BALL. WE GETTHERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the flnestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, rum AND FRUITS. cx0 R- HLAe[ZLTO ; -R 1 . F. 99 U J JR ID. Wholrsral. and R.1.0. Ii. iIL-Tq (P arse Flakes for Pn noir SIGNAL TO 1890 FOR 25c. •