HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-9-6, Page 1**; mart nEvoT ED TO ADVERTISERS • otice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted to noon Thursday of each Lead Imbres. 1 minister notiers in the lord columns of Tint Samna. of Mali/Ws 4ff enter- tatnetenis ad which ,Il SAWN fr. is rlsoose.f. or frost whirl' fil peenni wry bettlit is derived'. must be pont or at the rah /Me re, t per vont vied. insertion. no (Adore less rhanstetifsi of .ntertuinnirnts are inserted u brief loots1 *till be Oen ck, t. Mt. net ural Ignition atom of na. Mr br evrty r subtle it. We keeping Service leti thus: 31•11- NEW ADVERTISEMENT& antad Fri -d. E. Yining. to Rent Mr Evans ant Wanted -Iirs Kidd to Rent- Patrick Hoirsn. w town Pricea--,Wm Burrows em Renovator J. M. McLeod. vent 1% anted- Mrs Mella.king BORN. Leeburri. on the 311sh of Aug.. the wife of 11. liotntarthi oi • daugh- LICKS•X -At 11•111eTley. nits Monday, the Ind insE. the tette of Mr. lian...olus Mc- L.ensiass. of a son. Ude, the wifelpf Thus. It. Perry. et a sun DIED. wg-bs Lapeer. Mich.. on Thursday. •aenst Shh. In his 7tIth year. Jas. skeane, a former reaidient of Godern It. anti an t.nent Of Mr Saial Sloane, of this town. while sink* at the te Me writing. Jr In. McMillan. J. P., a well-kaown resident of WN TOPICS. 'A Haler* Oman" ye. leucite sates. API' fait* At 11 erne St. - Gun It Pneerwr.-The mom usefil gift cam make is to srhe a Wirt Pen. Ap- near --Garfield •nd serprisie. Inv . also r free& consignment of choice at Burrows' the sce.isisian. 0-31 The an's Christian Temperance 'Ilion t the Temperance liall every Tuesday ernoon. Pray ermeeting at 2:3U. busier*, nag at 2. choirs. new fancy goods. pure niedi" and courteous attention can always be at the Ptiarusmy. Always up to the times isertf behind. Geo. }thy naa. oat for the Polireman. and make np i.s tEsm all out and don t you forget it. 'is easy keeping ahead when you once get and that is QUO of the ressoas why R. }t. Icws take, the lead in picture frannimg. en he took up that bro. there were any ber of competitors in the field. but one by they hare dropped out, until now with his amortment of mouldings and k be has the field practically to hinsiseT4 sep your ere on the advertisement of odors . in this paper next week. are handling the F... & C. Gurney Cor's s. and control their full hue. trIten you I in inane North Western Fair. •ee their es- t in Use north west angle of the main Mine. The Gurney stoves have a wide re- tina for excellence. and every one is 111 MILLI ItaderetWille • assiaire BRIEFLETS. Mrs M. J. Robinson, of Debut -me, as. hi visiting her parents, Mr and ts Hale. Dr McDonagh will he in 0,derich for siltation on the first Saturday of ery month. Him Marieret Famine, of Campbell's rose, is visiting in town, the guest cf eousin, Mr Sena Sloane. C. R. Vanstone and bride, of South - peon, were spending pert of their oneysnoun with friends in Gaderich last Miss Lizzie Foley, who has been the mat of Mrs Foley, Kintail, fur • Omel- et six weeks* sojourn, left tor Detroit t week. Mr Ben Thomas, of ClInten, who is to ark in the new organ factory in town, as routed the new house on Parlost re- tly built by Mr H. Hale. Winghani .4drono.:- -James Dickson. 9., registrar of this county, and Ilm ickeen spent a few hones in town on onday, on their way t Ottawa. Dr M Nicholson, the West.st dentist. ekes the preservation of the natural h a specialty. Gas administered from a. re. for the painless extraction of t th. 177777".e."--atot leTa.- Bind of Hope will t ,Friday afternoon in the lecture roost af the church, at 4:15 o'clock. AN IMPORTANT Iwritoveuxer.-The new fkift Rum and Practice Pedal attach- ment to a Newcombe Upright Piano e serves the nerves of the listener or per- a frivirser, when prantising. as well se the instrument from wear, and preserves the tone. if. We are sorry te learn diet Bliss Mamie Meek is seneusly ill. The regular mentina of the town coun- cil will be hind this :',Friday; evening. Mrs Alexander (nrr of Niagara, it: donne at the Familial reel - Mr Charles Crebb, of the Poison iron worts, Tontine, is taper dine • t •ru weeks' holiday at the old homestead. Mr Gregory Tem, the new assistant prisacipal tu the Central School, assented charge 4.1 las C:11/14 on Monday. Mist Caeke, who has recently been appealed orgamst in St George's church, took charge of the vegan on Sunday Mr P. W. Cuerie. Strathroy, Monday took charge of the clays in the High Schosl recently tamiht by Mr Kaiser. A basebIll mech was played in Sas forth test Saturday between the Sealer and Goderich clubs. The Goderich tea won hy a score of 27 to 7. Mr Angus McKay, of Chicago, is Tata ing in teen. •nd Is the geest of 16 brother, Mr 1). C. McKay. Mr alcKe had not been ir. Goderich for nearl thirty years. Lieut. Dudley Holmes returned on Sat- urday from the Military School. where he had been attending the special enure*. Lieut. Helmes was successful in his studies and ebtained a second clogs cacti- , ti is • Persons wahine to improve their memories er strengthen their power of 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospec• tus post tree, se advertised in another column. 