HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-30, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. 30, 1889 BRIEFLETS. lbe Vuron tignal is Pyritualign iVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT tea BTta11 ra1NTDle Oren "a: NORTH - STRUM. OOD[RI('H. 1t is • wide-awake local newspaper. devoted to county news and the diesea luteum or ua► f al knowledge. Morel •r 11 .4 aIrTsN' SUS a year ; 75e. for sus montes; ter. for 'nese months. if the subs. -notion is nut paid t• &droops obi..vivitoa Mill be charted at the rate of woo a year. ASS riaTtellAh RATD s Lr�s� sat otter casual advertisements. ler. yer Gee for Prat insertwn. and 3 cent,. per Igoe he each subsequent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil wale. Local notices in nonpriel type 5c per line. Local noliues in ordinary reading ty pe lc goo word. Bestow cards of six hoes and under Is per year. Advertisements of Lost. Found. Strayed Etions \'scant. e.tuation %%anted and new chance* Wanted. not exceeding 8 ooupartel $1 per Month. Houses on `ale and Fannia oa gale. not to exceed b lines. 1l for first mouth, Stat per rub- eeuuent month. Larger advt. in proportion. Anpromo special r e prcuniarybefnellteal t'off wto any indi- vidual or conipan), to he considered an ad vertisrmrat and charged accordit.gly. These terms will in all ossa be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger sdrem leementa. or advertisements for extended period.. made kaowe at the office of publication. J011IItg DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing titan is carried on in connection with the ordinary newspaper bnsfneas• where flnta•laes work is turned out at reasonable rates. Everything in tho print- ing line can be done on the premises from an 1llumin•ted poster to a :tilting card. All communications must be addressed to D. Ince.11,Ut't gtsT. Edioruf ?tie Sicl6L Telephone tall.. o. 70. Goderich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. ?EMT. ACR. Mt, 1111111. THE RAILWA Y Qr'RRTION. About the time when Goderich town council obtained the charter to build • railroad connecting Hurons c000ty town with the C. P. R. at Wingham, a charter was also obtained for • road extending from Simcoe to Port Rowan. That was in or about the month of June, 1887. The result of the clone made at Simcoe and Goderich are worth comparing. The distance from Goderich to Wing - ham by the proposed route was estimat- ed to be about twenty-six miles. The length of the Simcoe and Port Rowan rosd was calculated at twenty-five miles. In G 3derich, after come $300 had been expended in securing the charter, the provistcual directors took no further action, and the charter was allowed to lapse on the _'Oth of June, of the pre- sent year. The Simcoe and Port Rowan pro- ject, on the other hand, was taken hold of energetically by its promoters, the necessary surveys were made and bonuses obtained, • subsidy of $3,200 • mile was applied for and secured at the earliest opportunity, the work of construction was at voce gone on with, and during the put year the road has been in thor- ough working order, and has exceeded the utmost expectations of its most san- guine promoters. At the inception of the two roads the t'•aee were apparently parallel, the chances, if any, being in favor of Gode. rich. We had an unfinished branch of the C.I'.R., seeking • lake outlet, with- in twenty-six miles of us ; we had the hearty endorsement of President Van Horne when the charter was procured ; we had the line diverted to Wingb•m and pointing to Goderich as the termi- nal point ; and we had a public senti• meat favorable to the construction of the road. Notwithstanding all this, we have failed of obtaining the road. Through lethargy, if nothing worse, the charter has been allowed to lapse. and it almost looks as if we are further front obtaining the road today than we were two years ago. But, although appearances are against its at present, we believe prompt action and hard work will enable Ooderich to eventually recover the lost opportunity. Let us begin right. Every mac who has the