HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-30, Page 88 TBE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 30, I R 9. .COUNTY l'U i i1 EN1 ' ILems of Interest from over the 'Donut y. A Weekly Marty alike toasty Dewe arra• M we to Masa twder, of ”Thr ./gnat.' rue aid rata. l•Itpord as4 e..• fean.d keg Every mettes. Steelton Bros, Brussels, got • 1601 pound bear shot by Rote Gar, user H.ofryu, Inst week. A letter bee been received at Ethel, announcing the safe arrival .•1 Rev Mr Thompson and family at Vancouver, /1.C. Dr MacKid has returned from his vials to the Northwest. lu oouimon with others be was grastly delighted with the scenery at Baud. The Harris farce near Bruseels gas sold last week to Kenuelh McKenzie, of Brussels, for $3,800. Mr McKetiz e hair been foreman uu the railway section for s.veral years, sed a o•.W going into farurwg. The new Methodist church, Myth, is being pushed toward completion tied will be dedicated . u Thanksgiving day by Rev Dr Patti, of Toreson.. The building will be commodious, oomf.,rta- ble and well appointed. W B Dickson was elected to the . the of school trainee in Brussels by accia- mati.)n, owing to the withdrawal of J R Smith, who gave as his reason t.. the IL -- turning (il,i..er that he was n.mivated without his coutrut. It iJ to Le 1. hid that this wilt - rhos s• fir a • h•cuons in that villa,,, are herr.. .t tor this year. Mr Dickson should make a good trustee. On Thursday night, 15th inst.. after years of suffering, Mrs %Mam 'Tomp- kins passed home to her reward, seed 79 yeah and 2 months. The funeral took place on Saturday., The deo-eased came to Et:ael with her 'husband from High- land Creek, near Toronto, about 9 yeah ago. Mr Tompkins is about 85 years of age and has grown quite feeble. Three of their daughters resole in lithe", Mra•Ww Spence, Mrs M S B Ma- g' and Mrs Aunts. Hero is a man who ought to be better known to fame, "aye the New York His name is Charles E Steeme, and he is an English traveler broth from India, who was present in the breakfast rnt,nt of the Lathrop &Lesion the other moraine, saw Terry assault Judge Field, saw the ruffian &hist dead, and through the whole of that ex- traordinary scene, which made a sena. Son for the entire continent, went on calmly eating his breakfast at the arae table. It wan very like Charlotte in the ballad. The explanation is easy. Mr Siseme wasa new arrival, and didn't propose to write himself down a green- horn by displaying atonishment at any- thing. He doubtless reads the ' elioeln,l i.. r,.., and the London 7'.,../eci./i re- gularly. w.. proudly c,nsck,us that • he wee well informed about all the customs of the country, including shooting affrays at breakfast in r..'road statinne, and simply didn't propnr•e t.. give him- self away. We wish t.. !..ve it distinct- ly unoerstcod that Mr Sime is no tenderfoot. DUNLOP. From our own oorrsspundent. Mia Kate Meedoald in visiting in Clinton. Mine host of the Exchange was on the sick list last week. Mir Videan, of Detroit, was the Roast of Mn Allen this week. 1111 Miss Sarah Barker, of Detroit, is visit- ing here, the guest of her bruthdr, J. H. Barker. Mn Robertson, of Ultimo,. Mich., and two sisters of hers, were the guests of Mr Fisher last week. Tho recent races at (.nderich drew forth a good attendance from Dunlop, the results of whieh have caused .Dime of our maiden. to become .diligent in learn- ing the art of horsemanship. • 2,930 -ouch ie the weight of the mar• ive rising team of the Lenedowne Farm, weighed a kw days ago on our market scales. and the owner was lately offered $3:011 in gold for them but did not sell. tour jovial townsman, Thos. Nelson, carryiag a stout cane, last week gave the impression that be wanted not to have a sore ankle while draying,and that he could say more Nies than with the trusty whip and not scare his farming team. In the &bssnt, f its owner who, with hie household, had gone over to a bear neighbor for • little while, • driving pony dipped into the house for an in- spection of the premises and seems, like all youngsters, to have a tate for the pantry stores. He was discovered in time