HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-20, Page 7URE TS! i~•tfle.iviefigeoll BY or rito=▪ =k1 tad -i TII F H1`tioN SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1889 IES 'or on WA +g u res EVER. INI OIIdC(110 at about NTG. )N iToas Volume t feeling LIFT,1 N, REAL STS al for 1889 dress 3. corks, TRAW -MS ns.11 Y. STEN. I' DOTY ITO, !:INDS 1 1• d fes linear denssheslly .1sestet ewes= tenth. E DOMINION IN BRIEF.' NARY OF CANADIAN HAPPENING. DURING THE WEEK.IW+wA' 1 geode in berreleee, beef, po- llster., a 1, ate -keep bettert.r whoa laid dew w. (heir side. .drms. d gueseaeNee hews weed Melilo¢ should be weshed with strong mews Ise ~e -WIme Si emu ...h nate, end • Nese cloth, and do it, if es se Iddte AsnaRem • beesis ref r. esfb ., at .sdday, to ensure quick venom sad the hos*weal dryiug, which prevents diswloratios. C4410111ADIAL0. 1f better is kept tiovered tightly •hen Farsst area are mWl nglan be New Bre put 1s the ice -Wiest, it will out ebaorb !the odor of any feud lying oesr. There The 8euthsr. Fair et Bra.aUsrd r Mie anthtug su seuuve as tetter, and yet yus may see is t et syq1y time plated goer ups- Joe. Pritchard, d N.w Hruo.wiok w meat and 'Mettlb'rs. l dear. Sods should never he used for aasa.ls; Sir John Macdonald has raters') toand If they are to be kept in good wadi - awe Itluit, they should be neither maugled The souther. Fair at Brantford closed os Dor imeted. ey' 1 peogr..stng To remove rest from steal feria and wore K aura Nook vary rapidly a the kaaas,cease With sweet oil, weal rubbed n, and let it remain forty-eight hours ; The Deat..d Dumb lutetium at Belleville thee rub stub unalackaa lime, powdered with re Pik eery tine, until the rust disappears. There were 3,304 entries for the Centro To 'room' stains front marble- mit: a tows Fair atOttawa. Yam. has beeal'Iuartt lay of the wrists so leen with wiped out lay lira ~ quecklim• w the asosi.teeey of milk ; The new C.P.1L steamer Usenet'• h..II.y it ou the marble and let a b. for • satisfactory tidal trip twenty-four hours, then demo with soap Boulders and other obstructions aro beingland water. red from Cdlitgwood harbor.When puttwo q away the 'Civet. tea !Ir. Milton, a Landon Township' far•nier,lee fee pot which u taut used every day bad .sumscow. and cosad • bon, poisoamd. `ley • Intl. such aortas the t,.p under the A cold wave s�ssr� re be O°wrrni• Al'cd'ver. This will allow the fresh air t• to District had mow and from w. Mon ;telt In and prevsut mustin.., ' Y• Be cute to keep your Lour p.Nectly Mr. Daniel Ycl.eaa, M.P. for Dame, eaedry. if you bey it by the barrel, have ewura to as Provincial secretary fogy" plath.rm Ludt, just tarn• *towel to Veto the harrel on, and about • foot high. Comedian exhibitors have takes wimp When more than one barrel is bought at for sheep at the Buffalo Inier•atrumal• time put down • piatiorm, and lay the 'SIAa.ri. on .paned bared o its side. Burs a Walt .n.1 1Vader a Mitchell, d To elan and tighten cane seat chair., hurt. hate token many priaw ei tbetore up the chair bottom, and with Trot o fur. water and a spoor. wash the cawork, Mwy limen in INN"' province "'siw lo that It may be thoroughly soaked. ch •baa raps that their tars w•iq bold them. IShould it be dirty use • little soap. L. Rev. John Mackie, of Kingston, c,sdesnrr!at dry in tis. giro •rad it will be as ti,(bt very vigorous ire. uaye the proposed baby s� bre, as when sew. w in that city. ' Many Iaundreeses put several handfuls John ftuppel sen., an old r..ideet audte, common salt hose the water in whirl nun, has been installed w poet- colored thinks are rinsed. This helps t.. of Esm,ra, Oat. 