10-tf The annual meeting for the election I, Tent ranee Union will he h Id • I ! 10th. at 3 o'clock. Prayetaineeting as usual at 2:30. All merubers are earn- ' est I y re. t nested to attend. We have received a poster annonncing the 4iti animal exhibltion of the Central Saskatchewan Agricultural Society, to be held at Sinkatoen, on October 2ncl. A lent! list of prtzes is effered Mr Jno. F. Clarke,of Ciark's Crossing, son-in-law ,,f W Ashton, of Huwick, is presi- derEitetatelos Nei -re -One of the even- ing attractions at the N. W. Exhibition wall be the prismatic fountain display, which sill be under the direction of Mr R. It. Senors, who will alai give an ex- hibition with his dissolaanc lanterns which wiil be supplied with two of the large electric lamps. Further particulars of this display will be giren next week. The lawn tennis club held • teems- I ment on Saturday afternoon on the t groonis of Mr R. S. Williams. There t was a large attendance, Clinton, Seaforth ; mg to players and audience. There were ,1 several well cantested games. and the t whole series was of such • nature as to • t DON'T DELAY !-Fally twenty theme sand people are expected at the Great North Western Exhibitian, which roll ocmmence in about ten days ; and mer- chants sod other. who intend making a display will consult their best interests by leaving. orders for circulars, folders, cards, dodgers, posters, streamers. card- board stripe, &co ha, at THE SP.NAI, as soon as possible, and avoid delay by a rush during the fair. TIIR ING.-Mr D. E. McConnell, the foreign correepoudent of THE SIG- NAL, whose letters trent Australia, India and the Holy Land have proved en in- terestimg to our readers, was in town on Tuesday, having run up to Huron to year be has been living in London, Eng.. but has twain decided to go on his o travels, his objective point this tame et being Sloth America. We have made arrangeinents with Mr McCounell to con - tines the series of interesting letters from foreign parts, and we know that „ our action in this connection will be duly appreciated by our readers. H• is " a racy writer. a keen obeerver. and in- trepid traveller. and everything from his pen is worthy of perusal. annual autumn meeting of the Goderich Distnct met in North -lit Methodist Church on Tueeday. Most of the ministers of the district and • good num- ber of lay representatives were present. The principal business of the meeting Was te make arrangements for bolding he miationery and educational moiety meetings during the year; also to adjust he apportiontnent of the account meow ed to the district to be raised for them"- *ran:illation fund. This having beet one, arrangements were mode for hold - mod after ormaidereble digression it wee resolved that it shall be held at Hebron- ille, and a committee was appointed to 1 the time and make the programme. t was also intimated that a similar eon- vention will tie held tome time daring he year for clam leaders, and local preachers. A oommittee was also ap- GODERICII. ONT.. FRIDAY. SEPT. 6, 1889. Mr Will Roberts, of Termite, w visiting his family in town last week. Mies litalgaiin, of Brampton. is •isi ing at the residence of Mr W. It. Ruben ISOM The Miele! students etannienced the studies Mouusy, uuder the clerics Principal Park.. guest ef Mr Alex. Chrystal fur a ft. days this week. Mrs Humber and Master Charles • Island 1 ark, 1 Mos Way end Master Waller hare re- turned lc their home in Toronto after • visit to audench at the residence uf Mr es Miss Helen A. Reid left Momley, on a ritit to her sister at Greed Itiqeds, L. Michigan. Wit learn that Mrs Cupolas) of Chi - of ed the *etre on Eest-st. previously owned by Mr C. F. Strauhrl, and in- . tenets to open a Dew millinery &owe in Goderich siext spring. Mrs Copeland amongst tioderich milliners. and tiering re her •inheace from the teen has been eu- Messrs Alex Saunders and Wm. NI Creath visited Veen Maple Leaf, Cana dian Order ef Foresters, Clinton, las the cards. Owing to the making of improvement recently in Mr Geo. Stewart's phut( graph studio, his leak has been throw would respectfully request custotuers t kindly tent far • few days, to allow hi time to finish their work. The Harvest Festival under the aus- picas of the al'eman's Guild of St. George • church will be held on Wed, 21;th. A service will be held in the gaged en same of the principal millinery establishments of Chicago, and she hopes with emcee! experience and iocreased capital once more to take a front rank in the millinery line in lisoderich The zegular meeting of the Public c- School Baird wee held mi Mondsy even- - tug. Present -Messrs. S. alidanneen. a ton, Ntcholson and Swansen. Minutes of former meeting were read and confirm- s ed. The principal's report. 