HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-20, Page 44 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ODTAMtArIs. IMT. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. OAPITAL (PAIR VP) SIX WILLOW MOLLARO • REST. B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MARApglt. 5,000,000. 0700,000• GODERICH BRANCH. ( A OEMERAL BANKING BUSINILSS TRANSACTED. FANMENS' NOTES DNIDOUt. t ED. DRAFTS 1SSI/CD PATAaLE AT AU. POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL Canal IN THE Usrri.p STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERYUOA, Iia OAVIM00 MARK 11UEPARTMERT. DEPOSITS of 51,00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES Or INTEREST ALLOWED. IMTIM$ST AOOSD TO Tett PRIMpPAL AT TME IND Or MAY AMO E10vEMsu IN MON vIAa. Speelal Attention givers t1a Ilie 0wN1.IM. Of OINNISHOW1111 Paper. mod PaIMMrs• Sales litter. R. 8. WILLIAMS. Ik1ANAOE R. THE BIC FAIR The Northwestern at Goderio Leads the Proceeeit•n. Dag Wea.ber .a acre %tread Day. eel 1 AUSS4asee tors*- The Merle and Milk MOW Aaleal.bes Sas Rallves- Ts. Ione: Alirg -Horns ow aeaesl Clilliirmee Day Mao. T. M. 3111ess, WUa -Loma Mae•. and Itte ((ream.. -(taw Ise WeM1vefewbey Msp.rls Elm. self In Ibe Wild West t Ti3 e s 110t700L A 1IHIT. A gorgeous ane000Cer ant surround- ing • Latin quotation grid where the Goderich High School had taken its stand with ire peculiar and interesting h display of apparatus fur chemical, physi- cal and eleatrtcal expertmeot°. The jeep, tube& batteries, etc., were gazed upon by many wondering eyes, and some ex• •mined with interest the drawl)! 16‘ models, Mechanical powers, the air pump and the soiopticotl. Tbere were three different kind of batteries, appointee for decomposing water, radiometers, S miniature electric light, and dozens of other things. During the fair some ahec lug c..ndoct was observed near this eta. d. S. P. Halls, B.A., wbo has charge of the High School laboratory, manipulated the wires. Gams AND MOLD. When President R',bt McLean greeted ex -President A. McD. Allan 0o Tuesda morning their happy expression of cuuu teuane. would serve for an appr,preat design for the aver of a Christmas an nual. Several of the directors also los valuable time during the day compote bating themselves upon the splendid weather that ushered in the opening day of the Gnat Northwestern Exhibition And indeed it was • magnificent day, the glorious rain of Sunday having cleared the sky, cooled the air and refreshed vegetation. BIT WHAT A CRANE WAv THERE. When the president, the ex -president, the secretary and some of the directors gathered together after luncheon on Wedneday they looked lake a ooeveo- tioo of undertaken. Gloom was on every brow, and the patter id the rain upon the roof was heavy and long con- tinued. The downpour went on all af- ternoon and evening with scarcely a 'break, and the high :topes of Tuesday were fattened. A BADLY BATTERED PkimItAM. The inside department was uncomf..r- tably thronged, on Wednesday, then being hardly room to budge when the rain was falling. The judging of the bite stock, however, went bravely on, and the implement men ',tuck to their machines in a faithful fashion. But taken all together the wet weather of Wednesday took the heart out of both visitors and exhibitors. The program of events got turned upside down for the balance' of the show, and it was a sort of roo--as-you-please in spite of President McLean's efforts to bring order oat of chaos. FRUIT AND FLOwxta. There was • good show of fruit. sEpe- cially of apples, pears and plume, wiiiEk considering the season, would he huM ho beat. The doral display was only ens M. There were some admirable specimens of both plants and dowers, but not what was expected. A collection of annual phlox by Wm Stuart contained some cbuice new sweeties. vzegreBLR$, BO0Ts, ET,'. There was a fair display of articles in these lines some of which were a surprise to the spectators. The potato e, espe- cially, were of first cls quality. LADItt WORK. The display in this department was not eo large as in previous Tears, but the excellence cf the work was up to the 71 - h standard of former