The Huron Signal, 1889-9-6, Page 7I of
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L tae
la The Weed.,
grins beaaWJ taie►ts le tae heart et the
Flowers sad rerus sad the suet geese main:
alma love of the birds, le ta. solitudes,
Wawa tae•wtt1 wings steges. and the time
sea IOW.
WWI of .ilesor swept with meg.
Mira aobudy hewn but the tied above;
ewes w wen myesld c.4 t arm inroad.
aggsmi t themselves is His gterdl g lore.
tia0h safety sad Moe Is the heart of the
Par from the city's duet sal dia.
Where pianos our ase of man tstrades.
M« fashion our folly has sabered in.
Deeper Mau buster's trail hail scam
6Umswes Ulla tars where the wed deer
11.41 fearless sad free oases the gentle fawn.
Tu pesp at herself o'er tae gm, brink.
Baca pledge of lee. la the heap sf t b. wood%
Fur tea Maker of all thongs keeps eau. least.
Sailer,: the tiny floweret broods,
With oars that for ages os.s never ceased;
If ale ears far this, will ire int tar thes- nes, whatever thou art today f
nruiva Mae Iwaalt/ Father, nes;
dodger, is such amide keeping stay
--Margaret Y. Sangster.
twosome tyre.
Constant ears is necessary against un-
expected snacks of summer complaints
No remedy le si well known or m suc-
cessful iD this clic u: diseases as lir
Kowler'. Extract of Wild Strawberry
keep it in the house a • safeguard. 2
Dian, s Slg.etare.
Little Dick Howell was a boy who of-
ten surprised people. They call! bum
"1axy ick," because be loved to get in-
to sunny corners and think, and he was
not always ready for work such as hale
fellows can do. But use day he said :
• P.. I want los of money.
'•1 se, Lhck, I have known .other folks
who have felt so. GU to work and earn I
"How( sited Dick, who rally wee in
.arme.1, for he boxed for • little spree. -
"Oh' weed the garden." said Mr How
ell, growing *beret minded, as he often
became He remembered suddenly •
business Tetter he nest write, and s..
when Dick sai,i:
"Will you give m0 a penny for every
btp we.dr• his father said "lea"
Well, that night Dick amazed his
father by presenttog him with four hun-
dred big weeds, god eagerly claimed four
duller.. Mr Mush never broke kis
surd tog child; he sad he did not think
what he was promising, became he knew
that there were too many weeds in his
garden fur such • bargain; but he paid
the money down, mod Dick had the t
prettiest cart in town. Not lung after
his father said:
"Dock, you and I ought to have made
a written ewttract about these weeds. If
we had, 1 'hyoid Dot have agreed to
such terms as I made. A man tAirks
when he signs his name. If 1 had been
dehotiunble, too, I could have said I
vier agreed ('o pay you • penny • weed,
Ad you could nut have pruved that I
did. Y. mat 1. •rn to write your name
before I do any niers business by con-
tract with you. Then we can each sign T
our name. And so Dick's father went Per
on to tell bum that *Sens promises not
to be broken were made in writers. and
men who broke myth promises were men
whom nobody could treat
Dick hated to read and could Dot
write • letter, bet after that he used to mo
climb op o0 the woodshed mut with his te
deer little tester 74.117. She did her beet the
t., tesob him. sod the 6ret word he ever ' cry
wrote was Dick, the Deet was Howell. t
such f enoy business mistrusts Dick made Y
that year with hie father; and such • pile
of nickles as he earned ' First, firs for
every week that he never foetrot to abet ! tee
• door and never slammed it ; tee cents • 1
for picking over a barrel of apples ; and be
soo0opto•dollar and • half inthree '!re
months. Every time he signed a int- 10
ten contrast to do what he agreed, or try M
his very best to do it. How proudly he sal
peed to sign "Dick" with • big, Inky in
flourish. , 11
When Diek was twelve yeah old he l m
wee asked to sign a temperance piedie, i rel
He took it to his father, who talked it wt
all over with bins, and proposed that they ; bo
sign it tugetber-e eomtrethat neither sari
would beset. Dick did not know then, ' els
sweeties tlhe rumen
A Plum (;reek, May , settler writes
to a Breudon paper that theta must be
sust•thieg wrung with the Cesium. de-
partnteut, because "they certaiuly
at. more Chau the 34 per cent.
