HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-13, Page 3THE HURON( S1(:NAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1889 THE POET'S CORNER. Jap ■tier. .T Jaren wen Coen all N1 Jay *Bier dews at Martilui Cts. the Weir- destfeiler ye. When \.alone u a -talk lay other folks o apt to gait - i+laa t like that mouth e' h .'n wasn't made for Pell m' eis , Lit )a to entity 'eve down an' seiner in the ^ pelta He"' talk you down un Lar R: •r hell ta't vuu A * dews oa tan, rad proves the pore mea pays 'em all and them'. .bloat the facie! !Arli,twa, law er pal' ties. ter r aghtio'rr bast- ed - Jta' tough JN up a .1.4t a and hell pmt you 'bout 'em all. Ad tee eomtealeat feller lever tilted back • cheer ♦lad tuck a ebaw trrbacker kinder like he didn't t aeri s when the khan's sten tk lay, hr's so oomswa like and plain. They Mint no dude about old Jap, you bet you. nary `.min' They 'looted him to the council and 1: never Wowed Ids bead utake no A Terence what anyb,dy gild He didn't dress no f ter. nor rag out in fancy clothes: But his voice in count" mssptin'a a a' for to kw foes. He's fur the pore man ever'. um. ' and to the Met campaign He alr-nped old !lomat' county through tt.e sunshine and the run. A d held the Wanner upards i s om a trsilno n the dust. And cut louse un monopolies and ctisid and tua■'d and conic' He'd tell abate tummy oto ; ever' now and thea, you know. Tel. Manse It ! it wi better'o a jack-o'-lan- tern show! And Ed go fe-ler ylt, to -day. to hear old Jap anomie TI• 'u any high-toned orator 'at ever stomped a state ! try, that Mr. Jap Hiller, with' Ws kern. so •- mate fun. Haslet more 'mends than any cendidate'at ever tun. hoot matter what his views is, when he states the sante to leu Thal" a"its coincide with yout'u the game le two and two. You emit take issue with him- er at leas they haiot no sense In startin' in to down him, so you tetter not c•ummelce - The bat way's yes'tolisten. like ver bumble .errant does, Aad tea cone -ate Jap Hiller in the Lest man ever au,' if you could see your own scalp throagh an ordinary magnifying give, you would be amazed at the amount of dust, dand- ruff, and dead akin thereon accumulated. The beat and moat popular preparation for clamming the scalp is Ayer's Hair Vigor. The Art et [asoma. There is little If any doubt, says the J.. ..t, that cooking has been employed by moo in the preparation ..f food from the remotert size.. It is probable also ice t,�eliaurpirtcal ideas of what conduces to �e jj(�Mjjyrtt in diet early formed the basis of a zwillSonomtc. art not with 0t scone re latton to some physiological truth. It has been reserved for later times, tow. ever, sed for civilized man, to discover and formulate • regular method of din- ing. By a process "t natural selection, the work of elaborating this system has in a greet measure passed into the hands of our Frenca naigbboes, who have thus been able to develop an an character- istically their coo. Our simpler nation- al customs sdlatiug to the table have, in common with those of most other peo- ple., attracted lees attention, though it is not likely that they will ever disap- pear It is needless here, however, to discuss in detail each foal peculiarity. We ahoeid rather um at understanding those principles which underlie all right - 1y constituted systems, and give to each its value as an aid to wholesome nutri- tion. The time of eating is a platter id no: small consequence. This is to some • extent subject to individual convenience, but we may take it that as a general rule not lees than five hours should separate one meal from another. The short in- terval of rest usual after meals will com- mend itself as being in strict accordance with physiological necessity. The ;uan- tity and quality of food taken also re. quire careful attention, and these again must be regulated by reference to the work to be done by a given person. Some difference of opinion has always *Rioted as to the proper daily allowance of mat. We shall probably do justice to the digestive powers of moat persons, however, by advising that only one suh- staatial mal Ile taken daily. More than this would tend, it or.ntinced, to over. load the times. with digestive products, and lees would hardly suffice for full nutrition. rink, if alcoholic, should be sparingly taken or out used at all. Cookery has in these days been elabor- ated almost to excess. Variety and delicacy are can ied to an extreme, and we should probablygide rather than lose if plainness comned with are were apopted ss our rule of practice in such matters. ('se.rass fare. Constant oars is necessary ayainet an- ecpected attacks of summer complaints. o remedy is s.r well known er so me- al in this class o; diseases 5. Dr er's Extract of Wild Strawberry. it in the hone. as a safeguard. 2 You can't acquire an elastic tread merely by wear robber shoes. Mem tltemiseemate sun. Towed st Met, what the true pihlie his been looking for these many year, and that it a aiedieioe whieh akhoogh but lately introduced, itae made for f a reputation wooed to mese, the spine is Johnson's Tonle Bitten ish io eon'onctlen with Jehaaow's Liver Pi1L has ,mute wonderful cures pellets .r lm- blood eManbaogsu/ purified hellimewy► Mees! ' Ott , M o who Ay these eieefUe $ Mie taelii• For Mate ley Owed, is S. block. 0oderish. sob WM. (4I '4 A Lee. tllyrhtase. Disordered kdr.ys:Rive res to thee - matte u, dropsy, pain in the back and holo•. etc., besides many daigen.ue oom- plaiot, effecting the kidneys themselves, as Brithi. dopase, ove'n's, sec. Regu- late the kidneys w n h hurl, ck Wood Bitters, :he beat diuretic and kodaey rowdy ever devised. 2 fannies Esties/t,. We have int r. ad an amusing story of a nervous little man entering • oar with a parcel around which was • rubber strap. He begun snapping the strap to the great dleaumfort of all his neighbors, regard- less of the aanuysae. they clearly mani- fested The emu in the seat it. fount of him 1. ft the car. Theo he turned over the bact and put his feet on the seat oma kept ou snapping. Presently a big Ger- man un the other side gut up, walked over, poled the hale map in the rlts with his linger, and said . "Mamma's little baby shall have ■ plaything He .hall have • little rattle and a little doll." The passengers cheered and the snap ler got out of the car as quickly as he c. uid. This story re"niod. us of what we a. on the Boston and Albany Railway s'm. time since The car was full. Two fopp- ish men turned the beck of • seat ar," sat facing each other, occupying four sats. Two young ladies awe in. Tb. fellows laked at each other apt laugh- ed, intending to makethelathes take seat. beside them. The ladle., mortified and blushing, awed in the aisle In • tnumet.t • largo, stern-lockinz man, weighing ap pareotly two hundred pounds or mon- o was seated • hale way back en the other aide, strode across the car, seize., the foppish fellow facing hen by th. o.11ar, and sant him like a rocket to th. side of his companion. Then turning :he back of the front seat he bowed an• said : •'Ladies, there's a sat for yon." The cheering of this passengers was something worth going ten miles t•, hear, and the two men were, for the rent ..1 the trip, as quiet a couple as one would wish tome. -- Exchange. Siler Tears a ('\rile.. That is t" say, your lungs. Also an your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it is. A.,t only the larger air l.assag.a, but the thousands of little tubes and carittts leading fr-.w them. When these are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there your lungs ann, t half 4. there work. And what they do, they attic do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pr:eumonu, catarrh, consumption ,.r any of the family .of throat and neons and had and lune_ mistructtoua, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. that is take I:oachee's