HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-20, Page 51 Goods. D dZ 33R0_ n of their Fall Stock, and this week to the following Melton, in all the New 1 Stripes, 11c. per yard, Seamless, in Black and iawls, choice patterns and ns, Tweeds, &c. ID & Legal. ' DWARD NORMAN LRWIS, BAR Oster. aalteMOr la 111.11 C.Canvey e ar, Roderick and Hay Bet Geld al- e epee Thursdays from 10 10 1. Iiu*r t0 la at N per reel. fl.. C. HAI'S, NOLICILOR, «_ e. • Moe, oe, corner of Square &.d M d eel Ouderirh. 0. er telegraph .r0.. Pei t• /undo to lend at H Mr cent. 11150. IARROW d PROUDFOOT, BAR T R1STRRs3 Attormirk e.hclturs, derkb J. T. °arrow. W. Proudtuot. u IAMERON, H:)LT & CAMERDN, / Barristers. Solicitor, i. Chancery. ac. dent*. M. C. Cameros. Q.C.: P. Holt. M. t sat... C C. Roes. 1731 - For Sale or to Lat. I() RENT. --From October lot, a ten roomed bow congisolthor the harbor. ib good cellar. hart sod soft water- la I -demi 1epatr, and half all Om of garde* inured. 211-tf M. NICHOLSON. IukNISHED HOUSE FON SENT, cotamodie.s. well furnished house will rented to romper..Ma party. The home is nee of the mora pleasant situations le Hotly n. a couple of blocks trots eve rrg1y1.•r.. ply sur particulars at Tug deur aPMce. It 'ARM, EIGHTY ACRES. (Seventy c4.*red., beautifully situated o0 halt• A lt..er, lots 11 sod 71. Maitland oe.eow (ioderr'h towush.p. are mobs sad a ( from Coals.. Hot Mad for teems! moo. well watered. beadle.' la goodie. ✓ . Pusscasion by Ors( October. Teem 7. ITR. EVAN* >la 61 tis. Mary-st, Toruses. 'ARM FOR RENT --THAT VAL.. table farm known as let No. I. cos- 7. E. Colborne, ymilh's Hill. The farm cow- l. as 160 ores. well feasted and watered. the tum are good dwelling hnu.r sad Mew .ne.ardtate pc -..shun •sn be gives. 'prrtksl.rsseals to PATRICK HINIAN, IprIeloe. (Isdertrb. or at this afire. Wit ARM FOR SALE -TH.1T V ALI:- .al. property known a, lee I. one. earl, ..d owmtnatng :4 /wet a f land. all trod sad well fese.d. Upon the let is a se ht.a.'►nd s good frail.• barn sad ole. There are four good walla oro the rotor. Also a good or. hard. The farm is tiles from Goderirh s".1 11 from Port 'set. where oust user- school a wt . buten ,,frees are ubl..osble. Terms reasonable. particulars apply on the prrnt ors or to CHAS. 311.1t14 AY. 17.2,. l'.rt Albert P. 0. ARM FOR SALE. he and.r.Igra d will oars for -.'r the W- ino rr • ••..i raIle farm. er•.n.•• nit lot the ,rte- 1 n se ore •.( 10ot k "i- :n Thr Tito ere - don of 'he Towndup of t'n{Iwrw- io the nett of fifteens. Thi. borne 1t 'Otani 11 miles fro., Ualerk,h, and 11 rI ,from t'ariow, nn the!:.,in rave 4. There M a good frame honor. Il - rya attune* new, la by 3s., rontaming i res. a large barn. 10 by Ir. wall rattle 1. 47 by 11, attached. and one of the finest lards in the township. It r, w,rered b1 •err-falling 'prime creek and s inw.d well. wt IIto acres cleared and free trona ommps or is no ware land of any k,nd ou the r. (;oud sebool within 10 rods of the w. ill be wad on reasonable ferule. ,r term, and further partirnlarr .p1S5 l0 JNU- liliECk KNRII.I; Proprietor. Ooder,ch. JOAKPIf Iti•KROWN. on rite premises. RST CLASS BRiCK MOON; AND I.OTFURKA1-KUNNT P., TR ICS PT. toot two n.i.ti'ce walk tram the Square. Norte, high. trick