'make them look clean and bright, legit Tha ra.te'`atyrrs d et. Joh,. N.B., knots have it also to tasks them turn lump by • large majority not te plaix the speedily. This abjection does not •t,Pie bur rn co:omieaiom. quite a. much to bag salt as to comm.'. A Calgarydb says Mr. Amore Rowe e.lt. ill be the Eq,•�patckigbb uaodicLu at the: Paper bags in which many articles are it general elections. Dl from the grocery enure, should hr Martis Burke', hwyera 1n Winnipeg V ved G r use when blacking a at,.re. received 111000 sn"nymtooaly for tbeu deia.oe'You can slip the hard into one of there of the Croatia so.psct, handle the brash just as well, slot 14. !g- ltirrtoa, d the Whitby Gillette, Lha band will Dot be sealed. drad abet. has of h M mitered into • ide part.utf witthrough with thorn they .aa be duo Etta Howell, d that tows. dropped L.00ard L Lyman, of the firm .d C. C./i4• , o the otos e. Lyman a Co., Brockville, lam stmr:ied Mrs.; Boni is exceedingly useful in the do Amelia Howell, of that piece. im_astic economy, and should be always at lir. ('barb &miry. editor of i.e (-an• ie, _d. Its medicinal properties are .d lltt.ws, formerly • promsneut polit►ci, cMsusing and hailing. It is highly eer- ie Franco, is dad at Ottawa jsaant.enied for catarrhal troubles, and East Huron Liberals will meet at Bre aseL • wash for weak eyes, especially fur •a, Monday, September •,>.ir,1, wu umnnati • rnfiamed lido. For public speakers and candidate for the Legislature, ogee it is Invaluable for keeping the Kirypta l -.M.( -.A. delegates west to voice clear ; a piece the sire of s pa 4 tigtietasburg on Tuesday and carried off sins ort of the fifteen athletic pores. Fi Manitoba Mesoruites brutally mel- te a young girl. and were let off with •'very heat.ng to canker, thrush sod sere tin. 1 each by the clad of the anlage. mouths of any kind. The annual mss•tin}r of the Ikoasiios Ar- tullery Aseociatioe will be held at Baker's et Death's Neer. Point dung the het week of this month. My little boy had :_li•rrbea and came Rea. Mr. Black, • misnosary at Fort very Dar dyinr. After the failure of Simpson, n•pona that many Indian. in that everything else we used Dr Fowler's Ea- districi duJ h"ruder ter from stwnatioaerect. erect of Wild Strawberry. which caused Mr. Geo. H. Hackl&Dd. a clerk ia the nick cure,end I Lauer of two other wto. Penman Wookn Mills ofiee at Parts• Oat, were cured hy the same remedy. Free- man C. Amon, Hillier, Ont. 2 HOUSEHOLD HINT&. Neither ad ,red goads rice ENwals 'altos d sass roiled A DEAD PRILANTHROPIST. WM. GOODERHAM BECUNB8 8UD- o DENLY TO HEART OSUAOL ilio £lone .e a seri Llilk-iftereas WEN Renevet..m mad a•r•nv-seam Mt MMpM • twespee-etabee Terw.io seem et Iater.st. Toaux yo, Sept. 13. -Wm. Uosderb•ea, the well-knewlast phi thnrpist sad temper - mace advocate, died suddenly this evening from heart diver.. He was at the exhibi- tion 4hfe tttergpw, pod own 0.99 u'Nesit told hie nice airs wOtie.keepwr, who were wdi with luta, et he was going down town te keep an evening opprwatssent. The appount- uteat was the delivering of as address s the place known a. the ' Haven." a Seaton street rescue bunt., eta Mr. Good.rham wok tea and thee went to the "Hama." Rev. James Het..oe was she at the meeting, and when Mr. Gaoderhom bad uttered prayer sad aunovaoed a hymn he turned round and asked 114. Hath.