HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-30, Page 6•
A truly hone.t emu will nut take •
i CANUCKS. Ilarrr sero for property thee its just
vale., rveu if offered more. This rule
The eaperalaga of a sleet tietseewtaed lam it ine.sted upon by "The M.es.uaer ul
1'eaue, and illustrated from real life :
• r •1.w •r tirwsy tt'araar.it, t r 1. „,Y certain seas named Smith cause to
serr.M•d Residers : t farmer barred Jules, w•.I iug to bey •
Arpwusee W t, have • water works ,,ur of uiee, and said : "Those red oxen
.1 yours now rue, and 1 will give you
A saw mill w•. bunted at t•r,..cnhunt on 01.10 for them. ' Josef' replied: "That
&turdzy milt. is $4O more than they are worth. South
8fr.luhn kludotxald will op•u tM Nurt poled thuudentruck at this remark.
Ittop1 lsdwtrfat F.'babiuua tib '.prtemh5r 4. The farmer said : "I know the value of
tie the 2tet pros.
T e Supreme Court will ,u -open in OtbwSth,,, 0tan batter than you do. title uf
them is • little breachy, rad the other
•rue cannot bear the heat as well as some
trials, and yet there are many ,(tori qua)
hies to them. But, all things muuatder
iIM l oiniuiuu v ,ter. lista for Kingston. d 8.41 is all they are wurtb, and you
Prof. smith .Ii livered an address may have them for that prise." Smtsh
on concur tepee in \1 u,u:)xg. gladly tot:k the oxen, and said to a man
' The caimans a (Nelms-- tuteud Irwin• • bail at his way home : "It (wets all what a
W the Gueer*(r t:ru. rat ..0 teptemlx•r 111, i,qurei ce there
is in the religion of men.
Quaueties..1 cont are now hello reuuived,Now. there is old ('lark, m) near neigh-
fs 1,% innipeg from u c `‘ssaa:chowsb mutes • bot: I hate heard him make man) •lout
m Stair. +urayer. 11 he had uwued thee. basun
Kwp«t, t people x,rifideutly rtpeat to ase (ul Oleo he would have irked me e 13
Iles 1,. -\. h,rkpatrick becvuw 1 16...er of or 'sure fur them, and he woy4td have
ililttia'called them • great bargain at that, and
The urimsl.y Park .tar,drs ati.has de- he would nut have said a wxd about
declared • dividend of Levee pal 1434, to' rile ..1 theta being inclined to be broadly,
be paid before Oe,ler :+t. .tuts the other not very tough in bei
The rciiure of tie' Pathfinder
� Mu,uie ly toe o utter bush liar reneweduwed *rather. 1 du out know anything ab tit
.engem myself, but one thing 1 know as
tihseiciboete in Vrot
vrll as 1 know where the sou shines ••n
• Fire broke oat ren riturolay in NNn. 1 shaft r t right day, aud that u, titer, tr a
of the Pant tCcllta�{tou, l: C., oellitry. '1 hu mighty big dt:ference Letwreu Junes
miners and mule. were Meed. religion and Clark's religion'
Mgr. Felire,address.ng the cler^)•of his
archdiocese, seruagly sneered upon a Inure, '401t1311) FEARS Alt/,LT HEALTH.
