HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-6, Page 8Brussel. Pose: - -Station agent Kendall
is seeking{( an effort to hays a yammer's
car attaobed to the wuruiag frehtbt train
on the L(wdoa. Huron and Itruoe rate
Wag suutb, and hopes to succeed. It
wowed be • great accommodation to peo-
ple Ir.,m thus locality desiring to get to
Blyth, Cltnlou or (%,.drrich, as • person
could go 1.. Uodench and transact thea
btl.tnr.s and return the same uvmtial/
As it a the afternoon, train IS our only
c.muecttun. The morning train spoken
of would wait fur our tuorning accien-
modatien. vetting at Clinton about noon.
The public will wait with the hops that
the G. 1'. I. authorities will comply with
the request.
From our oa ti .orreapoodent.
We learn that the friends on the lien -
miller Circuit are taking steps to hold •
harvest h,me festival at • date not very
From cur o.. o Correspondeut.
C*THoLIe 1'P'Nn'.--The picnic under
the auspices of At. Augustus, church,
which was held o0 15140.1 Giese ou VV ed-
needsy last. was largely attended. and
proved to be highly successful. From
far and near vehicles had rums laden
with human fretetbt on pleasure beut,and
each and every one had enjoyment to
the heart's desire. A commt.dious plat-
form had been erected ler the benefit of
the young people, and during the after-
noon was well patronized by merry feet
keeping time to the mimic of the orehea-
ted. The repast provided %ided 1 .r the 'guest*
reflected the iutLtat credit o0 1! culiu
try art • f the lobos of the se•'u,.u, and
the .,.aunty of the v..1d l 1U 1s proved
that the pre video hsd a clear a.ncorptiou
of the appetites with which the guests
were Wearied. Eerie in the afterno•.n a
heavy thunder storm broke over the
picnic grounds, and for fifteen or twenty
minetes •hero was a heavy downpour.
The people had t.. retake themselves to
the covered carriages cud other places
of shelter until the rain ceased. After
that (Fid sial once more broke through
the croon+.and th., festivities of the day The "lumbers of some of our residents
were resumed with unst►tted rig. r. A- were rather disturbed one night about
bout throe .' eloek the platform was the middle last week by a crowd 01
taken p..sseai•ye of by Rey Father Mc lull -grown u,c •lines going home drawn
Gee, the popular perish priest, who esti by • favors," 'seam belnuging to a lirery
OULBOIINLi ,. ConipanyI BINDINGTWINErlli iA�iieric�o LifAu� t
',l\('O111URA'l'FD til81'}( IAL ACT or DOMINION P,AIILUAMLXT..
/rely ear own oorrsspesdent.
Another champion bee arisen for the
single handed championship for gooitiug
of t.uderich snit Colborne, and we are
desired by It Simenoos, of tialtford, to
say he will meet the present holder of
the ohampionshtp, W. J Nevins. u1
(:,+derioh. on the .fuelling ground of hi.
town ou Saturday, the 11th tont„ d 6
p.m., and play him three games et
quoits, each game to oouat 21 pinata.
The winner to be lest two gallium nut of
three. In lest week's lucid press of
l%,derich we hope to see the acceptance
of this challenge, and the chsrupu.n of
the Saline value will he un heed to try
and take the honor to Sanford.
From our own correspondent.
Mr and Mn W Macdonald, of (lode -
rich, visited friends here this week.
Rsrt a,ru -John Jardine has re-
turned to our burg, after an •bargee of
11 months, from Hagsnville, Welland
Co., where he has beau reeidtu{.
PKltaoIeAL -Mr J. V. r
hitely,of Loude
bore, and family spent severs! days here
Int week. ltd were the guests of It
Quaid. During their stay with their
le at they took in the umunneth picnic
of the A O. 1 . W. and Foresters at the
P -•int Farm mLeeburo, on Friday
From our clown correspondent.
Mrs Brento,:,t Hullett,and child were
th guests of her uncle, J. Healy, tor
several days last week.