interest of the town at heart should give .hought to the railway c;nea• tem. A competitive line is needed, and needed badly, and the way to get a com- petitive line is to work for it The days of miracles are gone, and unless we put our shaoldera to the wheel we cannot e xpect to get out of the present rut. Dunne the past few years Goderich has made progress. What we have deme on other lines of progress can also be done on the railroad question, if our people make up their minds to do i1. There are only twenty-six miles between us and sueoeaa, and if Simms was able to overcome • similar obstacle in a short apace of time, why menet Oodorieh hs successful also 1 TNR Boo*AL has been always in favor of competitive railway, sad has Mine and again pointed net how the work could be seenmplished, but owing to the fulorsof united .f.,rt heretofore on the part o the people, we regret to state that little boa twee aoco.ipliahed. The r.oent .etc on the organ bylaw hes shown that at lest the temple of Got - weigh keno borne* united in am *Mort to advaOMl the prosperity of tie INS, we believe a properly directed effort es the part of • joint commutates of oar town council and humus's. men west he successful In brim/tog about the cos- str*cuuu of the much heeded road. What is wanted wow is an eoergetie railway commuter selected from the bees men of the town. When that is formed, communication should at :hoe be opal - ed with outsiders favorable to the scheme, and nuedort should be unlimit- ed to secure co-operation io eucoesslsUy lunching the undertaking. There are railway men to the Province who bare their eyes ow the Goderich and Wing - ham Junction at the present time, and united effort on the part of the people of Goderich will do much to secure tioar pial and other aid. Today we stand between Retrogr-.cion and Progression. Leith. watchword be, •'Forward!'. Leer week Hamilton was up u* a hill, so to speak, during the carnival. This week it has resumed bus:nese at the old stand at the foot of the mountain. Icarus flab and eggs. The Yasttote Somme story is about the "Aeatr'ias Yellow..' Prot. Starr has another Get - !korai Talk, this tone about ••A Forest of Bouquet -Greens" The boys will en- joy the ramie about "Switomieg." The "Mee and Thongs pages are fall of bright woodotee sod worth -while talks (gide .lnuAr is DI 40 • year. D. Lotb- rup Company, Publishers, Boetoo, Mass. M'kla!ltta a *A.:ALI\a for Sept r Cuetune the opening chapters of a use serial -an exciting and patriot- ic romance of oolunial days by Harold Frederic, the Loudon correspondent of the New York noire ; the last regular eructs to the successful railways sense of twelve papers, which, after thorough revision, are soon to be published in • haudsuse volume ; another of the Fish- ing articles, this time describing the pioturesoles Nepigoo region of Canada ; ,•n out.uf-door paper by W. Hamilton tiibsuo, with the author's own illustra- lien. ; au end paper by the fatuous Irab leader, historian, and novelist, Justin McCarthy ; and other striking papers o0 literary, educational, and military topics by emineut writers, with short stories and poems. HAkritt s ink stri ti*1ER. Ir Premier l;raenway abolishes Catho- olic separate schools in Manitoba, anti Premier Mercier retaliates by abolishing Protestant separate schools io Quebec, and all the Frensh schools in Ontario are suppressed, and all the English schools an Quebec are closed by Provin- cial legislation, will our Equal Rights friends be unshed even then! This is • phase ..f the subject that it would be well for the debaters to consider while they have their considering caps on. Equal Rights should mean Equal Rights with no jug -handle attachments. Some of the Toronto papers, notably the T.leyrom, are making a foolish out- cry against Hamilton because, during the recent carnival in that city, amongst the decoration. were • number of Amer- ican tlegs. Toronto papers could not find any exception to the general success that attended the Hamilton carnival, and so have to make the picayune objec tion that there was too great a display of