german Syrup, which any druBgist will sell you at 75 oents a bottle. Even if everythng else has failed you. you may depend moon this for certain. eow!v Courtship inn t a shit, at all -merely a two -master. A Free CIA Around each bottle of Dr Cho.. For )hond and Liver Cure is a medical guide and receip : Caaaniru Use. b.o..k containing useful information, over 200 receipts', and pronounced by doctors HAS HO SUPERIOR. and druggist* as worth ten times the ASK FOR IT. cwt of the medicine. Medicine and 3 Oweewa.pues Merely Cared. To Tea Kenya :-Pierre iaform yosr readers that 1 have a positive remedy 1 the abtay named disease. By its timely am th ods of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to word two bottles of my r. "nerdy free to any • f your readers who have o.u- *emptiuu, 11 they will mud we their Ex- press and P t I. address. Respectfully, Da. T. A. Suet r, • 37 longe Si., Tensaw, Oi,t. Some of the fanners on ths.16ih von., Grey, are using slings in taking in their grain. The ropes are laid to the bottom and one or two other places um fixe load as it is being built in the field. and two or throe minutes generally .uhioes in un doadiug in the beta as the aratu comas ,off clean in two or three tiers and is taken to almost any part of the mow quite easily. it works very well and is much ahead of the hay -fork, as it pan he used with all kinds of grain and hay. it save. much valuable time and hard labor. Purity of ingredients and accuracy , f compounding make Milburn's Aromatic Qui .iue Wine the critenon of a:cel- lonee. lm Mr Hall Rutledge, Goderieh township, l..s sold his trotting bores, Invoice, 10 John Martin, of (1 rderich, for a good figure. we es Tear Kneed. Don't allow a coin IT the head to slow lv and surely run int. Catarrh. when you can be cured for 25c. by wing 01 Chase'• Catarrh Cure. A few applies tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is tuaranteen to cure chronic catarrh Try '1 Only 25c and sure cure. Sold by oil 'lnutgots ly THEBEST 3AK!NG PONDER II.tlH I'S 6EIR!!E 3oog's Frio No Alum. Nothing lq; unties. ntlsltE! EY(IrI16ER EARTH&CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valvrv, Iron d. Lead P1p. Loom Pulley Oilers, Stsanr let Poem Fire Pumps, WWI Midi. Cream Depsraton, Dairy sad La,.,dty Utsns It. 5336 CRAIG STR:ET, MONTREAL. O.AVCA KILL& NIaevuFac TURERS OF FINE AIIRIAGE VARNISHES&dAM s 4 SILVER MEDALS AWARDED MONTREAL CHADWICK'S SPOOLL COTTON cook $1. Sold by all druggists The many friends cf Mr Williant Roes, B. A., a fonner student of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, will be pleased to learn that the Minister of Education has appointed him Dsmonetr_tor in Chemistry in University College, Toro - to. at a good salary. The p4 5111oo is a permanent one, and very desirable in many ways. It is not necessary to ay that Mr hoes u sure to be • success. Nu't Speer Nate. Run no risk in buying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, mule by Dr Chase. author of Chase's reeei(.ea. Try Chas's Liver Cure for all dioceses of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James Wilsco, druggist. Clinton V.-•.- E.•, : On Sunday last Mr W Lippingt.in went 001 into the oonntry, leaving some money in the home. When he returned be discovered that the money had been stolen. Sus. picion rested upon a certain individual, but when charged with the theft it was indignantly denied, and at was nut until the services of Conetable Tedford were called in that the party rally admitted their guilt. and restored the stolen pro- perty, which amounted to k considerable sum. On paying the expenses thus far incurred, the culprit was allowed to go unpunished. A wrrderfrl *rasa. The lamest organ, and one that plays a controlling part on the health of the hody is the liver. If torpid or inactive the whole system becomes dimmed. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed to cure. Reripo book and medicine $1. Sold by all druggists. Reaforth citizens were aroused by the alarm of fire being sounded on Monday last week. The fire wise discovered to be in an old frame building, south of the railway, near the station. Between the burning and tearing down b; the hook and ladder oompaay, the building was brought level with the ground. "They have a larger role in my dig triol," ays a well know. lroggiet, "than any other pill rte the market, and give the bed satisfaction for sick headache, bilonmenees, indigestion, Me., and when eombiaed with John.trm's Tonic Kitten, Jobu.toe's Tonic Liver Pills will per form what no other medicine has time before for suffering humanity." Pills M eebs per bottle. Bitters iO coots olid 11 per bottle. Bold by Goode DrMRs ARM' Meek, Ooderisb, Eesole LEATHROID STEEL -LINED TdifgflS In Sample. Ladies' stool all uihor+k.n i. 1 �1 t�iY SZ:iktt1 TRUNKS In tl•.s world. J. BYELEIGH I CO MONTREAL, tele ilfrs. fe1111 V01'uf1 HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. 11.armp name at.. meet tae meat reetrwl end elegantly furnished Hotels t, Vas City. A cesm.sedMMa fee 400 greats. ltaseeta v yOOD?tLf.t, _i to jot per day. a Manager pEnsts. DOMINION kit in ki MN, J. PALMERISON Whobesale Imp'trs of ORUCCISTS' SUNDRIES 1713101E DLE It., MONTREAL. SOAP. Lam Boku COMPANY. hIsaafsctuttrs of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Neap Paektitg. FRICTION POLLEY BOARD, Mei* Ai,A—r r. RECI(ITT'S BLUE a THE BEST TOR LAUNDRY US2L Best of All Clough medk'4 ... Ayer's Cherry Peo. *oral is la greener demand than ever. Ifo preparation for Thrust and Luag Truublss is so prompt to Its °Meds, sit agreeable to the t:sste, and so widely kaowa, as this. It the faintly sued. ciao in thousand, of households. I have •uffereil for years from • brout•ht*l tro lible that, whem.%er I take cold or am exposed to itacleruent weath- er, shows itself by a very annoying tickling sensation im the throat and by diMculty in breathing I have tried a great mussy remedies, but ooae dues so well as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whtck always gives prompt relief in retinue of my old co daint. - Ernest A. Heider, Inspector o 1'utdic loads, Parish Ter- re Benne. La. "1 renewer Ayer's ('berry Pectoral a Must important remedy For Home Use. I have tested its ear:alto ,tower, io my family, wally times during the past thirty year.. and have never known it to tail. 1t will rel:eve the most serious *Rection ot the throat and lungs, whether in children or wlult.." - Mrs. E. 0. Edgerly, Council 111uls, Iowa. "Twenty years ago I was troubled with a disease of the lungs. Minors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless. 1 then began to use Ayer's ('1n-rry Pectoral, and, before I had finished one boat.., found relief. I continued to take this medicine until a cure was egerte.l. I believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved Inv life."- Sawuel Griggs, Waukegan, I11. "Hut rears ago i contracted a severe cold, which nettled ou my hung, and sown developed all the alarming symp- toms of Consumption. I had a cough, night sweats, bleeding of the lung., pains in chest and sides, and was oto prmtrated as to be conflated to wy Bed moat of the time. After tryiug various pratcriptions, without Leoeft, my physician finally- determined ttu give me Ayer's Cherry 1'ee•toral. 1 task it. and the effect was magical. 1 seemed to rally from the Crest dopa of this medicine, and, after using only three bottl.•a, am an well end sound as ever." - lkaluey Johnson, Springfield, Ill. Ayer's Chem Pectoral murmurs IT Dr. J. C. Ayer e1< Co., Lowell, Mass. Nukt by all Druggists. Price *1; ala honks, S4. PUBLIC NOTICE. Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE at SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. 141 F, W. Holford, private secretary to Presi dent Harrison. hu. .uo i a cigarette Me firm for sending out th..