HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-20, Page 1verlirelle e • NE 11ARVE T UTZ. habort. J, is com- ►u like it. Go. Stock, inced tunoe that y, speclal- on n trade, ever Been B, Shapes, N 1NG epitoko'Mins rd in order uyeu,na RS DAY, 11se or aot.1, eat -aft) ra�mei'g.� fig 1 Illisedver di* v`Hoistli[ar t. GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. SEPT. 20, 1889. tS�ZP YAR IN ADV� CE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W s -lesMasa e s Cassis•. Card et 'T .-iia Kidd. and -1611 D. 1e.0.Ws.ddy. IlaraaillirBsM-Y. W. Themsos. 1•ift aged• -Joss Assess. Romp-llsasders k Nos. BORN. BoawrA•-le lards e, es the Mk said.. the wife of O. A. llaadlsaa. druggist. of • Son.MARRIED. Ota -Reiss -My Rev Jae. Harris NenmWer. CM the I,th last., at the residence of the bride's parrots. Mr Charles Ode. sou of Mr Thomas Oke. sad Mks Anse Blake. daughter of Mr Williams Make, all of the tow:ahlp of Colborne. mAsiss .--t'uvstata-By the Rev Jas. Haunts• of HewalJler oa the lath f. at the re - des°, of the Lastsi Irides psr'eals, Mr Willis. Model. of Beamlller. sad Mir Margaret Annie Cowls. daughter of Mr Taoism Cousin of Colborne. DIEM R.Y.A. -la Detroit. Mich.. es the Mb lad. Gera. Shine Wed a W. �"r'�pl tf- Ii_t puts=ens. of Ao fsVs�he imsu Realm ageaM.aaadthe 1M1a ie Vis. TOWN TOPICS. 'A elders annals ye, takiri uotea, -tie/oak kelt trout U." A GOOD P*,soltT.-The moo sestul gift yes lata make Is to give • Win Pea. Ap- ply to L. McGallleuddy. agent. (loderleh. Casa Stewart bas now le pruigre•s a seem. eiheprovemen•s is kis gallery to facilitate tie igl out et the lards custom which b. r good♦ oto The Won aa'r Cbrim Lae Temperance 1'alos asset i. the Temperance Hall every Tuesday alternuu.. Pra,Teroseetiag et r:7a, business seestia g at 1 oat Huredep'.Eau•. Mod was anllatime- te the mode se tlodeticb thatF. k A. arts lissioll me as the generthas keep lo et Osdertcremit i b To FARsisea-T1s sew steel ttlweldba.rd w manul dared by nolo gi t mag good est b- ; it w111 pay you to call at the foundry ride:amiss fur youreelv.s, before purvbo► hag Wee wIsere. Hu act Mae Hass. n -k At the Nonbweetern Exhibition the White Mewing Machine took r dist sod 1 second for the best stitching ; truly the White King. (Seo W Thomson is IL. agent la Dederick fee this king of machines; when you sae it you will buy ou oilier. Everybody expressed then/soiree pinned with the exhibit of uaeoders k hoe at the N.rtkwestero Fair. 'lbs stoves exhibited will stock except these which were sold VW fair. Everybody le Invited to .mill eek and see the dieplay me the store door to the meat om.:e. The cheepest boom leader the sun. The exhibition of floe photographs mode at the Northwestern Fair was caly one of the breaches in which H. R Mallows le esttated- In addii los to taking • promising passed.a as a pilot•jrapber. he still leads in picture fram- ing• and toe mouldnies sod wortmao blp enact be excelled anywhere in lauads. Corner Montreal -t. and square. Visitors to the Kxklbitlou this week were fey attracted by tieo. W. Tkons.s.'e One ll of Pumas. lips. Mewlof IrreYintw. etc. Emily love your order at bis edits ea Use square. and it wi11 bet rue.ived and promptly Rued with the ilial soMit durable innderrulsseo MTM r tb Leave your oM.r l�r T.Ofatls• •a organ made by the Dederick terms May• p to Gotn Olve!r Airs,/ to *see wko ba Roods et J. P. Lahr'• Mem riles. Great .lugbter of roods--.eltntg of at ewe, ea. out of b,.sl.ttes. Ore.t b•rgalw• in dry aced. cretekery. tlasswarre, tinware. coffee, tee* and small wares. le order to make the sal Interesting to purchasers f will for • abort time give each purchaser of hi worth of goods • ticket on • prise 01 Mk* is Gold. which will be drawn at the close of the ask. Remember ibis place. the alga et the led Rag. Crabb'. block, Ooderich, ora BRiEFLETS. w ''w ..