duly authorised by Parliament upon
amain a4rtcultural Impl•utants 'Suits
I recently tmp,ri.d from Chtcaro,
and Racuw, K' Ncouun. " This settler
dues not seem to be aware that the
Cwtuure department wields what is vir
Sally • rating power, distinct trout that
vested in at by the people'. represents
tinea A tanner or an implement anent
import' machinse from the *atm. Th.
Canadian duty, a stated ab ore, is 35
per cent., but the cuNut►ut u ficials ars
authorized to tit the valuation of the
article, and by adding ten, twenty cr
thirty per coot to theinvo.c. ince, they
largely novena the duty paid by the)
Settler. In this way, tea.., they contrive
to harass and destroy :he import trade,
with the result that the settler. are left
completely at the mercy of the Canadian
makers. In spite of this system, how-
ever, a considerable number uf Ameri-
can implement. are still brought into
Manitoba and the Territories. 10 • re -
mud report to the Wahiado0 Ouvetn-
sseet, MrTaylur, the United States Con
'0l •t Winnipeg, says that nearly 15 per
amt. of the impleuteot business is done
with Amencau houses, This of itself is
Mt answer to the protectionist fable,
that the N. P. enable. the Canadian
maker to tiro out a better and • cheap
.r article than bis competitors.
The reraluahon systcn is, in fact, an
additional prop to monopoly. Some time
ago • firm of implement manufactures
in Western Ontario wanted five car loads
bel nuts and bolts. There was a combine
mein the few Canadian nut laud bolt
makers, and the firm wrote to the secre-
tary of it, offering to pay the American
price at Cleveland, O., pea th• Canadian
duty, for a consignment. The secretary
refused t,, accept this fiaurs, whereupon
the firm imported the toe car loads direct
from Cleveland. But on its arrival at
to destination the shipment was Seized
or undervaluation by the Customs
authantiee ; and "n enq.iry the firm
found that thew:retary of the combine
had befit to a,mmunicatlon with the Cus-
toms depertwsot, and tad really prompt-
ed the seizure. The firm lost nothing
in the end by Ubu act of robbery, fur
of course the additional pow was col-
lected from the Canadian farmers who
bought the implements int; the msOu-
facture of which the outs and bola en-
tered. Tne fartuer is the victim of last
resort io all such transaction., and even
the m000p.,Itste who prey upon him are
beginning to ask huw much longer he is
likely to sand it
mm's *prostate
Ron o, net in buying medicine, bot
ry tbe great Kidney and Liver regula-
tor, made by Dr. Chas), author of
Chase's receipes. Try Chase's Liver
Core for all diseases of the Liver, Kid
ems, Stomach and Dowels Sold by all
The distressing paleness m often ob-
served to young girls and women. is doe
in a great measure to a lace of the red
corpuscles in the blood. To remedy
this requires a medicine which produces
these necessary little blood coestitueoa,
and the best yet discovered is Johnson's
onic Bitten. Price 50 costa, and $1
hottk at Geode s drug store, Albino
block, Dr/clench. Sole agent. fbj
The Tear lir terms shosteec
Judged by the record of its first six
nth., the year 1889 bids fair to be re-
embered as the year of dieter all over
world. Daring the month of Jaaa-
tbere were no serious railway demis-
es except the collision on the New
ork, Pennsylvania & Obio railroad, 10
Isiah eight persona were killed and as
easy more seriowly injured, but them
re fifteen marine disasters, involving
ons of 165 lives, included among them
ing the steamer Paris C. Brown,which
nt down in the Mississippi river, cost -
g the lees of 11 lives February and
arch also were siniularly free from
Tway disasters, but the marine losses
February were 284, an increase of
! over January Dunag the ease
oath 20 persons loot their lives by a
(road disaster in Belgium, 10 by a
skeins in Nebraska, 23 by • terrible
tel bre in Hartford, Cosa, 900 by so
hquake in Clete Ries, 13 by a ey-
oe in Georgi., and 11 by a powder
or until years alter, that his father wag
taking too much wise.