exhibitions. The old, ::me -honored quilts, that brav- ed the battle M 'i the breeze on former occasitn., were ccnspic1J14 .0.7 their ab- sence, and we cannot my that their a:;,. appearance was lamented loudly by any of the spectators. The n7eattts, Ac , that had grown eery in competitinn at pact shows, were noticeably absent, and rhe noticed • few old-timer Looking long- ingly at the vscact places as `f in search of cid acquaintances. The wt rk exhibi- ted gave every indication of being of the vintage of 18'.39, ard many express- ed opinions that this was at it should be. THE ART GALLERY. There was a good showing of artists' work, and the competition was keen. in profe.sional work there were several fine sketches Alia Mountc*stle, ttf Clinton, wade an excellent shnwlni in oil•, water rotors ani crayons. She h. .i dreier sketches cn view, and carried ..R •even 1st ar'd five 2nd prima. 1 o.. f her pic- ture., Piddled, '•3t:11 lore; had aloe been some -tofu! in narryin f .11a prise at the recent Provincial exhibition. (her townsman, Mr Crockett • wog .1. ' • sue t g e.sf•11 exhibitor, and was Wenn' with a 1 goodly nombo- of prize tooketo. Miss ' Auaehrooks dinged up •ell in the ants- ' tour eines. and the re were others doers- • ing of mention when name. we din not learn. lint who will have full justice to theist in the prize list. 1•ROT0611 A rHT Goitres Stewart had two Farre frames Edged with handsome phohogr.pha, cabi- net.. groups, portrait and tiny pictures matike rap en •ttr.etivn di.play. The work hove evidence of clever retouching and a due revere to shsdinr, and drew truth mnrh favorah'e comment. A p •r trait ,5 gamin Vlet.rta in a hande,•ne gilt frame hung over the larger frames, and lent density to the eensr.l gathering et Canadians eloeter,d Iw.lnw, R IAs1M•e, whtls not melting .e g reat • sense as in former year.. had B erm. tell es.Pwted phrh•traph• in the fear frames hong in hie allotted .p.nw, All the meters. al,wnt.d to the skill pnasraa.d by Mr hollows in •diestinig t►o semen and knelling the reto•eber'e posed). The show of grain and aced was grand. Ths largest exhibitor was Wm Burrows, Y who occupied a space 12x30, and had to pack away enough to fill a third more ° of space. His exhibit embraced 260 different varieties, of grain, cloven and grasses. He had some wheat and rye straw fully six feet in length and some at straw five and • half feet. On Thurs- day morning Mr Burrows got • pressing invitation from President Manning of Clinton t, take his exhibit to the fair in that town and guaranteeing expenses. Clinton knows • good thiog,mark you,for • better exhibit of grain could not be gut up in Canada. Some good flax awed, pease, wheat, oats and barley were shown by various esbitaturs. The collection of grain in the ear, artiscally displayed by Mr K. Furse, Bayfield road, is also worthy of 'rectal not►ca. The exc.-sliest arraugement of the different kinds of grain, enclo.ed in • beautifully decorat- e ed frame, is • credit to Mr Fume's in- vention, taste and judgment The ex- • hibit was the ubserved of all observers. woNITOli.t FARIS PBODU(T. i The display of grain and other farm 'products nude conj..iutly by the Mani- ' tubs Government and the C. P. It. wan much admired. The space filled by this exhibit was thirty feet long and seven feet hi;h, and was chiefly grain in the sheaf. Some of the oats were truly mag- i nificent, the straw being of first qual►ty. The threshed grain was of the best clam, and the potatoes and unions told of the richness of the prairies. The wild peas or vetches attracted much interest, and the creamery butter and cheese from Crystal City showed that there are great poesibllities in the future far dairying in Manitoba. Some Calgary cos) also com- manded much attention. The exhibi- tion was in charge of Mr John North- ward, colonisation agent, and be was a good representative of the Government and the railway. We expect to hear of the Manitoba fever breaking out this fall and winter. GtOk06 THOIllsON', ESHIBIT. Mr George Thomson was all smile. on Thursday. He said he had good success in making sales. He was agent for the Bell, Doherty, Thornes and Goderich