to preveot any mi.chief except drinking a psi' of new milk whirl had been left there. He was ejected, and the stolen drau,lht caused no ill effects upon hie speed next day. in laking over item. of Colborne last week we notice that there is •mother sick coalmitte iu our township and by the tone of it its operations around the pretty Swiss villiage of Ilenmiller. We hope it will pull its patient through. We would irk c9uucillor Goode if it has as wood elixir to cure its patients as our far famed tonic, and if so, Toni, send a *sample. (lur architect and staff did not go to work .t the new church .t Port Albert last week, hut remained here preparing eastrrials for the building, and on Mon. day • f this week started then in full force to work at the job. Any of the Rood politicians of either aide in the gamine village can get their idea sn- reced on any of the popular rpm - new on the mind of the country by a fIrle.dly debate with our architect. Also we hope to hear of a /molting Bum Aosn. - Our townsman R. K. Allies's familiar forte is amongst to oboe woes after an absence of shoot .ix weeks. I. that .pace of time be hes gea•eeed and reer.seed the mighty "ratan of fib. Attains. sad '•.n man pier of '.11fira•t• 'fa a fares circle of our mai- dolts he wow mists. teeny of the incid- ents of his trip and what he saw on his trends. Re .Me several new hams for isppro. owl clock i. this -..hip, frost the Old Oosstry. ASHFIEI.D. erten ear ewe oerresveadeat. Tho ay.ra/e attendance is the publte school ..f 8. S. No. 5 was 45 during the hist •eek. The um* woos owed rain. 9 he weath- er ha beso dry and warm daring the last few weeks - Nr R Barnby preached very accept - .h y Int Zion church. He is about to 1...e for McGill College, Moutrsal. Quite a number of the farmers have threshed their fall wheat. The average yield will n of exceed 15 bushels to the acre. Farmers are now preparing the ground f..r weeding operations There will out be s.. large an extent sown as ie former years W. Gardner, of 8. S. No. 5, has gooe to attend the (ijderich High School and W (1. Andrew the Lucknow public seh.K.I. DUNGANNON. From our own oorrospondeot. Mr J. M Roberts, merchant, of this village, left here neo Friday last to visit a brother who is very in iu Minneapolis, U. S Miss Pablo, of Dein. it. and Mir Stewart, of Kinardior, are visiting their suet and uncle, Mr and Mrs J W. Smith. of this village. Our beautiful village must have some very attractive features, a lube • Mas- her of visitors are joyfully :akin in the ugbt• and enjoying themselves general- ly The municipal council of West Wawa- n.sh will meet in the Town Hall, on Saturday, the 7th of September; all con- cerned will govern them.elses accord- ingly. Weather is very warm and dry, but excellent f..r the harvesting and storing of spring crop.. However, roots, pas- nue, artore, eta., would be greatly benefitted by moderate rain. Mr Geo Caldwell's daughter and grand -daughter, of Port Hume, are visiting their father and mother. wh.. live adjacent too this village, as also other relatives and friends. We w -etc' respectfully remind our street insp.* .r that the sidewalk oppo- site the post sod telegraph offices is in a very tad state of repair, and requires his attention immediately as to necessary repairs. Mrs Jaa Savage and her daughter, formerly of this locality, but now of De- troit, are vititiug relatives and friends in this village and neighborhood, and seem to enjoy themselves. We would here emphatically suggest that the ctti- -zin. of Gederich shoull hurry and use their influence to have a connection with Wingham by rail, No Dungannon, as we could rend our numerous visitors to nee the c•uoty town. The first meeting of any importance on the topics of the Jesuit eluestion, and Equal Rights, etc., wan held in the Methodist church here, on Thurnlay evening, 22nd inst. The speakers were Revd's John Young, of Iorummondvtlle, and John Mordy, of Niagara Falls, each of whom discussed the above .ut.jects to the seeming satisfaction alt those pre- sent. We are informed that one or two individual. came • distance of six or seven miles to the meeting, who, lay the way, evinced great interest in the ques- tion. ('n the whole the audience, con- &idering the busy time of the year, was fair. Rev A. Potter, of the Methodist church here. presided over the meeting in • very efficient manner. COLBORNE. From onr own correspondent. The council met in the township hall on Saturday, August 24th. Members all present. 