stringent wervaice of sundry.While iso truly scientific ,nen can be
)Ir. G. 11. Smith, Hi. P., was je-nomis-i
ate•t yesterday at Mrrkhast:by W Esse Persuaded that the tout -sought secret of
York ttelmut('oaveut eu.. wealth and lung life lies 111 simply the
Thee i•a 10 be a political picnic at Ste) '"r .f the mind over the body, the
Hflare,'leer M,ntteal, on September ;i, as •x.stinee of that power has uever been
which a Demeter of E reneh.l.dn•dians will' toured. The secret of the success of
sprat every great hallucination is in the
Mr. Jamas :Y. joke ion, of .hese..e has rui•Atilt 4,1 truth which it has Meana
The IAlamiagt.e , I ln4, Methodists island
boihliag a *1'2,1010church
' 'Two tboeaaud tibio.•. hate been added le
been relet•te,l a+ the (• seervative nominee -art of itself. "As the Ire that is half
for the loe.tl clot•tioil in Prince Edward the truth is ever the wont of lies," so
county. that sham which is half the truth is ever
A w im a of weak intellect threw herself the 'est and moat dangerous. It is in
in hent of a train in Montreal on'aturday, the fact tint the w celled Chnatian
and leeched injuries from which sire cauuut Scientists F .vc gruped a genuine truth,
reeuver. ,anti one ti. .t is recognized by every
Mr. Welltngtou, the well known New 'intelligent physician, that the danger of
York engineer, bas reeiternee." s tiadnct their theory lies. We are hardly be
or elevate! railway tracks for the city front linnunt to realize the full power ..f the
is Tunonto mind in ifs -elation to the health ef the
Ede .rd Hen's'', the Denman, is engaEled body Every 'anther knows how in
in the compilation of • work dealing with ,trot, an anxiousur angry condition of
hu career els a *culler. The "1i will be ,pled
communicated to her nursing
bane.' next winter. i„pant and produces an effect as power -
but she fails semi
Stater • ('onsnl at Toronto hie been swore in. •1.rna+ to t yrepoize the poisonous fa rtfnct of
will t•iait the tarladisa dries lief.,. ra- passion and evil epee her own physical
portia,p ,or work.
E.letitd Patched, who live, about one nature, because that nature is more
anile from Keswick, Ont., committee ',Mettle 'bunted, lees sensitive than the child's.
Friley night I.y cutting his throat with • 1'!e powerful effect of fear in the time
razor. Ile wee abtut 1.0 years old.,f an epidemic has frequently been the
In the Montreal General Hospital , a doss ,subject of comment. There is no cause
of ether was administered to a patient upon if itl•health so frequent as turbid dwell•
Atom a miner surgical operate,* wa■ per- ing upon the subject of ill -health. Those
Yo fined, and death resulted. ;people have the strongest digestion, as a
It i. said the \iritis Itepartment liesotfer-rule, why never think of their digestion.
ed to expend from (.,44b to a•itr,'MM' upon • eho eat in moderation any palatable
new drill -shed in Kingston, pn,viied the ford which is placed before them. Im-
ecity will donate a plot of ground fire acres properly cooked food hu done more to
in extent, to be used to a par.deground. mpair the digestion than any thing
Mr. •Mackenzie Nowell,
tcho kis tele- else, except morbid dwelling upon the
lgraphed to t ictoria, 1i 1'., f•.r iu(rauttirm'subject of what is wholesome and un-
wholesome food. 1t is very unwise to
dhow children to be over fastidious
The 1:rand sire of the Independent t►rder about their food, because it is unwhole-
of 4 I ddtcllowe, grand Lodge of 1!uebec, is some for them to be whimsical about
his annual report state that the torstal merge
f0�d. A radical mistake the
behip o1 tlddtellows was 1 1:+1,6-18, or 4laristian Scientist makes is in ignoring
11104,657 mon than the estimated slumber dl'hc fact that the body may become so
Yremmasms !Itemised that the mere will has rt, power
The Hamilton Carnival was brought to a to!dr•w it pack to !width. The wretched
'.lose ov Friday night. The general cimeesus quacks who have played with the holiest
of opinion is thio it has been a great success beliefs, in order to enrich their own
lied b..dais mach towards advancing the pockets, could never have been succeas-
cammerc1 lri•teresta of the city:- Tbe liter- far had not the germ of truth been con -
chants' ('onto:tion chided its labours with coaled awonq their sham and charlatan -
interesting discussions upon the eat and ismer a truth which is an intuition In
butter trade. ,;very genuine good nun's and good
TOPICS FROM TORONTO woman's heart.
about the recent seizures in hehrin4's Sea,
expesMetl himself as pleased with the atti-
tude, .•n this question, of the LonJi,n 711see.
t'ese■eset Ilg swateem
Buys .. iter, go betray, troml deb vial
Merry and reeu■ssisee of their neterw,
vainest aey vittwus purpose. If,in sash
ees•e,they Itre treated with severity, sod
'tweeted by a stern authority, tbr• is
crest peril that they may go from
bad to worse, sed cud us a shipwreck
of charmer. But moth buys often have •
wture which may be reached by genuine
sympathy and hindmost', and moulded to
generous manhood The following anec-
dote was told at a useetiug of the L.'
duo Sunday School C , of Mr Janie*
Kershaw, who died wheu member of
p•rliam•ut for Southport :
When a lad ten years of age, he was
in • Sundry Soboul class in Mla,chest.•r
'rhe name of the supertatendeut of the
school was Steele, a name very fragrant
in that great tow u. James was • ver)
troublesome buy. The teacher cause in
with his mine to the supertuteudeut,oud
again and again said:
"I cannot do anything with him."