orlon., the Stevenson it 15.11 pianos, the White, Wenn, and Williams sew ing machines sod the Wanner lamp. In cisplaying his musical instruments and sewine machines Mr Thomsen was assisted by the following regular staff : Miss and blaster Thomson, Miss Bruck- snro!q a end Miss Hamlin, and a host of edgier', r•• Mr Thomson'' varied d s1lay shooed mach favorable com- ment, and the kettle on the Wenzel. lamp sang • merry tune 1)✓9111107Y ORuUN Col/PANT'. "Well, how bare you found buaitiOna' asked • SI.i.;AL representative of Mester George and J. P. Doheny early on Thursday morning. "Splendid," return- ed both of the pushing Clintonians in )me breath. And then the older Doherty went on : "Why. I hadn't time yesterday to go to dinner or get any- where. We were continually beseiged by enquirers, more especially by admir- ers of our Boudoir organ. Isn't she a beauty r And • handsomer organ we have not seen. It is finished 6 magnifi- cent style, has five sets of reeds and stops enough for • pipe organ. "We le"!. !`,rte organs yesterday," said J. P. Doherty, "sad have rho prospect of several ether sales " Fire urgers were ' on exhibition, all of which were well finished, and such confidence has this firm in the "action" of its instruments hat the interior economy •,1 one wee, ' eke that of the man in the almanac open t.. the public view. The Doherty • "roma hove s i poise pro ,f patent, and re built booth to please the eye and to endure. C ..ertng the face of the hind - i finely dreorste.l stand were medals and , diplomas won at the lsad.ng PIMNitlulle, •mono others the Indian and C*Junial, the Montreal, tits 'l'..ronte 'hr,. Tb. lol.erty organ espterd the dtr!nma! lest work to the Previncial ezhiht.i••n is 1 • big held. and were awarded t diploasa on Thwrsdsy in (1.eiertch. Dining the ,c fair fens and paper eyes with the moth hoary your eye on the D .!terry organ," ere freely di.trih•tted Ths motto 1 w as hardly neoasoary. it was a treat to ' e 11..01 ays. .n i ear to be near thane c -1. - prated instruments h The e.wde •tato. yt In the not.ed., d,p.rt'nens this year thor.. w.' 1Fw largest and hast eththtt weer made ,n the eounty of Moron. Thi. year sddttional shed* for horses nettle had been ermted,b.t the addit' del sot begin to fill the waste of esyyp tor& THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1889 use trona. The bone department wee fall in e ntry class, and the largest aerobes of •sammis foe oempststluo ostaide of the tares any Oboe' ayt)esrwt on the ;woad. The gesalsty of ib° animals was also above the (average, and the Great Northwestern demonstrated that old tiaras can best say 0oeety in the Dumiatun in the r•isiag ul prime hum flesh. (toe little event not on the program happssad is this bine on Wednesday n ight at 9 o'eleekt whoa • heavy mare owned try J. 0. Stewart, of Colborne, which bad bees brought to.the fair for imbibition, dropped a fine oult. The n ew arrival ceased considerable excite - meet amongst the horsemen, and was mach admired by • we Dumber of visit- ors on Thursday. He u a sprightly little fellow, and will be a sure prize taker in the future, it isgenerally believed, ow- ing to the circumstance that attended his birth. The owner doe' not know whether to call him Great Northwestern or Equinox -the latter Rams being sug- gested by the fact that s strong autum- n al gale whistled in hi►'rrival. The show of cattle was good and many excellent •peeimens of thoroughbreds and grades were in the stalls. Three Holstein cattle shown by reeve Cox, of Goderich townahip,attracted considerable attention- Mr John Dickson, of this town, was a large exhibitor in grade trd.:. and .beep, Pigs were nut a large exhibit, although the porkers shown were tine specimens. Sheep were fairly represented and the animals shown were of the best. THE BRONCUOM, There was • shout and a rush of peo- ple as the herd cf wild ponies came sweeping through the gates on Thurada morning. They scampered over the turf in • lively fashion in an earnest came of "Follow My Leader," Lasso Mac and an attendant rode complacently in the rear, and soon had the pontes oorraled. Hoo. Toni Elliott, the owner of the