HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-30, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 30, 1869 5 and (wing New yard, and s and IrY-srportax .t Notice. Ask$ee Our DRESS 000DS and TRIMMINGS in the Autumn Shades Imported Direct from GLASGOW Z GREAT CLEARING SALE (,�• FIRST-CLASA DRY C000S NOW iNr1X(i oil Newest CHOMP"i ON, APPELFc & CG'S, i BRAINT TIPO RID . It ix our custom and fixed purpose to dispose of all goods during the season for which they were bought, and in consequence we pro- f teed even now in the heat of the season, to clone out as far as possible our entire stock of purely summer goods. The extremely low prices which we snake would justify our pat - We are bound to make this Department a SUCCess Irons 'tet. buying now, even to keep over till another season. IS1� e place on sale at clearing prices the whole of our large stock and have secured the Services of MISS SMITH, of To-� of black and colored French and English areas goods, Cashmeres, ronto, to manage the O. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING DEPARTMENT. NNON, hers. Re. near the it. $NAIF 1751 1, BAR Convey > field of - Coney to 210- &O. id N ear lox. PH- ila6O , BAR tors toot. 17 !ERIN, ery.Re. Holt, M. 751- t. VLLt• . cue let is barn and 1 oa the e farm is mm Port 1 chorea tronable. • or tet V. rt P. 0. • the tol- es of the r 7th con - or, in the b art oat and 1f 1 t: rave nose. I. seining 7 ith voile he .fined t.red b I 30 well. 1 Kumtr•- d on the is of the tpplp to wench_ emigres. IE AND ICK IT. hee rear t h lb alma. first fiat. the rear ashrams. ,:ao goal .he will RDON. HOLT. ERTTES and Oso 1. Priv Ashfield. nt 1st ('os. 11 be sold nthe Rh rat land in 1',.galTs only $60. ht Home • Prom pt. 101. acre la rt of the e proper - payment. iderich. teL orf TALE - as lot 1118. tithla t1M •c a law hen. w(tll dr.: COM., ,r further l. h. prem. lvgly (*TS IN 1 Draw men. A 1174-17 K FOR nom.. al tr. wood - Men eon - acres of unite for oderleh. 1170•* 1 set, with ga. light a Road. Week lot °site sew K reTOW. INSTI A DIN Ion Ivo fl 30 p.rei MART wdrotai rah. MONIS • i.lvel 1p To ratory MISS SMITH comes to us highly recommended. All work entrusted to her will be Guaranteed by the Fii m. JOHN ACHESON. z *pellet A.wewwreamend. We have made arrangements with Dr B. J. Kendall Cu , publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and hi. U.sease.," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain • copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a} two -cent stamp for mailing Same to Da R. J. KENDALL Co., Exoestautt Fal.ut, Cr. Tht• book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, a• its phenomenal sale attests, over our million copies having been sold; in the put len years. a sale never 1cfh•re reached by any publication in the same period of owe. We feel confident that our patrol.. will •ppreciats the work, and be glad 111 avail themeelre* of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending fur the "Treatise. - This offer will retrain opts for only a, short time. M GRAHAM AND HIS SIMNEL. se Tells BN caprrle.ree Wale as Me slyer. NOTICE! .t Buffalo despatch says : When Gra- ham had sufficiently recovered font the In view of the fact that a shuck of paaauig d' wn the Niagara in large percentage of those his !,Gael he told the story of his ad g venture in a modest manlier. Said he . who avail themselves of Thu ts the roughest experience that I ever want to have. 1 made the trip in just twenty-five iniuutee, but it seemed , an age, and I didn't know any minute but I would be dashed tr. death on the . .rddeo rocks which abound in the gorge. 'hen they let go ct the barrel above the cantilever bridge,I fastened the manhole rover so tightly that I was in pitch datk• noes, and could not see the other aide of the barrel. I braced myself in • crouch- ine 0uatlun and waited fur the battle with the water. 