American flags. One of the prominent features of the carnival was the drill of the 13th Brooklyn volunteers from New York State, and if American volunteers under arms were allowed to parade the streets of Hatrilton, why should objection be raised to the float- ing of American flags ? The objections of the Toronto papers are puerile, and Hamilton is not less loyal because it be- haved courteously to the Americans, than Toronto, which does the cater- wauling, This prating about loyalty comes with • bad grace from a city where an attempt is now being made to boycott the Industrial Fair, bee•see the Queen's representative has promised to be present at it. lime of these able editors who write rubbish against the American flag would d3 the same thing against the Union Jack, if they had post The United States today boasts artists w ho hold their own with the foreign masters. It has come to be generally recognized that American art suet be reckoned with. Ti. display of the re- presentative examples of it at the Paris Exhibition fully justifies, therefore, the distinguished treatment of them to ilar- prr'l Moolao• for September. Theo- dore Child has entitled his paper "Amer- ican Artists at the Paris Exhibition." It really comprehends the whole subject of American art at the present time. His criticism is nut dogtwatic, het the artists themselves would be the first to call it authoritative ; for it seeks to understand the temperament and the point of view of each --to evoke, to discriminate, to appreciate, to sympathize. 'the article 1 accompanied by twenty engravings rendering specimen punting, as perfect- ly as possible in black and white. This Septemter Number has other contents which compel notice. Following Dean Lichtenberger's article on "The Reli gloms Movement in Germany, in the August Number, M. Edmond de Pres - sense throws light upon "The Religious Movement in France." James Lane Allot. gives • study in institutional his- tory, entitled "Kentucky Fain," with. illustrations ; John Lillie, pictures of a curious phase of English life in "Lon- don Mock Parliaments," illustrated by Harry Furniss ; and the Ree John F. Hunt, D.L., en account of "The Oldest and Smallest Sect in the World," visitei by him in their home. Theodore Child and T. de Thulatrup, writer and artist, ountinoe their Russian cries with im- p:essious of hie to "Holy Moscow."' A new English poet, Nina F. Layard, con- tributes "A Legend of the Sky•Watch• ere," a poem touched with the modern spirit ; and Alfred Parsons furnishes two illustrations of \Vurdsworth's sonnet, "To the Cuckoo." Of the two Ameri- can serial stories "A Little Journey in the World,' by Charles Dud- ley Warner, is continued, and "Jupiter Light,," by Constance Fen- imore Woolson, is concluded. The next century as a time and this country as a field for fiction are taken by Lynda Palmer for a short story called "The Pendragon Trial." Joe Giltillan, an original idler, gives his name to the title of • short story by John Elliott Curran. The variety of interest aroused Ly the contributions to this number is sustain- - ed by the Editor:al Departments. LOCH ALIS H. 111641 our own eseregoedeat. Miss Bolla C. McKenzie, wk., ►•s resided in Kieeardiue for some tune, is home sick. Mr Solomon McIntyre has returned from hie .tett to Appin. W. congratu- late Solite iia hu having acquired • 3rd oleos ceruliwte su the recent eia:u(w- twna. Mr Jno, H. Gibson sowed his fall wheat last week. Tea school house here, durial the last six weeks, has undergone very Im- portant diatoms. It is now situated at the east corner of the yard. The fol- lowing are the improvweuts : The roof raised and ahiugled anew, • stone foundation, enclosed with brick, • new porch fore and aft, new seals, Mack- board, ceiling, belfry, .%c. The carpen- ter work was done by It NieCteseles, e l this place, and the stone and brick work by W. G. Murdoch, of Yaraulount. Lochalsh can now boast of one of the finest schools in rural districts. Mia Jennie Cameron has returned to Detroit, after a brief but pleasant Tutt with friends. Mr Malc,lta McLeod left for Chicago, co Monday last, being almost well 'New Fall Goods. 