HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-13, Page 7NG IP 'WI
E & CO'S,
,pone of all goods during
In consequence we pro -
lose out as far as possible
to would justify our pat -
;,other season.
''hole of our large stock
toren goods, t aahlneres
l ,r• ey dress silks (front
tt•t•n`t, chambray's, printed
awl .ilk, plain and fancy
ng embroideries, edgings,
ulrtlerwear in silk, wool,
, corsets, dress trimmings,
vowels, ttheetinnggs cottons,
t muslimt, ( u:It's, chenille
house furnishing goods,
[mitten' wraps, ulanthngt,
iletured and imported for
tiers, which will be filled
nteed. Sample:4 sent by
llrcthour & Co.,)
o1ehrted Teas
ore Handeo•re Volume
h every 3 lo..
'blip*. /'kAbout fee'
e Signal for
nce of 1889
ny address,,
5 cents.
acbizte Works,
ae.eMt-' Abseil weer...
Marr Mitnhma has left a thousand
dollars to Verse: Cvliege.
The Vmslis of Itwsltt-ttte'i (Comets Syl-
no bp*" to trend in Sweden. she
:set murk us the libesttu of a Swedish
The Moak , of Maoris is vie/
topublish eat e s of lief I.dtan jewr-
led.I.der the title tit "Ota Vteet's's'
lets in India.
Flfyt thousand women are reported as
bowleg voted at the .chuol slectluus just
held in Kansa Many women were
elected va the imbue! beards.
lir Herbert D Wesel who married tt.e
-soot and novelist, West', who
?helps, is himself a pint. the .eek
'hoer thoughtfulness and originality,
and is oumtug were sad mu,.e into 'tette'.
Mw Late Hubbard is an energetic
yc.uug Kansas woman, who ewes, edits
sod publishes the (ii: 'c, See. She also
manages • jab printing ethos, sod is said
to be leyiu ; the luuodatruu of a furtuue.
Miss Aum flordoo is parting a sew
song- mit for the Young Women's
Cbrtatien Tesperaoa Uuions. Her
arching Soars for Young Crusaders"
ave been sold to the extent of 12),(Y )
Mrs Elizabeth lliff Warren, wits of
Bishop Waren, of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, has given the trustees of
the t. uiveteity of Denver, C4,1100,-
000 for the endowment ut a School of
Mrs Newman, wife of Bishop New-
man, is 10 charge of a home just opened
at Round Lake, N.Y., fur returned mo-
m.m misutseenes. It is call 1 the
t)ri.ot, and is an annex W the home in
India, which *. called the Occident.
Mn Mary C Leavitt, the round -the -
world minionary of the W.C.T.1' , re-
ceived a wars welcome upon her arrival
is London. Mrs Loco, the sister id
John Bright, piesided at the reception
give. to Mrs Leavitt by the British Wo -
tae's T.tmperaoe Association.
Deborah Powers. the &color partner to
the bank of D Powers & Sora, Lana-
ingburg, N. Y., has just passed her' 99th
birthday. S:se u iii full Doaaassiuo of all
her faculties., and takes • lively interest
in current .tecta She has been actively
flits echoes .1 sAe Ills sibs
DIII. AleagsMtlee, r. *stress says,
were in the habit ..t seasidmng thew
address to the god Moloch. But the
sante of their le orientates sero proles
bly out more tujurtous as regards loss .1
popsMttua than the yearly sacrifice the
Cariadiai people offer uu tine slat of re-
stric tun.
Every Canadian con count within his
owe family circle. or withiu the circle ..f
bis trieuds, a minder of persons who
hare Kuno acnes the line wank the .a
ploys..Dt denied thew at home. The
Boot at Tote , , /. hes metal, publlah-
.d soot. u: t h- t•':'s issued by the
S•-te c r !t;...s•'I► MB,.
1•. ,i.'vo . • ., • , ta^,. The et'.
tin pupsia,.ut . .tsat Stets is 1,912,-
000, and of these 41 8t :) aro natives et
Nova Scotia, 41 l Jf► ..e French Cause
duns, and 18 U.) hat from atlas pert.
et Canada. That is, they Cseedian eon
meat In Iilss•ach.sette numbers ll I.OGJ,
or mon than the cuwlpned populatwts
of Ottawa, !,endue end Kingston, ur of
tlamiltoo, tit C•thrriuee, Chatham, Si.
