HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-20, Page 61 THE H I'RoN SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 20, i&9. THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. THE POIre OORNTtk "y ;,; d i beiug throws at d. The avoid*wee of frionem of Ideas w A COMM( EPITOME OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY FOR A WEEK. hew. by whey rem Mas.. There sod "mew" sib ere wtssa er Satetfj ea r Vertu■ t.aas and ffitasro--A Collsbn tNiteD MATa . Northern Tea.0 luta sufferer' severely from floods. The storm os the At.antio vont had sub side& It ie said that Burke, the Cronin euepeet, ham " squealed. The first mica of the season fell at Hope, Dakota, uo Thu.wlay. Ma imitator •1 Jack the (tipper has heel womb' a l'amd.., N.J. N.. jury ham a' yet bears secured in the Cronin .ane at 1 hteago. The funeral of S. Y. lot, of New York was largely attewlerd. Mir F:drin Arnold and his (laughter have gelled oe I'resid.wt Harrison. Copt ,lam lie -e, of Ijelinnore, who built the first steel plata beat, is laud. The ba.tneas purlieu of tie village d Denby, N. V., was hurtled on EH lay. The number of lives het on the i)eiawan Coast by the storm is intimated at furty. lIatensive (.runt firs are reports .l noir lieorgvt ow 14, !beer L4g,+ ('outty, Monism'. Rohm .v.nttmte to he taken from the debrs at Joluwt own at the rate of two a day. The strike of .the green Is.ttleblowe•rs at I'ittansrg is cwtd to have en.{. d in f.o. or of the nice. Twenty :d.lerin,ri fuse been nulled to the ('ity 1'1)0r1.1 of 1 htcagu for the re-c.ii4 an- nexed G ri ot.icy. The steamer ( ity of ('oiuml,is, which was esveral dans overdue feint Havana, arrived at Ncw '1..rk yesterday. The I:cr.ttaa ship l:er•.tt renunde to ae.hor* noir Atlantic l ley, and w ell ur•.is.l :y be a total lar, ('rete saved. The Duluth, Mouth Shore • Atlantic Railway '.:u made :u,"thrr Leavy cut in passer;; r '..tea to the K.• -.o. Ira I' fuse the Anter,. au rifleman, in .lead in Vail. uui atvan Lot lutton of the bowels, after fe.rty•iwo hour. uutteriug. Tony Delight, a _what celebrated l'. M. (7. A. evangelist. died suddenly on Mon- day night in (Me of heart dueitw•. There is a etertIiog epidemic of ,.,arlet fever in the l'olore.l orphans' Home low l;rre•nwoo.I .tre•et, Allri harry, Pa. The seventh imolai convention of the Na- tional Awu,catiou of Fire I:ngirwets met in Kattaaa City woo IMe),irlegat.o. present. 11'atereno, a at.mme• resort in the Itek- ware (fay, is t•t:hrely +uhireiged. Out of twenty (votegrs est th.• luau• our renr..iva. The steamer kale' Vey, *run laden from 'Bt. Jago, Culla, to Baltimore, is :where hear taps Henry, Ya- She will likely le- daate.L (hiring to the lat.ile having bee, .twearied by many Lobes of fashion. a bustle tactory at Bridgeport, Conn., shut doo t. 41 Satur- day. The triol of Henry S. hes began in New —"York. great trouble is et[writ nceil in ettuiga jury. leen actedquite umrue:ern- Y• Hon. A. E. Touz*lio, of Chicago. Presi- dent of the l'hiea.o, ttarlingo•n h Northern 31eilway, dad At HSruuingt.n, 't.. l huraday might. The balloon which a«•(r:'cd from the Interuatiynal Fair et Buffalo ..t, Thursday. droj. a.l into Ib.• Nuease Iln r At rbc: heal of straw)erry Island. Forest tires in the Sierra N:•‘ aria n.ouf- tairs have rut -opt away ('entr.al Pacific Rail- lray bridges Grad .now sheds. i'aoseugers are bring tranaferrel. ('ails 1'. F. Ferron, special agent for the American steam Boiler lii.uran,e/bmpany, of 1 hicago, suiei,h-.l at !tenter, ('ail., \l.m- day night, rather 1har. pay the penalty for , stealing fr".n the t.•mpupy, lie ties • n de• Lauber to the amount of at heart l41.lg10. The steamer Rothesay). with s large ee- enr*ion party on bard. ran into and sunk the tag \lyra near Ol•tenabtirg on 1'hnrwlav evening, toe fireman anal second engineer of the tog going d(tw.t witr her. The Rnthes.T wan 1..