HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-27, Page 2iY
Ise U S. IL Meaty.
Min 111rRs111l makgelle riled Yam--
ka die et rather Ms ellegenelltmee
o fee ti —..IFS Wails, to whose
elmtrnm• .t raws teed het...
had • been, west *Mei
brirgressee we
m f >:roMw roe alba Mt Betk
sed kle SWIM mttmW
year, sad kin Ilia on= el
however. Wady no r bh
thin lemeted Sow
perlien el the mesas ktswitead sod
smeampae staposa/hee unnamed M his
koil•bretbmut athd stature, ell e1 wheat
wadi law bons glad, her ens. te kr-
�st eaip.ur taut degree el relelbe slip.
Me wee peruke* anwkhut.•taa. to
smmaks is thio rhea • omit et Mewled
smaireI deems sod mei bens
me ellen ageing Oho easy
kiss ilea bled heli hes&
the them tee approbation bation wee
wirier wend hese bees «eider.' a
us N he W mat been nabbed.
tsr/h amand hop' bash. Be had, mer.
•stet. helm &slag same *knew .1
Ida owe im • gene Sad amine rep. sed
bed r kW derided to teen hie Mbmtiem
t. blokheepap. Re W .sandy, ie
looms* rely, lassoed le move W pot with
the .use sad gena et ;a master of thea
art ; and es ko...hero` his mond glid-
ed ate them with a resin= Wash he
• fel tepees ambled him t0 gain a
�hWeb hankies 1 the aimed im-
seirts.se ; sod he Papas`
.d a naw the eve Emily been .i4 im-
pair to the awed city is meek et
eddy." mid Daae kis leaY•uhtumr
by a Wnritgsh% id... whim eked la
lie •mil
nen..11 to the leek weir with
whiten entity they www se wiling to
Owen r "empress you galleon lib
framed Mr dean fee thousand dale"
ate .mine the poker
over to ea. Year
w ank, will keen it paid ep, yea 10..."
Weedy amid he would tiisk ablest is..
ss he k -r -rd the lee strap d his sr• el -
Sag valise and snowed out and sway.
"There is seiner -looking fallow bore,'•
mid Freak Moray L. his gooses. "who
eye be weal like employsest ea a book-
keeper. He wsiles a kir hoed, sad ap-
emen thoroughly eamp-Umt ; bet hie
only reply to my *viol kr rd ro.tsa
was that he W mower been in the week -
been or he prism, his had ache haver f
esseepted him from both pies. H. b
ready to take any wages nein"
A desk in the rear tot the back oda
was aniseed to eke mew bookkeeper,
sod for • lodging -pass he was permitted
to it op a� �m�dism is all rooms the upper part
et the boila. where also be took his
meals, beeeskt is from a reaMsrs•t. L
this way a year went by, the bookkeep-
er's wages bciae in the meantime, grad-
ually rued from twenty to sixty dollars
a menthe with a fair prospect of mill
farther advancement.
"What are you trying M do with that
drumlin meas, Mies 1 TIl make his
atssd op, or,it be meet lie down give leis
chance to do ere i• the .t•tioa-he.ss,"
"The man is Dot cheek, Mr Pelee -
man," •newsosd the young lady address-
ed. "He fell oe the ice jest aow sad
kart himself badly, I fear, bet got up
with my help, and I am trying to .Wirt
kis to the drug -.tots ea the eor.er be-
"Hello, old fellow 1 Who are you,
sad whore from 1" seta the policeman,
taking bold of the sen'• arm sad giving
bis a .bake.
"Plena dost .peak roughly to him!"
allied the yn.wg lady. "tie has already
rm.M bis name and addret--down
is eke benison pert of the elle, more
Man two miles away."
"Better let me have charge of bis,
Mies, and take him to the station -boon,'
persisted the policeman. "The doctor
will stamina his, fwd we .i11 send him
to the hospita of necessary, or to his
lodgings. if bins well *sough to go."