Thomas and Lundie. Th. Tr."..✓' (pi
sneaks in high teres of the intelligence
and enterprise of the Nova Scotia im-
migrants, tud adds . "Under pre.ent
conditions it would appear that while
Nova 1'Cotis is a geed piece to 1,9 born
is, if one would get ahead in the world
it is a poor place tc live in, utiles* tate
is alresdy ahead The truth about the
asattar is that in !Cora Scotia, a in nth- All ages and conditions of people may
er portions of Canada, the people d•. nut uoi. National Pills without Injury sad
'tet a fair chance. It is Dot the fault of sith great b.urtit. 1w
Nature. She has endowed Nora Scotia
W iib far larger resources and with just
as gourd a climate as New England
Then is coal ui abundance, irra deposits
of unsurpassed richness, good fatting
land, a considerable quantity of lumber,
and the fittest seaboard and the Peat
prolific fisheries in the world. How is
it, then, that the population is fleeing
that fevered tegion ( The antorer is
that mar instinctively leaves the spot
w here productiuu is meet diecolt and
leant peefitible, for lands where the con-
ditions of production are more advents
emus to him. Why are the couditiens
of production in 'Nova Scotia, with her
g reat natural wea!tb and her •pleodid
natural facilities for turning it to ac-
caunt, less fevorsh!e them the conditions
existing in Si*asschusette 1 Srmpiv be-
Then w smorgh benison to this
Id, wither geantifaelariagany,�t .i-
oulariy ler Midden - Preatdeut Kiltot
Moral educators i. •Io.tsd in every
school where habits of Amhara* and
pu,,ctuality, huu.iMy, ustdwtry, sad -eon -
ire' sod trutbfulutosa are sainted upon;
sett, soon euf+•rced a• God's laws, thea.
.,sed the ut. seutanauI• a iD each teaab-
leg. Mrs !;roily A. Y.deid.
The ereuts which du to farm the char
atter soeutuulate ooustsot'y maul the
the rrid of life, d.terwiuuu by the chore
Nn. t mole at prat, eke the aocuwulst
tt. ; s v s , t 1' ,c,t el it t,tlii ou,
eugee...it.g it. . .t..Le and its velocity
tustd life is keit in the broad ueeau tf
Merutty---Albert Barnes.
The Inco to whom w buyh.aod infer
maauu came ID dreary tasks aluug
troth thrc.0 of puuisliweot, and who
With. ••v r !.d roto habits of tudep.ud-
atit inquiry, are not likely to be modems
in after years; while thuya to whom it
oats. in the Mtural fern's, at the proper
teases, and who re'uewber its facia as
not only intereetu,g to themselves., but
as the etrca uoua et • lung aeon of grati-
fy:leg sumeases, aro likely to a,uUntie
through life that self instruction com-
menced iia yuutn. -Herbert Speuer.
engaged in lesions for more than half • cause legislation males them so. What
century.i would be the use, for instauoe, of Leber
Frances Willard urges women to reed ' and capital undertaking to open new
the newspapers She says: "Women are I coal or ir..n mines, or to properly de vel-
a act of parurttirs on that ubject, a a op the fisheries/ There is no market
class ; aad I sin never more annoyed for 1 for the output, or, to speak more correct•
ly, the 3utput could net teach the only
available market, thst of New England,
without paying a tariff toll which would
valiant the relit: arid, even if it could
do eu, the Novs Scotia producer woad
not oe permitted to bring back the sr -
tick's be reoxived us exchange -that is,
in payment-withcss paying a toll on
small sews -the nickels, pennies and the Caradian aide waicb would also take
dunes, whsle the newspaper deals an dol- I the cream elf the profit. It the richest a
Lan and V's and X's : so it ender). The mons us had is pay a tet of 'l:r ur 30 per
mind more to reed the newspaper than cent on every bushel of stuff he scold, and
to geniis about the neighbor.." a tax •d about the same amount on every
-- pound of goede he obtained in return,
how long could he stand it ? This is
precisely the posits. n of the Novs Scotia
miner, fisherman, and farmer. Protest -
t hesitate to say that 1 believe It is the imaists tell us that when be dispeye. of
IOst remedy in existence for all summer his ptuduota in the American market
complaints, chanters, dysentery, ce•he, after peyote the i noted States duty, he
etc. Mkt, R. S. W11r1, Spnnrfield, can return home and buy Canadian -made
Ont. 2 goods without paying any duty. But,
in the tint place, it i• manifestly a great
The ingeniousness of women • prof- lois and inconvenience when s man has
ing • great aid to those who must be to buy and sell in two different markets;
self -supporters. The alacrity with which and, in the nest piece. when the Nova
they see an opening and make • business Scotian buys Weetem Canada manufact-
try "sect" than when the newsboy t•'es
trotticr through st fell speed. if he finds
the car columns chiefly women, never
dreaming that they want a paper. I
clutch hes sleeve with a ven, and bey
one of every variety be has, and .sic his
what he is thinking shout to Ione custom
in that way. Gossip is nothing bat
*INC \1111 S.