herd, was interviewed by a SIGNAL re- porter and, in answer to • question as to what caused the delay in arrival, hurried- ly yet g•,odnaturedly responded: "The steamboat men had agreed to take me on at Duluth and telegraphed to nit at Cas- cade that they would d3 w. The delay in changing from that to come by way of StPaul and Chicago throw us back tome. At Chicago toms trouble arose in con- nection with getting cars, and we were in the yard there for fifteen heirs with- out fled, and they bad already been on the cars from twelve o'clock ou Saturday -fifty six hours -with very little to eat. More trouble occurred at Flint, Michi- gan, which caused another delay of ten hours. The consequence was that we were landed at Port Huron by through freight, and et. passed through." "Did the United Empire refine to bring you here 5" asked the reporter. "We were to come by the Campine from Duluth, and she ought to have taken ne." "When did you make your fist start." "I shipped on Tuesday, from Craig, Montana. The ponies come from Flet Creek Range, in that territory. We had to chase them for two days in the Rocky Mountains; they had stampeded." And exlusing himself from further re- marks, the energetic Dakota legislator rushed off to cut out a program for Las. so Mac, the daring cowboy rider. LAnts0 HA(' AND H1. BBOYD.W0a, With long hair, bright black eyes, a face bronzed by exposure. a wide -brim- med frit bat, a blue silk handkerchief around his neck,ehort macintoah,and leg- gings that filled the small toys with awe and admiration, Lao Mac, the cowboy of M'titans, went through difficult and daring feats of horsemanship. Sweeping along at • breakneck pace on the back of • pony, he would stretch down and piek up a handkerchief felicitate ground. Then lie lassoed James Elliott and the hone Elliot was riding (around the neck and then around the forelegs at will , and performed other feats tbst &tamped him as a modern centaur. His riding was MUSIC CLASS. all that has been e'aiwed for the recklew ini sieve • Sus bed an immense trE- hibit el stover, and great was their re- ward. Altrek has energy enough for two. Drag;s.ts Goode, Willem and Jurdea had each an attractive display, and it was nip and tock all &ruesd. 0. Nairn'• ou1I sties u( boomis& sed lean sakes made the mouth of many water. I. was • big Hain, well doe. Mies Bawdee, of Gudernh township, and Mrs Proctor, of Luokauw, competed in the ladies' saddle race. The latter woo. With the motto "There's nothing like leather," Ephraim Dowossg showed • splendid a..ortmeut of colored leather sad bouts and shoes. • D. Gordon'' fermium exhibit was • great one. The handsome sideboard challenged admiration. and the maho- gany bedroom suite and parlor (uniting were slowest. Mr T. H. Rao•, of the Mitchell Recorder, was one of the visitors to tits Northwestern Fair. In addition to be- ing a live newspaper man, ht has culti- vated the esthetic sod was one was one of the judges on the doral display. He liked the exbsbutou all the way through and had • good time with the directors, particularly A. MoD. Aliso. "You're basis' a big show this year,'" said President Gordon Young, of the Colborne Branch Agricultural Suoiety,to Tia SIGNAL on Wednesday morning, "'bot if you want to see a fine agricul- tural display don't miss Colborne show at Carlow on the 25th and 26th. Wo'n going to head off all our proving exhi- bitions, and Goderich wiil have to look out," and the jolly old President turned off to look at Tom Huckatep's Kazuo band, and pick up pointers for attrac- tions st the Colborne show on Wednes- day and Thursday 'text. The prize yearling heavy draogh'rhorse, "Yuuny lord," • magnificent Clydesdale owned by W. A. Cunningham, was win- ner of the first prize in his clam at the Provincial, and ►leo captured the silver medal for the best heavy draught horse of any age at that big fair. The procession of prig, animals at 4 ' p.m. was witnessed 5y an admiring creed, and was a fitting windup to the big show of 188'9. Prise LIN Neat week. The rain of WeSnesday threw the program into such c,nfuaiom that it has been found impossible to guru more than general descriptive notes