1 heard a train rum- bling over the bridge. .fust then; visions of home and my family wets; buried in the darkness. I had not toi4f my wife in Buffalo when I Game dowel that I would make tho attempt. Sb had uroed me not to. My htt1. g ii -1 followed me to the an, and said. path- etically : "Come.home .o rat, won't yogi, i paper Jest then 1 .truck the rapids, , and was nearly thrown on my head, my+ arms and legs having become cramped,1 but the barrel turned right side up in minute, the blood which had rushed to :ray head returned to my body and 1 too. • fresh brece,erooching as low down as 1 could in the ask. 1 felt seasick, though I have crewed the ocean many times nearly fainted from the hest until the water began to dip in through the tight- ly closed manhole, forced in by the pre..• ure when the barrel was sucked down by the under current.. Thi. was • new danger, for the barrel was so heavily weighted that, if too notch water eater- WE WILL SEND TO ANY ADDRESS ed, it would quickly sink. I erased rocks o,c..00ally, and my body u badly bruised from being overturned so often It was a terrible trip. (human Edward Hanlan hae taken to I literature. He is preparing • work deal- ing with his record as a .culler, his travels, the different systems of training, rte, 0-LrR ANNUAL OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS become permanent readers of " The Signal," we offer the following inducement : FOR - 35c CANADA'S GREAT INMJSTRIAL -AND-- ABBICOLT081L EXPOSITION 1889 ORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st 'screwed Priers. *.rarer Attesetions and • Grander display than ever before. Newer. amid Me. aw.,ea1 Peseures anet steres ria tre..wew. TSN Creative. a..a1 :allemat..se.e es Me asseellima te..•.estu Mesa aseawleaa Ma am maahray. Over 15fl.a0n rl•itors attended this Kehfbitioa last year. 0Nrlee rbc. &.twat nes. Tor Prise Lime and forma, Prn.r.a.me., Ste., J�R TI HROWcard , lies. Steamer. o8. J ermit Twwta. — -- MU. The Signal for balance of 1889 any address or 35 cents. "The Si FROM NOW TO 1st OF JAL 1890 --Foy Call, or send us the above amount at once, accompan- ied by name and address, and secure the full benefit of this offer. lfenriettas, ere., black and colored, plain and fancy dress silks (from the mast reliable makers), parasols, prints. riateens, cltambrays, printed Iwool ehallies, fancy costumes in wool, cotton and silk, plain and fancy dress luuslins, lawns, flouncing laces, flouncing embroideries, edgings, laces, handkerchiefs, &c., hosiery, gloves and underwear in silk, wool, Lisle, Balbriggan andeotton, Jerseys. ribbons, corsets, dress trimmings, beaded grenadines, table linens, napkins, towels, shootings, cottons, shirtings, flannels, cottonatles, cretonnes, art muslirls, quilts, chenille tapestry and silk table covers, and other house furnishing roods, ladies' knglish waterproofs, beaded visites, pattern wraps, mantling s, Arc., all of which are fresh and new, manufactured and imported for the spring and summer of 1.*K9. £"We give special attention to mail orders, which will be filled by competent persons, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sample's sent by mail on appl ration. ron54/44, (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co..) ERA. NTFORD. BOOTS AND SHOES The Largest Stock and Choicest Assortment west of Toronto, at the old established Boot and Shoe House of E. DOWNING All Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Warranted to be just as Represented. YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN ! Ordered \\Torii and Repaiiiqg_Proiii11i Ationded to AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNING. Cor. East-st. and Square. PiCAroLLDLORLOn.>MMMgr ISMER ffASCLJI AND WITH IT A PITT BROS. & CO. LARGE CONSIGNMENT Importers of t Canadian Apples. 44 'Weil ih 1•rla-til.. Leaden. ala. Consignments solicited and liberal advances made thereon. 