•achevl and ;a:i the pwaw•ngern landed safely. There in a big row iu pr,gre.s an.nntr ex- luhiu•.tr.st the ISellal.. bor. .1 great many of them (lanai unfair tr tttneut as to awards of i.ri r,. and the to -tom of the it anagemerat in making .ihibitors pay for the space oc• cupie l by them, and of .• 1.1 ging ..hihit.ra us.J a t s, t.. L.n t. An a,lrnia,i,.0 fee. 1.i genet ally tuudemn(.l. ,. *511 molten. The l'rarewuch armed at Kiel yea;eralay. Tle• Patel Exposition as to rhos..• des Oet,dw•r 31st. Thera• i.. trwaf.lc Imetw(on :Jaexaln,arisand 3-1mdo s in twits. Amnovetnent is on foot in Liverpool to break the ,.Mem ring. it is jwopoae.l to connect E.linburgn and Glasg,.a by a *hip cartel. 1. is report( .1 that Empress Fr.•.letid( of Germany will sear %i.at the Vatican. Stanley is expected to teeth the East t roast of Africa abort the end of October. The 1'tty of Paris mad,- her last eaatuanl passage in 51 days, 3 hours and de minutes. The official report gives the number Stilled by- the Antwerp fare and explosion as I:Li. The Porte will inerea.e the number nt "nope at ('rete, and warships will guard the Island. England and l:ermari are supposed to le n"gr.tiating • new agreement woh regard lo Africa. The damage sansei by the Bre nt Ant- werp i• estimated at from aero Ni,utgy to it 7,000,1011111. The reports d'morning the rimming of (Russian troupe near the Turkish frontier etre contrinr.l. i1 it. reported that the Italian a:nvernmeot swill expel Kossuth from Italy co a demand Iran Germany. The Berlin National 7.eitang say. the 4'lar will (-bit Berlin after the army •nann•ut-res in September. Paris papers are pising wildly srnsstineal Tumors about French and I:esran military worreernenta near the frontier. The minors of a formal *Mane. h etwoen ora anti France are declared form Mt. 'etersherg to is unfmmdel. Nihilists are vii+ting Denmark and this authorities are taking precautions against attempts on the life of the ('mr. M. de Freycinet, the Fr.weh Minister of 'War, is said to intend donbli.g the strength of the army corps stationed at Nancy. DorUg the peat few days twelve penman we died !nuts trtnhincsis at F.sldrkas, iis , %Lxray. Eighteen others are is - dying. Mr Ven Hoses, dlreeter of the Nteal•& kikr, al Constaatiaope, has committed sai- ITis death has se twaectios with the d the tank. R.•...wttai ties Ltvlin_ we are tut* e•strwdas own Mohnen •1 a*. war *wept e'er the lead, u IlulIewed wham the hados hew Ileisarbor of 410•1111116 1111 E d.ma1... 1.••••• Ila ems* aslespt Ilv.ed w hen thief wen dela etas 1e eosaa'a mighty Mer ►waottra inert have lain .toy the crippled soldier esmem la nee am, an laid 1e rest i own to amine this distant drama. reseal Kurth, *Mb. ham and West. ..a the *mita Nat prat mauve lib ,ees the bsaeere furled. . naw of • satiates love, and seats the/unbolt' the world. Numb Nati was thein 11 matters ace; The slaw eat or the gra e..mewu grief -a11 else forgot - Hrk.sp to them lads, ; Abuse the graves of tbss wise tell Upon the baule-M1d. la ..a,. Gad city, kali aid dell Iipt mug weaves her areas, shield. A..d w holt wr deck our heroes' tombs. Their deeds ramembrtag, Toe children . roan the veteran W nth woven blooms ut sprtag. time. tied we sever win forget To let our outmode t W ('pia these heroes 1lvlag yet lied bens them, one sad all use fru Okkeplue. My little son aged tris, was seer ed with diarrhoea, followed by pole., two dose. of Fowler's Extract ua Wild !Strawberry gave relief and hall .be bottle completed the cure. Mre J A. McIntyre, UIadatuoe, Mao. This medict..e et a specrbc for all summer ..uiplaeuts of children or adults. - LITTLE FOLK. Wb. **West te gee sae nacelle me Reaad.'