• idiot,. of h s daughter, Jeannette, in cigarette pack $,,es. He ought to win the cane. plANOS oils? Tit& ommommosonamis 3 YEARS SYSTEM A rrltularh m.mrl:i:, •,'8111.^-t, or Lail yearly pay stent a aitt!tt art‘ 'ince on the ren - 1.1 rate. boys the in..trument. Any piano may be etioaWt ot:• c a magni- ficent. wort meat or l.'prigb.s, Slone.. and t;rands. tante-messed in wiahty and ,slue Mtr.iatere. Teacher.. Goternrcnr 1)}t1..er. and atone in receipt of regular in.-oner will and this a convenient mil advantageous mode for securing a tiro .• ass inrtrnment. When the 'wormiest Ia need for lraetlre, Dur :;oft Sopor Practice Pedal saves sear on the nerves. as we11 as preserves the tone or the Plano. Our Patent Font i•erini atiarhment for I'tanoe is invaluet.rc to nryanler.% an - dente, and teachers, .'viers on ai'piication. In*perti.on invited OCTAVOS KEVICOMBE & CO. tt-ar rooms -10; and lut..'1, ureb-"t.. Toron- to. Psi -lox -1.. the finest in its e' iIiptaente and appliances in the city, iH to M Bellwood. ave. 11 - MEM 0. BOOZE TOWN PROERTIES FOR &ALE. $100 AND UPWARDS I hare a large number of Houses and Luta and Va••an, Land, in the moat desirable parte o f the Town Fel MALE A111111411. Now is the time to secure property before the Hitt Rosh. The C. 1'. it. is curring afire and in a short time prices will have advanced beyond the reach of many. Call and see List and Prices before purchas- ing elsewhere. R. R.tDCLIFFE, Real Estate and Gentss' Inaorance Agent Oabr West ,St.. third door from Square. C. P. Ili Ticket and Telegraph (Mace, 14-11. ENVELOPES CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. • EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. a 8 0 2 6 HAVING RE - FU ItN!SHED eay shop in the latest Myler, put In Tares stew of themyr h cele- brated brated Itochester Tiiltiin'C h a i rs, and hiredBarber, we jo• are As s position to do Meyer W e r II than beret* fore. Lady's g f,,,lldren'. Haircutting made a specialty on all days lscej t Saturda y. a Itazors and 8oIssetw W1\2_ KNI - T,_ 2041 Kest Street. two doors east at P.O. O.46•60 PAPERS. Wrayglnl, N S.� OH$SLO S FLUIOBEEF 41HE GREAT TRE1t6TH 61 pFrfan FII T%000 Tilt stag WAPM PIS i 11111005 : RAG' POWERFUL INVISOAATOn 313=CI.E1.2.1 FOR SALE, PRICER LOW, CASH OR ON TIME. 1 General Putposct Horse. 2 One Horse Wagons, New. 1 Fairbanks Hay or Cattle Scale. 1 50 H. P. Engine and Boiler. 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Pulleys tt Belting, 200 Plows various Patterns. b0 Oorn $curers, $2.50 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Repot re of tall Kinds. Cosh plaid for Cast and Wrought Scrap Iron. Wnreroorns near Viotoria-et. Methodist Church. 07 4,14. E CTMBERB 1441 BVT' ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Eto.. Rte.. at THE 8IEfIIL MATING OFFICE. timehata as ret heft 111111 Reads. ',Ater Rest.. &n..11“.. printed at tttr Mike for r,ry tittle more than they pa for Ilii parer.ad 11 kNsg b hewena, (a.H ff see mimtwg sod est evices. PATENTS CAVEATS. TIAft( TARNS AN CSPFRISNT Obtained, and all Wainer. the U.S. Pfi•en OMooaticededtoatY RRATri E's. Oar *We le to the I . A Patent (N we can tea remote heel OR DRA ri'illvnrhat�We •M-- wei a ro�rr f'de wf VIZ 1 we a qCHA s VArr. res 1N 1.t TNI T. We rater, to the Poetnns.t r.the rw1t. •• M v., and to ofartala M the L b eni'ter Vas circular. adrir*. terms sad refer.ee.w to NNW clients in roar ewe State or comity. write to t A.111•W . OWSsite t 0Mceo iNtapw, D C WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. 0 0—' GEO. BARRY, the Furnitnre Man, is giving the hast of value in all linea of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and best beef -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock ami get a bargain. Md those ° r►Blfl]VM1bl11rse �u- N D E R MAKING-, Seed 1wo17Rt In'all itg branches, promptly aides iell tc n --o E3' EMBALMING FLUID aiwaya kept on tend. PICTURE FRAMING a epeeialty. ONO. BARRY,Haanilton-St., 00441111Mb. *