'Mewing an e averaee attendance of 578-294 boys and n 284 giria-vras received and filed. Print - t forms for the Model cless and one c ream of foolscap were ordered to he in obtained by contingent committee. The Principal reported that blinds were needed in St. David's school, and that mime roorna in the Central required dif- ties these matters were referred to am - Smooth, for sestina the principal's room, shurch on Wednesday evening and • was referred to Messrs Morton, Ache - Rainbow Tem in the roller rink on th e son, Cribb and Nicholson. with power evening of Thursday. v. pay if according to sample. The Loot: OUT FOR CROOKs.-Ilayor But. board them adiourned. Mayor Butter has been notified that a lanai II=M- bet. of confidence men, burglars and oth- er crooks are following in the train of Barnum's circus, and commit depreda- tions net only iu the towns and cities where the show appears, bet also run on to places adjeining and ply their nefari ous trade. During the next few days ou residents would do well to be on guard against suspicious lookine strangers. A "EQUAL RIGHTS" MEETING. isee sia lee subject. - An "Equal Riehts" meeting was held c in Victoria hell Thursday evening last, , and was fairly attended. The speakers were Rev Messrs Vomit( and Merd of ; the Newer& dengue. The meeting was opened by the sing- ' ing of the "Doxolotry" and prayer hy Rev Mr :treed', after which, on motion, Mr C' Crabb was called to the chair. Mr Young waa the first speaker, and began by asking the question, ''' who are 1 the Jesuits? • which he answered by quot- ing lame Principal Austin's pamphlet Jilt the subject. Their aims, said the speak- er, were not to educate the people, ana • not to advance the in'ereets of mankind, ut to propagate Itemonsin and to • I that end they were allowed to adopt any ' means. no matter how auestionable. hew illegal, or how wn.egtul. The Jesuit cede laid down that to combat and `extinguish Pratestantiam it was lawful toile evil that got d might exne ; it wu right to rejoice in the death of a relative .dismareed with or defamed the faith; and to comma perjury so that Protestantism would be checked. The Jesuits on sc- ' eouat of their action* had been expelled f from eighty countries, and now they I but Canada. They were disallowed in • Canada by a statute passed in 1775. but !provision was made fin- the maintenance • ' of the existing members at that time un- , til the last one would die The last f the order embraced in this provision died in 1800, and es Jesuits by their vows should not have hereditary deecen- dents, that was the end of them in sc.. dcorance with the statue of 1775. They , remained unrecognized by law until the I year before last, when they were Moor- • poeeeed in Quebec by Mr alercier and now med. claims to the estates of the . olden Jesuits, which had been escheaied. They had no moral claim to them, said the speaker, and the question of disal.. lowance should be fought to the bitter . end. The Dominion and Provincial ' Governments all pandered to Romanian) and in the securing af Dominien ap- pointments the Catholics were penicelar- ' ly favored. He stated that in the Seto ! ate there were 21 Catholic employees, and only 12 Protestants : in the Com- , mons there were 3 Methodists, 2 Pres- ' Presbyterian, and no Methodists. The ! Cathalics also had separate schools in Ontano, but were not satisfied with that • and raised an aeitation that was meeting - fel in driving the Bible out of the). schwas, and substituting a text -book which was approved of by Archbishop' Lynch. Dein] in his own district, Ni- ! agars, • epeeist outrage had been per. Chippewa ran a magnificent public high- way, known is the old Portage Rued, , which was one of the finest drives in , Canada, giving a reagnificient view of the river. A Catholic consent was bode in the vicinity, and so that privacy • to that institution might be secured the hierarchy used its influence with the • :Government to clue op that highway. t Cansda Southern Railway had the change effected, when oonstructing This *mimed to stageer the speaker fat the time being,bist recovering he amid, "I live down there, and know what re speaking shout." He then dropped the Portage Road,and stated that in 1888 the Local Government dispensed 870,000 in potato charities and gave $40,000 of that amount to the Roman Catholics. In armee mine he called upon the electors to join the F.qual Ristfits mama mime snd teat the candidates ler flair* before votes* far theiit. Mr Illordy next took duo platform asd word to the wise is sufficient. Tiir Beer Yer.