"Call • carries tend let as go to .7
lodgings," said the injured man, is •
feeble but distinct voice. "I am not
very badly bort, and feel stronger now "
"Have your own way, thee, old fel
low. Lees trouble to us," said the
✓ oendessn, adding to the yoong lady :
"There's nothing more you ons do,
Bat to this remark Florence Langdon
responded ooly by a snake of her head,
still keeping her place at the aide of the
stranger until they reached the dreg
store, where .he .as well known, being
a frequent customer. 81 ale alight re-
storatives were administered, and poor
Waddy, gr•tteed that his bed looks had
sot frightened those people, remarked
that he was greatly obliged for their
kindness, and would now ne obit, to be
taken to he lodgings without further
A earriage we soon then, and the in-
j.red an was plated in it, vibes • clerk
is We dreg store, observing a look of
melees 'Winkled. os Mies Lsn.ion'e
fees, remarked that he would take • seat
is the carriage with her, and accompany
the stranger to his lodgings, and the
w her safely home.
"What a etegular ewe r' remarked
Florence, while on their return. "hie
seams to live there entirely atone, bet
everything is his the neaten order, and
he hat 1 baeeao.e library ease, fall of
book, that appear to he well 'sleeted,
eller the• fusty [ranee I bad of them."
"Me is • bookkeeper for that house,"
the Wok. "So the private ..tel-
es, telt f* while woken helping him
to his erns, Bet the resew he gave for
being vet in the overtime, aid so fir
from hi tektite's, was a quer Gree. 11e
walks nut every plesa.st ew.t.e, he
lays, for the oke of be health, always,
however, minting the soe quiet and
srel.ded streets, for the mason that he
b oo ball -looking that he wishes to keep
eft .4 sight set much se bee n."
"Wheat • angular whirr '" exelaineed
novenae. "Be ia very plain -lank inc it
is tree bet there is'bothint repelsive nr
tisrteddiag a the expreesios of his sous
By this Sam the marriage had resrlted
Yum Laegdnn'e house, bed se else .tap-
ed from it bee Feeney appeared at the
When Mew tree bees eke lest two
boon r she intelaised. "We hew aU
hew hell wiM .bout you, sed year
liestkew hes
jai psi Is the ethane
hews lie Dern
"'fl... I hen • Mee eon.wk kw
i lir Weeksey," mid Hstrsq •i-
hra "Pismo
the slid tell
Dow he shag • %el thrill beetle
"Rot whet is the matadeg et this r
passiaad her mother. "Ate yon awls r
Tietbee •ed&aghtsr were amen Is Ike
"How sheen k know r' was the
loghieg tenet. "Ong pee* see w
apt to be sweesiees d wry doll Is
Moir eettt>e 3, Leiden oho had, les
lbs lesrtfte liven. M• sisiorwg ter
Meidee d die NM, ase was in a hams
to jewel with any on saint bis
�.��kkse with hsr, her semi roma, he
koala saran pet eager. He would al-
Lways lane epee Mat Marna bar •Salty,
e atl thus wean .over tail a efiewe-r
that her sondem' W ben quits right
. ad paper. G. this often& he was
� forrani
medal t ageyWahine �he shad bbennsear-
yeses W elapsed .hiss. this
ressiag.sd ..4, u.impoota0 ke-
whet the atwMy who managed
Weir's Menne alike r. eked to
him ens day :
"A letter ham jet been rwmivwd from
year ate lather% eseener, i.ulesimg
your sawed neattemes ; sad the writer.
as you will ossa espresso a desire to be
informal f• raped to year health sad
several yellers, ted .loses by askew if
yea ewe en 1.ammu es you lits ata
we hewing is paid "
"It will he beet, I think, to simply
lettwrd me gosipt for tie sanity, and
take tae sedge
r iagwidote,'' was
w"• I wwou d Via, iow..ir"
_ mea /he law -
a sheet
he reused oilmen, the 3., Apiar-
ies le wham the iv.-tboerand-doWs
We tmsamsece. to :he keeping op at
.Ilii you enmity W been applied,
is mads payable is the OMNI .1
your death. I have. as yelt how.
receive' .soma letters team the
lady. .spsamLLR au awe* dein to
loam to whom she is idabed kr the re-
latMasw I have been oemtsms' y seed -
in her by year oder ; bet yea have
only peuti to d me to telt her that they
woes from a mend .he ierhbes a deep
istessM i. herself .ad her heady."