- Mian Maloom.00 is visiting in Hamil- ton. Mr A. P. McLean is on a visit to Tar- anto. Mrs Forbes visited London on Wed- nesday. Mr Harry Clams was in town on Sunday. Mr C. W. Andrews was in the Queen City last week. Mr F. T. Johnston, of illyth, was here as Friday. Reeve Kelly, of Blyth, was in 03de- rich o. Friday. Mir Connie Smith, of Galt, is in town es • week's visit. Mr Rattesb*ry, of Clinton, was in town on S•.day. Miss Gram Robertson, of Clinton, is in tows this week. Mn Choc Seeger is visiting at Brant- ford sad Hamilton. Mks Bata Ifitebell, of Guelph, is lionise her mother. Mir Liar's Minion left on Monday on a visit to Detroit. M. Aisne Wynn arrived home t rem Kamm city ea Friday. Mrs Joh. Vomiter, of Stratford, is tis relatives i. tow.. Mrs Roes Robertem was lest week the Irma of Mn Roes Rasta 1. Mr Thom Sseyd was i. the Fovea City lost wank seekag old friends. Mr W. B. Di.ksos, barrister of Brus- sels. was in town shim week. Mies Campbell, of Tomato, is the of the Mama OaespisB. Mr Het BalNae of Blwmla. smut ead 8etiay is town. Mir Bea RelierteengebaiKimeardim, is — of Mee tem Mr It VsaMsse, barrister, of Wins- ome is tows the paha week. d I. Reve..eCava, el wee 1a lows e• Ywil- Mts sad Mies M.w.a.M were trlwsiag Longs fora tow days let weak. Jabs and M.skoais have and >NS*and ere heli ben the Neat& NMI taytl� 041. jsssap. 1 ree'rtte s.e Via Mr sad lire Goo B. Jeisetea loft for their home is Tows on Thwmday of last week. Mr J. M. Roberts, of Dungannon, was in town last Friday on insurance buai- Mr Percy Walton, of Loodoo, was is town duriug the week, visiting his pa- renta. Mr and Mrs N Weston, of Goderich, are vesting is - the city. -Hamilton Times Mr Chas. Sharman eras in Toronto for • week, Laking to the sights of the 8z• bibitioa. Miss Hennings, of Goderich, is visit - int friends in town. -Woodstock Senting e1 Review. Dr McDuosgb will be in Goderich for eoneultation on the first Saturday of every month. Mrs Hill and children arrived in town un Friday on • visit to the lady's parents, Mr and Mrs Wynn. Mr Will Trainor, of Chicago, was visit- ing in town this weak. He lauds the great western mart. Mrs Robert Rhynes, of Detroit,wu ereosot at the interment of her relainit, the late George Rhyne. Mn Turner, aoarle0•nie d by Mn Geo Parsons and Miss L. McGregor. left for Toronto os Thursday last. Mrs Hawley, of Detroit, has porchu- ed from Mr Jae McIntosh the residence now occupied by Mr R. 8. Williams. Mn Captain Savage, of Detroit, arriv d in town last weak to attend the fune- ral of her britber, the late Geo Rhynaa Mn 11. Thompson, of Kalamazoo, Muth., has returned home after an ex- tended visit to her parents, Mr and lire R. Orr. Win. Deans and Jon. Pringle, of Torn - berry, were in town during the fair, the guests of the former'• sister, Mn. Jobn W. Vanatter. Mr J. Cavan, of the Inland Revenge Department, is ofliciatinir for Mr J. J. Boren, during that gentleman's absence on his holiday trip. Dr M Nicholson, the Rest-st dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth • specialty. Gas administered from 9 a. in. for the painless extraction of tee: h. Stanley Hays, the Seaforth lawyer, had his brow fanned by Hann breezes here on Sunday. Hls reminiscences of life in Landon military camp are not vet exhausted. Rev Mr Camilo°, of London, was visiting his old congregation the past week. He preceded Mr Sieveright, be- fore the union of the two Presbyterian ooegregationa. Mr James Strachan, of North Toron- to branch of the Canadian Bank of Com - wages, is here relieving the msesger, Mr R. S. Williams, who leaves for a weft•esroed holiday. RewJ. Potts, D. D., Secretary of the Methodist Etiooational Society, will preach educational services in North-st Methodist church on Sunday nett, morning and evening. Miss Yates, milliner, North-st., seoond dcor from square, has returned from Toronto, having purchased one of the , finest fall stocks of millinery to be sees in Goderich. A call solicited 2t Lionel F.. Shipley, of Lobo, one of the leading (amen of the provisos, died on Sunday. Mr Shipley was defeated for Parliament,but was personally one of the most popular of men. He had many friends in Goderich. AN IMPORTANT IMPROvnfRNT.-The n ew Soft Stop and Practice Pedal attach- ment to a Newonmbe Upright Piano serves the nerves of the listener or per- former, when practising, u well as the instrument from wear, and preserves the toms. tf. Rev. Mr Drumm, of the Presbyterian oongr.gatioos of Georgetown and Lime - boon, has been granted • leave of ab - ' epee for three months. He and Mn Drumm, who is ill, will go to Colorado. Mr Drumm, learned the printing busi- ness in • Clinton newspaper office, and is well known to many of our reader. Ae Eirzttatvs HoLu.