"But,.' earl Mr Steele, "1 am sure
there is something to James. if one uuly
kt;ew how to develop IC'
Again and again cane the complaint,
and again and again did ibis kind -heart•
rd superintendent set it aside. At last
this little boy broke through a rule
which involved exclusion; and when the
next Sunday Caine, the enquiry was, we
believe, suutewhatin this form :
"Who of you have been to the races
during the past week f'
None in this class, uone in the other,
neo. anywhere but Jaynes.
"Welt," said the teacher. "you see the
boy must lee Mr S re 0, • diseased sheep
will iufect the duck
"But," said the superintendent, "1
cannot part with that boy ; let us have
him up in the presence of the ',hide
sob. K.l.
1-p he Caine, a tine, daring. defiant.
handsome little fellow. All the echo .I
looked on and the superintendent said :
'•Ncw, James, I am sure, when you
come to thtuk of it, yeu are sorry you
went to the races."
This little fellow shrugged his should-
ers ; he was not at all sorry. Then just
as one 441 you ladies would touch the
keys of a piano, did the superintendent
in his address try to touch the keys of
that boy a heart, till at length he bad
pruduced some effect. Turning to the
hundreds 01 boys in his presence, be
said :
"My lads, if we turn James out of
school, he will go to bad, and become
worse. Shall he ger'
" No, no, no shouted three bun
dyed voices, and James burst int., tears,
fairly conquered by affection -fairly won
by love.
Ile became a memler sf Parliament;
he became a member of • Christian
church. Ilia 1:100 • year was always
carefully paid into the London Mission-
ary S iciety, and 60 guineas, as 1 know,
to the Manchester City Mission : and I
may also say, as I happened to have
some pleasant acquaintance with him,
that there were many things which his
right hand did which his left was not
allowed to know. Now he has g.•oe-
one of the brightest trophies of Sunday
school instruction.
il'be Amserlea■ ('alide■Ia■ Aee•elatleu is
session arise•■a as waste. One of the must effective inducers to
TOtuorn., Aug. 24 -The !11th annual sleep u • warm salt bath taken before
meeting of the North American United retiring. This will almost always put •
Caledonian Association was held in this city restless child to slumber if it is well, and
yesterday. There was • large gathering if it is well fed after its bath. Sleepless -
of delegates. Mayor Clarke welcomed nesain an adult is more difficult to contend
,the visitors to the city. Thomas Mor. with. A warm salt bath may not always
Batt, the President, was not in attend- act as quickly, but it is worth trying. If
ante, but he sent a flattering report. there is any tendency to cold feet, put a
The association is generally prosperous- warm bottle at the feet after bathing,
ant delegates attended t grand banquet at and in many cases a restful sleep will
the Walker House in the evening :.rad will follow. It is far tetter to resort to every
rase attend the annual games of the Tor- subterfuge to induce sleep before resort•
men association todw ay- Theofficers our ing to any sleeping draught. Sometimes
the ensuing year were elected : • few crackers or something else eaten
i President -Jamas Moir. just before retiring will induce sleep
Vice -Presidents -W. 1'n Peltb-\I'. U. 1lelutos6, Tor- when nothing else will For this per -
onto; John Nettie, Detroit.