"Weil, lir Bente," mid Waddy, "I
impose h is hast for in W Wi you the
when eery. I have epee the hey bot
ease imp life, and then for .
sent Sime." He thee pressedid to w-
hite the desolate with whisk the natio
its already familiar, adding : 'elle, air.
was the beet timer s far s D meld n-
seseiber. when asy on I d dome any-
thing far me which 1 scald sot soma.ree
of s having ben prompted by a ..lash
interest in some lore. The Daly awi-
den. I had the she thought of ate
afterwards was the receipt of a note
trout the clerk .he W scaompuisd
bee, saying that he sad the young lady
would like to know if I had austatoed
say serious injury from my fall. That
kind inquiry I immediately answered,
with many thanks to him and Miss
Langdon s .hofull name and address I
had obtained frees hie
"From that time," oontiooed Waddy,
"I have followed her history sod foe-
tuses continually. Her father tailed in
besieges a year atter that 1..1
aidsatal reeeti.g, ..d died within the
n et yr, hie family being tett to do the
best they weld fur Moder
these eines anew, I adopted Flown.me the epeeist object of my intent sad
tar& sad hems dos. what I weld fur
her. Her husband, as snowing
yewsg inn, b whom she .5s atrial a
fs. years ago, has been gettie1 along
very well, in the Wasters city .ben
they sow wide, with their three little
children. The satisfaction of knowing
that I wits ro.dering as acceptable ser-
vice to see who was worthy of it, sod
.Ito might one day, after I was gone,
know from whom it came, bee furnished
the nectars that ht been to me like a
guiding star in my life.".
Six years had pissed .ince the enover-
saos here reforad to ; and ae the last
of them drew to so end, the bookkeeper
eland his ledger toe the tut time, and
peened on to reader his aoeouwt before a
triboaal that parasite no changes or
*noes in the reseed of any our.
A sincere and tender respect was
manifested by the few persona who se -
emanated the remains of poor Wadey
to the grave ; het nose of his kindred
were then, Dor did they even know at
his death •til they had learned from
his attorney and azeestor that the an-
nuity would be so lenge required, ex-
cept a .mall balance doe at the time of
his chest's disease. The money was
promptly remitted, also a regoest for •
sop, of poor W.ddy's will, which was
immediately forwarded, and from which
they learned that be had left • life in-
s -erases cf five thousand dollars, deo
about four tboomed in the savings bank.
His library, with other articles, had
bees left to o rtaio persona .bo had ed-
miaiatered to hie comfcrt daring tl G
latter years of he lie. He had directed
that his funeral ebould hes enndected ie s
plain and becoming atyk, and a simple
marble slab should be placed at his
grave, with the words- "Poor Wadey,"
and sothiag more. Them matters being
provided for, there would remain the
.em of eight tboasaad dollars, which by
bee will he bad directed to be paid to
Mrs Florenes Anderson.
Asother letter soon cams from Wed-
dy's forger home, written by a lawyer
tine time, intimating • deposition in teat
lbs validity of the will, males certain
questions --e dozen or more—.ere netts-
laee.rtly aw•wered. Tee Dowers were
D ot vireo, nor .a, the will ever disturb -
A few weeks after the look keener • he-
•e►.1, an elderly teatleb,•n rang the
bell at s quiet and pleasant residence is
• Western coy, and piecing his card is
the head of lie servant who answered it,
requested her to take it to her mistreee,
Yrs Anderens.
"1 am soca pleased to set yea, Mr
Rea.e i" mad the lady. entering the per.
kr. "I received year letter • few ail.
ago, •nnnnncing thee death of one whose
resort -tea and enn•t.&t remembrance of
me bee hems a great syetery, as well as
an aw.tote of seers granted*. The
trials aid Nlapp•.int eel. test haw. f.1.
hen epos s•, espesislly at sad anon after
the desb of by dear b ehmeed, f ilia. •4
epdepol4 a» kr. n. red w► b QUEBEC IN SORROW.
*5.mswles yet l It.d •. tt.10w.
Mead. sens•wheee, *he waswatsblog
sestisaalir sad wing ler mew a
fither'..r • begetter's eimsttur.. Aad
.5., air, plasm lei me kan to whim 1
hsn bas indebted In tib kind on
"Limo Inst eih yea te ilea this re -
cart, ski Mfr free•, we he lied .m
the table Mien Ms • wailed sheik.