this week. The prize list will appear in our next issue. the People's eolumn. IVANTED. -A GOOD GENERAL servant.. Apply to MRA. D. BeGILLiCUDDV. `> A NTED. A good plain cook. good washer and ironer. Noor but experienced girl need apply. TO enter service on Oct. 17th. Apply immediately to ._ .n -2t MRS. CAMKRON. !i 1RL WANTED. >r To do general housework. Good wages toe competent person. Apply t0 H12. ]IRS `IDD. North-st. j(►3T. -ON SATURDAY, SEPT J N. between Anthot Allen's ano Salt - font• a ladss s black ribber cowaer. The owner will be suittbiy raw caul d by leaving it u this once. 22 -It HORSE FOR SALE. Coed. bright hay. a year old. no blemish. 22.1( DEA. W . THWIss0N. CARD OF THANKS. I beg to thank the Firemen. Ci'itens and Employers for their united effort, in sating my new mill, derrick and stock at the gre ter Tuesday morning. Had it not been for the excellent management of the flrr company, coupled with that of employ.," and citizens. the loan would have been much more serious. 22 -It JOS. KIDD (IED. W. THOMISI)N'S 13 THE r cheapest honer in Ooderich to buy Plan.w. (restart. stewing Machines., Wan,, -r tt44 Maps. Weaver lookers, Viohnt Mouth- I ■ .. }lir,t:me Court • ye, le (eau at organs. Plots.. rifts. F'laaeetrta..Acror,trona, 1 per cent.. private fttnds, @Iraigha )sea, to Concertinas. Violin Strings. Oil, Needles and `terra' yearly. ('nate were moderate. P res pain. 20 Into. particulers-tall peretwaliy or write. SI New Fall Goods. A_ REIN dZ MRO_ Have received a large portion of their Fall Stock, and desire to call your attention this week to the following goods : A special line of Dress Meltons, in all the New Colorings, Plain, Checks and Stripes, llc. per yard, worth 15c. Ladies' Cashmere Hose, Seamless, in Black and Colors, only 25c. per Great value in Knitted Shawls, choice patterns and new coloring's. New Prints, Cottons, Linens, Tweeds, &c. Inspection invited. J. A. REW & BRO.,, Jordans Block, Ooderich, Aug. 30th. tea* • Dentistry. telt `1 NICHOLSON, LD,S, 1 DENTAL ROOMS. Elgbtn door below the fort Ogee, West -it.. ogninuCI. 2r2S1y DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S, SURGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalised Air administered for paialesseitractlug of teeth. Special attention Valto the preservation of the Natural iTO es-Up stairs. Urwnd 1 /perm House Block. knte•aes ea Wsttt-tlL. Golerich. 2161-1v Legal Notices. 4. 1N THE HIGH COURT or JCSTIC11 CHAxc-MIT DIE1111ox. MURRAY ra. BRECKENRIDGE. Pursuant to the Judgment and Final Osler for Sale herein there will be sold by, and rote the appr,battun of Sutherland Mali -moms. Master of the Suprrmr Court at Gudenrb, at Martin's Hotel, in the town of Goderich. ow Saturday. the ;Juhday of September. IOM, at two )cluck in the afternoon. the following parcels of land. viz : I. The Easterly la) acres of Block F.. 71b Con. K. D. of the Towash,p of Colborne, la the County of Huron. animated shout 1( adieu from tioderu:h sod ti mold from Carlow. About 110 acres are ck'ared. The lit w well fenced and wt 11 Matured and has • gusol orrb- ard. The bonding, consist if a good frame honor containing , roans and a large barn and cattle abed. 2. Lot Wd and the Easterly 10 f. of Lot Itt in the Town of Goderich. his lot is on New spite thele' s-artheG.'f.It Stat ion. Thenare tIvo good rougn-cast dwr,.,wr Moura. sad fr.mr Legal. EDWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR Oster, Solicitor In Hid Court. convey ismer. Uoderich and lim field. Ha) field Gi- ese open Tburadays trout 10 to 1. Muse, to NM at Si per rent ! C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, goo Omoe, corner of Kumar* mod VI -41111 street Oudrri.'h. tore telegraph ashes. Pet Tate funds to lend at 6 per cent 1w C1ARItt)W .tt PROUDFOOT, BAR T I(ISTKitS At tlloliett.es. Goderich J. T. Darrow. W. Proudfoet, 1T 1AMERON, /LILT & CAMER)N, vV Barristers. *dictum is Chancery. Rc. 3uderich. M. C. =age Q.C.; P. tient. M. U. l:aaserw. C C. Neel 1751• For Bah or to Let. r r •.r. RENT. -Fro(. 0Mober 1.1 , a L tem roomed house overlooking the harbor• with gond cellar. Karl and sort water. la Met -class Instr, and half an acre of garden if desired. 