additions in the rear pries high- building covered wits slue. 1 lwflding be. 3large rooms on first *at. sire there are 5 lame nr.m.. In the rear ties there are kitchen, pant. y. w ouch room,. Mrs. girls roam sad bathroom.. A!.o good r. Apply to the undersigned. who will alt..reasary information. a tr. 1110! Kt, GORDON. /R SALE. t 178 of Uoderic h. Apo!, to, Nett PHILIP H(1LT. IRSII; AND TOWS PROPERTIES FOR HALL- Lot 17. m Maitland (. twee. 114 acres --a very Sae terns. Price ! Imo P_jf in hat eon. L M It. A.b$e, res, Rice $1214, Lots LT and 11 in OR Cup. -i. .oeoConntT 100 acre.. Will 8,.ol.1 cbesp,I.ots 13.1 wad W§ n217. in the tlth W.wana.h..V►t seerss of ritornelli load in Price 115..Si. Lot 71M.1/ongell's ,� Tows p (te.derlkh. I'rf.. 11012`s(p W- Uuolerlels me Light Romeo 01. it 1. with `visci and Mattie. Poet mel. tot.j 1013 a.d M. 1011 o: Unde►leh. rl lb part of tbe of an a. re sa e!c•k within Tyr , s 1'i It w only * Oqe rill be .old o. s.ay . no C. @NADIR. 11412.4 1. Money to lead u van bs us .- ,LUABLB FARM FOR SALK. Tont T11Mhie prepare/ beware a. Mt let. avid e1.0.. liod.rleb townie/Op. withi. sae of O.dert.k. Du the farm .re • large yd. good tr . home Rai kitchen. with sellar. and tams bars sod at.hlr..: coat- , 7f •ales. won watered- Foe further epylyt.lbao Mains es the prem. r1YJ ty R SALE CHEAP -- 40 LOTS IN die/street Mlle et t7.derl.a from j acres epees le free; tied t dwelseg hoasra.Ap- ITHOR WI.ATURRA1.1). , )USE AND Two LOTS FOR BALL --Tb. MM.ss hes nine reesse.est AA eosin. pantry. closets. collar, .w bend and *�2I1, .'tr. The garden mew all %%lnde of trot.. o leo *10 acres et In $.snobs f,r nal, or In ez.hting• ter pr'de.ty.b WM. ENI(ART. reodarleb. 2170•tf R SALE. •f half of tort 111. Arthur *met- with britk oohs„, tort roe. Itof xo Lola. w, 4* 2Nti . ,. RUM1. Wt. Aar, as,4. 'miner e*2 + pis mot Release* RL nue t, .to,y hisses en Kae etre IL0. ot *if t,nd. errs' hos la Reed's nerve, epos*.: - • I i .1s. v4 , : Nes IL St 31. Ms BRAT S P4V1sox a Joh THE HURON SIG'IAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 0, W9 - FALL DRY GOODS ! Our Exhibit of New Goods for this season is now open. 70T-7 .4-12ZE JOHN ACHESON. Dame Itsperte.ee Has convinced many that to use say of the substitutes offered for the only sur. - pop and painless corn cure is attended with denier. Get always and use none other than Putnam's Painless Cur. Ex- tractor, at druggists. The township of Turnberry is setting an example to other townships by homily all no by-laws printed in pamphlet form. Every township should ,du the same at least once to ten years. Now lifts and eosrly seem to have taken hold , f the people *1St- Helens, and the traveler along the rued cannot but be struck with the vast improvements that have taken place in St. Helens and vicinity during the past summer In every direction the "decorative art," as applied by the psiotet's brush, is plainly to be seen, and • big improvement 1t makes in the general appearance of the community. Among those who have lately had their buildings punted are Mews. W. H. Miller, John Gaunt, James Fertemoa. John Jame., Thos. Phillips, Mrs M.Donald and others. Special A...saewsaeat- We Late made arrangements with Dr B. J. Kendall Co , pub!ishen of "A Treatise on Ole Home sod his I *sass s," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain A copy of that rsluabie wort free b�� �.