HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-13, Page 1ATE
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▪ Micis.istattat INC the wife ut Mr. Nor-
mals of a daughter.
BLADE- la 16miat,b. ea Ifrtatig. Seek IL
Meade abbe. yeiumest daughter
of Woe. False Mack. aged 13 years.
To Rent- • At Nicholson.
Fall - Miss Cameron.
Illelsery opening -Miss 'Soloed.
The • Caeadish Beak or Ceimemetste-IL M.
'4 alien. demi, pe. /akin' eons,
Ala' faith kr prerat
A GOOD PRESENT - The am** useful oritt
yes ma make is to wiV4* Wirt Pea. Ap•
Pa D. . sorest. Godench.
SMID WHEAT --Garfield and Surprise. fine
by au Burrows' the *oedemata. 11141t
The aaX (Atrial len Temperance Mos
Meet is She Temperance Hall et cry Tueeday
lia▪ ntliog at 3.
Ph=ratewart tout got the art duwu to
y is now one of the fine arts.
Inset panic at his studio, Hamilton-st. and
P. It A. Pridhosti are the people's tailors and
'etteityisod knows it. Titer have Premises not
in the cities, and the 'oxide the,
17.4.7"....ed cannot be excelled in America. Try
Oen Ms -
To Faitioxim –Tee sew steel mouldboard
relautotiumetured by us is gi ring good wits-
: it Trill pay you to colt at Hie foundry
and vomit's. for yourselves, before purchas-
ing, elsewhere. Itv slim sis Howe. 21-2t
Yee the latest novelties during 1 he fair
week. mid the purest druv aod flame tobac-
cos and cliMr. Ea go llbe rhavtliac). end roe
wog et the neatest assortment and best
When you come to our Great North-West-
ern Ex bltson next week do not fail to see
Geo. . Thomson s display of Pianos.
omens. Mewing Alarbines. etc. Kindly leave
year ardor. which will be thankfully received
aad promptly filled with the best and roost
durable instrumessts and machines in Ilse
market. Every machiae warranted to rears.
Leave your order with hir Thomsen (or as
emu coade by the Ooderich °Ivan row
Tag Tea or Wsn.–Oee of the mom excit-
ing events is the great athletic contest. of
meow years is Hie tug se war at t'aledimiaa
Ye see strong men strata every
Is an exciting scene. but
on picture training every ime else
to &aide. and be moved oci to first
at tianamtt,. pulls. tart your pictures
Re sure and teed the advertisement et
aud when you are is town attending the
Neetb-Weetern !Fair me their exhitut of the
g„& C. iiertiey Coy's Stoves Wings' aad
Femmes. for which they are the Solo
Aginnts. They carry the largeet hoe of beat -
lag and cooking litOr4.11 in town, at prices
with& defy compel it ion. No trouble to show
parikulareatioui ilia exhibit. The
A person will be in attendaace to .
clinanant house under the elm
w goods at .i. P. Laity's cheap store.
Great tighter of gooda—seihrig cif at coot,
N OW, eat of boldness. Great bargains in dry
11001111. eroehavT. glassware. tiewerr. coffee.
less tur, n orates. In order to mole the
agia lag to pen Ismer, I will for •
Mime give each purchaser of frt worth
& ticket or' prize o $50 so in Gold.
will be drawn at the clone of the
IRessiember the place. the sign of the
▪ mist. Crabb's Mock. Gaderleh.
Miss Edith. King, of Brantford, is
visiting in Goderich. —Brantford Repute
Rev Mr Brown, of Paris, will wed
the services at St. Georee's church ne
Miss Lizzie Stewart. is at present
spending her vacation at Oodench
Exeter Tunes.
Miss Lizzie Dickson, of Goderieh, is Miss Polley has returned from a trip! EXHIBITION P4OTES.
whining relatives in hicKillop. to Boston and other ponds:oast.
The Misses McGillicuddy have return- Mr James Hays has been seriously ill! Messrs Christie Brown & Co. of To-
' ' rorito.bave taken space for a line exhibit
lot their goods in the mMo buildina.
