The Huron Signal, 1889-9-13, Page 81 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1889. l.RENUSN SEARLE THE WINNER Tema ear cwaseiteseneadead. dlreel5 Iambs were .old by Ctauseillerr Ifteitor -h.ch ,u . .c br•aght 111b 60 sash, et be per lh , g,r, a 1y • (luderieh belabor Me and Mrs • 1' ak..r,nr 10.0 tatter eir w.... U, .. 1 .. M ,n. M •, haw., . tt, m to ,•i ..•. t t. tel. .Lief ,1. Luklater, n Gorr he•.ti--a•.:r o,lutu Mtlal•g is Dek••la Thre•his,, • 1. .. 1 1 •• ,, tie l•eat cod ..1 our ham a•' k . B ... rows steamer 1 H W. tan. ( D Iop, sot J .. It •, j ..1 t' ...sew ,:...1 et , budding the • tl - . tat. • ea• .. the tWeae4tn. Th•• r first 1•rmtrt..1 the eowge feresere gree UUNLOP Prom osr ewe cures potent. M.. Berme J 13• •r le it is 1 bit wort Visiting her c'u.,00, .he N'eerie r ».rust,•. of Hyde Park. time L.• -/field PassomAL -Mins M•v 4 Q•rr•le formerlya reside... here bat a .. 1 ft. Cite, fllroreside... . 1. veal.... h• r . r M • U Lawson A. Maom.11so, ..1 P rt A.•»•t. our burn • visit 1.•. week .net 1 ..k tern at hsrvteeme for a h.it d.. .h••.. lag alone aft* r a hl, d•r e.41 k ••poet lip to 1t with *en,z. , !teethes* .,t t' of .. threeste.•.la w. -n .It.e►Irei •,. ,he hamlet Akain we were treat,•d•napeenU.,( v. -I fret.. • Mvelll,Ig .tares of glosses. eh camped •.0 the usu.! ground .n Nights. gale-st. 11• its. trah. .k ,.a m.t 6,111..11 tail, as their c...np 1.. 4 u,n.) vivirota 1141 that purl. .e• A fee hays ..1 ,, wli.., ahoott.g r horse at the ..witty, ur •e'ack.lunh •t his hand badly batten by toe wayward stood Under the eharge of a new nurse added lately t.. the ranks o f our 614 o..murtt tee the injured hetes a progre-aene favorably. putout the past week throatier/ was the order ..f the day by the Burrows stea.00r: and ag•io Luusdowtee Non takes the deka sod Weeds Of 25 bushels per acre 1n fall wheat return., avid (eaves the l.'Insl fmre.ers as ter In the rear as in previous years. The Land seems to have a better method in the scrag, a ..f summer fallowing, which u•yslrry the Canal farmers don't yet understand •a Well as he does. N. B -Thu year lite Land measures his own erain,and doubt ing ones who understand laud Measure- ment can see the nine scree any day and find out that the Dunlop meas is right, as he always is. DUNGA N N l►N1. )Yum nrrewn corre.poadeet. units a large are of fall wheat is being sown its :his neighborhood. Duugsnton fall exhibition is to be held hei.,-on the 3rd ..1 l►ctober. On Wednesday .1 last week heavy rain fell north of Dungannon and this vicinity, but none here. gad. a number ..f oue citizens are away taking an the sights at Toronto .ud London, as also the Caledonian celebra- tion at Lacknow. Mrs Wm Wilson, to whom we referred in our lot as having under: nne an oper- ation, the awputati,a of her arm, is progressing very favorably. Mr J M Roberta returned (rem his tour in the Western Matra last week. His brother, whom he went to see, is very ill with paralysis. Rev .I.ustin Potter. pant ir- of the Methodist church here, is away east on a •utt to his mother sad other relatives. `Ne hope he will have a pleasant and en- joyable visit. Mr Jas. Nichol. who has been recruit- ing his health by visiting ha relators in the township .of Elute, Co. Perth, came home last week to visit his family. Ile is much improved in health. Ou Thursday last our popular towns- man and butcher. Mr ('has Robinson, who is in a poor state of health, lest hew cn a tour north to Sault lite Marie and other points on Lake Huron for the benefit of his health. We hope he will tmprwe in health and enj.'y his trip 'i'hc directors of the West Wawanosh Mutual hire Iosurance Company held a meeting on Tuesday, 10th inst.: all the members present excepting