They signed the pledge—"Rieherd
Howell, Senior '•Riebard Howell, js.
nor." And thea Dick's father told biro
to kunst by his knee, end laying hie hoed
MI the boy's head, he prayed God to
help them buth to keep the promise they
had made.
"You bare signed your mama gnat
essay times, my boy, bot sever to a pa-
pa th.t meant so macs as tbia."
"Oh ! I don't want to drink, father.
It is easy to proses and I D� rover
Re heck oo my w gayly.
Vega west by. Dick crew op, sed
many axle many a time he wss tempted
to take a glass of wine or beer.
He never yielded, for be had Migmed
hie name and was on his h000r. A few
do kswosyears, and•b had men twas so he of that
boyish pledge sea glad of • father who
reads him feel the sacredness of a prom-
Tempera„te limner.
xplusion in Will-esb•rre, Pa Ir. March
• marine losses farther increased to
1, the number beteg swelled by the
46 sailors if the German •.d American
war vessels who were drowsed during
he hurt -mats at the Samoan Iolanda
In May the floods began their work of
nth and devastation. The first towni-
es came from Austria and Bohemia,
here 135 lives were lost The °Deann -
mation wae in the Co.ymaegk Valley on
he last day of the month, whin over 6,-
000 persons perished and over $10,000,-
000 worth of property was destroyed.
e month of June was characterised
y • frightful eerie. of disasters. Thir-
ty persons were killed by an accident on
the Pennsylvania road at Latrobe; 70 by
teilway disaster at Armagh, Ireland;
200 by • fire in China ; 40 by • falling
market Wilding in Mexico; 70 by a mine
Seater in Austria; and 70 by a cyclone
Cuba. July well keeps op the record
th railroad, mine and storm dieter.
Itogether, during the fine six -months
he year Dearly 15.000 lives were lest
teamtete of all kinds. Besides the
of property involved is these di•a-
fin has swept away property
amounting to over (170,000,000 to value
the United States. It adds t0 the
fol record of the ttk months that
lades, murders, bangles*, lysehlnwa,
crimes of all kinds hem elm shown
arked increase veer the correspond -
period for many post.
of t
is d
meemsee.s t».D.erRlw legs
Counterfeits are always daegapaa,
more so that they slwaysrn-
Tan TUB eanit.AL to £PPSA*Anen AND
ss. , The res srkahle eoetws achieved
Nasal Rolm as a positive cure for
Catarrh and Cold in the Head has it-
d.esd snf'riaeipled parties to imitate it. • m
The public are cautioned not to be de ins
Mewed by nestrems imitating Neal Balm
name andapp.aranee, bearing **eh
nasty a Num) Grusin, Nadal Balsam,
de. A. for Nasal Balm sad de act
take imitation dealers may urge epee
fen. F.T sad by all
poet -paid on reof .s
or ear
(50seed $1
bbus7 t- ns t
addressee( Psltovd a Os. Moskva.*
A Itawanm—Of owe deem. "Tumma
lav" to any wow esndi!., the beet filer lia-
>6k1. oe ' esanwmv, ' the remarkable
pis for th. Teeth and Inch. Ask
7 'e *awlte't er address
Mo. woe Tlseetahe ahead N r
Why ender • single m0mmt when en
ms get immediate relief tram all inter-
nal er external pain by the sae of Pal-
mas Nerviliee, the great pain mire.
Wervili.e has neva been knows to
Mil in a single ease ; it eaaoot fail, for
N is a sombioatirm of the sod powerful
psis remedies known. Try •
10 eeot e•omple br►ttl. of Wervilime. Yo,.
ids lied Nerving's • sure eerie for se.r-
vd•, beetheebe, h mdeeha Bey sad
Large beetles 16 mate, by all
reallsees sate.
Oekaloo.a, Kansas, has had • yes
expensed of female rale, anti it am•)
iatereding W sum re
up the sults. W
a mays- awl euouct! of women were firstelected, it sew m
regarded by soa es a
SILO, but without any flourish of trump-
et' the mays- and council began their
Aleut duties. That they have discharg-
ed item without lee tad favor is dearly
maudestd 111 rite t..,t that they have
made w►emtes a wwll as friends. Many
ubetaoles coutrueJ them la the bugle -
Millie the most perplexiog of which was
that the tierswas ie debt and there was
mute only 85 rate iu the treasury. Another
obstacle ea that the marshal would nut
eof.►res the ordinances, but that was
overcame wbeu Mayor Louisa promptly
removed tum and appointed a loan upon
whom she could rely, Item began such
• crusade as uever Whir. had beau
Inuits. It was fuuud that the ordinance
relating t., Saoday cl ,•luK wa
al nut ob-
served. Out weau order to the mar-
shal to •rest any merchant who wascaught awlliog goods on Sunday. The
hotels, livery stables, and barter shops
alone were permitted to remain open,
and druggist. were allowed to sell medi
eines Tis sale of cigars and tobacco
on Se
unday was ntirely prohibited. The
proprietor of a bakery and ice-cream
saloon asked permission to keep open,
but was refused. Consequently the
Sabbath is now rigidlyobserved in Os-
kalouea. Theo the ayor and council
turned their attention to bad boys. Fur
years the young toughs of the place hadet
been allowed to loaf about the 'troths at
night, and they bad cut up all sorts of
capers, such as moving signs from one
place to another and rolling grindstones tin -
to front of hardware stores to n -
rate residences. A proclamation wasissued commanding all bey. uuder 18
years of age to be off the streets at 8
o'clock in the seeing curler penalty of
arrest. Since then one cannot find • boy
after that hour with • search warraot.The
ladies were greatly exercised over theo
subject ul tob•o, chewing, and looked
carefully through the statutes for an
ordinance that could be used to .top
men fromsquirting tobacco lairs on the
sidewalks They failed to find one, but
mine of the ladies were of the opinion
that the ordinance relating t • public in-
decencies would cover the nasty hui.-
u se. They asked the city attorney
what he thought about it, and he told
them that toba000-chewing was s persoc-
at liberty and beyond the reach of
municipal legislation. The ladies were
somewhat disappointed, but the next
best thing they could, and that was to
personally request every tobacco-chewer
in town not to expectur• un the side-
walks. This had just as much if not
more effect than an ordioano a would,
for the men are m respectful of the
wishes of their female guardians that
they unbesiatiogly ocmplied with the
request, and now a lady may fearlessly
sweep her skirts over the sidewalks with-
out any danger of having them stained
with filthy nicotine. SUMO of the men
hays even "shorn off chewing.
ERRORS OF THE TYPES. me ea seat aoxlmns.
r'l Dual allow a outs it the head to slow -
come■sspllea surely cared
To Tea Ku,yos :—Pisses inform your
readers that 1 have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. By its timely
use thousands of hopeless cases have
been permanently cored. 1 shall be glad
to Send two bottles of my remedy free
to any of your readers who have eon-
samption, if they will send me their Im-
press and P. O. address.
Respectfully, Ds. T. A. Stogy*.
• 37 Yonne 8t, Toronto, Ont
A that t. Girls.
At • recent trial for divorce in New
York, the wife, who had been • gay,
fashionable girl, testified that difficulty
first arose between herself and her lute -
band on bus discovery, soon after their
marriage, that much of her jewelry and
brio -a brae had been given to her by fer-
nier admirers.
The Gompauioa has sots;og to do, sc-
ally, with eases ,of divorce or unhappy
marriages. but this dated emphasise a
moral which every young girl should
take to heart
The husband, on this point, had right
on his aide. No man of honorable feel-
ing would be willing to see his wife wear
the nngs or deoovate his house with the
oustfJ trifles whish had been given her
as token. of the affeig;ion of other men.
Io this country, especially in villages
and rural communities, it is not uncom-
mon fur gird to aocept gifts et jewelry,
books and ornaments from young men
to whom they are not betrothed.
It is not the custom, tat ea skate most
emphatically, in that ease of oar society
which is moat scrupulous in ire deference
to the roles of good•breeding and in
which young girl• are most carefully
protected. The man who would offer
jewelry or any costly ornament to one
of them young girle would be regarded
as vulgar and ignorant of t5• first prin-
ciples of etiquette.
Thia principle, like all others whiob
govern good manners, 1. based on erns -
mon seas. No gentlewoman should pee-
wit • man who is not her husband, kins-
man or affianced lover to place her under
• mo.N•ry obligation ; for the simple
name that each an obligation gives the
mac a hold upon her which in many
Serres is dangerous, and in •11 is unseem-
A sued rale for the ynidano• of a girl
through the yews when she to the ob-
ject of admiration and flattery is to do
nothing which she would not be willing
to 'tell now to her mother and here-
after to her husband. Life may he
made tamer for her by observing •that
rule, but it will asseredly low tmnre pure,
womanly sad safe.—Youth's Compan-
Mere Memartaaa. es1N,
Toend at i..1, what the true peblie
hes been looking for these many years
and thet is • medicine which althem0
but lately intrndoeed, has made free
itself a reputation second to wee, the
medicine m Joheens'. Tonle Bitten
which in eonjonettnn with Johnsen'' Liver Pills km performed some
mod woederfal earne impure or im-
poverished blood sown bseaame purified
and •a1'ished. Rillw.emees, indg1estion,
ds! head•.b, liver at.iplaint, languor,
weakens", de. , moan disappear when
mia.a Hypo- dale hem n tosis druggist. Al -
bias blest, 0ederieb, eek agent. (d)
tltstaatee or *monolog hisses Appear/mg
in rel.,.
1. l•rg* newepeper uihcee st is the cue -
Iola to give nut out • few lines uf copy
at • tine to any oumpt.eatur. to the di-
sease of theeoatext, it is therefore often
impossible to get the full u rsuimg of ill•
matter in bawl. If the oupy chews* to
be la the ie ..t bird the hurried type
setter IS •pie t., wake • wild guess at the
enter's wraumg, fur, as must pouter.
are pstd by the pose, the tlwtl spout to
dec►ph.t tog • otabbed baud writing um
much dead lues to thew, and mak,-• au
h'•precuible different," ill tie lynch of
eir "strings" of duplicate proof fur
weesureuseut at the end of the weak.
The "machine printer," or "bl•ak-
.mitb," Y urea of the chief obstacles with
which enters have to conned. He it Is
who sets up whatever the copy 10..1a like
to him, regardless as to whether it
makes move or not. Such a nue it was
who Set up "(iautbetts" as "I •w bet-
ter," and made • h.eding intended f.:,
"Bridge Carnd Away by • Drive uf
Logs" read "Bridge Carried Awry by $
Droste of Hugs" Auuther of this ilk
made au advertiaeweut which read, "The
Chnstuu's Dream; no cruse, no cruwu,"
appear as "The Christian's Dream, uu
Cows, 110 cresta
A reporter of a COicsllJ paper once
mentioned an intelligent errfam.0 as •
"'hulking tailor," but the machine prin-
ter who got the take w rile bias appear as
• "thieving tailor " The proof re•det
was of course responsible for the error,
but the vengeanoe uf the irate tailor was
visited upon the unfortunate reporter.
Auuther Chicago writer described so
exquisite as ane "whole manners would
aduru • drawing room, but the unthink-
ing compositor made it read, "whose
manners would alarm • drowning man."
The Cincinnati Enquirer once created
a genuine seaatwa by stating, in display
type, that • Katie of Amerleao a•unter-
fetters had been "shaving the queen,"
when "shoving the queer" was evideutly
what was intendel.
One of the wont instances of mis-
prints caused by bad chirography waa
where the heading •'A Hnurymoon Cut
Short," was printed eat fall face all "A
Hungarian Cut Throat."
Another equally disagreeable btuuder,
to the parties interested, was where •
distinguished traveller was reported as
having recently died "in the richness of
ale." The paper, however, apologized
fur this candid admission the following
day, by saying that what the editor in-
tesided to write was "the interior of
Perhaps no newspaper writer was ever
more disturbed by a mile than was the
society reporter who, in descnbiog the
belle of a recent fabiosable party, in-
tended to at, "she looked au gait," but
found that an unfeeling blacksmith had
mads it, "she looked all feet "
Of all editorial writers, Horace Greeley
nage most noted for itlegible copy. On
one mission the "modern Franklin"
penned something about "Seburban
journalism advancing," but the type set-
ter, thinking it was use of his famous
agricultural articles, Lunched out wildly
oath the words, "Superb Jerusalem
It is sottewhat siugular how often the
emission •1 a sings. seemingly insignifi-
cant letter will alter the meaning of a
sentence. Fur instance, several errors
have been recorded where the letter "n"
has been omitted from the word '"win-
dow," invariably placing a "widow" in
some embarrassing position --.s where,
on the occasion of • street pageant, $
gestl• an uawittiogly advertised '• yid -
doss for hire," and the even worse blen-
der, in a religious newspaper, *Mil
gratefully recorded the fact that "Mr
-- had very generously place„ • Maio -
ed glees widow in the church at --."
Enron of substitution are ovally
caused by bad di.tnbuung, or by lettere
dropping into an adjoining box in an
ever full ease of type. That the letters
"0" and "a" are so frequently transposed
is due to the fact that these letters are
kept in adjoining boxes, and the same
rule holds good with regard to other
vowel, and moat frequently used lettere.
An error of this descriptiotr recently (s-
oared is an article by the present writer,
where an allusion made to the time•
orad tune of ''Yankee Doodle" was
printed a "Yankee Boodle." The proof-
reader who allowed this error to pees
evidently hailed form Caned., and con-
sidered the new title a more suggestive
a d approprtrte to the present day.
halve Them—a dames.
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very won-
derful machinery it is hot only the
larger airpassages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading from
Whoa these are clogged and chocked
with matter which ought nut to be there
your lungs cannot half d., there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
Cell it oold, Dough, croup, posomonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the
family of throat slid nose and head and
lung obstructions, all are bad. All
aught to be gni red e(. There is jest
one sure way to get rid of them, that
is take Roeohew's German Syrup, wbioh
any druggist will sail you at 76 cents a
bottle. Ryon i( everythng else hoe
failed you. you may depend .ion this
for certain. Bowl".
A well-known grain buyer says :—
Y.w should caution the fatten against
mixing their old barley with the sew.
Many farmers in the west have old bar-
ley on hand and they may be thought-
less to mix it with the new pro -
duet ; bet 1 they do they will make a
view mistake The mixture will not
malt and will ant therefore And a market.
American grain buyers detest the mixture
et ones and rwjest it sad the load buyers
will he compelled to de the soma
f brsaa. Comallmi sod *Ida
And all diseases of the throat sod Is.sgs
w be oared by W use of Berates Ronal -
d os, Is it contains the baling virtues of
Oud Liver (►i1 .lad Hypnphnspbitee is
their fulled form. R.. what W. S.
Muer, M. D., L. R. C. P., ma, Treem,
W. R. safe . "Atter three years' expo -
knee i •onside► Remit'e i eneldei n one ea
the very beet in the market. Very Da.
Wiest in threat affeedena" Mid by
MI druggists, 110s. sad SLAG
ly sad surely run into Catarrh, sties.
yea oau he cured for 25e. by using Dr
Chase • Catarrh Cure. A few applica-
tw,ue cure iiimprest catarrh , 1 to 2 boxes
cures ordinary catarrh ; i to 6 boxes to
guatwntesd to euro chronic catarrh Try
rt. Only tale and sure cure. $.,Id by
•11 drujpgi'tm 1y
mese Tee.Me May he Seeress&
if you du not heed the warnings of sa-
tare and at once pay attention to the
tnaiutaowce of your health. How often
we see • perms put off from day to day
the purely • n of • medtciue which if pro -
aired at the outatgrt of a disease would
have remedied at altucet immediately
Now if Jobnatun's Tonto Liver Pills had
been taken when ibe first uneasiness
mads its appearance the illness would
have been "nipped w the bud." Jobn-
son's Tonic Borate and Liver Pills ars
decidedly the bat medicine on the mar-
ket for general town and invigorating
proper's.. Pills 25c. neer bottle. Bitters
50 cents and $1 pet bottle, sold by
Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole
agent. -bj
In view of the fact that a
large percentage of those
who avail themselves of
become permanent readers
of " The Signal," we offer
the following inducement :
TO isi OF JAL 1890
Call, or send us the above
amount at once, accompan-
ied by name and address,
and secure the full benefit
of this offer.
Of naso arvLvtas wuoa -mar Lams
W. will rend by nail an ap-
propetsteg1 h to each a,aedea,
Je, roue r .W c. -.b - ,... le
• busily --WhyWill try the
ansa'aette'i Yate hasp
the ted cock Gua, the
label and reed it in • Niter
Matin` bonen op.nwn atter
hitt tarot /titan • 6, 10 a
Oleg ase win &anon the slit.
Amy gross/ ear star=
knows where tern it It ••sad
by yes.—A see—
C11.10YILL • Ott.TlIt1ORO
LAGER (Bored)
For Male by
Call sod see sample at the store of
C. CR/�RR_
(bidet Ich,lune 4.UN. 3307-tf
By mall is any lady seadl•g es her post ease
dared. Wells, likbardsoa & Cf., N .Dig,
—AT TH8—'
- rIMA.NAGBlit
Vialoehs al aimed avenues el Sr
Bowie* Zithiey. and Luer,
inged gradually witho'st wsahe i g IM
system, all the miles mod flat
ham= ol theeaMA.5 4 s s
the memham
D Dlwdasalr
. Dryness
of the Akin. Dropsy, Mmes. all
Visteon, JJ.�e=s. IiL.vr
the Heart, / fervooso,smsrand Oss.
oral yall themand minas
ethos similar G�ompfainla b tk.
inflame of
BLOOD 3313111118.
IL MAW • bah. tt.rt ten. Mead.
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GREE I. n .: wane a•&em�
w..., .re em ./m& reps w &..
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-, , ,M wail, war as re .mosses.•
We Ma elm teed /ossa
m.• or we ease- et et
y;- '=4. `.-late we act r.e roe
01) whet we owl. et awe tap
• ry~.Ma i e.a east!
5 W i %" , 4. he . lemma se
• wed" Yee meeel.
w.e.awe ter nee n•
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E1TAitl1M1 MKS
waw (1►a4Tt• Rama
Dialers 1. alt kande ..r
A ad tic t lder's saw•erisi of every deeertpd ee
School Furniture a Specially