"NON donna �otaaa r a.lamd
kilo Amdereca "Omsk he pont- that
I a the _signet et Nb mnnidso t Otlt.
Wino to the mater nes et klad-
mem t Ileosgb, with the tulle way hew,
Mad lett m., to inane me aid my two
nmsinag 'Wine e,mtertaN• se the
std et aver 11... I isnot remember
the I hew ever an eaythbr far e•y
host.& hang Nae nail deserve the
h..dndth pelt el .het I have e..dved
fres thispe.er hired."
"Do jot irate.her." Moan Mlr lit...,
"the roe Mokherprr, she fell ea the
"What r bener.pted the listener.
"Weedy Qd1ew 1 Q. it be possible
that that little set et Madness 1•rei.hee
the key to the mystery 1 Has the mea
e kes I simply helped to his feet when
he had fades as the sidewalk, .ad mast-
ed to ha home, hems doing all this for
"Yee, madam," was the I.wyer'a reply.
"He hes weighed yea from that soul
the eed of his lite. sad pee hen been
the r 1 el most et the meow he
W meld. His panful..•itivesses is
regard to his persossl .ppuanmse tmak
him shame • meeeemain ow that sob -
jest, nil he Ids MO for lift low er
marrage eves Lerwvee emt et the g..rties.
At the case time he ended some ked or
Puri, higher aid mese s•eel6.b than
the supplying' et hie o.s personal waste,
sad the belied that he wee weeribotfmg
to the steatert et sea .he deserved sad
tbaakfsLy rsunived the amistans he was
'.mien.., hes •applied the greet want
et Mea lib sad soeeitfted the one sweet
ked hanagen reran d his otherwise
Leery and lovelies sair..ei."
M.k more was told dating that visit,
and Mrs A•der.os's .y w.f. fo11 of
teen Mass .he at last bade her visitor
nood-ye. ovary year, at the anoi'er
eery of his death, a wreath of immortal..
woe gland, by her order, epos poor
eddy's grove, as a token of her pato-
fol nmembrs.es of yo hitherto un -
knows besduetor who lei s liberally
requited an .et of simple kindless.. .
Ithenmaeime i. w,tsddy a poison..
.cid is the blood .ad yicida to Ayer.
Pills Maley mess Wish messed chronic
and bopeles., have eompl.aly cured by
the medidnn. It will cool out little to
try whet east the Pi1ls may have in
ere We predict susesra
The t et Weeds.
Words and their ..s seal.. Some
gene phrases some to the Listener's ear
in the Doors of a twelvemonth ! Here
is one word, 1n24 of by a friend, which is
quite now. To this friend • woman,
speaking the other day of her surround-
ings and hems, her Dcigbbor., more es-
pecially, .aid:
"Ws have very little society—wary few
senors; we ltd we don't naval .it,
yell with the people shout bee r
Possibly the Wont. was that the peo-
ple really did coequal ensues they dotal
like Perti.gtost.ms. Bet what she
meet was probably eosgene!—BoMoa
"They have a largar tele in my de
met," lap a well limos druggist, "than
any other pill ea the market, and give
the best ae1daetion for sick headache,
W hammias, indigestion, etc., and elms
combined math Jubo.ton'. Tones fitters,
Jobsuoe's Tome Liver Alb will per-
form what no other meZicine has done
before for s.1ariee humanity." Pills
25 cents per bottle. Bitten 50 legate
and $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode
Druggist, Albion block, Goderieh, .ole
mew se mite tbeedem .
The secret in making choeel•te, asps
a leading confectioner of New York city,
is in mixing the powder with aweigh
toiling note. to make a thin paste, said
then pouring on boiling milk, and lest a
little mon boiling ester and scalding
one minute. It can be made with all
milk and no water if desired. but is too
rich for m..t people without the addition
cf some water. Chocolate, WOOS, or any
such mixture should never be stirred
with anything but • silver or • wooden
spoon. A te.pooufol .•f chocolate to •
•op ie the rule, rod if the liquids are
poured on while they are boiling and the
whole resided in poresl.in—•ever Po—
thers .ill be no doubt but Cud it will he
a soccer&
A...te Combo sad elms
And all diseases of the thrust and 10w
sea be cured by the use of Scott'. Z51bt-
.os, .31 contains the headily virtues of
Ood liver Oil and H popioephitee in
their fattest form. See what W. 8,
Miner, 11. D., L R. C. P., eta, Truro,
N. S. says : "After three years' ex/mo-
ieties I consider Scott's Emulsion one of
the very beat in the market. Very ex-
cellent in thr.rt affection• " Sold by
•li drergiat., bon. sod 111.00
Lee. all vane.