7_ A_ ===) RRO_ Have received a large portion of their Fall Stock, and desire to call your attention this week to the following goods: A special line of Dress Melton, in all the New Colorings, Plain, Checks and Stripes, llc. per yard, worth 15c. Ladies' Cashmere Hose, Seamless, in Black and Colors, only 25c. per pair. Great value in Knitted Shawls, choice patterns and new colorings. New Prints, Cottons, Linens, Tweeds, &c. Inzpt CtiOn invited. J. A. REID & BRO Jordan's Hix Ohierieh. Aug. *h. ism. • aguu. Itebical. The Rey Mr Sutherland, of Ripley, 1111�r preached in the l- P. Church here, on Sunday. The Rev M. McLennan, of Kinluss, will preaeo next Sunday. It is expected the pastor of the congrega- tion will have returned from hie trip to Europe in time to take charge of the services for the following Sunday. Mr Andrew Sloan, of Blyth, has in his possession • moult box which has been in the family fur over three hun- dred years. Word was received recently from Mr John McMillan, M. P. for South Huron, who went to the Old Country • abort time ago with • Lt of fat cattle. %Vu are pleased to learn that Mr McMillan succeeded in landing all his cattle safely and in good order, and was fortunate in striking a good market sol made • very satisfactory sale. No Caw No Pay. it is a pretty severe test of any doc- tors skill when the payment of his fee is made conditional upou his curing his patient. Yet after haying, for many years, observed the thousands of marvel- ous cures effected in liver, blood and lung diseases, by Dr Pierces Goldeo Medical Discovery, its manufacturers :eel warranted in selling it, as they are now doing, through all druggists, the world over, under • certificate of i..x:tern g,o.ruwt -r that it will either benefit or cure in every case of disease for which they recommend it, if taken in time and given a Lair teal, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. Torpid liver, or •'biltouanew," impure blood, skin eruptions, scrofulous sores and swellings, consumption "which is scrofula of the lungs), all yield to this wonder- ful medicine. It is both tonic or strength -restoring, and alternative or blood cleansing. Chronic Nasal Catarrh positively cured by Dr Sage's Remedy. f*0 emote, by druggists. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS Cedereek near*. tion un the staff of a certain section of - essence. Aug. 20. 1860. A WELL KNOWN SWINDLER. 'Wheat Now is ., 0 60 Wheat Old .....:.... e" " 90 Floor. 11 bbl ..................,, b 00 s S 50 Oso. I bush ................... 0 tK * 028 0 5s ons 6d les 0 15 o 13 0 i3 12 50 10 50 130 S: 000 1 iso 0 22 0 40 0 00 0 75 the American press, It isn't always the most loyal man who prates of his loyal- ty. In Ooderich, last May, ultra -loyal- ists like Clarke Wallace, Hon Mackenzie Bowell, Jas. L. Hughes, and the other members of the Grand Lodge of British North America did not consider it infra dig to stt in solemn conclave in the courthouse where the most conspicuous banner was the American flag. And if these pillars of the British constitution could maintain their loyalty to Britain under the circumstances, what right has any carping Toronto newspaper water to take exception to the display of "Stan and Stripes' at the Hamilton carnival 1 TIC EDITOR'S TROLL A Word w two About lee rebllesstees That rave(eeae to Bawd. trios *wage for September opens the new serial by Susan Coolidge, a story fur girls who have their truing to earn ; it is called "A Little Knight cf Labor" -one of those stories that are enjoyed equally by young and old. The Peppers serial by Margaret Sidney, total] .of good times and exciting harpenings, as is usual with the Peppers household. An article that will be read with interest relates to "Maris Mitchell at Vassar," and is written by one of her old pupils : there is • very good portrait of the famous woman-astmmomer. Miss Risley Seward gives the last of her Around the World Stories -perhaps the most entertaining cf them •11 ; it ia enti- tled "My Dinner at Kensington P•lsoe;" en amusing