-A few thousand an proied note and receipt forms have just been printed and manufectured into books at Tnz Slea it, which are ahead of anything of the kind we have ye offered for sale, being bound in heavy presaboard carers, with cloth hacks and wire stitched, and of a size that may be carried in any ordinary coat pocket. For store, shop and othce use we are making a lame qtuintity up into pads of 100 receipts each. The prices are very reasonable. C•all and see them at THE COMPLIMENTARY en FRT To 1k11,44 Cl/IIKR. -Let every dentonoination be ary concert to Miss Cf.ulte, to -night, and how their appreciation iu • tangible men - et of the many services rendered by her n musical entertainment,. which have as eactily and freely been given to mai as o another. Tickets have been put at be reaeonable price of 2:sc. to all parts f the house, with the privilege of haring reserved seats Marked at Fraser h Poe- . ter s to those wtshing to go for them. The following is the pingmin: PART 'The Anvil Chorus- . Meier, Anderson, Young. Reynolds ind Bei: 'A Song Withotjai:oirtri:bant. -Trues. the Stars that are nhining- ' The Mottoes thnt Hung on the wall - Mrs Moorbouse. Mrs Cooke. "1 Woull that my }tore. .iMendelmohni PART II. Mire Radcliffe. A Bird from over the Bea - Miss !tines. 11111111" .4 From Lucretia Itoreisi isms Radcliffe and Chiltoa. and Messrs Williams and Richardson Alone in the Desert- • . ...ienianueb Sweet Spirit Hear mr Prryer him 'ooke. "See the Pale Moon - Mite Rade II& and If r Richardson. Ftot:IIMM4 . -The picnic at the Point Farm under the auspices of the A. 0. W. and Foresters if Goderielt and vicinity, cra Friday last, was largely attended, and a most enjoyable time was spent. Saleable games were provided and many availed themselves of the op- portunity to bathe in the lake down by the sandy beach. An outdoor spread was had, snd through the forethought of the ladies there was enough and to spare of geed things for the inner man. Oee of the features of the day was the retak- ing cd the bowling championship front the renowned Joe Morris hy his Tense. able father, Patriarch John Morris. Not panelled with recovering the champ- ionahip, Father Morris threw down a eliallenere to THY Sit Or A represent i v e, sad same out eigterious,of ot urse. Bat we all had • good tinte,all thesame. In the mem- Ina short addressee were givim by Rev Messrs Henderson and Iluttou, and eases McGillicuddy, R•therhurtoo and e genial jiroprietor of Point Fenn Mr J. W right. After votes of thanks had been tendered te the proprieto! of e grounds and the ladies who provided e refreshment, many of the monickers tarried home, bat a tinsel lush!' nest - adjourned to thwepsomus parlors of be hotel, where! with music and mini- ng, • prolongation of the mijoymest was secured. On the whoa* the joint pantie sail a decided truceeee, and the event bids fair to boomtown:nal. IS ! ist church, will have an interesting topic preseated for dietnassien this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. All young people, and strangers in town are cordially in- t ilia to be present. Adel pee . We lave received a copy of the prise Het of the Greet Northwesters Ethibitinto to to he beM at Goderieh on gold. 17. 18 and 111. It was printed at latiorae °See mid is • credit to the plans • pointed as a &strict teniperanee coon ell asittee, to take what steps may be dime J• • neommary to advance the cause rif tem perinea. A IrlE/7 animated and th profitable oosverastios then took plus th u pon the best method of holding ravival rot w rites, in which 'swat of the binaries bac ed as chairman, and Rev W. F. Canna i bell se secretary. And this very inter• setting meeting aloud with the besediet- stated that the two great evils 4,f th . present day were parquet and Roman ism. In politics the two parties we like the two dug. fighting for a piece meat, and while they fought the cun mug fox -the Church of Rome -secured the meat. This should nut be, said th speaker, for a Reform Governruent can not hurt Conservatives without injuries meta could not iujure Reformers with then gave instances to show that pert politics caused otherwise good men to act inconsistently, and there was uo differ euce between