scapi , - h05
CHC.* .
Tb.reedhir Tried.
Having gives Dr Fowler's Estraet of
Wad Strawberry a thorough tial, I do
is, well, as quick as women. The
"eemsnors" of the city are good exam•
Oa- women of education who poet .ace•
skit women on marmot tomes, literary,
sod scientific, enabling Wein to
ttgla.stse intelligently. io Linden A
ii0.0b0e of women are serving as guides.
They are a wonderful Improvement tie
the usual parrot -like type. The gears'
governess is benostng so institution at
summer resorts. She taker the chil-
dren 3ff the parent.' hands by the hour,
and out colt' makes them happy and
gives the mothers rest, but earn. • good
salary by it, too. A clever young girl
with a camera picks up pointe here awl
there which the artists and illustrated
papers buy. An..ther clever girl da -
curers that 4. can become a caterer ;
perhaps .be makes only cake., perhaps
serves while meals, and thus earns a
livel,hood. Another who paints on
chins boys a kiln and fires her own and
her neighbors' wares. The seta total
e.f the women e.rniag comfortsole
Potties in thew Mid wart is Tory large. -
Price $22.Op.
TS &Irc.
Prices to
e same.
Meer a •adeC.m 47M1.
A slim young man is We height of
faabion was violently snsesiseg in $ street
, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
woes, deah boy, how d'ye aateh that
weadfsl rood." "Aw, deah fellah, left
y caw in the lower ball tother day,
in sucking the ivory handle, so
needful cold, it chilled me almost to
oath." if Charles had used Dr. Har•
'a Red Pine Oom his add would not
hie him very mileage, or sale at J
ilsoo's preseriatioo dr.Rators. tf
itme le town, go to
Bill Hayseed is the oldest jockey on
turf. His .speri.nees would till a
It. *rye the 1 'icai,lo Inter skean
ow doss it feel to tide at s record
r repeated he to a conation asked
"Well, if IOC know hew to ride
very ethdaraitne ; bet if yon don't
w bow it a anything hut pfeaeeur
you side with your head down, that
is to say. bent slightly so that the wind
does not beat right un your (see. you
neo breathe easily ; but von hold your
south wide open and 1rt the air beat
right in y»ur lace, then )uu will hens
great difficulty in breathing, and if the
roes i.. a hong oma yon .111 beeosae et
nil by the serf of the ride. if you
to see how it feel* to rn lhroegb
sir at burs. race .peed, just bane
head out of a redeem' earners .lu-
, turning poor fres toward the wey
tram is travelling. At the sstsr
imagine thatoro are sitting is a
Ie and leave to hold tort to hone
radede him ne 1.' victory, �(e.f fl•edblsi
ser Ms Irmo being roe dome sr it.
erwl .a►. it is so try test to MN
to a rens "
H.ADEB sad the N.weet
eT01-3E3IINTa deo. rhe ply
A0.18 In eteek for seat elf
it entitle one 1 .111 eider Os a
ran de N boot le taw 1
Powdstae w pew /Molt Y
or fretful. lam
urea he has to pay • heavier price than
would be required for similar wares in
New Eugised. Fur, even supposing the
Western ,'ands ,aanufaeturen could
manufacture as cheaply as the others. it
is obvtoua that the price to the Nova
Sootisn a segmented ! y railway charges
for a rery long haul, whereas ifhewere
allowed to deal et the New Eoghnd
ports to which he carries bis products,
the transportation charge homeward on
his own vessel. by the short water route,
w orld be comparatively Tight.