Secretary -W. Pk Smith, Philadelphia. , P"
m16331 people keep a cracker -jar is
l Treasurer -I1, A. Morrison. flutist.. their rooms. The thin wafer crackers
• Assistant -Secretary -A. McLaren, New- ere excellent for this purpose. For the
ark, N. J. :dry, burning sensation in the palms of
,'Chaplain -Rev. J. F. ifickie, Detroit. ;the hands and soles of the feet which in -
lir. Rutherford, Montre•1, and Mr. Tel- domes s!eeples•ness, sponge them in
lock, Philadelphia, were elected 10 act with ammonia and water or vinegar and water.
the committee on management. The continued dwelling on • certain
The next meeting will le held at Detroit. thought may be of value. A frequent
Tomei-re, Aug 28. -An unknown infant reined, of this kind is to imagine an
was fished out the bay on Friday. At an endless flock of sheep stepping one by
inquest a verdict of wilful murder by parties one over a stile. The continual mono -
unknown was arrived at.tong of the imaginary movement will
A tieriouseale lest present occupying the sen pat •wide-awake ppev'rson asleep. A
ofthe Hospital
Surgeon. A Mn. famous physician pat Ais steeple's pa-
touset widen► a an ex-poliesdeaf , the It tient• to drowsy *limber by an arrange-
between lite and death, the result
d as abortion alleged to have been perform- went by which they listened to the con-
ed upon bet by an "Over the Don' store- Stant dropping of w•ter,drop by drop, on
keeper. imeral. If • person 1e habitually wake -
f ful at night, it is wise to give up tea and
rant. as • arm. coffee at night, and drink in their place
Tox.sr•n, t) , Aug 24.-A heavy storm 'a bowl of fresh milk bested quits hot.
0t wind, ruin and hail pseud over the city i
tin afternoon and struck John Robinson's "Rosso yen ago Ayer's Cherry Pee -
cirrus tent. The canvas was thrown ea to cal oarad ate of •atom• after the beat
.one side crushing down the emote- A staes.e
of terror ensued. Women feinted, 'Adams medical skill had felted 10 vire me ,diet.
5cr.med sad it is •miracle tkat then wed A few weeks sloes, being again troubled
so law casualties. The most swims wag the with the disasas, I wall promptly Tolley -
bruiting of a leg of • young %III: Wan ed by the same remedy. -Y. B. Raes-
mist. but over • handed sufered ler, editor Armes, Table Rock, Nebr.
tress bruises and contusions. areas
eras usatl• to give a night performance
PSI the performers wardrobes were reined Milbern's Aromatic) Quinine Wise 1e
by rale distinctly =pewter to any other as as
appetising tonic and tortiller. 1m
Tbe gate of towel.
Thou wb •.. so a .ii tent that they
can will tial It must beostictal to the r
105.5 to shut .hese out ..f the poultry
house ant* orale theist ritmi bli the trees
durmg lire ..r sit to -•.the ..f the year •t
Inlet , is y err harde r, h, aithier bud
more growth, for it. 1..4.. less Itkrly to
be tweeted with lice Y.•us g stuck e•
pecially,ss woo es left t) the hen,ahosM
ire er.cuuraged to roost iu the tree.. 'they
May be allowed to rruia114 0111 untti tae
trgitus to focus in use co.,I weather 111
October. It is very r.re that fuel* the
raised ale troubled with roup or aw@fas
Pimm Trees a AM.* •rete,d•.
I'rulessur A. J. Cook a reported as
advtoatu,g the p acting of plum tress ua
apple u)vbada rue rbault4la itfesa Irl
that curcuo , has ow a dectdtd pre,. r
euce fur plum tr.-es • UI collect epee
these and car be deslro)m. muco.
smile than It scattered ever the elide
orchard. The test mates/ of desire)ieg
the aurcutto seems to be ta spray the tree
very tbosougluy with • wtlture orf trite
round of Loudon purple to .00 WW1*
t.1 water ; altuuu,(ti if the ubjest be
snowy to drive .he curcu t, away, 5
culture of en. putt .t carbolic acrd with
fifty pounds of plaster, tbrowu user the
tree, seems to be tow.' etfeetit'e Thr
6 st apes) ing the Id be dune l•
hilt as the woes -item .re ranter, attu
should t t reprated t a Ice, at Interv.ls 441
arr.ut tett 414) 4. 1 :,e uuportaoce of u• t
.pra)u.g until the brims tus haat lallru,
beetauw tit pwisu.rtlg the h•.uv_: t•ees,,
Oita ult.phsat•rd in the address.
Focuses is ries.