! New cattle stablee aro being built, es
swat of the cid stalls have been taken,
) and the horse stables are being rapidly
Semi AL PRIZE.— Mr Jobnathan Miller
offers special prizu for beet colts loon
his noted horse, Arasdia Wilkee, as fol -
All members of the press will be good
ipoonigh to report to the Secretary aud
receive complimentary hadgem
The Indicting for sheep and hoge has
been doubliri in accommodation.
The poultry building leas been fully
refitted with new coops, with wire fronts
atter the most approved modern plan.s,
bo that classiecation will be complete.
Everyone should procure a copy of the
pocket program. jiving particulars of the
interesting events ;er each day.
The boys who intend to enter their
dogs for the race on Tuesday evening
must do so as won as possible. No en-
trance charge 'will be made. Coale on,
then, boys, free for all. Some of the
animals are regularly in trainine and it
is trolly wonderful how quickly they
take to the spori. A geod tame may be
looked for.
Messrs James Siundera Son have
made aerate:entente to provide badges
commemorative of the Northwestern
Exhibition, to be worn hy oil who coupe
The cost is merely nioninal and the
bodges being best mementoes of 11u•
ron a Greatest Fair everybody will
want them.
The. prismatic display will not be
given at the exhibition by Mr Sallow.,
usher experiments he finds that he has
not the facilities at hand this year to
make the display effective.
Boyers of heavy and general purpose
horses will be on the grounds during the
fair. Mr Henry Bates and others from
Saginaw will he among the buyers, so
that all who have animals to dispose of
will find this an excellent opportunity.
Parties livisig in town eh., hare not
already made their entries will please do
so teday, and parties desiring space must
absolciely secure same before tomorrow
morning. Remember every entry made
after Monday evening will be charged
2d cents extra. This rela wilt be en-
forced to the letter.
School in the main building will be •
most interesting feature of that depart-
ment, and one that must attract the at-
tention of all interested in educational
matters Every parent should see it and
lock at the standing of our school com-
pared with others.
Children of all county schools are in-
cited to be present on the morning of
the 19th, when every department of the
exhibition will be open to them. All
children in proceesion will be charged
only five cents each. On the arrival of
trains children can form op together in
the street at the exhibitior main gate.
Town school children and all in the
vicinity who can be at the Central School
ou North -at at 9:30 a.m. will march in
procession to the ground.. Exchange* )
please make a note of this.
Some people are under the inapression
that in class 8, speeding in the ring, all
trots will be started from • stand The
judges are not the class of man who will
give the "go" excepting from a scorieg
start. Ne ooe need have any doubt up-
on this point. The farce enacted in the
ring in Toronto by trying tii start a race
front • stand should be sufficient to dis-
gust the most straight laced at the pros-
, pact of a "standing start... But the
' judges will not pat up with any jockey
work in scoring, and any one attempting
such will be promptly set back.
As we go to press we learn the C.P.R.
exhibit will take its old position as one
of the features of the Great Northwest-
ern Fair. tThe exhibit prornius to be
ahead of that of previous years. and in
itself is an attraotion worthy of a large
attendance. Come and see it.
est our w
tee visa to relatives dunng the past week or ten days. His
at in Toronto. Image, friends hope to see him arouud
Tbe Blyth Sfamlurd says that Mr and
Km Geo Olds, of Goderich, were visit-
ing friends in Blyth laot week .
Mr E. and Mies Burnham, at Hamil-
too, are •isitine at the residence of their
relatives, Mr and Mrs F. F. Lawreoce,
Mooniest st
Pawns wishing to improve their
ilimmegies or strengthen their power of
attention should *end to Prof. Loisette,
237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospect
tie post tree, as advertised in another
column. 10-tf
Miss Lizzie Shannon, funrerly of
tiodeelek (a daughter of the late Edward
Simemeca) is now pnvate secretary of the
Rev Hamilton A. Wygle, B.A., ac
companied by hie bride, left here u
Friday afternoon for Leamington, Esse
connty, where he will engage in h
ministerial work. His fatter supplied
fur him in his abseuce.
Dr M Nicholson, the West-st dentist
makes the preservation of the nature
teeth • specialty. Gas administered from
9 a. m. for the painless extraction o
Rev T. M. Campbell, • former residen
of Goderich. preached in North wee
Methodist church oo Sunday morello
and evening, to large and appreciativ
audiences. Mr Campbell, who is
warm favorite in Gederich, is now sta
honed at St. blarys.