'Minutes of Int meeting read and approved. The following jobs were passed, viz . 1Veatherald, for .ur- veying and description of Smith's gravel pt, $6; S Vanstooe, graveling on Mc- Donagh's hill, $20; J Bell, inapectine, $1.2:.; Il Fisher, inspecting, $3; V Fuh• et, inspecting, 50c.; W Knight, culvert, 14; D Bogie, graveling at McLeod's, $25; D Bogie, graveling at McCann'., $15; J Thompson, inspecting. $1.50; 8 Morris, inspecting, 11; J J„nee, repair- ing culvert, $1.50; 8 V anstooe, gravel. ing near Brindley'. hill, $30; R Drug - ! lass, inspecting, $3 25; S \'a$scone, graveling at Coates', $50; R Bean, iu• trisecting, $6; A McLeod, graveling L8. rued, $40; R Fullford, impacting, 13 50; school trustee refund from S.S. No 5 to No 6, $5.40; W Straugban, graveling L8. road, $50; A 11IcAlli.ter, inspect- ing, 03; C Morris, gats and hangings at gravel pit, $5.40; J Barker, graveling at .J Morris', $:5; J Barker,graveling, $50; 0 Little, inspecting; $3: D McGillicud- dy, printing voters' lists, $3i.; W Straughan, gravel, Ills: H Fisher, in- Beeetiag, 5.Oc; J Stivens, culvert at H Butt's, $24 50; J Stivenr, repairing cul- vert at OIher's, 11.50; Godench .bars of potting snow on Maitland bridge for 1887 and 1888, 15.50. Thos (Good mov- ed, seconded by N Johns, that 11 Mul- li.'s account of $3.50, for work on divi- sion line last winter, be paid -Carried. J Tiffin, on behalf of the Colborne Agri- cultural Society, a-opesied to the board for a grant to aid said society. J Tay- lor moved, seconded by 5 Johns, that the sum of $25 be granted to the Col- borne Agricultural Society -- Carried. The council purehase.i an acre of gravel from Abraham Smith for $300. T Good moved, *wooded by J Taylor, that a cedar bridge be built at Ammonite -Car- ried. T. Good moved,' seconded by J Taylor, that A sod W Taylor's tender for 13*omiller bridge be accepted pro- vided that they give satisfactory securi- ty- - Carried. A Malloy moved, second- ed by N Jobe., that Messrs A & W Taylor be charged :a per day for every day after the 10th of October until the said Benmtller bridge be completed - Carried. -A onmm..ioation from the meaty elark was reed requiring the east of $2,341 67 for soonty Dost• munistion. from the di forsal sabot medicos requiring the following amounts for their respsetive saMiosa, via No 1, 1660; No 2, 1800; Ito 3, $405-16; No 4, $320; Ne 5, $360; No 6, $496; No 7, $376; No 8, $336• No, 9, $375 ; A. i'. S. R., 160.44. A Malloy owed, seenaded by W N Johns, ta bylaw be paused levying y porpoise, and 11 milia on the $ lead fee lea psrpoaas oe a8 the Wields s paaporty r Na�lh Americall Life Assurance Couipm IIBINDING TWINE ;11NCOJtl•ORATED BY BPKCIAL ACT OF DOMINION PAitLiAMENT.1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, TONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Canadian Company PttF:iSILEx-r HON. A. MACKILNL114 M. 1'. Ka Prime Minlieer Canada. VICE-PRESIDENTS ! HON. A. MOItKIS, t OHN L. BL,tlZ1E. MANAUINU DIRECTOR --WILLIAM Mtt•AIIK, F. I. A.. Eng. T4s IoIRpIT Inane all Approved Fortes of Polic:flu slid ARuitios- RETURN PREMIUM PUN. This Polley GUARANTEES A RE rt• It\ OF ALI, PREMIUMS PAID In addition to the full face at the Policy in the event of death during the Divestment period, ata lower rate thea any other company. fiMlt.ly F. J. T. NAFTEL, Dlsrt 1 Agent. WE ARE SHOWING :+.t)11•LES OF BINDING TWINE FOR TUE COMING HARVNNT PURE MANILLA, SILVER COMFOSITE, INDIAN JUTE. which we are offering at a Special Price to Early Purchasers. Our Stock of General Hardware, as usual, is com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed, Plain, Twist, and Oiled Annealed Wire, as you like it. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. FINE TAILORING ! GRAND DISPLAY OF Choice Fall Goods -1 GENTLEMEN, --- I invite your close inspection of my new Fall Stock, which fd& excellence of quality and beauty of pattern is pronounced by critics to be the best yet seen in town. B. MacCORMAC. the township ; and further that the following rates be levied to raise the respective amounts reyoired by *soh school section, viz : 3 mill* on the dol- lar for 8. 8. No 1; 31 frt. No 2; 3? for No 3; 21 for No 4; 21 for No 5; 4! for No 6; 5! for Nu 7; 31 for No 8; 11 spe- cial rete for No 8; 1 special rate for No 9; 4r for No 9; '21 for Ashfield 1'nion S S. -Carried. Jami Tayl r moved, ' seconded by T Good, that the collector will have to thew in the dip deposit when collecting the amounts respective- ly of county, local, wchool section and dog tax-- Carried. The board then ad- jouniedito meet on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 2 o'clock, p.m. J H. Ri.•asanv, clerk. LEEBC RN. Prom oar awn currespoadeot. School opened here last Monday. Our popular friend, Geo Hanoi's, with `nig threshing steamer from Sheppardton, I is en the move for the season of Din, and has already threshed in this section. Geo is in good health and blown the w histle as loudly as in the past at the us- ual hours. His comrade, 1V Price, is again on the staff,and is as full of humor a in the sweet long ago, and feeds the "'separator a• sell as ever. I Panabaker, of Shoppardton, is en the staff as assist- ant. Last Sunday Mr Henderson, who has acted as psator in the absence of the Rev J. A. Anderson, said the rev gentle- man would return to preach here on Sunday and resuine his pastoral duties. Those who have heard Mr Henderson during hie sejourn are well pleased with him, his sermons showing deep study with an aim to make his hearers become con.tant workers in G ad's cause. IA Westin fat Flesh rredweer. This is the title given to *idea Emul- sion ...11',1 L.,.... r / hi by many thousands lilacs hare taken it. It not only gives Heals and' strength by virtue of its own nutritious properties, bat creates as ap- petite fur food. 1 sr ;1, .o..1 try Four t.•.;yi,t. Scott's Emulsion is perfectiy palatable. Scald by all druggists, at 50c. and el. ( NEICALT(IMR.rL txt.ctS1E. Only a few months ago thew romping. toar- eie.'skM Imes well puny, delicate, pall, sicklytaid girls. By e aof Dr 1'terct••. world -tamed Fluorite Prescription. tiny Nave blossomed nut into beautiful. plump. hale, hearty. *trema roues women. Favorite Preeettptkor: is en l.vlgoestl.g. restorative tnnlr and s. • regulMsr and /�- mover of functional action at est evNttal =r .i of ciaTe tmrn greme i a wam� Mond n V a .lily to mm.4W aims, aid eats produce only greet results. it h care- fully onmpeoated. b experienced and skillful physician. and at adsmt•'d to woman's delicate neganlaatioa. 11 a MeV' •egsoahlr Vevfeetly iarmlrm la m Its eeoot��teppoorrtk.o y� may ec.dto 1 of the system. It Imparts akagth to the w•bels squama For over- - debilitated muil.«w it.mme e.e n'eremenemea. a,. ' Nonmleeme m, nursing mothers, araiema ly. Dr. Pierer's earSe the greaten earthly=stm rMtonetaa . IZeti ▪ peelhe esseretl/srfrom tie saby me eellefte for wOm'a, a'" or he MTata ger aatsa wElv W lees a every ems. eat for may Mom emerieM, itR tq Reetgrs Dea Nag. Asea. PIPININMPAom ls00 0 eve of Dr. Rye's t;aeentb ~"" , ter ea laewrahle ewe et afiarrtt Is 4 The total receipts et the Eiffel Tower since the opening on May 15 to July 30 amount to 2,421,739 francs. tdlS YEAR'S MY R;Ir E CUT and PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO FL'.ER THAN EVER. SEE 4fft 313 la Bronze on each Plug and Package. r1;3-ty TOTE! OF IIEAIJTII Medical Lake Salta or Concen- trated Water taken internally CURES Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Sour Stomach. Bit - foamless. slick Headache. Kidney Troubles. Liver Complaint. and need For bathing ouies rtheureattsro and Paralysis and alt Diems.. of the Blood and Skin. - Aak your Druggist for Testimon- Totem of Health 0o. LONDON, ONT. ARMSTRONG FANNING MILL AND PUMP WORKS ARI8TRONG'S IIPROVED Grain and Seed Cleaner is gi'eerally acknowledged to he the beat ma- chine made for thoroughly cleaning grain and creeds of all loads. -ZT- Separates all Noxious Seeds and chem from grain et one claming .aving and amnia. all timothy Beed at the same time out et say kind aerate. it o.a be fitted late any fanning mill without rsaovfag the shoe, no mutter hew old the m81 1., aid makes It dose geed work er better time the most improved sew mills ksowa. It allows we seed le he Mews tate the .bat It Cleans Speedily. /Every cleaner warras&M to week as repro• seated arse ssl..ok ie ordering by moil give 'aide width of .hoe amid same et maker of mW 11 ess•.al t, . ▪ hied shoe bee,M If We srdieI f..hlo.