-The Am- b•rstbaeg gas well is down over 1,150 feet, and salt water was struck at that depth. The contract was for a dry hole 1,300 fest, and the com- pany has Instructed the oontrsetor to keep agoing. Tie expense rat rimming oat the hole and teasing net the Atlan- tic, will he Mosey on the .oetreotor. Krseaasnii FOLK IN Towle. -Mies Mary Robertson is viiti.g ie %dark►. -Mr Jababask again from h is trip to G�fa. -Mr mod Mrs Nor- ms Smith bawl retrad from visiting Misad. is Ooderisb.-Mr John Colwell was in 0]dsrii last week, seeing his inter who is rut peanut in a very low state of hoelth. He was meeompanied by his father. Sammsl, ot.BereM.-R. ADM? Gor.asies O*SA,*. -- Ie. a trssead .miss of the Goiania areas the lasOr says • "Now, whoadaydit is fumed tint dealers elmtsrthe ssaabiiWt of the Goderieb Grim O. the meet el lir 83•bko..'s w time fa maims oraeg seats to handle the laatr.- t eta Nat med fiat a remaining b magi else of men ties egibiery iavioaio Is Wigs. The Godmhh emits it • Sre1- nese mem labiome several oe�dr.mp al. std •f els• •aboaelee =rises It • A Leers* trout Rae John Wordy on the Anti -Jesuit tweeting will appear sees week. Mr and Mn Geo Walker and grand- daughter, of Bruorfield, were visitors to the Northwesters Fair. Knox church Mission Band will meet tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon st 8 o'clock. All members aro requested to be present. Mn fialkeld has now received her fall goods and in another column cels her elastomers of the good things in her line w hich she has in store fur them. Robt McL.an's maw brick block Is fast epproeohing ootupleti..s. It is now surmounted by • handsome iron railing, and in large gilt lettere the ammo of the block stands out. This row of stores is m credit to the town. Persons wishing to improve their memories or streugthen their p•Ower of .tteotios should send to Prof. Luisette, 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospec- tus post tree, ea advertised in another column. 10-tf Knox Church Band of Hops will meet in the basement of the church on Mon- day, Sept. 23rd, at 4 p.m., to complete the arrangements for bolding their an- n ual flower show ant concert. on Mon- day, Sept 30th. All the members on the roll are requested to be present, and others wishing to joie will be rued. wel- come. Mr Samuel McLean is home .gain after • three months' sojourn in British Columbia. He thinks at is a fine clim- ate there, but wages are falling and there are too many people there for the amount of bostneas done. Vancouver is booming, and • few other places have a great future before them. He will re- main in Ontario. St-1MMN DsUTH.-As we go to press we learn that Mr P Carroll, an oid and respected resident of Goderich, and • former councillor of Col- borne township, died soddenly at his residence, corner of Victoria and Angle - sea Cats, about 4 p. m. on Thursday. He had been Cao town during the after- noon, and had returned to the heuse and was reeding a newspaper when stricken down. Hu many friends in the section will much regret his death. DU►TH Or bible Leeiz WHrrgLf.- The many friends of Lame, only daughter of Mr Andrew Whitely, will regret to learn o1 her demise .t Pitts- burg, Da_, on Sunday lot. Miss White- ly had been ailing with uthma for some time and went to Dakota in the hope that the change of climate might asset in • cure. Her death was unexpected bo her parents, who have much sympathy in their bereavement. The deceased was • member of the North-st Methodist church choir. The funeral will tike place in Godeeb& this (Friday) themes at 3:30 p. m. A Rio HIT. -The Globe of Wed.ggasy says : The Godericb Organ Co.'s stead is besieged with callers daily, anxious to inspect the designs of this new Com- pany, as described in the Gb,be already. Mr Blackstone, who is in charge, hu re- ceived applications from 47 agents, from all ever the country, to represent the firm, two being from Toronto. Those who have seen and tried the patent pedal action approve of it very highly. An architect from the city, who saw the de- sign on the case of the"Crescent" organ, said it was the best he has ever seen. Tho "Gothic" design of the Cathedral organ is esu spoken of in high terms of praise. Fres.