the treasu- rer. The company is still progressing. Mr Morrish, vice-president, gave in his re.oteet on, on account of leaving for 'Manitoba. Mr Banustyne was appoint- ed tico•prosident doting the renraunler of the year. Mr It. is a good man for the position, as he possesses ses any amount of energy. A "Ir Hotton, of Hensel!, passed through our hamlet last week with a hr PARTEI'. number of hones of a metering broncho sad blood, which he offered for sale. Mr D ilickle purchased one frogs hien, which on being delivered t". hien showed some of its native qualities iu the shape of wildness and difficulty t.. break it. However, Mr B. through kindness, good handling and training is gradu• ally making it more easy to handle. party . ate. Carapace. Port Arthur, 400 He fancies that ins short time it will bbl. ' salt. be trained enough to bitch to a vehicle. Thursday, Sept. Itth Schr. Todman, The annual Harvest Home, under the Georgian Bay. light; eche. Greyhound, *napless of tt.e Methodist congregation Fishing Wanes, supplies for 1,14 gob. here, was held in the grove on Mr Thos. i"R. Reports have been received from the fishing islands to the effect that the catch is very light there this year. The lumber docks are piled with frau quantities of lumber, and hundreds of thousands of feet are being lidded every week. 1M fi gnmene Mees Mee illesver in me larges •_mrsemeasl eresattlase. LuNtwa, ' pt 9. - W llliaw O.Ousoor's setae•, • to wir tb highest esaring boson kid toe world hes haled, sod as honest asll acral -rowed race resulted is es easy *more tut Searle The ousted was otseso.d soder the serf -favorable coe- dlt.tr•••. It was a b..ely 8.ptessber day itch trrlgbt laden..., and Mouldy draw- back/ was • moderate head wind. 1n. feeling the first thing this morn - toe , aper•sad the general feeliag that the raw 'would be'a very close thing. Leo ✓ ue•e t.. f Ytnry a hundred and bee to ..do handed was freely offered um Senna At P.t...y before the start O'Cunuor's Irl. d. caws with • rush. After evens clad b ors takes O'C..unor became the 1 •.••1.t. at 100 to 80 against Searle, and his rata the ruling yout•tiun for the Ilse le•, ur►..ute.. B••th wee appeared • few 'items" ,.tore the tune appointed, each nesse.% .ue a briny greeting. Searle woo •he ,... ...d chose the Surrey side. .Ute delay was eaperieaeed in starting. Tile nail% Whet, •mrd to go vow given, like the +1 _.•d Pao great hires the oars flashed .ad the men •ere away, O'Connor gain- •.. 1.11 a bent's length at the start. 1'h. ..t,•r was awuuth and the tide just • e1.11. For • hundred yards the nose 1,4 tiir•arle'a bet was only even with .he C.u.sdiesa's body. The • great roar ,r•..e frets, the crowd as thi Australian e s. seen t., be creeping 11owan up on the other ('Connor realized it and put forth his beat ref ata, t ut in vain. lu another hundred yards his young antag- outst wee even with him, cud then fur twice that (bowmen both strained every aerie. The pace was the most rap.o w et rowed, as was proved by the ear swwat•nee that the Australia, beat the ¢road to Hammersmith Bridge, half the distance, by four sec..uds, when he led I)'C-,nn,•r by a length thud a half. It was Searle's raee after that. The knuwine oars feared that the Cana - than had lost his nerve, when, as Searle began te draw away from hi.n at the end of the tint mi'e, he kept glancing wrote at hi• opponent, and when he mussed • sir .1st with his right ear and caught a cra • the spectators delightedly applauded Searle, who rowed steadily from start to finish without any indica- tion of ncrvoueneu From Hammer- smith Bridge the Australian continued 10 increase the dista.ce between the two boats, and 11'C.,nour could be seen v. be nearly spent. A great