glimpse of royalty. Madame de Meissner, in "The Story of the'Magic Flute,' " relates a romantic incident to Ithe young lige of Mozart. Lieut Loudon tells • bright Indian story, "The Race Between Mr Deer and Mr Antelope." Mrs Kate 1: peon Clark has An amusing account of • m ,ther'e experience with three boys and three birds, entitled "Three kobins." Mrs Hy Sandham has la bit of Canadian experience called "A Voyage on • Raft." An account of • North Carolina outing. illustrated from photographs, i. entitled "Through Hick- ory Net Gap." Th. D•iay• I'.uie Letter by Mrs William CI•Ain is of importasce to the girls. Mr, Harriet Taylor Upton bis • unique bit of a story, "Gypsy Jun - The poems are onuawally gond, among them 'The Carves Name," by Williaei H. Hagen, 'orb Little Ant that Went to ,lerusalem," by Roes Terry Cooke, "September,' by Mrs Whiton. Ateime, "The People that Were iiep- poioted with Timor Noses." by John wej.•hn, and The &stns House and the Mew -trio Oar," by L J. Greg,. litre White • Pattie Soboot Cookery Doe - taloa OurnbWest-Ms am h eke West -b eastery is I} tele fuses. From the Port Hope Times. Chief Douglas received the following letter from a lawyer in Goderich • few 1 day ago :-- The ('Sic/ of Polar. Port Hope. Das, Sin, --A man, calling himself Silas iBurnham, came here to the Albion Hotel a ware. ago naturday, and remained until law I Saturday. Ile bas • cracked voice. is a great talker. and calms to own his father's house, a Large property is Muskoka, any nomber of hone tattle, etc. He says he u a widower, his wife and two children being dead. He enables to hare travelled all over. *no to have barn in Government rnipb) etc.. etc. On Saturday he claimed that Laneey Gravel- lyptoda Capt Strati were coming up to buy the landlord'. stud horse. and about two o'clock gid the porter to take his valise down to get a key to fit it. and getting none. he went on toe blacksmith's shop to have a key made. A train left at four, and neither Mr H. nor Barley. II bush ....--.-•-..... 0 101002,0 lbtatoes.new i bosh ... ....... :4 w Nay. Iton..............••..,•.• 6051(1 Batter.is..................-.t011 w Bggggss, freak unp.eked fade • o 11 w Cheese 0 ani Shorts. I las.•.-....-.•......--• 12:4 0 B,'an i ton 100%0527: Chopped Staff. itstgt.•-.1 25 Screenings. i ewt Wood ................... 350 .. Hidess.....••................ a's Wool 0 1A " 9hee*stim� . .... .-.......•.. 050 11resn.el Hoes. i cwt . ... 0 Apples. 4 busb 0 10 •' clIsetre 1Sg-a11ws. Aug. Flour «...»....»..." eS 50 to Fall Whest.see asA ebb 4 90 to Spring Wisest - 0 al to Barley 0 IO to Oats .-. 0 SA to • .0 to ] 00 t0 035 to 0 12ito ........0111o 5 00 to 300 to 000 to 0 1R to { 50 to valise turned hpo ali . He called get the vse Pees. and dug out Is there such • man down your Apples twleterl per. MR war, and is he any good 1 I write this for the Butte, Landlord. flutter Tours truly. - - ,aH ]1•y He claimed to me that be was going that cordwood afternoon to look at a hone the man wanted Reef ., Osssfor. and he had only 019t,S0. but I did nut Wool bde. The landlord's account is 512. Pork Yes .' there has been such • man down this way -and he is no good. We have not the •lightest doubt that _ this rare scoundrel owns "his father's houseand farm, cattle, horses, etc, "in his rood,' but as his father has bees dead tor • quarter of a century, and pro- bably never was in Muskoka in his life, the yarn told has • somewhat fishy ap- pearance. The claim that he has ".ravelled all over" is likely true, for the necessities of a swindler's life compel him to "move on '" 1t is also likely that in every place he has visited he has left behind one or more victims, upon whom he has played off some confidence game, or left • board bill unpaid. For once in his lib. Silas Burnham told the truth - he has been in "(lovers- ment empl..y"--having s d a term d tears in the Kingston penitentiary; but lbs• is, we believe, the only "Govern- ment employ" he has Boer been favored with. From his younger days Biles Borubati has been • had egg. Possessed of • fait education, and abilities which if props