-On Tuesday worming. •boot 5:05 o'clock, the people in the vicinity of the 0. T. R. station were awakened from their slumbers by the loud and lost-oontiso.d whistling of one of the locomotives. The cause of the alarm was the disenvory that the roof of the Dominion salt works, operated by Mr Jos Kidd, was in flames. The fire soon spread all through the wooden structure, and by the time the fire engine had oom- seemced work the derrick and sew -mill in connection with the establishment had also begun to blaze. The flames on this part of the works were anon extinguish- ed, bet not before great damage had been done. Meanwhile the larger building had been redooed to a men skeleton. A quantity of salt i° stook was destroy- ed. The loss is estimated at $7,000; the insurance is $3,000. Two Gore) Par.R*.-The best paper for your family or yourefriend's family is the admired Witness, which, while it is abreast with the news, is notable for its u nezeeptional family is and for its &ther os to the great principles white it has oonsisteotly advocated for gen- eration. it has been daring all that time the ueeompromising foe of melesi- astieisim, of the drink traffic, and all forms of oppression, mom which it musts proteotlos. It has devoted itself stash of late dean to the promotion of rveiproeity with the United States The anemias and answer depectinate of the Wieser have grown into an inetdt.- ties ie the sonny, and the paper is well knewn se an old Mead sad is- atrsNor el the terser, "Ladenb.sk" .lad 'B..tfaes" being .1111 .oemtaat eon- 1riMloes ' The ablates look far their myosin Merles and fen the peel. de- portment. The yearly mieriptbs to the Deng Wanes s is Bt 00 .ad to the W..3r framer $1 00, whisk should be addressed to the p.blhhma. Jeffs Damn' •8e.. T►. Nor 1ww Memelgsr Weed by the tame p.blieers. b uI sod Is NI et She blot at ineRy MOW as ter the row The L Iolse ieYa i esb 81 seals a Go.eetcn MOORL S&•WOOL Fan BALL! SINGING IN CHURCH. Cies.-A meeting of the young men in training at (todench Model School was bald on Tuesday, 17th inst., fur the par- pls. of organizing • foot boll club t..r the A Discourse on Sacred Music prevent term. The following officers! and Congregational Singing. were elected :-Preeident, Mr Downing; hon. presides', Mr R. Parke; secretary, Mr. 0. 11. Tom ; treasurer, Mr Me- Lughli. ; eommittes,-Mwn Hayes. Patterson, and McCloskey Arrange- ments were mad. for proounng the nee - emery equipments and practice will be- gin next week a... 31..Irbard.oe $peeps a tee 1 he item - wee - moguls that saioerd Miserly Kala. the seer -0e tippets Is limy a Bary is tissues. A "m, reltgiou• " as ut from The Churchwoman'• iOuild of St the gaaodiii.rs of the Nlightorth Street woMeth- Ginrge's Church is already making ela- borate cdut church on Sunday evening, owing preparations be held for the Harvest w the nun arrival of a supply of gaao- Festivel to be held on Sept. 25th and line. Huwe,er, spirited singing and • 26th. Service will 1. held is the church chatty discourse ou the matter of church ou Wednesday evening, and 'a Rainbow music more than made up for the Tea in the rink on Thursday. The de- shadowy aspect of tha long -galleried cnrstions of church and rink are under building. During the evening several the superintendence of Mesdames Mal- anthems were suing by the choir, and • c•mson and Armstrong, and Misses Nat- solj was besutifnity rendered by Mr tel and Barrett, and promise to corps-• Bedford Richardson. anything that has been hitherto attempt- Rev G. Richardson said he would not ed. Scree fabler of the onion of the preach • regular sermon, but would talk rainbow will las presided over as follows: fur • while 011 the question of songreaa- --Yellow-Mesdames Holmes, Holt and tumid singing. He first touched upon Lee. Orange -Misner Roos and Hamel- the old peau of • precentor, where one ton. Iced -Mn 0 H. Parsons Pink man, taking his key from • tuning fork, -MesdamesNeftel and Williams led the whole congregation. Almost Violet -Mn R B Smith. Blue -Mrs any one could "pitch • tune' in thaw F. Mattel and Misses Wielder and Davis days, and there was this •dtantage that Green -Mesdames Sager and losing. there could not be • quarrel in the Admission to rink and tea 2:, cts. A choir. But while it had ezoeUesoies, the good program lice been arranged by blies days of the precentor had paned away. Wynn.The speaker next described the quartette Dsor Ma eosoo RHYNAh.