Mummer ltratirteci. —Min Boland
wishes tn announce that she has bought
out the millinery stock of Miss Graham
to which she has added largely. She
will hold an opening on Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday of next week, the
fair days. See advertisement.
The Clinton _Vora Reeord slots : &I
and Mrs Edward McLean, of Goderich
township, parents of the McLean Brut
so well known in the cattle trade, were
en town Friday. It is not often we see
them in Clinton. The old lady looked
hearty. but the old gentleman m not the
robust man we remember hirn 30 years
We have received a consignment of fine
petters and envelopes, comprising all the
latest styles aod sizes. this week, which
far eicels former purchases, both in
quality and quantity; also the finest
ladies. arid guts. calling cards. Call
aod see samples and prices at THE Se:-
! Mr and Mrs N Weston left Tuesda
morning last for • two weeks' trip t
Brantford, Hamilton and Toronto.
We learn that Mr. A. H.N. Jenkins
ot the late Brussels Budget, has accepted
• position on the editorial staff of the
Brantford Daily Telegram.
Victoria Street Methodist Church had •
successful "tipoti meeting" on Moeda,
eVening. Rev. Mr. Hutton presided.
Music. readings snd rental , with
• short address from • Toronto visit at,
wade up •n erijoyable program.
Monday contains the following reference
to • Goderich merchant in its Kingston
correspondence : "On Thursday evening
a happy event occurred at the residuum
of R Priucess street, where his
daughter Marion was united in marriage
to S. J Reid, Goderich. Rev J. Hines
pedonned the ceremony.- We welcome
Mrs Reid to the West.
AN IMPORTANT Imintottuzer. —The
is new Soft romp and Practice Pedal attach-
ment to a Newcombe Upright Piano
series the nerves of the listener or per-
. former, when practising, as well as the
instrument from wear, and preserves the
tone. tf.
1 Mr W. R. Robertson. Goderich,
drove down to Clinton Wednesday of
but week. intending to go to the funeral
t of his old friend Win hicMillati, of Tuck•
ersmith, but found on arriving here that
a deceased had been buried the previous
a day. Both Mr McMillan and hfr
Roberteon were, we believe, Nova Scotia
school mates with Rev Prof. Grant. now
of Kingston.—Clinton New.- Record.
y win shortly.
u! Mr and Mrs T. McGillicuddy and
I children of Toronto, are sojourning with
relatives here. They think Goderich
, Las gone ahead with a rush during the
peat year or two,
ilitilig-Tts sod
ever din
arab Falls,1•1„,
o d
L as .1 Ci.sittsu- I
net le. of 7,or Ken-
CTITIP no my met.
enling from hale-
fri4nnwn41111 as IM
offretOr. Mistiest
Elton. snot
▪ slumps. lc
anima for dig. sit
Yoa. teal ho
I,* es pries by sbo
SERVONti ON "Heat -rt."— Rev Mr
Hutton, of N ictorta street
church, has been preaching a series of
sermons on the future lite. lies dis-
course on Sunday evenine was a thimaght-
fel and *eh ilarly one. The last of the
series will be delivered on Sunday even-
ing next. when the theme wdl be "After
Death, %hat r Mr Dutton will have
somethiee to say that will arouse thought
n this great subject.
Wtsoe Rai' Ert. --The track was very
eavy et Winghain Thursday for the
races, and it waa showery all the fore-
noon, but there was a fairly leirge atten-
dance considering the weather. The
races resulted se follows: -2.50 trot—
Baldwin, owned by Wm. Murray, God-
erich, 1st; Bay Tom, owned by Wm.
Duneeith, St. Mary's, 2nd; Happy Luc',
owned by J. Nixon, Bleevale, 3rd.
Time, 2:35. lwo-forty trot—Prince
Frederick, owned by Kidd Bros., Lis-
towel, 1st ; Tuns Burke, cwned by J.
Beettorn, Clintoo, 2nd. Time, 2:360.