ly applied would have procured an boi- nrable position for him in the world, be bee chosen the downward track, an that now he ie pretty well known throughout Ontario as a man whose record is so bed 1 that even an effort to reform would Reil, for the reason that two one would these Soles Burnham was here some months g oo. end stopped at the Quem'• Hotel. but Mr Adams had to tern him nut, the travellers and others in the house who I knew Burnham refusing to remain under tm as they said they w ,aid have to eta r. 600 095 0 res 0 18 0 !8 051 150 10 0 Is 0 12 1 00 « 000 090 6 70 the mane roof with k yup .11 night ito keep watch over their baggage. She People's column. BOARD OF TRADE MEETING - A meeting of the Goderich Board of Trade will he held in the Town Hall. on Friday evening, Aug. 30th. at 8 p.m., sharp. Every member Is requested to attend. as matters of impertanre w111 be up for disrnesion. R. R, WILLIAM*+. JAB. MITI'YELL. IS -It Pewit. Seel. `f T -SIC CLASS. Miss K. Fraser has re -opened her music elan af'cr the midsummer variation. and has a few vaoancies for ppupil.. Apply for pant, rubies to It. M. FHA*1KR, of Frei. e! Porter. pptg, Is more rapidly improved by relief from . physical suffering than in any .other way. i `tis. SHAYNON s SHANNON, Step un your friend's cora, and the im- pulse m 1J t ny.tctatuaorgreas, Aawouebers Ike. pSt a to strike is strongest. Putnm a'a i uIlk ▪ Goderieb _U. C. ltiaawuiatR, J. tnear 144. Painless Corn Estractor, by quickly and , euro 1781 painlessly removing them, insures good nature. Fifty imitations prove its value. Intl.Beware of substitutes. "Putnam*, '- sure, safe, painless.I:DWARD NORMA.' LEWIS, BAR - ' rJ neer, Solicitor In High Pours. Convey serer. Goderich and /levet-id. filo Meld of - ace Oren Thursday• trout u l0 to I. Ilene, to loan at 34 per nt. MS - Dentistry. re NICHOLSON, LD. S. DENTAL 1100118, Eighth door below the Post Office. Rest -et., tioto&Rico. !t-SI7 711:, E. RICHARDSON, LD.S. lJ SU'I:GEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalised Air administered for painless etome! inaoftee! h. special attention tgnn%et hen. 40 lite p.oservstn iuof the Natural o. l'ameron. C C. Row, 1751- T,. C. HAYS, SOLICI TOR, to R. Office. corner of Square and New street udeeich. over telegraph 011100.011100.Prl vale l(ioads to lend a1 6 per cent. Mee ARROW fi PROUDFOOT, BAR G MISTERS Attorneys. Solicitors, Goderich J. T. Garrow, W. Proud toot. 17 Ct,!1IERON, HJLT A CAMER')N, Barristers, Solicitors la Chancery. &e. 3odertch. M. C. (antero*, Q.C.; P. Holt, M. Office t -p stain. Grand Opera flout, Block. Entrauce on West -St.. Goderich. 2161-11 Legal Notices. IAIORTOAGE SALE 01 retreats: MILL AND TOWN PdtOI'K1ITV in the town of Go.lcrich, in the County of Huron. if udcr and by virtue of power 0r tale contained in certain mortgage- made by ut. Hennings and others to the 5- 010rs'which will be produced at the tinteof *Wei. there will De sold by public a:tetion. at Martins Hotel, in the town of Owler;eb, on Not uPio q, the :to (fa yy of tOpt. A.1). at two o'clock p. m., by Joha Kaox. dew - Insert?. the folloaing valuable properly. t iz : Lots number seven hundred WW1 sixty -Three 765, and seven bendrtd and sixty-fuur 47111,. running nnmbrr.. un Trafalgar street. in the said town of Godericb. containing in al. oar• halt scrota land- more or less, upon which is erected the steam -power mill occupied and used by the mid N tlliam'leanings as • grist :nal fur the past la years. The building is frame. on stone fon ndation. Viet.' 1!storiebu(h. with brick engine house 1600, and (ratite more hon'• lli16. 