«m w read • passage d scripture, am he felt tired tionselL Mr. Math.so. had Just sanaauced r.adusg when he heart( . gurgling .owed behind him and, turning rwr.u, mw Mr. liuoderbamasping mad tvidently on the verge of dead. Medical aid was at coos called and promptly securest, but Mr. Good.rham was already r dead. He was removed to hu bane tau mediately. 1)uo.m.ed was 65 years old. Hii public beaefactiutu have always been must munificent. Although the oldest sou of a family of thirteen he refuse 1 Wgo uiw the distillery bwsinaae,and &ever badanya,sna:- twu with it. Ort the contrary; all hu life he was • consistent advocate of temperate'.. Mrs. Go oderham die( • few years ago, cluldioe., and deceased never remarried. For assay years he Wu suffered from heart diene. He knew this and made no secret of it; in fact it was often the theme of his duacuur.ea, when, like Hazier, he compared hawnelt w " a dying nian poaching to dying men." On one occasion, when being cross- examined in connection with the Central Bank liquidation, he told Mr. Bain, Q.C.: •• Ikru't tlurry ace, I've got heart disease;" and when presiding over the Salvation Army camp moctag at Well's Hill m month ago be spoke of the probability of his suddaa death from the sum. cause. His record as • business man tells of con- fidence p/•..o41 h talents be did not posers. When a young faun he embarksd in business as • general store keeper in Dundas street tee ur twel%e miles fr.,athe city. It was not long, however, before the shutters were put tip. later on he was a partner- of Taylor Brea, grain dealers, of Bonne, and his tranaact,ns while in at cost the firm a large amount of emery In late years be refrained from business, contenting himself with at- tending meetings of the various tinaucial institutions in which he had capital invested; and as his income was large and his mode ut Living not 'stratagem, he made good any lo...es he incurred previously. He died worth, it is estinated, about $300,00. Mr.•Cooderharn was a director of the (;rent Northwestern Telegraph l'onrpany, the (.nada Permanent Loan and Saving. Company, the l.hnadion Bank of Con,urerte, and was vice-president of the Western As- surance 1'ompamy. Forty dollars is not • great deal of money 10 a man as rich as Mr. t;ooderl:am is sup- posed to have been. But there are plenty of rich men who would look at $40 a lung time before they would spend it in a way that 1 mice Raw lir. Gooderh;.m do. The incident drmostratea the dad mau'e practical cnar.ty. The writer was one day mending at the door of the Toronto General Hospital. It was bitter cold, along tows.., the end of December. A small crippled boy caste down from one of the ward,. He lout been sent to the hos- pital for treatment for hip diseaae from one of the townshgr outside Torouto, and as the doctors could du nothing for lin it was de- tailed to seed him back to where he cline from. The poor lad was wretchedly clad and some of the nurses were trying to siat•e up some clothing for him to enahle.him to fury the bitter cold. Jiut then Mr. (,ond- erhan, drove up to the door. He was . Itis way to see a patient. I explained to Mr. l;oodrham the lad', unfortunate cir- cumstances. Mr. (:oo derham •t once sat down and wrote out • cheque for $i11, pay- obde to a well ku•,e-n clothier, with instruc- tions to give the huy a warm suit of clothes, flannel nuderwar, • cap, boots and a top- coat. There was thea plenty left to take the little fellow home in good style. 