2l -1f M. NI('HOLSON. FURNISHED HOUSE }oft it6.. r, A eoam.dfo,.. well furnished house will he rested lo responsible parr. The hour is in tow of 'he nowt pleasant ..langur• os Omit etch. a couple of blwka from t to Square. Apply for particulars at Tea t!m s • L olci. It }`ARM, EIGHTY ACRES. .Seventy desired,. beautifully situated un Mait- land Inver, Iola AS mid 71, Maitland conceaa- 10e. Gudery,-b towuahip. fire mile•• and • half from Climate. Hest lead for general farnuug. weii watered. buildings I. god re- pair. -pair. Pue.easion by first October. Terme any. MR. KVANS, wattles and Other c.utbuiid,ags on the pre- 2" MIL 1Sary-aa.. Warn alumna number of fruit trees. - 3. Lot lltNon-McI)onaid Street in the town I,`Alttl FOIL RENT --THAT VAL- or tiudrricb. Thiele a vacant lot near the Iligu a. mime, farm know, as let Nn. 5. moa. 7. 1. tie and Agricultural Park. D, ('ulA,rne, Smith's 11111. the farm coa- 10s lei, w Ht. Patrick iStreet in the Town silt. of UM u res, well fenced and watered. of (lodericb. There are two comfortable On the faro, are good dwelling home mad relent -teat dwe.ling looters on 0114 tut. itabh-.. .mllerdtaiP p.eeawe.4...ern be ktgh ren acres of Dimas 13 and 11 to the For giyea 3. Town of (ieaderich, ,newt!/ composed of Sato , psr,i.uirrs apply to 1'ATltl/'K HtdiAN, pod along the River Mai:land. There are • tram• along prearlMor, or at this uMoe. 3.51 house and stable on the premise., I VARY FOR SALE -THAT VALU- TERMS OF SALIi. ( able property known s.4 lot 1, eon. 2, Ten per cost. down and the balance in T ' A.bf,Mh •ad coos'. norm XI acne t land. all days:theparctaaerw+1t be required to s,en sloared end wellIeaa+d. upon the an u a an agreems,nt for 'tic c-umpkt,on of his ur- 1 frame houwe'knd a mood frame hero sad chase and t4. have conveyogles!?prrta at . stable. rhere are four goal wells aro the his owl' t•xpere.e. iTgtert, nal be 901 Up premises. .Alec a gg r,url on hard. Tne farm is subject too res. rt Pd toll: :n other respects t be I miter from (.odenrh tool I1 (ruts' Port conditions ut sale 0i11 be the standeog . tori Aihwt, where pwl tow,. a-Mrol eat , harm d.hun,of sl••. -1 the 1t::h C,.urt of Justut, pn. Iles • ors are ubUutabIr. Terms reasonable, 1. the Plaintiff's etdicltors and (note It. C. Hays ; app 7 0o the premises Cr to asAC.I'amyiuu.+oli,aun.o:ud.•r,.-5 ' ('Hite, ftl'RItA1'. IMeol at Uofafit P, this Iu.h day of Septem- ber. 1' Hort Amin P. 0. lta0. G.Altict)w's 1.1:Ot'DFeMIT, ,• L'AltM FOR SALE. "s. MALOOYNO\,^ l'laiutttt-r Siloiiars. 1 The lndrnierr d w ill uRrr for -.'e the to/. )lastest Go.rich. Y13t Inwisg i rt. .a.irrt•M nom. ,r fie ,.f the easterly I u,u.r. .5 H1... k .'F." ,r, the 711, eon. kerion or 'hr Towne/op of ('.dl.,n„-, in tl..- .-v Loans` - - firma -mow of limns. Thin taros is .mist i W ane 3nsurai ce. ed It miles fro.n tinder -10k and li - mile+ . from Carlow, on the \'vin :aver _.. Hoed. Them is a 3o•+1 frame Immo.. 15- N. LEWIS. ilarriM.r, 1'e.1et , iworrys. almost new, fk by i• tuniniomg 2 room.. a lar!,. torn m b 1' h urner part::-u:ars tory ts• obt.u.ed (roti Fur particulars a I y torn rout• 115 I abed. /2 bis 11. attached, and ..ns.• of the Flaw( .1orchard+inthe towo'h.p It , b sr riders of the plain., and was !coldly ap- plauded as he broke in two "bookrog• brumchos. Hie horsemanship MIs nue at• the most popular attractions at the St. Paul fait last week. POULTRY. The poultry shed drew tunny visitors. This department is well managed, ss. pie coops with open wire netting giving both fowl and visitors every chance fur display. The various birds were never shown to better advantage, and the manager of the show deserve credit for the atteutat'n bestowed upon the eery comfortable gcartert of the fowl. iA some of the claves the competition was keen enough to nuke the hair of the judges turn grey. gnome Zen. Machinery Hall was largely patron- ixot during the fair Steam was on every day, and binding machines and cher implerneots were bogy all the time. The most attractive display wet made b N k y Burrows & McKinnon, agent for the oxon binder. This implement hu a n otter that does not cut off waste eord Misr( IC. Visor how er-opened her mimic cines after the Rud-semrnei vertuion. and has • • new varan...es fur Pupils. Apply for Parti- culars to R. M. FIc.tssglt. or Frio, tit • roister. 