HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-20, Page 8'HE DANCING Olfda-S. Rev ler Mese mad Rev Maaill Ileinotal 'sew isms royale sbe awaited mead ee freest . rase Orimands. From 'Nebula, Telegram. ort.inot 11-1•0 1114 %eine net st the lasholg e, of dam sieich the bre- Le ,..k tag. weay mad from the wrot.t.1 split re the greet crowd arow to brew .1..• mew mot isoddod en - It aerial y was cousiortebia $u the wend 'laud, • 41 *het.. ehort olefin man ...d a tali el. -wipe', climbed the stand and dea• d. a was no ialier-reuroved his hat chief, verybod) seem. d to feel throe - ' elves blisters in the rebel he Dolt. and elesoynian •as 'try Moody Benson. He OM srverely at .te p 04/111, formers sere tio perf-r ed, • ter•kling-foored Hui gariso gine, whose :_iry cavodditors. they Mei heard. were ter) hoehl•, improoper. The Western lli•triet 'hod within whoose •poritii..1 ..k the mds are situ.te. bed- sent Re• Dr r Bay Mr Refl. oi soo tor be .nreedoug for the tiortaiy Whetarr or not •he atom le.:y who clo▪ th oiat• eons., mt. the lased stand dv is not appear. The give at any rate Wore shirts a trill« heavier them oil the eyeshot d.y, sod th.re were not e.. edg▪ ed !men dutiug the dance. The two efeenymen, ft understood, reserved mornitig paper 'het Rev Br So Mr 64Id lowest ••rieti houses. with um the 'Ol- ga! 41:41-1, and shouctig How th, es- teemed qv, Dr eioold arrive at such a curlews'. .ti ht. wrr did sot say. an' um ant suggestive stiva• meta. er this nation are eta to be too fre.ly sod, perh-ps, uncharitably caw oterl on. It is prefab', a desire to, ge• more ROO and judge impartially 'bet criaid, Cie crowd stand every ideologies. nno last night it was obeerved that • 111.1MCWIT of clergymen evert. present, one in particoler. a city divio.e ,1 promin- leicnette. Their close anent! Ai to the pirfornisuces of the ballet and other towered' el the show wool ' myrtle one wi:h the ides that they were storing up each detail with a view IA sustain their reverend brethren in the eaent of tin to- • LEElit. RN. Fran our cwn curet., pondent.. Mite's Louisa and Sarah Hillier, oof Miss Bessie Carney visited friends in Lecknow last week. otber Inv across the deep i.sters ot the Atlantic, fetching with h in a pretty Scotch twrier, which is n.m.h admired by hie friends here. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. The vottm' list fee this township con lain to. al of 864 voter*. of whom 426 ore qualified se jurors. In one division there are no less than 17 Johnstone. and oa the whole t there are 114 names retninencing wii.h C. the names Cook, Clantelon, 4. Cole, Cnrry. Churchill, .m. remaining must frequently. Uarally lames cooniiencsing with hi are pat by themselves and those with Mc the sante, but iu this list this is not fol- lowed throughout, but we do not Gni- rk:14c ir will make any material difference. Every person who 'tents to exercise his frabehise should not leave it to his friends tt. see if his name is properly on the list, hut should look after it himself within oee month from tbe postint up of the lists, in tilts instsnce the of July being the date. Prom our own eorrespOlulent. K. AlltM, ollf popu- lar n-rasman, left this week for a trip to fhe Western States to visit some of the `all shows and exhibitions now being held there. A. Thespian°, one of the rising law- yer. of Bay City, Mich., visited our burg for several days this weee and last, and was the guest of D Lawson. The excundon of this week was taken te Detroit by Miss Kate Macdonald to see her brother, R. H. Macdonald. 'The Misses M. and Grace Allen also went to see friends there and then on- ward to Pontiac, Mich., to visit Mr and Mrs W. Young, formerly for many years residents of Dunlop. NSA R. '11 SOON --00f old townsman Gm. Bean, after OM absence of some years, being lately a resident of tinder - Mb township and tenant on the Moun- tain Farm of Alex. Cox, has rented the well-known Somerset Farm formerly owned by the bite R. Campbell, from its present owner R Barkwell, for a term of years, and will shortly reside near no. Oar township again gets hack one of ita rising fanners, as George has been very successful is the Peninsular township. Hark. the sound of many comes Jubilant is Tlarket Aad full many • heart As the Omens Soak Hew the happy Yokes 'Wonderful beyond description - Woman's beet and truest btea&" Wolf may it be aided wousea's beet fries& since it does for hew what no ether remedy has been able to dr It ewes all those delicate derangements sod Willk111011111111111 pareiliar to females. Ceres there, saderstriad. ()thee preparations may afford bseeporary Meet, bet Dr persuistad ewe. It guatintieed to a. this, sup isersir paid for it will be promptly rehmpler. 