�rn(�tnte *hoe address enclosing s cant stamp for mailing same, to Da f�7 Kctm ou. Co., Ero.al'M M FALL*, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the bunt, as tis pbeoumeoal sale attests, over four minutia ovum having been sold in the put ten years, a sale never before reached by any prblicatiuu in the same period of tome. We Leel confid.et that our patrons will sppts•cists the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book It is necessary that you o,entlon this paper to sending for the "Treatise." This oder well rsmsio open for ooly a short time. (is. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS ANO PROVISIONS en*ereet Pelee.. 0oDE01c•11. rhepL If. iNO. Wbeat New ............. .. _ .... 8o •• a 1 Fleur. . bhi.•... ...•••••••.•-•• 47 o 3 110 Oat.,. bash ........ ........... 1, !i * 0 :R Ps.,. 0 hash ... ................ 0 fa 0/ 055 Barley.. hush . -. ......... 0 10 0 0 15 Potatoe.s.new . bask ......... N 0 30 Hay. 0 son ..• . 6 M 0 700 Butter.. a ..1 ................... 0 13 se 0 16 lege tread unpacked • ties .. 0 If M 0 11 ('Chaos 0 10)0 0 13 Shorts.. tea....... MMA 12 50 lima 1 too 10 AS fa* 10 50 (•hopped Stag.0 cwt 1 Id liereentag.. 11 ewt ...... ' le Wool 0 111 .. 1,r...pd Hags. w out 0 N Apples. 4 Math 010 " ("Mea eaa.aMa•• t4epl• Four 1' `' to 000M IS •1/ to ON pQ,ts 0 m to 016 roe II 0 Kr 0 20 Apples. whiter* per. bbl 1 N� stiltteo 100 F'olstoe s . 0 %L " M I .o 0 16 Battey • ll to a it . 860 to 7 M C.edwO.d.... 0 00 to 0 Ikl Wste/ 0 MI to a OD ala to 010 Perk • - 6 :.i to 6 70 1 30 52. old 100 0 22 n 70 Oro 0 73 16. Gro sad old Hwy. DON'T FORCET ai �.mC�$JIDY'S -4'NKAP- Cash .: Stoze COM. CHEttp Teas end Groceries. t ix e .: t t E. DOWI,TTINT CVO 184O.1' AND 42105 • MRZ. CRIBB'S BLIT Doderlch. 'Tri E BEST BAKING POLDER +ts+- L!PJ3'S M : E Gook's Fried GA HbCO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Y.Iva, Ina A LAsd Pipe Loose Polley Oilers, Sims let Pelops, Ferri Pumps, Wird ■ilio, No Alum- Creme Separators, 0.8/ Nwtb:ag in;u lues. 114 Lasaiky lltesr!s. Pt11I1E6 EtEI!I11iE>lf. S NON `REALET' D:A.MPCA KILL 8.,,0° raaN.JFAc..TUF4r , CARIAGEVARNISHES&;IA ►I. �• SICVER MEDALS AWARUEO MOltrft7EAL . CHADWiCK'S IIIATEERom spook FTEft-LifiED TAWS In Bamrle. T:.di-•'cz W stbac ku,da COTTON 1 ttIttt tot torr;!1 Hand and TRUNKS machine C In the World. HAS 10 SUPER, „ 1• ETBLEIG11t CO ■ONTIt(A L ASK FOR IT. IMBBia•Nit Den HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Ziotre tame Rt., es. of the what enn,-rw1 and elogsntly farnl.bld Hotels la rho City. Aowroa.edQatioator 4000gmmeet•. sfinls per deo. 1.7. vs vir88 DIPLef;- Rate PEA ►�S' .1. FAL!!ER&SOI: Whole** leets 01 OAt1PCiSTS' S8i9RlE: ori ic'Tt DLU ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER EOARL COMPANY. bisaw.r..uare rt f.S8ESTCS IILLOOI ID *swum Pwekla,;, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, r.,.. c..r r, RECKITT'S BOE. T Z BEAT FOR LAUNDRY UO:•. PAPERS. Wsapptnl, Yana, S ol4Ns ons F k rwiD�EEF THE 13REAT TN GIT r000 foo 1I4C SICK SAM INC TI tYITAiiSefrEPA3r A POWERTuL '- 1NY•70'70Tr4 7 ARMSTRONG MINIM MILL AND PUMP WORKS ABNSTBOBB'S IYPBOYED Brain and Seed Cleaner Mg.a.g�►y a ied ed to lee the lost ma. � L6r.'ostew, cleaning gran and -I T-- Separates all Noxious Seeds Fiasetalmafrom grain sr one eleoma., mving e)6.delg all timothy seed at the tame i.e set Of say bled of grain 1t eau be fitted late ern aweMimt11 without removing the sties. O• wistsv Mw of !