-Op method, where four paid singers sang Thursday, last week, Mr Geo. Rhyne*,gone nfor the whole congregation. This gave whither he had go the well-known dre for ed in Detroit, the benefit of the people a taste for the higher clan of sic, but did not aid congregational his health, which had 1... in a poor state simunjing. Ip fact it injured it. He for some time past. The cams off death favored something that led oat the as certified by the medical man in at people into sacred song. "Let the tendance was failure of the heart's ac- ),,,,,,if praise Thee." Congregational tion. The lady wee brought to (Sod. ranging was helped by an efficient choir rich on Saturday est, and the obsequies with organ accompaniment, and that, to took place on Sunday afternoon. fiat- the mind of the speaker, came nearest withstanding the heavy downpour of to the service of song in Heaven. Ali rain, the funeral was largely attended by the people can engage in this part of tbe private citizens and the members of the worship, inspired by a large choir and Foresters, with which society deceased the organ. The preacher here leaned had been tdsutified. The number of over the pulpit, and in • paternal taste - floral tributes was large, and the prevail ion said : 1Vi11 you bear with me while tog sentiment of all who witnessed Car I tell you that you don't half sing. took pert in the funeral tees one of sin- Some of you sing, but when you do sing oere sorrow for those in affliction. Geo you do not put enough heart foto It. Rhyne was well-known in Goderich. he ought to nearly raise the roof off He was brought op in the town, and this house. [Smiles.] I am not plead - learned the druggist's calling under the ing for • tnmesdoua racket, where every tuition of the late George Cattle, wk oat person has a key of bis own Car Ila key he succeeded in business. During the at all We hear enough of that -next years that he carried on business for door !" [Renewed smile.. J Mr Rich. himself he was successful in securing a srdsun then went on to say that he never good trade. Recently he had been ail- head such • volume of song u is Tel - wage's but hu friends had no idea that wage's church, and to further remark bis end was sot near. He was in his that too often there was • geed deal 34th year, sod leaves • wife and two tail- of halftones' and a good deal of dren, besides • number of Ether relatiyes laziness in our church services He •lac 43 mourn his loss spoke in admiring terms of the singing TTreoto ON rag INCIRAtR.-Reports of the congregation of the Agnes Street of outbreaks of typhoid fever at Cat- Methodist Church, Toronto, led by • ham, Oshawa and Penetanguishene have large choir of young and old. There recently been received by Dr Bryce, was nothing that would more secretary of the Provincial Board of thoroughly arouse those who were not Health. At the latter place fire deaths interested in religion than good singing, have occurred. Bad water is in all three and the preacher inetanoed the oonver- places said to be the cause. The supply aeon of a man through Mr Crossley'a of water is not abundant, and the wells singing who would not listen to a ser - are becoming more polluted yearly, cans .non even when in church. The time ing a gradual incites.. of the diners- ! would came when the Sunday evening Dr Bryce says that no ezc°& run be ( service would largely consult of • service 1 given for the continued use of well water of song. "Good oongregation•l singing in Penetaoguishene and Oshawa, as bots helps the preacher, for sometimes he is can be easily supplied with the purest out of tune Sometimes his liver is 1 lake water. In Chatham a disultory wrong [smiles) and sometimes there are move is being made to &cure • water cares oppressing his mind, and at such supply from a series of drive wells. a time there is nothing that will help the Goderich, happily, is free from this class preacher to preach tbe Gospel better of disease. Our waterworks system has than the kind of singing I am speaking given us an opportunity to escape so tar about In this time of our church, when as the quality of drinking water is con- our people have forgotten how to say cerned, as there u no taint of lase- 'Amen,' I hope they have not forgotten table matter in our excellent water. We kow, t o sing." Incidentally the preacher hops to hear of more houses putting in referred to