• From Good Housekeeping. ''Train up a child m the way he Should do, and when he is old be well Dot d. - part from it," said the Wise Man of his- toric fame, and in saying this he said well. May sat these words of wisdom b. supplem. Iced, by way of an *noel, from ode who, although not uoted as possessing any particular degree of world ly wisdom, has an affectionate interest in the welfare ot Little Folk, not only of the present day and generatioo, bat an shelling faith and hope in their future happiness and welfare : "Train up a p• - rant in the way he or she should go, and when they are older they will be glad of it '" A child who as a "well spring of pleasure" to its parents is, as well, a springing well of are, anxiety, patience and endurance to those in authority over it. But, then, in the planting of the acorn and tending of the twig that may grow feta a tall oak, it should not be for- gotten that many are often able ''to kill two birds with one stone." In other words, while they are training and teach- ing a child, the teacher is often educated and trained, as well, and both the plant er and the planted, the trainer and the trained, are benefited. It is not always that the parent is alone the teacher. A child with an tc- quinng turn of mind often teaches its elders by means of the questions asked. It is nut for us to inquire as to whence comes the intelligence that prompts in- quiry. It is enouy,hi for our present purpose to know that inquiries are often made that confound the inquired of, and demand the exerct.e of thought and elements of study that might otherwise be left uncultivated. And what, pray, would a child be worth to itself or other*, that never asked yues- tiuns i We grant that seams ant a good many questions and some that are hard to answer— but should they Dot, Dever - thetas', be answerod'7t- r John Habbertoo, iia inimitable "Helen's Babies," struck a chord of rich music in the human mild which finds an echo of sweetest cadences in the heart of every affectionate parent, who has read the Interesting story of the Little Folk who wanted to "see the wheels go retied" in the watch that was produced for their amusement and gratlhcatlon. Curiosity, that too often abused word, "sits at the receipt of customs," where information and learning enter. A child, or children of larger growth, as well, without the elements of curiosity in their nature, would be simply stupid beings, notwithstanding too much curios- ity may Le put down as too much of a fttrod thing. It is, however, truth and justice to say in this connection, that curiosity is one thing and over -weaning and offensive curiosity something very different. The first should have due cm - sideration, while the latter can only be boldly hummed upon. A bright child is, from the nature of tkas aim., me, not oely curious, but more or lees inquisitive and often persistently so. And just here we find the central -office point had in view in the preparation of this paper. Curlo.ity and inquiry from the porno should nct he disc uraged or smothered. Too much patience cannot be exercised in connection with the ask- ing and answering of questions, by the Little Folk, even though seemingly triv- ial and somewhat difficult to handle. A parent who has not patieno.- -who can- not he "patient onto the end lament ably fails in the performance of the duties incumbent upon all who occupy prominent placer i'• the most useful and grandest known fields of human life. Patience first, good nature next and patience hat, are the needs and necessi- ties of parental eoodoet and discipline. At this point of progress in the discuss- ion of the subject before es innumerable path. Lad away into the fields of mor- tals, manners and other miscellaneous methods of child life and being. But allotted apace for the writer and patience of readers forbids a diverges** from the line fret marked cwt. The starting point will therefore be kept plainly in sight—Childhood Cariosity attd its every Ly eoi.idsntins. A Bode nI rales might well be forme - Wed for the guidaies of those wbo have had enmmttted to their (fen little Folk of *squirter minds. With web the GM writing dews .hosld be Pelisses. Consideratiofn