1 superintended his departure on the train, end 1 nu...r recollect seeing gratitude more sincerely depicted than it was on that poor little lame follow -s countenance. He wrote Mr. I,00derii•a,'s name down on a piece of paper and mid he would never forget him as long as he lived. lissulved in the mouth, is all that is no- -emery. It allays the inflammation of -ore throat, and mined with honey is war drowned to Permian s pond .n Tuesday. Lieutenant -Governor Angers, the bushel or eeie ent.tive of Her Majesty iu Quebec, it .• ..onuuiicett, will shortly- marry Madame HatueL Wm E'l..,rr, Ethel, and his ran J.:ces 'eft un T'.sday of last work for the The sea hued votes' lists show 2,037 .7e. "Northwest. They go for the d. utile ••i..on the voters' lists at Vtctor:re B.C. :a �wr'Vr'so "t risitiu¢ friends and a}.;culat ISN: there were only seventy-nine totes nog in lrD1 p 1kd- New a tigae•L.gbt leta. M vast awseaGeed, who, it is raid. built the first railway locomotive const uctel in A shut young man in the height el the froniiniun, diel at Tomato yesterday fashto5, was violently @fleecing in a strut morning. ear, when a companion remarked, ••:1w, Hilln.on'a mill, roar (htrws, .rad ahove Chswlee, duh boy, how d'ye cath that quantity of lumber, were le-rned ,at Wi - dwadfcl add." "Aw, dal fetish, left *relay night, causing a lona of nearly my cane in the lower hall tether day, fello,n00. ,and in sucking the ivory hand.,. so Ex Attorney-t*eaeralClarke,.,f Winnipeg, dweadful cold, it chilled we almost to while en roots to the Pacific meat .n a death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- t P. ft. train, died front the bunting of a vey's Red l'ine Gum he cold would Need vessel. trouble hire eery otuctine, or sale at J Senator Bellevue, of Man'reel, in an in- ,14 adieu's prescript drugstore. 11 ten-iew, contradicted the rumors that he hail cared to be a *importer of the Mercier Government Winging') T; mss :-There is • greet A t-alnahle Landau, mode to F.ttgla.. i fora deal of arch. . In sown at present. Toronto mulliamir., has been seised by the Them are no c.vuuveon diseases, such as euat«u ►u rth.,,itel owing too uifriagemwt fears or dtphi heria,we are led to believe. ef the regulatit*ii. but moot of ib.....1:n have been unwed The Methodist, Con;regati..al, Rwrbstliter@ .fllictah vette cramps or Canadian have decided t.. work with Meters Presbyterian muusters d Kinnrton, hiders. Misers John Neelaode anMeters Crawley Alex Roe. have beets oonbn'ld to their and Hunter when they visit that city. tors for mine dogs. Both are nos it is ana.eiu•wl from Ottawa that Jnetior hle to he around again. Mr Peter Comity Ju•t . Lane has heel' appointed Linkiater. is alio era the mend, as well es q. of rho County Court of tarry, viq Mr T H Ltoki.ter, who have been .iok .'s.ige Hnnplier..n . deceased. for wane nine. The Donlon of th. Law Society patter - M•p Y psint d K. D. Ammar anal A. H. All ages and conditions of people may 1'. H. :rsh leotur., and R. F. Kineford as, nal uNatures! Pills without n,jury and f►ravtrxn examiners d th. law See . :with great benefit, lm Alfred, the. Idyar-roll sea d Jamsolesl ;add,y, of Stratford. eniefehet by the reeved - •r method on Thnr'wi y events.. Lather face a charge of ,oMs ,y of which he he was heewat lady Cartwrijel seed a trioval wee deiv- ia KiwpiteD777,liitl 44.y, wises die nice • anti the 'gibbed tom m n u awn A f nchfnrer►tymdj