►e mill In. and 4111040104OM worst or better tans the ml i50 he blows tato *Mohair It Cleans Speedily. earltrery chewier warranted 4. work as repie seated or tie WIr,p to mil:rh a b 41 Owe Waldo width of as of m•karof mn1 it reaveniost. .. hid k e two lithe ee O t he old 2 .let.. A large quantity of FIRST-OLASS PUMPS ss baa/ manufactured from Ahe.ma white qoartoroi pine. 016.0rders by mail promptly alONidi to Shipped to say point. ADnIR.al1s MRS. SALKELD has return,d from the Cities wit% the Latest and Fest Styles in FALL MILLINERY And is now prepared to lay before her Customers bar gains in her line such u were never before presented, Everything possible to obtain in a First -Clans Mil- linery store is on hand, and goods not in stock can be ordered immediately. Agent for the Parker Toronto Steam Dye Works. The GRAND DUCHESS RANGE See the Full Stock of SAUNDERS & SON. Scow =own.�-1~ices GODERICH FLOUR, FEED AND SEED EMPORIUM. HUNGARIAN PATENT, PER CWT STRAIGHT ROLLER BEST FAMILY SHORTS BRAN SCREENINGS BURROWS, THE SEEDSMAN. P. S. ---Goods delivered promptly, And satisfaction every time. 20-tf FRESH GOODS 1 CASTORIA, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, CAMPBELL'S Qu.i=1=Ze Wirie, Ext. WILD STRAWBERRY, BEEF, IRON, and WINE, WARNER'S SAFE CURE- T:z3Ir GEO. RHYNAS, Prop. Prescriptions • Specialty. HE LEADS THEM ALL. -:CALL .A D LH:E A,_ B_ 00P•JZTEML'S FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS The Hest and Largest Stock in Gpderirh. Always ahead. Pr:oes lower than ever. Curs:. and art Bargains. Won't be 7,7riderscld BY ANY PIAN IN T11ii COI XTY. A... B. COHN 8 sax xmirfa 'ff-erT. Bam jaw passed through the Custom Home, Direct front the Manufacture the Kest A.w..rted Stock of DR OOB EVEI, BROUGHT INTO (IODERICH, CONSISTING OF SILK WARP HENRIETTAS NSWE$T SHADk-., All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goods AT Pk10E3 AT LEAST 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR THS SAME CLAS OF GOODR. Ready-made Mese Suits of Best M.tetal, Fakiottatly Ms'..' et L. ,w Prices. 80 Pairs A GREAT �1itlVpClr.tr�e.. OF FIRST-CLASS ALS DRY COODS LROMPTON, APPELBE & CO'S, BRANTFORD. It is our custom and fixed purpose. tt. Jiypooc of all goods dur ng he season for which they were bought, un.1 in consequence we pro- ved even now in the heat of the Heasou, t•. closeout as far as poses lets cur entire stock of purely rummer girls. The extremely low prices which we male would justify our pat- una in buying now, even to keep over till anot!'t.r season. We place on sale at clearing prices the whrtt.- td our large stock -f black and colored French and English dn'ss �4t.s4. •'. n -.e: •a lenriettas, &c., black and colored, plain and faacy dress silts (trod. !Ie horst reliable makers). parasol., prints. sateen*, 'hmalbla� -. 