dancing, which had been cannotibea. Pure water i. a boon that mentioned as sometimes mpanying cannot b. too highly prised „ sacred songs of praise. &nong other Mots Frtoncs< McCLRAN ox SYorati- theories regarding this sort of dance me Gornto." -The Young People's So- was one that it somewhat resembled the ciety of Christian Endeavor of North "jerks" of the time of Peter Cartwright, street Methodist church held a meeting when sionen were violently flung down an Thursday evening, Sept. 12th, when while laboring under religious axone - the following oflicen were sleeted : meet. Mr Richardson naively added President, Rev George Richardson ; that it would be • good thing nowadays Viola -president, Mr W. C. Pridbam ; it certain persons were flung down under Secretary, Miss Fano.. McClean ; .1s- religious excitement and had same of natant Secretary, Mir Mary Sharman ; the starch taken oat of them, and eon - Treasurer, Mies Downing ; Organist, tinting said : "I would not argue with Mims Isabel Sharman ; Chorister. W. C. those who do not believe in tho use of Pridham ; Assistant Chorister, W. Arm- omens or other i..truwets in public strong. During the evening • thought- worship. Ought we to use inetrame•tal ful and practical paper was read by Mies music of any kind in tie services known Femme McClean on "Systematic thy- as the public worship of Almighty God, ing." Amon* other things the essayist and if so to what exceed shoal we ern - said that giving was a personal duty. ploy it 1 We should use sverythiee Worship and giving bad been am.noi•ted wbieh is not in itself sinful to aid ss to together from the Meanie`. Having • mon eothusia.tio, a warmer, and • first the desire to give we Mould seek mon earnest and int.11igest*sereieo ;of bow to give. Giving when we telt like Almighty God. The go.Mtm is, will it was not systematic but spasmodic giv- instrumental mesic aid es is this matter? ing. A certain part of the income Dees the Bible help es in any way by . boold be set apart sad given to the the example give] to as there 1 1 think Lord. Systematicving ant pro- the Bible le full of thle question ie its portions** giving. meat erring of oee teachings with regard to the Church tenth was the Habl. rade. Peal had al- militant said also as regards the Cb.rob so said 11.1 thm ninnies Shedd glee as triu.pbsat, a•d as we Cross to the (pieit the Lord bed Ids, and he lard we will 1.d that as Mainmasts! e boald give SphmMis giv- mule Sas fres employed a earth eo it iagsol s rot♦ NM v u Les' enemies in - es will �er a Heaves"lesgtb to the vol.. from the very mint fie tlgsraise ti. of faith is Grid, sad We. •sad.- of vtsiioss iestr•w]ts sed in the ssrvion faith was one of the shied slta-si for of tie bi e4 Mss, as .amid in the Psalms the Divine Minis* to Sew and elsewhere, sed referring to Miriam's Syslemstie giving aloe .eesedlei sl mag of praise mid: "Wows mall to be is the m•eagsment sf .--.Li gain. sad ever waive is 11e tarries of Clod. ley thus the habil ,s 4 s .wishy Mee ee • leer asters them flea " Thus sae's daily boodsois— L taring lite Mr Ili.ha.ies grew remialeeee1, ad May1gl twmspt11i SU "Path d gore kb sf the soothing pew- Ufe" .m ea Causal*/ work es the esijort er of mans ewer bis tired ieda- mid d Thaw was • kir al-sadealamedsa. .d wiled whoa warm sent with lad wish the ennsyMsle at two se three half • dmrse soviets • lag. Bis of the wrmhese limo appeared 4. 1• a dies had slim i..1,.& him by their belt el eMhwis- el the noting. a ol. ed wog whoa M was thus woes out. "We do not plead," be went on to say, "tor the see of any instrument, no matter what it may be, t, de away with the human voioa in public worship. Mao never made • musical instrument equal to his own voice. There is • deep- ness, • vastness, and a thrill in the human voice when properly trained unequalled by the sound any instrument manufactured. 1u•trumental atomic, therefore, should not replan the human voice; it should aid it." Then the preach- er became prophetic: "One spsetal part of our employment in Heaven will be a service et song in connection with musi- cal accompaniment. The Revelator said, 'I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harp..' I fancy the harps there will be a good deal better than those we have here below. The faculty of music is largely lost in some sit us, but we shall have it again over yonder. 