great risk to hiss ffagrd Ili11dlitlespl e have eemsritted in •tsps of dasneue done i. K 410,01oh, the bosh:Las of wWhs.rd n ouin►,Ih•r� Tie :vhMI I'P:y' � the •••,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of sash rheahlr. Tiiie valuable medicine boss arta se likely to injural Metre their ma,, beet' with m.,., astonishingly goad re. 0esw . Mann.leiv 's. awe "Ha an este. nI generia debility, wetlk- mdn reTeaae.l last weeth ("oriel g„p ion oras, rt•rrauhnttee peewher 10 ("nalgs' Penitentiary, were arravend ! arrecite }alene.a, impo.sr hment of the et1e•a1ew.. e.ttpieto,. et ,.oi bl...e;, atumach and liver troubles, lose in the Benner'. letry at ,sat., tart that d whieh C. try (Wiley, woo s}q,et 1, and fur tnit ry woeful wore Prthurwt street, wse archon • f days trntrhledt *Ilk ie tl.ttsogl'rltaNeof tatery e 1e els. ago. % fell kit of burn• to belong to the prho.ses, y ,lsapPe ile p'ra't f.,rl, t tb, nae" John•tto'e on. mammas of the polios Mr Thos Bell. of Winqu+m, has •• .rt - ed bus furniture factory steer ■ '..t s. of about eight weeks caused ny the f: cwry being partially destroyed by fire. the a moth moots Mr (1oe,de, drusg`st, is rot a book tireut, but hear the axsncy in (,.wderioh for Johest.n's Tonic Bitters, which he esn heartily r.rontmend foe any eros- pls in to whieh a mote medicine is ap- sent '.. missy elm` Mtn oils +nw/IP Pi e SAPPy with(' . fi{nn.v ielent odd anal a festal fir fir b• lv61 of tit• families of ran refills ww atsubmitted la him will waist Is "it is •tionentl, who "1". ��went Rtg kspa s ken the emsdularir i 8ttytentr Bitters Loc. and $1 pee battle at (hoed. s drug et.•re. Albion bice*, U.detish, sole agent. 6 C. I(.,) nerd. llthel, had the mifortwss to wee of a ..t hie working kerne Met .eek. Re e as esleefl id ablaut two hindeed dofst*, 'z1 - it tan do no harm 'n try llrresw.ma's Worm riders sI tag saki is ailing. 'sv.riaJ► et frrife'. 1m LOOKING OUT FOR GAIN. h aste. Merchants *bow New Reelpe.rity Weald avant Them.. &*m,•, Sept 14. -The Senate Committee on l'aua.ii:.:i relations to -day hand Unborn ltowes, jr . secretary of the 11.'4105, Heal of Fire Utelerwriters, who said Boston suf- fered by the limitations put upon her in the way of transportation. Boston is now used ea • winter port, but it we hail comptIlle reciprocal relations it would probably be need all the year. F. S. Emery, of the New England Shoe and Leather Association, spoke upon the advantages of a wilco with ('snwia and argur.l that :.i per cent. of the earnings of the en..c anti lather workmen is draw-• from them by an uneecem•ry tariff. L. G. Derision, representing the Cool Trade Association, thought a system of reciprocity which shteil.l aholieh the ditties OP oral lb 0111.1 benefit the a nintry. Coder it we .Lo.;•h increase the quantity of sal exported, while the amount of foreign coed bRrught here would nut 1,,, increased. Hu,nett, of the Bem 's's' Asso- ciation. leliet-td re. iprx•tty would retiree the drug Lade with ( amide,. Alden Spare shoe .ai that the video of the mal imported from (enacts during loath was 11.42%,74:.. Jamc-u 14. Alen, of iiro3kt.n, • Loot and Aloe manu(a••tnr.•r, said the pru•:i. city fof the hoel, sod shoe trnd:e 41i pend, on the tariff of 21) tau' oeut, whim, has essetel for years. He rid he would not =all all dna tee, bl.t foal: hare • tri ii roowl trade tM adjusted ea to t•enrtit all industries. PMm.rf.r Orr.' see >l5.M. ram 1 use, Rept 13. --1'1..• t"lei of Remy It Iv.