1•II►,t .fed .ol cliallies, fancy costumes in wool, cotton !lie! silk, plate .to .yiresr muslinN, lawns, flouncing laces, Bouncily cinlrui.lt•ric, • ..gin}fs, ►ees, handkerchiefs, &c., hosiery, gloves and 1:nde'rwear in -.ilk. w.tol, isle, Balbriggan andcotton. Jerseys. ribbon", .or. -e -'. (Tress tri.uuliugll, ..ailed grt•nadines, table linens, uapkli ,,et.ovt•.•I:: .heetiugs, &•.trues, •hirtings, flannel:;, cottonatles, cretonnes. art It usl.nl', quilts, chenille ap.'stry and silk table covers, anti other :.,,use furnishing go- ds, Mies' English waterproofs, boa lcdl Visite . p-4ttt•rn wrxp'e, (mantling*, zee. all of which are fresh and new. u1:►t:it :tetiiieol and imported for he spring and summer of leis!). Irir'e give special attention to ne •i1 .'r•ier.i, which will be fill 4 ,y competent persons, and iatisfiwtion 1 ::!tteeti. Samples sent by nail on application (Successors to H. W. Bretbour 41 Ca,) BRANTFORD. C$ANGE OF DLTSIN1 The undersigned having puri haat 1 the b .-ins'..• F�.013R AND FEED carries' 00 for the ps..t to.. 1' ROBERT PRJ1JF8T at the well known s'.od. corner lot 114miltnn rend that be •-s now pretw..l •.).parr) 00 . • ,..,l•• u, r,. io0. Y. .pry •star: loco. hots been, 'plata w .ted II tow be :uund on 1he .lesiva. A CALL SOLICITED. 1.0oods delivered free to any put of . he taw 0. t.. ,..'ore lbe psblb r• neral ea;..2 .ot o. ► e of goo to can S1�/.CEITI 1":1.. .=� ..,..' I�.1 La i A WONDERFITL QFFEn. GOODE the Druggist, in order to show his acniiration for the fair ::ex of Qoderich, makes the following SURPRISING OFFER FOZ-b THE MONTH OF I, :-! `UST. To every lady w'10 Invests 2i7 n fa.. ; o r.Ier or 30c In p••"'ionise., t Fs. ill glee leer chains of .*4n, piece of m a,k. no trash. ant ere•• .non c un 9ncat paper. t ^e to each penes. Thee aro SOME OF' THE SELECTIONS Guillaume Tall (A neer►' price 75 cents F •••' as a bird (vocal) p• ice 60 stats Liars/Milne ti pave.; puce 05 e-nta I thin.. with ms (von► i rice 40 Dents Alice, Romance (8 pages) price i cents t' -urs. hack to Erin (i . r.) price tiii cents and maty others of like nigh standard get Len up is ibis wows Poaorina .ao. p .oder. finest in America, pleb. white'w k0l Sat B a. ki rrry Compound forsuctmcr cunei lsln.a MeLw jo or - FI LsTM DISPEN SING_ iv excellence. alas§ a in Nock. stessMionovaio , Lore Tall Hsi sof ars t,. patent medicines. toilet a:t,.•:c,, chemic:al<. WALTER C. 0000E DRIIG(s1ST, ALB:ON BLO M. ARE YOU THIRSTY. - TFL THF -- MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, C = s 000T- INCA I DRINK_ RARIPBFR FtY CORDIA.2. pr',r.satxd lest the Mar by all who hare t.teu it. r uo,uey P. JORDAN'S MEDICAL 11ALL. of Cloth Pants at $1.25. WE GET IN HARDWARE DEPT. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISH AND i:4 ILOM: MATERIAL, A FULL STOCK. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. O. CRAABB, SQUARE. 9.1 1a, 1$SS. e. ARMSTRONG BROS.,?:---11101T--.-- �- Goderioh, Ont. SIGNAL TO 1890 FOR 26c. 17-A (Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. 1 OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the flnestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in (Ioderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN! FINN FRUITS. 0071- ZA]tE I LTO 1i-••tMT. 11c /GII A]f R. 11110001110•01 lasso. Y.111.- ay t 0r0410, ^ t►M lee fiestas.