The Wen news from the cereal ;Northwest- o
ern Itihibition. to be held in Goderich next
week. la that w Acheson. the old establish-
ed harness maker. is going to mate b
inanitnoth display of fur overcoat'. owes
robes. horse blankets. trunks. ranee.. travel-
ing hen. Wiliest aad gentlemen. sandies.
which he is militia at the nem prices fer
cash. I invite ail to Mimeo my et the
Exhibition and also to call at MY OE
Hamiltonsit. and get prices before
etsebere. Remember the old CCM&
moth Harness Depot. WM. AcH1113031. Mode-
Mrs Edwards, of Toronto, was in town
this nowt.
Mies IllcMicking returned last week
from Toronto.
Miss Annie Le Tousel is visiting
fries& in Blyth. a
Ms Joseph Loran was visiting friends a
ia Stratford last week.
Mrs Derrickson, of &went, is the
gamin ef Mn Geo. Black.
Mr N. Dyesent, of Kincardine, was in
town for a few days last week.
Mrs Mann has returned from a visit
to her daughters at Point Pelee.
Mr and Mrs Lloyd left on Friday on
a raft to relatives in the Eastern town -
Kim Fannie H Mchison returned
home on Friday atter • long visit to
Mr J. Etamerton, of Stratford, spent
few days ofthe past week at the old
A. HAPPY 111 Itlii/Ni; --The Memphis
Tenn.) Lobo, says: "A quiet
nd unostentatious wedding took plus
t St. Peter's Church last evening, when
fr Arthur Situ lead the charming Miss
Mary Shannon to hymen.. altar. The
Rev Father Moran was the officiating
clergyman and the wedding ceremony
was perforated promptly at 7 30 o'clock.
Only the immediate relations of the
bride and groom were presenR The
bride is nee id the mom charming young
women of the Blue City, and is the eld-
est daughter of the late lward Shan -
son, of Goderich, Canada. The groom
is well known in social aud lousiness cir-
slam as a thorough -going young man, in
every way worthy of his charming sad
estimable bride. The Ledmr wishes
them bon voyage in their journey
tirough life."
ing was unavoidably omitted Is our last
met and social on Thursday, Awned
29tb, was a deeded stecems, and Mr and
Mrs Stewart did all that weld be does
to make it pleased and euioyable to
those that were prams! Two Implants
were *rooted on the groand, set with ta-
bles and illuminated ; and when part of
the programa had been OTIS the aodi-
ones retired to the tame aad was served
with lee cream and asks Dr Ore kind-
ly aided es Ashman for the int part,
eng Rey R. Headerson the latter part.
The following an those who gave the
weal and lastrumental part of the pro-
=84—Mrs Jervis, Mies Ube
Kiss klmeles, Miss limmillalee
Kies Steel Ifefeel, Kr Semi, Mr Ifeeng,
sop, "I Mai be Ileablied."
v "r11
FINE 000Dig.
T. M. Campbell, who arrived in
Friday, was tbe guest of Mr
Dr' McDonagh will be in Ooderieh for
Motion on the first Saturday of
Mr Davi▪ d Fisher left town on Friday
the States. Mr Fisher will be absent
Kr Jeanne Campbell, of Sealorth, wee
pest of Mr ,egor McLean for a
days the past week.
Iiies Wee Mask, who was ?lofting at
retersed ia time to be proses* at
* Ws death end Interseesit.
Moms Mask sad Bailie, of Dumps -
wen at the Wannest of
the late Massie Bleak.
Gem. Rishardess, el North -et
elearele. eapplied tee Roy T.
11. Sissy's IOU Saadesp.
A. Timm radar el 111.
ing the week a quartette of Lrindoe
alder neo were in town, viz : Wm Wyatt,
Wm Jones, George Campbell and Joshua
Garrett ("My Bey Josh." These were
a jelly set, and came loaded with yarns,
rerobable and otherwise. Mr George
Riddell, slater, and alderman Wyatt,
w ho also has a contract on the new post -
office, piloted the others around. They
like the town, and were in raptures over
the beauties of the Point Farm.
an illness of several months one of the
best known and most respected residents
of Huron died at hie home in the town-
ship of Hullett, io the person of Mr
Humphrey Snell. The leceased was for
many years a prominent figure in agri-
cultural matters. In the sheep and
cattle industry he was one of the pio-
neer introducers of thoroughbreds into
the oounty. He was for several years
reeve and councillor of his township.
maa with very many friends. He leaves
a gmwn up family. The funeral took
place to Chinon cetnetery on Sunday
and was largely attended.