* was mentioned) l yesterday. Ives spent the Mehl ka ti:o :'w god it did net agree wig kin.. 1.. .Deiced pale and his *T. ION were red. .1t tis ad the sherrfff . nO,.iu d to hes ea raw order from w sorts eeeaasN p.Ame.l the ga.ohet ameba realsisl le the Atesewey r learn .f he to de with it sheriff's east wheel as iesend it was its milk.. i. Ile hates+..l the primmer gvew ly ea. dist "1 v sot weer h." be said " They gtlllni.'$ tMr e11 1 west le .st r � j.415Ir essirvt*dg i a nasus. roomier His gene .poo s sleevelet* errand. He that le ailery Is seldom at 'sae. He that ruge to the night stumbles. H. that ream trig easel cot run loot. He that bows is the deet Mie kis .yes. He that plants not corgi plants uhtNlea sWe HLCee thhas au shame has uu eon- , at He must stoup low that Lath • l... door. He that always oomplains is never aHi must ueeds run whom the devil .:..res. . H. loves roast beef well that licks the spit. He that goes a -burrowing goes •-eur- r,wing, He that neigh wickedly tan hardly die hi/Wetly. He plays well that wins. He's a Jack is ollice He loses his thanks who promises and delsy.th. He loess nothing fast keeps (hd tsar hie friend. He that lives not well one year sor- rows fur it seven. He that reckons without his host must reckon .g,atu. He that licks booty from thorns pays tuu dear fur 1t. He that liss down with dogs must ex pest to rise with fleas. Hs that falls to an evil muse falls in the devil's frying pia. He :nay well be a °tented who needs wither burrow nor !attar. He giveth twice that giveth in a trice. He has s bee in his b.nnet. He that bath a go. d harvest may be content with sow. tbiatlee. He lacks moat that longs most. Help the laefe dig over the stile. He that bath no silver in hie puree should have silver UP his tongue. He that leodeth loses double (loses bet b hie money and his !Mood ) He doonles kis gift who gives in time. He Ggats with his own shadow. 11e has bought his noble for nine police. He has had a bite upon hi. brur, Hd:ear twice before you speak once. Ile dances well to whom fortune pipes. He is • wise mac who speaks little He is proper who hath proper condi- floor, 11. knows nut • B from a boll's tout. fie I.1 own not a hawk from a handsaw. He liveth long and liveth well He'll fiod some hole to creep out at. He hoses nothing for the taking.-Unid'ntificd. A Va.t worth .eeseeettriad. Hr Jas Binns, of Tomr.t-, stet.. that his luno- hat) when three mn:L1 n'd w.. •.. t ed wi h summer complaint that under d.actoes' treatment her lift was dispeired of. Four doses of Di Fowler's Extract if Wi:d Strawberry oared her. Important changes in the parcel post service took effect on the 1st of Septec - ber. The Mae on parcels posted in Canada and adJreased to the United Kingdom or Nutf.iuudiand are as fol lows : Twenty -Gia cents per pound Of fraction of a pound for all parts of Carus da, the Northwest Territories inc!udcd, except liutish Columbia, where the rate will be 30 cents per pound or fraction. This is a most impurtar.t redaction on current rates. The Ma►.ituba, British Columbia and Territorial ran is redeeed lb cents per pound, the O.terie rote 10 cents. and the Quebec and Maritime Province 5 Dents. The weight limit is increased from four to five pounds, sod s customise declaration attached to each parcel is imperative, otherwise the par- cels arcels will not be forwarded. It may also be stated that the Imperial Post -office ha• cunssnted to an arnngetner:t propos.,., hy the Dutuiuuon authorities by whict. Carada can exchange parcels through the medium of the Imperial Poat-chic,- er th any c•untry with which the United Kuuedum at present exchanvrs, the rate. Nowt the same as from the United King dLm phis tl o Comedian rater. a ebe s.rf e.. Skin ds.re.ra appear on the suraoe sod are often homritetang to the sue. ret from them. From two to three boil-, of Burdock lilood Bitten will cure .a:n rheum, erysipelas, shioglae, tetter. nettle rash. eere"a, boil., pimples, .