and Oonei]iaties. Careful Thteeght and Reit Pemeemea Merest Modes and Manner d Spinel. Cmtteledeess in passing through per- eakibtttuw of temper, that gamy lea. future sears o1 dtallgeninseate. Be buomt sod never 'may to We be - hind tttgpaisey or.iseini .w. Never auwpt to Ile from a field . t dilemma hastily xr enmaofslly. Should an iwgwtry be ism that may a. - be fairly and justly answered, my so, eel if • 'why not' tonus, *Ms, as ..aplanatios may well be in order to the effect that years should iat.rvene and better understending tie acquired before the subject eso be properly comprehend ed. 1f a correct answer eaosut be give. wtthowt further investigation, so stet* thio canoe and make the tuvemttgatiod report results in due tees, no matter bow trivial or difiioult of answer the toiletry may be. At all eveets be lamest and se at Bra mentioned, be patient. For instance, one may readily let the Little Folk "see the wheels to ro'Aad" •u1 yet net be able to eaplain to tet. why they go road or why they go at a11, even. If s,, say so, and keep ab. circumstance in mind fur elucsdaaut- when the right time comet" A study .1 the subject may, perhaps, be of bon. -- lit to the studect, the teacher being afro taught. Useful knowledge, however ,reined, is not to be despised or habi ly -onsidered. Then are a tbouaand anti at. things prominent in every day IA. .5 which we have only s superficial know - 'edge. That is to say, we know that the •'wheel. go round," bet we are often forced to admit when eked why the, ru round that "we never thcueht of bat." All honor then, mixed with pa lance, to Little Folk, wbo turn our attention into ohanuels of investigate... mid information seeking. No school has so potent an influent. *iib Little Tula as the school which Denten round "the mother at home" -- who with the father, when he stays .hen as much as he ought to—are tbo teachers, and no teachers are w effects,. end no knowledge so dear as expeneooe even, when learned at the hands „l hese who are best fitted ta watch th. opening buds of premise that serenest, us. The popularly received ides to education is one that regards learnioi ea what is acquired io 'reboot hours Without attempting to belie or septula even the accustomed means and methods of acquiring an education, it may he .rated without fear of contradiction th. there is still mulch to be learned uutsid. of schoulbou•es and from other source, than those of text books. One of tb. most prolific and best yielding arum - of knowledge in this cate1cry and oo. THEY WANT ReCIPHODITv. Sew nneataM Asaiess M 6M/eaea fiisf: WI* WPM tas..5a. Iltrrtos, Hasa, Sept. 11—The Sweini omauttes ea the r -`bass bsswesta the .'not,- l Mates add Caseda euwtueed its w u.:la yesterday. John L. Ratobier, representing the (ltal rrade Association', said the reatuval of the ful t' ou coal would treoetsea the sal. of .eft Wilt to Camels. ls. Y. H. O'lMunae, a coal dealer, said the euro, -;.l of theFut would result in loci ,,. .:sty, winch woullocidouble the quanttty of out bituminous coal sold in(iaMla. T .Icfersou ('ullidge, represenWlg the Aawwkeec Manufacturing (*iwnpane of Mas cheater, N H., oat.l los was Iargfely interested is the cotton nauulactunng industry. Since the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty Ili. ..'mpny had made no sales in Canada, but whoa it was a effect they made • few wits there. He thought anyinter terrace with Canadianroads would be • atudortune to New Englaad. His company w ould have to send its goods by way of New York at additiuwd expense, which, with the anallprofitsisow realised, could not be sustained by New England intereeta. His company employed 7,010 operatives. one half of whom were Cana.ltans. Of these four-fifths bemmae American villemas. He believe) in the scheme of noUversin. Hua. Jdx'athan Lane, represe'.ting the Burton Merchants' Aa.ociaaon, thought commercial unto. would he of advantage w to both countries He believed it would be • gaud thing d the custom hon.