The Sault Ste Marie (Mich ; Now. says :
"Instead of a branch of V. R. Conway's
Portage avenue drug store being estab-
lished in the Gmoe bloek, a sew and in-
dependent pharmacy will be npened in
the smith store of the block by Fred R.
Price & Co. Mr Price graduated at the
Ontario College of Pharmacy with high
honors, and has passed the exarronatiou
of the Michigan state board of pharmae
cy. He has been connected with T. R.
Conway's drug store in the capacity of
prescription clerk for a year and in that
time has made enemy friends, both among
the physicians and public. Mr Price is
a careful compounder c.1 medicine and
will run a model pharmacy." Mr Price
is son Of our townsman, Mr Rees Price.
Judging felon the large turnout, as well
as from the excellence of the program
tied, the complimentary concert to
Vu7seljennie Cooke, on Fridsy evening
lest, was one of the most euccessful en-
tertainments of the season. The Grand
Opera House was well filled with an au-
dience which listened with appreciation
to the array of talent gathered together
by Mr Reynilds and his aasistanta, who
deserve great credit tor their effort&
Mrs Moorehouse, whose simplicity of
mallow and excellence of voice have al-
wa made her • favorite with Goderieh
a image, lost non. of her musical
tir on this occasion, and Mr ford
Rechardson also drew well-deserved ap-
plause,from his hearers. The renditiooe
of Mies Radcliffe and Miss Chilton were
well received, a 'tone solo being 'kill -
fully useuted by the former. Mr Rey -
w eld's singing was, of emorse,enjoyed
Insanely by the audition. "The Gipsy
Otisutess,' by Mrs Moorabouse and lir
RePolda, receiving a large quota of ap-
plause. Mrs Oook, who appeared fur
the first time in Ooderita, has a okay,
well-controlled voice, and made • good
impression. The effect of Mr Andereoa's
e legise was somewhat marred by
nervousness, bat for whisk his audosItt-
e d manitiel abilities would have hews
duly reeogaled. The premium was
fartiser well eaetained by Belabor,
Miss Graham. Mies Rises, Mr Young
awl lir & the lather, al-
though be had set bees simeaseeed
!=, assiethre is the rendering of
hs." Kim °poke meted as meow
vs.:e pleased be hems that the met re -
her meal *anise masser.
promoters of the sessert had Mee planate
el reek* Klee Oselre the resdpleat el a
headmen mma es the meek se the must -
door from square, has returned from
Toronto, having purchased Quo of the
finest fall stocks of millinery to be sees
in Giederich. A call wheeled. 21-2t
Mr G. K. Parkes, for some time pest
teller in the Bank of Commerce,has been
promoted to Dundee, and has been suc-
ceeded by Mr John Kay, of thie town.
Mr Hamilton, another of the staff, hu
gone to Seaforeh, and hie deek is oceu-
pied by Mr Gerald Jarvis, of Summer -
XSome weeks ago we sent out s
number of accounts to subscrib-
ers in ammo Several persons
owing us were kind enough to
respeiod at once, and we return
our thanks to them. A nuru•
ber have not yet been heard
from, and this week we send
out duplicate accounts to many
who have failed to respond.
We will continue to send out
accouom to all in arrear until
our books are straieht. Eren
if you don't get an acceunt this
week, look at your label. and if
you are in arrear be good
conoagh to pay at once. The
item is only a small one to you,
but the aggregate to us footil
X"P several thousand dollars. X
LooT A .N For-vb. --The other day Mr
well known cattle dealer, was consider-
ably alarmed oa realezing that be had
lost • pocket look containing $700.
Where it was lost he did not know, but
he was greatly relieved when his wife,
who had fouled it in a pasture field, re-
turned it to him,—New Era.
that the Trinity Historical Society, of
Dallas, Texas, have conferred the honor
on Miss C. H. Mountcastle, of Clinton,
oi unanimously electing her as a mem-
ber of the Society. Miss Mountcastle
many friends hereabouts will be Weesed
to hear of this mark of distinction.which
displays true appreciation of merit.