11. ill the great re- medy of the bah 11116 waist Nasal °Monk, ao maim of how /egg steinding, is eared by Dr Shipa's Ottani THE HPROli SIGNAL, FRIDAY. BKPT. 90, 18b9. I rent saw ewe oarmammetast. On Thereday manila( a lire broke out tho liweit of Jam IlaDotiald and to t• ly destroyed Id. hare sad its ositents No insensate. Cause al bre ankaow. Prom ear own ourrompoadeat. H. M. Ifyier aud wife, of Buffelo, are veattleg Mr Jobe Morrie, ot Poplar Roue, Colborne. Mr John Clifford. of Mobile, Ala. mid his daughter are the guestamf his hither -is law, Patriarch John Morrie, of Poplar Row. Mr Clifford as 'superin- tendent of the inechenical department of mother of the old Goderich bcys who Imre coat. to the front in the neighbor- ing republic. PARAMOUNT. Pres our own correspondent. Mrs Towle sad her daughter Jennie are up Irons St Mary visiting friends in this vicinity. E. Green aud M. Kitchen are the guests of Mrs WUl. Murdock. Mr It. La.'s retureed to his home after visiting in this neiehborbood for two week. Rub has learned the tailor trade mid is dome well. Mums Mary Kann and R. Doyle awteirk.d. od the exhibitIon in Loudon lest Misses Flora and M. A. Beaton re- turned t- Detroit last week. Mr Peter Murray lost a dozen sheep by dogs last seek. Some measures sheuld be takeu to protect the woos) tribe, as over thirty have been killed this section in the past three weeks. friendly call last week. Dr J. B. Richards, formerly a resident here. now of !)lainville, Mich., is in very poor health. The Methodist church on the 2nd concession ..1 Huron was dedicated Sun- day the 15th A tea meeting was held the °vetting of the 16th. Prom our own correspondent. The weather and general appearance of the country begins to feel autumnal. Mr Peter McCann, of West Wawa nosh, who has been very ill, is, we are plessed to be able to state. gradually re - ()nits a number from this and sur- rounding vicinity have gone to see the sighisat the Northwestern Exhibition at A large area oof fall wheat is being sown in this neighborhood, and farmers here are nearly finished slowing. Sumo wheat which has beeu sown early is growing rapidly. Your comnsent and explanation on the Niagara affair seems to have given general satisfaction, as also enlighten- ment on thesubject, which will hare • beneficial result upon many in this sec - rYour humble correspondent, having Ihad occasion recently too visit your edi- torial sanctum, oheervet: great improve add to the businese-like appearance of your establishment. Mr James Walker, retired farmer, of this village, returned horns on Friday last. after having visited his eon Colville, and family, at Culloden, and also taking in the sights at the Provincial exhibitiou at London. He enjoyed himself im- mensely during the tnp. On Sunday last the weather was very fickle, the elements being in a disturbed - condition, the wind frolicking with dust, etc., until between 3 and 4 p.m., when a unanimously welcomed dor:even of rain quieted the disturbed elements, and moderated the excessive heat which pre- vailed throughout the previous part of the day, and coeling the atmosphere, which was appreciated by all and sundry. AUCTION SALES. All parties wetting their NOP bills printei this office will get a free 'notice inserted la t his list up to the time of fele. Unreserved sale of farm stock and implements of Alex Campbell, lot 10, con. 10, W.D., Aslifield, on Monday, Sept. 30t1i. John Grithn, auctioneer. Auction sale of valuable household furniture, on Saturday, Sep. 21st, 1S89. at Story's old stand, Hamilton -tit, at 1 p. m. John Knox, auctioneer. Mr John Wiseman, for tinny years a prominent merchant of Clinton. and with many friends in Goderich, left this week for the States for the purpose of entree ing in business there shtield matters shape the right way. SWIFTLY l'anallvo. -Scarcely has one fully realized that summer is here until the signs tit fall begin to appear. Al- ready the hay and grain are cut: straw• b0Meta have cotne sod