*a from the Atlantic to the Pacific could ins abolished. Horace P. Tobey, treasurer of the 'ere motor Nail Works def Wareham, geld they built theirhose. of future existence upon the use of coal that comes front the ('an. dian provinces and that they were figuring confidently upon the existence of an abund- ance of coal which would do all the iron- making they wished to do in New England. He we in favor of a reciprocity treaty, and if • Inot•e.we.ping oo.imercial union could be negotiated with Canada later on, very Ex -Governor William Claften, speaking for the shoe and leather industry, said that that industry was largely in favor of reciprocity with Canada. The idea that the removal of the duty on hides hail any thing to do with the export of leather was fallacious. The people of New England were generally favorable to closer relations with Canada. Canadians who carte here made good citizens. He did not think the removal of the tariff on manufacture) wtton goods would drive that industry out d New England. It alight have acme so at one time, but the effect now would be to reduce the wages of our operativee to a level with than in Europe. Osborne Howe, jr., Secretary of the Boo ton Underwriters' Union, said that the underwriters desired reciprocity with( 'ana(la because the profit• were derived free' corn - which may be exploited to good sdvant mission upon the amount ut business age, is that where Little Folk stand at u•"'ar- the doorway of progressive life, with a quiver full of inter:o,(ation points ano limey questions. Theo,by all means, let the Little Folk see the "wheels go rounds," every time, find out means for explaining as clearly as may be toly they go round, and leo Synod resumed its sitting yesterday, but teacher and taught dwell together in nearly the whole morning was taken up unity of thought and purpose, makint with a discnsaion on procedure and in the mutually useful sad enjoyable the know reading of the minutes. A memorial from ledge gained. the dsocean .vnod of the Diocese of Toronto on the Jesuit. Estates Act uta real, which, Good Advice. after stating the facts of the case, recotn- To be healthy and have lots t t lift mended that it be considered, m order that and vim, be careful in dist, take t wme mean. Gay be devised for withstand• P y.ing and neutralizing the dangerous influence of sleep, and regulate the bowels, belt "the Roman hierarchy over Parliament and blood with Burdock Blood Bitten Gad other legislative bodies of the Domia- a sure cure for constipation, biliousness 'ion, 1 aimtlar memorial was read fns; dyspepsia, all blood humor, rcrofub Montreal ; also one from Rev. 1)r..1. 11. and all broken down conditions of tht Borthwick, caking that a special service for system. 2 nes is prisons ie authorized.A memorial from the diocese of Niagara eking the A staff of eight meo in Mr Moutrii i svnoel to take steps to (letup! the reluions brick -yard, Blyth, turned out brick at;of the Pmvincul Bardet to dimeaan eyncida c and to appoint a committee to consider the the rate of 19,000 per daj and kept the,union of the dioceses of British North rate up for seven and a half days. IAmrrim was read. A memorial from the diocese of Toronto asking that a uniform Dent apeewlaie system of lessons be reev.mmended for use in Run nu risk in buying medicine, bst'buntlay- Schools was Also received. try the great Kidney and Liver regale- A memorial from the Synod of Toronto. tor, mad. by_- .