1, -m J3ARREI: SHOP REMOVED. I Sty cnstomer. and the !*neral ptbilr are hereby informed that I have removed sty shaving parlor from East-.( to the hinter, next to t Mnrdock's show empourim. where 1 will h. prepared 10 "mend to a!1 huiiner in no Inc. Fine parlor, easy cig',ylrs, and good I work guaranteed. 12 amu. H. Ir WESTON. 'y`HE HURON HOTEL, 7..is wellknovo and popular hotel ha bees i rrfit1M and enlarged dnrt,.^' (51. P y, srxaoO. i and i. novo wr,,nd to none in qua..,, "I •e - mo .ti,,n fur th. (needing pnhtic. UOUd I accommodation for transient wowing. W M. t•It A10, Sgni-s. Ooderfeh, Ont. Proprietor. Jfiealcal. I DRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, Physicians Surgeons. Accouchers,;o, oat* at Dr. Shannon's residence near the gaol Goderich G. C. SHANNON, J. R, SHAN- NoN, 1'61 avid then is only one joint in the steel Assignee's Notice. hnwe3 the Giant sulky Plow, the Wh,tby) Twie Plow and the Revolving , 1 \ THE H.ATTE1: i ►[+ Disc ilarro,w. James R lee, of Wawanoeh, was an• ,they live agent He represented the Patterson photo, turnip sowers, s:utller., to. rams. Burrows & McKinnon also ; JOX.AH XICiiOLBON, t' of the Township or /Pantry. la the County of Huron. Fernier. /►eller. The Mssa.ys were sb„ reereeerted, left,a from the Fair. Tar Sloe it job obeli, as usual, was • centre 1.5 attraction. Wm: Ach-•soO'a cr.11ecti"n .•f hermit's, horns and fist coats was a good one liown of the C ty I.tundry•had some geed samples of hie work neatly arranged - DrAreen of ehn w 'll•n mutt had a rewlttable display of home manufactured iv Al A F soh, the Dilor, was well repro. entail •a the natty eloth,nt< dupla, odor his nonce. Mr Steep had many a'tmir.r• about m .s he showed the /Konen' of the eget sewing mach1tts Tree receipts no W.'dnrad.,, nitwit►. elm" -S tog the ran, ware fs,p 3 21 -not far Any. '•f the total o1 last year. The North Awasican Cne.nica1 Oom- pany had a beg pyramid of sett hogs, one. raining trait kimono dairy salt, and Manager Bark was proud cd It. I The al., -,• name,' dehtnr ha, mad,. an a.. aignm.•nt to no-. starlet tn. prnrl.M•.' or •• A. 1 rr4,5'-»i g Amigo mettle for th.• henetlt fir ('re.lftn,v, Ming Will. 131. It 5 (1 , IWO .A mrr.ino of the Creditors of the said Debtor will he held et Int of l.•e. M the ('nnrt Ilnan.. in the Tow • of °otter,. h. at 11 VI orinek in the forenoon: an 1% .dn'•.dar• 1,"• eighteenth day of September Pete for tt.r ap {prdnlment of In.pr,-t.nw and the wiring of 11.rr...tlnne with referees, to the disponi' ., the ...fishy. . warrr*d T a never -failing spring errt•k and •r wad well Aims( IlUS•res cleared and free Irene at9mpa Thr,. is .o waste laud or any kind o0 the place. Good school within t0 rude of the mise. 311 all he w.14 on reasonable term.. 1 For terms and further particulars apply to JNO. BRECKENif1141 . Proprietor, Galerich. pr J(s4EI'H McKK1,WN. '_ on the inetniaw. 10 HST CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND ii' I.0T soit KALE (Kw err PATRICK 31'. -About two misn,es walk from the Sq'une. Two *torten high, brick addition in the rear 1. 'Weirs high, building coserrd with slate. Main Imlld.ng has 3 large rooms first flat, 1.{5) ies there ar, 1 lag''(! rra.mu. In (he rear addition there are kitchen, pant. y, washroom, Cpetaits, girls room end bathroom. Also gond cellar. Apply to the undersigned, who will Wee alleaerer ary information. Gtr. 11 eNtee GORDON. FOR SA LE. Lot 17t of Goderich. App l to, outf PHILIP )IDLY. t. SEA(:ER, CLERK I'IH47 DIVISION COURT. Conveyaetcr, Desuramx. Estate and Genera Agent. Money to Lend •1 Loa Rate, and Coit. i arpterl' Notes Ufaroun'.•d. ICE -Next to Curren• F'urulitire Store Gullet.. h. t,dtltr F!'. T. N-IFTEL, LIfE, FIRS AND .4('s'LBNT I :' sritA:Y('K AGENT, Representing Narth British k ltereantilet Liverpool. London& (robe: Norwich Linton North American Life ; and Accident lnsar amt. of North Antrim. Lowest 1;41-e. ].cents everted pprorr.mptly Money to Loon on ram and Town l'roorrty Coreefa.cb.g non(' /'ropeny valued, et,' (:M.