the purely party candidate of either stripe. The devil sets up tw candidates. and his man is elected u matter which wins. The Church o Rams always gets its share of what vicar and the two parties were like tw come in that each was well milked b it. In Quebec there were atilliocs o dollars. worth of Catholic church pro perty exempt front taxation. It was quite true that Protestant churches were also exempt, but the speaker was oppos ed to all tweet:options im church propertv If • preacher is poor ha won't have muc taxes ta pay. and if he has • fat hien be ought to be aisle and willing to pay He himself bad net boon assessed, bu he had Reuel to the authorities and in- sisted opon paying the same a• his neighbors. The Jesuits' Estates hil was the last straw that broke the camel' back. It was wreng for Mr Mercier 14 inourporate the Jesuits, and the questim ia disallowance should be allowed to g to the Privy 1C...uncil. Down at eh Niagara frontier they had a customs collector to detect sinuntlers. When an honest man was asked by the collector to open his valise, be cever hesitated to do so, but the man who was trying to defraud al vrays obtected to have what he carried see t he light of day, and in- variably threw every obstacle in the way. And so it was with regard to the Ottawa (lovernment. They feared if the case went to the Privy Council the Proteetants would get their own. The speaker then went on to interaret the reading of the Jesuits' Estates Act to mean that the Jesuits would surely get the amount set dnwn te them, hut that :here was a possibility4d the Protestants' not getting the $60,000 awarded to them, and after initeniouely tenting the verbiaes of the act, finally stated that even if it was given ke hoped the Pro- testants would not take it. The separate schools were next taken up and the idea of teaching the catechism to the scholars was loudly deprecated. "Why," said the speaker, "do you know what that catechism teaches 11 you don't, I can tell you. It says that 'Protestants will be 'damned to hell' g(Sensation.) There was too much truckling to Rouse en account of the powers. that be. 70,- 000 persens had petitioned the Gorer- noraieneraI for disallowance, and after that functionary had closed the mouth of the delegation he snubbed them by delivering them a lecture on ties ques- tiaci which he bad said was not debate- pTay ads wan well; siia the speaker. mid UM least he miiht do in return was la fry and be civil. There were two views advanced in connection with the GovernooGener•I's reception of the deletration-one that he spoke his own sentiments, and the other that he the Minalter of Justice. If he spoke for himself he should hare acted like a man, for God made him a man before he was made • governor. lf, on the other hand, Lord Stanley only eoiced the opinion of Sir John Thomson, he is only • parrot, •nd $50,000 is too much to pay that it takes annually to provide lam with a cage. (Sensation.) If he can't do better then that thM imported gentle- niansheuld go back whence he came. (Renewed sensation.) In conclusion the speaker denounced the entire 188 asked his hearers to pledge all candidates to vote fir equal rights. At the conclusion of Mr Mordy's re- marks there wits a hiatus in the proceed - Ings, as in some way the ordinary cut and dried resolution had been over- looked. After a wait of some time without any cf the audience nioving, Mr Mordy came forward and stated that it was customary to make resolution, and 1 any one had a reeolution prepared now as t e ime to move it. In the meen- ime the taking up of the cullection could be vone on with. After the colleetion had been taken u p there was another quiet tisse, until Rev Geo Wehardson, of North Rt. Methodist church, Goderich, arose. He had come to the meeting to hear the question of Equal Rights discussed for hit felt that it was a question of import, bat he thought questions of this kind ately. W., in this part of Canada, at ny rate, were • harmonious people, al - hough we might differ on points of dec- ries, and we wanted to lire in amity with ear neighbors. For this reason he regretted that harsh expressions had been weed. particulary the "damned to hell" reference. Although many rnight agree with the sentiment, the expression was harsh. Calm language and thorough en- qniry was what was wanted. Heir, hear.) Now, continued Mr Richardson how do the promoters of Oda meatiag propose lo est to work 1 Mr 'Wordy agreed that it was better to bare calm diarmasion. and regretted if anythine he had said could he construed into having • harsh trend. Their object in alining to this Nation was to set as ptomains et the Equal Rights Aamocia- • thin. If