A New York flat owner advertised se
usual that he wuold rtont only to people
who hati no chi:drsn. H.• flats were
won well filled, and he congratulated
himself that nn childish voices were to be
Heard in the 1.11.. a /no day a ie., weeks
ego he saes a aroosd to enUeol the rent,
and amend d.ad 'limn he bleed
that two families lied hese blessed with
triplets, four with twins, endow en with
sin ele hahtea. He has Inst all confider/se
is the human race, and now goes about
with lowered head, ea a res .ho ken
been deeply wronged.
The bort rwgilatwe t.r ter et .soh
and bnwela, the bed our* for bulw,uane•a,
sick be.dsche, indigestion. and .11 ares.
Menu arising tram a disordered lire. are
withoet stomata.% Johnson's Tewin Liver
Pi11a Smail in site. surae meted, meld,
y1 effective. 25 eta. per bottle .rile by
Ooude, druggist, Albion block, Cale
risk, eels meet. fit]
Mie. Jennie Ritchie, Oro!, .h. pared
.Iso. ire • 1...e.ka' H les deW of sy
hew enaminod nn for • third clove *yetia-
youngest shin, wen lightened aid made reds ism July, f. now attandts1l Ns j
m11d.1 shod .t Zona
Terrible of • Olilt
BMW flower dame seised Weammee*—
Mesa tereelholl Illee Ihmilebemed
September IS -11e oily wee
terse* eigineed ight by • Ismael
muy Whisk took ph
pins he Obsmpaia
sire... sad, menteimmedies that f1e
ran 1111110 do.. is Makes*., end the
weed bk. a bersisae, erode et psrpb
repaired Se the setideat, leheatl7 ssAN
sena o'eleek a hen porsiw el the reek
immeisiey ssderaoek she Onodi, u
the wren eat wed id Deiesa Terrace,
. wd+sdy peen .Thr sad west msshi.g ta-
b Chaaspein street, tarrying away or
wreaking all the buildings on the teeth
er rimer side el the street tram No 133 so
163, o between the tecidesss MIr
Powor, a.vdoro of the Alfas tine
steamship office. Some *we soon in
all have been wiped oat. They were
mostly all Masssent homes sad d..edy
populated, sad death and deeir.stios is
all its .ppalliaa furn has hese left in
the path d the land slide. The strew
is piled pfp with haireds of toes tot
bane bo.ldees, and i. impaamble, while
some of the besiMter are honked some
plenty te piens and others are buried
sadwneath the rocks and debris. Detash-
mean tram "B" Battery, the Cavalry
School, city polies force ase airbag
eilizens were promptly at work, im-
mediately .iter the .•oldest, to mote
those buried in the raise, bot the task
res a heeelw oak, .ad •p to this
merman very little had bees a000mpltsb-
ed sad it mot be a 000.tderable time
before ter street will ag.io bG dear.
Caren Or 711 CATASTIorl&.
The immediate caw of the disaster is
attributed w bevy raise, .bion have
penned herr oostis.ously .iota Mo-
de. Yesterday the run was usessally
heavy, .ad arrest& of water were reeli-
dove the fees of the alit is all
direction sad the action of the water
meet have penetrated the envies@ and
loosened the roe. Sy •lunges. of the
dieter ear the .bole atlas eate down
in the twssklimg of as eye, some of,ttees
.b'deemed tt being almost paralysed
and barely elle to get oat of it. way.
Only ale. years ago the Federal Guveru-
ast .peat a large mm et mosey
to buying sp and resovieg the
bosses oe she stir side of the street
w here the deassar 5oe.rred, and built a
thick retaiaise walls. a guard against
aoeideats of this hied ; but it bad so
'Sem es Ism night'. dimmer. Ot coarse
the lona to the surviving violins is heavy,
all the funutere ased effecta Mime a
eompiete wreak. Relief measures aro
long adopted.