As the welcome notes of the voluntary
died away, the familiar figure of the
pastor, Rev J. A. Anderson, was town
once mere in his accustomed place after
an absence of rix Sunday'. ty • large
congregation iu the Presbyterian church.
Ile preached an impressive sermon
Steps are shorty to be taken to have •
tea u.eeting to aid of the church funds
to try and reduce the present debt. The
new system of weekiy giving from dif-
ferent families has preyed very success-
ed upon his ;motile to listen to iddreefies man on South at., in the quiet town o
from It number of gentlemen present. G.derich, who amused themselves firinc
Mr '. I..-liy. of Blyth, was the 114,1 off firearms, and shouting in a high key,
e ealur, :.nil ho was followed by Mr M. two h esteads receiving rather a better
C. Cameron, Q. C., of Godrrieh. Mr share of their noise then the others, a
James Johnston, wee. of East wawa. shots were tired at the watch dogs,
nosh, aed Mr I/ hle4wuce.i.3y, .•1 ('fe- which mussed their mark, and aloe at
rich. All the addresses were couchedthe hares. There aro seven or eight
in a cnngeatnlatory .trstn,arld they teat prions in Goeerich and the 1i•ivtit.n
well resolved by the large audience. Arany. Ne hope they will tell their
After the speeches the platform was i1.'cks to be orderly 'Abel/ away from
again ink, n po.eoawn of by tie yaong' home,and the words may f.11 on the ears
of the day revere of some of the revellers of last week.
people, and the jollities
continued until the evening shades fell.
We learn that tc.e picnic was a financial Df'NGANNON.
mice •., and conzrstulate Iles Father From our own correspondent.
Mct ire on the resulted his efforts at the Weather here a,ntiuues to be very
brat picnic under his control at tit• ileo, soil warm.
Auvustdne. The anti -Jesuit n
rgeeizstinn meeting,
which was to be held on Friday last, did
A t1REI1Lt. not take place, but was further pustpon-
Tmni our own corevc-e,ndeu•. ed.
Miss Kate Morrison pan: Kenneth Mc- f f
liver a flying emit last wet:.
Harvesting is now about completed
and threshing will soon be starting.
1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Canadian Company
PREAIDKNT LION. A. M Al Kk \%1k, M. P.
ili»Lter l seals
HO\. A. 1lO1110
Il'i-I'RKIHUKNTti , JUHN 1.. RL.tlYlth:,
The Company Issues all Approved forms of Polic:ea and Aeuitiea.
This Polley G*'ARANTEE'i A 111.:IL URN OP At.1.PIREMIUMS PAID haddition tothe
full face of the Policy In stir rt rut u( death during the 1urmoment period. at • lower rate
than any other l.'otupaay.
Uiatrl t Agent.
Which we are offering at a Special Price to Earl' Purdla.sers.
Our Stock of Gfeneral Hardware, as usual, is colu-
plete, and Prices Right, an you luxe it.
Barbed. Plain, Twist, and Oiled Annealed Wire, 7
hoice Fail
I invite your close inspection of my new Fall Stock,
which for excellence of quality and beauty of pattern is pronounced
by critios to be the best yet seen in town.
OeIrt .aay.-It is with feelings of deep-
est reZret we announce the death of Mrs
Frances Lloyd Egan, which took plae4 n
Wednesday, Aug. '21st. The deceased
lady came to Canada with her husband
( to forty years ago, and resided at
Ktn.sbridgo for nearly nineteen years,
..ccut ying the position of postmistress
since the demise of her late husband, a
period of seven years. 3Irs Egan was
a devout Raman Cotholic and was gift-
ed with an amiable, charitable diaposi•
Lion. Having received an excellent
Mite a nomher o our farmers are education she was accustomed in early
beady engaged in sowing fall wheat and fife to t5w,cute in high circles of icie-
conse.luently are very busy with thresh- ty' e sincerely hope she has slued
tug, etc. the reward promised to those who, like
her, have borne their sufferings with
Mr John M.Donald's new h..use is It is pleasing to be able to note that sweet patience and resignation, and that
Mr . u n en an , o a e, w r, as .he will west her us nil where sorrow
Lath concession of Ashfield, 1 been eery all for some time past, is is unknown, Tilt funenl took place
about eetapleted and to • credit t, the I h 1' tl d f th Y 1 h hh h b•
I gradually bec..ming cont-aleacent, and is
Mr Andrew MCD.:nald has arrived
boa.,• from itis trip to be',ttaud •ud has able to take • drive out.