THE Nrif Fail-intr. --Work gaes on
apace at the new factory site. The
fichri, of the foundry a being rapidly re-
moved, and already the excavation for
the foundation is under way. The New
Year will see a commodious and com-
fortable factory standing where there is
now nothing but • pile of dirt and soon
after the hum of industry will be heard.
And so the town goes booming along.
THE BARE —Some of the modest
wort -house officials are proposing a r*
the 'old for the handsome mule iron fig-
ure in the fountain at the north-east cor-
ner of the court -house park. A consulta-
tion between the County Crown Attorney
and the Mayor is daily expected on this
east has proposed to attire the little
brown figure In kilts durino fair time
lest rural sight -seers should be shacked.
Toronto visitors acc t
Hilts attractiods, boldly admire the
little fellow, mem skirts.
Caledonian games at Locknow this year
were not so largely attended as on for-
mer nccasions. The day was all that
could he desired. and a tine field of sport
and • good platferm of daneers were
'presented. The Berlin braes band dim.
coursed excellent music at intervals dery
nor the day. The fathering of the class
Macdenald and Mackenzie was • big
muster, the laurels being carried off by
!the former, of whom there went mew 60
in the ranks. The tug of war betweesi a
picked team from the township of Zorn,
Oxford Co, and another team from the
united eounties of Huron and Bruce.was
the feature of the day, and was the beet
contested *vent of the kind ever held in
Locknow. It was won by this Zona
team in two straight polls, time &19
and 4.48 ann. The management ot the
H amad and officers of the Caledonian So-
ciety acted in their usual courteous man-
n er durieg the mine proceedinits.
• : An individual signal* himself
Silas Burnham, registered at one of or r
hotels on Thursday of last week. and
proceeded to make himself familiar with
several townspeople. He palmed him-
self off as a dealer in and owner of im-
ported horseflesh, and had equine re-
cords down fine. On Teesday a wallet
enotainino $24 was stolen from a turne-
ries sod sespicioa pointed to mother
person who had loft the town shortly
after tie theft had bows eansaitted, nu -
til last week's eons of tbri Galeria grit -
of his career in Godesish, Part Hoye and
oilier pleats A eameh warms* wee pre-
miered convivial Wait by Osestahle
and Bonham was eeerebed, bat al-
though haat bills wen bond on
his perms, whim& serreepseedel
*ion PA sot remote irkbet$ pre -
plies te keep Ma ewer Ira eneedbotine.
Sar trade Ilan'e PerrlIery by et=
The Came wet Para:tel.
The following was sent la too late for
insertion last week:
re the Editor of Tim Sufism.
In referring to the Equal Rights mane
ment last week you ask the followinz
which is no doubt expected to prove is
"It Premier arsenway abolishes Cath•
olic separate schools in Manitoba, and
Premier Mercier retaliates by abolishing
Protestant separate whools in Quebec,
and all the Freoch schools in Ontario
are suppressed, and all the English
schools in Qaebec ars closed by Provin-
cial legislation, will our Elea' Rights
friends he setisfied *vim then I
Now, I ain't speak for others, but for
myself I nay at once that If Prettier Mer-
cier in abolishing Protestant separate
sehoole in Quebec will at the seise time
se t he public schools strictly ondencon-
n o doubt, will he the great majority of
Prolestents. As to abolishing the Emo
lieh schools that is another matter. The
leartaini lute its plus and its
rights is that Proviso* by ethos of sou -
quest, sad will matinee to here eltal/
114 tha British lier float% over the
of (limbos. I fail to see that the Freon&
have any elitist to have their
ton an equal f,poting with
it the other ProeiMINBIL
SWAT. RafillTa.
Kim !Cameron 1.1.• /mew enod out
bee large fall mallow, eMeh, seems
irbiele en be Need a large ameigam
Frain Wedneeday's Globe.