This is why Nova Scotia is compelled
to sacntice her children to Uncle Sam
And Outwits is forced through the self-
same (acuses to follow suit. We rave a
magnificent heritage, hat the greed of •
few and the hlindnew of the many stand
tr the way of its development, with the
result that to Canada belongs the at
preeminence of being the only young
c eontry io the amid which is being
steadily distued o1 Iwpulstioa.
In teaubiog infanta or eery young
people. the main air sbou:d be to give a
taste fur the lessons, always taking care
to secure the habit of accuracy in the
answering. Palos should ha taken nut
to foster too much of • spint of rivalry,
which venders ]eelousy and envy, lied
•try and in making self-confident buys
proud, and disc.•uragh.y the umtd sad
the gentle. These evils of an immoral
character will tory much counterect the
good derired frau the suearrneaa produc-
ed by premature competitions -Jamas
Rely ea This.
Dealt S111a,--I hate used Dr Fowler'.
Extract t.f Wild Strawberry for the last
three years, and can always rely upon It
as a speedy cure fur diarrhea and all
summer complaints. I wen recommend
it highly and I wish yon every success.
Mex W. FowLsa, 12 Osturd St.. To-
ronto. 2
The power to think for one's self has
trot tittle standing in the school, and we
do not mast enough upon the apprecia-
tion ut the worth of school work. To..
often we try to wheedle our cbildreu into
knowledge. We disguise the name
of 'uric, mask thought, and invent
schemes for nuking education easy and
pleasant. We give fanciful name, t'
hennche.. ••f study. v. '.e play with ob-
ject lesson* and illustrate ail thin;e. To
snake education sinning, am easy road
without toil, is to train up r race of men
and at ,men who will shun what is dis-
pleasing t , them. But then is no sub-
stitute for hard work in school if we are
to have a properly, trained people ; we
must teach the value of work and over
come the inarfference of ignorance. -
Is desired aad admired by alt. Among
We done. which may beet be dune to
eukaace persueal
beauty is the dally
un of Ayer's Hair
Vigor. Nu matter
what the color of
the hair, this prepa-
ration gives it a lus-
tre and pliancy that
add* greatly to its
chane. tILould the
hair haw thin, harsh,
dry, or turning gray,
Aj'er'a Hair Vigor
will restore the
color, bring our a
*e+ new growth, and
render the old soft and shiny. Fur
keeping the scalp clean, cool, and
healthy, there is no better preparation
to the mai ket.
" 1 am tree to coulees that a trial of
Ayer's Hair Vigor has convince.) cue
that h is a genuine article. Its use Inas
not only caused the hair ut my wife and
daughter to be
Abundant and Glossy
but it has given my rather stunted mus-
tache c. rea)wetable length and appear-
ance." - R. Britton, thtklard, thio.
•• My hair was coming out (without
any easistan.e torn my wife. either).
1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only
one bottle, and 1 now have AA fine a
head of hair art any one could wish tor."
-It. T. &lunetuu, Dickson, Teen.
"I bare used Ayer's Bair Vigor in my
family for a number of years. and re-
gard it as the Met hair preparation 1
know of. It keeps the tu•alp clean. the
hair soft and lively. and preserves the
original color. My wife has used it for
a long tiu•n with most satisfactory re-
sults "-Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D.,
Thomas Hill, Mo.
" M v hair was becoming harsh and dry,
but after using half a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor it grew black and glassy. I
cannot express the jos and gratitude I
feel." -Mabel C. Hartle. Delaran, 111.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
ildd by Druggists sad PertuserL
Water Se'i & l�cpair�
The undersigned is pr -eared
to undertal" the putting in of
Water Se: -vices in connection
with the Town System toDwell-
ings and other Buil .tis, Alto
To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac-
tories and Machiiteryof all kind.
Prlc"s reasonable. Elatisface
;.on Guar, steed.
Tema 1.1. milled sea Brie ea.are.