1:.torite htg4, attached. all in good repair : las2 run of stone.. and has a (=Nulty of hi bbls of lour pet (lay. . It is conveniently situated for the fanners' trade. within a tear feet of Victor;a ` uva.t. . furling thurnugiif.re. There are also erected upon this property a brick cottage 18122. with frame kitcht-n Iha attached. frame stable 12x31, driving shed t$c2i0. woodshed. henhouse and other coo - buildings. A11 of these buildings are said to be in a good pate of ••'pair. TEas. or S.La: Ten per cent. of ther- chamoney oney on the day of sale to the Veem- durs'rbliciors,andthe hea..r, witbout in- terest, In thirty days thereafter, when the pur- chaser will be entified to a conveyance. and to be let into possession. The purchaser. at the time tamale. to sign an aen•rment for the completieeof his pen how. and to have the conveyance prepared at his own expeltae, and tender same for execution. The property will be put up subject to ■ r,serve.l bid. In other respects the conditions of sale will be the stta� utgconditiona of sale of the High Comet oFurther particulars may be obtained from thene Adouetioors. eer, or from the So lictory for the V dated at Goderleb this 22nd day of August OARROW L• PROCDP0 1W VeaduriOT, &dieiI . Loans anb insurance.' C. SEAGER, CLERK FiR,T DIViSTON COURT. Conveyancer. insurance. Locale and General Agent. Mosey to Lend at Low Hates and Cost Farmers Notes discounted. Orrice -Next to Cornelrs Furniture Sore. Godencb. 2186-tf FJ.T.NAFTEL, LIt'E, FiRE AND ACCIDENT IN- ' f'RA.Vf •E AGENT, Representing North British It Mercaatile Liverpool, London St Globe; Norwich Union; North American Life ; and Accident Instil -- eats to North America. Lowest Rates Leso s settled promptly Money to Loan on Farm and Tow. Propriety Coeveyancine done. Progeny valued. etc' 0111rw-Cor. Non's -w. and Square. Geodnrteb• '4 0,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To len' on farm and town proper y at low est interr*a. Mortgages pnrrha.nt. No cote mouton charged agents for the Trust and loan Company o Canada, the Canada loaded Credit Company. the Landon Loan Company of Canada. Interest. 6• N and 7 per cent. N. R. Borrowers can obtain money in day, if title satisfactory. DAVISON & J(?HNPTOV• 1070 Hamsters le., Ooderleb \T All parties are hereby OTICF. -, e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 11 CAMERON Mot' t CAM=RONT GN notated that 1 will . responsible for no I rich l. book seeunto contracted in my nam., Intim, Se wby1duse-goods were ob0Pbyy aJn A ReN Fd J)(iMINION STATUTES. The Dominion Statutes for iew ha%e been ree•.ited. Alt parties duly qualified to receive copies own Aare them IRA railing al sty entre.. Ae kPesos. WIof ta ( e e mak. Aug. 21, Its fir thlt BARBER SHOP REMOVED. My rnotnmert and the gest/sal pnhlie are hereby Informed that 1 have removed my Sharing parlor front Zest-., to the Rq.tare. pert t• A. M•rdeett'. Shit, .wlpearia,. when 1 wi11 h, tnpoarol In auwaA r 11 h o a nal nese n MONEY TO LEND. -A LA RGI ILL amount of Private Fulda for investmen 1l lowest rates on wm claw Mortgagee Appb to °ARROW t PROC'DFYN)T R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL iNSURANCE, REAL ESTATE awn MONEY LOANING AGENT I MPfr.5-eIao Companies Represented nney to Lend on otrsight hone, at the lowest rate et Interest gong. In Kay way sa suit tee oorrower. or W.0 Street Oedeeiebb Peened door from Nome >rCLtf •y nn.. - Fine parlor. easy chairs. and good- ---1- -_.. _ -- -----. 12 Sono. H. L wgA sTON, uctioneenng. work gstaraa toed TRE HURON HOTEL, I This wet! kronen cowl popular hotel ha been relifted and,niargd . daring the paw sea ete, *04 is ni,w u,rasw4 to nose la nnslity s( a• nweinodat lea for Ib trowelling pnMN. Seed areommodation for transient '*wets. Pinta, 0rrderleb.Ont. WM. ('F4eprleaf► RAIO, TOH1( KNOXl _GENERAL AUG. TY TIMMER sad Lewd vahwtor, oeA.vt.b Oat Having tad esmaWer•h5e ssperlesee 1• the evict innetlatl be Is In • pea'Hoe Mecham" with t e•t(Ha•tMw ell cram CAT* rrlaseed te 1u Order's left et arth's Womb K e eisAatafWy_ Assembler. meld a JOdi11 For Sale or to Let. FARM FOR SALE -THAT TALC • able proper)known a. kW 1, AS. ! Ashfiw eld. and coney rising 50 acres orf lamd. all cleared and well fennel. t pon the Iet is a frame house and a good trate, barn and stahlr. ?here are four good wells on the premises. Also a good on -hard. The farm is s mile* from t.oderich and 11 from Port Alb -n. where post office, school sad cbgrcn pp ivileges are otxaieable. Terms reasonable. nor particular, appnlf os the premises or to l HAS. MURRAY. 