lu the Main Building, just at the west-
ern entrance, on tee ground dour, and
among the pianos and organ stands, is
that of the Goderich Ormao mid Ferni-
tore Joint Stuck Company (limited )
This Company, which is composed ot
some ui the leading men tiuron
County, as well as in the town of Goder-
ich, wits organized only a few months ago
with a new to mannfacture a teeter class
of organ and special lines of high clue
furniture. The Company has secured
many new designs in organ manufacture,
one particularly unclog others being •
new patent pedal action, designed by Mr
Blackstone, who is in c.harge of the
stand en the Exhibition, and is prepared
to give satisfactory explanations all
who may &Mc fir such. These improve-
ments have been introduced on the Cab-
inet Reed organs and give universal
satisfaction. Professional organists who
have tried the pattern orgaos now on
view claim for them the following :---
Mouse-proof, easier motion, greater coil:e-
mend AU creecend.m. and diminuendos,
more graceful for ladies and within the
reach of children. By means of this new
pedal the knee swell IS done away with
altogether and in its place • small lever
is attached in • grooved space in the ped-
al, producing the grand organ action
with pleasiog effect. Among the other
many advantages of this pedal is that,
being hinged in top of pedal opening, it
gives the heei a short, natural mction
and opens the pumpers to their full ex-
tent. There are four different designs.
of the organs to be insnufactured by this
new, enterprising firm, in their stand in
the hIain Hall, where those who are at
all interested in organ improvements can
inspect them; there is the piano -shaped
organ, in romoromi case, and the high -
back instrument, in walnut, the tone of
both, being peculiarly melodious. It is
with the intention of introducing the
Company,and not to sell the instruments
on irleer, that these organs are on exhibit-
ion ; and are merely pattern organs,
from which the designs:will be taken in
inanufacturing when the factory ia com-
pleted. A opleudid site has been secured
for the building on one of the leading
thoroughfares (Atha town of Goderich and
the building, which will be 96 feet long,
4o feet wide and four atones high, is now
in course of erection. The best improv-
ed labor•saving machinery designed for
the manufacture of organs will be used,
and a staff of skilled artisans, already
secured. await its completion, which will
be in about three months from date.
of the Company; Mr Holt, of the firm
af Cameron & Holt. barristers. Secre-
tary, end D. R. Menzies, Manager.
The Company has secured the services
of Mr Chas. Blackatoue, whose name has
already been mentioned, to .manufacture
and exhibit for them at the leading fall
Exhibitions several new styles of orgates
that will soon be ready for the market.
Arrangements will shortly be made to
procure an agent to represent the Com-
pany in Toronto.
No extra price over the regular market
rates will be charged for these improved
The stand is beautifully 'draped in
muslin and carpeted. a lady being also in
charge tc play for the benefit of those
who would like to hear the tune of the
During the afternoon yesterday Mr
Blackatone got an offer from a gentle-
men who is anxious to procure the piano -
shaped organ to send to China.
Al• Attractive
rom Toronto Empire.
There is a home -like, parlor -like ap-
pearance about the exhibit of the G Nkir-
ich Organ and Furniture Joint Stock Co.,
(Ltd. • which has arrested the attention
of every visitor to the Main Bedding.
The specs es carpeted and decorated with
curtains in such a way as to make the
four organa seem like the furnishings of
some drewing room. Mr Charles Black-
stone is in charge. Ina organ in par-
ticular so closely rumbles a piano that
it has been inistalten for that instrument
by nearly every one who has paused to
make inquiries. That organ could al-
ready hare been sold several times
which is the very best indication of the
extent to which it has commended itself
to popular taste. The patent pedals.
which form a distinctive feature of these
organs. elso meet with general approval,
particularly frOM musicians, wbo more
thoroughly spprectate their advantage.
on Friday morning Miss Maroie
Black died after a very brief illness
Mies Black was a htindsoni• girl jest
metering womanhood, and her demise
was most unexpected. She taught a
ahem St. °gorge's Sunday method.
LIT VOrlt LIGHT SHINE. --Seamier" &
Roo, oo our third page this week, are
lettiog the public know that they
Mate the volue of printers ink. As
Aleek : "flet the right ankle, and
thou lot the people know you have it,
ee food as know how
Mr Wm..Nerine swept. the challenge
of Mr R. Simmoods for the champioe-
est of three games, twenty ono poises
era, to be played at 6 o'eloek me
Saturday evening, 14th bat , on (lid/m-
idi <lenitive grounds.
A little girl while playing with some
oompaniose Thursday thereon", rem
through owl of the large plate btz
wholows Rot*. McLean's new
breaking the pane with a !antis week.
The Add was eat ia the head, hut net
seriouslitik The loss in glues WO MID