-- chase, authee__,I*11g that action he taken on their mamor- Fal as to the use of the revised version of the Holy ?scriptures. was also received. t A lengthy report was read from the com- mittee as to the incorporation of the Pr.. - initial Synod sn as to enable it to legislate The distressing paleness so often ob- for the Canadian Church and bring about a served in young girls and women. is dee uniformity is di.eiphne. The committee in ■ wrest measure to a lack of the red reported that no advantage could le gained corpaecles in the blood. To remedy by incorporation, the present Church Tem - this requires a medicine which produces poraliti.. Act giving the Synod all the these necessary little Wood constituents, power 1t heeded. and the best yet discovered is Johnson's A delesatton wad received fr iii the Tonic Bitters. Price fi0 cents, and �I] Uniteel Mates and a }dressy. were deliterei per bottle at Goole's dung store, Albion Bishoby. Bishop Ruane, of Albany ; Right Rev. Arch - block, (iodench. Sole agent. /hi desenp Howey, of NHacky ; ,Ve A n. ,deacon Howard, ref New Haven, Ana Ven. Archdeacon Goodfellow, of Alabama ]rev. An exchange asya =plana who dries Dr. Langtry in behalf of the Synod made do not understand that the law gives the reply. and His Lordship ofontarioon behalf right of way to the pedestrian. A main of the House of Bohopr. The afternoon session wan occupied with or woman who is crossing the street at • Pi regular crossing Is not obliged to lock • chs•uwion on a resolution 11, the effect out for the person who is driving the that it was in the interests of the Church of team, but the person driving is to take hnal•nd that all grata in' churches he free. A large number of members took part and care not too jostle or inc'mmode a person it wad finally given out the opinion of the walking. That is law and common court Synod that all sittings should he free and esy as well. How frequently do we see unappropriated. teams draw up ata crossing and pedes- In the *venin • public meeting was held mans made to pass around them. in the Queen's Hall tor missionary purposes, the voluntary of w hieh was offered to the Algoma \Kerion. Addressees weredolivaro! by the Bishops of Nova beta. a, Huns and Al(goma. - M.orTR,A1., Sept. i4.—At the session of the ]'mnncial Synod yesterday the report of the committee on work among the French warn rad. which explained that the work was not a crusade against the heredi- tary religion of the French people, but to meet tie ggrroowwing sprit of enquiry among them. Representatives to the conreatioe the American Episcopal (lurch in New York were named. Members of the mis nouary hoard w re elected, those for the I)toeese of Toronto being Rev. A. Williams, Rev. Dr. Me eeny, Hon. (1. W. Allan and A. H. Campbell ; for the Diocese of Ontario Ven. Archdeacon .tones, of Napnee, Rev. H. Pollard.of Ottawa, R. T. Walken', Q.C., and R. N. Rogers, of Kingston ; and fnrthe Diocese of Niagara Rev. A. W. Macomb, of Mt. Catharines, Rev. Canon Hounton, of Niagara Falls, Henry Mebane, of Hamil- ton, W. Ellis, St. Catharines. The tresmarer s report showed • total for deesestic mimiosm of U46.574, for /owrtgn miamiceas $36,740—in aU $NI,315. Rev. i)r. Mnckridgd was re-elected Minorable mien - fairy and J. O. Martin, d Hamilton, trete- The hearing we adjourned) until Friday. THE PROVINCIAL SYNOD. lie•w.erel. Read Tsis btaa thin Jesuit's' .states Ass—rr.pesed Cates. Movrar A y Sept. 13. —The Provincial Chase's receipts. Try Chase's Litre Cure for all diseases ot the Liver, Kid nays, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists. Purity of ingredients and accuracy of compounding make Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine the criterion of excel- lence, lm r'ea.wmptlw pen sly fared. To THe Rnnroa :—Please inform your leaden that I have a positive remedy for the above named dosses. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases hav, been permanent) cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fr.. to any of your readers who have ons- semption, if they will send me their Ex- press and P. O. address. Respectfully, Da. T. A. Stowers, 37 Yong* St., Toronto, Out. The treeless have rs-engaged Jno Me Iatoeb, Crenbreok, as teacher for next year. Then is • probability that an as distant teacher will he employed in the sehnol beet year, as the attendance is uta4 large for one pends to db juntas, to all Mr Moistosh is well liked is the emotion_ tee ens Tewr.snaed. Don't allow • mild in the head fxt slow- ly and surely ren into Oaten*, wiles yes can be cured for Jho. by sting Dr Obaes's Catarrh Can. A few �p�1im Hone sere tseipient catarrh ; 1 b ! based" Thea yne novo as we gait ached and esrem ordinary catarrh ; ! to 6 beams M • a utak. 1 ear hither olo.cat WWI" you eeed to erre chronic catarrh. Try w a deafer, ae ru mad th.r*1 se youlr Mly !fie ad sere ear+. Held byl e' t yieg Nl&" en tlrsgfgbt& ly taw. Th. Primus of M nnaoo a men mid suleseerw 1n opposed to gambling metres* and will endeavor to suppose thew " Mumma," said a Brooklyn boy se be saws haste from wheel, our clam in rine to begin the stwdy el p pies next week. LIME. NOT CE TO BUILDERS A FARMERS The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln is now running full time and any quantity of Fresh time, can be obtained at the Kiln �r�a:d 11ness►. 1. r+ at all times for lOc. a bushel. R,va ADII•AL ulhl>r M. & C. B/EC H L E R 1 Were wads the diabase at TITM, NPILRPST or raa.rtob. Maras Id* alas ns` FALLING SIMMS A me khat study. I waanaay say et; as in. worst edea Demme ethers 1. •o mama feu Get New receiving a .ase. Mese for a treaters and • Pus butes of_ m 11IV*LLj&La barsuv. GIS* Express Gad lod k eels yea sank fur end It will else fps A�� = 0.• Branch Does, 104 wee O Juliet. ICORE FITS!' A COOK BOOK FREE By apatite soy lady reads( a Iwo pet Ate adtr.ru. W •lis, likkrdae.l Cv r lanai BOOTS AMD SHOES I'he Largest Stock and Choicest Assortment west of Toron to,. the old established Boot and Shoe House of E. BLJWNINGm All Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Warranted to be just as Represented. YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN I \\i id llIf1Jgc�0P11011iI)11r ��llei1�f�d10 AND SATI8FACTICN GUARANTEED. See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNING. Cor. i/AvOt. and Square. JOHN ROBERTSON Aegs to announce that be is n ,w agent for The LiquorTea Company's Celebrated Teas Your cho'ce of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. A FEW GALLONS OF PURE L1PLE SYRUP LEFT, JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS A rreatablr us.. Few men have accomplished the same ►mount of work and goad in this world as the celebntei Dr Chase. Over 7)00,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- pepsia, Headache, Kidney or LUriny Troubles, to bur a bottle cf Dr Chases Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Receip:e Book tl. Sold by all druggist*. a The Signal for balance of 1889 to any address for 25 cents. Goderich Foundry and Machias Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. 4.0 . 11141 Stns NULLS. %TUUMINC,NtS.S011.1PSS tmintHINCM CSINIS F►aVaTCPcSTO,fS •LOUGHS:b.TaVarOa6a8maiscsSTINC% -- F A'.T STREET GOUEHICR CW .. , wE HAt'E ON HAND FOR SALE: Improved Land Rollers - - Price $22.00. HORSE POWERS GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERh, PLOW POINTS &c, AT ZIOW 1.4.10-arriZES FLOUR MILLS:BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Raving madearrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BO II, WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. RHIPAIRB 'AND 0ABTINCHSI OW ALL =2T:TD1M FU RN ITU RE. It yes want to am the laa,sst Week of Fat—Moire la town, NO is Z:ArwrrE I. GIC -5. It red weft to see the Cheapest myna. Gall ata ire these b tints add shades. B$jD�s and thio 11fItrM PICT/"1711111 FRAMINC3 nestle dote, JOE13II0'C . dant ammo? f dense help C7HILD21 osN Et a1RRX.A.. t■ sleek for went of MOW but hay* .L the eLX)Rm ►w, sad A email osmmimies. •s1 verses waarmS_aws I will order ea a V NDIERTAKZNG '. d the .g i 4 es rythlag rwdalrod la g Moon NMI Moot {.se.dv�onwwt Dir'eeter is the (:esny��A ►p Mtta0 T R IA" f lederl*h Apra lEth ter IiJT` •