lrotglht with him a fine Clyde, Isle stab Harvest Home festivals hate crm-
lion, We wish him .uccuas with his tat-, mel,ced in this locality, which we pre -
eat purchase. : sante are • little t.soon for the ..sena,
Mises Mate end Ann MoInbne, of �, as the farmers are very busy, to will&
Th.ouas, are paying their .,sten, Mr, martyr we welt allude in nor neck
Frank Bayne and Mrs Archibald Mcln Mrs Welsh, Sister of Messrs John and
t re, a visit. wViiliam Varese, hating been visiting
yMrs Gregor McLtsn and her tlnri 1 relatives and friends at Port Hope. her
Lis-; feigner place of residence, returned hetsa
Charles paid Mr and Mn Kanueth
►tae and Mn WM. Kempton a dying Let week much improrld in health and c
tint, Inst week appearance. She e4ijo•Ved her 'lair very internal use. Buy a 10 cent sawale bot -
;hiss Maggie McLennan sod was much. ala. Large bottles 2' coots, at all drag -
\in Wm\V"ile.•n, of the 4th concession gists
of West VVawan•.h, is very ill, having
eneived an injury some time ago to one Even in Newport, where wealth is at
of ber hands. it gradually became worse, • discount, the (tient/mil and pearl neck- /
until an operation was necessary, which Ices worn on state occasions by Mrs
was the amputation of her arm on Tues- Cornelius Vanderbilt has excited the
day. We hope that she will get better. Ry,ytest wonder and admiration. The
from her late rest
remains were interred in the Roman
Catholic cemetery, at Aahheld.-Coy. -
dense ..n Friday. The
eserrra,lst stile ileal• Rate.
The mortality among Consumptives
has been materially decreased of late Cllr
years ly the us • . f '.cott's Ewulsi..n of 11�'
vi Liver Oil with Hypo asap
Lime and Soda. Phtbi,ia, Bronchitis.Abscess of the Lungs, Pneumonia and
Threat Adectinna are completely subj. C R IME y
gated by a timely use (.f this excellent
pulm•.nic. I'elatelde as milk. s -old by
all Druggists ,a 54k sod 1.: 4
C ph hires of
I•I'.t 1I FCL-CU)Itelt. I\U.
(In Tuesday at.erneen, last'week, Mr
C.eu Rumball, nF the 1:3 sows, t, .clench
Tp.. met with a pslnfal accident which
nearly cost him (lie I..ss •'f an aye lie
steeped down te pass under the waei.n
rack, and just as he tied so a sitter
splintered he in the rack and pierced his
face just below the ere, a'mast forcing
the/eye ball from the socket He hsd
the wound dressed. and stale pates no
Serious results then from.
Slate • 'tete Teta.
J` Pain banished as if by mag
sop's r ervtlme is a -pounce and
instantaneous re.nedy for external, tn•
tarsal, or local pains. The moat active
remedy hitherto known falls far short of
Nervilsne for patent power in the relief
f nerve pain. Good for external cr
Flora Finlay -wen (L ,chetah dress makers.)
paid Mrs McKay, of d:_II'e Curiae, •
short Vint Ia.t week.
Rey Mc McLennan. of South Kinloss.
preached in Ashfield Presbyterian church
last Sunday. Mr McDonald is exp .tad
before next Sunday.
VVe regret W have t +erste that Charlet arikinq feature of this necklace is that
Mr Finlay McLennan, Lake Ramco
met a tth a serious accident loot ween,Gitvw, Leo • West. ez•reeve of est Wawa-diamondsg
the diamonds are pierced through the
nosh, and president of the West \Yaws- centre and are strung eltenlltely with
pearls. It is said that it required many
weeks of patient labor to pierce each
As he was totting the cows hems in the
evening he was attacked Ls an angry
bnll, whish throw him to the ground.