•, Cur. ur0p.a; and equate. Ur'dericb i ;MI $200,0011 1?'R 1 V.%TE FC'M To len. en 'urn, art! town properttL ' low Pals' Ater;' ,.,Me a•l o 100at 0is,0,)erchin((.( .3 :-rata furpurebth.ha.Trust. z rad 1-4106"1 Company Of Canada. the ('Ahad• L••'+•M Credit Company. the Lnndun Loan Coln. *M ('e of Canada. Interp.t. 5, f.( and 7 per rent. N. B. -Borrowert ton obtain money la der. If title satidu, to DAVIIWN & J0HNYTO', 517) Barrister. do. Or..tenet V,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO AMMRON tithes &CAMERON. God rlh. nog it40NEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 nionnt of Privet. Vends for In vest men U lowest rate. on 4retvlaa. Mortgagee Apply to UARROW Sr Platt: tIUT It• RA DC LiFFE, GENERAL INSURANCde REAL ESTATE OOP MONEY LOANING AGENT r)tar i'T Wrfnaa ('ittpnaef.. f:.pre•w/cd rvr Won"y to tend on .tra:,rht fans, at t1 -e lovieat rete of inters( 'Ming. In any way to adt tl • a»rawer, nseer eet istederieti. ittrrrttli: -tenni dear from altars F.sery person'1at.ing to he entitled to nr.k - . .-- o0 IOW /.4. PP n reynired to furnl.h to m tear• tlrnyer. of claim. ..... .d by nigdA.t. Irani isle- i rI Nnnl. and Noah ism 'letterman Mite of the cape ad. R')HERT 011113)85, Sheriff of Ifurso' Assignee. Nonni a Ogee. Aodrrleh. es AIA, icon. 21 21 e lite H*OZ, MINERAL AM- _ rim •sol 1.04 Cal•ate, meanies rim. Haring hal .•nn'Iderahle esperleaee 3• th. •artloSSPM trade he le In • pnteitl i dlsrharge with th-ws.ngh eatfdartlnt all canto, RlsA one entreated to Mm. Order'.. a's Hese& .r rut by mall to wady • eh P. 0., osrefelly etssldyt. Crowe •11000teee,, IRs u 30[1( t Amusements. IODE RIO H MEC f1AN/CS' INS'rt iTI•Tlt LIRRARY ANDKIICAi IN /t, Nil( ,-to. of 1...t strert avid Atoms. tut stairs. Open from I to a p.m., and from 7 to I° p.m ABOUT 2000 VOLS 1N LiBRARY t.Pn,tirsq IAvifv, W,,4,, and Viod eferf Papers, M..7, mins,., A r , nn Pilo. 1MR.MRK.RIsHiP TICK PT. 014LT *1.05 Wanting fro• ore of I,' wart and &Indira Room. Attplleattrot for •fensh.nalp ,es.1, A by I.IMaelan. 1a r005w. MtLetnipf4rOesN(,,y 010. 373Y73 • 0ed•rieb. MsrPs 1*11. 110, Meretary it`ARMS AND TOWTOWSPROPICRTIES FOlt S.ALK. - Lot 11, In Manhood (bw ('nlhurne, 112 acres- a very Ase farm. Prete 1 in ,, Lot Elf in let ens. E. D. Ashfield, te srtei. price 114gq Lots 13 and 41 in 1st Coe. K imams. leruce CoontT ire scree. Will be solei rary cM •polos 13. gland W 1 (4 17. 1n the Bch .se. Wewsn.lb. 30) •rico of rvrtient land In rn..sti/0('k• titres $ S,'O.. Lot 77.31eIigell'. f4trre,. Town of (lodPereto ,rishPere(tallJ tom'. 1„t 1,1„ 1, re ou. f Uterlch, is Light House r .gist. with e1EL Annan end siablr. Nice only limo Lm. M1• r 0. 1013 and pt. mc( Town o. ' 1,0*.. scar 15 of an a re 1• fine h!ctk with(, th,- oin•M' Pert of the town. Prior only intro. Tb above propar- ti,. will he sold on ea.y . rmi il 1P•1m1l+ APelf to C. 1.'1".$EAUKR, "40g°r1"• \.it. -Money to ked at vary tow 1.'s• A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - Tbrt valuwhde properly known a' lot god. Maitland rue„ Goderlrh township. within owe mile of Uodennh. On the Intro are • large or, hand. good frame hones it el kitchen. with pone sellar, and frame tarn and stah1"-; ...am- ortises 73 sere'. well water'A. roe Nether sarticulare apylytn(ifm McKee:tm the premiss lam 21t•2 ly VuR SALE CH1i.AI' -- 40 Lori IN IA' different putts of ooAerteh from I acres go 7 arm in crew; sed 3 dwcllleg homes. A - riy to THOS, W ItATUP:it A 1.15. 15,i.)y UOCbK AND TWO LOTS FOR SALK.- The house has slat escort, at M Wath room. pantry, clowns. enter, wood- shed. Mrd and .nf1 water. The gar,len COT - t• ITS al' %klode of teat.. Alton isle Surto of Mod in Masai ohs i ,r *tale or In ex. -retool for farm prnperty.b N'I(, 1NIUHT. (2 clench. 1.3011 BALE. Wo -+t half of lot 111 Arthur Street. with .mall britk oat Imo Lori eon. Bs'ttntxn Foga, (gist. lig 241, 113, iieets street, ,'. Andrews Ward. IIIc. rtntier of Huron and Rritaania Road. 1.rn n•-. 11 story house ow Km)* r'rrw•PL ION and ha,r t+rad. 3.c.ral has ie Rar.l's Purvey. npposl(e are NowNM h.).,rIR: 1111 311. A11 the bove M 1 OW RATKO. fR tAmity u 941IAON t Joalt rn• 1 • 1