•r blotches, at the lame tams. restoring tht general health 2 The Methodist minister • f Sahel, 311 Davies, has been the ueapiol.t of tower ous valuable presen.• ft hi. friend* u, that district The est ere twit sees Ids gift of • horse, V.ie lrrae,,talion belnv made by Hobert tlt.Kre, of the Gun ee.- .e.eu,n, Grey. Th•• tenon feels hb!thi ehted, w be should he, on. et hie ptihrnt. .1 previous to this he had to - s.L tD at.d front hie other appointments. 5.5,,... tesenterretes. Counterfeits are always dangerous more so that they always elosely not Teta T1IR 0010511*L IN *PPIAttAAel step • us. The r markable emcees achieved y Nagel Balm as a po•ituess cure for @tamrh and Gold in the Head has ir- need unrnrcipled parties to imitate it ' he Public are cautioned mit to be de ived by neetrwsa imitating Neral Dain. name and appearance, bearing sc. • • ma se Nasal Cream • . .1,413.m. C Alba for Nasal 11 .ltd do D.• ke imu ation dealers at urge u,a. -w. leo sale by all .I .veor.t. ••f r. r• st-paid en recent* of . e belt eo•.. SI addressing Falfordpe .'. , fit •rk, s e rat id "ir Kenneth blared retuned to . 1 • 1 . ht. Manitoba oe f - 29th gilt R-. says 11 h better thee was .apsetad . „n, s..i that the pool! ,r.d .,.suit . Tb. 011111 en w;rn plowed Now the .et. Mime ,tea. • r P on a, *nava the • .'r0 ere h fling from to fi • tare hes 01. p.. arse long -Standing Blood Diseases are cured by the persevering use di Ayer's BarespartIl Thls nem la as Alterative, tad ,greet a radial change la the system. The proo.s., is some cases, may not be Budin so rapid as la others ; but, with persistence. the remit le costals. Read throe testimonials :- 0 for two years I suffered from a se. were pals In my r1(ht aide. and had other troubles owned by • torpid liver sad dyspepsia- Attar giving several medicine a ?kir trial wnouf a cure, I began to take Ayr'. Sarsaparilla. 1 wee greatly benefited by the inn bottle, mad after taking eve bottles I was outa- pletely cured." -John W. Benaoa, 70 Lawrence at., Lowell, Mesa. Last May a large carbuncle broke out on my mei. The usrl remedies W no effect and I wee esu/sad to 1q bed for eight weeks. A Woad t.duced due to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Leas than three bottles healed the 'sore. 1 n ell my expe- rience xpearience with medicine, I Dever saw more Wonderful Results. Another marked effect of the use of this medicine was the strengthening of my sight." -Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. I had a dry scaly humor for years, and suffered terribly ; and, as nay broth- er and sister were sitnilarIy &M ,ted, 1 presume the malady is hereditary. last winter, 1)r. Tvron, (uf Fernandiva, Fla.,) recommended me to take Ayer's Sarwapc:r(ll•, and continue it fora year. Fur five months I took it daily. Ivo not had • blemish upon tny bmf for the last three months.' -T. E. Wiley, 146 Chambers at., New York City. " Last fall and winter I was troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. 