Tuo .array farmers entertain the rrro
neous Ilea that plat..• stored it pile
early in the season should be utei u
lightly maul tate Hr .he tali. Nit tee
.ref sa' this way will he eaa'y wet
through the covering, and the suit wilt
Mau haat down to the potatoes, whbh
will prevent their keeping welt. In
mauyecases .t1 this sort matters are mode
worse by a heavy covering r•1 manure to
the fall, without extra c.veriuy of straw
or earth, which is liable to host through
the r, ties pit. Potatoes stored rat pati
should be lett until cooled oil before
euventg ; if left till morning and a thick
c'caring of straw put on, and not lea,
than ten inches ot earth, this to be fo'-
lowed by • owveriiig vt straw and earth,
this to be followed by a covertug „1
manure er another light c.•verttig of
straw and earth late to fall, they usually
keep in line condition. When the weatti
er looks stormy • pit may be coverers:
till near the top with earth and two
wide pieces 1.1 boards nailed together
roof -shaped placed on top until cool. --
., 11. Ablate.
frowned er Nem" mei.
The head of anyone suffering from con-
stipation, biliousuees or dyspepsia will
harbor a sick headache. By regulating
the bowels, arousing the torpid liver, im-
provislg digestion and purifying the
blood Burdock Blood Bitten banishes
sick headache, no matter how severe er
obstinate it may be. 2
Fear of Peveny.
How many seem to spend much of
their lives in the fear of poverty i They
are constantly striving to lay up some-
thing "against the time of need," and
are full of anxiety lest losses and mis-
fortune, should deprive them of their
hoarded treasures. But, alas ' how
.rainy seem to have no sort of fear of
spiritual poverty, but are willing to
spend their lives in • state of religious
weakness, leanness and starvation! The
Lord has made provision that His pen•
ple might have divine wealth, end that,
though poor themselves, they may make
many rich with the durable riches of
righteousness. And so to the Christian
who wearies himself with seeking earth-
ly gains, and whose heart is hungry,
thirsty and oppressed, Christ says, 'I
ooansel thee to buy of Me gold tried in
the fire that thou mayest be rich.'
Happy are they who heed the precious
ibvitati)n, and gain the wealth and
blessing which the Lord alone can give.
AA Baaeesmt saes see.. - Ise Obis ttrime.
Mtxmn, Mo., Aug.Ig.-Perry Thrall
*rho died Friday at Moser. Mo., oo■fsmsd
fission Ms death baying communed the
for whir& aaethee wafered the death
t . I■ let William Vander -venter
lege were murdered a few dee frees
near herr Nil Duly, • entered
was arrested, hied, osnvitiod and
fer the arise at Perla. Mo, s few
alter the trysdy.
• Wemdwfrt Arena.
The tarred Dram, and One that plays
a eentrollisg part es the health of the
body is the liver. If torpid or iim.Ille
the whole system becomes dined.
Dr. Chase's Liver Ogre is made spatially
for Liver and Kidney dioceses, and
IRuaraeteed to ears. Recipe bosh rad
esedieiae $1. Sold by all druggists
we es Tour Simard.
Don't allow a cola in the head to slow-
ly and surely run into Catarrh, when
you an be cured for 215c. by using Dr
Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applica-
tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is
guaranteed to care chronic catarrh. Try
it. Only 25c and sure care. Sold by
all druggists ly
Aa a healing, seething a•oplication for
cuts, wounds, bruises and sores, there is
nothing better than Victoria Carttotte
Salve. lot
Frayed Out. Set a.e Played 5.4.
The popular bash of fraud among the
itinerant "sharks' who prey upon the
agricultural classes is • neper of some
sort to which the signature of the victim
is obtained. Such papers usually turn
up again in the shape of a note which
has to be met by the party whose name
is affixed. Nearly every week • victim
to the smooth schemes •.f the swindlers
is made known, and as a eeneral rule
the gams played is hackneyed in the ex-
treme -a fraud played out with long us-
age, yet sttllisuc:euful -Farmers R.•
Tlsaelly Wisdoms.
Timely wisdom is shown by those who
keep Dr Fowler's Extract of Wald Straw-
berry e5 hand. it has no equal for
cholera, cholera morbee,dt•rrleee,dyeem-
tery, colic, cramps and all summer com-
plaints ar looseness of the bowels. 2
The most manifest sign el whitlows is
continued chearfulnese.