many of the spectators did not expect to as a him finish the racy. but he stuck to his oars pluckily, though his strokes were uneven and his strength momentarily failing. At the bridge at Barnes the Australian was six lengths in the lead, and O'Connor was go nearly pl.yed that before the line was crossed his opponent had increased the distance to 10 lengths. The opinion of professional and non pro- fessional spectators was that it was a !toed race fairly won. TBS TIns. The first mile was done in 4:53. Searle then rowing 32 strokes to O'Connor's 33 At Hammermith Bridge Searle's time was 8:38 and O'Ccmur'. 8:44, when the paco told on both, and ()Connor slack• 'nod down to 28 strokes t., the other's 30 Searle's time at the finish was 22 minutes 42 seconds, and O'Connor's 23 minutes 2 seconds. LEAVEN BV HALF A MINUTE. LoNi.e:N, Sept. 9 -Searle wins by ten lengths in 22:42 O'Connor half a min- ute behind Searle s measurement. are: -Height, 5 feet 10.1 inches ; cheat. 41i in. ; biceps, 134 in. ; forears.ZTia. ;thigh 22, in. calf, 16 in. He scales 11 el. 10 Ib.. ries with 7; in. height of set, 131 in. height of outrieger and 4 feet 81 in spread of rowlocks. He is 23 years of age, and a good-looking youth of the fair English type. HARBOR NOTES. .4RRIt51'. Saturday, Sept. 7144-Str. United Em- pire, Sarum, passengers and `retght schr..1. M Carter. Thessalon, 240,000 feet of lumber for N. Dyment. Tuesday, Sept. 10th--Schr. 6rafage, Johnston'. Harbor, 100,000 feet tt lumber for H. Secord ; ochre Todman, Them•lon, 130,000 feet of lumber for N. Lyman.. ►-edneaday, Sept. 11th-Str. ('am - pans, Sarnia, paesengeos and freight ; schr. Greyhound, Georgian Bay, fisher- men's supplies : pleasure yacht Willie Scedeal, Sarnia. Saturday, Sept. 7th -Behr. A. Ford, Rapena, light ; schr. J. it. Carter, The.ssion, light ; str. I'nited Em- pire, Duluth, 30 tuna of hay and 400 bbls. of salt. Wednesday, Sept. 11th- -Kchr I:ol- fag.. Johnston'. Harbor, light : yacht Willie Sdedeal, Tobermuesy, pleasure Anderson's property in Wed Wawaneish, a little north of I'ungannnn, on Friday, the Gth inst. Considering the very busy time (a 000siderable number of farmer not being quite through harvesting) there was a pretty good attendance. As meal, the Toeing ladies and gents did their share in pros iding eatables, which were in abstinence and of excellent quality, 1 - also et great variety; they deserve great Thera was *iso a mental supply of toad on the e•es•al.n, /he speaker. Ileo den. Richardson. of Gederich, agog F. Qiimpbell, of Holm'avUls, and r.uuetly of Dungannon. We ars told that Mr (7amphell delivered an pl- ainest spueh, which was highly appre- eissetl by all present; It was proeoonced to be the upset& of the evening. Finan- eiell as well as in every other respect, the Harvest Home ass a s.eemet, up- wards of Meaty dollars being taken apo The „remittee rM santffameol slid mh- ees who assisted in maims the altair a ....m deserve tol , Weherwwe all t� M dwred forma as oesaeion. Airs fair in love, bet limbos is osy "HELLO, BOY 1 what are rN es goad -natured about this mowing r Why. that el/ geggeguebe star wentbed affal~ Me obi.alae teal ed. aneat d 1 s4ep road last Mot. IN. u.o ls' 1 Md tike awnoder mita. it is the hist Wait 1 ever naw for eomtevt lain an nay life. JM try tyre 4 sad and wbare . ansa pillows h tiie hear, cleaned 1 been 1 will vow win art aim. Mister Jeam Is Mr RIsaws`s Welt. below Jobs MattMls betel. er arae a ensl once sad It wt11 he aa.wmet pe essally.' S. HALSTEAD, OF HALSTEAD BROS. S,-tt No.h American Life Aurance Compaq ! :11NOOR1'ORAT&D BY $PRCIAL ACT or DOMINION PARLIAMZNT.1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO,IONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Prdn