!•a eOiJlfrOtol or WIRD AND RAIN
ben yesterday, and some minor aids.
are reported along the .ens street, bot
fortunately without damage. Levin ale
suffered from the came moos, sad be-
lying localities vote flooded. Another
eye -.its esa of kilt sight's fatality lays
there was ample warning to get out of
its way, as portions of the rock fell at
intervals of about five minute., in small
gn.ntitiea.tfirst, bet isoeas.din balk 1211
the final wash same. Previous lead slices
have occurred is the snare localitise will
squally dt...troas ream There was
terns on the 17th May, 1861, which .ipid
out eight buildup sad toiled 32 people.
There was soother in 1854, about half a
mils higher up tie street, when seven
people lust their lives.
Tee ciro..r reports that 26 are dead
and 30 miming. The wounded number
70 or 80, .ad .re doing very .elL The
dead were all laid out he the water polos
station, whasm abort toe nee been re-
sovd-byisnda T sit.sse reports
dwompwkise s dre dy satin in, .d
says that the rate are swarming in is -
mases ambers from the wharves, so
that he has had to have corse eoestrue-
ed as rapidly as possible. The soroseis
jury will he sworn in tomorrow sad ter
bodies identified, and the incised will be
hod on Mondey. The Rosen Aatholis
dead will be buried on Sunday morning/
at ten o'clock.
A]oTHall cavil IMPORTS°.
Another crack in the rock immediate-
ly behind the present slide is said today
to have opened vet about Wise itches
slop yesterday. The lues of life, it i.
said, would have been much heavier but
from the fortunate eiueuwstaoce that
sombera of the residents were at wakes
above and below the doomed locality.
Orders have been issued to owe firing
the noonday run from the Citadel, so ss
not to shake the cliff. Some of the poor
little ct uldren saved seem to have be-
come s n.what mixed op, and there are
instances of one man claming another
man's child. The victims have met their
death. in all forms Several of them
are suffocated : others have their heeds
crushed in, and some fall in the street
while tiling to ere from the avalanche.
aoturTi o I,CID.J T..
While workers were buoy cheerio( the
debris of a crumbled building, faint
grease were beard et interval* true ev-
iler the ►uge pule of r.,ck. The •f..ria
of the volunteers were eonc.ntrsated to
that point, and after three Were' hard
work the bleeding body of Joe Kemp
was extricated imm the mar of rock.
The po..r man was in the most miserable
coed:tion. Both kgt were broken at
the helloes the left arm was fractured
above the elbow, and serer•l nba were
.leo fractured. Kemp will not live two
hours 1„neer. Ne i. nna,nsoinns, and •
bred pallor and deathlike •ppeanmae
prevails in the mea'• face. Two boat.
lake his dhotis hole res, taken out "i-
des .reek. Het head wan almost sit -
fro. the b,dy,and'tid,:ltions of the
meet vro:ting •ed vio:awt death were
Further away another hideous epee -
leek. was offered to sight Th. es,rpme
of a young woman, Mn Lawson, wan
bed been ■'s•ir.,l in her lifetime bah
for her beauty and amiability, ..e rain.
sated from under nate, en .1.k about
tan tons of stones and alis were lay-
isg. The sight was more than homy
could bre. She we smashed almost
eat sad the body h»mhtfuliv torn. He
hwneed, M the aigtit of his 'slowed .ife'.
maim, 1.... Ireatie and is waw in.
eon for perhaps the remaiwd..r of hie
df.. •
A an named M eehael Headley..hen
had Crows durst stesy ethos tole that ail
hes family had perished in the lawdelide,
dLmeumed while ttlablhv env he wr..k
ed hie knee M Gerporoshisedios=
MIK .flee. Yes yew «a
H. kind sol patted the eas•gled fwt'e&
ailed her a wMarwe ••me sad
lemdld bre m • .bitweek bee
It is the din will lire.
MYI wether ked inkiest see t• -
tio. 10 the rssw'o d Ile Fenn At
flee time el the edsmity he h.4 his la-
kes hats is kis sem. The in were
tend ..Adh.r, bet the deadly reek had
dens its week. sad both bodes were re-
mand 1e the elks et the river one.