Set a small box of lime in the pantry
and it will help keep it dry and the air
Add • hale petroleum to the water in
which waxed or polished floors ars
washed ; it improves thetr looks.
Irowy black stirred in ordinary shellac
varnish makes a brilliant Meek varnish
for iron stoves and flrepleees.
A itrong solution of alum, to which
has been added a little glycerine and
viaagar, is said to be a oure for mosquito
To clean vinegar bottles and crusta,
croaked eggshells in a little water are as
eeod es mhos, besides being healthier and
pamans prompt treatment. The rot
suite .•t neglect may be serious. Arvid
all harsh and drastic purgatives, the
tendency of which Is to weakest the
b.wel.. The Mat remedy Is Aye's
1111s. 11,•sug pitrely .egetabie, their
action is prompt and their effect always
beueecial. They aro an admirable
Liver amd Atterehuner pJl, and etCry.
where endorsed by the pru1ew.w.n.
Arer't Pill* art highly and uutrcr•
sally r .•.Leu til by the p eepl' el+,.a
herr. 1 ,t.ekc lair) UAW .t ,hem u, 1114
practice " - Ur. 1.` E, Feeder, ltrtuwe-
psrt, Conn.
I can ret•ounmrnd Ayer's Pills also..
aU others, hat lug long 'trot."'
value or a , atliartir for myself cud
fainly." -J. '1'. Hess, L. elite Cllr, 1's.
„ Far 'serial years Ayer's 1111• here
been used to iuy lame). We Soli them
Effective Remedy
for eonetipation and indigesrot, sed
5re 114•44,1-wuhour then. iu th.• two.:
- Mores Greuier, ).uwril Urs.
" 1 have used-\Ter's )'ills. for liver
troubles and ,ndtgrstion, Burins1,, litany
years, and hatalways round them
t„railelbeieut in their action.- -
L 21, amitb. Utica. N. Y.
" 1 suffered froth cowtllrtfon which
assumed au.h au obstinate form that 1
!rare,) it would t ruse a atopprgr of the
huwel+. Two Loxes of Ayer's 1111s rt.
(erred a complete cure." - U, Burke,
Saco. M.
"I hat. lewd Ayer's Pills for the pact
thirty Sear. and consider tbrm au in-
valuable tamely medicine. I knew of
uu better rewedy for liver troubles,
and bate always found them a pr"uol•
cure for des .rlr.,s "- James Quint. 10
Middle at . Hertford. C'ouu.
-Having been troubled with costive-
ness. which seems tort stable with, per -
IMAM of sedentary habits, I have tried
Ayer's fills. hop,ug for relief. 1 ern
glad to say that thev have served we
better than sty ahrr ,Medicine. I
arrive at this conclusion only utter a
faithful trial of their warns "-S•uiuel
T. Jules, Oak ri . lioswu, Mare.
The celebration in New York by a
great fair of the 400th anniversary of the
landing of Columbus in America has re-
called to the memory of the Hebrew
population of the United States the fact
that just 400 yuan ago the Jews were
expelled from Spain, • time of terrible
experiences fur them.
A Ives OK
Ar.sd esti beide of Dr Ohm
Liver Ogre is s masa gee rad remit,
frost e.atstaiag amid iaderrtios. ovei
ION ememipee, .a+ presoossed y dostors
and Jru.gistm am essth tea limes the
est of the midis Medisie, .al
cook $1. fitsId by all druggists
The veamahis Dowager dlspree Aa-
Resta of Oermael speaks Tress\ with •
si•sae+b pets sweet.
Word hes Ooroo of the death at Wil-
lies Shdd.a Ralston, ore of the Mr -
Mara *-
NME•glii utadeata of Remise histo
Ayer's Pills,
1•RErAREb *r
Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co„ s
Lowell, Ms.. LIME
Bold by W lhsalert la ltaYeln*
��►l 1'',isc W 11ePN
The undersigned is prepared
to undertake the putting
Water Services in connection
with the Town System toDwell-
ing; and other Buildings. Also
To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac-
tories and Machinery of all kind.