1710* -OF eat s Sales for tie Season AT H. DUNLOP'S Good material. fine styles and fair prices is the motto. Yls7- Next door to Montreal Bank Have Just passed through the Custom Hosea, Direct the Beat Assorted Stock of from the Manufacturers, Dress Goods EVER BROUGHT INTO GODERICH, CONSISTING OF SILK WARP HENRIETTAS, NEWEST SHADES, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, wwC�--ashmeres and other dress l� :414't s .w j'^t*'xar AT PRICES AT LEAST 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS :o: Ready-made .Mes'a Salta of Beat Mate �Feehto Wy Made at Fabulously � SO Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25. .a. FRESH GOODS 0ASTORIAm BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, CAMPBELL'S QtZirs.iz's.e 'LTi tee, Ext. WILD STRAWBLRRY, BEEF, IRUN, and WINE, WARN ER'S SAFIE CURL_ feel-151-MetAiwiZaVreCimar, GEO. RHYNAki,. Prop. Prescriptions a isposkity. ORANGE OP 375I88. The undersigned hal ing pur: based the buaine•s is Otoesr1ea. Dry Goode. Cesskera. FLOUR AND FEED oorrled on for 1he paw, (onrte,•n year. be ROBERT PROUDFOOT at the well known Mond. corner 1.1 Ilan.tllon and \u -torn Slices•, heirs to inform the public that he is now prepared to tsar% on the trade to e %.•r) bran.ab w.. a• to Kis.. genoral as uitact toe. E:ver•y delta/intent haw hero ad.led to end t e• :stem atra le e' In atm Ite of mood. cal aow be found ou the .belvri A CALL SOLICITED. tsa0004s delivered frr.• 10 an)part of the *0012. T_ M. PRO77=11I00T_ HE LEADS THEM ALL. —: CA L AN D SEE — A. B_ CO LIT H;I ]L'S IIE.t11*I-t'L sTnt'I: tot FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS, The heat and Largest block in (.odericb. Atom?e ahra.l. Prices lower Ilan e, cr. Clyne and R. t Har,tainr. D. MCGILLICUDDY. 1 1 N HARDWARE DEPT (GLASS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISH BUILDING MATERIAL, A 'PULL STOOIC. NAILS, $2.70 PER KE G. ,t e 0. CFLA. A hz. AO Wori't 1e ZtTzZdex icld. BY ANY MAN IN Tilt: COUNTY. A. 13. ((J1t'LLL, H &MILTON—ST_ SOMETH2Z�TG 1NT=W I A WONDERFUL OFPEna GOODE the Druggist, in order to show his admiration for the fair sex of Goderich, makes the following SURPRISING OFFER FOR TIIE MONTH OF AUGUST. To every lady who invests $.i- in face powder or ..ile in perfumes. 1 will give her rhoioe of a fine piece of music. no trash, but best mimic on finest paper, one to rash person. Thele aro SOME OF THE • SELECTIONS Guillaume Tell (8 pages) price 75 tentsI Fee as a bird (vocal) price 60 cents L'aritentine (8 pages) price Cis cents Abiae with me (vocal) price 40 cents Alice, Romance (8 pages) price 70 cents C .me back to Erin (Instr.) price iia cents sed many others of like high standard gotten i p in the highest artistic excellence. Poasoni's face powder. finest in America. pick. white or brunette. alwav■ in mark. Ext Blackberry Compound for Bummer complaints. McLeod's dystem Renovator. Uwe juice. FINE DISPPNSINGj._ Full lines of drugs. patent medicines, toilet articles, chemicals. HALTER C. 0000E, 13- DRUGGIST, ALBION BLOCK. ARE YOU THIRSTY. —TRY 'T E— MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, —OR— CORIDIA=IS —H'OR COOLING- HEALTHFUL DRINK_ RASPBSIR WY OORDIAL pronounced just the thug by W wbo have tried It. P. JORDAN'S MEDICAL BALL. WE GET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the finestand most complete assortment of goodsever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, F ROCERIES ASND FRUITS. COR_ gAMIx.TON-IBT. De SQV.41.RE1. obs 4e and Retail. N. B.-Trr Cefeline Flakes for Summar. JOHN ROBERTSON Bess le announce that he is now attend for The L!quorToa Compally' Celebrated Peas Tour choice of one out of a hundred or more eVolume by the Best Authors, given withevery Give it a trial. and acquire a Valuable Library without fooling the expense. 1 III! GALLONS OF PUBS I1PLE 8Y11,11P LEFT, use JOHN ROBERTSON. RN/NAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS a