The Huron Signal, 1889-9-6, Page 3.z 7 HE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 6, 1889 HOULEHOLD HINTS. Always sift your floor when you use it, warmed it a little afterwards if the wea- ther be cold. Siduag twice is siren bet- ter than yews, as you o•u get more air between the particles. Spirits of •mutual& is the beet thine to clean hair -brushes with, se it dues not w heat the bristles like soap or soda. If a teaspoonful of ammonia t. mixed with • quart of water, the brush need only be dipped is the solution fur a mumeut sod all grease is res►uvd. The brush should then be rinsed in ould water, sha- ken well, and dned in the air, but not la the sun. The ordinary method if scraping or burning off old paint is haruly expedi- tious enough fur general pia -vows, and M also laborious. Soda sad gwok- him are tar more thorough. The solution of half of each is thus made • Dissolve the soda to water, and then add the Gore aad ap- ply with • brush to the old paint, which e ao thus be removed in • few minutes. Chareoas u a great sweeteeer of the breath, and besides that it strengthens and whitens the teeth, removes the tar- tar, prevents toothache, aad gives the gates and lips an attractive soler. About II Bch as mu be placed uu the Quint of a knife should be rubbed gently into the interstices of the troth un going to bed, to be rinsed thoroughly in the morning. The objection to charcoal is nu grittiness, and it moat be reduced as nesrty as pos- sible to an impalpable powder. Its puri- fying qualities are invaluable, and it is mid if taken inwardly it will curs lodi- patioo. Fainting proceeds from different caw - es, the oommooeet being a disturbance } in the circulation of the blood in the brsir. Fur au ordinary hunting tit you should lay the patient dot. Great berm has often resulted from the treatment of ignorant people in trying to make the patient ant up, or propping up his head with pillow& You want to send the blood back from the heart to the brain, and se the flat posture Is absolutely ne- oeaaary Let the patient he so that the feet are higher than the head, throw the clothes about the chest and thrust open, sponge the face with cold water, and give them some cold water to drink. Biting the lips frequently makes them sore, and for hard, dry lips • little pure glycerine, lightly rubbed in at night, is often beneficial. A harmless application fur the same purpose is made of a gear ter of an ounce of white wax, with one teaspoonful each of glycerine and mut- ton net. The wax and suet are melted separately. and then the whole mass is well mixed and poured luta a could to cool. b Mal ltlarser. However old, obstinate or chronic your ase may be Burdock Blood Bitters has curd so many seemingly incurable cases that it is well worth a trial in yours. Cases of dyspepsia, scrofula, liver complaint, etc., o1 twenty-five Bn' standing have been cured by . B. B. it can do no harm to try Freeman's Worm Powders if your child is ailing, feverish or fretful. lea dr'1t! A solution of chloral hydrate, five grants to the ounce of water, will clear the hair of dandruff, sn4 prevent it falling out from that cause. It is alai claimed that partial baldness any be cur- ed by this oceans. Sew a Dude raagki (cid. A slim young man in the height of fashion was violently sneezing in a street car, when a companion remarked, •'Aw, Chawles, deah buy, how d'ye catzh that dweatlful cold." ••Aso, dash fellab, le.t sty ane in the lower hall tother day, and in socking the ivory handle, se dwsedial cold, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vsyrs Red Pine Gum his cold would not trouble him very mucus', or sale at J /I aeon's prescription drugstore. tf A mom with a low ceiling will seem higher if the window curtains hang to the floor. lambrequin. may be used to extend the curtains to the ceiling, and thus carry out the effect. ser a seeai nese Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book agent, but has the agency in Goderich for Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he can heartily recommend for any com- plain to which a tonic medicine ts ap- plic•ble. This valuable medicine has been with most astonishingly good re- sults in eases of general debility, weak - nem, irregularities peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at come ppart� of theear. Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitten 50e. and 11 per bottle at Goode's drag store, Albion block. Gderich, sole agent a John Mollie, of years of age. H. life and attributes habits of wearing liquor aline. Hs three acres, doing self. (Mord, Ma, is 133 has lad • waaderieg his good health to hie woolens sad leaving runs a farm of fifty. most of the work him. /.111,010 Hay fever is a type of catarrh having peculiar symptoms. It is attended ky an tndamed 000ditioa of the lining mem- branes of the nostrils, teardacta and threat, affecting the lungs. An acrid mucous Iseeer•ted,fbe dinehaegeisaesces. ponied with a burning sensation. Thew are severe spasms of sneezing, Emir attacks of headeabe, watery as d eyes. Ely's Cream Belie r a new dy that oan be depeeded apons Nola at drtt erg. ; by mil, registered, deals Ely Brothers , Druggist., Owego, Neer York. ly • Sr guesses. Fee.,tamer sompiaials aad diarrhea ISM t rememd Dr Fowler's Ilia. s/ tense laom id 6MMwhavey, es i have wised M la my Snatily lilt& gnat mama gad mould set be without it. J. E TsW- Odmehy, ON. Never treed wMh- FARM AND GARDEN. There is. by the way. use perinea at — — any rate who dues .ot seem to have lost faith w the degas,of 4 been general Mr M. Beater, opropaetto $otur►ety, in annousaatag this week that •'.ix years and seven m.wtbe is all the time that re- mains all the second advent oat March b, 1896, predicts that "there meet be the ttreateet Europese war ever known about 1890, when victorious France, under the prubab'e leadership of Boulanger, will furor the ten ktogdosa.d confederacy fors.huwm iia Lao. wit, 24, in 1892 " l'olike all other kinds of route, the work of thinning them oat is is part paid by the ase the young beets can be pat to. Eve(. wbeu very smell they make eaosl,egt groom, and improve as the beet r..ots go.w larger No kind of routs should crowd each other, and beets least of any. As their seed is utteo double wheel sowr, two plauts will Dome so cloddy together that unless separated mother will be worth anything. This is the season whoa pear blight appears, and • sharp lookout should be kept for it. if cat promptly a little be- low the blighted place the disease may be stopped. Can should be taken to cut back as far as the sap shows diwotor. Musa, as it is evident that discolored sap is proof of the presence of disease. We hare uo faith io the various preempt - into of blight. The disease is very un- certain, and cutting back 1. the only true remedy. 1f there is much ragweed among the clover after the grain crop is gathered, especially if it towers above the clover, it should be cut down. After the grain Is off clover takes a fresh start to grow, and will often smother the ragweed if the latter is put back so that both can start even. It is better to do this than to allow both to grow together. The cut weeds and clover must be raked off or they will smother clover where they lie. Much of the baled hay that comes to market is in pour condition from mould or mustiness. This 1. due to imperfect "nog or putting up wheu wet. Then is strong temptation to the farmer to pia: up his hay as fast as made, and all the more so if rainy weather interferes with haying. But the grace needs to sweat soarowhere before Ruing into the bale. If it does net the sweating will surely result to musty hay, and perhaps also in mould. We have known farmers who thresh early to take the knia straw and spread it between rows of potatoes atter the last cultivation. It prevented weeds from 'rowing up so quickly,and by keep- ing the soil moist, undoubtedly benefits the crop. The great cost of this applies - on • large scale must prevent it from being generally used. If the soil is kept free from weeds, loosening the surface occasionally with a hoe makes the cheapest mulch, and one as good as could be wished. Manuring too heavily with unferment- ed manure is a frequent owe of scab in potatoes. Sometimes a clover by fer- menting in the soil will cause it. Ap- plying a little commercial phosphate at planting with the seed is • preventive. The sulphuric acid used in dissolving the phosphate destroys the fusee, growth, which muse tint s mildew on the skin of the potato sud then a sob. After the skin is broken, insects sometimes coma and feed on the tuber. Some think it is the insects that came the scab, but we believe this to be a mistake. The blossom of tern differs from that of all other grains in being double. The tassels are the male pan, and the pollee they shed fertilizes the silk, and thus makes the grain on the cob. In wet or cold seasons so much pollen is washed away by rains that the ear is mually im- perfect. It will be found, too, that the latest ears are commonly only 'srtly filled out, and with soft corn at that. Nature keeps the cob fresh and thi silk in coalition long after the tassel has be- come dried and worthies& Some yearn if sowed corn is sown later near • field of corn for grain, the latter will be helped by it. Then is nothing gained by growing three plants where there is only room for two. The two plants the place would comfortably accommodate would be much finer than the three tbst you manage to "past squeeze in." And re- member that one plant, well -grown, is worth a score of poorly grown ones. Gee good plant is something to be proud of, while a number of poor specimens ought to make the grower shamed, not of the plants, but of himself. Treat plants precisely as you would people, and give them all the chane they want to develop. Let them show what they can do, and they cannot du this when they are cramped. areal $,eras•es, Rua no risk in buying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver regula- tor. made by Dr Cbam, author of Chase's reosipes. Try Chase's Inver Cure for all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bower Sold by James Wilaca, druggist. When the Qessis removes from Os- borne to Windser her earri•ges and horses •re sent ahead in two special trains. Fifty osrriage trucks are usually needed to transport the stable and its •ttendaut.. • Wonderful.rgaa. The Wriest organ, and one that plays a controlling put on the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or inactive the whole system Names dimmed. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made .peoially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed to ours. Recipe book aad smedicine 01. Sold by all druggists. Here are two stories of a well known English prelate whose name may be ir..as.d. To a man who had been both- ering him for promotioe tilt he lost his temper he said, "Dear Sir,—If it were to rain reeloriss sad shower vicarages I should preset yea—with an usabreila." To another who said, "My Lord when I write you yon answer on miserable serape of""Very well, sir ; next time 11r.ply to yoelit shall be on foolseap."— "They have a larger rale is my die Met, says a well knows druggist, "thee say other pill on the market, and give He beet mtedestime for ash headache, indeseisa, eta, sad when esmNmed with J 's Tome Bitters, JeWmee Totts Idesr P1W will per - Herm what se ether smdiims bar done before for welerimit humanity." Pills !B cents per beide Bitters 50 scab sad 01 per bottle. Sold by Ooode Druggist, Abase bleak, Galeriaki, [eels • Free fou Around each bottle of Dr Chase Liver Cure is • medical guide and recap book ouotmning useful information, over 200 receipes, and pronounced by doctors and druggists as worth ten times the oat of the medicine. Medicine and cook *l. Sold by all druggists Justict. Field is a small man owing to his short lege. Hu forehead is high, running back into polished baldness ; his remaining hair is bushy and silvery, and his beard • venerable white. Two tablespoonfuls of washing soda in a gallon of hotline water makes a good disintectaw!<er the kitchen sink. Pour it in at night, while still at boiling heat. s -- Trees le Ned. Ou TLRwIR, I tried your Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry and was per- fectly Bund from sickness. 1 was sick in bed for three years and after taking six bottles I wag perfectly cured, and now I would not be witbuut the medi- cine in the house. Mow EDOI RA Fruit, Vereker P. U., Ont 2 THE BEST BAKING POWDER 11:UI1'S MOIRE Coors Fried No Alum. Nothing Injurious. IETHU1 EIf1TN1ElE. GARTH&C0. FACTORY SUPPUES Valois, iron ik Lead Pips Loose Pully Wets, Store let Peep%Farm Neap, Wed ruffs, Cream Eersretors. Daly ad lassdry Utensils. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. D.A.WCA KILL & d° MANUFACTURERS OF FINE. CARRIAGE VARNISHES&d4PAt 4SILVER MEDALS AWARDED MONTREAL CHADWICK'S SPOOR COTTON For Hand amid Maclktise HAS 00 SUPERIOR. ASK FOR 1T. LBITHB80ID STEEL -UM TRUNKS Laufleseele.I.diertied ether time ULM td ia"auu TRUNKS is the World. J. ETELEIGH &CO MONTREAL. MM. 11tki1fl HOTEL BALMORAL MONTREAL if she laasae fit. meet tie it.ess esiitdtr.l Na ~ 0.te/e t. lbs ty. err see IP twill norr •8.17.WmfraVagYer PEARS' LEATH2 BOARD !NI tomcods. J. PAL/EB& SON Wholesale ImV'tr, of 0UU$I1=TS' SOaSIES nu ETU 1111111f., MONTREAL. SOAP. COMPANY Ma.afacsutete of ASBESTOS NILLMO Steam Peeking. FRICTION PELLET IGARO, 7be one A r est ieeisit RECKITT'S BLUE a THIS Bflr FOR LAUNDRY Yti. The Teacher Who sdvl•ed her pupils to strengthen tier salads by the use of Ayer's Sar- saparilla, appreciated the truth that bodily health is esmeritial to uosotal vigor. For persons of delicate and feeble euastitusion, whether young or old, Shu medicines is remarkably beneficial. lie sure you get Ayer'% Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I lake a num. ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and ma greatly benefited." — Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stuuclutru, Mase. " I have taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla with great benefit to my general health." — Mfas Thine L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. " My damghter, twelve years of age, has suffered for the past year from General Debility. A few weeks since, we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He, health bee neatly improved."— Mrs. Harriet H. 'Rattles, South Chelmsford, Mass. ' • A bout a year ago l began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla ar a remedy for debility and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure in the army. I was in a very bad condition, but six bottles of the Sar- saparilla, with o.raslonal doses of Ayer's Pills, have greatly Improved my health. m I anow ably to work, and feel that I cannot sav too much for your excellent remeolies "' — F. A. Piukbam, South Moluncus, Ms. •' My daughter, sixteen years old. is using Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ef- fect. '— Rev. 8. J. Grahanc, United Brethren Church. Buckhannuu, W. Va. ",I suffered from Nervous Prostration, with lame lack and headache. and have been much beuented by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 sot now 11) years of age and am satisfied that uty present health and prolonged life are due to the use o1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla."—Lucy Moffitt, Hhllingly, Cuuu. Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth. a lady 79 years old, So. Woodatuck, Vt., writes : After several weeks' suffering from nervous prostration. 1 procured a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken half of it my usual health returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, raaranao BY Dor. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. !nese. els bottlse, at. Worth is a boys.. R W. Halford, private secretary to President Harrison, hes wet a cigarette firm for sending out the photo of h s daughter, Jeauneite, in cigarette pack - sod. He ought to win the ewe. IANOS°,.. esimmimmeamimgm 3 YEARS SYSTEM A rrirularlr ni..n.111r, quarterly or half Featly payment as s1:1011 adtance oo the ren• gal tatet buys the instrument. Any piano may he chosen out of a magni- ficent assortment of Uprights, Squares. and Orands. unanrpaaseed to quality and value. Mit inters. Teachers. Oovermment ()!!leers. and those in receipt of remitter incomes will end this • convenient and advantageous mode for securing • 0rst-eless instrument. When the instrument is used for practice. our soft Stop or Practice Pedal saves wear on the serves. as well as preserves lbs tone of the Piano. Our Patent Foot Pedal attachment for Pianos 1s Invaluable to organist& stu- dents. aad teachers. Prices on application. Inspection Invited OCTIVIUS IIBWCOIBE & CO. Waretooms-10: and 108 Church -m., Toron- uipments mid applLoo�as in the cki .n itst1 to 911 llellwoods are. 11 - &MAMA cs. P. Fs. BOQM TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS I have a large number of Hones and Lots aad Tweet Lands in the most desirable parts of the Town—rein S•L' Calcar. Now is the time to secure property before the BM Rush. The C. P. R. Is coming sure, sad baa short time prices will have adva•osd beyond the teach .1 many. Call and see List and Prices before parchae- ing elsewbere. R. RADCLiFFE, Real Estate and General Inenrnoe Agent Mee Wort -St.. third door from square. C. P. ft. Ticket and Telegraph Once. tot-tt. ENVELOPES x15=c1.'4 17 "1" ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER, BILL HEADS, Ste.. Etc.. at THE SIGNAL FOR SALE, PRICES LOW, CASH OR ON TIME. 1 General Purpose Horse. 2 One Horse Wagons, New. 1 Fairbanks Hay or Cattle Scale. 1 50 H. P. Engine and Boiler. 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Palley & Belting, 200 Plows, various Patterns. 60 Oorn Scufers, $2.50 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Reps, re of all Kinds. Os.h paid for Oast and Wrought Scrap Iron. War.rooma neer Vlotorla-at. Methodist ahnroh. 0. at. 8VM8EF,. Marabouts ow eat heir Rill Heads, Letter Asada. to., c. pinged at this office ter very little mere they geeeneerr�lty pal= paper and It wee to advertise tltetr t1e8 a.d em tamales ander* prism. PATENTS MATS. TBAOE SARIS ABB COPTRISNT ate/ e.0 t se55em V the 8. Pate. .34.5.4 to at MODRA4 711 P'XJEtt. Over 1. opposite the U. a. Patent 04. Mw we oar a Penns In lass air Ras Mass remote hem W/SHII GTON. .ise R M MODLI,�.OkfRttORAW7110 We ad - es Ti men IN CVT Rai< free IS •bloc! w r NLdDi. beVet~v isomeamt Mergers.to •teamime ga,wr esus srOsety, surra le • le:f OMNI . Patint"=4/IftWgl.. D 0 3 PUBLIC NOTICE. Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE d►rd SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. ar CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. 0 ec m c)4 • 0 Y _ it1I on or writs HAYING 8=- FURNISHED way shop l• the lasses style. pot torsos View imillla two of them the cella heated Rochester Tilting C ha ire. aad hired a journeyman Barber. we are in a position to do 4gger s r k then hereto forLady's k Cblldres'a Halmcuttiag made • sPeceey ty on 8•tnr_ l_ Tday; Rasors and ScWore ground. • INS West Street. two doors east of P.O.. D▪ odsetea Z ^ Ca). 00 0o H I 1:4 ccO 00 fg W C3 M ZW WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. 0 CRO. BARRY, the Furniture Ilan, is giving the boat of value in all lines of Furniture—from the Rlnallest chair to the lard and bent bed -room set, or parlor suite. gall and see his stock and get a bargain. O O -J 1STI3 RTA..gTIVGE In all its tws.nches, promptly attended k O 0 F' EMBALMING FLUID always kept on handl PICTURE TEAMING a repo ialty. 010. BARRY,Ramil—tut .Qc�cid►