Prices reasonable. Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
o ^• 4.1 •
ti►:.►XlTer Ns I;.\II.N'-t1'.
Traitor nrrIveawl ,'..part at Wnlerich as to
low ,•: tlalvn
Mall rad Express . I.te o m,
hail.?.... 9.55 p -m.
II.e)s mi.
']flied........ r.,,.-Iittttp•O
Mail . . .if ..
... ........ • . e
1/•ilac......• .,......•• .. 4 tin
i uibe.
Oat, Grantee last.. of Mesar, Trutahia.
Fuer Soaks Learned la w niwr/ae .weerrreading.
Every ,bird wad adult ereatly boaeetted.
nwtuvr.-rare w t'•t*aV•,nd.ner ei•s~.
2;i• rates anth Nom 5.. ,.r f,. W*.
ib.... ...II -17,J 1.4ae•a:t. Ib l/
R■t ,T4s+■!41b:41:44:12:1
�Irr irrb t• Etre, «. roc M +�
tr.,.r i:ib•ee, JNY r•
-1. N . �t4s.iybr.�tr...�� 1. .w hr MM
f. A Lines',,,, rw1 IIItb Ave.. !tel Y.
C'ouip•?titors envious of our suc-
Sole Agents for W. N. Peak
Brooklyn, II. Y.
Tee •tlaboma Boom
Forms an instance of a wild rush for
an uncertainty, which is just the oppos-
ite of the steady boom enlcyed by Bur-
dock Blood Bitter,, Boyers of this
medicine get a certainty -an unequalled
remedyfor all diseases of the stomach,
liver, wels, kidneys and the blood. 2
1000 lQLLs
Just entereel through the Customs
Cash .-. Stone
Teas on Groceries.
No Trouble to Show Samples
Eter ti,in_ r,•tluiretl for house-
ThcChcaucat Hr the Su.
CBIIBB'S BLOCK., aoderichr
The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln
is now running full time, and
any quantity of Fresh Lime
can be obtained at the Kiln
at all times for 10e. a bushel.
1'ru .t tors.
1.. \la)%i. 1••"•. 25Y11f
When I lay t tet I do not mean merely It
stop thorn for a 141b4", ar.i 1114 n hat « than ,,tore
again. 1 'dr ....e it.thtt 11. CURE..
1 have made the oberase d
f�; 1
A sib ton_ an,.1y. 1 WARRANT my r.•m.•Ay to
rtitr.th,-aorb( casws Nrraua•"UM PIhit%4.lailr.1
le iso r.•av,n (M nM now ,awning a Curr. (crud
at rite for a treatlw and a F s►.s It. .n 1.11 M ray
I• i .LL11:1.1' Its:>,ruI'. t.I.. E;xpre.. and fust
tat..'-. It rusts ) m nothing for a trial, and It
• cure .ti. A.tlrt..: H. 0, BOOT Y.O.,
Rr•neh lee, 104 West Adelaide $tr'eet,
Goderich Foundry and Machine Works,
AM) mob of IW Yawn
flawsllso Flier in i at Orris
Oew mew Wise sew orders
ft mho die tbyy mita. e�m..7 powmod e ▪ i kensrocs Fin Male
RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors.
i 1;114: 1413
. BVNR€I SAN & ee.�
>'ttI,.11rii' 4,NI%lttIo1F1%,,?tllit.
i.• . ,. - . Vii .I,4
.1 •1 i T'h /
1 t' 1 11,1 11 ,.u1i1I;ICH Ch
Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $2200.
AT =IOW =CI -77=S !
Having made a ements with the JOHN DOTY
We are Prepared to Quote Prices to
Parties in want of the same.
If pow wast to les the lemma stock of Fortifiers in tows, eo te
r,pi fem = es et :~brSbC t w ad atiaiss.DOW sem, T,zm sag the Massa
PZCTTaRE TRABZ1Q0 meetly dews JO1131BI PGhlionsem/V
dle set Imp QlEr ZR~OtlVRwwa
res., but
baa~Say wwamtmg-eIvrM team •
esus emen.
la 1M aars 1)04� ilvottat hraratte4 tea fdlM�gi M Idle
West sod ws>t5rtseee. emi 0 W
tester I• Wary. wn
Reateish AprS UM 1M