cone, the last of the raspberries have been gathered, and the fall fairs are now upon es with their perplexing prise lista. Then comes the tax gatherer, and what little he leaves will be required to prepare for winter. With all them changing manes before his *yes there are still some whc fyrget to pay the printer. Wingham rioter : In the report of the insecure' meeting__ of the Goderick Turf Aseoctation, the HUMOR SIGNAL makes the following remark respecting not a dandy met of judges, sad isn't Old Man Roe a daisy We do no* know if this is inme for a slur on Mr Ras, but we (light it they hsvo soy bettor sass than ha ia Gaimigh. Hs is not colt a good joke el berm flesh bat thoroughly un- derstood' the rules of hone racing. [No alter was intended. Roe is all right. - Fillienra, recently shipped about forty head of tattle to the Old Goss, mar - beta, bat they were essapellad to ship they could mot get epee ea the A Uwe of shimmers if they treat them by Use 0. T. L from Laskaow. Mews. Whom& of Wart Weems* oleo end a amsbar of fat mills tim moo treas. Arriclil 5mpol ! :1INCORPORATED BY IIPECLA.L ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT.) HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO,IONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Candian Company PRIOSIDENT-RON. A. MACKENZIE. M. P. Kg Prime Minister HON A MORRIS JOHN I:. BLAIKIIi. MAN AOINU DIRECTOR - WILLIAM McCABE, F. I A.. Eng. Cathode - The Ammo, luau all Approval Form of Polic:a Ao tales. RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. This Pettey OHARA:ITEM A RE ruler Olr ALL PREMIUMS PAID in addition t• the full face of Me Policy is the mut of doeLe during Use Investment period. ist a lower lute thao ant' Maw Commas. BINDING TWINE WE ARE SHOWING SAMPLES OF BINDING TWINE Milt THE leiNDiti KAU V SOT Which we are offering at a Special Price to Early Purchasers Our Stock of General Hardware, u usual, i5 com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed, Plain, Twist., and Oiled Annealed Wire, aa you like it. R. P. WILKINSON & Go. Miltiraria TO ADM, Notice of changes at this Office na Monday noon. 1 ciltensOdoesday must be up to noon Thur PINE TAILORING Choice Fall Goods I invite your close inspection of my new Fall Stock, which for excellence of quality and beauty of pattern is pronounced by critics to be the best yet seen in town. B. MacCORMAC. Meal Setae AU origami notions in ihe of Tna iknatai. of mei taiinenritts at ea airy bent& is fir el rea:41 towel cook issautim. in▪ wrisol a bele lucid NEW ADVERT'S! To Real -C. flesam. 1/asted-Mis Cameros. Rey Wardell --.1. W. OMNI Look 1 LOW I -J. M. Prima disanyotAlealliant *mina Weasett-lise Dean et leffsbob-.1. V. I liessert-neifiertch Mad C. P iterimease sae Desalt aim. The uo.rtality among Conotimptines has been materially decreased of lam years by the us, of Scetes Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophusphites of Lone and Soda. Phthisis, Bronchitis, Abscess of the Lungs, Pneumonia and Throlt Affections are completely subju- gated be • timely urie of this excellent pulmone:. Palatable as milk. Sold by all Druggists at 50c and $1. 4 ASHFIELD. From our own correspoadent. Listen. Dunlop. Mr John Willis, of Port Albert, ems, from 12 acres of fall wheat 384 bushels of wheat, yielding 32 bushels per acre. This leaves the Lans downe firm soinewhat behind in its yield spoken (.1 last week. GRA TZ11.3.-CONT•RTTNG EPPS'S COCOA. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of dismal ioP and nutrition, and by careful application at the fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tabies with • delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is be the 'Judicious ow of such articles of diet that a constitution may be eraduaily built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladlesare floating around us reedy to at- tack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourvelve. well fortified with pure Mood and a properly nourished freme."---"C'iril &rein Made simply with boiling water or milk. Bold oulv in packets by grocers. islielkd thus: ists. London. England. 2186 SACHET POWDERS I FALL ltIILLINEAY. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton Street. begs to annotIbte that she has now in stock the latost styles in tail Millinery, special- ly imported from the British markets for this season trade, which comprise some of the most handsome goods ever seen in this section, including Feathers, ielowers, Ribbons, Phapelt, Trirruned Goods, etc. • TOWN TO atirrsoretrag pr. ..4w Asti heli pros A Gear Pamorr.- The yea ma to ohm a =11his. potence fiat The Weerzeartstiaa Te ermembeg orastlas at S. Tao of am. St mad ho ta even MISS CAM=ROINT,. MILLINERY OPENING einem VIII tell at weer. It -may ism aa under liaeamdleabla Masher set time tit ed the tear aa Now thaaiept Dem CM semsatarewfrat es tam yea Seel mei le triad t pea TAV AND 1PRIMCILLIMIL FOP. ( SAPPED HANDS. FOR THE Thrill. RIMMEL'S OATMEAL Full THE TOILET. RICKHICKERS PERFUME, itEV EN DIFFERENT ODORS. PI ItE DRUGS AND FINE GOODS. To the ladies of Goderich and vicinity. heen previonsty sumonneed ts these columns 1 hare lately pisr,,ause4 ilas—ithglat Of Wes Graham. to which I have added largely while attending t .!ity °peeing,. sad ut order to make you fully aousainted with my stiles &WI 1100a. 4"i imaki aa °Peeling on tbe three roar days a na *eek, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 17th., lath., and 19th. shall be pleased to see all who may all. w het her wantiOT to 1,:raLate or not.sa MISS BOLANT), Prescription lirug Store. (Successor to IliNs Graham. Wept-st) "The 014 Oaken Rocket. The Iron -hound Inieliet. The lloss-rtivered Bucket," is very likely the raw that has conveyed pol- lens to your syslteia fmm some olutcratie$ whosie waters have become mita from sewers. rattiest or percolations frnai tbe teal. To eratikete thew poisons fmm the 'widen' and rave yourself a spelt of malarial. typhoid or hilious fever, and to keep the liver. kidneys and lungs In • healthy and vigorous ennehtion. we Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Dieciovery. It ammo all the es - log and purify ing the system, freving it from ais manner of blood-pobana, no matter from what came tbry Imre arisen. All diseases trig front • torpid or deranged Inver, 4111= impure blood, yield to Its woodseful curative pmpertka. It regulates Ow stom- ach and bowels, promotes the appetite and Weittetr," and Chronic Diarrhea. Salt -rheum, under its use. Mood and Itrer medieine, under a positive gaaramage of 1411M= Sting or curing in owery teak or memey pail lor ft will be promptly retuned. Cc/might UM, by WCNILD11 MILL AVM McLEOD'S SYSTEM - RENOVATOR Will be found foe gale at the following druggists Albion Black J AS. WILSON, Prescription Drog 43130. RHTNA13, Tbe Pharmacy. MR FhlAR, MR. ROBERTS, BERRY & DA1.113 7b. Lacknow MR OONGRAM, MR. OOMBEIlk WANTED an give ensnething better to wreekers. N xperieace needed. Write FROM. F. Nunierynuut. Rochester. N. Y. ..iFirte. will give 72 for copy of th T. If you become my agent Cut It out. 20-2 ms II1S COE AND WITII IT A LARGE CONSIGNMENT HIS YEAR'S Gent's Split for tie Seoul YULE CUT and PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN ETER. SKI H. DUNLOP'S. Good material. ane styles and fair in :oes Is the motto. 1147- Nett door to Montreal Beak Wirej141 seer On dam net biome eir'17="imddrZt. sad proof below. 4 SI....o aa, P. a., tr.� S. M auesame =ace doers watw stela irW IIMf JMaM W Semi Nemo mopMossy .. w row w rlM bw •.rs evallatala 70.a Cameo J.me. E ALL,S SPIVS O. aO� ..3 -Li Mosw.- � In Bronze oe each Plug and Pacheco. PITT BROS.& CO. Tog THVA I 91 Impertors Canadian Apples. «gimes TiesstrItras.. Leedom am. Consignments solicited and liberal Advances made thereon. la i I. Kennett Are Beager has retereed Kim B. Wilkins.= hs Mini Birdie Hays is ri in Detroit. Kr T. .1. Videos tosk &IT last week. Mr and Mrs Alarmed teased ta Nissan. Thsraday la Mrs (merge Bleak niter Detroit risk ea Friday. Mes 1'. Murray rotors from law visit to Muskoka gmem of kis ralatims,Mr Jo Mr aad Mn IJo•O halm their visit to the Lukas t Mot F. and Miss Wait mitts their lame, Leaden, dire Jae. sad Mies Geri risking in Detroit and efl tib:wairrialtnimeiredder.seBizellph,a herihnsf Dstrisigasobirs again from • pleassat visit kis MsTiorkk, ei Ross a week with him illssablir. Mr sad Mrs Tyler, al Vidliiiag in Iowa sad mig A. mid Kiss Vesta hum visiting Mrs teek" in Um Gesst North Mr illiewaet, es Tim/algal lairagessilaiko• Zio mbis:egmeleaviesvhdwitua ilsmidebbis:::ittras is 1 trisberatalissisib bitilighalstwit Ream O man TRY NATURES PIIPE PEERLESS -POTENT Mass, Liquors, sge 1G. H. PARSONS OMNI APIS IIMIE AT SIM