Canadian Company 1'RESIDEKT--BON. A. MACKENZIE. M. P. tc-Prless Mi -IM- Cart. ViCi-PRt8IDKJ(Te PON. A. MOR JOHN 4 BI.AIYI MANAGING DIRECTOR WILLIAM McCABC, F.I. A.. tag. Tlio loamy Iona *11 Approval Fong of Pol e.os and looitios. RETURN PREMIUM PUN. This Polley GUAR ANTEI.S A RErU'It ti OP ALL PREMIUMS PAiD in addition to the fall fame of the Polley in the event of death during the Investment period. at a lower rate than any other Company. F. J. T. NAFTEE L tl� or .gees BINDING TWINE WI ARE !SHOWING t4AIIIPLXDor BINDING TWINE FOB THE COMING HARVEST PURE MANILLA, SILVER COMPOSITE, INDIAN JUTE. Which we are offering at a Special Price to Early Purchaser& Our Stock of General Hardware, as usual, is com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed, Plain, Twist, and Oiled Annealed Wire, as you like it. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. 1 FINE TAILORING ! GRAND DISPLAY OF Choice Fall Goods ! GENTLEMEN, --- I invite your close inspection of my new Fall Stock, which for excellence of quality and beauty of pattern is pronounced by critics to be the best yet seen in town. B. MacCORMAC. seeraspaff the Dena tate. ORA rXFUL-COIE7BRTiN G. The mortality among Consumptives Epp has been materially decreased of late years by the user ..f Ses,tt's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Phthisis, Bronchitis', Abscess of the Lungs, Pneumonia and Threat Affections are completely subju- gated by a timely use of this excellent pulm',iuc. Palatable as milk. Sold by all Druggists at 50c and e1. 4 N..T. Brown and son are in'.Vingham with their families, having come the larter part of last week from Moow,min, N. W. T., where they hare resided for the past live years. They do not give very glowing accounts of toe prospects in the west. If suitable property can be secured they intend t.. settle in Wing. ham and engage in market gardening, and conduct a hennery on a large scale.: THE NEW MEIIZE Teas! 11 earerly sought for. road with pleasure nr dis- appointment. is then hosed aside and for ten. But ladies who reed of Dr. Pierer'. ZY- torite Prwcripthm, read it again, for they MF cover In it something .e, prise -a rnee.weniter of joy to three suffering from functional derange - menu' or from Ivey of the painful disorders or weakness peculiar to their sez. Periodical pains. Internal Inflammation and uler•ratkin leue•rrhes and kind aulmnte readily yield to its wonderful curative and hslln. powers. It is cls• only medicine for **men, sold dnirgk/wa, ■nater a peed we from the manufacturer.• that It will sivatlafi faction in curry ewe, or money will Ire fa/- funded.This guarantee h.e teen printed on toe• tattle -wrappers, and faithfully ewrri tout for many Fears. $1.W si Ly druggists, or x bottke ter 56.W. S'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern 'be operalions of digestion and nutrition. and hy a careful application of the Ane properties of well -selected Cocoa. Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables w nth a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bilis. 1t is by the Judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grutusily built up until strong enough to resist ever) tendency to disea,e. hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to at- tack wherever there is a weak point. N'.• may escape noisy • fatal abaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and it properly nourished 1rawx."--C'iril Serrirr Gazette " Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers. labelled thus: JAMES EPI'$ & Co.. Homenopsthic Chem- ists. London, England. Hire SACHET PODERS! 8 DIFF'E'RENT ODORS. }'ALL MILLINE _.Y. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton Street. begs to announce that she has now in stock the latest style., in full Millinery, special- ly imported from the British markets for this season h trade, which comprise sorsa of the most handsome goods ever seen in this section, including Feathers. Flowers, Ribbons, Shakes, Trimmed Goods, etc. .A. CALL SOLICITS D. mss CAT =ROMP. 21-2mos. MILLINERY OPENING M A LVTNA - CREAM To the ladies of Ooderich and vicinity. POR TAN AND FRECKLES. FIR* 0 ST Z L LA �s ..ate been previously announced in throw columns I lure 1.1•.-I)iri-cbared ti.e stock of Miss Graham. to which I have added largely while all nrinig410.tr ueealasaaed In Order FOR CHAPPED HANDS. to make you fn:ly acquainted with my styles and goof. 1 • hi bold au (*euwg on the three Fair day. of n.'‘. sire:. -RUBIFOAM- FOR THP:TF x.8L - �T{JESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, r ftIMMEL S OATMEAL SEPTEM$ER, 17th., 18th., and 18th. F.OR THE TOIi.1:•r. RICKSICKER'S PERFUME, SEVEN DIFFERENT ODORS. PURE DRUGS AND FiNE GOODS. WS,.LCON' S Prescription I)rngSStore. ANTED ALESMEN to Gell choice Nursery Stock Aberal Pay cekly. N -ill pa) salary. bis a give something better to workers. N- xpericace needed. Write Falco. t nt vu. Nurseryman. Itoeh'ster, N. V. RESENT. 11 you become my ages nd set 111.0. will give of for copy of chi d. tut it out. 20-2 ms e 11IS TEAR'S MYRTLE DOCTOR ('opyrl ht, Istel by WO•Llrs non. wen. Alien. Uwe es MM D! . v• 00 8U81.111p PIERCE'S itLI shall be pleased to ..-s all who may can. a t ether wan'.ng to p•.r• have or net. ha 21-2m. MISS BOLAND, • --or to Mi -s ('rahaul. 11'••.t -,t SUIIER ens COIE AND WITH 1T .4 LARGE CONSIGNMENT -OF- Gent's Soitings for the Season .k T H. DUNLOP'S • PELLETS flood and I'Ll'O Oood material, Ane styles and !air prices is the motto. 2147- Next door to Montreal Rank rn»♦e aT:27;.r SMOKING TOBACCO r,. ,1aled as • Elver M11. W sleet, FINER THAN EVER. BEE cheapest, eeheset to take. Mee kTelles a lanae. Dore not get Pureeeta* Me fiieai• OABI,E AZ7Dii�8a3, .r., Wiliamndant . eta*. cruse� sr...rirall is 1 Pittbros., raalgewtlety m111wssa AttttreTss. ora and all dteranp.•mrna of the stomach sasndd - Lc lion. bowey. Put up In rice vW., h•rmetlsaty Vii sealed. Always lee.* and reliable. (''M(y Ia Beemeas each Ping and Package. iris elves rr an active cathartic. accordion Ifl'fty to Mae of dose. m cents, by dregr4ss. '\ ()TICE. McLEOD'S SYSTEM - RENOVATOR el ill be fond for swivel the following druggists W. O. GOODE, Albion Block JAS. WILSON, Preeeriptine ()rag Stere. GEO. RHYNAS, The Pharmacy. MR. FHAR. Hecto th. MR ROBHRTB, BERRY & DAYB h. 8.aeknew. MR CONGRAM, Leekaew. MR acacias, J- M. 'MoLEOD, PiMW IZTuR, iMf TOTE! OF HEALTH TOILET SOAP EXQUISITE FOR THE TOILET. Removes Freckles, Tan and Sanborn, makes the tikis Soft, White ,and Smooth. The roarvellowe healing properties of the Salta are ineorpoested i. this Soap, and used in eessestioa with TOTING-Fe HEALTH SALTS and RAL`II, eerie Rename, Salt Rheims and all diseases of Blood and Rids. Ask your De= ter Testim- Totem of Health Oo. LONDON, ONT. PITT BROS. & CO. 1 importers of Canadian Apples. eeneen V*MsebaN Landes. East. Consignments solicited and liberal advances made thereon. rat Lignon, &o FORNIALE Ry G. H. PARSONS ALBION PRAM. GODERiC/1• SOAR MINI IS DOME AT SICRAL The � ��s. dor sol kaa.r. May DILE t Irma:A Ce.,. pF' as -these .-1 bare geed tea- daaY .),were ate M aesvl aasse�Ylsns aam see alt hmaaussei neerdeiess sae Omni Mases sere aarrmat MSN dlime Way gligusintLamesra. ''res ■ ' M . JI MALL Frtr` *...g,w ,�1eetee.Ni.� vfa %lases �maWhe elder lT 1 Oal� ' le cans ma..sa yra,s. fuss a. w tit � • MALL'S SPASM Olga it •" encs sureavia: haw easel ' d. A -+i Errarsaisssau, m eraa4 logia •T •iiia 11111110111111911%~