''Ike." said Farmer Kew of Kanasil to
the barrel utan, "you'd better how the
punkin- ,o Capital hill the tint thing in
the morning."
Hired man -'I was just thinkin' ov
cultivatin' the a rn a hale up Broadway
as kr as the t )perahous• &weer."
Farmer Kew 'Al•l right; y••o can bus
afterward. I I; put in thin forenoon )'is
main' the prairie dosis in the Board of
Trader us:e, au' in the afternoon we'll
tackle the wheat from Prospect avenue
t , College create...
A tsa•t As•wry Twrartts away t..
Customer -"Hua do you x11 sugar
this muru'•,;t, Mr Scalia
Grocer -"By the pound, sir, rune is
Cute°, '.r -••Well, as 1 want two
pounds this morning, I guts 1'11 ^n
across th • way to Mr C.unier'n."
Eay fever is a type of catarrh havirtg
peculiar. symptoms. I. is a•;erded 1 y an
inflamed ouoditioo o! .i s tiring mem-
branes of ,he nos ifs, tear -ducts and
thei.at, affec log the Innes. An acrid
muc,rs i.secre..il.ihe dtscbargsisaca.m•
panied with a buruing sensation. There
are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent I
attacks of headache, watery aid inftam- I
ed eyes. E!y'. C. env Balm is a reme-
dy that can be depended upon. bOcts.
at drugcists ; by mail, r.giet.red, OOcts
Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New
York. lv
It is always the fellows a girl doesn't
like that hurries to invite her to the par-
ty first.A
en Meier. ems nom root.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a fns to
good nature.
The bu,nan di_entive apparatus is one
of the most &implicates' and wonderful
thing* in existence. It is easily put out
N rest ■eu!•r. of order.
However old, obstinate or chronic (creasy food, tough fond, sloppy food,
your case may he Burdock Blood Bitten
Des cured so many seemingly incurable
cases that ti is well worth a trial in
yours. Cases of dyspepsia. scrofula,
liver complaint. eta, of twenty -have
year. stooling herr been cured by
B B. B. 2
bad eo ole r, mental worry, lato hours,
irresolsr habits, and many other tucnes
wb`ch wait. MO to tee, have made the
Am. :can people a nation of dyspeptics.
Bat Green'. August Flower has done
a wo tderful work in reforming this sad
bw'ue On and making the American
people so healthy that they can enjoy
i think not .,nly that morality can be heir meals and be happy.
taught in our public schools without sea
tsrisnism, but that it is already taught
there on a large scale, and commonly in
that spirit. The first essentials of mor-
ality--etelf-enntml, truthfulness, °bed-
in.oe. nneelflehness-ars no: serely eon•
stantly en)
.d for the sncces•fol working of any
sohonl. The eeoondary vines. of punc-
tuality, order, gentleness, are al•nessen-
tial, sad will he fs•und in every good
school. Modesty, peaty, chsatity of
word sed act, are strictly required of
every pupil. not merely in wheel, bet
about the school buildings Maoy pa- ware The remarkable success achieved
pits ohtain atm•st their whole training by now Balm ea
a pss Bore fur
in all these virtues from the influence of Catarrb sod Cold in the Wood baa ire
'the rchmuls, einoe they are not taught d..sd eni•rincipled parties to imitate it.
them at home and may nearer go to The pablie are eastintted not to he de
church. -Thomas Wentworth Hlg o' revived by Doneness imitating Nasal Balm
eon in name and appearance, hearing seeh
tosses ae Ness; Cream. Nasal Balsam,
Me. Atilt for Nasal Balm and do Dot
tabm imitation dealers may urge upon
you. For sale by all drtuwats ow seer
post paid on rerxipt of pries (MN)e and 11'
by sddresnog Felford,.L Cc , Brookville
int. tf
(lined, but have to be practise
Remember :-Nv, happinoes wit Moot
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health said happiness at the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy -fire cents. sow:v
A little boy whn was gpsnked said the
sensation wee thrilling to an extreme.
Daneerawa fe.wsevr.N..
Cocnterfsits are always dangerona,
targe so that they always closely tet -
TATS TMS oalnflraL 111 Arr1A*A!to•1 AND
RbewrMMf hoses
Require no description, singe, with rare
exeeptien, alt at some time have Pepe?.