17-im Port Albert P.O. FARM FOR SALE. rTile undersigned will oder for sale the fnl- lowing very desirable farm, coastwise of the easterly 130 acs of Block "F." la the 7th con- cession of for Township of Colborne. in the Cowin 01 Hurnn. This hem 1. ntuat ed 44 miles from Goderich. and 1 miles from Carlow. on the Main e: ravel Rent. There is a good frame house, 1} - storeys, almost new. 3111 by i, containing 7 rooms : • large barn. es by 12. with cattle shed. 12 by 11, attached. and one of the -finest orchard. in the township. 1t Is watered by a net et -failing spring creek and • good well. t About 110 acne ctoared sad free from stumps. There is no waste land of any kind on the place. Good school within MO rods of the h ouse. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms and further particulars apply to JNO. BRECKF:NRIUGE. Proprietor. Goderich. or JUSKPH Mt KKOWN. 6- oa the p,embaa 1 FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK ST. --About two minutes walk from the Square. Two stories high. brick additfess fa the rear 1; stories hi h. building covered with slaw. Main bniM ng bas 3 large rooms on first flat, uppssttairs there are .5 large rooms. zit the rest addition there are hitches. pantry. washrooms. Updates. girls room and bathroom. Also good cellar. Apply to the under.igned• whew will give sdlheccwary;nlevemifsm. 3-14. (DANIEL GORDON. ' FOR SALE. Lot 176 -of Gedsi4eb, Applyto, PILIP HOLT. `ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES • FOR SAi.E,- Lot 13, in Maitland Oen Colborne. IIIaeres-a very ane him- Pries Loi E.j in let con. R. D. Atebtle44. • acres. price11s0. Lots e3 and N in 1st Con. Kinloas.Rrnce County 10? res. Will he sold very che•p.Lots 15, bland WS of 17. in the Rh eon. Wawanosh, 35s avers of excellent land fa one Klock. Price 11115,'4,. Int 73. Mr Dungan's Survey. Town of Goderich. Price call Lot let, town of Goderich. oo Light How street with brick horse and stable. Pr:co o.ly $1100. Lots 177. 17*, 1015 a.d pt. 1014 Town of Goderich. nearly ,th of an acre In one block within the business part of the town. Prier only 0900. The oMte proper- ties will be .old on easy terns of payment Apply to ('. IMAGER. Ooderich. N.B.-Money to lead at von low rates. IR VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE T• hat rateable property karma as lot 156, Maitland roe.. Ooderich towaab:p, within one mile of Oodench. (a the farm are a Large orchard. good frame house and kitchen, with stns, cellar. and frame barn and stables: com- ll watered. For forther blan iers 73 arrow e Weeders applyto McKee*. the prem. FOR SALE CHEAP LOTS IN diflbrent parts of Ood,rlcn from 1 acres to 7 acres In area; and .l dweaker houses. App -- ply to THO.t, tt-EATIIERAI.D. 2171.1y HOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR 3A Lila- The homes hes nine roomy al es bath room, pantry. elos,m cellar. wood- shed, hard and saltwater. The garden con- tains all 'hinds of fruit. Also 6'4 acres of land in Manitoba for Naar in etrehanwe for m farproperty-b tt-]l. 4 1(10487, t)R SALL (west half of lot ISS. Artber Street. with small brick cottage t Rt•,tgwe tared. IM. 108 ! • 151, [life Street, lilt. Aatnws Ward. Pt. Onset. et Mired and Britannia Road. Flame 14 story house on Quay. Street, lot and half I.nd. Several lot. 1■ Reed'. Survey opposite new Sbew Grounds., via. : NosTI,uthe abovesit Sdt LOW HATESst . OOtfAmity pitf o DAVISON t JORN,TOtt. 0 A A F B. Tr wk ob by tea B. V1 W tht ort in res Pei "5' aro Vp, eb▪ 1 Me ha eh' hu rel Th Ott Jul an bis I air rot net the ant; wit hln ns b.5 fey tha ha loll et ie PM ane are but 1011 my • fl col I nes w •i ly t urs by dar wet roc heti it lite Ing tea rte naDiltietf MECHANICS' TNSTI TUT[ LiSAART AND R[ADIN snryo , ser. of out street mid gm et d Sare trey Open tram 1 tee p.m., ani frees 7 to N p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRART Lnwiing Daily, Weekly weal Illustrated Peynra, Mas ae,su,, &c , en 73.. MEktR[RARIP CR[T. ONLY ``Lot g ranting Ree T.ibeary and handle• Appllcatles tier wwbweside received ie Uab,ia4r7ha. la resets. t MAL(y(MeGN, 0[0. STTV[AtK Oederfek. Marek llkh. g{. IketNry r Toe deo J. J