Mr11r1. moan (wcape•l with numerous that he will be soon able to go *rowel
brumes and wretches, hut was senseless as usual.when found in the field by his so,u. He Another of the pioneers of Ashfield,
is ins rot int.
time. In kintail, on 011(1. T. Rept, in the person of William Irwin. cone
lot. Hannah. slater of the late Alta. trendy bearing the cognomen Big hill Ir-
kon account of his being • large,
nosh .11utuai Fire Insurance Co., isop
somewhat indisposed. We he that
his illness will be of short (lunation. and
Spe'elas aaaaaremeat.
We have made arrangemtents with Dr
R. J. Kendall Co , publishers of "A
Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,-
Cunplell who• deed three weesago), which will enable all our subscribers to
Her ergosine were tnterrel in the Kin- powerful man. died on Wednesday et obteiu a copy of that valuable work f.•c
last week. The remains were followed by sending their address .enclosing a
tail cemetery on Monday lent. Mr ('am ,-
hell has the .Ours opmpathy • f •largo by a large•,
cncnarse of relatives, friends two -cent stamp for mailing same• to Da
end neighbors to the place of interment,' B. J. K1.Sp.t.L Co , E!tnsiti'anH Fust..,
eommunttcommunity, as thio is the eighth rosette
Ie,a than Dungannon cemetery. Rev Dr Strong- Vt. This book is now recognized as
of the hnitly atrfcke'n d 'sen In man condaderl the ohne. oleo in ay pas
four years with that dreadful disease, I very standard authority upon all diseases of
c nsumptp n. impressive manner. The deceased was the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests,
1 aged 69 years, 3 months, and was widely I over four million copies having been sold
AUCTION SALES. known and p puiar, as also a good citi- 1 in the oast ten years, a sale never before
cal. The widow, family, and relatives , reached by any publication in the same
int i. , e t
this t pwillappreciate
`ale . 1 farm stook and inii lenient* of I and be gl•d to avail lhem.elcro of this
Tena NI/Irish.Aaet.ry Te.r.
..n lot ; , coo. 7. (vol- 1
opportunityeglee of obtaining a wires f this
borne, near Smith's i sill, nn Monday, ! R hen a manufactorer, from gene of it is necessary that yon mention thio
Sept. 16th, •t 1 p.m. J�.,hn Knox, *act- , "h•e""1"1/ has sn completely satisfied' paper in sending for the "Treatise.
( himself of the universal satiafactien given Phis eller will remain open for only a
/all per, 1•'s getting their .1tle hula pr ntrd at pare he deeply felt ss mpathy of the ted- period of time We feel n nfid en aha
t hi. n01• a will e� rt n fro• not.. a toweled iu
U+t , tot o• un,r or >• .Ic tire community.
our patrons
til reclate the work
by his products, that he feels fully war- short time. I,w
A couple of weeks see Mr 1'eter Cole, ranted in selling them under a certificate
thelerich tes subtle netictd his do, of guarantee, it is very natural to believe -_
h.= something acres* a field very wick• that such • pr ducer has implicit conn- OMR.
The only medicines a•.td by erneriate tinder
a posltive rantee m their manufact-
urers. that they will do Jut what r Maimed
for thein- that iss, l.•neflt or nun• in all rases
of diseases for whir•h they are r•eo+.mmeoded.
or the money paid tor them will 1.• pn.mptly
refunded are Lr. T'ierce's world -famed spe-
cifies, manufactured by Wnrldh Dispensary
Medical A nelallon, of Buffalo. N. V.
Dr. Pler-'o f told -n Medical iisrovery cures
all diseases arising from a torpid 04 deranged
liver, or from Impure Wool. as Ilyspq,aia. or
I elta.wtion. Pimples, Blotches. Eruptions.