-shak A large timothy of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS ea head aseewtaet*r.d hem Ahem& white smart•red pies. lla.Ordera by mail promptly attended to. Shipped to any point. JDDRRAM ARMSTRONG BROS., .� Goderioh, Ont. 1144 A number of Brussels residents were out in the east of Grey township, nu M. n - day, hunting a bear. They gut plehty E PP of bunting but very little bear. ORAriFCL-CoMFNIt, l',te. S'S COCOA THEIR ST BAKING POYDER NcUNI'S tMIOIIE (cors Friel No Alum. Neth -ng Injurious. 11111111 EEERENIIE9E, GARTH CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves 1•on 6 Lead Plps Loose Psliey 0iluy Skis let Puget Fara Peens, WINO E:l;s Cross Sepwaterv, Dar, and Landry Weal:. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. CARRIAGE VARNISHESVAANS 4 SILVER MEOALSAWARUED CHADWICK'S SPOOL' COTTON For Hand Brad Maclaine UM. HAS 10 SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. 1121110101D STEEL -LIMED TRUNK; la Sample. L.dt•-,' sal W other keds WHIR illi ;Z:r TRUNKS la the World. J. ETELEIGII ACO MONTREAL, AMIilms. lir as him HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Med. I. fit.. Basest tee meet eant.wl and e"egeetly fundebed «mlete 1n Lha City. Ao.saa.d ales ter 4oe guests. =fi be $fi pees day. 8. V. llgrOOmannFager Ream PEARS' kb IA kr o J. PALIER& Sol Wboissals Imp'tr of IMIIMI STS' SIMBRIES nn 10111 alar, MONTREAL SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Maaet a,.r.r..f ASBESTOS uILLNOARD Woes Pueblos. FR'GTION PULLETT BOAR., P. -hr n t... L' ..-hr"weq RECKITT'S BLUE. Wines, Liquors, 8&c POICSALE HT G. H. PARSONS 411&110S1 11 CE. 90011111/01. E IIREA K FAST. "ily • thorough Lnowledoe of the natural laws which .o. ern t he opera, ion* rat d litre ion and nuts -own. and LI a careful applw•arion rat rhe tote properti. r .-1 wrll-v:c, trey, t'rr•os Mr kppe it.... prov:d.-.t o r hreatf..t tab;,•4 w it e del:.atrly Ito.'tris tering, whichmay wave us Ina)t I., -al j dot tor.' t,.i... It 1. tat the j 1.,-,uua u•r et tot. I. art u -I.• of diet that it rnnat;trrt:nn may be gn.d..a ily built up unit liras.. enough to resat rtery tendcr.cy to di..ra..-. Ilutnired. of 'subtle ma:adie. are floating around n. r. -,ad) to at- tack wheret.r there i. a weak p.m,. We may escape utaW a tate: haft by keeping o it tort:11e.i wit}. t.nre blood sad • /rwp.-rly uridied /intone.-- or." "t ; ril *Trace 6a:•lir Male stmt,lr wiet, !'-ililtr wa•er rr milk. lokl only In reeketa n) giro. err. l.►r;led thus: JAM Man F19 -t. S t o.. Nua...wl.tb,c rictus- 's/as. Landon. Enw4sd. 118y f;. Int: The Meet u fed. r n is area tad a t. swat does Egos tdlsar. 5..w proof hstow.s0'l.& rpm*. „whitlows: a tri � !NAL d Co..blt•oit.k roan.. R Nsaeeesw -1 tae. 5514 Eea- datrs tyasm C�mersel.avl.. and.YolaseswdkmwtetW `m-... PelfrJelmssa461 4 ames eau b •very ratwest. I es eh� nnat -d n to aE hem ,5, I �, Vu regsswl4 Hers. Comm. J Ba -ensu. KEIDALL'S S_PS prC�DREI O ..1 iM. sa' .h.ev�r _. ' otos t.44e w kMh i*. om sof ase. nem 1 t t i ks.- euee.ayvoma : Caver sheen W7ais KENDALL'S SPAM ONE. FORT Mak. �� a E J. [a•uJ.Oo IhIw + feral y S a▪ d shay hews WM' lsollassierj ' stasy trIbIrPtesitt el h.er�fels,etget EwsM w lesets et peke hy the tip SOLD BY ALL iisitoprts?s. SACIIET PODERS! 8 I)IREREYT ODORS. MALVINA - CREAM FOR TAY AND FR9(711L911. FROSTILLA FOR CRAPPED HAINDS. -RU E1FOA]t2- �T��POR THE TEETH. ILIKE a 8 OATMEAL POR THE TOILET. RIO10I0KI11R'8 PleRP'UKt, BIT 511 iNFF!l_NT ODOR11 PURR DRUGS AND TIMI 0001M. Wimies01\711' Pre.rrepge. Dna ems n1 m DO in in to 1.1 Pr ev 511 ail A th S, tl. Tr