1 did not notice is much at first, but it gradually grew worse until it became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of the stom- ach and liver increase.) my troubles. I began takingAyer's Sarsaparilla, and, after faithfuly continuing the use of this medicine (w some months, the pain disappeared and I was completely cured." -Mrs. Augusta A. Furbuib, Haverhill, Maio. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rRaraaai) 55 Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Pries j1; Ms bottles, iia. Werth $11• bottle. r e.. .to. `tee .i' . 1 NOTICE! In view of the fact ' } at a large percentage of those who avail themselves of OU R ANNUAL OFFER TO NEW StBSCI::BE1l8 become permanent readers of "The Signal," we otter the fo1l:,wing inducement : Felt 25c WS WILL SEND TO ANY ADDRESS FROM NOW TO lst OF JAN., 1890 --FOR 25c. Oall, or send us the al ove mount at once, accomran- led by name and address, ,'ld secure the full benefit of this offer. D. McOILLICUDDY. •• b 1• , a Yet•s1.ea Ifs flea r Paine •.d... IOW a •r1J .f ,c • lath �ys� 1.a.n.t •f•• eta inns Yr4rei. Loewe sL, 10..5 oral Ms* w•*l..rsn• I►,e 51116 An, pear w along= alora dein a wetog..-d en 5, pea -A• 421111011111/ 011. TOIOJ?O Vault LING'S At, ;&POIra, CABLING'S BAY, RIAN LAGER (Bottled) Per Malt rel G. H. PARSONS +I.NION NIA ICK. OOURRICH. MARVELOUS EMORY DISCOVERY. Blade (seine System of Memory 'Praising. Fear Books Learned I. ..e radia.. Med wattrertaa eared. Seers Akita Kai d.la gristly bemoaned. l; teat . eJu.aoeat. to O.eretpead•a•. tJ*....., RPaern. 1 t(saye..wrld 5-oare,Ti.ndint ofp,.rt. In. . flow - he K;r. .eley p.. Wo: d Mass skitrver`` bairOA. W. tiler, til J m LuIs1e,dbyr1imhtI - - Ave-. N. T. 3READMAKER'S Y Et3T. 11111-.'•.; .nide ..t u:, rant took i ;: , .. 1 Yr;...., at thtut.o Vol ire,. . i., ".,. O'r• .,,. u• Mies I.at• r,i11.n ,to Lay 12,' .` :.w-. - l rani • •sed t'W..%ou 11 Mrt:e liRl' eat t: (wrote* Fria.), rubs, buck*, heal pwxa ak, Mikan. Mikain nearly every teen e amuse; k PRICE FIVE CENTS. ..w sale • Summer Goods GREAT •yjjT1py -AND AT - PRIM ;TO QUIT ALL 1 -AT THE TORONTO CASH STORE. P. O'DEA 2151 jaMANAG `8 THE i' L 'Vrloohs s"a tie Fsowola. Ytdasrja 1i d :dve , torte. urged gssduslly w,thot:$ w nkaai:tg tam r.yatem. •11 the frit..:rt.ti`'.; ice! fool huanurs.of to soorzti:attt eat ane ;care tirso Corteotins itmOity of the Stoomncis, curing I3iiiouorree, 'yea- r�,qc�,eoa. L wind:uc, I)Ss2f1 ooh, Hwa.-'ba'n, Conti,.Liar, D ynce. of the ftL , rircretaty r-: scaoc of Zrtaio !, Tenndluuww,, Iii. Li:•mn. kryeipe:ar, Sc:c!* a, Yla::tet'ing of the Hen -t Nervousness, 51/4 orrl DekelltT • fill thesis s'd runny ethcr taa,ilar C•em.11i- c .,;el.l to tine its�t,.vir.tto.noo d 2'41.2Jt:a:.tP ]3is00� ji17fZ:Its. t 11LZ 3 ;t Ua.. Tbone x.:. ?acrd& .t e, sera xf. al..a liana w a.+ ,.n'. M Zpias . • *Wm. elanestar Was. no wit+sTrrfP.awdw 0111.1. e.alle er.s...n:..1 S .ale e. 0.4 pee .n.., what ., • w.,h .. t. ....�* • re.^..7+..e a... err damn a.+ea.*. dna Imeve• r w more .it.. e tea rrwr fa. rrrrr�t�t,,rer.ik asses a ner e tau. .a• ran 0. r. Intl wOmni M mat.'r,..- saran.. ,.w ram ♦11 r 144 MAO r0. 4 4,141.1114 .. ram•t• M y�...e r. hr.aellea •••••• -amass. r Ho. ..rd.�eel fao wi0i r Moe Ai.yr elev. ��. 55 . PLANING MILL ATitIIN _i65o RDCREIAN & ROBINSON, 1.•, t r tt n sew SASH, DOOR and BLIND Desires is all kends of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES AM In d.. mit 5,.,..1 of Mai Nitta s 3 Specialty