Pall -rheum, Tetter. F.ry.ipeles, and lScrofu-
k,us Port. and Swellings. Consumption. nr
Lung -scrofula. le •bo cured by this won-
derful remedy. If taken In time.
1►r. i'ierce's Favorite Proscription fit the
world -tamed remedy for all those chronic
we.kneew and distressing derangements s►
r..mm.m to Americas women. It Is s moll
potent, invi,r.oratlns. restorative tonic. nr
strength giver. imparting tone and rigor to
the whole syystem. Asa i .othin(r nervine It
le um•pta/ed. Ser guarantee printed on the
bottle -wrapper and faithfully carried tett
for nosey year..
copyright, feel, by iroetn's Ds MAD. Ass's.
eeltarsi' In the Stead by the
for en in('nrst4. can of t'a-
.prietor % oSage's Dr. Sas Catarrh Item.dy. 1!s'
Its mild. wsIhing at'I healing pn+pwftie., ft
cone fhe wor"t .woe+, no matter ut bow► coat
e4Wdlug. Ily druggists. NO lents.
wily. and Being 1,, see what was wn,ng, j dence in the merits r f his goods, and • -- - - - - - -
bear.found* that it had trend s nosed -sued that, ton, not without geed reason. W
Isar. Ire could hardly behove it at Seep cowtidence is possessed by the' SYSTEM - RENOVATOR A N la E 0
*8451, but there it was. up • twenty fo..t Worlds iliapenasry Medved Auot'iation, tt ,tt la l,.nnd for ,olr nt tl., r.,a„wing
rsp:ing. Hastily securing his gun, he of hut1sio, N. h., in Dr,, fierce s Family ,I,,,„t5.
bred three di.chareeet into it, but as he Medicines, and hence his "F'arortte I W. C. (}RODE,
had nnthint' but sloes and small shot it I'reecripttnn" is sold by elruggisis, as no Athlon Block.
did not hnrt his bearehip very much. other medicine for similar porno/tea ever JAB. WILSON,
some of the neighbors, being attracted was, under a 1 --.,fin q.ninnib•, that it I Prescription Drug
by the commotion, knockeel the animal will in every cow give metafiction, or OEO. RHYNAB,
out 01 the tree, and finished him with money paid for It will he refunded. It The t'barmace•
pitchforks, clubs, etc It was o gm,d ! cores all throe distressing and delicate MR.. FkAR...torih.
sized one, supposed M he e.enpwhere' silments and weaknesses peculiar t*. wo- MR. ROBERTS,about a year old, almost jet black, but necessaryen. It not necessary to enumerate ! Meaforth.
where it onnld hare strayed temno one the long =tillage* of derangements, BERRY & DAY6,
knows. as ouch an animal has not been , Moth fonetiontl and organic, of the fe- i l.nr'know.
known running wild in the township for • male system which this mart/oleos remedy MR. OONORAM,
twent y years. Mr John Middleton orercnmee They aro, alas' hut too Leeknew,
bought t 11e carcass and distributed it well-known to most females who beep et. MR. OOMBES,
amonidus•estpen^na,whncan oar they .twined womanhood. to need more than • J- M.lMdLm0Dp
have feasted on hear's meet: he is haring ,hint to make thew plain to their under 1'TtOI'RII TVN. »W
the skin thinned. i standing.
s•dktt•...sat.:,a•..• ��.r.,
ALE$$MME i towell choice Nursery Plock.
..hent' ray Meekly. Will pay salary, but
n give something better to workers. N
r p erienee needed. Write Vitra. F.
,o No. Noreen' Men. itochester. N. V.
RESENT. 11 yes become my seven
n<! tell 11111n. *111 glrr i4 fur ropy of the
d. 1 nt 1t out. 201 ma
Wines, Liquors, &c
AT -
Saullffers & Soll
e l l EA E lA,•T,
'Ty a thorough knowledge of the swear&
lawn which Ku, ern the ohm's? town dlge.ttea
and nutrition. and by a careful application 01
the line prepe•rtwoo of wiU•w13'. s.vl t'orw. Xt.
Epps has pen nt.,1 our terra: fist r• u'e, with a
delicately tlstor. d bet rratce wIorh may save
tee Mau)Lo At', doctors' bills. It is by
the Ju�ictow oar Of Me I. articles et
diet that • eonairwtlon may be gra.lttaa7j
built tip until %treeg coon:1i tis re,ot every
trrutcney to diw'a•e. 1*un.trec, of subtle
matador% aref*8wiH,garouud ::, ready to et•
tack wherever there is a weal. polo•. We
may escape man) a total shaft t3 keeping
nnrw•ft es ell! fondled with pun• blood sad a
yert.ylvly sourubed frame.'--"t'icdt ifirvltir .
"Fade .imply with h+ilinv water se.,ilio
'.,Id or,l, n% ie. t. t, 11 4.4.11 no. t.beli dthus:
.11.3 31 t.. no.. lsom,e.alhte l'hem-
f,t1., I.undut.. Emziaod.
The Cheapest House
The vat ious properties re-
maining undisposed of be-
longing to the estate of the
late Charles Middleton de-
ceased, are now offered for
sale. In order to close up the
estate these propertie a must be
Full particulars and t erms will
be made known on a pplication
to the undersigned.
1 -w. cow, CLINTOZT.
1 CUT sail PLL'O
fir at. ma
In Bemire or: each Plus and Package.
1172 l
N. u u l a la fu sera '
does nut blister. Arad proof felon..
Dalt l tvwea0 t assortus.P Q p May S. Mid
n ails. Vi..
tiestlewee -I haws teed gen
(all's apa.0 Can fee ppe whys
and "stn la a rev ..f lam-,.,..as•..d
Walt 'Sista and towed 141541r.
rare Manley n•.pert. I comings
retwomend n to all hempen
Very rammed'u11l'- •un,
Ctar-e ma J l3L.. iaty
tic Tse ,r.` a q. A ,clI zt, 4445.
D•. A. J. Erwow, oo. Euesl.yr,rh i.It. 11.
boats: -•1 ksve sr.t a few ..wtI .. of I, sr te6
4W's Sparta cure .s my colt.
which wits sufferini from talk -
miss la • .cry had room. and 'aa
sal that your Kra** rya Ise
(`un waste e.'enp8e and rato41
run,. leas recomm.nd It as the
beet and swat Neste a liniment
I home env hasd1P1. Knoll" rad
me one of veer .ateseie seeks n lM • Tna-
tae cow the Horan." Tours req..•,/ally.
I F wturys+y,t
Forrittut, Mu, Way) fi 1Na
TR n J grown/tax, [1.oalnrtvh Y-.Ik tt,
1i.batm.n 1 alwaya keep your ixa.aaW.
•parfn Can. Rai fYyt.r ee bawl
end they I.a.. never failed In
hat you nate th.r sett dn. 1
ha.. eun+l • bas censor Smelt.
and also tun mass .d ahr.h,,.,,
Myesra NU IIiw nn mans whirl
1 bought n. bn•e.f from. sod het.
nest wee, any idea* of Mies". In
their oesl..1n.. Yours Ire%
J. n,,at
Price/11 per r bottle. or sit beetles foe eel. All
Arum taeha." n ..r r...rt •1 be ya4 ere will he
Peel 40 Rey redraw ,A receipt of plea by aha
b& a. J. CL<nALL (Y).. twreberich gall. Vt
$OLD BY ALL DR 1'124141181%.
8 told tilt.(.1111'..
It I.F..
1-t 411140 ,-t
(vets. Braises, and Borns. and need in con-
nection with the PA1.Td or
1% ATF13 sod
t -i °TJRIC8 to
Halt Rlw"tm. Fenno*. Old `owes, iMles sad
all Disseises of the Blood and Skis.
ASK Toll nIFetclrur tans TLLeTiMnirlAiA,
-- :0. -
Totem of Health Co.
8E3 F:N 111FFERRNT Mmes.
PURE. Dltl (%!q AND FiNE (GOODS,
w oN,s
1 •rescrirtien Drag Skate.