atter the meeting an organize- ( They had with them • series of paniph- - time was effected, other speakers 'timid re be sent up contrail... discuss the question. - iets betring on the case which they would dispose of at tbe close of the • meeting le ant persons wishing; to pin, g. chalaler.McGilliauddy-Did I understand - I you to see that C4.1 othesal recognition - was given to the Jesuits between the • year 1800 and the year before last, when y Mr Mercier incarporated that body I Mr Young -Yes. - Mr McGillicuddy -Was not a college o Mr McGillicuddy- Yes ; • Jesuit coi- f lege, taught by Jesuits. is Mr Young -There was • Catholic ced- e lege incorporated, but it was not a Je- y suit coliege, although I believe Jesuit f teachers gave the instruction. - Mr alcGilhouddy-That is sufficient on that point. Now where do you est your authority tor the comparison uf - religions of the Government employees it at Mthrtal7un1g-Ilere is my authority, • to the lltristiatt Leader,and lain interes- t ed it also appeared in the Montreal Wit- io.o. I have never seen it contradicted. Mr McGillicuddy - The figures are I certainly beyond my comprehension, s and I only wanted information as to i where they were obtaieed. As they are 1 not traced to an °theta! source, but are o merely based on a doating newspaper e paragraph, that is all I want to knaw. The nieeting was brought to a close by the benediction. With reference to Mr. Young's denial ed priae to Mr Alercier's incorporation of tne Jesuit order, we here produce the statenient made by Sir John Macdonald on the fluor of Parliament, when the Act was discuseed. The statement 'mitten in the Official Repert ofahe Proceedings of the House under date of March £8,1889, in reply to an objection made by Mr Charlton : "Why, I tell the hon.gentle- man that the toorporators of the Se 31ary's Callege were the Bishop ef Mon- treal and six Jesuit priests. Just as Vic- : toria College is a Methodist College, and as Queen's is a Presbyterian institu- tion, so St. Mary's College is a Jesuit teaching inatituticn." GODERICH BOARD OF TRADE. tresall‘es lest lie.1 Means Wiping Ales& Ike Taws. A getters! meeting f the Board 3f Trade was held last Friday evening, with a good attendance of members arid a lively interest in the business discussed. President Wilhelm occupied the cheir. A communication was read from the secretary of the Dominion Cattle Buyers' Association, statiug that the matter of bolding a nolithly cattle fair at Goderich uld be considered by the Etectitive :Committee at its next meeting. • No communicatian having been re- : craved from the Town Council relative to the request of the Board for the ;vio- 1 ion of the town solicitor on the question ' of market regulations, the secretary was : instructed to iemind the council of the A communication from the Depart- , ment of Inland Itevenue relative to the standard of grain inspection was filed, and letters of thanks from the St Marys ! and Wingham Board 'of Trades for In- formation relative to their organization were read. al firms regarding the. establishment of , branch industries, and also a communi- cation regarding the establishment ef a summer hotel here. This latter subject waa fully discussed, and nn mation ! Messrs Nicholson and Saunders the secretary was instructed to cemmunicate !town could co-operate with him in such a project. ' The suggestions :nadir relative to I decorations during the days / 4 the N'orthwemern Exhibition were die- ' cussed, and on motion of Messrs Nairn and Itadcliffe it was decided that the Board invite and recommend the pub- lic, through the local papers, to decorate I their places nf business and dwellings len that natesion, as far an passible, and thee contnbute to the success of the fair. The address from the Board will be found in another column. The matter of securing another line of heats to call here next season was !discussed, and on motinn of hissers. I Nairn and Nicholson, the secretary WA* instructed to correspond with the Mer - 1 chanta Line, of Montreal, whose boats I ply between that city and Chicago, fir , the purpose of having Goderich Owed • on their routs. j A general discussion took plus on the question of taking action O. hasten the soomitiplishment id securing additional I raitway connection, and • notice of !motion was made thee at the next meet - ring of the Mord resolutinn would be offered dealing with the subjed in • de Amite recommendation. The Board then adjourned. At a recut meeting ef the order of cia. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers, kola its bastion, Mr Jelin Norris -1( Wino.= was *teeter! Chtef Eagineer. Tba is the highest ofhee in the order,