This ety is thrummed with *masers
wain hem ail parte el the Qisbea der
trier he wanes We ellen et the terrible
1N..rult Tribust:—Tures are mothers
fa the ally oho seed tier Merle wale to
Ns worst et mimeos for pails .d leer,
and there are fathers in this city who
are 1.0 home by their little tows. Wiest
will the harvest be t
It Made
Mother Strong
asf ,It
Mr 00.3 sea teat
new Pan maw
atmemes sea awns
iset sr mineisms.
M. and a les dM
hat. wallet vest
Ms to meamynee
test seereno
ems ms a.wa'
IL Meme.
•r•oameari ts. tglrin
isnot saW s=pMMr`
ast woma t ae tree. •
'ma c. ism ► is A, tae:n' 1� 1s.►
Celery Compound
iron bhm weed l�msakr�la1 a ps
et eases aeseas`tas�em. pew
A Pease* Teals mea Iwrar. tfr. K
ism' 1 aalmt�soaat w fa years Miasma Mw tiled
Pens were nose 00ostaaly
Swat ser to asset awl ems ad IL
fWmew anon sleep soma sia wax sae
.atsoogli tam woe boo 5. sad step
ssdsg tals t� ll 1Tt+rR c7pimis.d. 7lmA
Pats Odd, ret
miss to wawa Tar
Mono the WORMW lm wondered
M cartes tie= damn with w
sea ss atm War.
M pr boa&. ala aria m irestor.
Was lasses a 00 nleamaas.
DIANN ern :z, etm'%e� the'
flet 1417 vM:m"'+iigiisile”!
\Valer Smicc & Itcpdi«
The undersigned -Is pslffp.red
to undertake the putting in of
Water Services in connection
with the Town System to Dwell-
ings and other Buildings. Also
To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac-
tories and Machinery of all kind.
Prices reasonable. Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
ii;rauelling Imes,
Soderich Sfiaa Bailor Torii
liaaallott4sll es* dealers a
'one k tLw eatw
's if
rw W ateliiyM4t.1, Pep aa1 PMieleIp. te•s M!
On Hand for Salo Cheap,
i MJ. 11044 Md Mrmt Gesso .e,,
I MMM•wssd • Mer aid .'. Is ta.
ma Ilsereleee
halt ores will raoelye prompt e•eadia.
Pons .p•. eL TAB. o.seteai.
ettwmtMd M
.. 1o.e.fr..e• neon* BOX MX
•EX fl OF •/
la C
A. W. m.mmm A tis...
AIM Tu MAXIM ler TOR rel.ataaf
nit= or MAMMA
Pronounced, by practical con-
sumers, superior to anything
in the Canadian Market.
Ma.ut.etures.ls. et
Tomato 00ce .ad Warehouse :—R !ROA T
W. C. •ONNELl. Maaager
Trains arrive and depart at Goderieb .o to
lows :
Mall and R press•ram
Mall.. rem.
Mina .... .....:.a0•p.,n.
Mall ...... ••view. .........iillt.~iipa,'s"i�
Mall sad [:preen. . ......... .,..:1.M. n
111 .1.... .. ........... . p
Op .unto.art
w`,...e.«ar•- 01 ops
r .... .mai ettromo eve
Oseseaccu. Dixons r .0 , uw.
May utb, len.
My wife asdased her eve gram w1,k
that distressing dhows. catarrh. Ilrr
case bras sae of the warm km. . Ire item
parts. rhe tried .11 of the eatarrb rsse-
dies I ever sswpdrertleed, but they were •
of so use. i easily procured a bottle ..f
Nasal Balm kir has mord *sly one halt
of it, ase new feels like a mew penes. 1
trot ft toy duty a my that Nasal Balm
.-annot es TO0 HIGHLY recommended
for catarrh tro.klaa, awe .,g placard to
have all each nallb,eie !saw through ilia
set' they wI I mein >mast r'stet sad
Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from
the best houses in the trade.
The general verdict is that Munro is abraatlt of the
times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My
increasing business is an evidence that my efforts
please the public are appreciated
and while I endeavor to keep almost everything us-
** found in a flrst-Claes house, the general public may
rely upon getting the correct thing in every department.
sell Satin
the advance on 1311k floods I will
at former prices. and yam' Sonans and Satin ][�►eillieuz
Afy Specialties f her the Season.
Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and
Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the lead l
Smallwares, from Needles up. items n
All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one
Draper and Habitee•.