Mimed their trichia. Rhenmatirm ia
not a guy uesr„ditett. (Wily the Toe
powerfully penetrating remedies roach
to its very foundation*. The most see -
model :refitment Known, and It is new
frey0Pstly resorted to by medic& men,
is the implication sif that now (arrow
remedy 1..r pais -Poison.' Nervilma
1t is wife to •say that suthtnq yet die-
menred Isar afforded .goal aatislacti.ra
to the suffering. A trial ase M wade It
a sash erne. es sample battler of Bervi•
Poo tan be bled sit 1.155 tltog slam etreass,keepiONSIII
19 ss, iliac.!* a 11� *Ma
Leve is the beoy'• dream. the young
. lot's 'ifs, Nd the odd men's- beak-
Groin and Seed Cleaner
• 1•511•••--1A INN town "Tis11tt
. T" to uta tlfll.Larslq Shebat four lin-
rhyme se •'Mttge1T, the resiarinhle
use lert� Itad 13.ti.
i• crnerallr •eknowledrevl in ire the heat Deee
chase made our Ihorougdly ch ening gra'• sad
seeds of all 1 i nds.
Separates all Noxious Seeds
and chess from grain atonerimming, wring
and cleaning all timothy seed at the mise
time oat of any kind of grain. It can be tilted
into any fanning mill without removing the
shoe, no mistier ho. old the mill is. and
makes It do as good wt .. nr hetter than the
most improved new mills known.
it allows n•i seed to be blown into the chaff
It Cleans Speedily.
t4Every cleaner warrant...* to work as repre-
sented or no sale. -113
in mdr•:ng by' mail give inside width of
show and name n.' maker of mill if convenient.
and if shoe has side shake or the old 'ashion-
ed hied shake.
A lanae quantity of
TU rti/r AM'rtrfMG. N 3.1 . !
.�. al est,. .-.I•
prop, uu- ,let to .0 i, orchil'.,
wlit. ,1N*Y[f of IO.a- owe to
a basil, trio, .ill tryoke
gYaaldatti t Was Uslf�t
the red . :It ba
le a. tb.
label ,.d send it in a lower
•tal/r.� hrr.e.t ..pueloe.
tett trial. kititee al 10.
teat ..as will snore the tilt,
Amy grocer or wnrekeepee
knows whore to stet.* . &Wiwi
fns by you. -Allo.;.
In view of the fact that a
large percentage of those
who avail themselves of
on hand men, "motored from .!!roma white
quartered p e.
,Orden by mall promptly attended
to. Shipped 10 ant* point.
G-oderioh, Ont.
By a it t• say Lail! .eadh.g a kyr gu i s ss
ajlas., W.Na, fflekardsaa i C.., realms!
ALE 84 roairm .
.LAGER (Bathed)
Ifs^i .re b,
e1 A LitION Iti.tN'IC. t3tllf III* ' i.
The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln
is now running full time and
any quantity of Fresh time,
can be obtained at the Kiln
at all times for lOc. a bushel.
Prvrortefr 11.
00derf^h. Mayr1. 1019. ?Mt
Lrauetliho tbuies.
Only Y.nlie Brats.. of Memory Tratelar.
Poor Seeks Lrar.ed la este readies.
e�n.dd wadert.e cured.
Byerss sd sensewla Omempeareem to
na -
Gera toinerv. ansa olistw.w se p►. R liam-
become permanent readers
of The Signal," we offer
the following inducement :
1 n
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1,..k i,,r Pira t'risu-+ ..t (...,Jim
11- All Show • in t'l," .
U+rr .o, l.•/Hies !ecce •:ritbn
to ray that it .urpe..t....: , yeast
era- used tee thvon.
It stakes the IiihMt, whitest.
yeah•'* Mead, r,.il., s,uu:.• iced
b,.rts hc,t pancake,.
11.44 r. to ,., tidy every tures a
C'an+,1w arc u.ing it.
"The SioaI"
TO isi OF JAN., 1890
-- -FOR
Call, or send as the above
amount at once, accompan-
ied by name and address,
and secure the full benefit
filigwok of this offer.
Tralnearclue seed Agan st °mimick ae o
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