1 hope to have a harp, or what- ever it may be, and to play upon it there, for there instrumental music will be employed." Coming back again to the terrestrial,Mr Richardson said :"A good deal depends upon the spirit in which we s°gage in the service of song. If we engage in it with the thought of tat- ting nearer to Gui, He will aooept that .&vice. There are kinds of music which really aid in the worship of God. S'.me of the old masters have produced music such as must ot necessity lift man and women nearer to God." I. closing he advocated • congregational singing class in the basement during the winter once or twice • week. Prof. Birks, of London, had sycoes•fully conducted such • class. Other interesting things were said by Mr Richardson during the even- ing, bat the meat of the discourse is given above. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. A Word • two Abseil Kew PubIllageeae Mot limo Cow t. arid. I.rTYRLL'e uvii*o AOe. The numbers of The Liring .41e for September 7th and 14th oo]tain The Papacy : • Revelation and a Prophecy, Mr Wallace on Darwinism. by Gioso■ J. RooAxatl, F. it. S., and The Civil List and Grants Royal Family. CFrench in Germany, Century ; Giordana Bruno, Fertoigktly ; Some Few Thackeray.n•, National ; In Macedonia, William Cow- per,Ilippolytu• Veiled, and Orlando Brigman Hyman, Ma .Seism's ; Seen and Lost, Loorgmaie's ; In Praise of the Carnot•, Murray'.. ; The Papacy, Spec - Wive ; with instalments of "Sir Charles Delivers," "A Modern Novelist," and "Patience," and poetry. Fur fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large pages each (or more than 3.300 pages • year) the subscription price ($8) is low ; while for $10.50 the publishers offer to send any one of the American 84 monthlies or weeklies with Th.- Living .4ye fur a year, both postpaid. Litten and Co., Boston, are the publishers. The making of musical instruments and cabinet waren' booming. Uxbridge on Monday voted to grant a bonus of $8,000 to the cabinet and organ company for the establishment of • piano factory. Hz Ktseeo ME. -A High School girl being told the other day to parse the sentence "He kissed me," consented re- luctantly, because opposed to speaking of private affairs in public. 'He,' .he commenced with unnecessary emphasis and • fond lingering over the word that brought crimson to her cheeks, 'is • pro- noun, third person, singular number, masculine gender, a gentleman pretty well filed ; universally considered a good *etch. Kir is • verb, transitive - too much so ; regular -every evening ; iedioative mood--iodicatine affection ; first and second persons, plural number and governed by circumstances. Me - oh, everybody knows me, and down she went -Ex. The following circular wu read in all the Roman Catholic churches of Toronto Sunday: -'We are happy to announce to you that the Apostolic Brief, a int ing his Lordship Right Rev John Walsh, Bishop of Londe*, to the Metropolitan See of Toronto, was received in London o. Monday, the 9th inst. Let us thank God for having heard the prayers of the priests and faithful of the archdiocese by appointing • worthy successor to our late lamented archbishop. We hops g000 to be able to announce the precise date st which his Grace w111 take oflici•I posses- sion of this Arohlepi•copal See. Yours faithfully in Christ, F. P. Rooney and J. M Laurent, •dmi.istrat.rs.' HAxnet:rro iw.ran.r.-Mr Ju tic. Rosa, who presided at the Middlesex Assisi in London last weak, gave a very important decision in regard to the right of a p3lies offline to handcuff • prisoner. A man was arrested and takes beton • magistrate for f.tni.hing a Central Pri- em movie' with tobpeeo. The judge held thew wee nothing wrong with thio, bet 1. severely reprisad•d the d.tod- ive who .rade tie arrest for td.g the Modena. To !tendon, ea marled prim cast, tttaIs.e 1. resists arrest, is trepo.r. aesr'disg to the law, and 1e tbM ams the &Motive will have to pay the hon. said w 8100 emas aid the isms of the soil. Pe8s• aims wale do wol1 M dvakanl tide rales et mad oath and whoa feed "slinks a MAO o'1. They will be posisslevilill tba weer. - awes of their Away, hose He law Is very leas.s of the Help ee the wbjeM, .111 ant permit Wellies to be emm ed - ted 1• the ..me the law, as Jeep mage W ab4 raided owls i